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This course is an introduction to Chinese film and visual culture from the earliest days until the present. Chinese film and media studies are rich fields with links to literature, theater and opera, and visual art. This class invites students to watch, read, and discuss films from several periods and traditions, including auteur films (films by famous directors), genre films (for example, martial arts films), and animated films. This is a film and media studies course. Students will be graded on two in class quizzes, a short response paper, and one final written essay. Course Requirements: Attendance is mandatory. More than three unexcused absences will result in a one-point reduction of your Attendance and Class Participation grade. Two lates = one absence. Justification (a medical note etc.) for any absence will be submitted at the latest the next class after said absence(s). All the readings on this syllabus are required readings. All the articles are available as downloadable files. Please see below for the required reading list. We will discuss how to download articles from the databases available through the Libraries' home page.
Water, 2024
The Arabian Desert is characterised by very low rainfall and high evaporation, yet over 210 springs are on its northeastern edge in central Iraq along the Abu Jir lineament, which represents the western depositional margin of a foreland basin infilled by the floodplain sediments of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; there is little evidence of faulting. The springs discharge from gently east-dipping Paleocene–Eocene limestones, either where groundwater flowpaths intersect the ground surface or where groundwater flow is forced to the surface by confining aquitards. Calculated annual recharge to the aquifer system across the Arabian Desert plateau (130–500 million m3) is significant, largely due to rapid infiltration through karst dolines, such that karst porosity is the primary enabler of groundwater recharge. The recharge is enough to maintain flow at the Abu Jir springs, but active management of groundwater extraction for agriculture is required for their long-term sustainability. The hydrochemistry of the springs is determined by evaporation, rainfall composition (high SO4 concentrations are due to the dissolution of wind-blown gypsum in rainfall), and plant uptake of Ca and K (despite the sparse vegetation). Limestone dissolution has relatively little impact; many of the springs are undersaturated with respect to calcite and lack tufa/travertine deposits. The springs at Hit-Kubaysa contain tar and high levels of H2S that probably seeped upwards along subvertical faults from underlying oil reservoirs; this is the only location along the Abu Jir lineament where deep-seated faults penetrate to the surface. The presence of hydrocarbons reduces the Hit-Kubaysa spring water and converts the dissolved SO4 to H2S.
Prefazione, Per una biografia di Salvatore De Benedetti, 2024
Visual Studies, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the precarious porosity of the human body. Biological vulnerability and the fear of contagion in recent times has prompted the exercise of caution by enforcing distinct demarcating boundaries between the environment, the self, and the other. Thus, the faculty of touch is restricted despite its importance in functional, developmental, haptic, intimate, non-verbal, therapeutic, cultural, and social dimensions. Avenues of direct contact have been barred, with digital and mediated touch dominating various spheres. The lived experience of a population negotiating with the loss of tactile contact finds expression within the subjective narratives of the viral subject detailed insightfully through the medium of comics. Taking instances from graphic medicine, this paper aims to analyse the parameters of touch and tactility during the COVID-19 pandemic by close reading comic panels from various sources.
Marmara Akademi Yayınları, 2017
Background: The proportion of elderly patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) is increasing over time. Thoracoscopic extended thymectomy has been shown to achieve a superior short-term outcome to transsternal procedures. Therefore, the long-term clinical outcome should be reexamined , particularly in elderly patients. Methods: We evaluated the long-term clinical outcomes after extended thymectomy in 30 MG patients with or without thymoma. Twenty-one (70%) patients underwent surgery by 65 years of age, and the remaining 9 (30%) underwent surgery after 65 years of age. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine the influence of various factors on the improvement in MG symptoms. Results: The characteristics in the elderly patients were comparable to those in the younger patients, except for the age at surgery. Symptoms of MG improved in 4 of the 9 (44%) elderly patients and in 18 of the 21 (86%) younger patients (P=0.0192). One elderly patient who underwent transsternal thymectomy died suddenly on postoperative day 3, probably due to a MG crisis: no pathological abnormalities were detected by an autopsy. A multivariate analysis identified an age at thymectomy of <65 years (P=0.0237) and a duration from the onset to thymectomy of <1 year (P=0.0405) as independent factors associated with the improvement of MG symptoms. Indeed, 4 of the 5 (80%) elderly patients who underwent thymectomy within 1 year after the onset had a favorable long-term outcome. Conclusions: Thymectomy can be an option even in elderly patients, provided the operation is performed early after the onset.
Deden Ferdian, 2019
Indonesia di anugrahi perbedaan struktur dengan negara lainnya di dunia, maka dalam proses pembangunan juga tidak bisa mengikuti negara lainnya. oleh karena itu, dalam makalah ini coba di paparkan dasar-dasar pembangunan asli Indonesia melalui pendekatan sejarah
Caysa & Schwarzwald (eds.) Nietzsche - Philosoph der Größe der Macht oder der Macht der Größe, 2011
In this paper I intend to identify the kind of Amoralism Nietzsche is arguing for in his writings of the middle period. In the first part of the paper, I focus on the presuppositions as well as on the motivation underlying this version of the amoralist position. Nietzsche diagnoses a normative conflict between the intellectual integrity and the metaphysical presuppositions of our moral vocabulary and practices. This diagnosis leads him to the conclusion that we should reform a substantive part of our moral intuitions. However, this first critique of morality, one that we could label an internal critique, is not all that Nietzsche has to say about normativity, even if we considerer only the works of the middle period. According to my interpretation, Nietzsche is committed to a position that could be described as normative Minimalism. By developing this position, Nietzsche was clearly influenced by Montaigne´s reception of both Epicureanism and Pyrrhonism. The kind of human life Nietzsche associated with this position is identified by him with the life of the free spirits, conceived as both a genuine heir and an emulator of the ascetic types made possible by the Christian culture, paradigmatically exemplified by Pascal and the French Jansenists. In the second part of this paper I contrast this kind of normative Minimalism with Nietzsche´s defense of Perfectionism in his later works. I conclude my paper calling attention to some argumentative advantages of normative Minimalism and to some argumentative difficulties that Perfectionism cannot preclude (from a genuine nietzschean perspective).
La politique et l'âme : Autour de Pierre Manent, 2014
Extrait de : Giulio De Ligio, Jean-Vincent Holeindre et Daniel J. Mahoney (dir.), La politique et l'âme : Autour de Pierre Manent, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2014, p. 517-525.
Agricultural Reviews, Volume 45 Issue 2: 218-228 (June 2024)
Andante, 2017
LE FİGARO , 2024
Revista Chilena de Entomología, 2019
Revista de Educación en Biología
Journal of The Iranian Chemical Society, 2022
Ashkal Alwan دوام الإرجاء | Perpetual Postponement
International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024
Journal of Power Sources, 2020
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019
Oecologia, 2016
Cheminform, 2010
Acta Materialia, 2017
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2013