Improving Construction Planning
Through 4D Planning
Christopher James Allen
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree of Magister Scientiae in the Built Environment,
Project Management Specialisation, in
the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology at
the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
January 2007
Supervisor: Prof. J.J. Smallwood
The data used in the compilation of this treatise was collected from both primary and
secondary sources. Where secondary sources have been used, reference has been
made to them.
This treatise is my own work and has not previously been submitted to any other
Christopher James Allen
I dedicate this to my late Grandfather, Harvey Crabtree, who instilled in me a passion
for construction and who showed through his own hard work, dedication and
passion, that no matter where you start out, these qualities can take you to the top in
any chosen profession. Also, to my parents, who have provided every opportunity to
allow me to exceed and instilled in me a belief that if you believe in what you are
doing, you can do anything.
The path to an MSc (Built Environment) Project Management Specialisation is a
long and sometimes lonely personal crusade, but there are many who contribute and
provide assistance along the way. It is not possible to say thank you to them all, but I
would like to mention a few.
The seeds of this research were in essence sown back in the spring of 1999 when
Barry Ramsay and I formed A3D, a company desiring to use the emerging new 3D
design technologies in a more advanced way, a way that could improve on the
delivery processes in construction. It has been a road filled with many obstacles, at
times a painful process, an extremely frustrating struggle, but through all of those
nearly eight years there has been a sincere belief that the current failings in the
delivery of construction projects can be improved upon through the use of new
technologies, which has allowed us to succeed where others may have failed. Thank
you Barry for your support throughout and continued belief that doing the right thing
is for the betterment of all those involved in the construction process.
To my wife, Caroline, who has provided both moral support and motivated me when
I became tardy or downhearted, thank you for providing reassurance that I was not
wasting my time, and yours, in this quest to further the knowledge base and increase
the dialogue for change. Also, for all the hours spent with me typing up
documentation, including trying to decipher my tired and messy hand writing, my
heartfelt thanks.
To my supervisor, John Smallwood, you provided the impetus and gave me the
opportunity to fulfil a long held desire to further my education. It has also given me
the opportunity to produce valuable research into new technologies for the better
delivery of construction projects. Your
valuable advice, witty sarcastic
encouragement and timeous guidance, especially when the process became murky
and the red mist descended, have all played an important part in the completion of
this treatise.
To the construction team on the 51 Lime Street Project, and in particular the Project
Director, Nick Moore and Project Planner, Adio Amusa, thank you for providing me
access to information and input to maximise the potential learning and feedback from
the project environment. Adio, without your personal knowledge of the construction
planning process and your willingness to share that knowledge, this study could not
have happened and would not have become the ground breaking research it is.
I would also like to thank Andy Butler of Stanhope for information he has provided
on the implementation of 4D planning on projects carried out by their organisation,
along with his continuing support of the 4D principles we enthuse. Finally, thanks
also go to Prof. Nash Dawood and Sushant Sikka of the Centre for Construction
Innovation and Research at the University of Teesside, for their assistance in
accessing some of the data used.
Construction Planning will increasingly play a more critical role within the realm of
the Built Environment. Existing practices used to plan and communicate the
construction process to be undertaken are failing to deliver the desired results for
construction companies and clients alike. At a time of unprecedented growth in the
industry around the world, which is leading to a general skills shortage, especially in
management positions, construction planners are increasingly being asked to deal
with more responsibility. As with other industries, technological improvement in the
tools at their disposal is one way to address the inadequacies of the present situation.
Increasingly, three dimensional design packages are being used to generate
construction information which can then be used for quantities calculations,
automated manufacturing processes and construction simulation. The latter forms the
basis for their use in the process of planning, through new technologies being
developed as virtual construction tools or 4D planning, the addition of time to the 3D
model environment, but using the elements within the model as the basis for the
construction programme. The benefit of using the design information to form the
basis of the programme is that the interface tasks and logistical activities, as well as
location related constraints, can be identified and then communicated to all levels
within the construction team through a time based visual image.
The purpose of this study is therefore to establish a scientifically analysed alternative
method for the creation, review and delivery of construction programmes. In order to
achieve the research objectives, three methodologies have been employed. Firstly,
the literature review in the fields of planning including existing methodologies and
previous research of 4D related techniques has been analysed. An overview of the
perceived weaknesses to current practises and proposed solution will be explored and
best case scenarios outlined and further investigated. Secondly, the 51 Lime Street
project provides an environment in which the proposed 4D planning techniques have
been implemented and the benefits of the process can, through observation
participation methodology, be validated. Thirdly, through interview questionnaires,
with Lime St contractors and management, and e-mail questionnaires to a broader
sample stratum, data on the ability of the tools, the techniques employed on 51 Lime
Street and similar projects have been collated and statistically analysed to validate
the reliability and relevance for future implementation.
The result of the research will provide management teams with a practical alternative
to existing planning methodologies. Construction planners will have alternative
technique that can further enhance their role within the project team whilst increasing
their ability to communicate the team’s vision to a wider audience, making them and
the project more efficient and effective in the process. It has been proposed that
clients insist on the use of 3D from the commencement of the design process so that
this information can be passed downstream through the construction process and
onto facilities management. Planners need to be able to communicate their
requirements better and the 4D planning models provide both a more inclusive way
of planning alongside a better communications medium in the form of moving
images. A picture tells a thousand words!
Keywords: Construction Planning; 4D Planning; 3D Model; Communication;
Integration; Simulation
The Statement of the Problem
The Statement of the Sub-problems
The Hypotheses
The Delimitation of the Study
Definition of terms
The Abbreviations used
The Assumptions made
The Importance of the Study
Integration of Project Teams
2.2.1 Introduction
Changing the Culture
2.2.3 Benefits of Teamwork
Planning Methodologies
2.3.1 Introduction
Alternative Thinking
Construction Planning
Limitations of Current Methodology
Effective Planning
Alternative Practices
Monitoring Progress
2.4.5 Transferring Knowledge
4D Simulation, Visualisation, Modelling and Planning
2.5.1 Why 4D?
Communications Tool
The Case Study
Pilot Interview
Case Study Interview Survey
E-mail Survey
Design of the survey
The data collection procedures
The Design of the Questionnaires
Collecting the Data
The Treatment of the Data
Review of Project Information
Observation from Projects
Interpretation of what was observed
Relevance to other projects
Case Study Interview Questionnaire
E-mail Questionnaire
Hypothesis 1:
Interview Survey
E-mail Survey
Case Study
Hypothesis 2:
Interview Survey
E-mail Survey
Case Study
Hypothesis 3:
Interview Survey
E-mail Survey
Case Study
Other Findings
Process Implications
Greater evaluation of the programme
Chapter One focuses on the problem and its sub-problems along with the hypotheses
that have been formulated in response to these. The parameters under which the
study was undertaken are defined including the delimitations, assumptions,
definitions of terms used and relevant abbreviations. The importance of the study to
the construction industry with particular relevance to the planning and project
management disciplines is also addressed.
In Chapter Two a review of related literature is presented. As the field of 4D
planning is a relatively new area of study, literature on related technology including
4D simulation, visualisation and modelling, have also been included. In addition,
related fields which focus on improving communication within the construction
industry have also been reviewed to place in context the perceived failings of the
current methodologies. These current methodologies are reviewed in detail alongside
the existing construction planning process, its relationship to the changing project
management roles and responsibilities, and other new techniques being studied and
implemented in an attempt to improve on the ability to deliver projects to
Chapter Three outlines the populations involved in the respective surveys and the
observation / participation case study. The method used and parameters of the
observation / participation case study are reviewed.
Chapter Four covers the procedures in conducting the surveys. The overall design of
the survey, data collection procedures, questionnaires and the collecting and treating
of the data are all explained.
In Chapter Five the information generated from the observation / participation case
study is reviewed. Discussion accompanies the review and serves to interpret and
elaborate on the observations.
Chapter Six focuses on the results generated from the replies and statistical analysis
of project delivery data. Graphical reporting of the results accompanies the findings
and provides assistance in understanding the interpretation of the results.
In Chapter Seven the three hypotheses are tested by analysing the results of the
surveys, case study and statistical analysis.
Chapter Eight provides a summary of the findings, draws conclusions based on the
findings with additional data provided by the reports generated from observations.
Recommendations based on the study are then presented.
Chapter Nine provides closure with anecdotal evidence of the importance of
understanding the present constraints and reason for change.
The references and appendices conclude this treatise.
The recent high profile cases of projects failing to be completed within budget or to
programme, including the Wembley Stadium in London, have once again focused
unwanted negative attention on the construction industry. The world’s media and
politicians have taken advantage of this failure and highlighted the construction
industries’ dysfunctional practises and inability to become a more integrated and
information technology (IT) aware industry.
To add to this, there is an ongoing media storm, accompanied by negativity regarding
South Africa’s ability to construct new stadiums in time for the 2010 World Cup.
Suddenly, South Africa’s population has also focused attention upon the abilities of
the construction industry and the perception has evolved that those who earn a living
through construction will not be able to manage to deliver on the expectations of the
Nation, and complete the Stadiums by the required deadline.
The unprecedented levels of construction activity worldwide, fuelling an ever
increasing race to lure the necessary talent to manage and build these projects, mean
that trying to attract and retain the necessary talent is an expensive proposition. In
conjunction with the decreasing number of new entrants into the sector, the industry
has been left with a severe shortage of highly skilled construction professionals who
have the experience and knowledge required to build these high profile projects.
By analysing and identifying a few key areas in the process, communicating that in a
way that is understood by all levels of a project team, along with integrating the
varied and competing agendas of the contracted specialists, the construction industry
will be able to not only reduce the occurrence of delay on projects but also improve
the working practices, health and safety record and most importantly, efficiency of
their operations, thereby maximising the profit on projects. This will aid in funding
further research and development whilst increasing the ability of organisations to
attract the necessary management individuals needed to further develop their
But the industry struggles with an inability to adopt new technology that would bring
these much needed efficiencies to the management process and improve the use of
the mass of data generated throughout the process. What this means in practice is that
any attempt to deal with delays by increasing productivity within the existing
workforce, will be next to impossible to achieve in the present environment. The
figure below highlights the construction industry’s poor uptake of Information
Technology, particularly in relation to its implementation as an alternative to existing
working practices.
Figure 1: Industry Technology Adoption.
(Gallello, 2005*) * No page reference number provided on original document.
The aim of this study is therefore to provide a scientifically proven alternate method
to review construction programmes in order to further enhance the ability of
construction planners to deal with increasing levels of responsibility. It is also then
an aim to allow these interrogated programmes to be communicated in a more
explanatory manner to the legion of contractor’s whose responsibility it is to then
further enhance the detail contained within the programme, using 4D planning, to
improve on their ability to meet the deliverables set out in the programme. The final
objective is then to prove that by following this process greater certainty is delivered
in attaining the contract programme than presently occurs through on-site monitoring
of these tasks and other site based management techniques which benefit from more
detailed planning methodologies.
Page no.
Table 1:
Organisational Breakdown of Personnel Surveyed.
Table 2:
Breakdown of Survey Population Discipline’s.
Table 3:
Respondents’ exposure to planning methodology.
Table 4:
Types of planning methodology used and approval rate.
Table 5:
Table 6:
Table 7:
Table 8:
Table 9:
Table 10:
Extent to which planning methods communicated the project
Extent to which 51 Lime Street planning methods
communicated the project programme.
Respondents’ exposure to 4D Model.
Respondents’ rating of 4D planning’s ability to communicate
the project programme.
Respondents’ views on need for greater levels of programme
Extent to which levels of detail on 51 Lime St project
compared with previous projects.
Table 11:
Extent to which planning performed on this project.
Table 12:
Respondents’ views on impact of 3D on planning detail.
Table 13:
Experience of detailed planning.
Extent to which 4D models may improve the ability to plan
Table 14:
Table 15:
Table 16:
detailed aspects of the programme.
Extent to which additional detail helps communicate the
project programme.
Extent to which 4D model helps communicate 3D reality
Table 17:
Table 18:
Table 19:
Table 20:
Table 21:
Table 22:
Table 23:
Table 24:
Extent to which location based planning will improve project
Extent to which visual communication of activity location
will improve project delivery.
Extent of 51 Lime St programme evaluation.
Extent to which additional progress task monitoring would
have on programme delivery.
Extent to which visual communication of progress would
have on programme delivery.
Extent to which Construction is technology ‘phobic’.
Extent of improvement in construction IT use from exposure
to the use of other IT devices.
Extent to which 4D planning models will increase with IT
Table 25:
Respondents’ exposure to planning methodology.
Table 26:
How 3D &4D improves communication process.
Table 27:
Table 28:
Table 29:
Table 30:
Table 31:
Table 32:
Extent to which additional detail would help to communicate
delivery programme requirements.
Extent to which construction programme levels of detail
need to increase.
Extent to which construction programme’s need to
communicate the location of tasks.
Extent to which knowing a construction task location would
aid in its completion.
Extent to which respondents would have difficulty in
communicating the location of a task without an image.
Extent to which a 4D model would assist in the completion
of a task as planned.
Table 33:
Table 34:
Table 35:
Table 36:
Extent to which planning would be improved if a location
based planning tool were used.
Extent to which visually communicating progress against
baseline would aid in programme management.
Extent to which visual tools aid in addressing implications of
process implementation.
Use of computers by respondents.
Page no.
Figure 1:
Industry Technology Adoption.
Figure 2:
Use of BIM in Artra Facilities Management Software.
Figure 3:
Coordinated 3D services model used in 4D planning model.
Figure 4:
3D mechanical room model in Artra FM software.
Figure 5:
Communicating in 3D and 4D.
Figure 6:
4D planning process.
Figure 7:
Planning logistics graphically.
Figure 8:
Detailed interface planning.
Figure 9:
Construction Coordination.
Figure 10: 4D logistics planning.
Figure 11: 4D planning sequence models from 51 Lime St.
Figure 12: Design clash detection of 4D services model.
Figure 13: 4D planning presentation models.
Figure 14: Extent of 3D models ability to improve delivery.
Figure 15: Extent to which 4D planning model would help to
communicate where and when activities take place.
Figure 16: Extent to which the planner on 51 Lime St had been better
able to communicate the construction programme.
Figure 17: Types of planning methodology used and approval rate
Figure 18: Extent to which an image helps communicate project tasks to
Figure 19: Extent to which additional image tasks would aid delivery of
Figure 20: Monitoring frequency.
Figure 21: Extent to which monitoring would be affected by having
more tasks to monitor.
Figure 22: Extent to which 4D models helped to communicate the
process implications of creating the 3D reality.
Figure 23: Cladding installation process.
Page no.
Illustration 1: Delivering Client Expectation.
Illustration 2:
Most significant changes contributing to the project
delivery process.
Illustration 3: Integrated build plan process.
Illustration 4: Potential savings of Lean Production in Construction.
Illustration 5: Learning through repetition.
Illustration 6: Alternate Construction Planning Process.
Illustration 7: What should the level of detail be?
The Statement of the Problem
Construction personnel cannot communicate the complexity or 3D reality of a
programme, nor visualise the process implications in creating that reality,
resulting in late completion.
The Statement of the Sub-problems
The first sub-problem is to investigate whether the process
implications of creating 3D reality are better visualised through 4D
The second sub-problem is to investigate whether better delivery of
the 3D reality can be achieved through greater evaluation of the
programme using Build Plan methodology.
The third sub-problem is to determine whether using 4D planning
better communicates the complexity and 3D reality of the construction
programme, assisting contract programme delivery.
The Hypotheses
The first hypothesis is that using 4D planning models to interrogate
the construction programme will highlight the process implications of
creating the 3D reality.
The second hypothesis is that using 4D Build Plan methodology will
better communicate to construction personnel the reality / complexity
of the programme.
The third hypothesis is that by using the 4D Planning models to
communicate the Build plan, greater certainty of contract programme
delivery will occur.
The Delimitations
The research will not review the implications of the design process on
certainty of contract programme delivery.
The research will not review how other planning software assists construction
planners to evaluate and communicate their plan.
The study will be limited to projects exceeding £20 million (R275 million) in
construction cost.
The study will not attempt to pass judgement on the abilities of the planners
to create a construction programme.
Definition of Terms
4D Planning : 4D planning is an extended and deeper version of conventional
planning that develops the construction programme to a higher level of detail
to provide greater accuracy and less risk. [online]
(Advanced 3D Technologies Ltd:, 2006)
Available from / services / the process.
4D Modelling : The use of 3D CAD models aligned to time, controlled and
manipulated to show the building as it should appear at any stage during
construction. (Fischer & Aalami, 1996: 337)
Build Planning : A process that will determine the activity and output of
every trade on the construction project every day of its duration.
(BLL, 2001: 44)
Build Plan Methodology : Involves developing a detailed plan for every step
of the production process. This results in the delivery of a pre-defined and
agreed work output at the end of every time period, e.g. a day or a shift.
(BLL, 2001: 44)
Communication : The transfer of information from one individual to another
to explain a thought process. (Makins, M. (ed), 1992: 267)
The Construction Planner : The role of the designated individual responsible
for determining optimal methods, sequence and timing of construction
activities and related resources for a construction project.
(Faniran & Proverbs, 2002: 159)
Contract or Master Programme : The Principal programme for a project, in
particular that produced to comply with contractual requirements of the
project. [online] (Bordoli, 2006) Available from:
Evaluation : The review and interrogation of a proposal to achieve the most
appropriate result (Makins, M. (ed), 1992: 442).
The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyor’s Building Cost
Information Service
Department of Trade and Industry (UK)
Key Performance Indicators
National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)
National Audit Office (UK)
Planning Engineers Organisation
Private Finance Initiative
Project Management Body of Knowledge
Public Private Partnerships
The Assumptions
With respect to the problem & sub-problems, the assumptions made were:
Firstly, that there is a need for construction planners on >£20 million
projects in London;
Secondly, that construction planners need to communicate their
construction programme to other personnel;
Thirdly, that clients want greater certainty of contract programme
Fourthly, that the projects using 4D planning are representative of
similar projects not using 4D planning in trying to give clarity to
contract programme delivery, and
Lastly, those similar projects not using 4D planning are using other
planning techniques and software similar to that being used on those
projects using 4D planning.
The Importance of the Study
Construction planners and the role they perform are little understood both
within the construction industry and the wider environment in which
construction has a daily impact. The number of competent planner’s available
falls far short of that which is required and therefore more and more less
qualified personnel are being thrust into a role as planner. These, as well as
existing construction planners, are faced with ever more complex and
logistically challenging projects, which need a more inclusive process that
will allow them to fully understand all the interfaces between contractors and
communicate this to those self same contractors, so as to attempt to improve
on the current levels of contract programme delivery. In addition, this is
being reviewed at a time when the pressures on the industry in London are set
to increase due to the need to deliver both infrastructure and building for the
2012 Olympic Games, the majority of which will be projects in excess of £20
million (R180 million) and which cannot be delivered late!
Over the past 20-25 years the construction industries of particularly the
industrialised nations have become fragmented by an incessant drive to
become leaner and more focussed on a primary discipline. This streamlining
has, however, come at a cost to the client, who now faces a plethora of
consultants and contractors responsible for carrying out what an architect and
single contractor would previously have achieved. Clients are seeking
certainty in terms of cost and time from the earliest stages of a project. At
present, according to the statistics referenced below, the construction industry
is failing to deliver on its objectives. In addition, the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) reports that 50% of these failing projects over-ran their
contract period in 2003 (cited by Burrows, 2003: 12).
For over a decade, it has been generally agreed that there is a need for change
within the UK construction industry as it is unpredictable and under
achieving. (Koskela, Ballard & Howell, 2003*; Santos & Powell, 2001: 166;
Construction Task Force, 1998: 9-10; Latham, 1994: vii-ix). Added to these
earlier studies is data showing that 80% of projects do not meet the three
main objectives for any project: to deliver on time, budget and to the right
level of quality. Quality doesn’t just mean using good materials or zero
defects but “right first time, delivery on time and to budget” (Construction
Task Force, 1998: 17).
It is therefore apparent that what is currently viewed as best practice, along
with the technologies and processes employed to deliver those practices, are
proving inadequate in addressing the increased complexity of projects and
incessant market demand for shorter construction time-scales. The central
message of Rethinking Construction (Construction Task Force, 1998: 8) was
that through the application of better practices, the industry and its clients can
collectively act to improve their performance. One of the targets was to
improve time and cost predictability. Although this has occurred, within
small pockets of the industry, driven by the Public Finance Initiative (PFI)
process and other large scale government initiatives like Public-Private
Partnership (PPP), it is not presently the norm. The problem is also not
limited to the United Kingdom (UK).
Rethinking Construction (Construction Task Force, 1998: 18) also quotes
studies from the UK, the United States of America (USA) and Scandinavia
suggesting that up to 30% of construction is ‘rework’, that labour is used at
only 40-50% of potential efficiency and at least 10% of materials are wasted.
Add the effect of accidents, which account for 3-6% of total project costs and
the reasons for the sad state of the industry become a lot clearer. The
Economist Magazine study referenced by Gallello (2005*) confirms this with
figures of 10% loss due to wasted materials, 30% rework in the construction
process and 60% of labour effort wasted. Furthermore, this is not a failure
replicated across industry in general but rather a Construction Industry
phenomenon. “In North America, construction is the only non-agricultural
industry that has seen a consistent decline in productivity over the past 40
years” (Graphisoft, 2004*).
This under-achievement manifests itself in the unpredictability of delivery
time, budget, quality of delivered product and as a result, profitability.
(Santos & Powell, 2001: 166). “profits rule…. indeed your company has
turned itself inside out to satisfy shareholders….yet over the next decade it is
going to have to do more, far more….” (Hamel, 2000: 33). Construction, as
in any other industry is concerned with making profits for investors and the
potential of most major organisations is therefore reflected in the share price,
which for construction orientated organisations has until recently been well
below the market rate. This message is driven home by the statement in
Rethinking Construction that “The under-achievement of construction is
graphically demonstrated by the City’s view of the industry as a poor
investment.” (Construction Task Force, 1998: 11). In order to make
construction more attractive to both investors and potential recruits, the
industry needs to look to technology to improve efficiencies and working
practices. As planning has a significant impact on the ability of any
organisation to achieve this, the focus of there attention should be on using
technology to improve the construction planning process.
However, in order to do this and still make money, organisations need to be
confident in their ability to plan and deliver the shorter build programmes and
lower budgets that they promise their clients, which has “made the planning
function critical to achieving successful delivery of a construction project.”
(Faniran & Proverbs, 2003: 159). In general, when reliable planning is not
achieved, downstream activities involving the workforce tend to be poorly
collaborated with the related upstream supply chains. This is where delay
becomes waste, as not only is time and money lost, but also substantial manhours, when workforces are left standing around waiting for material delivery
or, when it does arrive, looking for somewhere to store it.
But how do you achieve reliable planning when the main methodology for
scheduling work in construction is activity based. This does not describe the
typical building construction process, which is location based. This tendency,
referred to as “separation of execution from planning” (Sriprasert and
Dawood, 2003: 341) is seen as one of the major reasons for construction
plans becoming obsolete, due to the inevitable impact that this separation
causes to task durations. How to address this weakness in existing planning
techniques is the subject of much study as can be discerned in the literature
review conducted. The techniques proposed to offset this only partly address
the problem as the tools are either looking at using strategy as a pull
mechanism or technology from a push perspective.
The industry is extremely large and encompasses many disciplines including
civil engineering, rail engineering as well as the traditional construction
trades such as electrical contractors and decorators. The margins throughout
the industry are extremely tight and therefore investment in new technology
or research and development (R&D) into new techniques is extremely
limited. One weakness of the present project initiation is that ’seams’ exist in
the information base used for decision making. This is where technology can
play a role as it is perfectly suited to creating a seamless decision making
environment “so that information on all divisions of an organisation, and at
different levels, can be available to all decision makers.” (Bates, 1995: 3)
In addition, although every project is different in nature, it is a similar
process, but that process is often not documented and as a result no two
people will execute it the same way. This area of the industry, known as the
knowledge base, receives little attention but has a marked impact on the
ability of project teams to deliver. “Today, most knowledge is buried within
individuals and not the organisation as a whole.” (Gallello, 2005*). This is
symptomatic of the present culture within the construction industry whereby
organisations are more focused on the present than they are on structuring
their business for the longer term. The result of this lack of standard operating
procedure is the inability to predict time, cost and the size of the snagging
list. The same malaise affects the R&D spend and the application of IT into
the industry. The same can be said for individual projects as each new project
brings a new team, each with their own knowledge. “The concept of a
knowledge base allows the company to leverage the massive amount of
expertise across the organisation.” (Gallello, 2005*). If the collective
knowledge base could be better harnessed through a single environment, far
more could be achieved with fewer resources.
It is reasonable to suggest that these informal processes by their very nature
will be inefficient, ineffective and most important of all, will not deliver
value for money. In order to achieve the best from off-site construction, not
only does the right product need to be specified, but the build process needs
to be right in the first place. The output of any process can only be as good as
the input. This is why Lean Production systems from the Motor and Aircraft
Industry’s have started to find favour with Construction Organisations.
“Great people and average processes produce average results; great processes
and average people produce great results.” Toyota Motor Corporation
Illustration 1: Delivering Client Expectation.
(Adapted from Fisher, Barlow, Garnett, Finch & Newcombe, 1997: 4-5)
If the overarching recommendation of integrated project teams was fully and
enthusiastically applied the potential savings could exceed 20% of the annual
spend. The savings arise from process improvement rather than margin
reductions. “Why should a customer have to pay for the inefficiency and
ineffectiveness of the supply chain?” (Thomas, 2005*). This is especially
true, even at a time when burgeoning work order books mean that some
organisations may not focus completely on what their clients want. It is
apparent, however, that the various studies produced in the past decade have
made clients aware that they can do better. “Clients are becoming more
demanding and are moving away from cheapest-price tendering….” (Lane,
2002: 1), and if organisations fail to innovate they may take their business
elsewhere, which is “tantamount to murder”.
Process improvement has therefore been identified as an important strategy to
address the current unpredictability and under achievements of the UK
construction industry. IT has been identified as a key enabler (Keraminiyage,
Amaratunga & Haigh, 2005*). “Given that Darwin’s first law of business is
innovate or die.” (Wilson, 2002: 1), it might be time for the construction
consultants and/or organisations to consider investing in the use of such
technology to improve the service to their clients and improve their bottom
line. To add to this, the globalization of construction, both in the design and
construction arenas, means that organisations need to use new technology to
outperform competitors, as doing what they have done for the last 20 years is
not going to be enough to withstand what the competition is proposing to use
on projects, be it collaboration tools, parametric modelling tools or 4D
planning. The bottom-line is that without innovating, organisations will be
seen to be stagnant and clients will take their business elsewhere.
Of course, the real bottom-line in all this is money! If a new discipline /
vocation within the ranks of the construction industry can save 2 to 3 percent
as has been advocated by Dominic Gallello and Clay Freeman in ‘The New
Heroes in the Building Industry’ (2004: 3), then why would construction
organisations, or for that matter architects, not seek to employ these people
and their new technologies? This is not some whimsical idea that will
disappear in five years; on the contrary any major project will likely need one
if Tom Brady, a construction manager on the new George Lucas corporation
campus is to be believed. His experience on this project led him to include in
a recent speech “that in 5 years, every major project will employ a building
model.” (Gallello & Freeman, 2004: 3)
Instead of looking at technology as a cost, the industry should rather be
looking at the technology to create value. “Clients need better value from
their projects and construction companies need reasonable profits to ensure
their long term future”. (Construction Task Force, 1998: 13). Value
engineering is a large facet of the design process, yet costs could be reduced
through use of the technology already available and through Building
Information Modelling (BIM) taken on into the construction and facilities
management phases, in essence a whole lifecycle cost, not just a build cost.
The government in the UK has along with the General Services
Administration in the United States, already reached this conclusion, with the
emphasis not on cutting costs but rather on process improvements. And an
essential part to achieving this is to improve on the existing planning process.
Figure 2: Use of BIM in Artra Facilities Management Software .
Source courtesy of ArtrA Ltd.
A similar mindset should occur in the private sector, but here the benefits
relate to maximising the efficiency on a project, thereby enabling not only
lower build costs, and therefore presumably greater profit or higher volumes
of work through improved tender successes, but also completing more
projects in the yearly cycle, which should in theory also translate into greater
profits along with happier customers and shareholders. Furthermore, a
reflection of better project management is a thriving organisation, and the key
to this is meeting project goals or programmes. Even those who own the
organisations believe they need to improve. In a recent FMI / Construction
Management Association of America (CMAA) survey (Doran, 2004: 2-3) of
owners, in addition to confirming that key phases in the construction process
take ‘20-50% longer than planned’, some of the major cost overruns were
caused by a ‘Poor pre-planning process’, ‘lack of timing decisions by owners’
and ‘Excessive change orders’, all of which could be managed by using a
central information portal and simple means of communication, 3D models.
Assembling an entire
More realistic
design and
project schedules
construction project
reflecting specific
team at the beginning
project conditions
of the design process
Illustration 2: Most significant changes contributing to the project
delivery process.
(Adapted from Doran, 2004: 19)
The combination of these two trains of thought are that by improving on the
construction planning process, the industry would be able to not only become
more efficient and increase its margins but also to provide better service to its
clients. What is therefore critical is a construction planning process that
incorporates the latest in IT advances with a more inclusive management
process understood and communicated to the hordes of consultants and
contractors that constitute a project team.
There is widespread agreement that the UK construction industry is under
achieving and that reforms need to occur across all sectors (Koskela et al.,
2003*; Love & Li, 1998: 291; Construction Task Force, 1998: 9). What is not
apparent from these studies is that the malaise that affects the industry today
is the result of an incessant drive by the larger organisations to reduce the
inherent risks faced by them on a daily basis, particularly from a financial
standpoint, which has led them to subcontract out the risk to other
organisations. In making this purely financial decision, senior management
have not borne in mind that as a result there is a fundamental breakdown in
the ability of all parties to work towards a common goal, coordinate their
competing agendas and find a simple means of communicating that
coordinated goal within one another.
Therefore, the literature review has focussed on how we presently
communicate our goals on construction projects as well as the current
thinking on re-integration of teams within a splintered subcontracting
environment. In considering the relevant literature to review, it has to be
borne in mind that 4D Planning as a process and Build Planning, in particular,
are little studied and have therefore been reviewed as a lesser part of 4D.
The literature review therefore encompasses four areas:
Integration of Project Teams;
Planning Methodologies;
Construction Planning, and
4D (Simulation, Visualisation, Modelling and Planning).
Integration of Project Teams
The focus of this study is on a planning methodology that through the use of
visual tools creates a process that focuses on coordinating the multitude of
players on a project into a single harmonious team. The reason for this is the
fragmented nature of the construction industry in the 21st Century. Ideally
there should be direct single responsibility and integrated construction groups
carrying out the bulk of the UK’s construction workload (Harding, 2005: 39).
Both Sir Michael Latham’s report, Constructing the Team (1994: 62), as well
as the Construction Task Force’s Rethinking Construction report (1998: 7),
recommended integration but only ended up agreeing to partnering. This is
totally at odds to the National Audit Office’s (NAO) report (2005: 1)
recommendation that full integration of the team is best for the client. Further
studies about this requirement revealed that the fragmentation and
confrontational relationships are the major inhibitors for performance
improvement initiatives (Love & Li, 1998: 291).
The debate over integrated teams has been ongoing for more than a decade.
In a 1995 article Gary Bates makes the point that the “weakness in the present
project initiation is that ‘seams’ exist in the information base used for
decision making.” During the last decade IT has made this process easier
through the likes of the PDF format documents, yet knowledge-based tools
are only infrequently used. He continues and says it would help to
“disseminate experience and expertise developed in earlier projects to new
ones”. (Bates, 1995: 3)
Recommendations in the Constructing the Team final report (Latham, 1994:
11), point out that the intention is to benefit clients through improvements in
“the industry’s performance and teamwork and thereby achieve better value
for money”. It has already noted that clients are not getting what they ask for
and that there are already a number of initiatives in place from previous
reports, including off-site prefabrication, which could be more widely
implemented. However, the above will only be achievable though “effective
teamwork by designers, contractors, subcontractors and manufacturers.”
In 1998’s Rethinking Construction (Construction Task Force, 1998: 7) both a
positive and negative view of fragmentation were expressed. In particular it is
recognised “that the fragmentation of the UK construction industry inhibits
performance improvement” whilst “the extensive use of subcontracting has
prevented the continuity of teams that is essential to efficient working.”
Unfortunately, the status quo is unlikely to change in the short to medium
term as studies have repeatedly shown “the industry typically dealing with the
project process as a series of sequential and largely separate operations”,
which leads them to deal with individual organisations, further perpetuating
the subcontractor culture. The focus of attention should therefore be to shift
away from this culture as increasing efficiencies and quality are fundamental
to achieving better delivery of projects. This is further backed up by ‘other
studies’ which “all suggest that there are significant inefficiencies in the
construction process and that there is potential for a much more systematised
and integrated project process.” (Construction Task Force, 1998) It is
essential that the available resources are maximised “in order that the ‘skills
of all the participants’ are brought to bare on ‘delivering value to the client.”
Integration is therefore related to achieving existing goals, increasing
productivity, reducing waste, meeting budget and time constraints. How to be
more productive or achieve more with the same resources is a major preoccupation of chief executives, whatever industry they operate in.
Construction is no exception (Parry, 2005: 38). But unfortunately “the
complexity of project processes, the lack of information management
experience at project management level, together with the fragmented and
adversarial nature of the industry” (Winch & Kelsey, 2003: 4) inhibit the
ability of the industry to become more integrated.
Changing the Culture
The change from a vertically integrated to subcontractor style industry and
the resultant transfer of risk across a greater number of organisations has
already been mentioned. However, other risks are created, mainly for the
client, as no one party is responsible for coordination across all consultants
and contractors. Unfortunately, when things do go wrong, it inevitably leads
to a blame culture, which will likely get passed onto the smaller links in the
chain that have more to lose. They are therefore more likely to increase their
cost and request extra time, to reduce the risk to them from a financial and
time penalty perspective. In order to eliminate this type of culture, which
harms the client most with inflated prices and extended construction periods,
construction has to be viewed “as an integrated flow, rather than a collection
of independent tasks.” (Poppendieck, 2003: 5).
Build Plan
Site Support
Material Supply
Contracts & Suppliers
Supplier Development
Care Centre
Illustration 3: Integrated build plan process.
(Bovis Lend Lease, 2001*)
The industry has been short on strategic collaborative thinking for a long time
due to its fragmented and adversarial nature. In order for organisations to
compete in an open market environment, where design companies are seeking
to wrestle back management control or construction organisations are looking
to take on board design responsibility, smart organisations will look to
innovation to increase the connection between the fragmented entities and
“make sense of the pieces of the puzzle.” (Greenway Consulting, 2004: 3)
One of the catalysts for change may be the clients’ desire to get their projects
completed even quicker than is presently happening. “Speed to market is
forcing new fields of collaboration, including advanced design-build models
… and teaming models.” (Greenway Consulting, 2004: 2) This change to the
way information is produced and evaluated also means a shift towards
partnering, as well as design and build projects, to improve communication
and reduce rework.
In a study carried out by Sarshar, Haigh, Finnemore, Aouad, Barrett, Baldry
and Sexton (2000: 241), they report that the construction industry has had few
recognised methodologies or frameworks on which to base a process
improvement initiative. However, process management, from a technological
standpoint, has been identified as a key enabler in achieving this. Quoting
from a recent study, which addressed the information management systems
within the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industries,
Keller, Scherer, Menzel, Theling, Vanderhaeghen and Loos (2006: 449) focus
on the complexity of construction projects and point out that “General
conditions have become even more complicated by shortened construction
times and limited budgets.” However, through use of IT and other
communications technology which support “cross-disciplinary, collaborative
work” it will provide “an opportunity of strategic importance” and a platform
which focuses on “collaboration instead of confrontation.”
Benefits of Teamwork
When teams do work together on a series of projects they learn skills to
enhance the product and foster relationships with the supply chain, further
enhancing the delivery process. This is the key premise of integrated project
teams. If they are to do this, they need tools which will assist them to
communicate on the same level, which is best achieved through visual means
and on a single software platform. “One of the primary goals of computer
integrated construction (CIC) is to simplify the methods for handling
information generated throughout the lifecycle of a project.” (Rankin and
Froese, 2002: 1) Much development has occurred in this field over the past
couple of years and new systems are emerging, particularly on the design
side, to enable this to occur.
Figure 3: Coordinated 3D services model used in 4D planning model.
Source courtesy of Advanced 3D Technologies Ltd. (A3D)
One of the areas in which collaborative thinking will be extremely beneficial
to the industry is in the interoperability of project information. This is borne
out in a recent study, the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) report in the US, which put the cost of non-interoperability at an
estimated $15.8 billion (R110 billion) annually, and the construction phase
contributed up to 25% of this amount. By using applications that are more
integrated, either a single platform or single working process e.g. Building
Information Modelling (BIM), substantial savings can be achieved which are
sorely needed in an industry that makes on average around 2% profit. “Our
use of technology is now viewed as strategic to growth” says Patrick
Thompson, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Shaw Group. He succeeded in
reducing costs by $60 million (R420 million) (Silver, 2005*).
Although this may mean a fundamental shift in the way that teams currently
operate and could sideline architects from the process completely, the use of
an integrated model makes a lot of economic sense for a client and is
beneficial for the contractors as well. The present arrangement places undue
risk on them due to the poor levels of information available when pricing and
unrealistic working arrangements forced upon them by consultants, including
Project Managers, driving the process. However, the biggest factor is the
reduction in both design and construct costs, and an improvement in delivery
time through prefabrication and better planning due to improved
communication “The gains realised are the classics sought by the industry:
faster, better, cheaper – and safer – construction,” (Sawyer, 2005b: 28)
Another facet to knowledge is the transference of information from the design
phase into the construction phase and finally into the facilities management
phase. At present, these phases of a building lifecycle are very poorly
interconnected, which means that not only does waste occur in the
construction process, but it also occurs from the beginning of the design
phase, which means there is a continuous waste of money. “The ability to
support and manage data across the entire building lifecycle … increases the
value of the design above that of visualizing a building’s appearance”
(Laiserin, 2002: 2).
Figure 4: 3D mechanical room model in Artra FM software.
Source courtesy of ArtrA Ltd.
By using the database structure embedded in these models, downstream
benefits can be achieved for estimating, procurement, logistics, Health &
Safety (H&S) and Facilities Management (FM). It also allows some of the
new planning methodologies and technologies to be incorporated into the
process, further improving on the value of money deliverables. Although
there are still some restrictions in terms of information transfer between
parties, it still provides a platform on which other fundamental changes to
working practice can be based. “The team understands the building as a
whole and that is better for the project.” (Baxter, 2006: 1).
In order to reduce risk, the two main contributors need to be addressed,
“incorrect information caused by ineffective synchronization of all data…and
inaccurate assumptions generated by the variability of conditions during
actual construction.” (Gallello, 2006: 10). The more integrated the design and
construction process is, the more likely these two elements will have been
reduced to lesser inhibitors of a more efficient process, due in part to the
working relationships formed, communication improvements employed and a
single source of information to build from being created.
Planning Methodologies
Sriprasert and Dawood (2003: 342-343) have identified seven major
technique groups in construction planning, which they have classified
through reviewing and analysing literature. These groups are:
Critical Path Method (CPM);
Line of Balance Method (LOB);
Simulation Method;
Knowledge based expert system and artificial intelligent method
(KBES and AI);
Visualisation Method (4D and VR);
Critical Chain Scheduling (TOC theory), and
Last Planner Method (LPM).
This in-depth study also focuses on how these techniques have been used
referencing numerous previous studies including Ballard’s research (2000*)
into the Last Planner Method focusing on production control involving the
use of short-term planning at crew level. Attention is also given to Line of
Balance with its basis in finding the required resources for each stage or
operation so as to prevent the following stages from being interfered with,
thus allowing the target output to be achieved. (Harris & McCaffer, 2000: 88)
This is countenanced by Steyns’ investigation (2001: 364) into Critical Chain
Scheduling with particular reference to Parkinson’s Law and the negative
effect of human behaviour in calculating duration, which has obvious
implications within a construction planning environment and its extended use
of float.
To add to these, there are the new style amendments to existing techniques
including resource-activity CPM developed by Lu and Li (2003: 413) and
Computer-Assisted Construction Planning (CACP) as proposed by Rankin
and Froese (2002: 258-260). This study goes on to comment that at present
there is “no universal planning system that can remedy the typical problem of
separation of execution from planning” in the construction industry.
However, they do propose their Multi-Constraint information management
and visualisation system as a possible solution to this situation.
What underlies all these concepts are principles from outside construction
including the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), which has
borrowed it’s principles from traditional management techniques, but breaks
down a project into smaller deliverables that can then be completed
individually (Project Management Institute, 2000: 11). Theory of Constraints
is a management philosophy that focuses on constraint as being anything that
limits it from achieving higher performance when reviewed against the
original goal of the project (Goldratt, 1990: 4) whilst Lean Construction, a
concept derived from Toyota’s Lean Production system, has as it’s primary
goal the understanding of the physics of production at the task level. Having
achieved this, it looks to the design of support systems to minimise the
combined effects of dependence and variation between activities, especially
on complex, uncertain and quick projects. (Howell, 1999: 2-5). Lean
Thinking describes the core principles underlying this system and it is these
principles that have now become part of Planning Methodology. This then
ties into many aspects of the procurement process as the required product or
design is only pulled from upstream steps when required ‘which leads to just
in time delivery.’ As the removal of ‘wasted time and effort represents the
biggest opportunity of performance improvement’, planning in this way can
be an extremely useful process in the day-to-day running of construction
Lean Construction
can reduce costs
by 20%. Here’s
Lower cost of
product costs
Time &
reliability of
of project
Percentage indicate weighting of potential
for contributing to the 20% cost reduction in
Illustration 4: Potential savings of Lean Production in Construction
(Bovis Lend Lease, 2001*)
Alternative Thinking
There are deficiencies in many of the processes due to the differences
experienced between industries. In addition, the constantly evolving nature of
products means that new challenges are being set to deal with the added
complexities posed as a result of this. An example of this is the Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS) method which forms the basis for many modern
planning techniques. Its focus on ‘sub-optimized thinking’ means that too
many tasks need to be managed at any one time, which leads to fewer tasks
getting attention and inevitably areas needing attention being under planned.
By focusing more on the interface between elements, the tasks themselves
can then be managed on a more hands-on basis, according to the outline
programme created at a higher level.
New research is being conducted on a regular basis to try deal with the
identified shortcomings in the existing methodologies. More practical
methods based on CPM have recently been proposed including the resourceactivity critical-path method (RACPM). This, along with previously noted
new methodologies endeavour to include for resources as part of any
algorithmic calculations instead of the current situation of only focusing on
activity length and path relationship. “The existing methods for resourceloading CPM have failed to address and clarify the ‘resource critical’ issue
brought up about 40 years ago.” (Lu & Li, 2003: 413). In order to try to
minimise this, alternative methodologies such as Critical Chain Method
(CCM), focus on maintaining the mean, rather than specifically defining an
exact duration, thereby removing the failure factor from any calculation. In
addition, it also allows those who have control to manage delivery in such a
way that they may actually benefit from completing sooner rather than just in
time. The latest of these ideas is known as DRAG, ‘Devaux’s Removed
Activity Gauge’, which focuses on how much we can shorten the critical path
activity before some other path becomes the critical path. This has some
major implications for delay on projects and also for shortening schedules
through focus on the critical path.
What is apparent from these various studies is that the techniques that are
presently being used to manage the design, planning and construction
processes of a building facility, ‘abstract the process to produce a Gantt chart
or CPM schedule’ (Haupt, Webb & Smallwood, 2004: 2 citing McKinney,
Kim, Fischer & Howard, 1996). When reviewing the planning methodologies
presently used, it is pertinent to note that the dominant way is ‘activity-based
scheduling’ based on techniques such as, Generalised Activity Networks and
Critical Chain Method (CPMPERT) (Graphisoft, 2004: 1). This is fine when
dealing with a manufacturing or static environment as the men and materials
component can remain in a single location for each activity planned.
However, relative to a construction environment, not only is each project in a
different location geographically, but so is each activity, even if it is the same
GPS location i.e. second versus fourth floor. A more comprehensive tool is
preferable. This tool needs to simulate and visualise construction activity
sequences as part of an interactive experience (Haupt et al., 2004: 2).
A more relevant process would be 'location based scheduling’ as this “deals
very effectively with the need to schedule the precise location of the work
crew … and takes into account site constraints.” (Graphisoft, 2004: 1)
However, to be able to do this requires the ability to see where the activity is
taking place, in the same three dimensional environment in which it occurs.
Construction Planning
Limitations of current methodology
Developing the construction plan is a critical task in the management of a
construction project (Hendrikson, 2000*). As previously mentioned in the
review of Planning Methodologies, the construction planner has a host of
techniques that can be employed in the quest to plan and manage the delivery
of the construction process. In fact “the capability to execute a project may
well be a function of the planning system employed.” (Central Unit on
Procurement, 1995: 6). However, as the statistics quoted earlier in this review
of the literature suggest, the methods presently employed do not satisfactorily
achieve the desired results.
Why is it that after nearly fifty years of planning as a specific genre,
invariably planned outcomes are not realised? There has over a number of
years been concern regarding the level of planning occurring on construction
projects with the studies conducted by Laufer since the 1980’s making
particular reference to this. His 1987 paper makes reference to the following
areas as needing to be resolved before planning can be more effective:
Scheduling is overemphasized, resources and methods planning are
Planners lack formal training or experience in construction methods;
There is an over-emphasis on CPM and PERT methods;
There is a deficiency in information gathering methods, and
Planning the planning phase and evaluation of it are non-existent.
All of these are still relevant today, twenty years on, and as other literature
has made note of, we are still not learning from past experience. In
Construction Methods and Planning (Illingworth, 2000: 5-6), attention is
drawn to the need for ‘competent and experienced personnel’ being required
for effective construction plan generation, especially in relation to the two
main processes: ‘understanding what has to be built’ and then planning the
best way to go about doing that whilst maximising the return on investment in
men, materials and time.
Evidence cited in Heesom and Mahdjoubi (2004: 171) suggests that there is a
shortage of skills in the area of construction planning, with the number of
planners having the ability or knowledge to effectively plan construction
projects decreasing. Much of this has been confirmed in follow up studies
including those conducted by Winch and Kelsey (2003: 7-8), and what many
of them reiterate is that much of the problem lies with the construction
industry structure, i.e. planners lack practical site experience because they are
only involved in the early stages, and the information they are being asked to
work with, be it as master planners, or as a contractor planner, is woeful and
inadequate. Those tasked with the responsibility are in the main new to the
role, and therefore lack the necessary experience at that level to be proficient
at it. This is a result of the extremely steep promotion curves brought about
by high volumes of work and a shrinking workforce.
Illustration 5: Learning through repetition.
(Bordoli, 2005*)
In their investigations Winch and Kelsey note the planners received “large
amounts of information that was not relevant to their role and…the quality of
much of the information was poor.” To further exacerbate the situation, as the
feedback process from projects is not happening regularly, the problems
occurring on one project are being replicated over and over again. This is
partly due to the workload issues of all the main parties involved, but also
because no formal review process exists in most companies to interrogate the
planning and implementation of projects. To add to this, it is commonly the
case when a new project commences that through “past experience, typical
activities specific to the project are identified and added, until a list is
compiled covering all the requirements.” (CUP, 1995: 3)
Effective Planning
“Effective planning is one of the most important aspects of a construction
project and influences the success of a project.” (Chevallier & Russell, 1998).
What is apparent in the literature is that effective planning cannot occur
without experienced schedulers and that “even experienced professionals
often find developing realistic and practical schedules … a challenge.”
(Fischer & Aalami, 1996: 337). The question has also been asked about how
much planning is effective and is it wise to employ a large amount of
resource to the process when the results appear to be so poor! What is
apparent is that “Efficient allocation of resources…should be undertaken on a
value adding and cost effective basis.” (Faniran, Love & Li, 1999: 311)
However, in order that a schedule is useful to those making decisions, it has
to be presented at an ‘appropriate level of abstraction or detail’.
Concept 16 Weeks
Scheme 16-20 Weeks
Detailed Design 24-36 Weeks
Build Specific Construction
Involvement moving inward
Target Costing
Trade Costing
End of Construction
Start of Construction
Build process – Traditional Approach
Final Costing
Trade partnerships give permanent link to design.
Shorten design cycle by approximately 12 weeks
and shortened build (timescale to be determined).
Concept 16 Weeks
Scheme, Detail & Plan 22-44 Weeks
End of Construction
Start of Construction
Build process – Proposed Approach
Cost Determination
Illustration 6: Alternate Construction Planning Process.
(Bovis Lend Lease, 2001*)
Scheduling is however, only a small part of the construction planning
process. Alshawi and Hassan (1999: 198) point out that for construction
planning to function as a control and decision-making tool it has to be
‘integrated’ with other disciplines such as design, estimating, site layout
planning and material purchasing. There are limitations in the scope of what
planning can achieve due to the increased complexity of projects and “as the
scope of the project schedule grows and the complexity of the design
increases, process schedule review often becomes a formidable task.”
(Songer, Diekmann & Karet, 2001: 1) When we add the dimension of design
to the equation, planners are left in a situation of having to make assumptions
based on experience, which little of them have sufficient of, or go on what
would be termed a ‘gut feel’. If they had an ability to take the design
information as it changes and feed it into the planning process in a way that
would highlight the impact of those changes, the process would start to
become a whole lot easier. Add the ability to use that self same information
as a communications tool and planners may start to change the way they
process a project.
Planners and site managers are required to simulate various construction
processes in order to build the project. This simulation can either be done
intuitively by the planner using 2D mark-up drawings or by using computer
methodologies’. However, when projects enter the construction phase,
management find themselves having to make decisions that may have other
more profound monetary or labour consequences, in a time and pressure
sensitive environment. “Making fast decisions is easy, any fool can do that.
Making good decisions fast is what’s hard.” (Sawyer, 2005a*) And that is the
crux of the issue with planning programmes in that they don’t allow
management a simple way to quickly analyse and then communicate to
project staff a revision in the sequence of works. A good proportion of these
decisions are therefore made on the basis of experience and intuition, without
the support tools such as those available for the sequencing of tasks. The
move to a fast track construction mind-set exacerbates the current limitations
of the planning process and when added to management’s desire to meet
client expectations it is invariably found that “the planning function is critical
to achieving successful delivery of a construction project” (Faniran &
Proverbs, 2002: 159).
Alternative Practices
The Lean Enterprise Web Information System (LEWIS) has been developed
in line with the principles of lean construction, to reduce the “delays and
rework caused by informal and unclear instructions.” (Christiansson, Dawood
& Svidt, 2002: 3). This coincides with the philosophies of 4D promoters, and
it is therefore seen as bridging the gap between simple web based document
management systems and fourth dimension models as a decision support
system. However, the process is more about ‘endorsing production-oriented
culture’ and workforce information at the point of execution, whilst also
forming a single repository and ‘tools to capture and process construction site
information.’(Sriprasert & Dawood, 2003: 350).
Implementing ‘lean’ techniques into the construction industry is a challenge,
but it is finding favour with more and more construction organisations as they
strive to reduce the identified bottlenecks on site. However, to realise this
requires a clear vision amongst the whole team of what needs to occur where
and when, especially as it works on the principle of ‘pull’, such that materials
are only available when they are required. How to achieve this is best
summed up by the following government funded project report “The key was
to change the way in which construction works were planned. A 4D model of
the project … was developed as a working tool … to identify contingency
options when project delays were experienced and to control delivery and
storage of materials” (Wilson, 2002: 1).
One of the reasons provided for implementing ‘lean’ techniques is that
studies have shown that trying to plan large levels of detail early in the
process only leads to a greater probability that the project targets will not be
met. In Faniran and Proverbs’ 2003 study, which followed up two previous
studies of a similar nature, they confirm that these occur “due to the
increasing number of planning loops that occur as planners plan and re-plan
minute project details.” In addition, this large amount of detailed planning
cannot be easily communicated to those on site who have to try and
implement it. Reams of paper would be required and the walls of a project
site office are needed to be able to show this level of detail using traditional
Gantt chart techniques. To add to this, trying to monitor this level of detail
and the relationships that are present between tasks becomes a full time
occupation. At present, this is one of the fundamental areas where projects
fail, as the inability to monitor a large number of tasks leads to the late
identification of problems.
Monitoring Progress
An equally important facet, therefore, is that the programme as agreed by the
various parties is in fact followed and that as a result, when tracking the
progress by regularly monitoring activity on site, the financial aspects of the
project are also managed. “The final vital piece of the jigsaw is regular
reporting of progress” (CUP, 1995: 6). Current practises in this regard are at
best average and at worst non-existent. In Her Majesty’s Treasury guidelines
on work projects, they make particular reference to the premise that the
‘entire planning process should be considered in the context of risk
management’, which includes the aspect of time delay, as this may have a
negative impact on delivery and therefore budget. There are a number of
techniques already in place to achieve this and the planning software
packages all come with the ability to run Critical Path analysis and the more
sophisticated Planned Progress Monitoring graphs. However, without actual
progress data, no amount of computing power will be able to forecast
completion, cash-flow, labour or resource situations.
Transferring Knowledge
However, the critical aspect of the construction planning process is that of
communication, both during the programme creation and its subsequent
implementation. Those at the ‘coal face’, the foremen, superintendents, and
construction managers, those who have to implement these highly complex
programmes have lost faith in the process that creates them. “They are
plagued constantly by the two biggest forms of construction waste - people
waiting for materials and work waiting for people.” (Poppendieck, 2003: 1).
By putting in place a framework programme that is explained and
communicated to all, it allows for the detailed planning to be done with those
whom it most impacts.
It is also vital that as part of the construction planning process, that those
activities that could impact on the programme be addressed. To this effect,
“the use of computer modelling to test the performance of the endproduct…….,and especially minimise the problems of construction on site”
tie in with the need to “pre-plan the manufacture, construction and
commissioning.” (Construction Task Force, 1998: 23). In Rethinking
Construction the overriding message is that “IT is an essential part of
improving the efficiency of construction.” A number of alternatives have
been researched including a new generic construction process modelling
method (GEPM), which uses object-oriented principles, and has borrowed
features, such as activity task and temporal dependency, from methods like
the Integrated Definition for Function Modelling (IDEFO) and scheduling.
Computer Assisted Construction Planning (CACP) is an application “that
provides a comprehensive description of project planning information for
initially populating and effectively managing a project database.” (Rankin &
Froese, 2002: 11). As part of a more integrated framework using other new
technologies, CACP is a way of dealing with the shortage in skilled
professionals to carry out the planning process. This has resulted in the use of
3D CAD models and animations, with studies showing that there are benefits
to this proposed methodology “the quality of the schedule, is dramatically
improved when the scheduler has access to a 3D design representation.”
(Songer, Diekmann, Rasheed & Hays, 2001: 206). In addition, it provides a
way to transfer knowledge from those who have it to those who do not, whilst
“supporting more detailed construction planning.” Emerging research efforts
are currently focussed on providing project planners and managers with
computer-based advisory tools to visualise the construction plan in a 4dimensional, that is 3D computer model and the time component,
environment (Heesom & Mahdjoubi, 2004: 172).
It is also imperative that what is communicated incorporates all relevant
activities whilst remaining unambiguous and understandable. By engaging
with the team, the collective knowledge of the individuals involved can be
then incorporated for presentation to others up or downstream from that
environment, allowing projects to remain on course even when problems are
encountered. It will also highlight constraints that may not be initially
apparent when creating the initial programme especially in respect of
logistical activities and site environment restrictions.
Figure 5: Communicating in 3D and 4D.
Source courtesy of A3D.
Being able to involve those from outside the project team environment
becomes a fundamental aspect to this and using visual means to communicate
information to non-construction minded individuals has proven extremely
useful on a wide variety of projects. As Jack Demsey of the US Coast Guard
made reference to when discussing proposals on a project: “The ability to
communicate the concept in quick, intuitive means really turned the tide.”
(Sawyer, 2005a*) It also allows alternatives to be put forward more quickly
and ‘what if’ scenarios to be conducted in more depth prior to work
commencing on site. How this information is extracted and presented
depends on the end user, but in the main most commentators agree that
combining the programme with a 3D model would appear to provide the most
accomplished solution: “Virtual planning helps everyone understand at the
speed of thought” (Sawyer, 2005a*).
With the ageing workforce and shortages in key personnel, the industry is
looking to technology to help. Add to this the skills crisis already evident in
many building trades, means “management processes will be critical in any
drive for productivity improvement.” (Parry, 2005: 38). In all the
methodologies referenced, the fundamentals of the process do not differ;
planners still need to involve all team members in the process. Ownership of
the programme is essential if the project is to be successful and therefore it is
imperative that the planner meets with and gains feedback from those actually
doing the work. Therefore, it is also a highly useful to have as a way of
communicating with people who do not understand a Gantt chart or WBS
environment, but do understand images. A hallmark of good planning centres
on communication of the plan to those who have to implement it (Soloman,
2005: 1). Now more and more firms are turning to visualisation tools to make
that possible (Sawyer, 2005a*).
4D (Planning; Simulation; Visualisation or Modelling)
2.5.1 Why 4D?
As has already been noted in the previous section, there are already a number
of techniques in use, so why further complicate the process. As referenced in
the introduction to the literature review, the ability of pictures or images to
communicate far in excess of what a list of words can achieve has long been
recognised. In fact, there are many benefits to having an animated
construction schedule, not least that it “can be played repeatedly, slowed
down or stopped at any time to assess the accuracy of the schedule.” (Songer
et al., 2001: 1). Even as a training tool for inexperienced planners, the ability
to visualize the construction process is seen as a way of addressing the severe
shortage of trained Planning Engineers.
Since the mid-nineties much work has been undertaken to demonstrate that
creating a 3D model over time assists in the planning process. In addition,
further experiments have shown evidence of the practical advantages, as the
programmes created through the 4D process are “more complete and
accurate, safer and less crowded and had better work flow.” (Songer et al.,
2001: 9). Using the Design and Integration (DALI) tool on the MidCity Place
project in London was seen as a way to assist in reducing waste costs
associated with the project (Pearson, 2001: 51). It has the potential for
presenting ideas to clients in order to promote collaborative working (Fischer,
2001: 1) and to assist in the problems associated with site logistics and site
layout (Zhang, Anson & Wang, 2000). Heesom and Mahdjoubi (2004: 172)
quoting their 2002 study also point to its use in improving site logistics, such
as defining the ‘work execution space’, whilst the ability to analyse the
construction schedule to assess the ability of construction personnel to
execute their designated tasks has also been much researched (Sawyer,
2005a*; Sawyer, 2006*).
Quoting from the 1994 report by Michael Latham, he says that an exciting
new development is ‘Knowledge Based Engineering’, which was developed
for use in the manufacturing of aeroplanes and cars. He goes on to enthuse
about how it can assist clients to “clearly understand the likely outcome of
projects at design state” and that additional fees for this service would be
“repaid many times over if it ensures a well planned project.” Those
comments were made over a decade ago, so why is it being discussed as a
possible rather than implemented technology? ‘4D is not a new phenomenon’
which begs the question why it hasn’t already found favour. It was first
conceived as an idea “back in 1986-87 when Bechtel collaborated with
Hitachi Ltd. to develop the Construction CAE / 4D Planner software.”
(Rischmoller & Alarcón, 2002: 1).
The industry is not falling over backwards for the new products as they are
not necessarily what the industry presently needs. “In the real world, 4D isn’t
a priority even for customers who have bought a solution” says Rich
Rowland of Lockwood Greene Engineering. As a result, the use of 4D
visualisation software is presently limited to large scale projects or projects
with high risk factors, where the additional costs can be offset against the
greater potential risk of failure (Goldstein, 2001*). At the EMCOR group,
CIO Joe Puglisi said he balances new technology needs and costs “by
requiring users to provide data that the new acquisition will reduce costs and
create new business” (Silver, 2005*). A lot of resistance to the 4D process is
because of the need to add an additional process, the 3D modelling. However,
as the design packages become more parametric based e.g. Revit &
ArchiCAD, so designers have the tools to produce models that “go beyond
serving the design information needs of architects and their clients” (Laiserin,
2002: 1) and start to form part of the construction process the “C” in AEC.
Figure 6: 4D planning process.
Source courtesy of A3D.
However, for those clients who are looking for something a little outside the
comfort zone, 4D has already proved to be of benefit “We are looking for
ways to build better cheaper and faster” says Andy Butler of Stanhope. They
have tried to drive down construction time on previous projects with limited
success. “The answer was to pilot a new computer simulation tool called
DALI that would allow the building construction process to be modelled in
3D” (Pearson, 2001: 48). At Heathrow Terminal 5 the information in the 3D
models created by the design team has been used for construction and
ultimately will be used for operation and maintenance (Lane, 2005: 59). The
large multi-dimensional firms can use internal budgets and economies of
scale to create their own in-house systems. Large AEC firms such as Parsons
Brinkerhoff have been using in-house resources to plan and manage mega
projects in real-time using custom built, time dependant solutions. The 4D
model is used at the monthly meeting Knutson has with subcontractors
“looking at it, it gets people to understand how the structure goes together.”
(Goldstein, 2001*)
Among many of the research papers on 4D there is a propensity to focus
more on the technology in use rather than the needs of end users for the
product. This research has noted from experience of the systems that the 4D
software is another tool in the planners armoury and is in itself not a solution
to the planning malaise that currently affect projects, and what it is general
touted as achieving. As more software options become available and the
major 3D CAD software suppliers make this a priority in their business
model e.g. Graphisoft’s Virtual Construction Solution, so the cost and
therefore value add of using this technology will become more commonplace.
“Autodesk has hired a 4D construction simulation expert” (Newton, 2005*).
Furthermore, the continuing alignment of the various software systems
including the ability to export from most CAD packages to the DWF file
format and likewise XML in planning software makes integration of various
different models and programmes more feasible than has been the case
previously, and which has formed a barrier to entry into the 4D world.
Interest in construction simulation / visualisation has been growing rapidly
due to a number of commercially available 4D platforms already in use
including Bentley Systems Schedule Simulator, Navisworks’ Timeliner and
Graphisoft’s Constructor, which all work from the perspective of a complete
design model which is then taken into a separate software system and where
it is linked with a project programme to reflect this visually. A3D’s PAL
system is different in that the model environment is used to generate the
programme, with any changes in the programme then automatically reflected
when linked back to the model in the 4D viewer environment. This means
that models can be generated in any software platform and planners can
continue to use the systems they presently rely on to create the initial
programmes. As the system has been rigorously tested on over 40 projects, it
also has encompassed many of planners’ requirements as opposed to being
design based or requiring specialist software skills to run. The system has
been kept simple to allow many of the existing tools in both CAD and the
Project Planning software packages, including the methodologies referenced
earlier, to be used to their maximum potential, whilst the 4D planning &
coordination is the domain of the PAL interface user.
2.5.3 Communications Tool
Amongst planners there has been some scepticism of the new technology
with web forums conducting in depth discussions on the merits of 4D. The
biggest constraints appear to be money and a lack of understanding of how
the technology physically works. This is partly due to some systems having a
separate programming interface rather than using the power of the existing
planning software. Should these hurdles be overcome the general consensus
is that it is a great communication tool which graphical improves on methods
currently used. It also provides an added dimension to what has previously
been available as the 3D models are more representative of the site
environment than the current use of 2D diagrams to plan logistical layouts,
which in the 3D world we live in is a logical assumption to make. However, it
will never be a substitute for good planners, although it may help to create
good planners especially if those with experience can transfer that through the
use of these models.
It has already been mentioned that there is a critical shortage of experienced
construction professionals, which is felt particularly in the planning
disciplines, where experience has previously been the only measure used to
facilitate planning. However, the use of 4D has been shown to be extremely
useful in educating inexperienced planners, allowing them to meet the
required levels of delivery. “a comparison between the quality of experienced
vs. inexperienced schedulers indicates … that by simplifying the
comprehension of the design with 3D CAD and walk-through, even the
inexperienced scheduler was able to create a quality schedule.” (Songer et al.,
2001b: 206). Also by linking 3D drawings to a project schedule, all project
stakeholders from the owner to tiling subcontractor, can see how the project
is supposed to progress (Goldstein, 2001*). In its guidance to clients, the HM
Treasury makes reference to the ability of those who are in essence funding a
project to be able to “interpret programmes prepared by project advisors
without being experts in the field.” However, they follow on to say that the
methods currently in use, namely a bar chart and network planning do not
meet all the requirements due in part to ‘difficulty in showing the complex
interdependence of activities’ and distortion by giving ‘undue weight to some
The main value from 4D is therefore derived from using it proactively to
visualise the construction sequence. By visually reviewing the project
programme from the outset, the process implications of the construction can
be highlighted so even when the model is not in use, those implications are
known. This then will allow greater interaction at an earlier stage with those
who presently don’t become involved until much later in the process, which
only leads to design re-work once their collective input has been garnered
following tender submission. This is more in line with the proposals fostered
in the collaboration reports over the past decade which have focused on
partnering arrangements as opposed the open tender process which is
presently the norm.
One of the tools being proposed to allow this to happen is immersive virtual
reality technology or CAVETM as it has been dubbed. This technology is used
to “view three-dimensional stereo images and simulations in actual one-toone scale.” (Whisker, Baratta, Yerrapathruni, Messner, Shaw, Warren &
Rotthoff, 2003: 2). The premise behind the use of this technology is that 4D
models can be input into a format more relevant to the site environment and
therefore issues identified on a higher level model, possibly on a desktop
computer, can be worked through with those responsible for constructing the
area in question, prior to going on site to do it, in essence a rehearsal of the
real installation. This has found favour in particularly the Nuclear Industry,
where the costs of mistakes are greatly exaggerated and therefore the value of
using such technology can be validated.
Figure 7: Planning logistics graphically.
Source courtesy of Mace / A3D.
Another advantage for planners is that aspects of the project relating to
activities such as tower cranes and temporary works in excavation areas,
which may be shown on programme and located on a 2D graphic, but are not
included in the design information, can be better understood by being
modelled in 3D and added to the 4D. An example of this may be the date a
tower crane support bracket is added or removed. This can have severe
implications for cladding or services installation on that floor and may require
specialist engineering design details. In addition, if the crane is relocated due
to site logistical constraints, the impact on related design or construction
activities will be more visible than using existing planning processes.
Communicating similar information to clients, other team members or even
the general public, then forms part and parcel of a process already completed,
rather than requiring additional time and cost to be expended in doing this
through other visual and non-visual means.
The most important aspect of using 4D is that it adds value to the process,
saves time, and money. Presently a study is being undertaken by Sushant
Sikka and Prof. Nash Dawood at the Centre for Construction Innovation and
Research at the University of Teesside, to try to identify ways of quantifying
the value through KPI’s related specifically to the use of 4D models in the
planning process. Previous studies have made mention of the unquantifiable
benefit generated from 4D in its many guises. “Where 4D technology has
been embraced, direct savings and an increase in productivity has been seen”
(Heesom & Mahdjoubi, 2004: 179). 4D technology enables planners to
predict potential problems at the construction stage, which could have
considerable cost and time implications. The Centre for Integrated Facility
Engineering (CIFE) confirmed with hard data that 4D modelling at the
appropriate stages in the construction process results in significant building
efficiencies and cost savings (Silver, 2005*).
The study was conducted in two parts, an observation / participation case
study and a survey. The survey was conducted amongst two sample strata,
preceded by a pilot interview process to formulate the questionnaires.
The Case Study
The observation / participation case study was conducted on the 51 Lime
Street project in London, England. The project comprised a 29 storey and
adjacent 10 storey office building, including 2 basement levels, on a large
central city site surrounded by narrow lanes and adjacent to the award
winning Lloyds of London Insurance Headquarters designed by Sir Richard
As the client and construction manager had already agreed to include 4D
planning and coordination alongside the more traditional planning processes,
and as the designated individual assigned to oversee the implementation of
the technology, the researcher had unfettered access to study the use of and
participate in meetings aimed at maximising the potential benefits that could
be accrued to the project.
Pilot Interview
A population of four London based construction professionals was selected to
interview in order to formulate questions to be used in the follow up surveys.
The population was
selected on the basis of their different spheres of
development, their good knowledge of IT and high level usage thereof. All
had varying levels of 4D experience but their most compelling attribute was a
commitment to the use of technology to improve on the industries ability to
deliver projects.
Case Study Interview Survey
This was limited to the population of construction personnel involved in the
51 Lime Street project. Those surveyed were derived from all occupations
and represented the majority of organisations employed on the project. A
breakdown of the number of personnel surveyed is contained in Table 1.
Number surveyed
Project Manager; Architect;
Structural Engineer; curtain walling; BMU;
lightweight roof cladding; toilet fit-out;
brick and blockwork; general metalwork
Sub and super-structure concrete; ductwork;
shop fronts / doors; BMS; drylining;
sprinklers; mechanical services; lifts;
insulation / fire-stopping
Management consultant; electrical services
Structural steelwork
Construction Manager
Table 1: Organisational Breakdown of Personnel Surveyed
The population varied considerably in its demographic nature due in part to:
Type of work performed;
Level of responsibility;
Previous exposure to technology;
Construction experience, and
The limited nature of the project population and its ‘education’ in or exposure
to other new technologies may give an element of bias.
The case study survey was intended to provide direct feedback from a live
project environment to enable other data received on the project to be placed
in context. It also provided a cross reference to the data received in the more
expansive e-mail distributed questionnaire.
E-mail Survey
The population was comprised of 91 construction industry individuals who
were familiar with 3D and 4D technology, although they had not necessarily
used or been exposed directly to the technology. They were drawn from a
wide range of disciplines (Table 2).
Construction Director
Project Manager
Cost Consultant
Project Engineer
Logistics Manager
Software Creator
Project Supervisor
Structural Engineer
Management Consultant
Project Coordinator
Table 2: Breakdown of Survey Population Discipline’s
The geographic location of the individuals surveyed included the entire
United Kingdom and Canada, with all participants falling within the
parameters outlined in the delimitations of the study.
Design of the study
The methodology adopted in this study was the mixed-method approach
(Sydenstricker-Neto, 1997*) which entails a combination of both quantitative
and qualitative research. Although this dichotomy of methodologies is
sometimes seen as not being best suited to producing pure research, to this
researcher it was the most appropriate way to establish a benchmark against
which further studies can be conducted.
The qualitative aspect relied on the observation participation method (OPM).
This strategy addressed an opportunity to understand the realities of
implementing new technology into a live project and provided a platform
against which the latter quantitative research could be assessed. The author of
this survey started to work on the case study as a 4D planning consultant
during the initial demolition of the existing site structures. The project
planner had requested the use of the technology as he had previous
experience of using it on other projects. The client had also previously used
the technology and agreed that it would be of benefit in the context of the
construction management contract on the project.
The 51 Lime Street project therefore afforded the ideal environment in which
to test the perceived capabilities of 4D planning and the processes involved in
its implementation. The researcher had opportunity to review what others had
not previously seen, access to and involvement in the planning process which
would involve use of 3D and 4D technology. Regular feedback from project
participants provided insight into the perceived positive and negative aspects
of the process, whilst internal review by the construction planner and
management provided user input into study reports. The observations would
provide corroborative research material to test the first and second
A descriptive quantitative research approach was adopted to provide an
alternative viewpoint in the study. Two techniques, correlational research and
survey research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005: 180-185), were used to provide the
most comprehensive coverage against which to review the hypotheses.
The correlational research was formulated to provide data that could be used
to test the third hypotheses. The project information was selected based on
the use of 4D during all or part of each project chosen. This was compared
against traditionally planned construction projects to give a statistical
measure for the two hypotheses being tested.
The survey research technique included the use of questionnaires and
conducting of interviews. The body of data collected in this way constituted
the major primary data, which was required to test the hypotheses.
The survey was conducted in two phases. The first was a pilot interview
conducted to develop guidelines for optimum ‘Phase 2’ questionnaires.
The questions for Stage 1 of the Phase 2 questionnaire were selected to reflect
the proposed interview nature and relationship to the 51 Lime Street case
The questions for Stage 2 of the Phase 2 questionnaire were formulated based
on the management demographic of the survey population and their exposure
to 3D and 4D technologies rather than knowledge of the technology.
The data collected in both surveys was used to test all three hypotheses.
The data collection procedures
The primary data used in this study was acquired from interview
questionnaires and analysis of the information generated on the case study of
51 Lime Street.
For the pilot interview, four construction professionals were interviewed
using a series of questions derived from the initial survey of the literature and
observations on the case study.
The Phase 2 - Stage 1 survey interviewees were all contacted via a covering
letter as presented in the form of Appendix A, e-mailed to management and
contractors involved in the 4D planning process on the 51 Lime Street
project. It requested their attendance at two interview sessions to be
conducted in the project office on the 5th and 10th October 2006. Most
respondents requested access to the questionnaires prior to the proposed
interview in order to limit time spent with the interviewee. The initial
interview session was therefore cancelled and a second e-mail sent with the
questionnaire attached for review, as presented in the form of Appendix B.
The respondents were also provided with an option to conduct the interview
telephonically. Meetings were held with three respondents during the second
appointment time and telephone conversations, outlining the basis of the
questionnaires, were held with a further three respondents. Due to the slow
response, possibly precipitated by changes in the management structure on
site, respondents were provided with a third option to answer the
questionnaire in their own leisure and to return this electronically. Although
the response was slightly better, in general the response rate was
The Phase 2 – Stage 2 e-mail questionnaire, as presented in the form of
Appendix C, was forwarded under a covering letter dated 19th October 2006,
as presented in the form of Appendix D. Participants were requested to
complete the attached questionnaire and return it electronically, or
alternatively, forward a written confirmation via facsimile to the offices of
the respondent. 21 of the 91 participants responded, which equates to a
response rate of 23.1%, which is satisfactory especially as a number of senior
management delegated responsibility for answers to other members of staff
who had already been sent questionnaires as part of the survey.
The correlation research data was obtained from A3D and in the case of the
case study from the project planner. The data from all projects was collated
by Teesside University as part of its use in a separate study presently being
conducted to determine the value of 4D to the UK construction industry. The
benchmark against which the data could be compared was provided by the
‘Guide to Building Construction Duration’ published by the BCIS in 2004.
The BCIS is a division of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
(RICS) based in London, UK.
The secondary data used in this study was obtained from various international
publications including, inter alia, articles from respected journals and
proceedings of conferences, books, brochures, magazines and Government
Publications, as well as the World Wide Web, with the latter providing the
most of information. The search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN and the
Electronic Journal of IT in Construction were extensively used to locate
relevant literature on the Internet. It should be noted that a large proportion of
the documents found on the Internet do not contain page numbers and this
makes it extremely difficult for researchers to compile an informative
reference list, as is standard practice using hard copy publications.
The search for the information commenced in the author’s collection of
information, continued in the library of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University and then the British Library. In these institutions, use was made of
the following databases:
The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s own database;
FirstSearch, and
The British Library’s own database.
Once these resources had been exhausted, use of the Internet was made along
with references provided by colleagues and fellow researchers.
The Design of the Questionnaires
Pilot Interview
As the questionnaire was intended to provide an informed opinion of the
current perceived inadequacies of the construction planning process, only
biographic and perception questions were included.
Phase 2 – Stage 1: Interview Survey
This included four biographic questions to enable the drawing of inferences,
five process implication questions, six build plan methodology, and eight
communication related questions reflecting the hypotheses. A further eight
perception related questions were included to determine interviewee bias.
Phase 2 – Stage 2: E-mail Survey
This included four biographic, nine process implication, four build plan
methodology and two communication related questions reflecting the
hypotheses. A further six perception related questions were included to
provide inference.
Collecting the Data
Pilot Interview
The four professionals identified arranged to be interviewed in their
individual capacities in London. Interviews were undertaken on a one-to-one
Phase 2 – Stage 1: Interview Survey
The project director was sent a letter on the 17th July 2006 requesting the
survey be conducted amongst all the project participants, to which he agreed.
As has been noted, the population was mainly located on site at 51 Lime
Street and therefore interviews were arranged to be conducted on the 10th
October at the management offices located 5 minutes from site. When this
initial interview process failed to illicit the anticipated response, informal
interviews were conducted at the desks of respondents located in the site
telephonically and finally those who could not find the appropriate time to be
interviewed replied to the questionnaire via e-mail. Two reminder e-mails
were sent on the 14th November and 9th December following the issuing of
the questionnaires by email on the 24th October.
Phase 2 – Stage 2: E-mail Survey
On the 19th October 2006, 91 questionnaires incorporating 25 questions were
e-mailed, with a covering letter requesting that completed questionnaires be
returned via e-mail or facsimile by the 3rd November 2006. Follow up e-mails
were sent on 14th November and 4th December 2006 (see Appendices E and
F), with the return date extended initially to the 26th November, and then
finally the 9th December, in order to maximise the number of returns. By the
10th December, 21 of the questionnaires, which equates to a response rate of
23.1%, had been returned.
The Treatment of the Data
As the pilot interview entailed the gathering of data to be used to formulate
the interview and e-mail questionnaires, it was structured to be processed
The questionnaires that originated from the pilot interview and case study
were coded and then the data was processed using Microsoft Excel and
presented as reflected in Chapter 6.
The 51 Lime Street project is a 44 000 m2 office development comprising a
29 storey and adjoining 10 storey building on a prime site opposite the
famous Lloyds of London building. The challenging site with narrow
surrounding streets and adjacent working office buildings, coupled with a fast
track build programme that looked to maximise the pre-let status of the
project, meant a need from the project team to employ ‘outside the box’
techniques to maintain the project delivery targets. As part of the strategy, the
client procured the services of A3D, a 4D Planning and Coordination
consultant who have seven years of experience in the implementation of 4D
on commercial projects.
The researchers’ role as the 4D Planning Manager on the project allowed
unfettered access to all aspects of the planning. Coupled with a project team,
including knowledgeable planner, who were open to maximising the potential
of new technology, this provided a not to be missed opportunity to further the
industry’s knowledge on the potential of 4D in the project environment. In
particular, the especially large and complicated site where the full scope,
from site wide logistical planning down to detailed daily sequencing of
basement work space usage could be reviewed first hand, would be of
immense benefit to those currently reviewing options for the technology on
similar projects.
Review of Project Information
As the 4D consultant, the researcher’s role was to work in conjunction with
the Construction Planner to produce a ‘vision’ programme in the 4D
environment. Starting with the design information as it existed at Tender
Stage, the project was modelled in 3D before the information was transferred
into the 4D environment using the Master Programme provided by the
Construction Planner as the template from which to work. It should be noted
that this programme was expanded exponentially to include not only the
construction activities in more detail but also a host of logistical tasks as well.
By using the design information, some of it already in the 3D environment in
the form of the concrete core model and some services, all aspects required
for scheduling tasks are included.
The theoretical
fully detailed
covering the
entire project
Increasing Level of Detail
The Foreman’s
(high detail –
short duration)
The Construction Programme
4D Planning
(greater detail –
longer duration)
The Client’s
(low detail –
entire project
Increasing Programme Time Span
Illustration 7: What should the level of detail be?
(Amended from Bordoli, 2005*)
This vision programme is not a contractually binding programme, but rather a
more in depth programme created with the relevant contractor, taking into
consideration all interface issues with other contractor programmes.
However, it relates to the desired master programme time parameters as
defined by the construction management team. Once the base 4D construction
models had been completed, an iterative process commenced which would
lead to the creation of build plans. These would be followed by each
contractor for the duration of the project. Working with the Construction
Planner, the researcher was able to study the process followed and participate
in the creation of ‘vision’ programmes for all the works packages. It is this
process, which is believed to have the greatest benefit to project teams, from
the 4D planning and co-ordination technology, as being able to visually
interrogate and run multiple scenarios almost at the touch of a button, saves
much time and effort before getting to site. In addition, doing this two to
three months prior to the work commencing, means contractors have time to
make changes to personnel, and provides construction managers an
opportunity to find additional resources, or get design’s changed before they
have a direct impact on meeting programme delivery dates.
Once these vision programmes had been created, the researcher was an
observer in the implementation, monitoring and amendment of these
programmes. The majority of this activity occurred in the management
offices of the 51 Lime Street project at Lovat Lane, EC2, with a number of
these sessions conducted in a meeting room with the model projected onto a
smart board. This was to allow the participants to interrogate and make
amendments in a ‘live’ environment, thereby seeing immediately the impact
of their decisions on other contractors and the overall project programme
duration. In addition presentation meetings were held in the site induction
room also using an overhead projector or at desks of management staff using
a laptop or desktop computer. The main individual driving the process for the
Project Team was Adio Amusa, the Construction Planner for the project, who
was then responsible for using the 4D model as part of his reporting process
at meetings with the Project Management team and the Client. He also had to
present the model to the eventual occupiers of the building, the leading
insurer, Willis Group.
The research goal was to demonstrate the ability of the 4D planning and
communicating the proposed programme to all involved in the process whilst
also improving the delivery time period of the project through greater
interrogation of the programme. This was to be achieved by increasing the
number of tasks and therefore interfaces between contractors and reducing
the overall build time as a result of this. In addition the use of 3D modelling
throughout the process was to be investigated for additional benefits in design
coordination and clash detection, as well as Facilities Management benefit
through the lifecycle of the project.
Observation from Projects
With access to all areas of the project, the researcher was able to observe the
interaction between the Construction Planner and each of the individual
contractor planning managers, the negotiating and bartering that form an
integral part of a planner’s responsibility and the importance of being able to
fully communicate the construction team’s vision for the project and get
contractors to the agree to work to the same plan.
The contract programme was initially converted into the 4D model and so
was studied intently, with the major interface points of particular interest. All
relevant 2D drawing information, or where available 3D information, was
dissected into its component parts and individual processes interrogated with
contractors to understand the weaknesses and areas needing greatest
management input. Construction scopes were also reviewed so as to
understand particular aspects of the process and produce the most relevant 4D
planning model to be monitored. This did not mean last planner type
programming, as that is too detailed to be effective in the 4D Model and was
left to the site teams to manage. However, the vision those decisions were
based on came from the build plan model as the main interfaces between
contractors had already been addressed at management level.
Figure 8: Detailed interface planning.
Source courtesy of A3D.
The researcher was able to observe the reaction from contractors to changes
forced upon them by design or circumstance and also their ability to use the
model to explain why they needed additional time to complete some specific
area of work or reason to shift other contractor dates in order to reduce the
overall programme through a more integrated team process. This also
included ways to maximise the use of logistical equipment and also to review
design issues affecting the construction process and ways to resolve this
without affecting the programme duration, even if meant it may have an
impact on overall budget costs. The researcher attended meetings where use
was made of the model to discuss with the contractor why they were not
prepared to work in a certain way, the restrictions imposed in terms of
logistics and health and safety (H&S) in their working area and the reasoning
for the work rate they had given in their initial planning presentation. It was,
therefore, possible to amend the sequence of proposed works to better reflect
their constraints or those of other contractors working in a similar area, and
amend the whole working arrangement to take cognizance of delays
occurring elsewhere on site. The construction programme was reviewed in
terms of the location the work was being carried out in and proposed alternate
requirements set out by the Construction Managers, but which did not affect
the contractors cost base. All this was done with the ‘vision’ programme in
mind and not the original contract programme.
Once the programme baseline had been set, the responsibility for monitoring
progress against programme was passed to the contractor and the model
became the reporting environment for all levels of management and a tool to
enable educated discussions to take place within a management meeting with
contractors. I observed unknown constraints being discovered through the
visual sequence of activities including H&S restrictions being highlighted by
simply seeing two activities occurring in close proximity at the same time. It
graphically demonstrated the need to have large pieces of plant on site at an
earlier date in order to be able to get them into the basement and asked
questions about where that equipment would be stored before being installed.
The restrictions of the site environment, including non-construction related
clash, were visually highlighted in a three-dimensional perspective by the
model and led to time being saved when the accommodation units were
relocated in order to enable the façade panels to be installed.
Figure 9: Construction Coordination.
Source courtesy of A3D.
Most importantly, the awareness of progress, when measured against the
baseline and the ability to communicate that visually in a fast and effective
manner, without the need for reams of paper and a word being spoken, was
extremely beneficial in resolving meetings quickly and getting teams to
concentrate on real issues. More importantly, an issue was dealt with
immediately without a follow up meeting needing to be agreed and instead of
persons having to go away and review information for questions to be
answered at the next meeting. This was as true for design issues as it was for
planning issues, but as they are inextricably linked this was of no surprise to
the researcher. As a participative researcher, I was rewarding to observe the
model environment being used to coordinate multiple contractors working
within a single environment, so that the most efficient working sequence
could be achieved, benefiting all of them in the process. Although there were
a number of issues that could not be resolved and not all contractors were
convinced of the benefit that could be derived from fully committing to the
process, in the main the technology was well received and would be of
benefit when used again.
Interpretation of what was observed
It is apparent from being involved in the planning process that one of the
major areas that is not currently dealt with in any detail is the interface
between contractors and their logistical requirements. When the initial 4D
model of the project was created, those areas needing most attention were the
ones related to logistics, including:
The tower cranes in terms of their position and the effect this would
have on a number of contractor programmes;
Extension dates for masts, which means the cranes are not in use, and
Final removal, which impacted on the completion of the external
fabric of the building and numerous internal areas due to slab infills.
Other equipment including piling rigs, vehicle delivery loading areas and the
site accommodation in terms of its size, location and interference with daily
operations, all had to be reviewed in context with multiple contractor
Figure 10: 4D logistics planning.
Source courtesy of A3D and Mace.
Once the detailed build plan programming commenced with contractors, the
researcher became aware that the interface point such as the handover of a
work zone by a contractor or the coordination of the designed installation
sequence had not been visualised and a lot of assumptions had been made
based on previous experience. Although the process on each project is
obviously similar, the constraints are not and it was very apparent that this is
where the greatest delays occur i.e. lay down areas interfering with another
activity, be it a pile being driven or moving a piece of equipment around a
floor slab. Other examples were access routes for vehicles being blocked by
equipment or a contractor being prevented from working due to H&S issues
created as a result of contractors using equipment above the workforce.
It was also noticeable that the use of the 3D and 4D models made the
contractors aware of these restrictions and depending on the attitude of the
users to the use of the technology this was viewed as either a positive or
negative benefit to resolve the restrictions. Management’s attitude was fairly
similar to that of contractors, which was somewhat surprising, especially
from experience of these situations on previous projects. Knowing well in
advance of a problem that needed an alternate solution, and having a tool that
would assist in resolving that situation, would have been much better
received by the whole team, including the client, than being made aware of it
only weeks before and having to provide a short term solution, which tends to
lead to further subsequent problems which then need further management
input. It is, however, also the opinion of the researcher, that should the
technology be used again with similar team members, then they would in the
main make better use of it and gain more out of it than was achieved on this
project, simply because the potential benefits took time to percolate down
from the Construction Planner to the Project Managers, Construction
Managers and Contractor Managers. The potential benefit of communicating
issues to one another using the model was not fully utilised until late in the
process and by then, it had lost a lot of its potential to benefit and change the
course of operations, than would have been the case if used earlier.
Although the planning was still a long iterative process, due in part to the
constantly changing design, more was achieved in review meetings by having
the visual imagery available and providing an alternative sequence by
inputting the proposed amendments immediately. Also, being able to see the
coordinated sequence occur visually i.e. see the sequence play out on screen,
without having to follow the relationship theory inherent in a linked bar chart
environment, was especially beneficial bearing in mind the complexity of
major projects such as this. In addition, more problems were identified during
review sessions, and not necessarily programme related issues, through the
visual medium of the model. This is not necessarily a fault of the design
process as these are mainly elements added during construction and then
removed upon completion of the relevant task, i.e. temporary design construct
Figure 11: 4D planning sequence models from 51 Lime St.
Source courtesy of A3D
However, the ability to carry out design coordination and clash detection as
part of the planning process has enormous benefits for all areas of the
process, including the design. Here again, when the issues were raised early
enough in the process, changes could be made in terms of value engineering
on the design side and construction process on the planning side that would
benefit project delivery and cost reduction in equal measures. However, as
the 4D planner role is still very new to most individuals involved in the
review process, respecting the individual carrying out the role and their
professional integrity, is the biggest challenge to making this a more
beneficial input into the process. This is manifest in an inferred resistance to
the use of the model environment from members of the construction
management team and also contractor management teams. This may be a
resistance to a ‘big brother’ type scenario where every decision is
interrogated because it becomes very visible especially when monitoring of
the build plan occurs. It may also be a perceived undermining of the role of
an individual within the team environment especially if the individuals
concerned are not confident in their own ability and feel their position is
threatened as a result. By using the technology on a more regular basis, the
benefits of interrogating one’s own decisions will become more apparent and
a lot of these hostilities would subside. However, the system does not allow
any individual to hide and is ruthless in exposing deficiencies, so particular
attention needs to be paid by management to educating users, as it can be
used in a negative way to undermine a project.
Figure 12: Design clash detection of 4D services model.
Source courtesy of PSI Software and A3D
The benefits of working in the 3D environment have been well documented
by other researchers, but these benefits have once again been reaffirmed on
this project. Although improvement in the use of the model to check design
coordination i.e. automated clash detection, is an area that still needs greater
attention, the overall ability to communicate the spatial constraints and
constructability issues in the third dimension are of immense benefit to all
members of the team. Therefore, greater pressure needs to be placed on the
design teams to work in this manner from the start as it would have a positive
impact on the planning process and costing process.
It was noticeable on this project that when the consultants and contractors
undertook their designs in 3D, the coordination aspect of the designs became
a more integrated process simply because each designer had to work
alongside another to get their element of the design signed off, as opposed to
each one submitting their design for sign off individually, and a lead designer
coordinating the completed packages. Also, by using this data in the planning
phase, and from there as an as built reference for the facilities management
team, additional value add is created in the process which offsets any
additional cost incurred. The ability to use these self same models to
communicate with the client and eventual building tenant, in a simple and
uncomplicated fashion, provides a project management team with a tool
which instils a perceived confidence in their ability to deliver. Even better,
this can be done without having to expend additional resources in its creation.
Relevance to other projects
How can what has been observed and participated in be transferred across to
other similar and also completely different projects? As has been discussed in
the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Review of Literature’ sections of this study, the
construction industry is grappling with a number of issues which were
prevalent on this project. In particular, the integration of many programmes
into a single programme, and the communication of this to all, the transfer of
knowledge across the team including to less experienced members,
improving the logistical management and dealing with issues immediately
rather than at a follow up meeting, were all examples where this tool and the
process it entails provide a means to overcome many of those failings, in a
way that placed little additional responsibility on individuals within the team.
At the same time it provided those team members with additional confidence
that the proposed programme was achievable and they had the ability to
communicate that vision for the project, which would in turn allow them to
deliver on promises made to the client. They also had a medium through
which to communicate with the client in pictures rather than words, which
saved time and energy to concentrate efforts on resolving issues, not just
talking about them. It also provided a platform to maximise the contribution
of the collective knowledge base on the project, for the betterment of each
individual and each of their respective organisations as well. This then could
be translated into a more cost effective and efficient project as that
concentrated knowledge base will achieve more than a single planner would
ever hope to produce.
Figure 13: 4D planning presentation models.
Source courtesy of A3D
It has also been stated in the literature surveyed that all of the above areas are
where construction organisations need to improve if the industry is going to
extricate itself from the present malaise it finds itself in. By being able to start
transferring skills from experienced senior management to younger less
experienced individuals, they need a reference against which to almost test
their own knowledge base on how to do the job. This was aptly provided on
this project with the model being used to educate a junior planner and a
second Construction Planner, who had no high rise experience, in the
complexities and major areas of focus, all clearly communicated in the 4D
environment. The senior planner was thereby able to become involved in
other projects where his extended knowledge base could be better utilised
whilst still overseeing the operations on site by accessing the model from a
web based monitoring platform. With the severe shortages in experienced
construction personnel this is one way to both maintain the necessary
standards for a client whilst at the same time maximising the potential of the
work force available, simultaneously increasing the knowledge pool as part of
the process.
In the opinion of the researcher it provided evidence to definitely support
hypotheses 1 and 2 of this study and also provided enough evidence to
suggest that hypothesis 3 would also be confirmed. In addition it confirmed
the theory that the use of 3D models can improve the design coordination
process and could enhance the delivery process if more emphasis were placed
on using automated clash detection tools. It is also the opinion of this
researcher that it proved the value of the tool from a purely financial stand
point, even if calculating this value is extremely difficult to do at present,
using existing KPI’s and benchmarking of value add based on traditional
estimating techniques. This is therefore the perceived value generated by the
process following the creation of the 3D and 4D models and the downstream
benefits generated as a consequence of this including, offsite prefabrication,
reduced deliveries through improved logistical planning and reduced costs
through efficient use of men and materials.
The results from the two questionnaires have been tabulated separately. A
number of terms have been used which need to be clarified:
33.3% and less
≥66.7% but <80%
≥80% but <100%
In order to define with greater detail the responses received, the following
terms have been used to represent the weighted mean score for the results:
≥ 1.00 to ≤ 1.80: Not at all to a lesser extent
> 1.80 to ≤ 2.60: Not at all to a lesser extent / lesser extent
> 2.60 to ≤ 3.40: Lesser extent to some extent / some extent
> 3.40 to ≤ 4.20: Some extent to a greater extent / greater extent
> 4.20 to ≤ 5.00: Greater extent to in detail / in detail
Under 6.2, Questions 22 through 25 do not relate directly to the hypotheses,
but do provide significant data for reference should future implementation of
4D Planning occur.
Case Study Interview Questionnaire
Q 1: Have you used or experienced planning methods on previous
Table 3: Respondents exposure to planning methodology.
Most respondents had previously used, or experienced, a planning method on
a project. Use or experience of planning methods provides a background and
understanding of the role of planning in the management process.
Q 2: If ‘Yes’ to Q1, rate the planning methods used.
Planning Method
Used by
Approval Rating (%)
Gantt or Bar Charts
4D Models
To do list
Images or Graphics
Work Breakdown Schedules
Line of Balance Graph
Network Analysis Diagrams
Time Change Graphs
Table 4: Types of planning methodology used and approval rate.
All nine respondents had used Gantt or Bar Charts, which also had the
highest approval rating, which in turn may imply that it would be the method
of choice. The high level of 4D model use was to be expected bearing in
mind the sample population for this questionnaire. The low approval ratings
for the remaining methods confirm the findings of the literature review
relative to existing planning methods.
Q 3: Did the methods used clearly communicate the project programme
to you and your colleagues?
The mean score, which is in the middle of the mean score range indicates that
respondents can be deemed to agree between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent that the methodology used communicated the project
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 5: Extent to which planning methods communicated the project
Q 3.1: If the methods did not at all communicate the project programme,
how could project programmes be better presented to enable them to
communicate the build process more clearly?
There were no ‘not at all’ responses.
Q 4: Have you found that the methods used on 51 Lime Street clearly
communicated the project programme to you and your colleagues?
Given that the mean score is 2.91, the respondents can be deemed to agree
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that the methodology
used communicated the project programme.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 6: Extent to which 51 Lime Street planning methods
communicated the project programme.
Q 5: Have you made use of or been exposed to the 4D planning method
used on 51 Lime Street?
The majority of the respondents had used or been exposed to the use of the
4D planning method.
Table 7: Respondents exposure to 4D Model.
Q 5.1: If ‘Yes’, did it clearly communicate the project programme to you
and your colleagues?
Half the respondents who had used or been exposed to the use of 4D
planning, agreed that it had to some extent communicated the project
programme to them and their colleagues. A further 12.5% identified each of
greater extent and in detail as their response. The mean score of 3.00
indicates that the respondents can be deemed to agree that 4D planning had
communicated the project programme between a lesser extent to some extent
/ some extent.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 8: Respondents rating of 4D planning’s ability to communicate the
project programme.
Q 5.2: If ‘No’, do you believe a 3D Model linked to the project
programme i.e. time, would help to communicate that programme more
clearly to you and your colleagues?
Of the three respondents who had not been exposed to the 4D planning
method, one replied that it would not help at all; one replied that it would
only help to some extent, and one replied that they were unsure to what extent
it would help. The small number of respondents to this question makes it
difficult to draw any objective inference from these responses.
Q 6: Are greater levels of planning detail needed in construction
Just over half the respondents agreed that greater levels of planning detail are
Table 9: Respondents view on need for greater levels of programme
Q 7: Are the levels of detail included in the construction programme on
this project more or less than previous projects?
The mean score of 3.50 indicates that the response can be deemed to be
between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent. The 27.3% unsure
response is notable, and the highest percentage response was relative to a
greater extent.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 10: Level of programme detail on 51 Lime St compared with
previous projects
Q 8: Is the level of planning better or worse on this project?
The mean score of 3.38 indicates that the response can be deemed to be
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent. However, it should be
noted that 3.38 is marginally outside of the higher range of > 3.40 ≤ 4.20.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 11: Planning performance on 51 Lime St compared with previous
Q 9: Is it your opinion that when a 3D Model of the project is used, it
helps to increase the level of planning detail?
More than half of the respondents believed that using a 3D Model of the
project would lead to an increase in the level of planning detail.
Table 12: Do 3D models impact the level of planning detail.
Q 9.1: If ‘Yes’, why do you believe this occurs?
Not all could qualify their assertion, but those who did, stated the following:
Better understanding of overall project;
Visually highlights gaps, and
The co-ordination issues are better understood in a 3D model.
Q 10: Have you had experience, using any method, of planning detailed
aspects of the construction programme?
The majority of respondents had experience of planning detailed aspects of
the construction programme.
Table 13: Experience of detailed planning.
It is important for greater numbers of construction personnel to be involved in
creating detailed aspects of the construction programme as it will increase
knowledge transfer of critical interface issues.
Q 10.1: If ‘Yes’, had you been able to use a 3D Model of the project to
understand the 3D reality required, would it have improved your ability
to deliver?
50% of those respondents who had experience of detailed planning believed
that a 3D Model would have improved their ability to deliver the 3D reality
required, 25% to a greater extent and 25% in detail. The resultant mean score
of 3.25 indicates that the response can be deemed to be between a lesser
extent to some extent / some extent.
Not at all
Some extent
Greater extent
In detail
Figure 14: Extent of 3D models ability to improve delivery.
Q 11: Would being able to use a 4D model to understand the 3D reality
required, improve the ability to plan detailed aspects of the construction
The mean score of 2.82 indicates that the respondents can be deemed to
concur between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that using a 4D
Model of the project would improve their ability to plan detailed aspects of
the programme.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 14: Extent to which 4D models may improve the ability to plan
detailed aspects of the programme.
Q 12: Will additional construction programme detail help to better
deliver the contract programme?
The mean score of 3.44 indicates that respondents concur between some
extent to a greater extent / greater extent that additional programme detail
would lead to better delivery of the contract programme.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 15: Extent to which additional detail helps communicate the
project programme.
Q 13: When a 4D Model of the project is used, does it help communicate
the 3D reality required for delivery?
The mean score of 3.00 indicates that respondents can be deemed to agree
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that use of a 4D Model
would help to communicate the 3D reality required for delivery.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 16: Extent to which 4D model helps communicate 3D reality
Q 14: By using location based planning techniques, can project logistics
be improved?
Given that the mean score is 3.89, the respondents can be deemed to agree
between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent, that project logistics
would be improved by location based planning.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 17: Extent to which location based planning will improve project
Q 15: Can visually communicating to your colleagues where and when
activities are taking place, help you to deliver a project programme?
The mean score of 3.82 indicates that respondents were of the opinion that
visually communicating where and when activities were taking place would,
between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent, help deliver a
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 18: Extent to which visual communication of an activity location
will improve project delivery.
Q 16: Would the visual nature of the 4D Planning model help to
communicate where and when these activities take place?
More than half the respondents believed the visual nature of the 4D planning
model would, to a greater extent, help to communicate where and when
activities take place. The resultant mean score of 3.60 indicates that the
response can be deemed to be between some extent to a greater extent /
greater extent.
Not at all, 9%
Unsure, 9%
In detail, 9%
Some extent, 18%
Greater extent, 55%
Figure 15: Extent to which 4D planning model would help to
communicate where and when activities take place.
Q 17: Has the construction programme on 51 Lime Street been better
evaluated than previous projects?
Given that the mean score is 3.13, the respondents can be deemed to agree
that the 51 Lime Street programme had between a lesser extent to some
extent / some extent, been better evaluated than previous projects.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 19: 51 Lime St programme evaluation comparison.
Q 18: Has the planner on 51 Lime Street been able to better
communicate the construction programme than on previous projects?
More than half of those surveyed believed that to some extent, the planner on
51 Lime Street had been able to better communicate the construction
programme. However, the mean score of 3.38, which is marginally outside of
the higher range, indicates that the agreement can be deemed to be between a
lesser extent to some extent / some extent.
Unsure, 27%
Some extent, 55%
In detail, 9%
Greater extent, 9%
Figure 16: Extent to which the planner on 51 Lime St had been better
able to communicate the construction programme.
Q 19: Is it important to measure progress against planned construction?
All those surveyed agreed that in their opinion it was important to measure
actual progress against that originally planned.
Q 20: Would having more tasks to measure progress against help
projects to better meet programme dates?
The mean score of 3.00 indicates that respondents can be deemed to agree
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that measuring more
tasks would help projects meet their programme dates.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 20: Extent of monitoring more tasks on meeting programme dates.
Q 21: Do you believe visually communicating planned construction
against actual progress will improve programme delivery?
Given that the mean score is 3.22, the respondents can be deemed to concur
that visually communicating planned against actual would between a lesser
extent to some extent / some extent, improve programme delivery.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 21: Extent to which communication of progress visually impacts
on programme delivery.
Q 21.1: If visually communicating progress would ‘Not at all’ improve
programme delivery, what would improve programme delivery?
There was a single ‘Not at all’ response with the following comment:
“Programme delivery is dependant on programmed periods being correct and
the management of the build programme.”
Q 22: Do you use a personal computer?
All those surveyed replied in the affirmative.
Q 23: Is construction a technology ‘phobic’ industry?
Given that the mean score is 2.78, the respondents can be deemed to agree
that construction is between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent, a
technology ‘phobic’ industry.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 22: Level of technology ‘phobia’ in Construction.
Q 24: If more construction personnel used IT devices i.e. computers,
smart phones, MP3 player, PSP's, would the use of technology in
construction improve?
Given that the mean score is 3.27, the respondents can be deemed to concur
that the use of other IT devices would between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent, improve the use of technology in construction.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 23: Extent of improvement in construction IT use from exposure
to the use of other IT devices.
This is very relevant when looking at the value of implementing technology
into the industry especially with organisations recruiting heavily from schools
and university’s in order to replace an ageing workforce.
Q 25: Will the use of 4D Planning models increase as construction
personnel become more IT literate?
Given that the mean score is 3.33, the respondents can be deemed to agree
that the use of 4D models would between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent, increase in line with increased IT literacy. However, it should be
noted that the mean score of 3.33 is marginally outside of the higher range of
some extent to a greater extent / greater extent.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 24: Extent to which 4D planning model use will increase with IT
This further emphasises the view that those planning for the longer term need
to consider the increasing levels of IT literacy when considering new
technology to assist in dealing with a shortage of construction personnel.
E-mail Questionnaire
Q 1:
Have you used / experienced a planning method on a project?
Most respondents had used or experienced a planning method.
Table 25: Respondents exposure to planning methodology.
As almost all had used or experienced use of a planning method it provided a
good sample population for the purposes of this study.
Q 1.1: Please indicate what method(s) was used.
Included as part of Figure 17 under Question 2.
Sphere size reflects percentage of respondent answers.
Q 2: Rate the ability of the planning methods listed to communicate tasks
to be completed?
Figure 17: Types of planning methodology used and approval rate
All respondents had used Gantt or Bar Charts, but it only had the third highest
approval rating behind 4D Models and Images or Graphics. The small size of
the very good approval rating reflects the perceived inherent weakness in the
ability of current planning methodologies to communicate tasks to be
completed. The close relationship of 4D models to the very good rating,
indicates that respondents do believe that these can be beneficial in
communicating tasks to be completed.
Q 3: Does using an image help to better communicate project tasks to
All the respondents agreed that using an image helped to better communicate
project tasks to colleagues, with 57% believing it does so in detail. The
resultant mean score of 4.52 indicates that overall, the response can be
deemed to be between a greater extent and in detail / in detail.
Some extent, 5%
Greater extent, 38%
In detail, 57%
Figure 18: Extent to which an image helps communicate project tasks to
Q 4: Would using a 3D Model image further improve your ability to
communicate these tasks to colleagues?
The mean score of 4.24 indicates that respondents can be deemed to agree
between a greater extent and in detail / in detail that the use of a 3D Model
image would improve their ability to communicate project tasks to
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 26: How 3D and 4D improves the communication process.
Questions 4 through 7 all provide further clarification to Question 3 and the
results have therefore been grouped in Table 26.
Q 5: Do you believe that using a 3D Model linked to a programme of
The mean score of 4.33 indicates the respondents can be deemed to agree
between a greater extent and in detail / in detail that time based models would
further improve communication of project tasks to colleagues.
Q 6: In your opinion, would construction personnel better understand
the required 3D reality if they had a 3D Model of that reality?
The mean score of 4.19 indicates that the respondents can be deemed to agree
between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent that construction
personnel would better understand the required 3D reality if they had a 3D
Model of that reality. However, it should be noted that 4.19 is marginally
outside of the higher range of > 4.20 ≤ 5.00.
Q 7: Does having additional information including time based 3D
models, help to better understand the requirements needed to deliver a
The mean score of 4.24 indicates that respondents agree between a greater
extent and in detail / in detail that having additional information does help to
better understand the requirements needed to deliver a project.
Q 7.1: If ‘Not at all’, what would help to deliver a project to programme?
There were no ‘Not at all’ responses, but two comments were provided:
All the forms of presentation have been used to present a particular
case. 3D modelling and 4D modelling are okay if relevant; and
Please remember that most people involved with a project only deal
with a very small 'window' i.e. what they have to do today or
tomorrow, and not the big picture. A handful deal with the big picture.
Q 8: Would additional detail in a construction programme i.e. a greater
number of tasks, help to communicate programme delivery requirements
The mean score of 2.95 indicates the respondents can be deemed to agree
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that a greater number of
tasks would help to communicate programme delivery requirements better.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 27: Extent to which additional detail would help to communicate
delivery programme requirements.
Q 9: Would additional tasks communicated through an image, further
aid delivery of the requirements?
Half the respondents agreed that to a greater extent, communicating
additional tasks through a model would aid delivery of requirements. The
resultant mean score of 3.58 indicates the overall response can be deemed to
be between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent.
In detail 10% Unsure, 5%
Lesser extent, 15%
Some extent, 20%
Greater extent, 50%
Figure 19: Extent to which additional image tasks would aid delivery of
Q 10: Does the level of detail in construction programmes need to
Given that the mean score is 3.27, the respondents can be deemed to agree
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that the level of
programme detail needs to increase.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 28: Extent to which construction programme levels of detail need
to increase.
Q 11: Do construction programmes need to better communicate the
location of tasks?
Given that the mean score is 3.90, the respondents can be deemed to agree
between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent that programmes need
to better communicate the location of tasks.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 29: Extent to which construction programme’s need to
communicate the location of tasks.
Q 12: In your opinion, would it be easier and faster to complete a
construction task if you already knew its location?
The mean score of 3.79 indicates that respondents believed between some
extent to a greater extent / greater extent that it would be easier and faster to
complete a construction task if its location was already known.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 30: Extent to which knowing a construction task location would
aid in its completion.
Q 13: Would you find it difficult to communicate the location of a task
without an image to assist you?
Given that the mean score is 2.80, the respondents can be deemed to agree
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent that they would find it
difficult to communicate the location of a task without an image to assist
them. The 25% not at all response is notable.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 31: Extent to which respondents would have difficulty in
communicating the location of a task without an image.
Q 14: Would a 3D Model showing the location and process of a task to be
completed, assist in completing that task as planned?
The mean score of 3.79 indicates that respondents can be deemed to agree
between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent that a 3D Model
showing the location and process of a task would assist in completing the task
as planned.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 32: Extent to which a 4D model would assist in the completion of a
task as planned.
Q 15: In your opinion, would planning of project tasks be improved if
you could use a location based planning tool?
The mean score of 3.95 indicates that respondents believed between some
extent to a greater extent / greater extent that the planning of project tasks
would be improved if a location based planning tool could be used.
Response (%)
Not at all …………… In detail
Table 33: Extent to which planning would be improved if a location
based planning tool were used.
Q 16: How often do you believe progress should be monitored on a
50% of the respondents believed it should be monitored at least ‘Once a day’
whilst a further 35% would monitor at least ‘Once a week’.
Once a project
Once a month
Once a fortnight
Once a week
Once a day
No. of
Figure 20: Monitoring frequency.
Q 17: In your opinion, is monitoring a programme important in
achieving programme delivery?
All of those surveyed answered in the affirmative.
Q 18: If you had more tasks to monitor, do you believe it would be easier
or harder to manage programme delivery?
Given that the mean score is 2.86, the respondents can be deemed to agree
that with more tasks to monitor it would be between slightly easier to no
difference / no difference to manage the programme delivery.
Substantially more
difficult, 14%
Substantially easier, 19%
More difficult, 19%
Slightly easier, 24%
No difference, 24%
Figure 21: Extent to which monitoring would be affected by having more
tasks to monitor.
Q 19: If you could visually communicate actual vs. planned progress,
would it make programme management easier or harder?
Given that the mean score is 2.10, the respondents can be deemed to agree
that it would be substantially easier to slightly easier / slightly easier to
manage the programme if the actual against planned progress could be
visually communicated.
Response (%)
Substantially easier……
Substantially more difficult
Table 34: Extent to which visually communicating progress against
baseline would aid in programme management.
Q 20: When using visual tools, is it easier or harder to understand the
implications of process implementation?
The mean score of 2.11 indicates that that the respondents can be deemed to
agree it would be between substantially easier to slightly easier / slightly
easier to understand the implications for process implementation using visual
Response (%)
Substantially easier……
Substantially more difficult
Table 35: Extent to which visual tools aid in addressing implications of
process implementation.
Q 21: How often have you been exposed to a 4D Model on a project?
On average respondents had been exposed to a project using a 4D model
almost nine times. However, this figure was skewed due to a number of very
high usage responses and the more relevant figure was the median of three. It
was important to clarify the answer to this question.
Q 21.1: If ‘Once’ or ‘More’, did it communicate the process implications
of creating the 3D reality better?
Of those answering ‘Once’ or ‘More’ to Question 21, 55% believed that the
4D model did, to a greater extent, communicate the process implications of
creating the 3D reality better. The resultant mean score of 3.58 indicates that
the overall response can be deemed to be between some extent to a greater
extent / greater extent.
Not at all, 6%
Lesser extent, 11%
In detail, 22%
Some extent, 6%
Greater extent 55%
Figure 22: Extent to which 4D models helped to communicate the process
implications of creating the 3D reality.
Q 22: How many hours a week do you use a computer?
The majority of respondents use a computer for more than 15 hours a week.
Response (%)
>15 to ≤ 22
>22 to ≤ 28
>8 to ≤ 15
>1 to ≤ 8
Table 36: Use of computers by respondents.
Mention has already been made in Chapter Six of a number of terms which
will also be used to clarify the data within Chapter Seven.
It should also be noted that:
The respondents chosen for the Pilot interview were selected on the
basis of their commitment to use of technology to improve the
construction process,
The Phase 2 – Stage 1 survey was conducted amongst respondents
who had been involved in a project where 4D planning was part of the
management process,
Of the 54 individuals contacted to participate in the Case Study
survey, 11 responded which was a 20% rate of return. Thus 80% did
not respond.
Of the 91 individuals contacted to participate in the E-mail survey, 21
responded which was a 23% rate of return. Thus 77% did not respond.
Although the above mentioned indicate some bias, it should be remembered
The Pilot interview respondents were approached to contribute to the
development of subsequent questionnaires,
Researchers cannot influence a sample population, and therefore have
no control over the percentage committed vis-à-vis the uncommitted
respondents, and
Respondents in the Case Study survey were contacted in their
individual capacity and were not under instruction by the client or
construction manager to participate in the survey.
Hypothesis 1: That using 4D planning models to interrogate the
construction programme will highlight the process implications of
creating the 3D reality.
7.2.1: Interview Survey
Respondents believed between a lesser extent and some extent / some
extent that using a 4D Model of the project would improve their
ability to plan detailed aspects of the programme;
Those surveyed believed between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent that the 51 Lime St programme had been better evaluated
than previous projects;
Respondents replied that they believed project logistics would be
improved between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent, by
location based planning;
The mean score of 3.82 indicates that respondents were of the opinion
that visually communicating where and when activities were taking
place would between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent,
help deliver a programme, and
More than half the respondents believed that the visual nature of the
4D planning model would to a greater extent help to communicate
where and when activities take place.
7.2.2: E-mail Survey
The respondents can be deemed to agree between some extent to a
greater extent / greater extent that programmes need to better
communicate the location of tasks;
Those surveyed believed between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent, they would find it difficult to communicate the location
of a task without an image to assist them;
Respondents agreed between a greater extent and in detail / in detail,
that the use of a 3D Model image would improve their ability to
communicate project tasks to colleagues;
Respondents agreed between some extent to a greater extent / greater
extent that a 3D Model showing the location and process of a task
would assist in completing the task as planned;
The mean score of 3.95 indicates that respondents believed that
planning of project tasks would be improved between some extent to a
greater extent / greater extent, if you could use a location based tool;
Those surveyed believed it would be between substantially easier to
slightly easier / slightly easier to understand the implications for
process implementation using visual tools, and
Of those who had been exposed to a 4D Model on a project, slightly
more than half believed to a greater extent that the 4D model did
communicate the process implications of creating the 3D reality
7.2.3: Case Study
The 4D Model was used for all aspects of programme review and one of the
main functions was to review an activity and the actions needed to carry it out
in the 3D environment over a period of time. Some of the issues dealt with
Lay-down areas for the core formwork at basement level alongside
core piling at the same level whilst at all times maintaining vehicle
access routes to and from the main site access ramp;
The initial installation of tower cranes and subsequent commencement
of the steel frame installation whilst the concrete cores were being
programming due to logistics constraints caused by delays to the main
concrete core erection as well as delayed removal of scaffolding being
used by drilling teams to access pockets within the existing
foundation wall. These activities were not on the original programme
but were added as part of the 4D planning process as they formed part
of the design information for those areas of the project;
The installation of missing cladding panels following the removal of
the tower crane’s ties, was identified as a problem area. The standard
fixing method was to use a machine on the floor above, which was not
possible, as this panel would already have been installed. Leaving the
entire column of panels out was considered, but soon discarded, as
this would have had severe implications on the handover date for each
floor. An alternate sequence was implemented that allowed the
missing panel to be installed from a derrick crane mounted on the
BMU device. The contractor estimated this saved them 12 to 16
weeks delay on their programme;
Figure 23: Cladding installation process.
H&S constraints were highlighted by a contractor working on the
cladding of the building who was unaware of the proposed prior
installation of services on a floor which had yet to be clad. This meant
working with the sub-contracted installation crew to provide an
alternate installation strategy which would not impact on the
programme as much as had initially been envisaged, and
It was noted from review of the combined project model that the
accommodation units built in the corner of the site, although having
been designed to accommodate the steel frame and glazed cladding
panels, did not have any allowance for the installation of the panels,
requiring the relocation of the accommodation unit. This was
identified well in advance of the works commencing allowing all
parties to minimise the cost and disruption that could have occurred to
both the site staff and contractor responsible for installation.
7.2.4: Test
The findings of the surveys and case study support the hypothesis: ‘That
using 4D planning models to interrogate the construction programme will
highlight the process implications of creating the 3D reality.’ International
literature also supports the hypothesis.
Hypothesis 2: Using a 4D Build Plan methodology, will better
communicate to construction personnel the reality / complexity of the
7.3.1: Interview Survey
Those surveyed deemed to agree between a lesser extent to some
extent / some extent that the methodology used communicated the
project programme;
More than half of the respondents believed that using a 3D Model of
the project would lead to an increase in the level of planning detail
and that the reason for this was that it provided a better understanding
of the overall project; visually highlights gaps, and the co-ordination
issues are better understood in a 3D model;
The respondents concurred between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent that using a 4D Model of the project would improve the
ability to plan detailed aspects of the programme;
The respondents deemed to agree that between some extent to a
greater extent / greater extent, that the levels of planning detail are
more on this project than previous projects;
The mean score of 3.38 indicated that respondents deemed that the
planning on this project was between a lesser extent to some extent /
some extent, better than for previous projects, and
Respondents believed that using a 4D Model of the project would
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent improve their
ability to plan detailed aspects of the programme and in addition, that
between a lesser extent to some extent / some extent, it would help to
communicate the 3D reality required for delivery.
7.3.2: E-mail Survey
The respondents agreed between some extent to a greater extent /
greater extent, that construction personnel would better understand the
required 3D reality if they had a 3D Model of that reality;
The respondents agreed between a greater extent and in detail / in
detail, that having additional information, including time based 3D
models, would help to better understand the requirements needed to
deliver a project, and
Half the respondents agreed that to a greater extent, communicating
additional tasks through a model would aid delivery of requirements.
7.3.3: Case Study
A build plan process revolves around the use of the design information to
develop the programme by expanding each main heading within the
construction programme 10 to 20 times. This is done by amending the design
models to reflect the proposed construction process and in particular the
interfaces between different contractor tasks within that environment. In
addition, all the logistics items that may only be included for reference in the
design information are now included in detail and their installation process is
also interrogated in conjunction with the design elements. The contractors are
involved at an early stage, even prior to award of contract, to impart
knowledge into the process in order to achieve the best build sequence based
on the constraints and scope of activities to be completed. As the project
design information develops, so the models are adapted to include for this and
the programmes are expanded further with any design change implications
analysed through the model environment.
An example of its use was in the detailed sequence of the basement services
and blockwork fit-out where the early delivery of the main equipment
including 5m long ductwork sections, had to be coordinated with the ongoing
installation of blockwork walls and the rest of the ductwork, pipework,
sprinkler, electrical and other cable service trays as well as openings from
tower cranes and hoists that penetrated the ground floor slab in around 6
locations. The eventual sequence included for multiple work zones and a
three stage blockwork installation which took account of the contractors’
labour constraints as well as ground level access constraints due to
incomplete works. Although start dates were delayed, the programmes
including all interfaces were more efficient in their use of men and materials
and the cumulative man-hours were less than originally envisaged by each
contractor working in separation. In addition:
Logistics constraints which may have led to walls being knocked
down after they had initially been installed, due to the need to get
equipment through that was wider than the corridor created, were
averted, saving time and money whilst possibly creating a better end
The multiple layering of the services was also coordinated from both a
design and construction perspective by using the 3D models created
by the contractors design teams alongside the structural model created
in the 4D process;
The small roof spaces on both buildings were crammed with services
equipment as well as building maintenance unit (BMU) devices and a
complex steel frame structure, all of which were amended
continuously throughout the construction phase, and
The added logistical requirements to be located on each roof impacted
on the proposed sequence as outlined in the construction programme
and therefore required a greater level of detailed planning to
communicate to all parties involved, including the Architectural and
BMU teams. The complexities of the interfaces between the various
teams tasked with installing the services equipment and the
constraints posed by the removal of the adjacent tower crane, along
with waterproofing design amendments, the installation of a curved
steel roof frame and subsequent infill panels, required an immense
amount of forward planning to enable the proposed installation
sequence, starting eight weeks later, to proceed as planned.
All of this was managed through the 3D / 4D interface and in far
greater detail than was initially proposed in the construction
7.3.4: Test
The findings of the surveys and case study support the hypothesis: ‘Using a
4D Build Plan methodology will better communicate to construction
personnel the reality / complexity of the programme.’
Hypothesis 3: That by using the 4D Planning models to communicate the
Build plan, greater certainty of contract programme delivery will occur.
7.4.1: Interview Survey
When asked whether the 4D Planning method had clearly
communicated the project programme to them or their colleagues, half
the respondents agreed that to some extent, it had done so;
Of the three respondents who had not been exposed to the 4D
Planning method, all three differed in their opinion on its possible
ability to communicate the project programme to them or colleagues;
More than half of those surveyed believed to some extent, that the
planner on 51 Lime St had been better able to communicate the
construction programme than on previous projects;
The survey determined that where the 3D Model had been used to
plan detailed aspects of the project, 25% of respondents believed to a
greater extent and 25% in detail, that it had improved the respondent’s
ability to understand and therefore deliver the 3D reality required;
The mean score of 3.82 indicates that respondents were of the opinion
that visually communicating where and when activities were taking
place would, between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent,
help deliver a programme;
Just over half agreed that greater levels of planning detail are needed
in construction programmes, whilst respondents agreed between a
lesser extent to some extent / some extent, that measuring more tasks
would have an impact on projects meeting their programme dates;
Between some extent to a greater extent / greater extent, respondents
believed that additional programme detail would lead to better
delivery of the contract programme, and
Those surveyed believed that visually communicating planned tasks
against actual progress of those tasks would, between a lesser extent
to some extent / some extent, improve programme delivery.
7.4.2: E-mail Survey
The respondents indicated that to a lesser extent to some extent / some
extent, a greater number of tasks in a construction programme would
help to communicate programme delivery requirements better;
A mean score of 4.33 indicates respondents agreed between a greater
extent and in detail / in detail, that they believed time based models
would further improve communication of project tasks to colleagues;
All of those surveyed agreed that monitoring a programme is
important in achieving programme delivery, with 50% of respondents
believing it should be monitored at least ‘once a day’ and a further
35% at least ‘once a week’;
Respondents believed it would be slightly easier to no different / no
different to manage programme delivery when having more tasks to
monitor, and
Respondents agreed it would be substantially easier to slightly easier /
slightly easier to manage the programme if you could visually
communicate actual progress against planned.
7.4.3: Case Study
Once the Build plans had been coordinated for the different areas of the
building, which on this project were the basement, tower, Fenchurch Avenue
Building (FAB) and roof, individual models of these areas and a combined
model for the entire project were used to communicate to the various
stakeholders the proposed schedule of works. In addition to being used in the
regular management meetings the models were also available to the entire
project team through the site extranet and a separate web portal, which also
doubled up as the project monitoring interface. Through this environment all
project team members could access the latest baseline programme models and
review their own task programmes, as well as being able to update the
programme with the latest progress dates. These would then be reflected
automatically in the project model linked to the programme, giving an
opportunity to review visually on-screen actual progress against the proposed
Unfortunately the project suffered from two contractor liquidations which
adversely affected the programme, one of these being the main cladding
contractor who was responsible for both manufacture and installation.
Therefore, assessing the ability of the build plan to provide certainty of
contract programme delivery is near impossible. It can, however, be safely
stated that having the detail of the build plan allowed the project team to
completely understand all the implications caused by the inability of the
contractor to supply the glazing panels. In addition, the availability of the
model as a communication tool to explain the previously agreed process to
the new contractors, including the major interfaces with other contractors and
logistical constraints, provided a fast track introduction to the project for the
new contractor and would have attributed to more efficient and time saving
policies being implemented during their own installation procedure. By
rescheduling large proportions of the remaining project tasks to take this into
account, the aim of the construction management team was still to complete
the project within the original contract programme duration.
7.4.4: Test
The findings of the surveys and case study suggest support for the hypothesis:
‘That by using the 4D Planning models to communicate the Build plan,
greater certainty of contract programme delivery will occur.’ However, the
hypothesis can not be fully proven without a more detailed analysis of
construction programmes from across a number of projects and the use of
KPI’s with relevance to the processes being implemented, which will then
can provide more than a perceived certainty of delivery.
Other Findings
When reviewing the perception type questions, the disparity between the case
study and e-mail survey questionnaires as regards existing planning processes
is notable. Although both show Gantt or Bar Charts as the most used planning
methodology, it only gained the highest approval rating from the case study
participants, with the e-mail respondents only giving it the third highest
approval. This may be a reflection of a demographic trend between site and
office based participants, but more responses from both surveys need to be
received before reaching such a conclusion. In addition, those from the case
study survey agreed to a greater extent that the methodology used
communicated the project programme, whilst most of the e-mail survey
respondents agreed that using an image helped to better communicate project
tasks to colleagues. This confirmed their earlier assertion that 4D Models
provided the best way of communicating tasks to be completed. However,
they both did agree that to some extent, greater levels of detail are required in
construction programmes.
With respect to developing a perception regarding using technology in
construction, although those surveyed believe that the industry is to some
extent still technology ‘phobic’, the majority also believe that as more
construction personnel use devices such as smart phones, MP3 players and
PSP's, whilst becoming even more IT literate as computers pervade our
society to an even greater degree, so the use of technology, including 4D
Planning, will increase to a greater extent.
The biographical questions posed in both questionnaires reflect that most of
the sample populations have used or experienced planning methodology on
previous projects. They had also had experience of 4D Technology with the
case study respondents having a greater than 70% exposure, and most of the
e-mail respondents having experienced it on at least three occasions. In
addition, they all were computer literate and in the case of the e-mail
respondents, most used a computer for in excess of 15 hours a week.
In the opinion of the researcher, this showed a change in the attitude of
construction personnel to the use of technology in the industry which
somewhat contradicted the information contained in Figure 1 of the Preface.
This may have implications for the implementation of new planning
technology onto future projects.
4D planning, and more specifically, the process followed in creating the 4D
model from the 2D or 3D design information and initial programme,
highlight to those construction personnel who are involved in that process,
the implications of creating the 3D reality. Getting those individuals to
commit to the process and transfer that information across to the greater team,
in order that the complexity of the programme can be clearly communicated
to all levels of a project, requires a shift in the collective understanding of the
place of technology in construction and an acceptance of it in improving the
site based work environment.
The levels of acceptance to technology in achieving this are a cause for
concern, although the perceived opinion that use of technology by more and
more construction personnel within their daily life environment will provide a
catalyst for change in this regard, is encouraging. In the future, the critical
mass, probably driven by the younger generation, will shift, and it will
become a necessity in carrying out daily tasks to use such technology. This
will be further encouraged by the shift occurring within the design fraternity
towards the use of BIM which will add critical weight to the process of
With greater acceptance so too will a willingness to investigate the full
potential of the technology known to only a handful of practitioners at present
result. This in itself will drive further refinement of the process and new
methodologies will be developed to further improve on the efficiencies of the
current practices. As that happens and management starts to understand the
implications of this to their delivery time and cost structures, it will receive
the necessary high level approval from all organisations within the project
framework. This in itself will aid in reducing the occurrence of delayed
completion through a more integrated worksite environment.
Although the study cannot conclusively state that this process has occurred on
the case study project or any other previous project where 4D planning has
been implemented, the fact that the first and second hypotheses have been
supported, indicates that in all likelihood, should the process be implemented
on future projects that it will improve on the construction planning process
and contribute towards greater certainty in contract programme delivery.
The combination of the use of the 3D design information, alongside the
outline construction sequence programme, form the catalyst to improving the
ability of construction personnel to communicate the complexity and 3D
reality of the programme, thereby aiding those self same personnel to provide
greater certainty of contract programme delivery to their clients.
In addition, the process required to achieve the coordination of these two
separate but related environments, provides the opportunity to visualise the
process implications required in creating that 3D reality, thereby providing
additional benefits in design coordination, cost estimation, lean construction
and more efficient construction programme delivery. The cumulative benefit
of achieving this will not only be improved contract programme delivery but
also a more cost effective build process which will convert to savings for the
client and a higher quality product.
The industry and its client base want to see improvements to the way projects
are currently managed and a large part of that process is borne by
construction planning. There are a number of different planning
methodologies being tried at present to improve on the ability of planners to
deliver projects to programme. Of these the Last Planner techniques have had
the most success in dealing with the detailed planning at the site level
environment, but no one method has been found to create and communicate
the higher level programme’s needed by management to coordinate the initial
contractor programme’s. 4D planning provides both the tools and process to
address this situation whilst also being compatible with the site based
techniques. It also provides a visual communications interface which can be
scaled for use from the client level all the way down to the detailed
coordination of site activities on a daily basis.
Although there is a perceived negative attitude to the use of technology
within the construction industry and, in addition, that the monitoring process
using the 4D planning interface exposes too much information in the visual
review environment, management need to be aware that if they do not
implement technology to improve their process delivery, clients will in all
likelihood take their business elsewhere, as they end up paying for the
inefficiencies of the current methodologies.
Process Implications
Clients should demand the use of 3D in the design phase, whilst that
information should be used downstream for construction planning,
off-site prefabrication, H&S planning and Facilities Management;
Contractors should be brought into the process at an earlier stage in
order that they can provide expertise in the initial planning of the
This could be coupled with partnering or a scoring system which
awards those who participate additional bonus points at Tender stage;
Planners should be trained to use 4D planning software in order that
they can use and interrogate models and then communicate this to
4D models should be issued as part of the tender package or presented
at briefing meetings so that contractors are all working from the same
information, not interpreting design drawings and programmes to try
understand what the construction team want;
And the contractors should provide their programme for review in the
4D model environment so that any proposed amendments to the
construction programme can be quickly highlighted and analysed for
there impact to not only time but also cost and manpower
By incorporating logistical elements into the construction model, site
constraints can be highlighted earlier to reduce delay and cost
As part of H&S planning, the location and working processes for each
activity can be reviewed through the 4D model environment alongside
other contractor activities, reducing the risk of employees being
unaware of hazardous working conditions;
Use the models to communicate the process with statutory agencies so
that they are aware of possible noise and other site conditions which
may cause project works to be halted, and
The models should be used in weekly or fortnightly site meetings by
all levels of the construction management team to interrogate and
communicate process implication issues.
8.3.2: Greater evaluation of the programme
Project and Construction Managers should look to employ young
planners who can be trained to use the new technology to improve on
their own planning skills and to increase the level of detail using the
visual interface;
The extra detail, including additional input from the contractors,
should be interrogated using 4D Planning to provide alternative
scenarios including increasing crew sizes and other constraints, to
provide the optimum build plan for each contractor to follow;
The 4D models should be used by the planner to review multiple
contractor programmes in a meeting environment thereby highlighting
the major interface tasks and handover tasks;
Contractors should also be using the same models to review their
proposed sequence to maximise the use of men and logistical
constraints for delivery of materials including lead time items;
The contractors can then use the models to evaluate with their site
based staff the critical activities which will form part of their site
based planning processes, including the Last Planner approach, and
“How does a Project get to be a year late … One day at a time.” Dr
Frederick P. Brooks. Therefore, the programme should be monitored
against daily tasks and reviewed weekly.
8.3.3: Communication
Project and Construction Managers should embrace the new
technologies available to them and see it as an opportunity to improve
on their ability to deliver a better product for their client by being able
to better communicate with both their client and the downstream
The 4D models should be used throughout the communication
process, from the client in briefing meetings explaining the
implications of a design change on the programme, to the site based
staff who have the construction sequence played on plasma screens
over lunch;
No contractor programme should be signed off until it has been
reviewed by the Construction Director in the 4D model environment;
The models should be used for Clash detection and this should be
communicated to the design teams even if they are not using a 3D
model design environment;
The project progress should be highlighted in the models by using
Actual task views against Planned views of the programmed tasks and
where tasks are slipping, the reason for this delay can be managed
Site induction should include a 4D Planning model explaining the
complete build sequence and including a review of H&S information,
The 4D Planning model and programme should be the only Baseline
8.3.4: General
4D Planning and the sexy images it generates can be used to lure a
whole new generation of potential recruits to the industry by
explaining to them and their parents how a construction project goes
together and the many varied roles that provide an opportunity for
employment within the industry;
The industry can address its poor reputation with government,
investors and the general public using a medium that they understand;
4D planning models can be used to communicate without the need to
translate a language or explane the missing what occurs between static
images in a slide show;
The information can be posted on websites and is secure and cannot
be amended without direct input from the project team, and
A picture tells a thousand words!
On the internet there is a website dedicated to Networking, Planning,
Scheduling, Programme & Project Control Professionals around the world. A
thread was posted in the Forum section of the site on 4D Planning &
Visualisation which read as follows: ‘1.0 Should we be using visualisation as
a planning tool? 2.0 If Yes, What do we want the tool to do.’ (Pearce, 2005*)
In response, Gary France, the Chairman of the Planning Engineers
Organisation, the pre-eminent professional body for planners, provided the
following confirmation of the emergence of 4D as a legitimate alternative to
existing methodologies in the quest to improve Construction Planning.
“Dear all,
I am amazed at the strength of feeling posted in this thread.
Of course, there is no substitute for good people, but I don’t believe that is the
4D software is a brilliant tool and a very powerful communication medium.
Let’s think about how important that is. We all create programmes and
schedules – then what do we do with them? We communicate them to other
people, so anything that makes that communication better and simpler has to
be a good thing. Planners have to be good communicators otherwise their
work will not be appreciated or indeed understood.
Waseem says there will be no buyers for this idea. I really cannot agree with
that for there are a huge amount of people who will want to use this. It is a
matter of who you are presenting the programme information to. I have used
3D models of projects to show how / when those projects will be constructed
and I have presented these to clients, funders, banks, neighbours, town
planners, Governments and many more. It is exactly these sort of people –
key shapers of projects – who want to understand the programme but cannot
read barcharts, or even worse, network diagrams. These people love looking
at such 3D presentations, because they can understand them.
I also believe they are very useful in the site environment.
The opportunity to link a 3D CAD model to a timeframe (hence 4D) is
certainly the way forward. Being able to automatically update the 3D model
whenever you change the programme is superb. I will certainly be using it.
Definite. Without a doubt. It is the way to go.
Gary France,
Planning Engineers Organisation”
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Mace Limited
51 Lime St Project Office,
31 Lovat Lane,
Case Study in the use of 4D Planning to better Communicate
and Evaluate the Construction Programme
To Nick Moore
I am currently engaged in studies towards an MSc in the Built Environment, the topic of my
treatise being “I mproving Construction Planning through 4D Planning”.
As part of my research I am looking to conduct interviews with construction personnel who
have been exposed to both traditional planning techniques and the use of 4D Planning on a
project. As a result of the involvement of all levels of personnel on the 51 Lime St Project in
the use of 4D planning, it is an ideal candidate project for this research. As Construction
Project Director, I am therefore asking for your permission to conduct interviews with those
The interviews would be conducted in a structured manner on site and will last no more
than 20 minutes per interview. Any data obtained will be treated in the strictest confidence
and the findings of the study will be made available to all participating organisations after
completion of the study.
Should you require any further information concerning the study as a whole or this survey in
particular, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
T: 0208 879 8130
M: 07775848516
I look forward to receiving your response and thank you in anticipation for your willingness
to participate.
Yours Sincerely,
Chris Allen
MSc (BE) student in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and I nformation
Department of Construction Management
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
T: + 27415042398 | F: + 27415042345
Interview Questionnaire for Treatise
“Improving Construction Planning through 4D Planning”
from Case Study Project:
51 Lime Street, London, EC2
Interview Ref.:
Interviewee number:
Have you used or experienced any
planning methods on previous projects?
If Yes, on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5
(very good), rate the planning methods
To do list
Gantt or Bar Charts
Line of Balance Graph
Images or Graphics
Network Analysis Diagrams
Work Breakdown Schedules
4D Models
Time Change Graphs
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (in detail),
did the methods used clearly
communicate the project programme to
you and your colleagues?
If Not at all, how could project
programmes be better presented to enable
them to communicate the build process
more clearly?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (in detail),
have you found that the methods used on
51 Lime Street clearly communicated the
project programme to you and your
Have you made use of or been exposed to
the 4D Planning method used on 51 Lime
If Yes, on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (in
detail), has it clearly communicated the
project programme to you and your
If No, on a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), do you believe a 3D
Model linked to the project programme
i.e. time, would help to communicate that
programme more clearly to you and your
Are greater levels of planning detail
needed in construction programmes?
On a scale of 1 (lesser degree) to 5
(greater degree), are the levels of detail
included in the construction programme
on this project more or less than previous
On a scale of 1 (lesser degree) to 5
(greater degree), is the level of planning
better or worse on this project?
Is it your opinion that when a 3D Model
of the project is used, it helps to increase
the level of planning detail?
If Yes, why do you believe this occurs?
Have you had experience, using any
method, of planning detailed aspects of
the construction programme?
If Yes, on a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), had you been able to use a
3D Model of the project to understand the
3D Reality required, would it have
improved your ability to deliver?
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5 (major
extent), would being able to use a 4D
model to understand the 3D Reality
required, improve the ability to plan
detailed aspects of the construction
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), will additional construction
programme detail help to better deliver
the contract programme?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), when a 4D Model of the
project is used, does it help communicate
the 3D reality required for delivery?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), by using location based
planning techniques, can project logistics
be improved?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), can visually communicating
to your colleagues where and when
activities are taking place, help you to
deliver a project programme?
On a scale of 1 (lesser degree) to 5
(greater degree), would the visual nature
of the 4D Planning model help to
communicate where and when these
activities take place?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (in detail),
has the construction programme on 51
Lime Street been better evaluated than
previous projects?
On a scale of 1 (lesser degree) to 5
(greater degree), has the planner on 51
Lime Street been able to better
communicate the construction
programme than on previous projects?
In your opinion, is it important to
measure progress against planned
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), would having more tasks to
measure progress against help projects to
better meet programme dates?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), do you believe visually
communicating planned construction
against actual progress will improve
programme delivery?
If not at all, what would improve
programme delivery?
Do you use a personal computer?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), is construction a technology
‘phobic’ industry?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), if more construction
personnel used IT devices i.e. computers,
smart phones, MP3 player, PSP's, would
the use of technology in construction
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), will the use of 4D Planning
models increase as construction personnel
become more IT literate?
Survey on Improving Construction Planning through 4D
To ,
I am currently engaged in post-graduate studies, the topic of my Treatise being “Improving
Construction Planning through 4D Planning”.
As part of my research, I am conducting surveys to obtain data on user perceptions on the
use of the 3D and 4D Models in improving Construction Planning. As a result of your
involvement in or experience of 4D Planning on projects, I would like to invite you to take
part in this ground breaking study. Your views and opinions concerning the processes
involved being of major importance, not only for this study, but also in shaping further
advancement in the field of Construction Planning.
Accompanying this cover letter is a 3 page questionnaire which can be filled in electronically
to be sent by email return. Alternatively, please print this document off and complete before
faxing back. Returns for the survey need to arrive by the 3rd November 2006 to be included.
All data obtained will be treated in the strictest confidence (no name recognition will be used)
and findings of the study will be made available to participants after completion of the study
which will be published early in 2007.
Should you require any further information regarding the study as a whole or this survey in
particular, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
+44 (0)20 81239843 (SkypeIn)
+44 (0)7775 848516 (Mobile)
+44 (0)20 88798130 (Work) or
Alternatively, questions can be directed to:
Professor John Smallwood PhD (Constr Man) Pr CM FCIOB MACPM MESSA MIoSM
Head, Department of Construction Management
Programme Director, MSc (Built Environment) Programme
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
PO Box 77000
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel.: + 27 41 504 2790 / 551
Fax.: + 27 41 504 2345 / 574
Mobile: + 27 83 659 2492
I look forward to receiving your response and thank you in anticipation for your willingness to
Yours sincerely
Chris Allen
MSc(BE) Student in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information
Email questionnaire for Treatise on
“Improving Construction Planning through 4D Planning”
Questionnaire Ref.:
Before completing the questionnaire, please enter your initials and occupation in the
boxes provided. Please answer all questions unless otherwise directed. To complete
the questionnaire electronically, select your response, right mouse click and then
using the ‘Properties’ option, select ‘Checked’ under ‘Default value’. Should you
wish to print off and complete manually, please use a black pen and fax your answers
to +44 208 8796420 or +27 41 3742944. Any questions please ring +44 208
Have you used or experienced a
planning method on a project?
If ‘Ýes’, please indicate what
method(s) was used.
To do list
Gantt or Bar Charts
Line of Balance Graph
Images or Graphics
Network Analysis Diagrams
Work Breakdown Schedules
4D Models
Time Change Graphs
Rate the ability of the planning
methods listed to communicate tasks to
be completed? (Please rate on a scale
of 1 to 5 where 1 is poor and 5
To do list
Gantt or Bar Charts
Line of Balance Graph
Images or Graphics
Network Analysis Diagrams
Work Breakdown Schedules
4D Models
Time Change Graphs
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), Does using an image
help to better communicate project
tasks to colleagues?
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), Would using a 3D
Model image further improve your
ability to communicate these tasks to
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), Do you believe that using
a 3D Model linked to a programme of
tasks i.e. a time based model, would
further improve this communication?
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), In your opinion, would
construction personnel better
understand the required 3D reality if
they had a 3D Model of that reality?
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), Does having additional
information including time based 3D
models, help to better understand the
requirements needed to deliver a
If ’Not at all’, what would help to
deliver a project to programme? Please
type your answer in the space provided.
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), Would additional detail
in a construction programme i.e. a
greater number of tasks, help to
communicate programme delivery
requirements better?
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), Would additional tasks
communicated through an image,
further aid delivery of the
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), Does the level of detail in
construction programmes need to
On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5
(definitely), Do construction
programmes need to better
communicate the location of tasks?
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), In your opinion, would
it be easier and faster to complete a
construction task if you already knew
its location?
On a scale of 1 (minor difficulty) to 5
(major difficulty), Would you find it
difficult to communicate the location of
a task without an image to assist you?
On a scale of 1 (minor difficulty) to 5
(major difficulty), Would a 3D Model
showing the location and process of a
task to be completed, assist in
completing that task as planned?
On a scale of 1 (minor extent) to 5
(major extent), In your opinion, would
planning of project tasks be improved
if you could use a location based
planning tool?
How often do you believe progress
should be monitored on a project?
Once a day
Once a week
Once a fortnight
Once a month
Once a project
On a scale of 1 (not important) to 5
(very important), In your opinion, is
monitoring a programme important in
achieving programme delivery?
On a scale of 1 (substantially easier) to
5 (substantially more difficult), If you
had more tasks to monitor, do you
believe it would be easier or harder to
manage programme delivery?
On a scale of 1 (substantially easier) to
5 (substantially more difficult), If you
could visually communicate actual vs.
planned progress, would it make
programme management easier or
On a scale of 1 (substantially easier) to
5 (substantially more difficult), When
using visual tools, is it easier or harder
to understand the implications of
process implementation?
How often have you been exposed to a
4D Model on a project?
________ times
If ’Once’ or more, On a scale of 1
(minor extent) to 5 (major extent), did
it communicate the process
implications of creating the 3D reality
How many hours a week do you use a
≤ 1 hour
>1 ≤ 8hours
8 to 15 hours
15 to 22 hours
22 to 28 hours
more than 29 hours
Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
Survey on Improving Construction Planning through 4D
To ,
This is a brief reminder regarding the completion of the questionnaires for my post-graduate
study into “Improving Construction Planning through 4D Planning”.
In the event that you have misplaced the original 3 page questionnaire, I have provided
another copy which can be filled in electronically to be sent by email return. Alternatively,
please print this document off and complete before faxing back. I have extended the date by
which returns are required by to the 26th November so as to allow the maximum number of
participants to be included.
All data obtained will be treated in the strictest confidence (no name recognition will be used)
and findings of the study will be made available to participants after completion of the study
which will be published early in 2007.
Should you require any further information regarding the study as a whole or this survey in
particular, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
+44 (0)20 81239843 (SkypeIn)
+44 (0)7775 848516 (Mobile)
+44 (0)20 88798130 (Work) or
Alternatively, questions can be directed to:
Professor John Smallwood PhD (Constr Man) Pr CM FCIOB MACPM MESSA MIoSM
Head, Department of Construction Management
Programme Director, MSc (Built Environment) Programme
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
PO Box 77000
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel.: + 27 41 504 2790 / 551
Fax: + 27 41 504 2345 / 574
Mobile: + 27 83 659 2492
I look forward to receiving your response and thank you in anticipation for your willingness to
Yours sincerely
Chris Allen
MSc (BE) Student in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information
Survey on Improving Construction Planning through 4D
To ,
Time is now running out to get your replies in for the post-graduate study into “Improving
Construction Planning through 4D Planning”.
In the event that you have misplaced the previously emailed 3 page questionnaire, I have
provided another copy which can be filled in electronically to be sent by email return.
Alternatively, please print this document off and complete before faxing back. The final
deadline for acceptance of all responses has now been set for Saturday 9th December, so
get your responses in today and don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to
contribute to a scientific study.
All data obtained will be treated in the strictest confidence (no name recognition will be used)
and findings of the study will be made available to participants after completion of the study
which will be published early in 2007. Faxed responses can be sent to +442088796420.
I look forward to receiving your response and thank you in anticipation of your participation.
Yours sincerely
Chris Allen
MSc (BE) Student in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information