

Estimating non-linear utility functions of time use in the context of an activity schedule adaptation model

Aurora Estimating non-linear utility functions of time use in the context of an activity schedule adaptation model Chang-Hyeon Joh, Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans Eindhoven University of Technology Conference paper Session: Scheduling Moving through nets: The physical and social dimensions of travel 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research Lucerne, 10-15. August 2003 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Estimating non-linear utility functions of time use in the context of an activity schedule adaptation model Chang-Hyeon Joh, Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans Eindhoven University of Technology Urban Planning Group P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Phone: +31-40-2472283; Fax: +31-40-2475882; e-mail: Abstract Progress in activity-based modeling has recently focused on scheduling and rescheduling decisions (e.g. Gärling et al., 1999). In contributing to this line of research, the authors suggested a comprehensive model, called Aurora, of activity rescheduling decisions as a function of time pressure (Timmermans, et al., 2001) . While the original paper focused on duration adjustment and schedule composition, later the proposed theory was elaborated and extended to include many different facets of activity rescheduling behavior (Joh et al., 2001, 2002). Numerical simulations supported the face validity of the model. Given the potential of the model, the next phase in the research project is concerned with the estimation of this complex, non- linear model. This paper develops and tests an appropriate estimation method for the model, using a combination of theory and dedicated genetic algorithms. Results of numerical experiments are discussed. The paper first summarizes the theory underlying the model. Next, a method to estimate the model is proposed. The properties of this method are explored numerically using simulated data. The estimation method is tested using both perfect and noisy data. Finally, some conclusions are drawn and avenues for future research are suggested. Keywords Aurora, (re)scheduling, utility function, heuristic estimation, genetic algorithms Preferred citation Joh, C.H., T.A. Arentze and Harry J.P. Timmermans (2003) Estimating non- linear utility functions of time use in the context of an activity schedule adaptation model, Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Lucerne, August 2003. I 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 1. Introduction Progress in activity-based modeling has recently focused on the analysis and modeling of the process of scheduling and rescheduling activities. An example of such research is Gärling et al. (1999), who addressed the problem of how activity scheduling is influenced by time pressure. They suggested that when faced with time pressure, individuals will first try to compress the duration of activities, or try to reschedule them. If this is not sufficient, then individuals are assumed to prioritize activities and eliminate the one with the lowest priority. This process is continued until the total duration is below some threshold. Over the last few years, the authors developed a more comprehensive model, called Aurora. The model can be viewed as a successor of the Albatross model (Arentze and Timmermans, 2000) and is conducted in the context of the Amadeus research program1 . The system is more comprehensive in that it allows modeling the dynamics of activity scheduling and rescheduling decisions as a function of unexpected events during the execution of activity programs. The model incorporates several behavioral principles and decision styles, including riskavoiding and opportunistic behavior. While the original paper focused on duration adjustment and schedule composition (Timmermans et al., 2001), later the proposed theory was elaborated and extended to include many different facets of activity rescheduling behavior (Joh et al., 2001a). Several numerical simulations supported the face validity of the model. Ultimately, however, the model should be derived from empirical data. The question then becomes how the parameters of the model can be estimated. This is certainly not a trivial que stion as the researcher is faced with several problems. First, the model has no algebraic solution. Secondly, the theory underlying the model argues that scheduling decisions are statedependent. Finally, the model should satisfy several sets of discontinuous constraints. 1 Amadeus is a collaborative research program that aims at developing models to assess the long-term, mid-term and short-term implications on activity-travel patterns of multi-modal transportation systems. The program is sponsored by NWO and involves research teams from the universities of Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven and Utrecht. The scope and objectives of the program are discussed in Arentze et al. (2001). 1 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 The present paper reports on the development and test of such an estimation method. First, we will summarize the theory underlying the model. Next, a method to estimate the model is proposed and the properties of this method are explored. Finally, some conclusion will be drawn. 2. Theory 2.1 Activity utility function Central to the model is that individuals derive some utility from being involved in activities. This utility U is a function of the duration v of the activity. In particular, the functional form can be expressed as: U= U max (1 + γ exp[ β (α − v)])1 / γ (1) Ux 1 + exp[ β x (α x − T )] (2) and U max = where, α, β, γ, α x, βx and Ux are activity-specific parameters, the values of which differ between activities; v is the duration of the activity; 2 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 T denotes the activity history, i.e. the time elapsed since the last implementation of the activity; Umax asymptotically determines the maximum utility of the activity, which is a function of T. Activity utility is assumed to be a monotonically increasing function of activity duration. Unlike previous authors (e.g., Becker, 1965; Kitamura, 1984), we assume that the utility first increases at an increasing rate and then increases at a decreasing rate. That is, we assume that involvement in an activity first involves an unsaturated, warming- up period where each additional unit of involvement (duration) increases utility at an increasing rate. After reaching the maximum marginal utility at some duration (inflection point), experiences become saturated, and the marginal utility decreases with every additional time unit of further involvement. This notion can be captured in terms of an asymmetric S-shaped curve with an inflection point, as opposed to the commonly assumed logarithmic curve of monotonically decreasing marginal utility. Figure 1 portrays the model and illustrates the effect of the parameters. The α parameter determines the duration at which the marginal utility reaches its maximum value (inflection point). A larger α-value shifts the curve to the right, implying a longer warming- up period. The β parameter determines the slope of the curve. A larger β-value represents a steeper curve, implying that some fixed change in duration results in a larger change in utility. Thus, a larger β-value means that the utility is more sensitive to the duration and hence less flexible in terms of adaptation. The γ parameter determines the relative position of the inflection utility. If the value is close to 1, the curve approximates a symmetric curve, and the inflection point is in the middle between the maximum utility and zero. When the value approximates 0, the utility at the inflection level is close to zero, implying that marginal utility is diminishing at virtually all levels of duration. The maximum utility Umax of an activity is not fixed, but is assumed to be determined by the context of the current schedule. We postulate that Umax depends on the activity history, i.e. the time elapsed since the last implementation of the activity. When an activity has been conducted a long ago, the utility of conducting that activity is assumed to increase. We postulate that the functional form describing the impact of history on the maximum utility is also S- 3 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 shaped. The utility of conducting an activity when it just has been performed will be small. The need to conduct that activity again will then systematically increase, until a certain upper limit of Umax has been reached. We simplify the functional form of Umax to the symmetric case. Figure 1. Impacts of utility parameters Change in α (100 à 150: to the right) Change in β (0.05 à 0.1: to the steeper) 1000 1000 900 900 800 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 250 Change in γ (1 à 0.1: to the bottom) 50 100 150 200 Change in Ux (1000 à750: to the bottom) 1000 1000 900 900 800 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 The utility of an activity can the n be computed, given the estimated α, β, γ, α x, β x and Ux, and the duration v and history T of the activity. Note that the model can be extended by further incorporating into the Umax function other decision dimensions such as activity sequence, location, transport mode, accompanying person, etc. 4 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 2.2 Schedule adjustment Faced with time pressure, an individual is assumed to proceed with a series of mental processes of schedule adjustment and implement the best schedule. In the proposed model, various operators are assumed to accomplish schedule adjustment s (Joh et al., 2002). The schedule composition operator changes the list of activities included in a schedule by deleting, inserting and substituting activities. Sequencing, location, transport mode and accompanying person operators change the means of implementing the concerned activity. The application of the operators leads to incremental mental adjustments of the schedule and continues until no more improvement is possible. 2.3 Problems with estimation Assume that we know in advance the maximum level of utility Umax of each activity, and we can observe the level of utility U of each activity over time. We could the n linearize the suggested activity utility function and, using the information of duration v of the observed schedule data, directly solve the equation for the parameter values α, β and γ for each activity. This is unfortunately not the case because the ut ilities of the activities (U and Umax) are unobservable and unknown. Furthermore, unlike the logarithmic function of ever-diminishing marginality (e.g., Kitamura, 1984), the suggested utility function of the current research does not provide the algebraic solution for the optimum durations of the maximum schedule utility. Therefore, we cannot directly ‘solve’ the estimates but have to ‘find’ the estimates that best fit the observed durations by searching iteratively multiple combinations of parameter values. The number of such combinations would however be prohibitively large for an exhaustive search. 2.4 Estimation method For the above reasons, we suggest a heuristic method that searches only part of the entire solution space, but at the same time, provides good, near optimum solutions. The method is based on the critical assumption that the marginal utility of activities in the schedule is the same. If this would not be the case, an individual would further adjust durations to increase the total utility. The duration of the activity of the higher marginal utility will be increased while the duration of the other activity will be decreased. 5 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 In principle, based on these theoretical decisions, an estimation method could be developed. However, the numerical value of the equal marginal utility of the schedule is unknown in reality, and multiple solutions for the parameter estimates that satisfy the equal marginal utility across activities of the schedule could exist. Therefore, an additional assumption is required. To find a solution, we postulate that the level of equal marginal utility of the schedule is partly reflected by the amount of time pressure of the schedule, measured as the total duration of the fixed activities of the schedule, and the number of activities. The numerical level of equal marginal utility can then be approximated as a function of these variables. The rationale behind this assumption is that given the number of activities, higher time pressure (less available time) would raise the level of equal marginal utility. On the other hand, given the time pressure, a larger number of activities would raise the marginal utility for each activity. These assumptions seem appropriate given our theory especially for saturated activities. Equation (3) expresses this critical assumption. βU max exp[β (α − v)] = Σδ k X k (1 + γ exp[ β (α − v)])1/ γ +1 ∀a∈S (3) where, Xk is the k th attribute of the equal- marginal- utility function (X1 = fixed duration, X2 = number of activities of the schedule); δ k is the marginal contribution of the k th attribute Xk to the level of equal marginal utility, which is attribute-specific; S denotes the current schedule. By solving equation (3) for v, given each of the combinations of possible values of parameters, the overall goodness-of- fit of the predicted set of parameter values can be calculated as: 6 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Gl = ΣGal (4) Gal =| v oa − v apl | (5) with where, Gl is the goodness-of- fit of the lth predicted combination of parameter estimates, where l = 1, …, L, and L is the number of the parameter values combinations to be examined; Gal is the goodness-of-fit of the lth predicted combination of parameter estimates for activity a; v ao and v apl are respectively the observed duration of activity a and the duration of activity a predicted by the lth predicted combination of parameter values. The set of parameter values that corresponds to the best goodness-of- fit can then be identified. Still, however, some further operational problems need to be solved for obtaining the duration prediction v p in order to compute the goodness-of- fit of the associated set of predicted parameter estimates. First, there is no direct, algebraic solution for v p that satisfies equation (3), and therefore, we used an algorithm of golden section search to ‘find’ the duration instead of ‘solving’ it. Secondly, the predicted set of parameter values may have no cross points between the equal marginal utility line given by the RHS of equation (3) and the marginal utility curve given by 7 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 the LHS of equation (3). That is, it may be the case that the predicted time pressure goes beyond the maximum of the marginal utility. It then has no cross points for the corresponding duration prediction. In reality, it may be that when the time pressure is so high, and the schedule requires very high marginal utilities for activities to be included, the activities with a lower maximum marginal utility will not survive, and therefore, we would not observe such activities in the schedule. In our estimation, however, we do observe the activity that was implemented in the schedule, and therefore, if the predicted parameters result in no cross points, that predicted solution would clearly be wrong. The predicted parameters associated with such ‘illegality’ and their neighbors should not be visited again in the iterative solution search procedure enforced by assigning an appropriate size of penalty. To this end, the goodness-of- fit of an activity should be revised from equation (5) as: | v o − v ap | l G al =  ao | v a − 0 | +1440 + gap for legal solution for illegal solution (6) As implied by this equation, the measure of the goodness-of- fit of the illegal solution for an activity is the sum of three sources of differences. The first source of difference is the pure difference between observation and prediction. As discussed above, if the time pressure is much too high compared with the maximum level of an activity’s marginal utility, that activity should not be included in the schedule, and therefore, the predicted duration v p of this activity is zero. The second source of difference is a penalty for being illegal. In the current study, we used 1 minute as the unit of measurement for duration. The added number 1440 then means the entire time duration of a day in minutes. Equation (6) distinguishes illegal solutions from legal ones by adding this big number, which makes the resulting measure of goodness-of- fit worse than any possible legal solution. The final source of difference for the illegal solutions is the degree of illegality to make the search sensitive for direction. Figure 2 illustrates three different solutions of an activity, where the predicted parameter values of this activity’s marginal utility curve α, β, γ, αx, β x and Ux are the same, and only the time pressure parameter values δ are different. The first solution is legal in the sense that the marginal utility curve and the time pressure line (TP 1 ) crosses at least one point. The second and third solutions are however illegal, because the marginal utility curve and time pressure lines do not cross. The lower part of equation (6) should be applied. The first two terms of the RHS of the lower part of this equation are the same for the second and third solutions, which makes their goodness-of- fit measure much worse than the first solution. The vertical arrows between the 8 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 time pressure lines and the maximum of the marginal utility curve makes a further distinction between these illegal solutions, which states that the third solution is even worse than the second. Figure 2. Illegality of the solutions MU 60 50 TP3 40 TP2 30 20 TP1 10 0 50 60 70 α Figure 3. Decision of predicted duration 9 80 • v 90 100 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Finally, the existence of the equilibrium durations at both sides of the inflection point raises the question of how to choose the one that is used for prediction. We let the method choose the one that gives the better match. This can be illustrated as in Figure 3. In the figure, the black dots are the predicted durations v p corresponding to the cross points of the observed level of equal marginal utility and the marginal utility curve. The white dot is the observed duration v o of this activity. The black dot on the RHS is chosen in this illustration because it is closer to the observation than the other black dot. Accordingly, the goodness-offit of an activity is again revised from equation (6) as: max[| v oa − v ap |] l G al =  o | v a − 0 | +1440 + gap for legal solution for illegal solution (7) The proposed estimation method can therefore be summarized as: Minimize: G ∈ {Gl } Subject to: MUal = MUa'l (8) ∀a , a '∈ S (9) where, G is the goodness-of- fit of the estimated model of the best parameter values combination; Gl is defined as equations (4) and (7); MU a denotes the marginal utility of activity a, as expressed in the LHS of equation (3). 10 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Solving equation (3) for v across activities of the schedule meets the constraints of equation (9) and provides the prediction of activity duration used in equation (7). For each activity of the schedule, then the prediction error is computed, and the overall goodness-of-fit of a predicted combination of parameter values is the sum of prediction errors across activities as in equation (4). 3. Algorithm Our problem thus is to estimate from schedule data the activity-specific parameters α, β, γ, α x, β x and Ux, given the information of duration v, history T and time pressure attribute X. A genetic algorithm was applied to solve equations (8) and (9). The following operational decisions were made. 3.1 Representation of the solution candidates We employed a real coding scheme to represent the solution candidates of the real parameter values. The real-coding genetic algorithm (RCGA) does not binary-digitalize the real number information but uses real numbers directly representing the solutions with minimum and maximum possible values (Wright, 1991). Given m parameters to estimate for each of n activities and p time-pressure parameters, a solution candidate is represented as an array of mn+p elements of real numbers, and an element of a real number represents a corresponding parameter. In a preliminary study, this RCGA representation scheme outperformed the ordinary binary representation scheme in terms of precision and the speed. In particular, the increased speed was obtained by the RCGA representation scheme, where the encoded information (genotype) for genetic modification and the real form (phenotype) for candidate evaluation are the same, and hence, a decoding process that transforms the genotype information into the phenotype is not required. 11 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 3.2 Genetic operators Our RCGA also employed crossover and mutation operators for genetic modification of the solution candidates like any other GA. The details of the operators of the RCGA are however different from ordinary binary GAs. After a series of preliminary studies, we chose the BLX0.5 crossover and Mühlenbein mutation (Herrera et al., 1998). As for crossover, assume two 2 solution candidate arrays C1 = [ c11 ,.., c1mn+ p ] and C2 = [ c12 ,.., cmn + p ] that are selected from the current pool of solution candidates to be modified for the next pool. The hi of the offspring H = [ h1,.., hmn+ p ] is determined such that the value randomly lies in-between c min − I ⋅ ω and c max + I ⋅ ω , where 1 ≤ i ≤ mn+p, c min = min[ c i1, ci2 ] , c max = max[c1i , c i2 ] and I = c max − c min . We chose 0.5 for ω. As for mutation, assume a randomly selected solution candidate C = ' [ c1 ,.., c mn+ p ]. The c i' of the offspring C ' = [ c1' ,.., cmn + p ] is determined such that 15 c i' = ci ± 0.1 ⋅ (bi − a i ) ⋅ Σ η k 2 − k , where ai and bi are the minimum and maximum values that the k =0 i parameter can take, ηk is randomly determined to be 1 with a probability of 1/16 and 0 with a probability of 15/16, and the + or – sign is chosen with a probability of 0.5. th 3.3 Genetic parameters After an extensive study, we chose the following operational parameter values for the genetic procedure. - Size of the pool or Number of solution candidates for an iteration = 100 - Stop condition = 10000 iterations after the initialization - Probability of choosing crossover instead of mutation for the current round iteration = 70 % - Number of solution candidates selected for crossover from the previous pool = 50 - Number of solution candidates selected for mutation from the previous pool = 90 - Selection of solution candidates for modification = Random selection with replacement - Probability of mutating a parameter of the solution candidate selected for mutation = 10 % 12 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 3.4 Overall procedure Overall, our RCGA works as follows. • The RCGA randomly initializes 100 solution cand idates, each of which is an array of mn+p real numbers that represent m parameters of n activities and p time pressure parameters. ‚ It then evaluates each candidate, which is a rather complex procedure. Each solution candidate is a prediction of parameter va lues of activity utility function at the current step of iteration. Given these values and the time pressure information of the observed schedules, the system finds the predicted duration of each activity included in the observed schedule using the relatio n of equality between the marginal utilities mathematically derived from the utility function and observed from the time pressure attributes X. The absolute difference between predicted and observed durations of that activity is then computed, and these differences are summed across activities of the schedule and finally across schedules of the entire data as a measure of goodness-of- fit of the solution candidate. ƒ The RCGA selects solution candidates, and the selection probability is proportional to the goodness-of- fit. Better goodness-of- fit increases the chance for a candidate to be selected. The following probabilistic roulette wheel (Joh et al., 2001b) is used at each time of a selection. Pl = Σ Gl ' l' Gl Σ Gl ' Σ l' l' G l' (10) where Pl and Gl are respectively the selection probability and the goodness-of-fit measure of the lth solution candidate (l = 1, …, 100). Note that the goodness-of-fit of a candidate is the sum of prediction errors across schedules, and hence, a smaller value means a better fit. The selection is repeated 100 times with replacement. „ Among the selected candidates, the RCGA modifies randomly selected 50 (for crossover) or 90 (for mutation) candidates. … The RCGA again evaluates the new pool of genetically modified solution candidates. An iteration consists of the steps ƒ-„-… and is repeated 10000 times for a run. 13 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 4. Model Test Results Before dealing with any empirical data, we examined the properties of the suggested estimation method on simulated data. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the suggested method produced the correct results using a set of simulated schedule data. Furthe rmore, we wanted to better understand the performance of the suggested approach for noisy data. To this end, we prepared a set of simulated activity schedule data, which assumed no noise for activity duration and time pressure attributes, and a set of activity schedule data, using the same value with some added amount of noise. In the following, we first examine whether the suggested estimation method is capable of reproducing the parameters, and then further examine the robustness of the suggested method against various sources of noise in the simulated data. 4.1 Estimation results for simulated activity schedules using exact data The specification of the model that was used for the simulations is largely the same as the one expressed in equations (8) and (9). We however simulated five time pressure attributes, instead of two, and hence we have five time pressure parameters, δ 1 to δ5 for the purpose of model test. We assumed two types of activities, which suggests a total of seventeen activity utility parameters (= 2×6+5) to estimate. The simulated data consists of fifty simulated schedules of these two types of activities. A schedule provides information about the duration v and history T of each activity and the numerical values of five time pressure attributes X of that schedule. The observed history is simulated in the range from 1 to 30 integer values, and the observed time pressure attributes are observed in the range from 0 to 100 real values across cases. The ‘true’ values for parameters were prescribed arbitrarily but reasonably representing assumed activities. Given these simulated observations and the true values of the activity utility function parameters (Table 1), the simulated duration observations for the activities of each schedule can be obtained from equation (3). As mentioned in section 3.1, the RCGA needs to predefine the minimum and maximum possible values to simulate. The following ranges for the parameter values were used: α = 10 ~300; β = 0.01 ~1; γ = 0.1 ~1; α x = 1 ~30; β x = 0.01 ~1; Ux = 50 ~500. 14 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 The proposed estimation method was run 30 times on the same data. Each run was terminated after 10000 iterations. The total of 30 runs took approximately 22 hours to complete, indicating the complexity of the problem. Table 1 shows the estimation results averaged across the 30 runs. Table 1. Estimation results with exact data parameter true value estimated δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 75 420 0.15 0.10 0.8 0.1 7 3 0.15 0.20 250 150 0.0125 0.0500 0.0240 0.0800 0.0100 75.31 421.39 0.15 0.11 0.58 0.27 7.64 3.06 0.14 0.19 307.20 173.02 0.01587 0.06253 0.02952 0.09671 0.01213 GOF - 0.09946 α β γ αx βx Ux activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Table 1 suggests that the parameter estimates are close to the true parameter values that were used for generating the simulated schedule data. This means that if our assumption that ind ividual activity rescheduling behavior is based on equalizing marginal utilities is true, and data do not exhibit any noise, the suggested estimation method will produce fairly exact estimates of activity utility parameters. A more detailed inspection of the results suggest that the α, β, α x and β x values are estimated more precisely than γ and Ux . This can be explained by examining Figure 4 which portrays the marginal impacts of the parameters and shows that the impact of γ and Ux is relatively small. In case of γ, it is difficult to recognize the difference in the curve between different γ’s 15 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 under a certain level of time pressure. In case of Ux , unless the difference is very large (500 and 100), the curves show little difference between Ux ’s (500 and 450). The GA is therefore less sensitive to these two parameters in the estimation. In contrast, changes in duration are most sensitive to the α parameter, which is consistent with the estimation results where the α value has the highest accuracy. Figure 4. Impacts of parameter values on the marginal utility curve α (60 à 75 à 90: to the right) β (0.5 à 0.3 à 0.1: to the bottom) 3 4.5 4 2.5 3.5 2 3 2.5 1.5 2 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 50 60 70 80 90 50 100 αx (10 à 20 à 25: to the bottom) 60 70 80 90 100 βx (0.05 à 0.1 à 0.15: to the bottom) 16 8 14 7 12 6 10 5 8 4 6 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 γ (0.2 à 0.5 à 1: to the bottom) 60 70 80 90 100 Ux (500 à 450 à 100: to the bottom) 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 An additional concern when estimating these types of functions is the possible linear correlation between parameter estimates. Table 2 shows the correlation between parameter estimates over 30 runs of estimation. 16 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Table 2. Correlations between parameter estimates Activity 1 α β γ αx βx Ux α β γ αx βx Ux 1 -.616** -.616** 1 -.842** .698** -.415* .935** .493* -.943** -.567** .899** -.842** -.415* .698** .935** 1 .410* .410 1 -.453* -.990** .654** .839** .493* -.567** -.943** .899** -.453* .654** -.990** .839** 1 -.842** -.842** 1 α β γ αx βx Ux 1 .610** .610** 1 -.551** .322 -.201 .106 .200 -.097 -.871** -.258 -.551** -.201 .322 .106 1 .340 .340 1 -.341 -.921** .769** .402 .200 -.871** -.097 -.258 -.341 .769** -.921** .402 1 -.424* -.424* 1 Activity 2 α β γ αx βx Ux Note: * and ** denotes that the correlation is significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Table 2 shows that there exist significant linear correlations between parameter estimates. These results suggest that when dealing with the empirical data, a sequential estimation strategy may be preferable if we face substantial interaction between parameter estimates, resulting in unstable parameter estimates over runs. As shown in Figure 4, the α parameter is most sensitive to the change in the duration and is thus expected to be most accurate and stable in prediction, which is proven in Table 1. The sequential estimation may therefore begin with the estimation of α given other parameter values of averages of the initial simultaneous estimations. In fact, preliminary tests suggest that indeed considerably more stable parameters were obtained when using a sequential estimation procedure. A detailed discussion of these results is beyond the scope of the present paper. 17 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 4.2 Estimation results for simulated activity schedules using noisy data Three types of noise were considered: (i) rounding of reported activity duration, (ii) inexact observation of the time pressure attributes and (iii) inexact observation of activity duration. These sources of noise can be expressed in a single equation as: ) βU x exp[ − exp[ β x (α x − T )]] exp[ β (α − (v + e vn ))] = Σδ X + en (11) (1 + γ exp[ β (α − (v) + evn ))])1/ γ +1 where, ) v is the duration rounded by respondents ; en is the error term of the time pressure for the nth observed schedule; evn is the error term of the duration observation. The goal of the analysis here was to examine the robustness of the suggested estimation method in the presence of such noise for each source separately, one at a time. 4.2.1 Rounding noise The simulated data represent activity duration to the precision of three digits after decimal points. Given the simulated observed T and X, a search algorithm finds the value of v based on equation (3) at this level of precision. Table 3 presents an example of the simulated data, whereas Table 4 presents the estimation results for different degrees of rounding error. 18 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Table 3. Example of the simulated schedule data (no rounding, 1- minute and 5- minutes rounding) case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … v1 85.616 96.986 88.115 89.351 83.345 92.574 93.965 75.334 91.649 82.997 … v2 422.797 421.676 421.881 427.553 427.412 436.768 438.813 444.023 434.218 425.829 … T1 24 22 17 18 12 26 23 2 27 12 … no rounding T2 X1 25 2.62 1 9.40 7 44.35 8 11.11 23 40.48 22 8.27 16 1.80 22 21.04 15 4.65 17 53.92 … … X2 29.41 5.72 0.35 32.59 9.26 10.79 5.78 7.56 4.73 17.02 … X3 59.2 14.58 45.41 0.34 50.68 22.74 39.95 9.96 34.40 11.46 … X4 23.3 2.44 12.54 12.14 14.46 4.25 3.80 0.91 6.20 24.87 … X5 23.68 21.95 63.88 19.60 86.35 70.86 22.22 24.98 92.67 54.58 … X3 59.2 14.58 45.41 0.34 50.68 22.74 39.95 9.96 34.4 11.46 … X4 23.3 2.44 12.54 12.14 14.46 4.25 3.8 0.91 6.2 24.87 … X5 23.68 21.95 63.88 19.6 86.35 70.86 22.22 24.98 92.67 54.58 … X3 59.2 14.58 45.41 0.34 50.68 22.74 39.95 9.96 34.4 11.46 … X4 23.3 2.44 12.54 12.14 14.46 4.25 3.8 0.91 6.2 24.87 … X5 23.68 21.95 63.88 19.6 86.35 70.86 22.22 24.98 92.67 54.58 … case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … v1 86 97 88 89 83 93 94 75 92 83 … v2 423 422 422 428 427 437 439 444 434 426 … T1 24 22 17 18 12 26 23 2 27 12 … 1-minute rounding T2 X1 X2 25 2.62 29.41 1 9.4 5.72 7 44.35 0.35 8 11.11 32.59 23 40.48 9.26 22 8.27 10.79 16 1.8 5.78 22 21.04 7.56 15 4.65 4.73 17 53.92 17.02 … … … case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … v1 90 100 90 90 80 90 90 80 90 80 … v2 420 420 420 430 430 440 440 440 430 430 … T1 24 22 17 18 12 26 23 2 27 12 … 10-minutes rounding T2 X1 X2 25 2.62 29.41 1 9.4 5.72 7 44.35 0.35 8 11.11 32.59 23 40.48 9.26 22 8.27 10.79 16 1.8 5.78 22 21.04 7.56 15 4.65 4.73 17 53.92 17.02 … … … As expected, more rounding error results in less accurate estimates, in particular the γ and Ux estimates as discussed in Figure 4. Considering the homogeneous activity durations resulting from the rounding, however, the results are rather accurate and promising. 19 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Table 4. Estimation results with rounded data parameter true value no rounding δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 75.31 421.39 0.15 0.11 0.58 0.27 7.64 3.06 0.14 0.19 307.20 173.02 0.01587 0.06253 0.02952 0.09671 0.01213 75.89 421.80 0.14 0.11 0.27 0.48 6.61 3.02 0.15 0.20 248.52 176.77 0.01603 0.06445 0.03003 0.09735 0.01211 80.11 422.92 0.18 0.13 0.76 0.87 9.14 3.18 0.13 0.19 171.89 142.70 0.00979 0.04069 0.02402 0.07987 0.01197 GOF - 0.09946 0.34374 11.81063 β γ αx βx Ux 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 minutes rounding 75 420 0.15 0.10 0.8 0.1 7 3 0.15 0.20 250 150 0.0125 0.0500 0.0240 0.0800 0.0100 α activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity 1 minute rounding 4.2.2 Time pressure attribute observation noise To study this effect as expressed as en in the RHS of equation (11), two scales of the error were introduced using a normal distribution N (0,σ 2 ). One has a standard deviation size of 10 % of the average time pressure level 2.7, and the other the standard normal distribution. That is, en ~ N (0,0.272 ) and en ~ N(0,1). The results are described in Table 5. Several interesting observations can be made from Table 5. First, the estimates appear to be relatively robust against this type of noise. Secondly, the scale seems to affect the results. If the estimation method is perfect, the introduction of a random error term en in the RHS of equation (11) should not affect the results. Given the limited number of simulated observations and the small size of time pressure, however, the result is not very disappointing. The random error of scale std = 1 seems to confuse the GA too much. Increasing the number of observations should improve the estimation results. Optionally, a sequential estimation of the time pressure parameters would improve the accuracy, which takes a linear regression analy- 20 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 sis of equation (3) with the scalar value of estimated marginal utility in the LHS of the equation. Table 5. Estimation results with noisy time-pressure data parameter true value no noise std = 0.27 std = 1 δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 75 420 0.15 0.10 0.8 0.1 7 3 0.15 0.20 250 150 0.0125 0.0500 0.0240 0.0800 0.0100 75.31 421.39 0.15 0.11 0.58 0.27 7.64 3.06 0.14 0.19 307.20 173.02 0.01587 0.06253 0.02952 0.09671 0.01213 77.93 424.66 0.17 0.13 0.58 0.19 6.93 3.42 0.16 0.16 211.23 126.98 0.01767 0.06288 0.03223 0.09972 0.00759 80.37 426.76 0.19 0.13 0.16 0.18 11.16 3.71 0.12 0.27 361.45 178.28 0.03461 0.09891 0.07479 0.09974 0.02435 GOF - 0.09946 4.59547 11.60373 α β γ αx βx Ux activity 1 activity 2 activity 1 activity 2 activity 1 activity 2 activity 1 activity 2 activity 1 activity 2 activity 1 activity 2 4.2.3 Duration measurement noise Measurement error evn is added to the duration both in the numerator and denominator of the LHS of equation (11) as v + e vn . Errors were assumed to be drawn at random from a normal distribution N (0,σ2 ). Table 6 gives an example, where “std10% act1” means that the error is randomly drawn from a normal distribution of size σ, which is 10 % of the average duration of activity 1 in the data. The average simulated duration of activity 1 and activity 2 is 86 and 429 minutes, respectively. Hence the “std10%” condition includes the error evn ~ N(0,8.62 ) for activity 1 and evn ~ N(0,42.92 ) for activity 2 added to the duration v in both the numerator and the denominator of the LHS of equation. The “std5%” condition results in evn ~ N(0,4.32 ) for activity 1 and evn ~ N(0,21.452 ) for activity 2. Table 6 gives an example of the measurement noise simulated in this way. 21 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Table 6. Data with measurement error of different sizes case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … error size of 10% of average duration original duration introduced error duration with error activity 1 activity 2 std10% act1 std10% act2 activity 1 activity 2 83.720 442.837 -16.19 -13.34 67.530 429.497 84.856 423.586 -2.76 -76.64 82.096 346.946 93.901 436.775 -20.59 31.91 73.311 468.685 85.396 431.398 -6.86 -19.63 78.536 411.768 91.466 434.846 2.93 -10.68 94.396 424.166 90.889 430.142 10.94 -58.65 101.829 371.492 87.401 427.610 4.53 39.37 91.931 466.980 92.693 422.688 8.47 -41.10 101.163 381.588 90.541 430.078 4.88 28.22 95.421 458.298 89.534 431.238 -4.73 -1.59 84.804 429.648 … … … … … … error size of 5% of average duration original duration introduced error duration with error activity 1 activity 2 std5% act1 std5% act2 activity 1 activity 2 83.720 442.837 -8.09 -6.67 75.630 436.167 84.856 423.586 -1.38 -38.32 83.476 385.266 93.901 436.775 -10.3 15.95 83.601 452.725 85.396 431.398 -3.43 -9.82 81.966 421.578 91.466 434.846 1.47 -5.34 92.936 429.506 90.889 430.142 5.47 -29.32 96.359 400.822 87.401 427.610 2.27 19.68 89.671 447.290 92.693 422.688 4.23 -20.55 96.923 402.138 90.541 430.078 2.44 14.11 92.981 444.188 89.534 431.238 -2.37 -0.79 87.164 430.448 … … … … … … To investigate the effect of the duration measurement noise, we tested two sets of simulated schedule data of different sizes. The estimation results are shown in Table 7. The following observations can be made. As for the sample size, the bigger sample (n=200) returns a better result than the smaller sample (n=50). As for the goodness-of- fit, the size of the GOF of the estimated model is almost the same with the size of the error introduced to the duration measurement, and the estimations are all converged. The figures of Table 8 are the results averaged across n cases. 22 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Table 7. Estimation results with measurement noise on the data of different sizes parameter true value std = 5% δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 75.31 421.39 0.15 0.11 0.58 0.27 7.64 3.06 0.14 0.19 307.20 173.02 0.01587 0.06253 0.02952 0.09671 0.01213 83.20 410.46 0.47 0.04 0.64 0.53 17.38 6.47 0.22 0.34 207.95 430.42 0.04447 0.01751 0.05218 0.05001 0.00807 82.74 418.40 0.24 0.08 0.64 0.62 11.09 6.45 0.32 0.33 166.70 390.40 0.04911 0.04327 0.06489 0.05607 0.01505 GOF - 0.09946 44.00144 22.10836 200-cases data true value no error std = 10% std = 5% β γ αx βx Ux parameter δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 75 420 0.15 0.10 0.8 0.1 7 3 0.15 0.20 250 150 0.0125 0.0500 0.0240 0.0800 0.0100 75.57 421.31 0.15 0.11 0.51 0.44 7.65 3.02 0.14 0.19 288.17 174.95 0.01522 0.06057 0.02835 0.09343 0.01176 79.03 421.55 0.18 0.05 0.70 0.55 8.91 6.13 0.14 0.30 288.00 326.01 0.02678 0.06283 0.03579 0.09786 0.01231 78.58 423.48 0.17 0.06 0.63 0.62 7.42 6.05 0.15 0.29 279.12 271.48 0.02406 0.07522 0.04032 0.09879 0.01332 GOF - 0.17417 36.42288 18.13449 α β γ αx βx Ux activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 std = 10% 75 420 0.15 0.10 0.8 0.1 7 3 0.15 0.20 250 150 0.0125 0.0500 0.0240 0.0800 0.0100 α activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity activity 50-cases data no error 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 23 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Table 8. Goodness-of- fit across error sizes sample size error size GOF std=10% 44.00 n = 50 std=5% 22.11 std=10% 36.42 n = 200 std=5% 18.13 Note: The introduced error sum = |e1n |+|e2n |. error sum 47.97 23.98 37.41 18.70 As for the accuracy of the estimates, the estimates are not very accurate for some parameters for noisy data. Moreover, the inaccuracy is amplified with the size of the introduced error across parameters of both activities in both data sets. The reason may be the following. When measurement error evn is introduced from a normal distribution, duration for the actual estimation is changed to v + e vn . If the estimation method is insensitive to the introduced random duration error, the marginal utility (the LHS of equation) should be averaged to the true values. In other words, given the marginal utility MU = f (v ) , f (v ) ≈ ( f (v + e) + f (v − e) )/ 2 . For exa mple, the marginal utility of the true duration 440 should (more or less) be the same as the average of two marginal utilities of duration 440+40 and duration 440-40. Assume that α, β, γ, αx , βx and Ux are 75, 0.15, 0.8, 7, 0.15 and 250, respectively, T is 15, and the average duration v is 86. Then, the std of the random error is 8.6 and 4.3, which are 10 % and 5 % of the average duration, respectively. The average of the absolute values of the error randomly drawn from these sizes then was 6.7 and 3.3, respectively. Figure 5 shows the error-size impacts in terms of the difference between f (v ) and ( f (v + 6 .7 ) + f (v − 6.7) ) / 2 for error size of 10% and the difference between f (v ) and ( f (v + 3.3) + f (v − 3.3)) / 2 for error size of 5%. The error- averaged marginal utility is drawn as bold lines. The difference between the two is explained in Figure 6. In both figures, the thin, dotted and bold lines respectively denote the true value, the value with negative error, and the value with the positive error. 24 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Figure 5 Average marginal utility curve with exact measurement and with measurement error of 10% (LHS) and 5% (RHS) of average duration 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 Figure 6 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Marginal utility curve with exact measurement and with measurement error of ±10% (LHS) and ±5% (RHS) of average duration 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 The introduction of a single measurement error changes the α value, and hence, the inflection point of the critical point of the function. As long as the introduced measurement error is from a symmetrical normal distribution, however, the averaged marginal curve maintains the inflection point as before, which also keeps the predicted α values as before. Meanwhile, all other aspects of the functional curve changes as can be seen in Figure 5. As a result, the error introduction from a symmetric (normal) distribution implies the disruption of estimates of β, 25 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 αx and βx to some extent, but not α. In fact, throughout the estimation simulation, the α estimate was relatively irrelevant to the measurement error size. 5. Conclusions This paper has reported some main findings of a study, which aimed at developing an estimation method for deriving the parameters of the Aurora model. Unlike other utility models of time use, Aurora is based on a complex asymmetric S-shaped utility function. While we argue that this specification has some clear theoretical advantages, the estimation of the model becomes highly complex. Before applying a method to real empirical data, we felt it was important to first study the performance of the suggested approach to simulated data. The suggested estimation uses a combination of searching the solution space, using a tailored genetic algorithm and some theoretical concepts. In particular, a key assumption is that an activity schedule is the result of equalizing the marginal utilities of activities subject to time pressure. The method was specifically developed for the case where duration (time use) data are available. The results of the simulations suggest that the proposed estimation method performs well on the exact data, and reasonably good on the noisy data but with some exceptions of particular parameters. The simulated noises were time pressure, duration rounding and overall measurement error in duration. Among the simulated errors, the overall measurement error in duration has biggest impacts on the accuracy of the parameter estimation, bigger than the error in measuring the time pressure variables and the systematic rounding in reporting the duration. This suggests the need to attempt to increase the quality of duration data to the extent possible. It also shows the typical problems of non-linear models, especially the interaction between parameter estimates. Considering the latter, we recommend to use a sequential estimation strategy where each parameter is estimated in turn. It did provide the most stable results for the present model, and these results can probably be generalized to similar models. 26 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research _______________________________________________________________________ August 10-15, 2003 Having developed this estimation model, we can apply and test the model to real, empirical data. The results of that endeavor will be reported in future publications. 6. References Arentze, T.A. and H.J.P. Timmermans (2000) Albatross: A Learning-Based Transportation Oriented Simulation System, European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, The Hague. Arentze, T.A., M. Dijst, E. Dugundji, C.H. Joh, L. Kapoen, S. Krijgsman, C. Maat, H.J.P. Timmermans and J. Veldhuisen (2001) Amadeus : Scope and conceptual development, Paper presented at the 9th World Conference on Transportation Research, Seoul, July 2001. Becker, G. S. (1965) A theory of the allocation of time, The Economic Journal, 75 493-517. Davis, L. 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