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2022, Ensayo de la película "El Club de los 5"
9 pages
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El presente trabajo tiene como propósito, el analizar desde el punto de vista psicológico, la película “El Club de los 5 “, largometraje escrito y dirigido por John Hughes, en la década de los 80’s. En este ensayo se podrán observar los diferentes estereotipos involucrados, correspondientes a los cinco adolescentes que tienen el rol protagonista, y que se ven obligados a interactuar entre ellos durante un período de tiempo, como parte de un castigo escolar.
Escuela de Psicología social, 2017
Consideramos que la crisis de la adolescencia debe ser entendida como un proceso de duelo y que es precisamente el trabajo de elaboración del mismo lo que hace tan arduo y complicado el transitar del ser humano en esas etapas de la vida, en el pasaje de la pubertad a la juventud.
El sonido de sus tacones rojos repiqueteaba, clic, cloc, clic, cloc, mientras corría hacia su jefe. Pero la mujer llegó demasiado tarde. El Guía se derrumbó en el suelo como un boxeador de gran corazón pero con pocas posibilidades, noqueado en el último asalto de una carrera que había sido gloriosa y a la que debía haber puesto fin años atrás. El viejo presentador yacía inmóvil. Un reguero de sangre se escapaba de un corte que se había hecho en la cabeza a causa de la caída. Sus gafas reposaban al lado. El pañuelo permanecía inmóvil en su mano. Sus ojos, antes brillantes, estaban ahora cerrados.
El sonido de sus tacones rojos repiqueteaba, clic, cloc, clic, cloc, mientras corría hacia su jefe. Pero la mujer llegó demasiado tarde. El Guía se derrumbó en el suelo como un boxeador de gran corazón pero con pocas posibilidades, noqueado en el último asalto de una carrera que había sido gloriosa y a la que debía haber puesto fin años atrás. El viejo presentador yacía inmóvil. Un reguero de sangre se escapaba de un corte que se había hecho en la cabeza a causa de la caída. Sus gafas reposaban al lado. El pañuelo permanecía inmóvil en su mano. Sus ojos, antes brillantes, estaban ahora cerrados.
Estoy inmensamente agradecido de que este libro esté entre tus manos. Deseo de todo corazón que te sirva para alcanzar la plena expresión de tus dones y de tus talentos. Y que genere transformaciones heroicas en tu creatividad, tu productividad y tu prosperidad.
Este libro, de profundo impacto personal, nos descubrirá las rutinas que han hecho posible que muchas personas alcancen grandes resultados, al tiempo que su felicidad y vitalidad aumenta.
Latin American Journal of Energy Research
There was a significant increase in the concern with climate issues, among them highlighted as the derivation of greenhouse gases from the burning fossil fuels, leading several research centers and researchers to seek new sources of less polluting energy, independent of the burn-based matrix of fuels. In this context, the present work has as main presenter a literature review, perspective and comparisons regarding the use of hydrogen as a clean energy source, presenting three main ways of obtaining it: a) through electrolysis using renewable sources; b) biohydrogen production, based on the photosynthesis of plants and algae; c) production through biodigesters.
Slavic Review Volume 82 , 2023
, a detachment of gendarmes attempted to arrest Kolio Tzima in his native village of Stavrohori in Epirus. A tall, gaunt man in his late 50s, he was locally known as "the captain," a moniker he earned for his role in forming and leading nationalist paramilitaries during the Axis occupation (1941-44) and the subsequent civil war (1946-49), an activity that he combined with a wide range of illicit ventures. The gendarmes were unable to carry out the arrest as they were driven out by Tzimas's supporters "who attacked us with axes, stones, and guns." The following day the district commander contacted the head of the local gendarmerie and berated him for trying to arrest Tzimas. He noted that while Tzimas was involved in criminal activities that ranged from gun running to usury, he was nonetheless a "valuable asset," or as a local peasant recalled, "a man of the state," and therefore not to be touched. 1 This was not his first run-in with the law. Tzimas's turbulent relation with the Greek security services dated back to the interwar period when he was tasked with raising a band to suppress local Muslim separatists. 2 In subsequent decades Tzimas acted as a hitman and bodyguard for local notables, became involved with organized crime groups, and raised an anti-1 This article was completed during my tenure as Visiting Professor at the Institute of History and the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Kralove. I am grateful for their financial and institutional support, which made researching and writing this article possible. I would like to thank the editors at Slavic Review, and the two anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Genika Arheia tou Kratous (GAK), Archive of Preveza Prefecture (Arheio Nomarhias Prevezis), folder 90 (Report to the commanding officer of the Preveza gendarmerie, (Anafora ston dioikiti horofilakis Prevezis (May 20, 1950), page 1. spr23_tsoutsoumpis_2 communist armed group that played a pivotal role both in the ethnic cleansing of the local Muslim minority during the Second World War and the subsequent civil war (1946-49). 3 Tzimas's turbulent career that saw him crossing the line from "man of the state" to outlaw dozens of times raises several pertinent questions about the role and contribution of paramilitaries to the state-building process: what led the state to delegate the local monopoly of force to an individual who was deeply involved in criminal activities? What was the impact of such activities on local political and social institutions? Moreover, what factors allowed this violent subset of men to persist and influence the political life of the country for over two decades? This article addresses these questions by discussing the role, activities, and legacies of paramilitary violence in Tzimas's home area of Epirus between the occupation years and the early Cold War (1941-52). The article focuses on two particular organizations, the Ethnikos Dimokratikos Ellinikos Sindesmos (EDES; National Republican League of Greece) that was active during the Axis occupation (1941-44), and its postwar successor, the Ethnikon Komma Ellados (EKE, the National Party of Greece), a political-cum-paramilitary organization that was active 1946-52. While such paramilitary groups were present across the country during this time, the sheer size and influence of militias in this area made them stand apart. At the height of its power in 1946-49, the EKE was the fourth largest party in Greece and controlled a local militia force of over 2500 members. In some communities, over 80 per cent of adult males were full time members or militia affiliates. 4 However, my aim is not simply to reconstruct the story of some local albeit important actors. Instead, using Epirus as a vantage point, this article purports to address a series of broader questions on the role of
The Transcendent Mystery of God’s Word. A Critical Synthesis of Antioch and Alexandria (ed. J.W. Martens – P.V. Niskanen (Catholic Theological Formation Series; Saint Paul Seminary Press: Saint Paul, MIN 2024) 114-143, 2024
Drawing on Ben Meyer’s call to unite the “Antiochian” (literary) and Alexandrian (theological) reading of the Scripture, the author proposes a closer look at periscopes describing the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, where such a holistic reading is recommendable and necessary. He makes the symbolic representatives of the “Antiochian” school the scholars employing the radical historical-critical approach, while the Fathers of the Church are taken as representatives of the Alexandrian school. The former are criticized for the fact that in their reading of the Jesus’s baptism they severe it from the theophany that follows. Such an operation is unfounded due to the nature of ancient texts as well as the literary and thematic continuity between the baptism and theophany in the synoptic Gospels. The theological intuitions of the Fathers, who read two the two scenes as inextricably connected, may not be exegetically explicated, but they receive their substantiation in the closer reading of the synoptic accounts. They demonstrate that Jesus comes to the Jordan already aware of his sinlessness, special relationship with the Father and divinely appointed mission, confirmed by the Father and the Spirit. In the last step, it is argued that Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan could have been a point of reference for the early Christian understanding of the baptism of the believers. The proof is not only the theology of the Fathers but Paul himself. In Romans 8, the apostle in his description of new life in Christ binds together the Spirit, the filial dignity of the baptized, their prayer “Abba! Father!” and the inheritance of heaven. It is argued that Paul might have been inspired here by Jesus’ baptism and the liturgical tradition of the Church. Eventually, the reading combining the Antiochian and Alexandrian approach brings us to the holistic interpretation of Jesus’ baptism which not only is strictly connected to the theophany that follows but also foreshadows our Christian baptism.
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