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Interactive Learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages student engagement through active inquiry and investigation. It emphasizes the importance of interaction between teachers, students, and learning resources in achieving educational objectives. The paper highlights the distinctions between approach, method, and strategy in language teaching, suggesting that diverse methods can be employed within a unified approach to enhance the learning experience.

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INTERACTIVE LEARNING Limitation Approach, Method and Learning Strategy Interactive Learning is a pedagogical approach, which is giving out space for students to actively learn, build his own knowledge, by asking questions and then conduct investigations related to their question. In other terms, interactive learning can be said of learning that teachers use during the lesson in which the teacher presents material leading role in crearting an interactive educational situation, the interaction between teacher and students, students and students with learning resourcs tyo support the achievement of learning ohjectives. Interactive learning can not be separated in the presence of approach, strategies, methods, activities that support active learning. According to Anthony (Shastri, 2010:35) said concepts of approach, design, method and technique in the process oflanguage teaching and learning. Approach refers to the philosophy of the nature of language teaching and learning. It covers linguistics and psychology. This defines 'what' and 'how' of language teaching and learning. Approach leads to method. Learning method in the context of applications a learning model must be adapted to the objectives to be achieved. Implementation of a learning model allows the use of more than one learning method. In line with it, Anthony (Shastri, 2010:35) said method deals with an overall plan for the presentation of language material based on an approach. It is procedural. In one approach there can be many methods. In a method, a theory is put into practice. Here, choices are made about a particular skill to be taught. It deals with content and the order of presentation. It selects grades and presents the material. Between an approach and a method there is design. In addition to approaches and methods of teaching, the other thing that's good to support a process pengguanaan pemebelajaran is a learning strategy, which includes the formation of behavior, making students understand and realize opembelajran be meaningful. According to Jung and Acee (Aukrust, 2011: 137) Learning strategies is any behavioral, cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, or affective process or action that facilitates understanding, learning, and meaningful encoding into memory. Shastri, D. Pratima. (2010). COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. Mumbai: HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE. Aukrust, G. Vibeke. (2011). LEARNING AND COGNITION IN EDUCATION. Norway: Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier.