Nukak: ethnoarchaeology of an Amazonian people

2008, Choice Reviews Online

AI-generated Abstract

Nukak presents a detailed ethnoarchaeological study of the Nukak people, a group of hunter-gatherers in the Colombian rain forest. Through multiple visits and extensive research, Politis examines their settlement patterns, mobility, subsistence strategies, and the socio-cultural dynamics of behavior, particularly in relation to archaeology. The work contributes valuable insights into the practical aspects of modern hunter-gatherer life and raises discussions around material culture, taboos, and foraging models, while also highlighting the challenges in conducting ethnographic research among nomadic populations.

| 333 Reseña de libro Nukak: Ethnoarchaeology of an Amazonian People. Gustavo G. Politis. 2007. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA, USA. 411 pp. ISBN 978-1-59874-229-9. Robert L. Kelly It is unfortunate but nonetheless true that many what I was doing there. Instead, they were certain I was archaeologists do not value modern ethnographies. Why? Archaeologists need information on material searching for gold or silver, and one of my students had to fend off accusations of witchcraft when measuring culture – how it is made, who uses it, how long it lasts, what happens when it breaks, what happens when its the diameters of house posts. Most people can understand an interest in kinship, religion, and politics, owner dies, and so on. Although there are some notable exceptions, few modern ethnographies pay attention to but trash and house posts? For this reason, I admire the amount of information that Politis was able to collect such mundane things. But archaeologists need these data to construct arguments that allow us to make in his several visits to the Nukak. secure inferences from the material things that we recover. For this reason, a few archaeologists have climbed out of their trenches and conducted ethnoarchaeological research with the living. Politis is one of those archaeologists, and Nukak is the result of his efforts. This book covers some of the same ground as his 1996 Nukak (published by the Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas) but is updated, placed in a larger theoretical context, and made available to the largely monolingual North American audience. Every archaeologist (and ethnographer) interested in hunter-gatherers, and especially those interested in tropical hunter-gatherers, will find something of value in Nukak. Politis describes their settlements in detail, noting the differences between wet and dry season camp construction and how these condition differences in how trash is left behind. Nukak contains some of the only information I know of on how long it takes to put a camp together, or to take one down in order to move. Politis describes their residential and logistical mobility, providing about the only account of how people The Nukak are a small group of hunter-gatherers actually move camp – who does what, what paths they follow, and whether old camps are reoccupied (they are who live in the Columbian rain forest. Politis worked with those who were least acculturated to western not). He describes their traditional technology and their subsistence, giving special attention to animal society. As an archaeologist who has also done ethnographic research, I understand the effort that lies exploitation. The book ends with a chapter devoted to what the Nukak data have to say about several perennial behind Nukak. Ethnography, especially that of nomadic peoples in isolated places, is not easy. There are the issues in the anthropology of hunter-gatherers (at least, those issues that concern archaeologists). He includes usual problems: language barriers, medical issues, feeding yourself and your students, explaining yourself two appendices: one containing data on the wet and dry season foraging trips he recorded, and one by and your task to the people. In addition, ethnoarchaeologists must justify their preoccupation Gustavo Martinez on faunal material recovered in the camps. There are many wonderful anecdotes, including with odd things such as trash, pits left in the ground after pounding food in a mortar, or what happens to the use of a parrot’s entrails as a fishing lure. the remaining bits of a hammock burnt in a marital dispute. The Mikea, with whom I worked in Madagascar, never believed my (honest) explanation of Politis begins the volume with background on the Nukak’s environment, his fieldwork methods and the conditions of his research (for example, his eighth session was prevented by the Columbian military) In Robert L. Kelly. Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming. E-mail: Intersecciones en Antropología 9: 333-335. 2008. ISSN 1666-2105 Copyright © Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNCPBA - Argentina 334 | R. L. Kelly - Intersecciones en Antropología 9 (2008) 333-335 addition, Politis lays out his theoretical framework. Interestingly, it contains elements of Lewis Binford’s Throughout Nukak Politis criticizes the approach of human behavioral (or evolutionary) ecology, materialistic approach as well as Ian Hodder’s postprocessual approach. In each chapter, Politis specifically its use of optimal foraging models. As a practitioner of human behavioral ecology I admit to provides information on the “function” of material culture or on a more Binfordian behavioralist approach. some bias, but I also can see that his criticisms of this approach will not convince any other such practitioner For example, the discussion of the use of space shows how the particular kinds of structures built by the Nukak that the approach is incomplete or misleading. For example, in a discussion of Nukak mobility, Politis states in the wet season conditions how trash is deposited (as opposed to the dry season when the Nukak do not that “the Nukak abandon camp when many products are still abundant ...that are not found further away, build structures). But, in each chapter, Politis also discusses the social and ideological meaning of the which therefore generates a negative cost-benefit energy balance....there are no obvious resource chapter’s subject. For example, in the chapter on space use and discard, he notes how the trash of a deceased limitations that would prevent the Nukak from staying in their residential camps for longer periods of time. The woman was treated, resulting in an archaeological record different from that produced by daily living in a causes for their high residential mobility must be sought elsewhere.” He argues that mobility produces more camp, and that directly records some (as yet unknown) links between trash deposition and death. patches of edible plants (through the formation of the wild gardens), is necessary to perform rituals, is for In the chapter on shelters and camps, Politis also describes non-residential structures – everything from “ritual” structures to more mundane things such as children’s playhouses. In fact, his contribution on sanitary reasons, to avoid a recently deceased person’s spirit, or is for the sheer pleasure of moving (or to satisfy a taste for honey or fish). These are all good reasons to move, and several children’s toys and their effects on the deposition of trash and other items in residential structures is a crucial are mentioned in other ethnographies of foragers. But these reasons could be the proximal reason for moving contribution. It turns out that children are a strong determinant of the final disposition of material culture a camp, while the ultimate reason may lie in food acquisition. Optimal foraging models do not argue that in the archaeological record. To me, this is an important observation because anything that signals “children” foragers move when nearby food reaches the point of depletion. Indeed, the marginal value theorem argues archaeologically also tells us that a site is a residential camp, rather than, for example, a hunting camp. only that foragers move when the current return rate equals the average return rate of the environment taking Politis also explains that the Nukak avoid previous campsites because these places become wild gardens, the result of gathered seeds left behind (either in trash or feces). With the secondary (but not the primary) canopy removed as the camp is made, these plants thrive in old camps. The Nukak live in a more “constructed” environment than we might think. Throughout the book, Politis is able to give archaeologists the information that they crave and yet often do not find in other ethnographies. For example, exactly how does one hunt monkeys with a blowgun? There are also useful descriptions of things that carry purely symbolic information, such as the wall of seje leaves that forms a protective wall around a camp to prevent invasion by the spirits of jaguars. This is all useful information that many archaeologists will make profitable use of in years to come. This book is well worth reading, but I must admit that I was disappointed with one aspect of it. travel time into account. In many instances this means that foragers move long before depletion begins; in fact, the “marginal value theorem” leads us to expect that in an environment with high average return rates that people will leave camps long before the point of depletion (I demonstrated this with a simple simulation in The Foraging Spectrum). Another example: there is a significant difference between wet and dry season mobility – the Nukak remain longer in wet than dry season camps and yet move shorter distances when they move in the wet than in the dry season. The data tables show that fish and honey are more important in the dry than the wet season. Do these resources account for the differences in seasonal mobility? Elsewhere, Politis shows that taboos on certain animals, such as tapir, cannot be explained by materialist reasons. He is correct. And yet how would an archaeologist know if the lack of food remains was the product of a taboo? Behavioral ecology’s diet breadth model offers a way. This model predicts which Reseña de libro | 335 resources should be in a diet based on their return rates assuming that nothing other than strict economic in the volume. I admit that this was a disappointment (the data in tables 8.14 - 8.17 are not adequate as these concerns are at work in food selection. If the predicted diet breadth model predicts that tapirs should be provides returns, not return rates). In sum, those who use the paradigm of behavioral ecology will be included in the diet, and yet the archaeological remains demonstrate that they are not, then we can safely somewhat disappointed with the volume. assume (providing that other information shows that tapirs were available) that something else is at work – a taboo, for example. Unfortunately, we cannot really judge the utility of optimal foraging models in the case of the Nukak because their fundamental piece of data – return rates on the various plants and animals–are not But set that aside: Nukak contains some wonderful and wonderfully-detailed information on a little-known group of foragers. It is a solid contribution to huntergatherer studies that deserves to be read by anyone, archaeologist or ethnologist, interested in this rapidlydisappearing class of humanity.