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2022, Ensayo de la película "El Club de los 5"
9 pages
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El presente trabajo tiene como propósito, el analizar desde el punto de vista psicológico, la película “El Club de los 5 “, largometraje escrito y dirigido por John Hughes, en la década de los 80’s. En este ensayo se podrán observar los diferentes estereotipos involucrados, correspondientes a los cinco adolescentes que tienen el rol protagonista, y que se ven obligados a interactuar entre ellos durante un período de tiempo, como parte de un castigo escolar.
Escuela de Psicología social, 2017
Consideramos que la crisis de la adolescencia debe ser entendida como un proceso de duelo y que es precisamente el trabajo de elaboración del mismo lo que hace tan arduo y complicado el transitar del ser humano en esas etapas de la vida, en el pasaje de la pubertad a la juventud.
El sonido de sus tacones rojos repiqueteaba, clic, cloc, clic, cloc, mientras corría hacia su jefe. Pero la mujer llegó demasiado tarde. El Guía se derrumbó en el suelo como un boxeador de gran corazón pero con pocas posibilidades, noqueado en el último asalto de una carrera que había sido gloriosa y a la que debía haber puesto fin años atrás. El viejo presentador yacía inmóvil. Un reguero de sangre se escapaba de un corte que se había hecho en la cabeza a causa de la caída. Sus gafas reposaban al lado. El pañuelo permanecía inmóvil en su mano. Sus ojos, antes brillantes, estaban ahora cerrados.
Estoy inmensamente agradecido de que este libro esté entre tus manos. Deseo de todo corazón que te sirva para alcanzar la plena expresión de tus dones y de tus talentos. Y que genere transformaciones heroicas en tu creatividad, tu productividad y tu prosperidad.
Este libro, de profundo impacto personal, nos descubrirá las rutinas que han hecho posible que muchas personas alcancen grandes resultados, al tiempo que su felicidad y vitalidad aumenta.
Numerische Mathematik, 2013
In this paper we present a convergence analysis for the Nyström method proposed in [Jour. Comput. Phys. 169 pp. 2921-2934 for the solution of the combined boundary integral equation formulations of sound-soft acoustic scattering problems in three-dimensional space. This fast and efficient scheme combines FFT techniques and a polar change of variables that cancels out the kernel singularity. We establish the stability of the algorithms in the L 2 norm and we derive convergence estimates in both the L 2 and L ∞ norms. In particular, our analysis establishes theoretically the previously observed super-algebraic convergence of the method in cases in which the right-hand side is smooth. dispell this view and lend additional credibility to Nyström methods-whose qualities can be very attractive in practice .
Leland Ben Dalton, 2019
This qualitative research study investigates the disparity between a student cohort group who are identified as below, on or above grade level in the 3rd grade where a Critical Instance Case Study is used to analyze the cause and effect among the 3 academic groups. A longitudinal study follows the student cohort throughout a 7-year period of time to determine if the students move between the identified groups or if they stay in their same academic classification throughout their educational careers. Multiple areas of research suggest students who read below grade level in 3rd grade never catch their peers and are less likely to be academically successful. Research by the Annie E. Casey Foundation supports the predictable discrepancies for 3rd grade students who read below grade level are at a greater risk of dropping out of school. To investigate if 3rd grade reading can determine a student’s future academic success, the cohort is followed through our education system was the end-of-level state assessments in language arts, math, and science tracks the 8th grade with a concluding ACT score for each student to assess the college and career readiness. A statistical comparison is used to place each student in the class into 1 of the 4 proficiency levels at the end-of-level and ACT assessments. The study follows 60 students (N = 60) in two rural schools through the course of the study. Results from this study may validate or disprove prior research conducted with larger N groups for students in two rural Title I schools. Future research should be conducted for additional classes to increase the student data used in the study where a similar research method can be expanded to 1st and 2nd grade students’ reading levels.
TESOL Quarterly, 2020
Discourses of languagelessness that suggest that Latinxs are not fully proficient in either English or Spanish have a long history in the United States. These discourses produce raciolinguistic categories that frame the bilingualism of Latinxs as deficient and in need of remedi-ation. In this article, the researchers examine one such raciolinguistic category: students in dual language programs who are classified as both English learners and first language (L1) users of English. The authors offer case studies of three students who fit this linguistic profile. They examine the ways that teachers working with these students struggle to make sense of this raciolinguistic category and often resort to discourses of languagelessness as an explanation. The researchers document the ways that these discourses negatively impact the educational supports provided to the students. The authors end with a call for developing new conceptualizations of the language practices of Latinx students in these programs that resist discourses of languagelessness and, instead, frame the fluid bilingual-ism of these students as a resource for learning.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2008
The rat prelimbic prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens core are critical for initiating cocaine seeking. In contrast, the neural circuitry responsible for inhibiting cocaine seeking during extinction is unknown. The present findings using inhibition of selected brain nuclei with GABA agonists show that the suppression of cocaine seeking produced by prior extinction training required activity in the rat infralimbic cortex. Conversely, the reinstatement of drug seeking by a cocaine injection in extinguished animals was suppressed by increasing neuronal activity in infralimbic cortex with the glutamate agonist AMPA. The cocaine seeking induced by inactivating infralimbic cortex resembled other forms of reinstated drug seeking by depending on activity in prelimbic cortex and the basolateral amygdala. A primary efferent projection from the infralimbic cortex is to the nucleus accumbens shell. Akin to infralimbic cortex, inhibition of the accumbens shell induced cocaine seeking in extinguished rats. However, bilateral inhibition of the shell also elicited increased locomotor activity. Nonetheless, unilateral inhibition of the accumbens shell did not increase motor activity, and simultaneous unilateral inactivation of the infralimbic cortex and shell induced cocaine seeking, suggesting that an interaction between these two structures is necessary for extinction training to inhibit cocaine seeking. The infralimbic cortex and accumbens shell appear to be recruited by extinction learning because inactivation of these structures prior to extinction training did not alter cocaine seeking. Together, these findings suggest that a neuronal network involving the infralimbic cortex and accumbens shell is recruited by extinction training to suppress cocaine seeking.
The eastern part of West Frisia, in the northwest of the Netherlands, was densely inhabited in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Forty years ago large-scale excavations were carried out in the region and extensive settlement areas were investigated. None of these excavations are fully published, but nevertheless a model for Bronze Age habitation of West Frisia was presented. The results of present excavations present us with an opportunity to evaluate some current ideas about the wide distribution and development of the settlements, the house building traditions and economic aspects of Bronze Age farmers in West Frisia. The extent of habitation appears to be on a much wider scale than was previously suggested. House plans are remarkably similar, but there is substantially less repairing and rebuilding than previously thought. Also, there are new considerations about the generality of changes in subsistence strategy, the presumed landscape openness and the way the habitation came to an end just before the start of the Iron Age. If it is not a higher groundwater level that caused the inhabitants to build the 'terps' in the second half of the Late Bronze Age, it may well have been inundations, though not necessarily of a marine origin.
Key Engineering Materials, 2013
Journal of Services Marketing, 2011
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2008
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2011
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2003
The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies, 2020
Procedia Engineering, 2011
PAMM, 2013
The Florida AI Research Society Conference, 2004
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2001
Physical Review E, 2002
Český lid, 2023
Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 2011