arXiv:2009.05029v5 [math.FA] 5 Nov 2021
Phase retrieval of bandlimited functions for the wavelet
Rima Alaifari∗
Francesca Bartolucci†
Matthias Wellershoff‡
We study the recovery of square-integrable signals from the absolute values of their
wavelet transforms, also called wavelet phase retrieval. We present a new uniqueness
result for wavelet phase retrieval. To be precise, we show that any wavelet with finitely
many vanishing moments allows for the unique recovery of real-valued bandlimited
signals up to global sign. Additionally, we present the first uniqueness result for sampled
wavelet phase retrieval in which the underlying wavelets are allowed to be complexvalued and we present a uniqueness result for phase retrieval from sampled Cauchy
wavelet transform measurements.
Key words. Phase retrieval, Wavelet transform, Paley–Wiener space, Wavelet system,
Sampling theorem
In the present paper, we study the (continuous) wavelet transform of signals f ∈ L2 (R)
associated to a wavelet ψ ∈ L1 (R) which is defined by
Wψ f (b, a) :=
f (x)ψ
a ∈ R+ , b ∈ R.
In particular, we are interested in the recovery of f from the magnitude-only measurements |Wψ f |. This problem is typically called wavelet phase retrieval and has recently
received an increasing amount of attention [1, 15, 17, 19, 28]. Wavelet phase retrieval
can be used in audio analysis and processing. In particular, it allows the experimenter
to freely modify the scalogram (a term used to refer to the absolute value of the wavelet
transform) of an audio signal and then synthesise the modified scalogram to obtain a
modified audio signal. This technique can be applied in blind source seperation and
audio texture synthesis for example [6, 27, 28].
It is important to note from the outset that the signals f and τ f , where τ ∈ T,
generate the same measurements |Wψ f | = |Wψ (τ f )| and can thus not be distinguished
Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
from wavelet magnitudes only. For this reason, it is customary to ask whether a given
signal f ∈ L2 (R) can be recovered up to global phase from phaseless measurements,
i.e. whether one may recover f up to equivalence defined by the relation
f ∼ g :⇔ ∃ τ ∈ T : g = τ f.
Stated concisely, our aim is therefore to study the injectivity of the phase retrieval
operator Aψ : M/ ∼ → [0, +∞)Λ given by
Aψ (f )(b, a) := |Wψ f (b, a)|,
(b, a) ∈ Λ,
where Λ ⊆ R × R+ and M ⊆ L2 (R).
Determining for which wavelets ψ ∈ L1 (R) and which choices of Λ ⊆ R × R+ as
well as M ⊆ L2 (R) the operator Aψ is injective is a famously difficult problem that
has been solved only in very few cases [1, 17, 19]. We also refer to [28] where the
author gives an overview of the wavelet phase retrieval problem and states that “(...)
a theoretical study of the well-posedness, for relatively general wavelets, seems out of
Prior work Let us highlight some prior work which is related to the present paper:
Firstly, we want to mention [1] in which the authors study a wavelet sign retrieval
problem. In particular, they consider a setup in which both the signal and the wavelet
are assumed to be real-valued such that the wavelet coefficients are real-valued as well.
In this case, the problem of recovering f from |Wψ f | amounts to recovering the sign
of Wψ f .
Secondly, we want to mention [19] in which the authors prove injectivity of the
operator Aψ : H+ / ∼ → [0, +∞)R×{1,a} , where a > 1 and
H+ := {f ∈ L2 (R) ; supp fb ⊂ R+ }
is the space of analytic signals. They do so for a specific family of progressive1 wavelets
called the Cauchy wavelets. In other words, the authors of [19] show that the magnitude
of the Cauchy wavelet transform of any signal f ∈ L2 (R) uniquely determines its
analytic representation f+ ∈ L2 (R), given by
fb+ (ξ) := 2fb(ξ)1ξ>0 ,
ξ ∈ R,
up to global phase. It is worthwhile pointing out that the negative frequencies of the
signal f are inevitably lost in the measurement process as the wavelet transform with
a progressive wavelet satisfies
Z ∞
dξ =
Wψ f (b, a) =
f (ξ)ψ(aξ)e
Z ∞
fb+ (ξ)ψ(aξ)e
dξ = Wψ f+ (b, a),
2 0
where the first equality is due to a direct application of Plancherel’s theorem. The
results in [19] are thus optimal in the sense that one cannot hope to recover the
Here and throughout this paper, we will call a wavelet ψ ∈ L1 (R) progressive if it only has positive
frequencies, i.e. ψ ∈ H+ .
negative frequencies of f ∈ L2 (R) from its Cauchy wavelet transform Wψ f . Since
wavelet phase retrieval (for one-dimensional signals) appears to be almost exclusively
useful to practitioners of audio processing, it is tempting to argue that this limitation
is not really important: Indeed, in audio processing one is predominantly interested in
real-valued signals and the negative frequencies of real-valued signals f ∈ L2 (R) are
uniquely determined by the analytic representation f+ through the relation
fb+ (ξ)
fb(−ξ) = fb(ξ) =
ξ > 0.
In phase retrieval, however, this observation only tells part of the story because
determining the analytic representation f+ of a real-valued signal f ∈ L2 (R) up to
global phase does not amount to retrieving the real-valued signal up to global sign as
one could hope: Indeed suppose that f, g ∈ L2 (R) are real-valued and satisfy g+ = τ f+ ,
for some τ ∈ T. Then, it follows that
g(−ξ) =
fb+ (ξ)
gb+ (ξ)
= τ fb(−ξ),
ξ > 0.
One may thereby see that fb and gb do not necessarily agree up to global phase and it
follows that f and g do not necessarily agree up to global sign (for more details see
also Remark 12).
Contributions In this paper, we present a new uniqueness result for wavelet phase
retrieval in which the underlying wavelets are allowed to be complex-valued. In contrast
to [1], we are thus considering a phase recovery problem in which the measurements
are complex-valued in general. Furthermore, our results guarantee the unique recovery
of the real-valued signals themselves, instead of their analytic representations merely.
To the best of our knowledge our result is one of the first uniqueness results for
wavelet phase retrieval in the literature (apart from the already mentioned [1, 17, 19]).
It is an attempt to partially answer the conjecture in [28] that “(...) the inverse
problem2 is well-posed for generic wavelet families.” To be precise, we develop the
following result:
Theorem 1 (Cf. Theorem 11). Let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be a wavelet with finitely many vanishing moments. Then, any real-valued bandlimited function f ∈ L2 (R) is uniquely
determined by |Wψ f | up to global sign.
Restriction of the domain of Aψ to real-valued bandlimited functions is motivated
by audio processing in which this is typically a reasonable assumption.
Apart from Theorem 1, we also present the first uniqueness results for sampled
wavelet phase retrieval in which the underlying wavelets are allowed to be complexvalued. Inter alia, we are able to prove the following result:
Theorem 2 (Cf. Theorem 18). Let a > 1, b > 0 and let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be a wavelet
with finitely many vanishing moments. Then, any real-valued bandlimited function
f ∈ L2 (R) is uniquely determined by the measurements |Wψ f | on the discrete set
a−N (bZ × {1}) up to global sign.
By “the inverse problem” the phase retrieval problem is meant. The corresponding direct problem is
to evaluate the phase retrieval operator Aψ .
Note that the measurements |Wψ f | on the discrete set a−N (bZ × {1}) exactly correspond to the phaseless wavelet coefficients at fine scales (i.e. k ≥ 1) for the wavelet
W(ψ, a, b) := {a−k ψ(a−k · −bm)}k,m∈Z .
Our result is therefore compatible with the classical theory on wavelet frames [8, 14].
In addition, we want to point out that our result is reminiscent of the recent uniqueness
results for Gabor phase retrieval from samples [3, 12].
Finally, we apply some of the insights used in the proofs of the Theorems 1 and 2 to
reconsider the work presented in [19]. In this way, we are able to prove that the analytic
representation of a bandlimited signal is uniquely determined by the magnitude of its
Cauchy wavelet transform on the set bZ × {1, a} up to global phase, where 2b > 0 is
upper bounded by the Nyquist rate and a > 1 (cf. Theorem 23).
Outline In Section 2, we recall the definition of the wavelet transform and of the
Paley–Wiener space. Moreover, we prove some auxiliary results that are needed later
in the paper. In Section 3, we state and prove Theorems 1 and 2. In Section 4, we apply
Theorems 1 and 2 to the Morlet wavelet and the chirp wavelet. Finally, in Section 5,
we consider the results from [19] and prove a sampling result for the Cauchy wavelet
Notation We set R+ := (0, +∞). For any p ∈ [1, +∞] we denote by Lp (R) the
Banach space of functions f : R → C which are p-integrable with respect to the
Lebesgue measure and we use the notation k · kp for the corresponding norms. The
Fourier transform on L1 (R) is defined by
f (x)e−2πixξ dx,
ξ ∈ R,
fb(ξ) :=
and it extends to L2 (R) by a classical density argument. Finally, for ℓ ∈ N and any
sufficiently smooth function f , we denote by f (ℓ) the ℓ-th derivative.
The translation and dilation operators act on a function f : R → C by
Tb f (x) = f (x − b),
Da f (x) = a−1 f a−1 x ,
respectively, for every b ∈ R and a ∈ R+ . Both operators map Lp (R) onto itself and
Da is normalized to be an isometry on L1 (R). For every a ∈ R+ , we will use the
notation fa = Da f . Furthermore, let us denote f # (x) = f (−x), x ∈ R.
Definition 3. Let 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. The wavelet transform of f ∈ Lp (R) associated with
ψ ∈ L1 (R) is defined by
Wψ f (b, a) = (f ∗
ψa# )(b)
for every b ∈ R and a ∈ R+ .
f (x)ψ
We observe that, by Young’s inequality, Wψ f (·, a) ∈ Lp (R) for every a ∈ R+ . We
refer also to (1) as the wavelet coefficient of f at (b, a) with respect to ψ. In this
context, a non-zero function ψ ∈ L1 (R) is called a wavelet if ψ(0)
= 0, or equivalently
ψ(x)dx = 0.
The name “wavelet” refers to the fact that condition (2) forces such functions to have
some oscillations. It is well known that if ψ ∈ L2 (R) is a progressive wavelet, i.e. a
wavelet with only positive frequencies, satisfying the admissibility condition
b 2
dξ < +∞,
then the wavelet transform is a constant multiple of an isometry from the analytic
signals H+ into L2 (R × R+ , a−1 dbda) (see e.g. [16, Theorem 22.0.6]). It follows in
particular that the wavelet transform is injective under the above conditions.
We fix Ω > 0 and we denote by PWΩ the space of bandlimited functions
PWΩ = {f ∈ L2 (R) : suppfb ⊆ [−Ω, Ω]}
which is a closed subspace of L2 (R). By the Paley–Wiener theorem, every f ∈ PWΩ
has an analytic extension to an entire function of exponential type which we also denote
by f . More precisely,
|f (z)| ≤ √ kfbk1 e|Imz|Ω ,
z ∈ C.
We can therefore consider PWΩ to be a Hilbert space of entire functions. Furthermore,
the space of bandlimited functions PWΩ is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)
(see for example [8, Chapter 2]). This means that for every x ∈ R the evaluation
operator Lx : PWΩ → C defined by
Lx (f ) = f (x),
f ∈ PWΩ ,
is bounded. Therefore, if fn is a sequence in PWΩ which converges to f in L2 (R) as
n → ∞, then
fn (x) → f (x), n → ∞,
for every x ∈ R. The next lemma will play a crucial role in the proof of our main
results. It follows immediately from Theorem 1 on p. 723 of [26].
Lemma 4. Let f be an entire function real-valued on the real line. Then, f is uniquely
determined by {|f (x)| : x ∈ R} up to global sign.
It is worth observing that if f ∈ PWΩ and ψ ∈ L1 (R), then Wψ f (·, a) is also a
bandlimited function for every a ∈ R+ :
Lemma 5. Let a ∈ R+ and Ω > 0. Furthermore, let f ∈ PWΩ and ψ ∈ L1 (R). Then,
we have that Wψ f (·, a) ∈ PWΩ .
Proof. It follows from the convolution theorem that f ∗ ψa# ∈ L2 (R) and
(f ∗ ψa# )∧ (ξ) = fˆ(ξ)(ψa# )∧ (ξ),
ξ ∈ R.
Moreovoer, by the relation
equation (3) becomes
(ψa# )∧ (ξ) = ψ(aξ),
ξ ∈ R,
(f ∗ ψa# )∧ (ξ) = fb(ξ)ψ(aξ),
ξ ∈ R.
Then, since supp (f ∗ ψa# )∧ ⊆ supp fb and f ∈ PWΩ , we conclude that Wψ f (·, a) ∈
A first insight into wavelet phase retrieval comes from approximation theory.
Definition 6. An approximate identity is a family {φǫ }ǫ∈R+ of functions in L1 (R)
such that
i) R φǫ (x)dx = 1 for every ǫ > 0,
ii) supǫ>0 kφǫ k1 < +∞,
iii) for every δ > 0,
|φǫ (x)|dx = 0.
Example 1. Let φ ∈ L1 (R) be such that
φ(x)dx = 1,
or equivalently φ(0)
= 1, and let φa (x) = a−1 φ(a−1 x). Then, the family of functions
{φa }a∈R+ forms an approximate identity.
Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. It is a well-known fact that the convolution f ∗ φǫ converges to f
in the Lp -norm for every f ∈ Lp (R) (see for instance Theorem 1.2.19 on p. 27 of [9] or
consider the part on approximate identities in the classical books [22, 24]):
Proposition 7. Let {φǫ }ǫ∈R+ be an approximate identity and 1 ≤ p < ∞. Then,
f ∗ φǫ ∈ Lp (R) for every f ∈ Lp (R) and ǫ ∈ R+ . Moreover,
lim kf − f ∗ φǫ kp = 0.
Proposition 7 together with Lemma 4 implies that, given an approximate identity
{φǫ }ǫ∈R+ , any real-valued f ∈ PWΩ can be uniquely recovered (up to a global sign
factor) from the measurements {|f ∗ φǫ |}ǫ∈R+ :
Theorem 8. Let {φǫ }ǫ∈R+ be an approximate identity. Then, the following are equivalent for f, g ∈ PWΩ real-valued on the real line:
i) |f ∗ φǫ | = |g ∗ φǫ |,
ii) f = ±g.
ǫ ∈ R+ ;
Proof. It is clear that if f = ±g, then i) holds. Conversely, we suppose that |f ∗ φǫ | =
|g ∗ φǫ | for every ǫ ∈ R+ . By Proposition 7, we have that f ∗ φǫ and g ∗ φǫ converge to
f and g in L2 (R) as ǫ → 0+ , respectively. Since by the convolution theorem f ∗ φǫ and
g ∗ φǫ belong to PWΩ for every ǫ ∈ R+ and PWΩ is a RKHS, we have that f ∗ φǫ and
g ∗ φǫ converge to f and g pointwise as ǫ → 0+ . Furthermore, since the modulus is a
continuous function, |f ∗ φǫ | and |g ∗ φǫ | converge pointwise to |f | and |g| as ǫ → 0+ .
Therefore, our assumption implies |f (x)| = |g(x)| for every x ∈ R. Hence, by Lemma 4,
we can conclude that f = ±g.
Let us fix ψ ∈ L1 (R) such that ψ(0)
= 1. It follows from the definition of the
wavelet transform (cf. Definition 3) together with the considerations in Example 1 and
Theorem 8 that any real-valued f ∈ PWΩ can be uniquely recovered (up to a global
sign factor) from the magnitude of its wavelet transform {|f ∗ψa# |}a∈R+ . Unfortunately,
we cannot apply Theorem 8 when ψ is a classical wavelet since wavelets are always
assumed to have zero mean. It is therefore natural to ask if it is possible to recover
= 0. The next section is devoted to answering
the same uniqueness result when ψ(0)
this question.
Main results
We say that a function ψ ∈ L1 (R) has n vanishing moments, for n ∈ N, if it satisfies
xℓ ψ(x) dx = 0,
ℓ = 0, . . . , n.
By the definition of the Fourier transform, condition (4) with n = 0 is equivalent to
= 0. In general, we have the following result:
Proposition 9 ([16, Lemma 6.0.4]). Let n ∈ N and ψ ∈ L1 (R) be such that xn ψ ∈
L1 (R). Then, ψ has n vanishing moments if and only if
= 0.
lim ξ −n ψ(ξ)
We say that a function ψ has a finite number of vanishing moments if there exists
an ℓ ∈ N such that
b ∈ C \ {0}.
lim ξ −ℓ ψ(ξ)
It is a well-known fact that if we choose a wavelet with a finite number of vanishing
moments, the wavelet transform approximates the derivatives of a smooth signal at fine
scales, see e.g. [18, Chapter 6] or [16, Chapter 4, §2]. We are interested in a different
setup than the one chosen in the references mentioned before and therefore present the
following proposition and its proof.
Proposition 10. Let Ω > 0 and let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be such that
b = (−1)ℓ (2πi)ℓ ,
lim ξ −ℓ ψ(ξ)
for some ℓ ∈ N. Then, for every f ∈ PWΩ
lim a−ℓ Wψ f (b, a) = f (ℓ) (b),
b ∈ R.
Proof. By the definition of the wavelet transform and the Plancherel theorem, we have
kf (ℓ) − a−ℓ Wψ f (·, a)k22 = kf (ℓ) − a−ℓ f ∗ ψa# k22
|ξ ℓ fb(ξ)|2 |(2πi)ℓ − (aξ)−ℓ ψ(aξ)|
By the Riemann–Lebesgue lemma, ψb is a continuous function which goes to zero at
infinity and by hypothesis
= (−1)ℓ (2πi)ℓ .
ξ→0 ξ ℓ
Therefore, we have the estimate
|ξ ℓ fb(ξ)|2 |(2πi)ℓ − (aξ)−ℓ ψ(aξ)|
≤ M |ξ ℓ fb(ξ)|2 ,
is finite and independent of a. Furthermore,
where M = supξ∈R |(2πi)ℓ −(aξ)−ℓ ψ(aξ)|
for almost every ξ ∈ R it holds that
= 0.
lim |ξ ℓ fb(ξ)|2 |(2πi)ℓ − (aξ)−ℓ ψ(aξ)|
Hence, by the dominated convergence theorem
lim kf (ℓ) − a−ℓ Wψ f (·, a)k2 = 0.
Furthermore, by Lemma 5, we know that a−ℓ Wψ f (·, a) belongs to PWΩ for every
a ∈ R+ and PWΩ is a RKHS. Thus, a−ℓ Wψ f (·, a) converges pointwise to f (ℓ) as
a → 0+ , and this concludes the proof.
We are now in a position to state our first result establishing uniqueness of wavelet
phase retrieval for real-valued bandlimited signals when the wavelet has finitely many
vanishing moments.
Theorem 11 (Cf. Theorem 1). Let Ω > 0 and let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be such that
= c ∈ C \ {0},
lim ξ −ℓ ψ(ξ)
for some ℓ ∈ N. Then, the following are equivalent for f, g ∈ PWΩ real-valued on the
real line:
i) |Wψ f (b, a)| = |Wψ g(b, a)|,
ii) f = ±g.
b ∈ R, a ∈ R+ ;
Proof. Let f, g ∈ PWΩ . It is clear that if f = ±g, then i) holds. Conversely, we
suppose that ii) holds. Let us define
φ :=
Then, we have that
(−1)ℓ (2πi)ℓ
b = (−1)ℓ (2πi)ℓ .
lim ξ −ℓ φ(ξ)
By Proposition 10, it follows that a−ℓ Wφ f (·, a) and a−ℓ Wφ g(·, a) converge pointwise to
f (ℓ) and g (ℓ) , respectively, as a → 0+ . Since the absolute value is a continuous function,
a−ℓ |Wφ f (·, a)| and a−ℓ |Wφ g(·, a)| converge pointwise to |f (ℓ) | and |g (ℓ) |, respectively,
as a → 0+ . Combining this with item i) implies that |f (ℓ) (b)| = |g (ℓ) (b)|, for every
b ∈ R, and employing Lemma 4 we can conclude that f (ℓ) = ±g (ℓ) .
Together with the analyticity of f and g this implies
f (x) ∓ g(x) = P (x),
x ∈ R,
where P is a polynomial of degree ℓ − 1. Now, if P is not the null polynomial, then
f ∓ g is not in L2 (R) and we have a contradiction. Therefore, P ≡ 0 and f = ±g.
Remark 12. It is worth observing that Theorem 11 does not hold for progressive
wavelets, that is, for wavelets with only positive frequencies. Indeed, the hypothesis of Theorem 11 will always be violated since for all progressive wavelets ψ and any
lim− ξ −ℓ ψ(ξ)
= 0.
Actually, one can convince oneself that real-valued signals can never be uniquely determined up to global phase by the magnitude of their wavelet transform with respect
to any progressive wavelet. Indeed, by the definition of the wavelet transform, it is immediate to observe that if f, g ∈ L2 (R) are such that f+ = eiα g+ and ψ is a progressive
wavelet, then
|Wψ f (b, a)| = |Wψ g(b, a)|,
for all b ∈ R and a ∈ R+ . Additionally, we can show that it is actually possible to
construct real-valued signals that do not agree up to global phase even though their
analytic representations do, and thus (5) is satisfied. To do so, we consider f, g ∈ L2 (R)
as well as α ∈ R and we suppose that
f+ = eiα g+ ,
or equivalently
Re f+ = Re(eiα g+ ),
Im f+ = Im(eiα g+ ).
We recall that the analytic representation f+ of f is given by
f+ (x) = f (x) + i(H f )(x),
where H f denotes the Hilbert transform of f . By equation (6), Re f+ = Re(eiα g+ ) is
equivalent to
f = cos α · g − sin α · H g
and, analogously, Im f+ = Im(eiα g+ ) is equivalent to
H f = cos α · H g + sin α · g.
Furthermore, the property H (H f ) = −f implies that equations (7) and (8) are
equivalent and thus, f+ = eiα g+ if and only if f takes the form (7). Therefore, if we
take a real-valued signal g ∈ L2 (R), as well as α ∈ R, and we define f by (7), then f
is real-valued and f+ = eiα g+ . However, if α is not a multiple of π, then f and g will
in general not agree up to global phase.
We remark that if ψ is a progressive wavelet, the wavelet phase retrieval problem
continues to be not injective even if we allow the scale a to vary over R \ {0}. Indeed,
in that case, we would have that
span{Tb Da ψ}b∈R,a∈R+ = H+
and span{Tb Da ψ}b∈R,a∈R− = H− ,
where R− = (−∞, 0) and H− = {f ∈ L2 (R) : suppfb ⊆ R− } . Therefore, the so-called
complement property (CP), which is a necessary condition for the injectivity of the
operator, see e.g. [2, 4, 7],
Aψ f = (|Wψ f (b, a)|)R×R× ,
would not be satisfied.
f ∈ L2 (R)/ ∼,
Remark 13. The proof of Theorem 11 can be applied to other spaces of entire functions
which are real-valued on the real line. We mention the class of shift-invariant spaces
with Gaussian generator: Let ϕγ (t) = e−γx , γ > 0. The shift-invariant space V ∞ (ϕ)
generated by the Gaussian ϕγ is defined as
V ∞ (ϕγ ) = {f ∈ L∞ (R) : f =
ck ϕ(· − k), c ∈ l∞ (Z)}.
By [11, Lemma 4.1] every f ∈ V ∞ (ϕγ ) possesses an extension to an entire function
satisfying the growth estimate
|f (x + iy)| . eγy ,
x, y ∈ R.
Phase retrieval in shift-invariant spaces has recently been studied in several papers
[10, 23, 12].
We now introduce the Paley–Wiener space of integrable, bandlimited functions
PW1Ω = {f ∈ L1 (R) : suppfb ⊆ [−Ω, Ω]}
and we observe that PW1Ω ⊆ PWΩ for every Ω > 0. Furthermore, the following result
Proposition 14. Let Ω > 0 and f ∈ PWΩ . Then, |f |2 ∈ PW12Ω .
Proof. We first note that |f |2 = f f ∈ L1 (R) and by the convolution theorem
(|f |2 )∧ = fb ∗ fb = fb ∗ fb# .
Then, since supp (|f |2 )∧ ⊆ supp fb + supp fb# ⊆ [−2Ω, 2Ω], we conclude that |f |2 ∈
PW12Ω .
Additionally, we will make use of the Whittaker–Shannon–Kotelnikov (WSK) sampling theorem in the following form:
Theorem 15 (WSK sampling theorem). Let Ω > 0 and f ∈ PWΩ . Then, for every
X m
sinc(2Ωx − m).
f (x) =
We may now state and prove the following result on sampled wavelet phase retrieval:
Theorem 16. Let Ω > 0 and let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be such that
= c ∈ C \ {0},
lim ξ −ℓ ψ(ξ)
for some ℓ ∈ N. Furthermore, let (ak )k∈N be a sequence in R+ such that ak → 0 as
k → ∞. Then, the following are equivalent for f, g ∈ PWΩ real-valued on the real line:
, ak ) = Wψ g( 4Ω
, ak ) ,
i) Wψ f ( 4Ω
ii) f = ±g.
m ∈ Z, k ∈ N;
Proof. Let f, g ∈ PWΩ . It is clear that if f = ±g, then i) holds. Conversely, assume
that i) is true. Setting
(−1)ℓ (2πi)ℓ
and following the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 11, we can establish that
m 2
(ℓ) m 2
( 4Ω )| and |g (ℓ) ( 4Ω
)| ,
k |Wφ f ( 4Ω , ak )| and ak |Wφ g( 4Ω , ak )| converge to |f
respectively, for every m ∈ Z as k → ∞. Then, since i) holds, we have that
= g (ℓ)
, for all m ∈ Z.
f (ℓ)
Furthermore, by Proposition 14, we know that |f (ℓ) |2 and |g (ℓ) |2 belong to PW12Ω ⊆
PW2Ω . Thus, by the WSK sampling theorem it follows that
f (ℓ) (x)
= g (ℓ) (x) ,
for all x ∈ R,
and consequently |f (ℓ) (x)| = |g (ℓ) (x)| for all x ∈ R. Finally, as in the proof of Theorem 11, we can conclude that f = ±g.
Remark 17. More generally, we could replace the sampling set (m/4Ω)m∈Z in Theorem 16 with any other sampling sequence for PW2Ω . For instance, we could choose
the sequence (bm)m∈Z with 0 < b ≤ 1/4Ω. We refer to [5, 25] for a characterization of
sampling sequences in terms of density properties.
To make Theorem 16 more palpable, we want to give a concrete example of a
sampling set for which Theorem 16 implies uniqueness. To this end, we start recalling
the definition of a wavelet system. Let ψ ∈ L1 (R), and let a > 1, b > 0 be fixed. The
W(ψ, a, b) = {Dan Tbm ψ}m,n∈Z = {a−n ψ(a−n x − bm)}m,n∈Z
is called a wavelet system with generator ψ and parameters a, b. We observe that
Wψ f (a−n bm, a−n ) = hf, Dan Tbm ψi,
m ∈ Z, n ∈ N.
A typical choice for the parameters is the dyadic wavelet system W(ψ, 2, 1). We refer
to [14, Chapter 12] and [8, Chapter 3] as classical references on wavelet systems and
frames. Our next result follows from Theorem 16 and shows that real-valued bandlimited signals can be uniquely recovered up to global sign from the absolute values of
the wavelet coefficients with the wavelet system (9) for every choice of the parameters
a > 1 and b > 0.
Theorem 18 (Cf. Theorem 2). Let a > 1, b > 0 and let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be a wavelet such
= c ∈ C \ {0},
lim ξ −ℓ ψ(ξ)
for some ℓ ∈ N. Then, any real-valued bandlimited function f ∈ L2 (R) is uniquely
determined up to global sign by the phaseless wavelet coefficients
{|hf, Dan Tbm ψi| : m ∈ Z, n ∈ N}.
Proof. Let f, g be real-valued bandlimited functions. Then, there exists Ω > 0 such
that f, g ∈ PWΩ . We suppose that
|Wψ f (a−n bm, a−n )|2 = |Wψ g(a−n bm, a−n )|2 ,
n ∈ N, m ∈ Z,
which correspond exactly to the squared magnitudes of the wavelet coefficients with
wavelet system W(ψ, a, b). By Lemma 5 together with Proposition 14, we know that
|Wψ f (·, a−n )|2 ∈ PW12Ω , for every n ∈ N. Furthermore, for every choice of the parameters a > 1 and b > 0, there exists N ∈ N such that for all n > N it holds that
a−n b < 1/4Ω. Therefore, the WSK sampling theorem implies that
|Wψ f (b, a−n )|2 = |Wψ g(b, a−n )|2 ,
n > N, b ∈ R.
We can finally apply Theorem 16 to conclude that f coincides with g up to global
Remark 19. In view of Theorem 16, we observe that we could restrict the set of
magnitude measurements to arbitrary fine scales, i.e. a−n with n ≥ N for every fixed
N ∈ N.
The Morlet wavelet
Let ξ0 ∈ R \ {0}. The Morlet wavelet, also known as the Gabor wavelet, is at the origin
of the development of wavelet analysis. It was introduced by Grossmann and Morlet
in [13]. It is defined on the frequency side by the function
b = π − 41 [e−(ξ−ξ0 )2 /2 − e−ξ2 /2 e−ξ02 /2 ],
ξ ∈ R.
Its Fourier transform is a shifted Gaussian adjusted with a corrective term in order to
have ψ(0)
= 0. The Morlet wavelet
ψ(x) = π − 4 [eiξ0 x − e−ξ0 /2 ]e−x
x ∈ R,
is complex-valued but widely used for applications that involve only real-valued signals.
By a direct computation, the Fourier transform ψ(ξ)
goes to zero as ξ → 0 with
infinitesimal order 1. Indeed, using a Taylor expansion yields
π − 4 [e−(ξ−ξ0 ) /2 − e−ξ /2 e−ξ0 /2 ]
= lim
ξ→0 ξ
π − 4 [e−ξ0 /2 + ξ0 e−ξ0 /2 ξ − e−ξ0 /2 + e−ξ0 /2 ξ 2 /2 + o(ξ)]
= lim
= lim
π − 4 [ξ0 e−ξ0 /2 ξ + o(ξ)]
= π − 4 ξ0 e−ξ0 /2 .
Thus, ψ satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 11 with ℓ = 1. Therefore, all real-valued
f ∈ PWΩ can be recovered up to global sign from the measurements |Wψ f (b, a)|, for
b ∈ R, a ∈ R+ . Furthermore, by Theorem 18 we know that it is enough to know the
magnitude of the wavelet transform Wψ f for the samples {(a−n bm, a−n ) : m ∈ Z, n ∈
The linear-chirp wavelet
Another example of a complex-valued wavelet that satisfies our hypothesis is the linearchirp wavelet, also called the chirplet. The idea to use chirps as wavelets was introduced
Figure 1: The Morlet wavelet ψ for ξ0 = 5 in time and frequency representation. Observe
that the Fourier transform of ψ is not identically zero on the negative frequencies but it is
numerically small.
in [20, 21]. We also refer to [16] for a concise presentation. Let ξ0 , β ∈ R. The chirplet
is defined by windowing a linear chirp with a Gaussian:
ψ(x) = ei(ξ0 +βx/2)x e−x
+ η(x).
Again, the corrective term η is added in order to have zero mean. Its Fourier transform
is given by
2π −(ξ−ξ0 )2 /2(1−iβ)
b =
+ ηb(ξ).
1 − iβ
For instance, we may set
ηb(ξ) = −
2π −ξ02 /2(1−iβ) −ξ2 /2
1 − iβ
and using a Taylor expansion, we obtain
2π e−(ξ−ξ0 ) /2(1−iβ) − e−ξ0 /2(1−iβ) e−ξ /2
= lim
ξ→0 ξ
1 − iβ
−ξ02 /2(1−iβ)
ξ0 ξ/(1 − iβ) + o(ξ)
2π e
= lim
e−ξ0 /2(1−iβ) ξ0 .
1 − iβ
(1 − iβ)3/2
This shows that ψ satisfies the hypothesis of Theorems 11, 16 and 18 with ℓ = 1.
Sampling Cauchy wavelet transform magnitudes
Our main uniqueness result for phase retrieval from wavelet magnitude samples (Theorem 16) is not applicable to so-called progressive wavelets which are wavelets that
only have positive frequencies.
This observation is not surprising in light of the fact that real-valued signals f
are not uniquely determined (up to global phase) by wavelet transform magnitude
Figure 2: The linear-chirp wavelet for β = 1 and ξ0 = 5 in time and frequency representation.
Figure 3: The Cauchy wavelet ψ(ξ)
= ξ 2 e−ξ 1ξ>0 .
measurements |Wψ f | for progressive wavelets ψ (see Remark 12 in Section 3). It does,
however, raise the following question:
(Q) Is there a class of signals which can be recovered (up to global phase) from wavelet
transform magnitude measurements with progressive mother wavelets?
In general, this question is hard to answer. An elegant partial answer is however given
in [19].
The authors of [19] consider the so-called Cauchy wavelet given by
b = ρ(ξ)ξ p e−ξ 1ξ>0 ,
ξ ∈ R,
where p > 0 and ρ ∈ L∞ (R) is such that ρ(aξ) = ρ(ξ), for a.e. ξ ∈ R, and ρ(ξ) 6= 0, for
all ξ ∈ R. Using tools from the theory of entire functions, they show that the class of
analytic signals may be recovered uniquely (up to global phase) from the magnitude
of the Cauchy wavelet transform. Analytic signals are functions f ∈ L2 (R) which have
no negative frequencies. To be precise, they show the following theorem.
Theorem 20 (Corollary 2.2 in [19], p. 1259). Let a > 1 and let ψ be the Cauchy
wavelet defined as in equation (10). Let, moreover, f, g ∈ L2 (R) be such that for some
j, k ∈ Z, with j 6= k,
Wψ f ·, ak = Wψ g ·, ak .
Wψ f ·, aj = Wψ g ·, aj
We denote by f+ and g+ the analytic representations of f and g which are defined
through the equations
+ (ξ) = 2f (ξ)1ξ>0
g(ξ)1ξ>0 ,
+ (ξ) = 2b
for ξ ∈ R. Then, there exists an α ∈ R such that
f+ = eiα g+ .
Note that the above is more than a simple uniqueness theorem for phase retrieval
from Cauchy wavelet transform magnitude measurements of analytic signals. It is, in
fact, a uniqueness result for the semi-discrete wavelet frame. Even more, the Cauchy
wavelet magnitudes are assumed to agree on two scales only. It does therefore stand to
reason that further restricting the signal class to analytic bandlimited signals should
allow us to come up with a full sampling result for the Cauchy wavelet transform.
In the following, we will assume that the function ρ ∈ L∞ (R) used in the definition
of the Cauchy wavelet ψ is such that ψ ∈ L1 (R). This is a natural assumption as mother
wavelets are usually assumed to be in L1 (R). Moreover, there is a wide variety of
ρ ∈ L∞ (R) which satisfy this assumption (see Remark 21). We want to stress, however,
that this assumption is not necessary for our arguments to work and is made purely to
simplify the mathematical exposition. Indeed, by the definition of the Cauchy wavelet
(10), one can see immediately that ψ ∈ L2 ∩ L∞ (R). Therefore, we may replace our
subsequent use of the WSK sampling theorem by the use of classical sampling theory
in the Bernstein space B2Ω to obtain a sampling result for more general ρ ∈ L∞ (R) at
a slightly finer sampling density in frequency.
Remark 21. One can show that if ρ ∈ L∞ (R) is continuous and satisfies
|ρ′ (ξ)| . eξ/2
|ρ′′ (ξ)| . eξ/2 ,
for all ξ ∈ R, then the Cauchy wavelet ψ defined by (10) is in L1 (R). In particular, if
ρ is a constant function, then ψ ∈ L1 (R).
The sampling result for analytic signals
We remind the reader of two pertinent results stated earlier in this manuscript: First,
the wavelet transform Wψ f (·, a) of a bandlimited signal f is bandlimited itself, for
a ∈ R+ (see Lemma 5). Secondly, bandlimitedness carries over from any function to
its squared absolute value. These two insights combined yield the following corollary.
Corollary 22. Let Ω > 0. If f ∈ PWΩ and ψ ∈ L1 (R), then |Wψ f (·, a)|2 ∈ PW12Ω ⊂
PW2Ω , for all a ∈ R+ .
What remains is to combine Theorem 20 with the classical WSK sampling theorem
(Theorem 15). Thereby, we obtain the following sampling result for the recovery of
analytic signals.
Theorem 23. Let Ω > 0, a > 1 and let ψ ∈ L1 (R) be as in equation (10) with
ρ ∈ L∞ (R). Then, the following are equivalent for f, g ∈ PWΩ :
i) For all k ∈ Z,
Wψ f
and Wψ f
, 1 = Wψ g
, a = Wψ g
,a .
ii) f+ = eiα g+ , for some α ∈ R.
Proof. It is obvious that ii) implies i). Now, suppose that i) holds. By assumption, we
have that ψ ∈ L1 (R). Therefore, we may apply Corollary 22 to see that |Wψ f (·, aj )|2
as well as |Wψ g(·, aj )|2 are in PW2Ω , for j ∈ {0, 1}. Hence, it follows from i) along
with the WSK sampling theorem that
|Wψ f (·, 1)| = |Wψ g (·, 1)|
|Wψ f (·, a)| = |Wψ g (·, a)| .
Finally, Theorem 20 implies that the analytic representations f+ and g+ of f and g
satisfy f+ = eiα g+ , for some α ∈ R.
Remark 24. Note that the sampling set {(k/4Ω, aj ) | j = 0, 1, k ∈ Z} in Theorem 23
can be replaced by a multitude of different sampling sets:
In scale, we might sample at any two elements of aZ as is evident from Theorem
20. In addition, one might show that Theorem 20 continues to hold for aj replaced by
a0 and ak replaced by a1 , for all 0 < a0 < a1 , provided that ρ(ξ) = ρ(a0 ξ) = ρ(a1 ξ),
for a.e. ξ ∈ R.
In time, we can replace the uniform sampling by any sampling sequence for PW2Ω ,
see [5, 25].
The authors would like to acknowledge funding through
SNF Grant 200021 184698.
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