Week 1 Police History

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The history of policing in the United States has evolved significantly since its inception in Colonial America during the 1630s, transitioning from citizen-led watch systems to formal police organizations influenced by Sir Robert Peel's principles of crime prevention and community trust. This analysis highlights the categorization of police agencies into local, state, and federal, with distinct responsibilities and jurisdictions, while examining the ongoing relationship between government and policing organizations, along with contemporary challenges, as illustrated by the incident involving Michael Brown.

Gina Whitworth Police History September 7, 2014 CJA/214 The history of policing has been around since the 1600’s. Since then, law enforcement has come a long ways, and many changes have occurred to build and improve better law enforcement, it has continued to evolve and progress right along with our society. However, police practices face many challenges. This paper will discuss the impact Sir Robert Peel has made in American policing, the relationship between the U.S. government and policing organizations throughout the U.S. and how this relationship affects police practices. Policing began with Colonial America in 1630. During this period, law enforcement were citizens who did not receive training or pay. They would watch and keep track of others behaviors with in the community. It then evolved into Metropolitan America; the primary focus during this time was to prevent crime rather than to detect it and punish those who have broken the law. It was during this time period that Sir Robert Peel made a huge impact in policing. He established the London Metropolitan Police, which was known as the first modern police department. He came up with nine principles of policing that are still used to this day. “Peel identified several principles that he believed would lead to credibility with citizens including that the police must be under government control, have a military-like organizational structure, and have a central headquarters that was located in an area that was easily accessible to the public” (The History of the Police 2014, pg. 4). Peel believed that the primary focus should be on crime prevention so he set up patrol areas, had law enforcement available day and night. Peel enforced that law enforcement wear uniforms and badge numbers so that they were easily recognized by citizens. Law enforcement were not allowed to carry fire arms, and received proper training. “Many of these ideologies were also adopted by American police agencies during this time period and remain in place in some contemporary police agencies across the United States”(The History of the Police, 2014, pg. 4). Police organizations are categorized as Local, State, and Federal, agencies. Each organization has their own jurisdiction they must stick to. “Law enforcement agencies at different levels of government have substantially different formal responsibilities, as prescribed by law, and therefore engage in different kinds of activities” (Skogan & Frydl 2004, pg. 49). All police organizations have rules and guidelines that are set by the government, in which all agencies must follow to keep things running smoothly, effectively, and have an organized system. This helps makes sure that all individuals rights are protected and upheld if they violate. Local agencies have city jurisdiction, and have fewer rights compared to State and Federal agencies. Their roles are to protect, provide public services, enforce laws, and patrol. State agencies have state wide jurisdiction, they deal with criminal investigations, traffic enforcement, and highway patrol. Some agencies that are considered State agencies are Highway Patrol, Alcohol law enforcement agencies, or State bureaus of investigation. Federal agencies have a geographical jurisdiction that includes the entire nation. Federal deals with human or drug trafficking, gun smuggling, immigration. Some of the agencies affiliated with Federal are Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and U.S. Secret Service. The relationship between the U.S government and police practices may be affected for several reasons. One reason for instance, in the most recent case of the Missouri shooting of a young man, Michael Brown. The governor had the National Guard troops brought in and took control away from local law enforcement. This issue should have been handled at the state level, and staying with in their jurisdiction. Now protestors want the officer that shot Brown to face charges and want the federal government to step in. “This time the pressures are greater on the Justice Department because of the nightly disturbances underscoring the community's racial tensions and because of demands from civil rights leaders for federal government action”(Edwards & Ingram, 2014, para. 3). U.S government prosecutors are investigating the case. Under U.S. laws, charges that deal with manslaughter or murder are supposed to be left to the state to handle. The history of policing has come a long ways since it first began, and it continues to change and improve as our society evolves. It may never be perfect, and law enforcement will always be faced with many challenges, but as we learned, there will be huge impacts that will help with improving police practices, just like Sir Robert Peel made, and to this day we continue to use what he created, we learned about the relationship between the U.S. government and policing organizations throughout the U.S. and how that relationship affects police practices. References Edwards, J., & Ingram, D. (2014, August). U.S. government faces high bar charging cop in Ferguson death. Reuters, (), . Retrieved from Skogan, W., & Frydl, K. (2004). Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing. Retrieved from The History of the Police. (2014). Sagepub, (), . Retrieved from data/50819_ch_1.pdf .University of Phoenix. (2011). CJi Interactive Multi-Media. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA/214 website. Police History