Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research
Volume 2, Issue 5, 2015, pp. 138-151
Available online at
ISSN: 2376-760X
‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material
Design and Student Learning
Gerannaz Zamani
PhD candidate of TEFL, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Reza Rezvani
Assistant professor of TEFL, Yasouj University, Iran
Higher-order thinking skills or ‘HOTS’ for short are essential outcome criteria of higher
education in any discipline. It is thinking that is characterized in terms of ‘analysis’,
‘evaluation’ and ‘creation’ levels of Anderson and Krathwohl's taxonomy. This paper
attempts to evaluate higher order thinking skills represented in Iran's Organization for
Researching and Composing University Textbooks in the Humanities (known as SAMT)
official English textbooks of TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) using Anderson and
Krathwohl's taxonomy of the cognitive domain. Three University English textbooks
pertaining to the specialized courses; that is, Methodology, Language testing, and Linguistics
were included in the analysis. To codify the cognitive processes involved in these materials,
a coding scheme was developed by the researchers based on Anderson and Krathwohl's
taxonomy of the cognitive domain. The exercises and activities of the textbooks were
codified and the frequencies and percentages of occurrence of different thinking processes
were calculated. The most important finding emerging from this study is that in all the
textbooks lower-order thinking skills were more frequently targeted and represented than
higher-order ones. Moreover, the difference between the language testing, methodology and
linguistics textbooks in terms of the degrees of the engagement of higher-order thinking was
notable, as in the language testing textbook, from among these three, attention has been
paid most to critical thinking. Results of this study have implications both for specialized
language materials development and evaluation.
Keywords: higher-order thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, Anderson and
Krathwohl's taxonomy of the cognitive domain
Some researchers and scholars use the terms ‘higher-order thinking’, ‘critical thinking’
and ‘scientific thinking’ interchangeably. Higher order thinking, or ‘HOT’ for short, takes
thinking to higher levels than memorizing and recalling information. Others define
‘critical thinking’ as a part of the process of evaluating the evidence collected in problem
solving or the results produced by thinking creatively (Crowl, 1997; Lewis & Smith,
* Correspondence: Gerannaz Zamani, Email:
© 2015 Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015, 2(5)
1993). Critical thinking also has been described as: reasonable thinking, reflective and
goal-directed in evaluating the evidence for an argument for which all the relevant
information may not be available (Cotton, 1997; Crowl, 1997; Facione, 1998; Lewis &
Smith, 1993). Crowl et al., (1997) regard critical thinking as vital component in
metacognitive processes. Interpretation, explanation, analysis, inference, and selfregulation require analytical, systematic, inquisitive, judicious, open-minded, truthseeking, and confident dispositions toward critical-thinking processes (Facione, 1998).
Definitions of higher-order thinking fall into three categories: (1) those that define
higher-order thinking in terms of transfer, (2) it in terms of critical thinking, and (3) in
terms of problem solving. Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) division of learning into
learning for retention and learning for transfer is the most general of the approaches to
higher-order thinking. Learning for retention surely requires a type of thinking, but it is
learning for transfer that they consider as ‘meaningful learning’. This approach leads to
their construction of the Cognitive dimension in Bloom’s revised taxonomy. For many
teachers, operating with their state standards and curriculum documents, higher-order
thinking is approached as the ‘top end’ of Bloom’s revised taxonomy: Analyze, Evaluate,
and Create, or, in the older language, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation (Anderson &
Krathwohl, 2001). The teaching goal behind the cognitive taxonomy is equipping
students to be able to do transfer. ‘Being able to think’ means students can apply the
skills and knowledge they developed during their learning to new situations and
contexts. ‘New’ here implies applications that the student has not thought of or
encountered before, not necessarily something new. Higher-order thinking is
considered as students being able to relate their learning to other elements further than
those they were taught to associate with it. The following definition refers to the
transfer category:
"Two of the most important educational goals are to promote retention and to promote
transfer. Retention requires that students remember what they have learned, whereas
transfer requires students not only to remember but also to make sense of and be able
to use what they have learned" (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001, p. 63).
In the critical thinking category, higher-order thinking is, ‘being able to think’ means
students can apply wise judgment or produce a reasoned critique. The critical thinking
category includes this definition:
"Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to
believe or do" (Norris & Ennis, 1989, p. 3). In this case the goal of teaching is helping
students to be able to reflect, reason, and make sound decisions. Barahal (2008), also
defines critical thinking as ‘artful thinking’ (p. 299), which includes reasoning, observing
and describing, comparing and connecting, finding complexity, and exploring
‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material Design and Student Learning
Nitko & Brookhart (2007), define problem solving as the non-automatic strategizing
required for reaching a goal. A problem is a goal that cannot be solved with a
memorized solution. Bransford and Stein also point out that problem solving is the
general mechanism behind all thinking, even recall. To recall something, students have
to identify it as a problem. The goal of teaching then is to equip students to be able to
identify and solve problems in their academic work and in life. In the problem solving
category higher-order thinking is when:
"A student incurs a problem when the student wants to reach a specific outcome or goal
but does not automatically recognize the proper path or solution to use to reach it. The
problem to solve is how to reach the desired goal. Because a student cannot
automatically recognize the proper way to reach the desired goal, she must use one or
more higher-order thinking processes. These thinking processes are called problem
solving" (Nitko & Brookhart, 2007, p. 215).
Despite the challenges related to defining higher order thinking, administrators,
educators, and evaluators have expressed agreement about the value of teaching it
(Patrick, 1986; Marzano, Hughes, 1988; Carrol, 1989; Cotton, 1997; Young, 1997).
Although information and memorization provide “a refrigerator in which to store a
stock of meanings for future use,” it is the judgment that “selects and adopts the one to
be used in an emergency . . .” (Dewey, 1933, p. 125). Thus teaching and assessing
higher-order thinking provides students with relevant skills and helps them improve
their content knowledge, lower order thinking, and self-esteem (DeVries & Kohlberg,
1987; McDavitt, 1993; Son & VanSickle, 1993). A study conducted by Zamani and
Rezvani (2014) investigated critical thinking skills in MA high-stakes tests of TEFL and
English Translation through the use of Anderson and Krathwohl's (2001) taxonomy.
The findings showed that the degree of critical thinking skills in TEFL and English
translation UEEs were not so pleasing and the majority of the test items revealed lowerorder thinking skills.
Recent literature on critical thinking explicitly has addressed critical thinking as the
ability to evaluate evidence and arguments and to construct rationales for beliefs plus
examination of one’s own reasoning (Bruning, 1994). Two perspectives have been
employed in the investigation of critical thinking (King & Kitchener, 1994). One
perspective centers on the development of logical reasoning and the ability to form
logical arguments and draw logically inductive and deductive inferences (Salmon,
1989). The second and main perspective in the literature regards critical thinking as
reflective judgment and is considered as a problem-solving process where a
demonstrably correct solution cannot be identified (Beachboard, 2010).
All education involves transmitting to student's two different things: (1) the discipline
content of the course ‘what to think’, and (2) ‘how to think’, the correct way to
understand and evaluate this subject matter content (Schafersman, 1991). The first goal
of education, ‘what to think’, is so traditionally apparent that instructors and textbooks
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015, 2(5)
may focus all their efforts on transmitting basic knowledge. On the other hand, the
second goal of education, ‘how to think’ or critical thinking, is often so subtle that
textbooks and instructors fail to recognize it and students fail to realize its absence
(Schafersman, 1991). Hence this elusive issue is of critical importance to be realized in
educational settings.
Textbook evaluation
Torres (1994 cited in Litz, 2005) suggests that the textbook is an almost universal
element of English language teaching and no teaching-learning situation, is complete
until it has its relevant textbook. There are different attitudes towards textbooks.
Tomlinson (2001) divides the attitudes into two groups: supporters and opponents.
Supporters argue that textbooks are the most convenient form of presenting materials
because they give systematicity, consistency, cohesion, and progression. The second
group contends that textbooks are superficial and reductionist in their coverage and are
not able to satisfy the diverse and broad needs of all their users. It is implied that the
first group In spite of this disagreement it is widely agreed that textbooks are of great
value in the process of teaching and learning (e.g. Cunningsworth, 1995; Haycroft, 1998;
O’Neil, 1982; Sheldon, 1988).
Continuous evaluation of textbooks to see if they are appropriate is of great importance.
Genesee (2001) stated evaluation in TESOL settings is a process of collecting, analyzing
and interpreting information. This process allows us to make decisions through which
student achievement will increase and educational programs will be more successful.
Chadran (2001) conducted a study about English textbooks used in Malaysian schools.
English teachers of over thirty schools participated in informal interviews with the
researcher about their perceptions, attitudes and beliefs about the textbooks prescribed
to them by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. Results revealed that, teachers
preferred commercially produced materials available in the market over the prescribed
textbooks, and they considered the textbooks dull and outdated and that they were not
properly graded in terms of difficulty. Morgan (2003) evaluated IELTS materials and
showed that there is a need for more materials that are beyond test-taking practice and
aim at developing the language competencies that the candidates need for their work or
study destinations. Weiten, Deguara, Rehmke, and Sewell (1999) focused on textbook
pedagogical aids while they focused on students as the main users of textbooks. They
examined students’ evaluation of textbook pedagogical aids and found that chapter
glossaries, boldface technical terms, chapter summaries and self-tests received the
highest marks in their evaluation.
Vellenga (2004) ran a study on how pragmatics was presented in EFL/ESL textbooks.
She studied eight English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as Foreign Language
(EFL) textbooks to determine the quality and amount of pragmatic information
included. She believes that textbooks seldom provide enough information for learners
to effectively acquire pragmatic competence. The results indicated that the textbooks
include a scarcity of meta-linguistic and meta-pragmatic information, and the
‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material Design and Student Learning
comparison of EFL and ESL textbooks shows that while there is small amount of
pragmatic information across all texts, a greater percentage of pages of EFL texts
comprise pragmatic information.
While different approaches and criteria have been presented to evaluate textbooks (e.g.
Cunningworth, 1995; Harmer, 1996; Williams, 1983), taxonomies like of educational
objectives also prove useful in textbook evaluation studies. Sultana (2001) used the
taxonomy to examine 67 teacher interns' lesson plans in Kentucky to determine the
extent to which their lesson objectives develop higher-order thinking skills in their
students. This analysis revealed that 41.3% of the new teachers’ lesson objectives were
at the ‘knowledge’ level, the lowest cognitive category. Only 3.2% of the teachers’ lesson
objectives were found to be at the highest level of ‘evaluation’ in Bloom’s taxonomy.
Aviles (2000) believes that Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives can be used in
the wider context of education to help educators to think more precisely about what it
means to teach and test for critical thinking.
Most of the English textbook evaluation studies conducted in Iran focus on three main
goals. The first group has tried to develop some criteria to contribute to more successful
textbook evaluation studies (e.g., Ansary & Babaii, 2002). The second group has
evaluated textbooks for their strength and weaknesses to find their advantages and
flaws (e.g., Jahangard, 2007; Riazi & Aryashokouh, 2007), and the third group has
studied discourse features and the representation of discourse elements in the
textbooks (e.g., Darali, 2007; Tavakoli, 1995). Jahangard (2007) evaluated four EFL
textbooks used in the Iranian high schools by the Ministry of Education. He discussed
the advantages and weaknesses of the textbooks with reference to 13 common criteria
extracted from different materials evaluation checklists. Riazi and Aryashokouh (2007)
also studied four high school and pre-university English textbooks centering on the
consciousness-raising aspect of vocabulary exercises. They realized that from among all
activities in the four books, only one percent of them could be classified as
consciousness-raising. In the area of pragmatics a study has been conducted by Darali
(2007). She made a careful analysis on Spectrum series with the application of six
models proposed by Searle (1976), Leech (1983), Matreyek (1990), Holms (1990),
Leech (1983) and Thomas (1983), and Halliday (1978). The results of the study showed
that the series have provided a variety of language functions, but some important
language functions that are used in daily speech more frequently, e.g. promising,
vowing, and threatening, not only were in the form of unintended function, but also they
were not as frequent as others. Razmjoo (2007) used Hymes’ (1972) scheme to
investigate the extent to which the Iranian high school and private institute textbooks
represent the CLT principles. The analysis of the data indicated that while high school
textbooks are not conductive to CLT implementation, private institute textbooks
represent the CLT principles to a great extent.
Gordani (2010) explored different types of learning objectives inherent in Iranian
guidance school English textbooks from the viewpoint of Bloom's taxonomy. The study
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015, 2(5)
used Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives (1956) in analyzing the material
found in Iranian guidance school English textbooks. The results showed that all of the
items were concentrated in the first three levels of Bloom's taxonomy which are
referred to as the lower levels of cognitive skills. In addition, a significant difference was
found between the textbooks in their inclusion of different levels of cognitive skills.
Riazi and Mosallanejad (2010) investigated the types of learning objectives represented
in Iranian senior high school and pre-university English textbooks using Bloom’s
taxonomy of learning objectives. To codify the learning objectives, a coding scheme was
developed based on Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy of learning objectives. The results of the
study indicate that in all grades lower-order cognitive skills were more prevalent than
higher-order ones. Furthermore, the difference between the senior high school and the
pre-university textbooks in terms of the levels of the taxonomy were significant insofar
as the pre-university textbook used some degrees of higher-order learning objectives.
As this review of literature indicates, there is little research on the cognitive domains in
textbook evaluation studies. No comprehensive study has yet been carried out to
evaluate higher-order thinking using Andersons and Krathwohl's taxonomy. Therefore,
in the current study an attempt has been made to focus on the components of the
cognitive domain of TEFL English textbooks currently in use in Iranian universities.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate Iranian SAMT English textbooks of TEFL. The
evaluation took place with regard to the six levels of Anderson and Krathwohl's
taxonomy of the cognitive domain. The study intended to investigate how the content of
textbooks represents higher-order thinking skills in terms of Anderson and Krathwohl's
taxonomy of the cognitive domain.
The study, therefore, attempted to find answers to the following questions:
1. How are the TEFL books evaluated in terms of higher-order cognitive skills?
2. How could higher-order thinking skills in SAMT TEFL books be compared?
3. Which levels of the cognitive process dimension are most frequently represented
in TEFL textbooks currently in use in Iranian universities?
This study was a textbook evaluation study. Using a coding scheme, the exercises and
activities of SAMT English textbooks pertaining to the specialized courses of TEFL,
including methodology, language testing, and linguistics were content analyzed and
coded in terms of the cognitive processes and the frequency and percentage of each
cognitive process were calculated for each textbook. A Chi-square test was performed In
order to determine if there was a significant pattern in the occurrence of higher and
lower-order thinking skills in the textbooks.
‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material Design and Student Learning
Coding Scheme
The content of the textbooks were evaluated by making use of a coded scheme based on
the respective classification of the cognitive processes in Anderson and Krathwohl's
Taxonomy. Their definitions of different levels of the cognitive process dimension were
carefully studied and the key word examples were used. The coding scheme
represented the six cognitive processes from the simple recognition and recall of facts,
as the lowest level, through progressively more complex and abstract mental levels of
evaluation and creation.
The coding categories were labeled as: 1) to remember 2) understand 3) apply 4)
analyze 5) evaluate 6) create. Each category comprised examples for each level, key
words that signified intellectual activity on each level and task samples. Since the verbs
describe the intended cognitive process, we examined the verb in each question or
exercise in relation to the cognitive process categories. For example a question from the
methodology textbook states: ‘Compare GTM with the cognitive method and explain
why the former is not scientific’. In this example, based on the coding scheme the two
verbs, ‘compare and explain’ are associated with the cognitive category ‘understand’,
which is a lower-order cognitive skill. (See appendix 1 for the coding scheme).
SAMT (The Organization for Researching and Composing University Textbooks in the
Humanities) was established by order of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution to
render scientific services to universities, and publish research-based and university
books. SAMT provides basic and reference books as well as textbooks and various other
educational sources in the humanities for Iranian universities and higher education
institutes. In this paper the English SAMT textbooks of TEFL pertaining to the
specialized courses including methodology, language testing, and linguistics were used
as the materials to be evaluated using Anderson and Krathwohl's cognitive process
dimension. The list of the books published by SAMT for B.A. TEFL program is as follows:
Farhady, H., Delshad, S. (2007). An Introduction to Methodology for TEFL/TESL.
Tehran: The organization for researching and Composing University textbooks in
the Humanities (SAMT).
Farhady, H., Ja'farpur, A., & Birjandi, p. (2007). Testing Language Skills from
Theory to Practice. Tehran: The organization for researching and Composing
University textbooks in the Humanities (SAMT).
Farrokhpey, M. (2006). Linguistics & language. Tehran: The organization for
researching and Composing University textbooks in the Humanities (SAMT).
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015, 2(5)
Table 1 includes the number of chapters in each of the textbooks; the numbers of
questions which are included in the textbook and the types of knowledge textbooks
have focused on.
Table 1. Overall features of TEFL English textbooks
Lang teaching
of chapters
Number of
of questions
Lang testing
The frequency and percentage of the thinking processes in TEFL English textbooks are
presented in Table 2. The results were obtained through the codification of the activities
of all three textbooks. The most frequent thinking processes were understand and
remember in the methodology textbook (34.9%, 34.3% ; respectively), while the least
frequent cognitive process was create, with the frequency of 2.9%. No attention has
been paid to ’apply’. In language testing, the most frequent cognitive processes were
remember and evaluate (28.8%, 26.1% respectively) while analyze was totally absent in
the coded data. Understand, create, and apply came in between in this range (28.8%13%). With regard to linguistics, the two higher-order cognitive skills, evaluation and
creation were totally ignored and notoriously absent. And apply with the frequency of
50% received the highest attention.
Table 2. Frequency and percentage of thinking processes pertaining to TEFL English textbooks
If we categorize the six levels of Anderson and Krathwohl's taxonomy into “lower” order
thinking skills including ‘remember, understand, and apply’ and ‘higher’ order thinking
‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material Design and Student Learning
skills comprising ‘analyze, evaluate and create’, then we can restate the information in
Table 2 as demonstrated in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Lower and higher-order thinking skills in TEFL English textbooks
thinking skills
As indicated in Table 3, lower-order thinking skills are the most frequent thinking skills
according to the classification of learning objectives of Anderson and Krathwohl's
taxonomy. It is important to note the frequency of occurrence of evaluation and
creation, which are central to critical thinking, in the language testing textbook with the
frequency of (26.1%, 13.5%). While it was absent in the linguistic textbook, it occurred
even more than the lower-order thinking processes including understand and apply.
This shows that attention to higher-order cognitive skills is considerable in the language
testing textbook by allocating 39.6% of its activities to higher-order cognitive skills.
Although lower-order cognitive skills are still more frequent in this textbook, the
frequency of occurrences of the skills at the highest levels of the taxonomy is
In order to observe how SAMT TEFL textbooks could be compared in terms of higher
and lower levels of Anderson and Krathwohl’s taxonomy, a Chi-square was carried out
which gave a significant difference (X2 = 7.49, df= 2, p=.02) between higher and lower
order thinking skill in the three textbooks.
The activities in each chapter of the methodology textbook consist of three parts. The
first part deals with information type questions which mainly fall in the cognitive
categories ‘Remember and understand’, since these questions require recall and
explanation of information presented earlier in the text. The next part are discussion
questions which entails students to construct and explain the causes and effects of a
model and evaluate concepts, therefore they mostly deal with ‘understand and
evaluate’. The last part is a scenario followed by troubleshooting questions. These
questions mainly comprise higher-order thinking skills including ‘evaluate and create’.
Because these questions require students to transfer what they have learned to a new
context. They are engaged in problem solving which entails systematic and reflective
The two main categories of evaluation including, checking and critiquing were prevalent
in language testing book activities. Most exercises involve students to make judgments
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015, 2(5)
based on predetermined criteria or standards, especially when it comes to chapter 5
which concerned test construction. The activities require students to detect the problem
in each defective test item and find a way to solve the problem. The linguistics book
overlooked higher-order thinking skills specially ‘evaluate and create’. It is however
surprising a book with 21 chapters only includes 28 questions half of which are
associated with the cognitive process ‘apply’. The exercises required students to execute
certain linguistic rules particularly the chapter pertaining to phonology. After language
testing, the methodology textbook received the highest frequency in giving preeminence
to higher-order thinking. But mainly the exercises focused on the two first cognitive
levels of remember and understand, requiring students to recall and explain factual
The overall finding to emerge from this study is that lower-order cognitive skills were
more frequent than higher-order cognitive skills. This could be a result of the fact that
there is much more emphasis on acquiring knowledge in the form of rote learning and
memorization, rather than constructing it through higher-order thinking skills such as
evaluation and creation.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the present study is that the most frequent
learning objectives pursued in the Iranian SAMT English textbooks of TEFL were lowerorder cognitive skills, that is, ‘remember’, ‘understand’ and ‘analyze’. Among the TEFL
textbooks, language testing addressed the significance of critical thinking skills to the
largest extent. Despite the fact that textbook developers sporadically have tried to
change the activities to address higher-order thinking skills, preoccupation with the
growth of learners’ comprehension is vivid. The result of this study indicated that, scant
attention has been paid to higher-order thinking skills and the main objectives of the
textbooks were the development of lower-order cognitive skills. In order to foster the
content of the textbooks, textbook writers should try to devise activities and exercises
that go beyond lower-order thinking skills and require critical thinking; furthermore, in
the process of textbook revision, good qualities of the textbooks should be preserved
and the flaws should be excluded. It should be mentioned that further studies or the same
can be replicated on other SAMT textbooks in order to improve the quality of the current
Based on the results of the study, some pedagogical implications can be stated with the
hope that the present study would be a useful source to solve many problems in the
area of language learning and teaching, material production, textbook design, discourse
analysis, conversation analysis, and even test construction. First of all, this study can
mainly be beneficial for teachers since they will have an idea about the degree of the
higher-order thinking skills in TEFL SAMT textbooks, so that they can better
compensate for the shortcomings. This study can also provide material developers and
textbook writers with the necessary information regarding the higher-order thinking
skills in TEFL SAMT textbooks. And finally textbook developers can take the pitfalls of
‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material Design and Student Learning
the textbooks into consideration as a useful source to modify and revise other
developing textbooks.
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‘HOTS’ in Iran's Official Textbooks: Implications for Material Design and Student Learning
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Coding scheme based on Anderson and Krathwohl's Taxonomy of the cognitive process dimension.
Keywords and examples
Task Samples
Retrieve relevant
from long term memory
Students recognize/recall
information from long term
Construct meaning from
messages, including oral,
written or graphic material
-Oddity tasks
In each group
of sounds
identify the
member which
does not belong
The student interprets, infers, explains
the information they receive.
Carry out or use a procedure
in a given situation
carry out
Compute the
standard deviation
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2015, 2(5)
of the scores in
the following
Example: Students carry out a
Procedure when confronted with
a familiar task.
-Students solve a problem using a
selected procedure.
Break the materials in to parts
And determine how they relate
To one another and the overall
-What does this
statement mean
in the passage?
Example: students distinguish
relevant from extraneous material.
Make judgments based on criteria
And standards
-Point out the
major weaknesses
in each item.
- Which procedure
best suits this
Example: the student is able to
Find the best solution to a problem
And can justify it.
Put elements together to form
a coherent whole, reorganize
elements into a new pattern
or structure
Think of other
other ways of
preparing multiplechoice items.
Example: students integrate information
For devising a solution method that meets
A problem's criteria.