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Chance- (Expectation-) Constrained Knapsack problemwith random weightsBranch-and-Bound algorithm to search binary solutionspaceSolve relaxation to obtain upper bounds using stochasticgradient algorithmIntegration by Parts method to overcomenon-di erentiabilityConvergence Issues !solved with more intelligent choicesAble to solve (Binary) Chance-Constrained Knapsack problemwith up to 100 items in less than 1h
In this paper we study and solve two different variants of static knapsack problems with random weights: The stochastic knapsack problem with simple recourse as well the stochastic knapsack problem with probabilistic constraint. Special regard is given the corresponding continuous problems and three different problem solving methods are presented. The resolution of the continuous problems serves to provide upper bounds in a branch-and-bound framework in order to solve the original problems. Numerical results on a dataset from the literature as well as a set of randomly generated instances are given.
Annals of Operations Research, 2009
In this paper we study and solve two different variants of static knapsack problems with random weights: The stochastic knapsack problem with simple recourse as well as the stochastic knapsack problem with probabilistic constraint. Special interest is given to the corresponding continuous problems and three different problem solving methods are presented. The resolution of the continuous problems allows to provide upper bounds in a branch-and-bound framework in order to solve the original problems. Numerical results on a dataset from the literature as well as a set of randomly generated instances are given.
Pesquisa Operacional
In this paper, we study the stochastic knapsack problem with expectation constraint. We solve the relaxed version of this problem using a stochastic gradient algorithm in order to provide upper bounds for a branch-and-bound framework. Two approaches to estimate the needed gradients are studied, one based on Integration by Parts and one using Finite Differences. The Finite Differences method is a robust and simple approach with efficient results despite the fact that estimated gradients are biased, meanwhile Integration by Parts is based upon more theoretical analysis and permits to enlarge the field of applications. Numerical results on a dataset from the literature as well as a set of randomly generated instances are given.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011
In this paper we study a particular version of the stochastic knapsack problem with normally distributed weights: the two-stage stochastic knapsack problem. In contrary to the single-stage knapsack problem, items can be added to or removed from the knapsack at the moment the actual weights come to be known (second stage). In addition, a probability constraint is introduced in the first stage in order to restrict the percentage of cases where the items chosen lead to an overload in the second stage. To the best of our knowledge, there is no method known to exactly evaluate the objective function for a given first-stage solution. Therefore, we propose methods to calculate upper and lower bounds. These bounds are used in a branch-and-bound framework in order to search the first-stage solution space. Special interest is given to the case where the items have similar weight means. Numerical results are presented and analyzed. Table 6: Items can be added or rejected in the second stage (similar items)
We consider chance-constrained binary knapsack problems, where the weights of items are independent random variables with the means and standard deviations known. The chance constraint can be reformulated as a second-order cone constraint under some assumptions for the probability distribution of the weights. The problem becomes a second-order cone-constrained binary knapsack problem, which is equivalent to a robust binary knapsack problem with an ellipsoidal uncertainty set. We demonstrate that optimal solutions to robust binary knapsack problems with inner and outer polyhedral approximations of the ellipsoidal uncertainty set can provide both upper and lower bounds on the optimal value of the second-order cone-constrained binary knapsack problem, and they can be obtained by solving ordinary binary knapsack problems repeatedly. Moreover, we prove that the solution providing the upper bound converges to the optimal solution to the secondorder cone-constrained binary knapsack problem...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2001
Given a set of elements, each having a profit and cost associated with it, and a budget, the 0-1 knapsack problem finds a subset of the elements with maximum possible combined profit subject to the combined cost not exceeding the budget. In this paper we study a stochastic version of the problem in which the budget is random. We propose two different formulations of this problem, based on different ways of handling infeasibilities, and propose exact and heuristic algorithms to solve the problems represented by these formulations. We also present the results from some computational experiments.
Operations Research Letters, 2008
In this paper, the chance-constrained knapsack problem (CKP) is addressed. Relying on robust optimization, a tractable combinatorial algorithm is proposed to solve approximately CKP. For two specific classes of uncertain knapsack problems, it is proved to solve CKP at optimality.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2014
This paper considers a distributionally robust version of a quadratic knapsack problem. In this model, a subsets of items is selected to maximizes the total profit while requiring that a set of knapsack constraints be satisfied with high probability. In contrast to the stochastic programming version of this problem, we assume that only part of the information on random data is known, i.e., the first and second moment of the random variables, their joint support, and possibly an independence assumption. As for the binary constraints, special interest is given to the corresponding semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation. While in the case that the model only has a single knapsack constraint we present an SDP reformulation for this relaxation, the case of multiple knapsack constraints is more challenging. Instead, two tractable methods are presented for providing upper and lower bounds (with its associated conservative solution) on the SDP relaxation. An extensive computational study is given to illustrate the tightness of these bounds and the value of the proposed distributionally robust approach.
P300 detection is known to be challenging task, as P300 potentials are buried in a large amount of noise. In standard recording of P300 signals, activity at the reference site affects measurements at all the active electrode sites. Analyses of P300 data would be improved if reference site activity could be separated out. This step is an important one before the extraction of P300 features. The essential goal is to improve the signal to noise ratio (SNR) significantly, i.e. to separate the task-related signal from the noise content, and therefore is likely to support the most accurate and rapid P300 Speller. Different techniques have been proposed to remove common sources of artifacts in raw EEG signals. In this research, twelve different techniques have been investigated along with their application for P300 speller in three different Datasets. The results as a whole demonstrate that common average reference CAR technique proved best able to distinguish between targets and non-targets. It was significantly superior to the other techniques.
Open Journal of Political Science, 2020
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi, 2019
Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 2013
Chemosphere, 1991
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International Journal of Fracture, 1997
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2012
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2000
Journal of Research in Science …, 2007
Physical Review D, 2008
Psychologie Française, 2009
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2007
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014
Nature Chemical Biology, 2010
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2015
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2019