Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo)
Scambi, porti, produzioni
a cura di Sauro Gelichi e Claudio Negrelli
The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
(Mljet, Croatia)
Igor Miholjek
(Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska)
Vesna Zmaić
(Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska)
Margherita Ferri
(Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia)
Abstract The remains of cape Stoba shipwreck lies in the waters of the island of Mljet at the depth
between 21 and 28 m. It was investigated for the first time in 1975 (by Maritime Museum in Dubrovnik)
and the research was resumed between 2009 and 2013 by the Department for Underwater Archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute. Research has shown that the cargo is composed of nine
types of Middle Byzantine amphorae datable in the 10th-11th century AD, produced in the area of
the Marmara, Black sea and Eastern Mediterranean shore. Some of them present graffiti written in
Old Bulgarian letters or runes, like those on the amphorae of Serce Limani wreck. The secondary
part of the cargo was composed of glass vessels, perhaps originating from the Palestinian area. Since
2012 the research on the site was carried out through a project in cooperation between the Croatian
Conservation Institute and the Department of humanistic studies of the Università Ca’ Foscari. Aim
of the project is the excavation of the site, a photogrammetrical documentation of the amphora
cargo which allows the production of an innovative 3D image of the context and the recovery and
study of the items (almost 100 amphorae were recovered up to date). The site is one of the very few
wrecks from this period in the Mediterranean. It is important for reconstructing traffic routes in the
Adriatic Sea in the 10th and 11th centuries and presents an excellent base for the development of
more extensive typologies of Middle Byzantine amphorae.
Summary 1 Introduction. – 2 The Amphora Cargo. – 3 Graffiti and Stamps. – 4 Dating. – 5 The Cape
Stoba Shipwreck Glass. – 6 Conclusions.
Keywords Amphora graffiti. Byzantine amphora. Byzantine shipwreck. Glass. Wooden stopper.
The Cape Stoba shipwreck is located on the seabed off the island of Mljet
in Croatia, about 35 km north-west of Dubrovnik (fig. 1). The site was apStudi e Ricerche 4
DOI 10.14277/6969-115-7/SR-4-6 | Submission 2016-08-05 | Acceptance 2016-09-26
ISBN [ebook] 978-88-6969-115-7 | ISBN [print] 978-88-6969-114-0 | © 2017
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
Figure 1. Underwater sites with Byzantine amphoras in the eastern Adriatic
1. Merara islet 13th-14th century; 2. Ždrijac near Nin 11th-12th century; 3. Cape Stoba, island of
Mljet 10th-11th century; 4. Grebeni near island of Silba 13th-14th century; 5. Lučnjak shallows
13th-14th century; 6. Bay of Pijan, Savudrija 11th-12th century; 7. Port of Trogir; 8. Island of Vele
Arte near Murter; 9. Umag; 10. Poreč; 11. Port of Hvar; 12. Island of Žut; 13. Island of Ošljak near
Zadar; 14. in the monastery collection on the island of Krapanj; 15. Church of Saint Barbara in
Trogir; 16. Church of Saint Michael near Ston; 17. Church of Saint George on the island of Vis; 18.
Church of Saint John the Baptist on Lopud; 19. Church of Saint Nicholas on Koločep; 20. Church
of Saint John on Šipan (drawing: Zmaić, V.)
parently discovered by sport divers in the 1960s, at which point amphoras
and other valuable material started to be removed (Kisić 1988, 158-62).
It was reported to the authorities, and the first archaeological survey was
carried out in 1975 by the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments
and the Maritime Museum in Dubrovnik. As, according to information
received from the looters, more than 30 amphoras had previously been
removed and most of the remaining material was in fragments, archaeologists concluded that the site had been almost completely destroyed. Based
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
Figure 2. Cape Stoba: underwater archaeological research in 2012 (photo: M. Marukić)
on the material recovered, the amphoras that had previously been removed
from the site and held in a private collection, and other known amphoras
of the same period, Brusić was able to classify the Byzantine amphoras
found in the eastern Adriatic in five groups (Brusić 1976, 37-49).
A short inspection of the site was carried out in 2009 by the Department
for Underwater Archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute, during
which a whole amphora sealed with a wooden stopper was uncovered, signalling the existence of at least one intact layer of archaeological material
at the site. Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Croatia, four underwater archaeological campaigns, from 2010 to 2015,
were conducted by the Croatian Conservation Institute. Research continued in 2012, in collaboration with the Department of Studi Umanistici of
the Università Ca’ Foscari of Venice (Zmaić et al. 2016, 1-2).
The site stretches in the southwest-northeast direction over approximately 80 m2. The remains of the ship’s cargo (amphoras and glassware),
and galley inventory (pottery tableware and pithoi), were scattered over a
rocky slope and within stone fissures, where they dissipated and dispersed
after the ship capsized. The sandy part of the site, covered by a thick layer
of Poseidonia Oceanica roots, begins at the depth of 22 m and mildly drops
towards the northeast to the depth of approximately 29 m. A partially corMiholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
Figure 3. Cape Stoba: underwater archaeological research in 2012 (photo: J. Kwiatkowski)
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
roded shank of an iron anchor incrusted to the seabed lays at the depth
of 22-23 m, on the border which separates the rocky slope from the sandy
part of the site. The iron anchor is 160 cm long, with the preserved ring
whose diameter measures 25 cm, but without its arms.
The major concentration of amphoras, pottery and glass shards were
found on a sandy plateau below the anchor, at the depth between 22 and
29 m. After determining the borders of the spread of the intact layer of
the shipwreck, the excavation area was divided into 25 quadrants, each
measuring 2×2 m. The area of 100 m² in total was researched and excavated in the course of four campaigns which took place between 2010 and
2015. Underneath the surface layer of sand mixed with Poseidonia roots,
10-30 cm thick, rested the intact archaeological layer containing amphoras
discovered in one, two or three levels, depending on the configuration of
the rock bottom, so the thickness of the cultural layer measured between
50 and 100 cm (fig. 2). This layer consisted of muddy, dark coloured sand,
in which complete amphoras or amphora fragments, and glass fragments
were found (fig. 3). Traces of ballast stones sporadically appeared in this
layer in the form of smaller pieces of rubble or larger pebbles. The ballast
was sometimes found below or above the layer of amphoras, which pointed
that the hull might have flipped over at the time the ship capsized, after
which it sank to the bottom and rested over the ship’s cargo. If that was
the case, the wooden hull would have stayed unprotected, which in return
most likely accelerated the decomposition processes and provided the reason for not finding any hull remains on the site. The middle part of the site
consisted predominantly of the amphora cargo, but the peripheral parts of
the site consisted of a visible layer of the ship’s ballast, sometimes even 40
cm thick, with sporadical finds of pottery or glassware. A large concentration of animal bones, glass and kitchenware was found in the southwest
section of the site. These finds clearly implicate the position of the galley,
and therefore the orientation of the ship, taking into consideration that
the galley was situated in the stern part of the ship. Therefore, the site
is oriented in the southwest-northeast direction, it is approximately 11 m
long and 7 m wide, with the ship’s bow turned to the northeast.
The Amphora Cargo
During four seasons of excavations at Cape Stoba site a total of one hundred and ninety-two amphorae were found. All amphoras belong to the
Middle Byzantine tradition with a distinctive ribbed body, a short neck,
massive, sometimes elongated handles and, in most cases, a rounded,
concave or conical base (fig. 4). According to the general characteristics,
all amphoras can be divided into nine main groups with some variants and
subtypes, which can be compared with the findings from the eastern MediMiholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
Figure 4. Types of Middle Byzantine amphoras from the Cape Stoba site
(drawing: Zmaić, V.; photo: I. Miholjek)
terranean, the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea.1 While it has proved
difficult to trace the development of medieval amphoras in the western
Mediterranean, the situation is quite different on the eastern part of the
Byzantine Empire, especially along the coasts of the Sea of Marmara and
the Black Sea, where workshops produced commercial-transport amphoras throughout the Middle Ages. A similar development can be discerned
in the waters along the eastern Adriatic coast, where trade involving Byzantine amphoras lasted until the 13th and 14th centuries. This is confirmed
by more than six known medieval shipwrecks with Byzantine amphora
cargoes, dozens of sporadic finds and several instances of amphoras incorporated into the domes of early medieval churches to improve their
acoustics (fig. 1) (Bakirtzis 1989, 77; Jurković, Turković 2012, 133-9).
Based on the findings from that area, the study of Byzantine amphoras resulting in
several classifications and typologies (Demangel, Mamboury 1939, 148-9; Brusić 1976;
Bakirtzis 1989, 73-7; Günsenin 1989, 267-76; Garver 1993).
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
Figure 5. Distribution of Middle Byzantine amphora types found on the Cape Stoba wreck-site
(drawing: Zmaić, V.)
More than fifty eight vessels can be attributed to Brusić’s Group I (Brusić
1976, 38) (fig. 4.1). They have a wide, emphasized shoulder and a slightly
funnel-shaped neck. The body is 40 cm in height and gradually narrows,
after the point of maximum diameter of 30 cm, to the flat base with a
concave centre. According to Garver’s chronological division of Byzantine amphoras from the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology,
these belong to her Class 8, dated the 9th-11th centuries, based on their
similarity to amphoras discovered during a renovation of the buildings at
Mangala in Istanbul, which were built at the time of Basil I (867-886) at
the end of the 9th century (Garver 1993, 152). The best-known parallels
are six amphoras found on the Serçe Limanı shipwreck, dated to the 11th
century (Van Doorninck 2002, 902). More close parallels can be found at
the Butrint site in Albany (Vroom 2012, 291, fig. 7), at the Agora of Athens,
dated to the 9th and 10th centuries (Robinson 1959, 120, pls. 34, 58), and
at the Saraçhane site in Istanbul in the layer dated to the 11th century
(Hayes 1992, 75, fig. 25.15) (fig. 5).
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Group II amphoras (Brusić 1976, 39-40) are represented by eleven specimens from the site. They have a short neck, pear shaped recipient and
massive handles which start just below the rim, and descend to the mid
shoulder (fig. 4.2). The base of the vessels varies from rounded to slightly
conical. According to Garver, these amphoras belong to her Class 1, dated
mainly to the 10th and the 11th centuries. Based on their similarity to
amphoras discovered during a renovation of the buildings at Mangala
in Istanbul (Demangel, Mamboury 1939, 148-9), which were built at the
time of Basil I (867-886) this type appears earlier, during the 9th century
(Garver 1993, 57-60). The closest parallels are amphoras from Istanbul,
Kherson in the south-west Crimea, Sarkel on the Don (Jakobson 1951, 333,
fig. 6.25-27) and from Preslav in Bulgaria (Doncheva-Petkova 1977, 193-4,
pl XXX:356). In the Saint Sophia church at Ohrid, thirteen amphoras of
that form were found built into the vault, in order to improve resonance
(Aleksova 1960, 202-3; Brusić 1976, 39) (fig. 5). There are sixteen related
specimens in the collection of the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology (Garver 1993, 6-60).
Group III amphoras (Brusić 1976, 38) are the most common at Cape
Stoba, and more than eighty-four examples have been found evenly distributed across the site. These amphoras have a similar upper part to those
in Groups I or II, while the body tapers in a cone shape, like the earlier
Late Roman ‘carrot’ amphoras (fig. 4.3). Several variants of this type were
found and the differences between them are related to dimensions and
volume, varying between 45 and 60 cm in height, 21 to 25 cm in diameter
and 5 to 7 l in capacity. The closest parallels to this type are four amphoras
built into the construction of the vaults in the Church of John the Baptist in
Kerch, dated to the 9th-10th century (Jakobson 1979, 75). A few examples
of a similar type were discovered at Preslav, dated to the 10th and 11th
centuries, and at a monastery complex near Karaach Teke in the east of the
medieval Bulgarian state (Todorova 2012, 18-9, 23) (fig. 5). It seems that
this amphora type represents a reminiscence of the well-known Sinopean
‘carrot’ amphora, which was manufactured from the 4th and throughout
most of the 5th century AD (Magomedov, Didenko 2010, 480). Most ‘carrot’ amphoras occur across the whole Black Sea littoral during the Late
Roman period, particularly along the northern and western coast where
the forms were adopted by some Heraklean and Chersonesan workshops
(Opaiţ 2010, 373). The shape, size and capacity of the Byzantine amphoras
from the Cape Stoba wreck are significantly different from the Late Roman
types, particularly with their distinctive massive handles attached close to
the rim, a shorter neck and a flattened base.
Six examples of small piriform amphoras that belonged to the Group
IV have been found at the site. They are 30-32 cm high, with a stubby
neck and oval handles reaching from the rim to the shoulder where the
amphora is the widest, at about 17 cm in diameter (fig. 4.4). This type
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Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
belongs to Brusić’s Group IV (Brusić 1976, 41), and Günsenin’s Type XI
of Byzantine amphoras (Günsenin 1990, 39), dating them to the 10th and
11th centuries. The closest parallels are the amphoras found on the 11thcentury Serçe Limanı shipwreck, and in the Agora of Athens where they
were found in the stratum dated to the 10th and 11th centuries. The same
date is given for this type of amphora found in Bulgaria at Preslav and
in the monastery complex near Karaach (Todorova 2012, 19, 23) (fig. 5).
Only two amphoras from the site can be connected to a time and place of
production. This type belongs to Group V. It has a wide piriform body and
no toe at the bottom. It is 37 cm in height and 33 cm in diameter, with a
stubby neck and small oval handles reaching from the rim to the shoulder
(fig. 4.5). Günsenin (1989, 269-71) included amphoras of this type in her
Type I of Byzantine amphoras, and dated them to the 10th-12th centuries.
She linked them to the production of wine at the Ganos monastery in the
Marmara region (Günsenin 2009, 147). The monastery was founded in the
10th century at the base of a mountain sacred to the monks in this area,
comparable to those of Bithynia or Athos. From the 10th century on, the
monastery was engaged in amphora production, probably for the export
of locally produced wine (Günsenin 2009, 145-6). Surveys of the region
carried out in the 1990s located several amphora kiln sites at Ganos (now
Gaziköy), a village on the north-west coast of the Sea of Marmara, at Chora
(Hoşköy), and two sites on Marmara Island, as well as others beyond the
immediate area of Ganos, that produced this type (Günsenin 1999, 19). At
the same time, underwater surveys along the Marmara islands resulted
in the location of 13 Byzantine shipwrecks, eight of which were carrying
Ganos amphoras (Günsenin 2001, 117-33). The same type of amphora can
be found in almost all parts of the Byzantine Empire and beyond, which
suggests that Ganos wine was a part of a large-scale trading network:
along the coast of Byzantine Asia Minor (see the Serçe Limanı shipwreck),
on Crete and Cyprus. Internationally, they reached Egypt, the Levant,
southern Italy, countries bordering the Black Sea, and inland to Sarkel,
and north into Russia and Sweden (Günsenin 2009, 152) (fig. 5).
Twenty four piriform amphoras of Group VI were recovered from the
site. They have a rounded base, a short neck, thinly rolled rim and thick,
oval handles that in some cases slightly overpass the rim. Dimensions vary
from 40 to 45 cm in height and 25 to 35 cm in diameter (fig. 4.6). Several
variants of this type have been found at the site, and the differences can
be observed in the shape of the neck, the rim, the position and height of
the handle, the diameter of the body, as well as in the capacity of the vessel. According to available data, this is the most widely distributed type
of Middle Byzantine amphora (fig. 5). These vessels belong to Brusić’s VA
Group (Brusić 1976, 41), Bakirtzis’ Type I, dated to the period from the
late 9th to the 11th century (Bakirtzis 1989, 74-7) and Garver’s Class 5,
dated to the period from the 9th to the 13th century (Garver 1993, 129-36).
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
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Similar amphoras have been found in pottery kilns in Kherson, in southern
Crimea, and at other sites on the northern coast of the Black Sea, in Kerch
and in Sarkel on the Don (Jakobson 1979, 71-3) suggesting a Crimean
provenance. The possibility that they were produced elsewhere along the
Mediterranean coast cannot be excluded, however, since a similar type has
been found at numerous sites over a vast area. For example, three such
amphoras are stored in the Bodrum Museum and analogous specimens
were discovered in Istanbul, at the Agora of Athens, on the island of Samos,
and in the harbour at Antikythera in Greece (Coldstream, Huxley 1972,
269-70, fig. 87.18; Garver 1993, 135), on the Svichtov site in Bulgaria, Dinogetia and Capidava in Romania, in the Church of Saint Sophia in Ohrid
and in Kostol and Belgrade in Serbia (Bjelajac 1989, 113). There are many
parallels on the eastern Adriatic as well: on the shipwreck in the vicinity
of Nin, near the islet of Ošljak in the Zadar Channel, in the Port of Hvar, in
Umag and in the bay of Pijan in Istria (Brusić 1976, 41; 2010, 246). Some
similar vessels where found at San Francesco del Deserto and at Torcello
islands in the Venetian Lagoon (Toniolo 2007, 103) (fig. 5).
Two ovoid amphoras with a stubby neck and massive high-placed handles that rise slightly above the rim belong to Group VII (fig. 4.7). The
amphora is relatively small, only 37 cm in height and 20 cm in diameter.
These amphoras belong to Brusić’s Group VA (Brusić 1976, 41), and to
Günsenin’s Type XV (1990, 308, pl. LXXXIV/3; 313, pl. LXXXVI/1). The
closest parallels are amphoras embedded in the vault construction of the
church of Saint Barbara in Trogir, from 7th decade of the 11th century
(Brusić 2010, 249; Jurković, Turković 2012, 137) and amphoras found in
Albania at the site Butrint, in the city of Durrёs (ancient Dyrrhacium), in
Greece on the island of Cefalonia (Scognamiglio 1997, 18) and at the Agora
in Athens in the layer dated to the 11th and 12th centuries (Günsenin 1990,
pl. LXXXVI/1). Amphoras of similar shape have been found on the opposite
coast of the Adriatic, on the area off southeast Apulia at Mola di Bari, in
Brindisi and at Capo San Vito near Taranto (Volpe et al. 2007, 363-4) (fig.
5). Excavations and archaeological finds at Otranto, the site of Quattro
Macine, Antifano, the monastic sites of San Giovanni Malcantone, and Le
Centoporte, as well as pre-disturbance surveys of the underwater sites
around Apulia that took place the during 1980s and 1990s, have revealed
an abundance of amphoras made from a distinctly local Apulian fabric, in
contexts dating from the 10th-11th to the 13th century (Arthur, Auriemma
1996, 16). Since medieval amphora kilns were also found in Apulia (Arthur,
Auriemma 1996, 16), a future comparative petrographic analysis may reveal the origin of these products. Production of Middle Byzantine amphoras in that area can be explained by the fact that in the second half of the
9th century Apulia was returned to the Byzantines who kept it for nearly
two centuries, during which time they initiated the revival of many cities
prior to the arrival of the Normans in 1043. It seems that the production
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
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and exportation of surplus agricultural produce was relatively abundant
in that period and the port of Otranto was a major Middle Byzantine town
from which goods left Apulia and supplied other parts of the Byzantine
Empire to the East (Arthur, Auriemma 1996, 14).
Among the amphoras, one fragment of a neck was found with a base
part of the handle and the distinctive broad angular rim (fig. 4.8). Only
a small part of the handles was preserved, but it is suggested that they
extend above the rim. Amphoras with these characteristics belong to a
type of piriform vessels with bowed handles. This type (our Group VIII)
was very common and well represented in the Eastern Mediterranean and
the Black Sea basin from the 10th to the 12th century, but it is a very rare
find in the Adriatic region. This is apparently the sole example of this type
found on the eastern Adriatic coast. According to Günsenin’s typology it
belongs to the Type II b (Günsenin 1990, 31-4), and to Type IV in Bakirtzis’
classification (Bakirtzis 1989, 74-5). Similar examples have been found further to the west, in Thessaloniki and at the Agora in Athens. Furthermore,
this type can be traced along the Black Sea basin in Kherson, Kerch, and
inland up to Sarkel on the Don (Jakobson 1979, 109-10), and in Tulcea,
Dinogetia and Capidava in Romania (Barnèa 1989, 133-4). These amphoras
were found at the Mangala site in Istanbul (Demangel, Mamboury 1939,
198), in Sinop, in Şarköy on the north coast of the Marmara Sea, as well
as examples recovered from the area around the coast of Byzantine Asia
Minor, stored today in the Çanakkale Museum collections (Günsenin 1989,
270-1) (fig. 5).
Graffiti and Stamps
Many of the Byzantine amphoras from the Cape Stoba shipwreck have
graffiti on the upper part of the body (fig. 6). In addition to graffiti, some
amphoras were stamped before firing. The graffiti can be divided into
several distinct groups: single-mark and multiple-mark graffiti, Greek/
Cyrillic letters, Turkic/Oghuric runes, and geometric and pictorial symbols
or numerals (Collins 2012, 95). The most common marks are X, M, and A.
These symbols could be categorized as a Greek/Cyrillic letters, but they
also have parallels in runic alphabets and the mark X may represent a
number, such as the Roman numeral ten. X appears in multiple character
marks, including ligatures: XM, AX, MAX, ΧMΛ, XMD or NX, and the mark
M appears in ligatures as well: XM, AM, MD, MP, MF, MFT, XMD. In general, the marks can be identified as symbols from various runic alphabets
that were used in the area around the Black Sea, particularly in Bulgaria
and the Crimea in the medieval period (Collins 2012, 118). There are also
plenty of parallels with graffiti on amphoras found on land sites around
the Black Sea basin, including Kherson, Sarkel, Kiev, Aegyssus-Tulcea,
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
Figure 6. A graffito and
stamps on the upper part
of an amphora
(photo: R. Mosković)
Dinogetia, Pliska, Sinope, and the mouth of the Don, as well as on amphoras from Byzantine shipwrecks, including the 7th-century Yassıada shipwreck, the 11th-century Serçe Limanı shipwreck, the 13th-century Novy
Svet shipwreck and the 13th-century Çamaltý Burnu shipwreck (Collins
2012, 138). Therefore, the graffiti indicate the potential participation of
several ethnic groups in Byzantine maritime trade, including the Danube
and Balkan Bulgars, and the Khazars or other local Crimean populations
(Collins 2012, 107-58).
Three types of amphoras from the Cape Stoba shipwreck (Group I, IV,
V), as well as the graffiti on them have parallels with those from the 11thcentury Serçe Limanı shipwreck (Van Doorninck 1989, 253, fig. 3.16).
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Among other parallels, the most frequent marks on the Serçe Limanı shipwreck is the letter M, alone or with other ligatured marks, like those on
amphoras from Cape Stoba. The meaning of the graffiti on amphoras from
Cape Stoba wreck has not yet been established. During transportation
and distribution, graffiti had various uses: to indicate goods stored in the
amphoras or their capacity, either in volume or in weight. In trade, a wide
variety of individuals handled the amphoras, from the stevedores, to the
officials who regulated trade (Collins 2012, 107); therefore, these signs
could also relate to those activities. On the other hand, Van Doorninck has
hypothesized in his discussion of the Serçe Limanı amphoras that certain
groups of graffiti appear to be marks of ownership, and belong to crew or
merchants involved in the ship’s last voyage, while other graffiti appear
to be the potter’s marks. Considering that very close parallels of those
graffiti occur on medieval Bulgarian pottery and building materials, he
suggests that they represented marks of seamen and potters belonging
to a community of Bulgarians relocated to the north coast of the Sea of
Marmara (Van Doorninck, pers. comm., September 2015).
Of total of one hundred and ninety-two amphoras recovered, thirteen
were still closed with stoppers. After two amphoras were opened, it was
found that they contained sand till the stopper. As their stoppers were
sealed, the sand could not have washed in during their time on the seabed:
the amphoras were intentionally filled with sand and possibly re-used.
Parallels found in the Serçe Limanı cargo are crucial for dating the Cape
Stoba shipwreck. The Serçe Limanı ship sunk in the later part of the 3rd
decade of the 11th century, carrying a mixed cargo that included pottery,
glassware and glass cullet, probably in transit from the Fatimid Syrian
coast to a glass-making centre in Byzantine waters (Van Doorninck 1989,
250-7; Bass et al. 2004). Among the finds on the wreck were glass weights
for pan balances, used for weighing gold and silver Fatimid coins. The most
recent weights are stamped with a date that corresponds to 1024/1025
AD, or 1021/1022, thus they gave a chronological reference point (Van
Doorninck 2002, 902). In addition to the Serçe Limanı excavation, several
examples that confirm the chronology come from excavations in the Athenian Agora (Günsenin 1990, 287-318), where parallels for almost all the
types of amphoras from the Cape Stoba shipwreck can be found in sealed
strata dated to the 10th and 11th centuries (Zmaić Kralj et al. 2016, 11).
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Figure 7. Glassware: a. Cup; b-d. Bottles; e. Ewer; f. Lamp; g-h. Beakers
(drawing: M. Ferri, photo: R. Mosković)
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The Cape Stoba Shipwreck Glass (M.F.)
A part of the cargo of the Cape Stoba shipwreck consisted of glassware.
Until 2012, an estimated 50 glass vessels have been recovered.2 Some
of the glass was recovered in 1975, now held at the Dubrovnik Maritime
Museum (Han, Brusić 1978) where they were counted, but not measured
or drawn. However, most of the assemblage was been recovered during
the 2010-12 excavations.
The large quantity of glass recovered indicates that this material was
part of the cargo and not objects used aboard. The assemblage includes
four main forms: bowls, bottles, lamps, and beakers.
Bowls are the most common forms. They sit on a high pedestal foot
with a rough pontil mark and they are free-blown and mould-blown from
two gathers (fig. 7.a). While the upper part is transparent with a greenish
tinge, the lower part is deep blue and, in one of the two cups, has a continuous horizontal row of ring-and-dot ornament in low relief.
Transparent green bowls have a blue flaring rim and mould-blown, ringand-dot body with a low pushed-in foot ring. There are bowls with foot
rings of three different sizes, ranging from 35 to 80 mm. A rim from one
of these bowls has a tiny inscription, incised on it and not yet deciphered
(Han, Brusić 1978, 272; Zmaić et al. 2016, 54).
There are many different variants of bottles (fig. 7.b-d), ranging from
those with one or more bulges in the neck, with applied decorative threads
of blue-coloured glass (Brusić 2010, 252), or with necks shaped like a
simple truncated cone; sometimes blue trails are applied. It is noticeable
that at least one ewer, with a rim shaped like an inverted cone, a pinched
pouring lip and a truncated neck with applied trail decoration, has been
recovered (fig. 7.e).
Fourteen lamps had been found prior to the 2012 campaign, attested
by the presence of solid beaded stems with a pontil mark on the base. Unfourtunately, the lamp cup is invariably missing. Moreover, wall fragments
with applied handles indicate the presence of mosque lamps. Fragments
of scalloped, decorated pseudo handles, characterized by loops and curls
formed by long irregular trails applied to the wall are probably also lamps
(fig. 7.f). This type of handle was common, and sometimes associated to
mussel-shaped mosque lamp handles (Bass et al. 2009, 413). However,
a wall fragment with this wing decoration recovered in past excavations
has been improperly restored with a flared neck (Han, Brusić 1978, 276).
Finally, beakers are very few with only two recorded prior to the 2012
campaign: one has a recurring ring-and-dot decoration and a second example has a wheel-cut decorative technique (fig. 7.g-h). This beaker is
This count does not comprise glass fragments recovered during 2015 campaign.
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
the only one found of this type between the Cape Stoba glass finds. The
engraved design resembles that representing an arcade found on a Islamic
glass beaker dated to 900-1025 held at the Corning Museum of Glass.3
The glassware from the wreck forms a very consistent group including
bowls, bottles, lamps, and a distinct group of beakers. The glass fits the
11th-century date provided by the associated pottery.
The Cape Stoba glass finds have been created using many and complex
glassworking techniques. Many of the artefacts are made of a transparent
light green/yellow and blue glass with a ring-and-dot decoration, created
using dip moulds. This decorative technique was used in the area of Syria,
as suggested by the Syrian metal mould dated to the 9th-11th century
(Kröger 2007, 265). Actually, the ring-and-dot mould decoration is frequent
in early Islamic glass from Nishapur (Kröger 1995), but is uncommon in
the Serçe Limanı glassware assemblage, as well as the use of two gathers
in different colours. Moreover, in the Cape Stoba glass finds, some vessels
have applied trails: the knowledge of another working technique suggests
a highly specialized workshop.
The artefacts are of uniformly high quality and the same decoration is
used on several vessel shapes. Apart from one beaker, the glass assemblage has a very consistent appearance and the same colours are utilized.
This homogeneity suggests that nearly all the glassware was produced in
the same area, maybe by a single workshop.
The only vessel that we can keep out from the cargo assemblage is the
beaker with wheel-cut decoration: in this piece colour, decorative technique and shape are extremely different from the other vessels. One wonders whether this beaker may have belonged to someone on board the ship
and whether this beaker was not part of the cargo.
The Cape Stoba ship transported a cargo likely direct to the Byzantine
towns on the eastern or north Adriatic coasts. The glassware was probably
made in the eastern Mediterranean, as paralleling in shape and ornamentation suggests, but one can exclude it was produced in the same workshop
as the Serçe Limanı glassware (Bass et al. 2009, 413).
The shipment of Levantine glassware found in the Adriatic Sea might
enable the definition of clients and recipients in a trade system that has
so far only been hypothesized. The unique character of those finds still
in the 9th century imply for the Adriatic region and the Balkan Peninsula
a gift system and not a neighboring market (Curta 2010, 272-3), but the
Cape Stoba shipwreck demonstrates the existence of a different network
for the supply and consumption of prestige goods, that previously were
only available through contact with elites.
3 (2016-10-15), accession no. 64.1.24.
Miholjek, Zmaić, Ferri. The Byzantine Shipwreck of Cape Stoba
Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo), 227-246
The island of Mljet is located on a traditional trade route between the eastern and the western Mediterranean. Preliminary investigations in 1975
and systematic excavation from 2010 to 2015 of the Cape Stoba shipwreck
site have enabled more than one hundred and ninety amphoras and a
glassware assemblage comprising approximately fifty vessels. Nine types
of amphora, probably used for the transportation of wine, were identified,
most of which bear characteristics attributable to production areas around
the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea, and one that can be linked to production in southern Apulia. Analogous amphora types found in the Serçe
Limanı shipwreck, dated shortly after 1025, suggest that the shipwreck
at Cape Stoba can be placed roughly in the same period.
Six medieval shipwrecks with amphora cargoes, and dozens of sporadic
finds found on land and in the sea of Dalmatia, are evidence that the widespread use of clay containers for trade within the Byzantine Empire was
still common practice in this area. A similar situation is reflected in areas
under Byzantine rule: Byzantine amphoras have been found in Albania,
Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, the area around the Black and Marmara Sea
as well as along the eastern Mediterranean coast, with Byzantium as the
trade and commercial centre. In contrast, in part due to the widespread
use of barrels for sea transportation (McCormick 2012, 91-4), finds of
Byzantine amphoras are rare and sporadic in the western Mediterranean
and most of Italy from the 8th century AD onwards. Apulia is the exception, as it continued under Byzantine rule until the Norman conquest of
the 11th century.
The Cape Stoba ship sunk while transporting an eastern Mediterranean
cargo, most probably intended for trade with the Byzantine towns on the
eastern or north Adriatic coasts. Two Byzantine amphoras of the Apulian
type in the ship’s cargo points to the possibility that the ship stopped in a
harbour in southern Puglia.
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