Herle M1, Fildes A2, Rijsdijk F3, Steinsbekk S4 and Llewellyn CH1
Department of Behavioural Science and Health, University College London, United Kingdom
School of Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology
and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,
Corresponding author: Dr Clare Llewellyn, Health Behavior Research Centre, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E
6BT, UK.
Conflict of interest: No conflicts declared.
We thank the Gemini families who are participating in the study and the Office for National
Statistics for their help in recruiting them.
The authors would like to acknowledge the substantial intellectual contribution by Professor
Jane Wardle who sadly passed away prior to publication.
Emotional overeating (EOE) is the tendency to eat more in response to negative
emotions; its etiology in early life is unknown. We established the relative genetic and
environmental influences on EOE in toddlerhood and early childhood. Data were from
Gemini, a population-based cohort of 2402 British twins born in 2007. EOE was measured
using the ‘emotional overeating’ scale of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire at 16
months and 5 years. A longitudinal quantitative genetic model established that genetic
influences on EOE were minimal; on the other hand, shared environmental influences
explained most of the variance. EOE was moderately stable from 16 months to 5 years and
continuing environmental factors shared by twin pairs at both ages explained the longitudinal
Keywords: Emotional overeating, eating behavior, developmental psychology, twins,
heritability, weight, obesity
Abbreviations: EOE, emotional overeating; CEBQ, Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire
Emotional overeating (EOE) is the tendency to overeat in response to stress and negative
emotions (Macht, 2008). It emerges early (Wardle, Guthrie, Sanderson, & Rapoport, 2001)
and tracks moderately from early to late childhood [r=0.29]) (Ashcroft, Semmler, Carnell,
van Jaarsveld, & Wardle, 2008). Understanding its etiology is important because it has been
associated with excessive weight and weight gain in childhood (Braet & Van Strien, 1997;
Parkinson, Drewett, Le Couteur, Adamson, & T, 2010; Steinsbekk & Wichstrom, 2015;
Viana, Sinde, & Saxton, 2008), as well as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder
(Pearson, Riley, Davis, & Smith, 2014).
Two main theories have been formulated to explain the development of EOE. The
Psychosomatic Theory (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1957) proposes that obese individuals have not
learned to distinguish successfully between the arousal caused by hunger and negative
emotion; possibly because of classical conditioning in early life. This leads to increased food
intake in response to negative feelings, and predisposes those individuals to weight gain
(Bruch, 1964). This theory proposes that EOE is learned, rather than innate.
The Internal/External theory (Schachter, Goldman, & Gordon, 1968) suggests a
different basis for EOE. It proposes that healthy weight individuals tend to decrease their
food intake in stressful situations, in response to internal physiological stress cues. On the
other hand, obese individuals’ appetites are abnormal in not being affected by stress. The
theory still predicts that obese individuals eat more than normal weight individuals during
times of stress, but due to the inability to respond ‘normally’ to stress cues (van Strien &
Ouwens, 2003). Such aberrations in biology could be innate or learned. There has been some
support for both theories (Psychosomatic Theory: (Bongers, van den Akker, Havermans, &
Jansen, 2015; Bruch, 1975; Heatherton, Striepe, & Wittenberg, 1998; Jansen, Havermans, &
Nederkoorn, 2011) ; Internal/External theory: (Herman & Polivy, 1984; Schachter et al.,
1968; Willner, Muscat, & Papp, 1992). A potential mechanism through which children might
learn to overeat in response to negative emotions is classical conditioning. Parents who sooth
their children’s negative emotions with food might inadvertently condition them to associate
stress with food consumption or hunger, and in doing so establish maladaptive eating patterns
at an early age. A recent experimental study of adults (n=127) supported this notion; pairing
negative emotion with highly palatable foods resulted in a greater desire to consume, which
in turn might result in overeating (Bongers et al., 2015).
Twin studies provide a powerful method for understanding the extent to which
individual differences in a characteristic are determined by genetic and environmental
variation. Importantly, twin analyses can also provide insight into the relative importance of
two different types of environmental influence – aspects that are shared by two twins in a pair
(shared environmental effects), and influences that are unique to each individual twin (unique
environmental effects).
Self-report psychometric questionnaires, such as the Three Eating Factor
Questionnaire (TFEQ) (Stunkard & Messick, 1985) and the Dutch Eating Behavior
Questionnaire (DEBQ) (Vanstrien, Frijters, Bergers, & Defares, 1986), are the most
commonly used measures of EOE for adults. Both questionnaires measure a variety of eating
behaviors and employ similar items to assess EOE (example items; TFEQ: ‘When I feel
anxious, I find myself eating”; DEBQ: “Do you get the desire to eat when you are anxious,
worried or tense?”).
So far three adult studies (two using the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire and one
using the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire) have reported moderate additive genetic
influences on EOE; explaining 45% of the variance in a UK sample (Sung, Lee, Song, Lee, &
Lee, 2010), 31% in a Finnish sample (Keskitalo et al., 2008), and 45% in a Swedish sample
(Tholin, Rasmussen, Tynelius, & Karlsson, 2005). In these adult samples the shared
environment did not contribute to variation in EOE; instead, unique aspects of the
environment (unshared between twin pairs) explained remaining variance.
A recent study compared adult MZ twins raised together with MZ twins raised apart.
Studies of twins reared apart rely on the assumption that MZ twins reared apart share only
their genes; while MZ twins reared together share both their genes and many aspects of their
environment. This assumption therefore makes it possible to directly estimate the
contributions of genes and the shared environment by comparing the similarity of MZ twins
reared together versus apart. This study confirmed the moderate influence of additive
genetics on individual differences in EOE (55%); and, in keeping with the other twin studies,
reported no influence of the shared environment (Elder et al., 2012). A caveat to this design is
the potential influence of shared exposures in utero that contribute to twin similarity, prior to
Genetic and environmental sources of influence are known to vary considerably with
age (Bergen, Gardner, & Kendler, 2007). EOE emerges early, and its etiology may differ
considerably in childhood. The home family environment plays an important role for young
children, raising the possibility that shared environmental effects on EOE might be observed
in early childhood.
Parents are presumed to be the most powerful socialization agents of young children’s
eating behavior (Swinburn et al., 2011); but as children grow and mature, their eating is likely
to be increasingly shaped by external factors. Longitudinal research suggesting that childhood
bullying and peer influence increase the risk of obesity in adulthood, supports the increasing
importance of peers in later childhood (Takizawa, Danese, Maughan, & Arseneault, 2015).
Earlier in development, previous research has suggested that parents who use food to soothe
elicit emotional eating behavior in their children (Braden et al., 2014). Further evidence for
the importance of parental feeding comes from an experimental study (n=25 mother-child
dyads) showing that children whose mothers use food to regulate emotions overconsume in
the absence of hunger when induced with a negative mood (Blissett, Haycraft, & Farrow,
2010). In addition, these maladaptive feeding practices have also been linked to maternal
negative affect, posing a potential direct link between maternal affect, parental feeding
behavior and the development of child EOE (Rodgers et al., 2014).
Hence establishing the relative influence of genes and environment in the
development of EOE in early childhood and across different developmental stages is
important because it can inform interventions aimed to reduce EOE later. If the home
environment exerts an important influence on the development of children’s emotional eating
(as opposed to genetic influence), targeting aspects of the home environment associated with
EOE (e.g. emotional feeding) is supported/warranted. So far no studies have established the
relative influence of genes and environment in shaping EOE in children.
This study uses prospective data from a large pediatric twin study, Gemini, to
quantify the relative importance of genetic and environmental influences on EOE from
toddlerhood to early childhood. The longitudinal design also allows us to establish if
continuing genetic or environmental influences contribute to stability of EOE from
toddlerhood to early childhood. We hypothesize that the shared environment plays a
significant role in shaping EOE in childhood, in contrast to adult studies.
All participants were drawn from Gemini (; a populationbased twin birth cohort set up in 2007 to investigate genetic and environmental influences on
early growth (van Jaarsveld, Johnson, Llewellyn, & Wardle, 2010). Between March and
December 2007 the Office for National Statistics wrote to all eligible families with twins
born that year (N=6754) to ask for their consent to pass their contact details on to the Gemini
researchers. 3435 families agreed to be contacted. 2402 families completed the baseline
questionnaire; the baseline sample included 749 monozygotic pairs [MZs] and 1616 dizygotic
pairs [DZs]; 37 pairs were of unknown zygosity.
Follow-up questionnaires were sent to families when children were 16 months and 5
years old. Gemini is generally representative of UK twins when compared with national twin
statistics on zygosity and sex, gestational age at birth and birth weight. Ethical approval was
granted by the University College London Committee for the Ethics of non–National Health
Service Human Research, and all aspects of data collection and storage were in accordance
with the standards stipulated by this body.
Measurement of emotional overeating
EOE was measured using the ‘emotional overeating’ scale of the parent-reported Child
Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ); (Wardle et al., 2001). The CEBQ is a parent
reported questionnaire which consists of 35 items that describe a range of children’s eating
behaviors. The questionnaire was developed to quantify child eating behaviors hypothesized
to relate to weight and weight gain in childhood. Parents rate how much the statements apply
to their children on a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from “Never” to “Always”).
The EOE (4 items) scale has high internal reliability (α = 0.72 - 0.79) and scores correlate
moderately over a two-week period (r = 0.52) (Wardle et al., 2001).
The CEBQ has been validated using behavioral measures of eating behavior in children aged
4-5 years (Carnell & Wardle, 2007). Parents completed the EOE scale when twins were on
average 16 months old and 5 years old. At 5 years, parents responded to four statements from
the standard EOE scale about their child’s tendency to eat in response to negative emotions
(“My child eats more when worried”, “My child eats more when annoyed”, “My child eats
more when anxious”, and “My child eats more when s/he has nothing else to do”).
Following in-depth qualitative pilot work with a sample of mothers with 18-month old
toddlers, the emotion adjectives from the standard EOE scale were modified for the 16-month
questionnaire to ensure that they were age-appropriate (‘irritable’ instead of ‘worried’;
‘grumpy’ instead of ‘annoyed’; ‘upset’ instead of ‘anxious’). The fourth item from the
standard EOE scale (“My child eats more when s/he has nothing else to do”) was not
included in the 16-month questionnaire because mothers had not observed this behavior in
their children at this young age. This item was therefore omitted from the 5-year scale as well
to ensure consistency of items across the two ages. Parents responded to the items using a 5point Likert scale (‘never’; ‘rarely’; ’sometimes’; ’often’; ‘always’). Means were calculated
for each child for EOE at both ages; scores were only included if a minimum of 2 out of 3
items were completed. The internal consistency for the EOE scale in this sample at 16 months
was α = 0.82; and at 5 years was α = 0.81.
Zygosity, age and gestational age
Gestational age was reported by parents. Information on weight at birth was taken from the
child’s personal health record and reported by parents. Age of the child at EOE measurement
was calculated from their date of birth and the date of questionnaire completion. Opposite sex
twin pairs were classified as DZ. Parents of same sex twins completed a 20-item
questionnaire to establish their zygosity. The questionnaire has been validated against DNA
markers, showing agreement for 95% of cases; and the questionnaire is consistent over time,
with 96% rating the same zygosity status at 3 years (Price et al., 2000).
The Gemini cohort is inclusive, and all families with twins were contacted regardless of
presence of severe birth complications or monogenetic disorders.
Additional sensitivity analyses were conducted excluding twins with a reported chromosomal
disorder (n=20) as well as twins born early (n=262). The results derived with the full sample
and the reduced sample did not differ and the full sample was carried forward for
Statistical analyses
Because twins share their age and gestational age exactly (and sex for same-sex
pairs), regress scores on gestational age, age at the time of measurement, and sex prior to
heritability analyses to ensure these factors do not inflate the shared environmental effect. All
twin analyses were performed on the regressed EOE scores. Pearson’s correlation
coefficient was used to establish the association between EOE at 16 months and 5 years.
Twin analyses
The basis of the twin method is to compare resemblance between identical twins
(monozygotics, MZ) who share 100% of their genes, with that between non-identical twins
(dizygotics, DZs) who share approximately 50% of their segregating genes. Because both
types of twins are assumed to share their environments to a similar extent, difference in
resemblance between the two types of twins reflects genetic contributions to the trait. If there
is little difference in resemblance, common environments shared by twin pairs can be
assumed to be largely responsible for individual differences in that trait. The extent to which
identical twins differ is due to unique environmental influences not shared by twin pairs (and
measurement error) (Rijsdijk & Sham, 2002). Genetic and environmental contributions to
variation in EOE are estimated using two methods: comparisons of twin correlations and
maximum likelihood structural equation modelling (MLSEM).
Twin correlations
Correlations of twins for EOE were calculated and compared for MZs and DZs at 16
months and at 5 years. Twin correlations were calculated using ratings of EOE for each twin
to assess the similarity within twin pairs. The pattern of resemblance provides an indication
of the relative importance of genetic and environmental influences on EOE at each age.
Cross-twin cross-time (CT-CT) correlations provide an indication of the contribution of
continuing genetic and environmental influences to the longitudinal phenotypic association
(the stability of EOE from 16 months to 5 years). CT-CT correlations use the same principles
as the twin correlations explained above; but instead of correlating the twin pair for EOE at
the same age, CT-CT correlations relate twin 1’s EOE score at 16 months to twin 2’s EOE
score at 5 years, and vice versa.
Higher average CT-CT correlations for MZ pairs relative to DZ pairs indicates that
common genetic factors at both ages contribute to the phenotypic association; similar CT-CT
correlations for both types of twins indicates that common shared environmental effects at
both ages are important in driving the phenotypic association. Twin correlations and CT-CT
correlations were calculated using OpenMx Software (Boker et al., 2011); a package
designed to use in R (R Core Team, 2015). OpenMx provides one average CT-CT correlation
for MZ and DZ twin pairs separately, as it deems twin order to be irrelevant.
Maximum likelihood structural equation modelling
Maximum Likelihood structural equation modelling (MLSEM) was used to provide
reliable parameter estimates of additive genetic effects (A), shared environmental effects (C)
and unique environmental effects (E) with 95% confidence intervals and goodness-of-fit
statistics. A bivariate longitudinal model was run providing estimates of A, C and E at 16
months and 5 years as well as information about the extent to which the genetic, shared
environmental and unique environmental influences underlying EOE at 16 months were the
same as those at 5 years, denoted by the additive genetic [rA], shared environmental [rC], and
unique environmental [rE] correlations. A high rA would indicate that the majority of the
additive genetic effects at 16 months persist at 5 years, whereas a low rA would indicate that
additive genetic factors are largely unique to each age. The longitudinal model also quantifies
the extent to which continuing genetic and environmental influences explain the longitudinal
phenotypic correlation from 16 months to 5 years (denoted as bivariate A, C and E). That is,
the bivariate estimates explain whether stability in EOE from 16 months to 5 years is largely
due to the same genes or the same environmental factors influencing the trait at both ages.
The bivariate estimates are calculated by dividing the covariance of the latent factors (A, C
and E) by the phenotypic correlation of between the two variables. Bivariate estimates and
etiological correlations are independent of the univariate A, C, and E contributions at 16
months and 5 years. For example, EOE could be highly heritable at both ages and correlated
over time, but with few genetic effects in common at either age (low rA), and the longitudinal
association being driven entirely by shared environmental effects (low bivariate A; high
bivariate C) (Posthuma et al., 2003). MLSEM was carried out using OpenMx software
(Boker et al., 2011). A number of fit statistics were available, including the Likelihood Ratio
test (LRT), Aikaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion
(BIC). As all models are nested, the LRT can be used for model identification. The BIC
statistic was also taken into consideration because it takes account of sample size and number
of parameters, and is therefore more appropriate than the overly conservative LRT and AIC
in the context of large datasets like Gemini (Posada & Buckley, 2004; Trudeau, Shephard,
Bouchard, & Laurencelle, 2003).
First a saturated model was fitted to the data, with no parameter constraints (i.e.
estimating only means, variances and covariances for MZs and DZs), to provide fit statistics
against which to test the goodness of fit of the ACE model. Then a full ACE model was
fitted. For the univariate analyses more parsimonious sub-models were then tested for
goodness-of-fit against the full ACE model; sub-models dropped A, C, and A and C together
(E is never dropped because it includes measurement error). For longitudinal analyses, a full
ACE model was fitted first and compared to a saturated model for goodness-of-fit. Nonsignificant parameters were then dropped to identify the most parsimonious model. LRT and
the lowest BIC value indicate the best fitting model.
EOE scores were available for 3774 children at 16 months and 1986 children at 5 years, with
a combined sample for the analysis of 3784 children who had data at either 16 months, 5
years or both ages (MLSEM is able to include participants who have missing data at one time
point). The descriptive statistics for the analysis sample are shown in Table 1. The children
included in these analyses did not differ from the full sample in terms of zygosity, sex,
gestational age or birth weight. Twin pairs with unknown zygosity were excluded from the
analyses (n= 37). EOE at 16 months was significantly associated with EOE at 5 years of age
(r=0.25, 95% CI [0.19, 0.30]; p<0.001), such that toddlers who were prone to eating more in
response to negative emotions tended to do this as children as well.
There were some differences between families who remained in the study at 5 years and
those who did not. Mothers of children in the 5 year sample were more educated, older and
had a lower BMI at baseline, than at 16 months. However there were no differences between
the samples in relation to the sex and gestational age of the twins.
Twin Analyses
The intraclass correlations for the twin pairs at 16 months and 5 years are shown in Table 2.
At both ages the MZ and DZ correlations were high and similar for both types of twins. This
suggested a low contribution from genes and a strong contribution from the shared
environment to variation in EOE.
Before running the longitudinal twin model, sex limitation models were conducted to
test for differences between boys and girls. Sex limitation models allow for separate estimates
of A, C and E for males and females. These can then be compared to models equating the
estimates across the sexes. The LRT suggested that models assuming separate paths for males
and females provided a better fit at 16 months and five years. However, the A, C and E
estimates for both and girls were not significantly different. Therefore, for the purposes of
simplicity and accessibility, a model that included both boys and girls together is presented in
this paper. However, fit statistics and parameter estimates for the sex limitation models can
be found in Appendix 1.
Longitudinal analyses
The averaged CT-CT correlations for the MZs and DZs demonstrated similar patterns to the
simple ICCs (Table 2). This suggested that continuing shared environmental influences
largely explained the correlation from 16 months to 5 years, and that there were few
continuing genetic influences that contributed to stability in EOE from toddlerhood to early
MLSEM was used to calculate the univariate estimates for 16 months and 5 years (Figure 1).
Additive genetic effects were significant at 16 months and 5 years (10% and 4%
respectively). The majority of variance in EOE was explained by shared environmental
effects (87% and 93% at 16 months and 5 years respectively). The variance explained by the
unique environment at each age was small (3% and 3% at 16 months and 5 years
A path diagram of the full longitudinal ACE model is presented in Figure 1. LRT
suggested no deterioration of fit between the saturated model and the full ACE model (Δ 2
= 13.218, p=0.72). A moderate shared environmental correlation (r C=0.27) between 16
months and 5 years indicated that even though continuing aspects of the shared environment
account for the stability of EOE, many new shared environmental influences come into play
at five years. There was also a significant negative genetic correlation between the two time
points (rA= -0.26; 95% CI [-0.45, -0.08]). However, because the genetic components of
variance at both ages were very small (especially at age 5 years, 4%), the genetic correlation
is unreliable and difficult to interpret. The unique environmental correlation was nonsignificant (rE = 0.03; 95% CI [-0.11, - 0.17]), indicating that none of the unique
environmental effects that influenced EOE continued to influence EOE at 5 years of age.
The bivariate estimates quantified the contribution of common genetic and
environmental factors to the longitudinal association between EOE at 16 months and 5 years
of age. These suggested that the longitudinal association was completely driven by shared
environmental effects (Bivariate C: 1.07; 95% CI [1.03, 1.11]). The bivariate A was very
small (Bivariate A: -0.07; 95% CI [-0.12, -0.02]) and bivariate E was non-significant
(Bivariate E: 0.00; 95% CI [-0.01, 0.02]). These results made sense in the light of the fact
that shared environmental factors were largely driving variation in EOE at both ages.
To find the most parsimonious solution, parameters were constrained to be zero. In
submodel 1 bivariate estimates for E were dropped, as they were found to be non-significant
(BivE: 0.00; 95% CI [-0.01, 0.02]). Additionally in submodel 2, bivariate estimates for A
were also dropped (Bivariate A: -0.07; 95% CI [-0.12, -0.02]). However the paths indicating
variance explained by the latent factor E at 16 month and 5 years individually remained as
they cannot be removed because they include random measurement error. When comparing
the fit of the submodels with the full ACE model, the LRT suggested a significant
deterioration of fit. However, due to the large sample size, the LRT can be oversensitive,
detecting small changes in fit as significantly different. The BIC, that takes account of the
sample size (as well as the number of parameters), suggested that submodel 2 was the best
fitting model, because it produced the lowest BIC score (BIC=-16939.898). However the
change in BIC (Δ BIC=1.503) between the models was less than 2, indicating that the
difference was too small to discriminate meaningfully between the models. BIC difference
guidelines indicate that a difference of > 2 is considered suggestive of a better model fit
(Trudeau et al., 2003). The full ACE longitudinal model is therefore presented as the bestfitting model. A full list of all estimates and fit statistics is presented in Table 4.
This is the first childhood study to investigate genetic and environmental contributions to the
development of EOE, tracking children from toddlerhood (16 months) to early childhood (5
years). The results were in line with the hypothesis of a substantial effect of the shared
environment on EOE in early life. However, it was somewhat surprising to observe that
additive genetic effects contributed so little to this trait at either age (10 % and 4%
respectively at 16 months and 5 years). These findings contrast with the high heritability
estimates observed for other eating behaviours – Satiety Responsiveness (SR) (63%) and
Enjoyment of Food (EF) (75%) – measured in 10 year-old children (Carnell, Haworth,
Plomin, & Wardle, 2008). They also contrast with the high heritability estimates for four
eating behaviours measured in Gemini at 3 months of age: Satiety Responsiveness (72%);
Slowness of Eating (84%); Food Responsiveness (59%); Enjoyment of food (54%)
(Llewellyn, van Jaarsveld, Johnson, Carnell, & Wardle, 2010).
Evidence for the importance of the shared environment in shaping individual
differences in this trait during both toddlerhood (88%) and early childhood (93%) also
contrasts with previous studies of EOE in adults. These studies found no role of the shared
environment, and a moderate contribution from genetic influences (Keskitalo et al., 2008;
Sung et al., 2010; Tholin et al., 2005). However, heritability estimates are known to vary,
particularly by age, and previous studies of EOE have only used adult samples. In order for
genetic influences to play out, individuals need the agency to make independent choices in
order to ‘act out’ their genetic predispositions. The young age of the sample could therefore
explain the high impact of shared environments, as toddlers and children have limited access
to food to regulate their emotions as they choose. Future studies could follow children into
adolescence to investigate if genetic influences start to emerge as children gain the
independence to act in line with their genetically predisposed traits (a phenomenon termed
‘active gene-environment correlation’) (Bergen et al., 2007).
A ‘passive gene-environment correlation’ might also explain the high shared
environmental effects on variation in EOE; this refers to the ‘double whammy’ of a child
inheriting both genes and environment related to their parents’ and their own geneticallydetermined trait. For example, it seems likely that parents, who emotionally overeat, partly by
virtue of their genetic predisposition, create an environment that nurtures this behavior in
their children; children therefore inherit from their parents both the genes and the
environment that encourage EOE. Passive gene-environment correlations serve to inflate
shared environmental effects (Rijsdijk & Sham, 2002). One way to test for passive geneenvironment correlation is to use an adoption study design, comparing the correlations
between a measure of the family environment (e.g. emotional feeding) and child measures of
EOE in adoptive and non-adoptive families. Higher correlations in non-adoptive families
would indicate a passive gene-environment correlation, as biological parents pass on their
genetic material as well as create the family environment (Rijsdijk & Sham, 2002).
On the whole, it is perhaps unsurprising that for young children the shared
environment plays an important role in shaping the development of this behavior as parents
have been shown to be the most important socialization agents of young children’s eating
behavior (Swinburn et al., 2011), affecting their eating through parenting styles and feeding
practices (Zlatevska, Dubelaar, & Holden, 2014), modeling eating behavior (Brownson,
Boehmer, & Luke, 2005) and being the main gatekeepers of food (Piernas & Popkin, 2011).
We observed that EOE in toddlerhood correlated positively and moderately with EOE
in childhood (r=0.25); and the longitudinal association could be explained largely by
continuing shared environmental influences from toddlerhood to early childhood. However
the moderate shared environmental correlation (r C=0.27) indicated that many novel shared
environmental factors influence EOE at five years. There were no unique environmental
effects that continued from toddlerhood to early childhood. There was a significant genetic
correlation (rA), but due to the very small contribution of additive genetic effects on EOE at
either age, this correlation is difficult to interpret. In addition, model fit statistics tentatively
suggested a slightly better solution for a model excluding bivariate estimates of additive
genetic effects (A) and unique environmental effects (E), highlighting the importance of
shared environmental contributions to the longitudinal stability of EOE.
In comparison to previous cross sectional studies of adults, we report estimates for genetic
and environmental influences on EOE at two different assessment points during childhood.
The observation that the shared environment played the most important role in shaping EOE
in early childhood suggests that many of the early influences on EOE will be modifiable, in
contrast to genetic influence that can be harder to change. This finding provides hope that it
will be possible to develop interventions to prevent or reduce the development of EOE in
childhood. Because EOE is associated with both obesity and eating disorders such
interventions are needed.
While twin studies provide important insights into the relative importance of genetic
and environmental influences on given characteristics, no information about the specific
factors involved is given. Future research is needed to establish the modifiable shared
environmental factors that play a causal role in shaping EOE in early childhood. Some
evidence has suggested that parental feeding practices influence children’s EOE. A recent
study measuring parental feeding practices and children’s eating behaviors in a longitudinal
cohort of Norwegian families (N=797, age 6 and 8 years) found instrumental feeding
practices (i.e. using food as a reward) at age 6 predicted increased emotional overeating at
age 8 (Steinsbekk, Belsky, & Wichstrom, 2016). Similarly, further research has established
that children whose parents actively control their emotions through feeding engage more in
EOE (Braden et al., 2014; Tan & Holub, 2015). In addition, children whose parents highly
control their food intake express more EOE behaviors (Farrow, Haycraft, & Blissett, 2015).
However, there is evidence indicating that child emotional eating elicits parental
controlling feeding behavior (such as monitoring, restriction and pressure to eat), suggesting
a potential bidirectional association between child eating and parental feeding (Haycraft &
Blissett, 2012). Although, results from a larger observational study did not confirm that child
eating at 6 years predicted parental feeding at 8 years (Steinsbekk et al., 2016).
Because EOE is linked to emotional dysregulation (Elks et al., 2012), focusing on
parental efforts to promote emotion regulation (i.e. not using food to sooth negative
emotions) in their offspring might be valuable. Lastly, a stressful and chaotic home
environment has been associated with childhood obesity, potentially because it provides the
environment in which a child would be more likely to learn to emotionally overeat
(Gundersen, Mahatmya, Garasky, & Lohman, 2011; Wardle & Boniface, 2008). Notably
though, studies are needed to test the assumption that stressful environments directly increase
the risk of developing EOE.
Overall, the high influence of the shared environment supports early theory
(Psychosomatic Theory and Internal/External Theory) suggesting that EOE is largely learned
in early life.
Twin studies assume that MZ and DZ twins share their environments to the same extent (socalled the ‘equal environments assumption’) (Rijsdijk & Sham, 2002). A recent analysis of
past twin research testing for violation of the ‘equal environments assumption’ concluded that
in the majority of studies reviewed no violations of the assumption occurred (Felson, 2014).
Another limitation of the study is that due to the longitudinal nature of the study some
families drop out over time. There were some differences between the families who did not
provide follow up data at five years, and those who did. Mothers of families who remained in
the study were more educated, older and had a lower BMI at baseline. However there were no
differences regarding sex and gestational age of the twins. Children of mothers who are more
educated and healthier might be less likely to emotionally overeat themselves, or less likely
to emotionally feed their children. This could explain the slightly reduced mean and variance
of EOE when the children were five years old.
The CEBQ is parent-reported and biases are therefore possible. For example, some of
the shared environmental effect may reflect a parent’s own tendency to emotionally overeat
insofar as parents who tend to do this may assume that both of their children do this as well.
On the other hand, parents may find it difficult to observe this behavior with accuracy in
young children, and therefore rate two twins the same. However, parents are well placed to
report on their children’s eating behavior, arguably knowing their children better than other
potential respondents. In addition, a range of other parent-reported eating behaviors showed
high heritability in this sample during infancy; suggesting that parents are indeed able to
observe differences between their twins for a range other eating behaviors, adding confidence
to these findings (Llewellyn et al., 2010). Nevertheless, it would be useful to collect
information from other raters in future studies (e.g. childcare providers), to compare with
parental reports. Additional laboratory-based studies to validate the EOE subscale would be
useful. However, exposing children to stress to observe their subsequent consumption
behavior poses practical and ethical difficulties. Furthermore, twin analyses require large
numbers of participants, and a psychometric questionnaire, like the CEBQ, therefore remains
the only option to measure behavior in large cohorts like Gemini.
Variation in EOE during toddlerhood and early childhood is largely influenced by
environmental factors shared by both twins in a family. In contrast to most other eating
behaviors that have been explored in infancy and childhood, additive genetic effects play a
minor role. Future studies are needed to identify the actual environmental factors influencing
the development of EOE during the early years, and to elucidate when genetic influences
emerge. Modifiable shared environmental factors that promote EOE need to be identified so
that they can be targeted in interventions aimed to reduce the development EOE in childhood.
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Figures and Tables
Table 1 Descriptive statistics for the analysis sample (n=3784; 1892 twin pairs)
N (%) or Mean
MZ pairs
613 (32.4)
DZ pairs
1279 (67.6)
1860 (49.2)
1924 (50.8)
Gestational age (weeks)
36.21 (2.47)
Weight at birth (kg)
2.46 (0.54)
Age at 16 months (months)
15.82 (1.15)
Emotional Overeating at 16 1.64 (0.59)
Age at 5 years (years)
5.15 (0.13)
Emotional Overeating at 5 years 1.38 (0.48)
Table 2 Twin correlations (95% Confidence Intervals) for emotional overeating scores
measured at 16 months and 5 years
16 months
Twin correlations (95% CI1) 95% CI [0.97, 0.98] 95% CI [0.92, 0.93]
5 years
Twin correlations (95% CI) 95% CI [0.97, 0.98] 95% CI [0.94, 0.96]
16 months/5 years
Twin correlations (95% CI) 95% CI [0.19, 0.30] 95% CI [0.20, 0.31]
Abbreviations: MZ: Monozygotic; DZ: Dizygotic, CI: Confidence Intervals, CT/CT, crosstwin cross-time
Table 3: Fit statistics for longitudinal models for Emotional Overeating at 16 months and 5
Δ C2 (df)
13.218 (17) 0.72
Submodel 12
8.267 (1)
Submodel 23
12.085 (2)
Table 4 shows fit statistics for the longitudinal analyses of EOE measured at 16 months and 5
years. The BIC and ΔBIC was used to identify the best fitting model. More parsimonious
submodels with a lower BIC value compared to the full ACE model, and with a BIC change of
at least 2 compared to the full ACE model, are preferred (Trudeau et al., 2003). Submodel 2
had a lower BIC value than the full ACE model, but the change in BIC was not sufficient to
select it over the full ACE model (Δ = -1.503).
Abbreviations: 2LL: -2 times log-likelihood of data; Δ-2LL: difference in 2 times log-
likelihood; df: degrees of freedom; Δ C2: change in chi-square; BIC: Bayesian Information
Criterion; Δ BIC: change in Bayesian Information; Sat: Saturated model; ACE: Full model
including all factors.
Submodel 1: In this submodel genetic covariation between EOE at 16 months and 5 years was
constrained to 0 (i.e. Bivariate A and the additive genetic correlation (r A) were dropped).
Submodel 1 is nested in and compared against the full ACE model.
Submodel 2: In this Submodel both genetic covariation and unique environmental
covariation between EOE at 16 months and 5 years were constrained to 0 (i.e. Bivariate A,
Bivariate E, the additive genetic correlation (r A) and the non-shared environmental
correlation (rE) were dropped). Submodel 2 is nested in and compared against the full ACE
rE=0.03, 95% CI[-0.11,- 0.17]
rC =0.29, 95% CI [0.23,0.35]
r A=-0.26,
0.03, 95% CI
[0.02, 0.03]
0.87, 95% CI
[0.86, 0.89]
16 months
0.10, 95% CI
[0.08, 0.11]
95% CI [-0.45,-0.08]
0.04, 95% CI
[0.03, 0.06]
0.93, 95% CI
[0.92, 0.94]
0.03, 95%CI
[0.02, 0.03]
5 years
Figure 1 shows the full longitudinal model including all parameters. The rectangular boxes
represent the measured phenotype (EOE) using the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire at
16 months and 5 years. The circles indicate the latent factors of additive genetic effects (A),
shared environmental effects (C) and non-shared environmental effects (E). The straight
single-headed arrows reflect casual pathways with the variance explained by each latent
factor (including 95% confidence intervals). The etiological correlations are shown on the
curved double-headed arrows. These indicate the proportion of genetic (r A), shared
environmental (rC) and unique environmental (r E) influences that are common across the two
ages. The non-significant etiological correlation (r E), with a 95% Confidence Interval
crossing 0, is represented as a dotted line. Bivariate estimates (not shown on the path
diagram) quantify the proportion of the longitudinal association (r=0.25, p<0.001)
attributable to common genetic (bivariate A: -0.07; 95% CI [-0.12, -0.02], shared
environmental (bivariate C: 1.07; 95% CI [1.03, 1.11], and unique environmental factors
(bivariate E: 0.00; 95% CI [0.01, 0.02] at both 16 months and 5 years.
Appendix 1 Sex limitation models
Table 1.1a Sex Limitation Model for EOE measured at 16 months, ACE estimates for
males and females
M ale
M odel
Full sex
Am 1
Cm 1
Em 1
r A1
limitat ion
(r A=free)
Full sex
limitat ion
effects model
(r C=free)
Scalar M odel
Null model
(no sex
r A1
Abbreviations: A: additive genet ic component of variance; C: shared environment al component of variance;
E: unique environment al component of variance; r A: genetic correlat ion, r C: shared environment al correlation,
r E: non-shared environment al correlat ion.
Table 1.1 b Fit statistics for sex limitation modelling for EOE at 16 months
EOE 16 months
Δ C2 (df)1
Df 1
81.44 (14)
81.44 (14)
2& 3
0.00 (1)
p- value
M odel
1 Sat urat ed model
2 Full sex limitation
(r A=free)
3 Full sex limitation
(r C=free)
4 Com mon effects
model (r A=0.5, r C=1)
5 Scalar M odel
6 Null model (no sex
Abbreviat ions: Ep: est imat ed paramet ers, -2LL: -2 log-likelihood of dat a, Df: degrees of freedom, BIC:
Bayesian Inform ation Crit erion
Table 1.2a Sex Limitation Model for EOE measured at 5 years, ACE estimates for males
and females
M ale
M odel
Full sex
Am 1
Cm 1
Em 1
r A1
limitat ion
(r A=free)
Full sex
limitat ion
effects model
(r C=free)
Scalar M odel
Null model
(no sex
r A1
Abbreviations: A: additive genet ic component of variance; C: shared environment al component of variance;
E: unique environment al component of variance; r A: genetic correlat ion, r C: shared environment al correlation,
r E: non-shared environment al correlat ion.
Table 1.2 b Fit statistics for sex limitation modelling for EOE at 5 years
5 years EOE
Df 1
Δ C2 (df)1
p- value
M odel
1 Saturated
2 Full sex
limitation (r A=free)
3 Full sex
limitation (r C=free)
4 Com mon effects
2& 3
model (r A=0.5,
r C=1)
5 Scalar M odel
0.925 (2)
6 Null model (no
0.029 (1)
sex differences)
1 Abbreviat ions: Ep: est imat ed paramet ers, -2LL: -2 log-likelihood of dat a, Df: degrees of freedom, BIC:
Bayesian Inform ation Crit erion