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The paper discusses the fundamental principles of magnetic fields, including the behavior of magnetic field lines, their interaction with electric currents, and the significance of defined magnetic laws such as Ampere's law and Biot-Savart's law. It covers crucial applications of magnetic forces in devices like electric motors, mass spectrometers, and cyclotrons, highlighting the role of magnets in generating forces on charged particles, and the theoretical underpinnings necessary for understanding these phenomena.
The set of equations known today as Maxwell's equations along with a few constitutive equations lie at the heart of classical electromagnetism. A common misconception held by many is that Maxwell equations are essential, and that classical electromagnetic theory is settled science and is no longer an active field of investigation. We will review the four Maxwell's and related equations, their supporting experimental evidences, the field concept, and the Lorentz and Ritz force laws. We will give a brief outline of two approaches to classical electromagnetism which bypass the Maxwell's equations, the propragated potential approach and the direction action approach which bypass even the field concept. We will also give a few indications of some current research being done in comparing the fitness of the Lorents and Ritz force laws, and point out some area of research yet to be explored in regard to the direct action approach to classical electromagnetism using the Ritz force formula.
In this paper , equations of Magnetism are rediscovered by using Special Relativity and Coulomb's law with different method and various cases are studied . Magnetic field near a current carrying conductor is redefined as ratio of relativistic electric field experienced by reference frame of a moving charge near the conductor to velocity of that reference frame with respect to the conductor. Mathematically, it is found that the existing formulas of magnetism given by Biot- Savart Law are valid only for normal velocities and completely fail for higher or microscopic velocities of moving charge. 'Fleming's Right/Left Hand Rules' can easily be explained by Relativity as just interaction between charges. Unlike existing idea, a magnet or current carrying conductor can exert some force even on charges at rest. Magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor is nothing but ratio of approximate relativistic electric field to the velocity of reference frame. Lorentz force can be calculated as 'Just Electric Force' rather as 'Sum of Electric and Magnetic Force' by using Relativity. Magnetic force is just an electric force in Relativistic Electrodynamics that could not be explained by Classical Electrodynamics. The values of ε_0 and c are fundamental and the formula μ0 =〖1/ε_0 c^2 〗_ is their relation with permeability of free space . It is claimed that "As Maxwell's Equations are based upon existing equations of Magnetism which are only approximation for lower velocities and fail in higher velocities, they are likely to be useless now". It is suggested that, "As Magnetic Force is nothing but Electric Force in Relativistic Electrodynamics, the name of one of the four fundamental forces ; 'Electromagnetic Force' should be changed into just 'Electric Force'." It is claimed that radiations are just non-mechanical waves that can propagate at velocity of light and are not necessarily electromagnetic in nature. Moreover, the writer suggests that electromagnetic waves may not exist at all.
Riassunto Il costrutto di resilienza è stato più volte adoperato in psicoterapia. A tal proposito, tramite una breve descrizione dell'approccio cognitivo-comportamentale, sistemico-relazionale e psicodinamico nella specificità del costrutto di resilienza, ci si focalizza sulle tecniche proprie dei singoli approcci psicoterapici e sui punti di forza di ognuno. Inoltre il presente articolo illustra la peculiarità della terapia strategica, enfatizzando rispetto allo sviluppo della resilienza, attraverso l'esplicazione delle varie tecniche atte ad attivare il processo di cambiamento. Di notevole importanza il contributo di Milton Erickson, il quale traslò i principi da egli studiati in merito all'ipnosi nella terapia strategica, fornendo un ampio spettro di tecniche e spunti verso un ottica più flessibile di fare terapia. Parole chiave Resilienza, approcci psicoterapici, ipnosi, approccio strategico, benessere. Abstract, The construpt of resilience was utilizes many time in psychotherapy. The present work analyzes the principal techniques of cognitive-behavioral, systemic-relational and psychodynamic approaches. Furthermore, a brief introduction about strategic psychology allows to understand its contribute in improving resilience through the explanation of the different techniques involved in therapeutic process. Another fundamental contribute concerns Milton Erickson's hypnosis in strategic approach. This kind of study provides a more flexible way to do psychotherapy.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 2023
This article examines how elderly rural Sicilians recall the meanings of words rendered obsolete by infrastructural, technological, and economic changes that occurred in their lifetime. I examine conversations from my 2016 and 2019 fieldwork on Pantelleria, Sicily, characterized by what I term recuperated attentionality, speaking from erstwhile attentional circumstances. To unpack the meanings of words, elderly islanders employ transposition, contextualizing their attentional guidance from a moment of reference anchored in the remembered past, orienting to an obsolete way of being in the world. Socio-biographical discontinuity means that acquaintance and familiarity with the denotata of these words is asymmetrical, once accessed by participating in island life, issuing and responding to directives, attending to tasks, and so on, but now accessed principally by memory. I examine conversational discourse in which transposition is used to unpack word meanings, which clashes with elicitation norms that request translational equivalents for words.
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