Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) adalah perguruan tinggi swasta yang didirikan pada tahun 1964, bagian dari organisasi Muhammadiyah. UMM telah berkembang pesat menjadi salah satu universitas terkemuka di Indonesia Timur dengan lebih dari 18.000 mahasiswa dari seluruh Indonesia dan luar negeri. UMM memiliki berbagai fasilitas dan program akademik yang dirancang untuk mendukung pengembangan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, dan juga mengelola beberapa unit usaha untuk mendukung keberlanjutan finansial tanpa membebani mahasiswa.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) yang berdiri pada tahun 1964. merupakan salah satu amal usaha Muhammadiyah.  Pada waktu itu UMM baru membuka 3 fakultas, yaitu: Hukum, Ekonomi dan FKIP (jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam).  Selanjutnya, pada periode tahun 1968-1975,  UMM membuka lagi 2 fakultas, yaitu: FISIP dan Fak. Agama Islam.  Pada periode tahun 1975-1977, UMM kembali membuka 2 fakultas baru, yaitu: Pertanian dan Teknik.  Jumlah fakultas masih tetap sama hingga tahun 1983.  Baru pada periode tahun 1983-2000, beberapa fakultas baru dikbuka, yaitu: Psikologi, Peternakan, Program D3 Keperawatan dan Kedokteran.  Tahun 2007 ini, UMM kembali membuka fakultas baru, yaitu: PS Farmasi yang merupakan bagian dari fakultas ilmu-ilmu kesehatan.  Pada tahun 2009, pimpinan UMM melakukan penggabungan Fakultas Pertanian dan Fakultas Peternakan-Perikanan menjadi Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan agar sesuai dengan konsorsium Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian.Sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Jawa Timur, UMM kini mengelola lebih dari 18,000 mahasiswa aktif yang berasal dari hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan bahkan dari luar negeri, seperti: Australia, Singapura, Malaysia, dan Timor Leste.  Walaupun UMM merupakan perguruan tinggi Islam, latar belakang agama mahasiswa bukan merupakan suatu kendala.  Oleh karena itu, mahaiswa UMM tidak hanya beragama Islam, namun ada yang Hindu, Budha, Kristen , dan Katolik. Untuk mendukung kegiatan perkuliahan, UMM selalu meningkatkan fasilitas, baik pengembangan gedung perkuliahan, laboratorium, sarana komputer dan fasilitas akses intranet dan internet dengan menggunakan fiber optic dan beberapa area hotspot.  Selain itu juga dikembangkan perpustakaan digital yang dilengkapi dengan jurnal online, materi audio-visual, dan sumber informasi ilmiah lain yang tergabung dalan Indonesian Digital Library Network (IDLN).  Guna menunjang finansial, UMM mengembangkan beberaopa unit usaha sebagai profit center yang diharapkan dapat menyokong keuangan UMM tanpa membebani mahasiswa dengan dengan biaya kuliah yang tinggi.  Beberapa unit bisnis yang sudah berjalan antara lain: UMM Press, Book Store, UMM Dome, Hotel University Inn, dan Bengkel sepeda motor.  Dalam jangka dekat akan segera dibangun Rumah Sakit Pendidikan (Teaching Hospital), Pom Bensin, Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa Mahasiswa, Mall, dan lain-lain. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang  adalah perguruan tinggi swasta di Kota Malang. Universitas yang berdiri pada tahun 1964 ini berinduk pada organisasi Muhammadiyah. UMM merupakan salah satu universitas yang tumbuh cepat, sehingga oleh PP Muhammadiyah diberi amanat sebagai perguruan tinggi pembina untuk seluruh PTM (Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah) wilayah Indonesia Timur. Program-programyang didisain dengan cermat menjadikan UMM sebagai “The Real University”, yaitu universitas yang benar-benar universitas dalam artian sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi yang selalu komit dalam mengembangkan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. Pada sekarang ini Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) menempati 3 lokasi kampus, yaitu kampus I di jalan benduangn bandung, kampus dua di sumbersari dan kampus tiga di tegal gondo. Kampus satu yang merupakan cikal bakal UMM, dan sekarang ini dikonsentrasikan untuk program pasca sarjana. Sedangkan kampus II yang dulu merupakan pusat kegiatan utama , sekarang di konsentrasikan sebagai kampus fakultas kedokteran dan program D3 akademi perawat. Sedangkan kampus III sebagai kampus terpadu dijadikan sebagai pusat sari seluruh aktivitas. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang itu sebuah universitas yang istimewa sekali luasnya sampai-sampai saya itu kuliah kayak berolahraga lho. Rasa-rasanya seperti naik turun gunung setiap hari. Keren sekali ya pasti mahasiswanya sehat semua, amiiin. Kalau malem itu wooooowww !!!!!! keren abis pokok, indah lah Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang pada waktu malem hari itu. Bisa kita jadikan tempat untuk melepas penat dan galau hehe. Kuliah di Universitas Malang itu bener-bener super duper harus rajin karena kuliah di program studi saya khususnya, hem….. capek ya pasti, padet ya pasti, pulang-pulang ke kos tepar deh. Tapi gpp lah, itu adalah kewajiban saya dan tuntutan profesi. Intinya saya mencintai UMM. University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was founded in 1964, on the initiative of leaders and leadership of Muhammadiyah Malang area. At its inception the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is a branch of the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, established by the Foundation of Higher Education of Muhammadiyah Jakarta by the Notary R. No. Sihojo Wongsowidjojo in Jakarta. Pliers 71-gal June 19, 1963. At that time, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang has three (3) faculty, namely (1) Faculty of Economics, (2) Faculty of Law, and (3) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Religious Education Department. The three faculty received a Listed status from the Department of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education in 1966 by Decree No. 68/B-Swt/p/1966 dated December 30, 1966. On July 1, 1968 UMM officially became an independent university (apart from Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta), whose activities were in the hands of Muhammadiyah Malang Foundation for Higher Education, by the Notary R. Sudiono, no. 2, dated July 1, 1968. In the next development certificate is then updated by the Notary G. No. Kamarudzaman. 7 Date June 6, 1975, and updated again by the Notary Kumalasari, SH No. 026 dated 24 November 1988 and registered in Malang District Court No.. 88/PP/YYS / XI / 1988 dated 28 November 1988. In 1968, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang add new faculty, the Faculty of Social Welfare which is fi’lial of the Faculty of Social Welfare, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. Thus, at that UMM has four faculties. In addition, the Guidance and Counseling Department of Religious Education of the Faculty of Religious enroll as within the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs with the name of the Faculty of Tarbiyah. In 1970 the Faculty of Tarbiyah gained equal status with the State Islamic University (IAIN), by the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 50 of 1970. In this year also the Faculty of Social Welfare changed its name to the Faculty of Social Sciences with the Department of Social Welfare. Then in 1975 the Faculty’s official stand-alone (separate from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta) by Decree No. 022 Registered A/1/1975 dated 16 April 1975. Faculty were then added to the Faculty of Engineering, namely in 1977. In 1980 also opened the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Husbandry followed. Between 1983 to 1993, added new majors and enhanced status suudah majors are there. The latter, in 1993 the University of Muhammadiyah Malang opening Graduate Program Master in Management and a Masters in Rural Sociology. Until the academic year 1994/1995, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang has nine faculties and 25 departments / The stratum level courses, two courses strata-S2, and one college / strata-D3 Nursing. In the span of thirty years of traveling UMM (1964 – 1994), the most significant developments started in 1983′s. From that moment onwards UMM recorded impressive growth, either in the Subject field of improvement status, the administrative reform, the addition of facilities and campus facilities, as well as the addition and improvement of quality of managers (administrative and academic). In the area of ​​physical infrastructure and academic facilities, is now available three campuses: Campus I, Road No. Bandung. 1, Campus II at Jalan Dam No. Sutami. 188a, and Campus III (Integrated Campus) at Highway Tlogo Mas. In the area of ​​increasing the quantity and quality of academic personnel, has been carried out (1) recruitment of young teachers from different universities in the island of Java, (2) improving the quality of the faculty by sending them for further study (S2 and S3) in as well as abroad. Thanks to the struggle that knows no stopping it, so now UMM been transformed in the direction of college alternative. This has been admitted by Kopertis Region VII Coordinator, who in his official speech at the graduation of University of Muhammadiyah Malang dated July 11, 1992, stated that UMM relatively large colleges and universities prospected into the future. With the condition continues to increase, now the University of Muhammadiyah Malang proudly but humbly ready to face the future, to participate in the shared task “the intellectual life of the nation” and “building a complete Indonesian man” in the heading to the Indonesian nation with dignity and aligned with the nation- other nations in the world. University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) which was established in 1964 is one of Muhammadiyah charitable efforts. At the time it opened 3 new UMM faculty, namely: Law, Economics and Guidance and Counseling (Islamic Education Department). Furthermore, in the period 1968-1975, UMM opened again two faculties, namely: Faculty of Social and Fak. Islam. In 1975-1977, UMM opened two new faculties, namely: Agriculture and Engineering. The number of faculty has remained the same until 1983 Just in the period 1983-2000, several new faculty dikbuka, namely: Psychology, Animal Husbandry, D3 Nursing and Medicine. In 2007, UMM opened new faculties, namely: PS Pharmacy, which is part of the faculty of health sciences. In 2009, UMM leaders merge the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries became the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry to fit consortium Sciences Pertanian.Sebagai one of the leading universities in East Java, UMM now manage more than 18,000 active students who come from almost all regions of Indonesia and even from abroad, such as: Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and East Timor. Although UMM is an Islamic university, a student's religious background is not a constraint. Therefore, UMM mahaiswa not only Muslim, but there are Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and Catholic. To support lectures, UMM always improving facilities, building development lectures, laboratories, computer facilities and access to intranet and internet facilities using fiber optic and some hotspot. It also developed a digital library that comes with online journals, audio-visual materials, and other scientific resources belonging role in Indonesian Digital Library Network (IDLN). To support financially, UMM develop beberaopa business unit as a profit center that is expected to UMM financial support without burdening students with high tuition fees. Some of the existing business units include: UMM Press, Book Store, UMM Dome, Hotel University Inn, and motorcycle workshop. In the near term will be constructed Teaching Hospital (Teaching Hospital), Petrol Station, Rent Simple Student Flats, Mall, and others. UMM is a private university in Malang. University which was founded in 1964 is orphaned on the organization Muhammadiyah. UMM is one of the fastest growing universities, so that by the Muhammadiyah mandated college coaches for the entire PTM (University of Muhammadiyah) eastern Indonesia. Programyang programs carefully designed to make UMM as "The Real University", the university is really in terms of the university as an institution of higher education are always committed in developing the Tri Dharma University. At present, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) campus occupies three locations, namely at the campus I benduangn Bandung, campus and campus Sumbersari two in three in tegals Gondo. Campus which is the forerunner of the UMM, and now concentrated for graduate programs. While the second campus once a major activity center, now in concentrate as a medical school campus and D3 academy program nurse. While college campuses III as an integrated whole essence serve as the center of activity. UMM was a very special university breadth to the extent that I know the course like exercising. It felt like a ride down the mountain every day. Yes definitely cool completely healthy all students, amiiin. If malem it wooooowww !!!!!! subject is cool, beautiful lah UMM at the time of the day Malem. Can we make a place for off fatigue and upset hehe. Lecture at the University of Malang it was really super duper must be diligent because the lectures in my course in particular, um ... tired .. yes definitely, padet yes definitely, be returned to the boarding tepar deh. But GPP was, it was my duty and demands of the profession. The point I love UMM.