Culture in, for and
as Sustainable
EDITED BY Joost Dessein, Katriina Soini, Graham Fairclough and Lummina Horlings
Culture in, for and
as Sustainable
Conclusions from the COST Action IS1007
Investigating Cultural Sustainability
Edited by
Joost Dessein, Katriina Soini, Graham Fairclough and Lummina Horlings
First published 2015 by University of Jyväskylä
Editors: Joost Dessein, Katriina Soini, Graham Fairclough and Lummina Horlings
Main authors: Katriina Soini, Elena Battaglini, Inger Birkeland, Nancy Duxbury,
Graham Fairclough, Lummina Horlings and Joost Dessein
Authors of the stories:
Story 1: Christiaan De Beukelaer, Julija Matejić, Lummina Horlings and Nancy Duxbury;
Story 2: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Marina Mihailova, Paola Spinozzi,
Annalisa Cicerchia, Jenny Johannisson, Anita Kangas, Miloslav Lapka, Milena Sesic
-Dragicevic, Katriina Siivonen and Astrid Skjerven;
Story 3: Inger Birkeland, Katarzyna Plebanczyck, Goran Tomka, Oliver Bender, Maria Leus
and Hannes Palang;
Story 4: Constanza Parra, Robert Burton, Claudia Brites, Jenny Atmanagara,
Elena Battaglini, Mari Kivitalo, Nina Svane-Mikkelsen and Katriina Soini;
Story 5: Nathalie Blanc, Raquel Freitas, Maria Cadarso, Svetlana Hristova, Marion Lang,
Roberta Chiarini, Eva Cudlinov and Mario Reimer.
Authors of text boxes are specified in each box
Graphic Design and Artworks: Minja Revonkorpi | Taidea
This publication should be cited as:
Dessein, J., Soini, K., Fairclough, G. and Horlings, L. (eds) 2015. Culture in, for and as
Sustainable Development. Conclusions from the COST Action IS1007 Investigating
Cultural Sustainability. University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any
form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented,
including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publishers.
ISBN: 978-951-39-6177-0
COST Action IS1007
Investigating Cultural
COST Action IS1007
Investigating Cultural Sustainability
Investigating Cultural Sustainability is a European research network focused in a multidisciplinary perspective on the relationship
between culture and sustainable development. During its four year period (2011-2015)
its main objective was to highlight European
research across its members’ countries in
order to provide policy makers with instruments for integrating culture as a key element of the sustainable development. Action’s network was composed of around 100
researchers from 25 countries within the EU,
with participants as well from Israel, New
Zealand and Australia. It held a wide variety
of disciplines and fields of research, ranging from cultural, humanistic and social sciences, through political and natural sciences
to planning. These were organised in three
thematic clusters – Concepts, Policies and
Assessments – which are broadly reflected
in the structure of this document.
The work of the network was supported by
the European COST Association (COperation in Science and Technology) and funded
within the European Commission’s research
programme Horizon 2020. COST Actions are
designed to build new knowledge by bringing
together researchers to cooperate and coordinate nationally-funded research activities,
and to build up new transnational and international research co-operation. The funding
provides an opportunity for researchers to
develop their competences, share experience and expertise with colleagues in other
countries, and improve their research career
through workshops, training and exchange
Action Investigating Cultural Sustainability in
its four years organised eight workshops or
symposiums hosted by its members across
Europe, and a cross-cutting meeting was organised in Brussels for stakeholders in order to collate and produce new knowledge
with the help of external experts, scholars,
policy-makers and practitioners. Over 30
research missions between the research institutes were carried out by members of the
Action, and two training schools were organised to strengthen the topic among the young
researchers working in this field. A key outcome of the Action was the establishment of
a new series of books that establish culture
and sustainability as an important emerging
and active field of research. Published as
‘Routledge Studies in Culture and Sustainable Development’, the series has been inaugurated by three volumes of papers drawn
from and representative of the work of the
Action itself.
The results of the work – including the publication of the present document, ‘Culture in,
for and as Sustainable Development’ - were
shared and discussed in a final public conference in Helsinki on 6-8 May 2015, ‘Culture(s)
in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies,
Pictures by Joost Dessein
It should be obvious that culture matters to sustainable development. Yet almost 30 years after the Brundtland report ‘Our Common Future’
the incorporation of culture into sustainability
debates seems to remain a great challenge,
both scientifically and politically. There have
been some recent attempts to bring culture into
sustainability, by trans- and inter-national organisations and by cross/trans-disciplinary scientific endeavours, but they continue to swim
against the prevailing current of conventional
sustainability discourses rooted in environmental and economic perspectives.
Culture, sustainability and sustainable development are complicated concepts that are not always easy for scientists, policy makers or practitioners to grasp or apply. In the course of our
four-year (2011-15) COST Action, IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability, we explored
all three concepts and learnt to embrace their
multiple meanings and connotations. In this final report from the Action we present their diversity and plurality as a meaningful resource
for building a comprehensive analytical framework for the structured study and application of
‘culture and sustainable development’. Our conclusions are presented in three chapters, after
a Prologue to set the scene and followed by a
reflective and forward looking Epilogue.
Our first chapter offers our view of key concepts, and presents the three important ways
we identify for culture to play important roles
in sustainable development. First, culture can
have a supportive and self-promoting role
(which we characterise as ‘culture in sustainable development’). This already-established
approach expands conventional sustainable
development discourse by adding culture as a
self-standing 4th pillar alongside separate ecological, social, and economic considerations
and imperatives. We see a second role (‘culture
for sustainable development’), however, which
offers culture as a more influential force that
can operate beyond itself. This moves culture
into a framing, contextualising and mediating
mode, one that can balance all three of the
existing pillars and guide sustainable development between economic, social, and ecological pressures and needs. Third, we argue that
there can be an even a more fundamental role
for culture (‘culture as sustainable development’) which sees it as the essential foundation
and structure for achieving the aims of sustainable development. In this role it integrates, coordinates and guides all aspects of sustainable
action. In all three roles, recognising culture as
at the root of all human decisions and actions,
and as an overarching concern (even a new
paradigm) in sustainable development thinking,
enables culture and sustainability to become
mutually intertwined so that the distinctions between the economic, social and environmental
dimensions of sustainability begin to fade.
Our second chapter, ‘Culture at the crossroads
of policy’, identifies a number of different topics, fields or themes that are commonly – or
should be – addressed by policies, and the
streams or flows of thought and action that
they follow; we liken them to ‘scripts’ that guide
the performance of sustainability. These scripts
reveal the broad contours of a new type of policy landscape. We explore eight overlapping
themes: the negotiation of memories, identities and heritage; the relevance of place, landscape and territory; the complexities of social
life, commons and participation; the centrality
of creative practices and activities; culturally
sensitive policies for economic development;
nature conservation; the importance of increasing awareness and knowledge of sustainability;
and finally, policies aiming at transformations.
Our analysis reveals that culture is not just the
subject or object of cultural policy; it should
also inform and be integrated with all other
policies, for the economic, the social and the
environmental, and for the global and the local.
All the best and most successful policies are
(although not necessarily consciously) culturally
informed. Policies dealing with education, tourism, research, cultural diplomacy, social policies, and city and regional planning, as well as
other areas, can integrate culture in the core of
their policy-making to various degrees.
All these ‘scripts’ are interlinked and overlap, of course, but they can be viewed in the
framework of the three roles that we have just
summarised. In the first role, policy strengthens
the key intrinsic values of culture, and tends
to focus on creativity and diversity of cultural
expressions and the contributions of artistic/
cultural activity and expressions to human-centred sustainable development trajectories. In
the second case, when culture is understood
as having a mediating role, the policy extends
to influence, share and shape the aims of other
public policies, like livelihood, industries, social
and environmental well-being. In the third case,
policy will promote broader transformations towards more holistically sustainable societies,
for example through increased awareness and
behaviour changes that can provide catalysts
and enablers for grassroots collective actions,
and through the development of the capacity
and capability of individuals and communities
to adapt and carry on more sustainable ways
of life.
Assessing the impact and effects of both policies and politics is a crucial aspect of sustainability. There are several methodologies for
carrying out assessments and communicating
their results, but indicators are perhaps the
most commonly used, and we turn to these in
our third chapter. From the complexity of everyday life, indicators select a few representative
threads, headlines or leverage points that can
be distilled into more easily comprehensible
evidence for the impacts of events and trajectories, the effects of different courses of action, and the quality and direction of change.
Existing culturally-sensitive indicator sets are
limited, and in this publication we therefore focus on specific challenges. These include the
availability, standardisation, aggregation and
ranking of data, all of which are required to al-
low cultural statistics to be consistently constructed and made useful, although we also
recognise the historical and local specificity
of indicators – they must be fit-for-context. We
offer suggestions for the way forward, including the importance of joint learning processes
and participatory development of indicators, the
need for the collection of good examples and
practices (notably of qualitative indicators, with
illustrations of how they can be used and combined with quantitative indicators) and above all
the acknowledgment in indicator construction
of the three different roles of culture in, for and
as sustainable development.
In our Epilogue, we reflect on the intellectual
and cultural journey and exchanges that the
Action has afforded its many participants. We
have explored new territory between disciplines,
between cultures and between the conventional three pillars of sustainable development.
A major lesson is how little is actually known
about the current and the potential inter-operability of culture and the sustainability ‘tripod’,
and we therefore conclude by looking forward.
We suggest lines for future research in four categories - concepts, methodologies and practices, evidence bases, and selected topics that
seem us to be currently key. With new European
and global funding streams becoming available
to address sustainability issues (for example
within the ERA and through Horizon 2020), and
supported by our extensive webs of cross- and
inter-disciplinary collaborations, we can see the
necessity and the advantages for everyone of
culture gaining a more central and transformative role in sustainable development discourse,
and in action. We envisage that the insights of
this COST Action will help to ensure a strong
‘cultural stream’ in future research and policy.
Story 1 – Cultural Industries for Sustainable Development?
Thriving on complexity
Sustainability or sustainable development?
Social and cultural sustainability: same or different?
Story 2 - The Stories Museums Tell
Multiple contributions of culture to sustainable development
Supporting Sustainability – A self-standing role for culture
in sustainable development
Connecting sustainability – The mediating role of culture
for sustainable development
Creating sustainability – The transformative role of culture
as sustainable development
Three roles, but many applications
Story 3 - Surviving Post-Industrialisation
Defining policy
Policy ‘scripts’ for culture and sustainable development
Policies negotiating memories, identities and heritage
Policies on place, landscape and territory
Policies dealing with social life, commons and participation
Policies encouraging creative practices and activities
Culturally sensitive policies for economic development
Policies of nature conservation
Policies to increase sustainability awareness
Conclusions and reflections on policy
Book series and book introductions
Informing and shaping policy
Existing indicators
The challenges of assessing culture in sustainability
The way forward
Story 4 - Reconstituting Culture
Dwelling in No Man’s Land
Returning with new ideas: future research lines
The end of an Action, the beginning of action
Story 5 - Greening the City, Cultivating Community
List of Text Boxes
Culture as a topic in international policy framework: selected landmarks
On bio-cultural diversity 16
The mantra of ’Our Common future’ and its cultural vision
Seven storylines of cultural sustainability
Interaction between cultural activities and sustainable
regional landscape development 32
Bridges as Places of Divisions in local communities
Mapping Sense of Place 41
Sustainability and legitimacy of the Tanyaszinhaz theatre community in Serbia
Developing indicators in a participatory way
Cultural mapping as a way to involve communities to make assessments
On inter- and transdisciplinarity in culture and sustainability
International pilot online course on ‘Cultural Sustainability’ launched
Culture matters in sustainable development.
Many if not all of the planet’s environmental
problems and certainly all of its social and
economic problems have cultural activity and
decisions – people and human actions – at
their roots. Solutions are therefore likely to
be also culturally-based, and the existing
models of sustainable development forged
from economic or environmental concern
are unlikely to be successful without cultural
considerations. If culture is not made explicit, discussed and argued over explicitly within
the sustainability debates, it does not have
power in the decision making.
Yet incorporating culture in the sustainability
debates seems to be a great scientific and
political challenge. The scientific challenge is
that both culture and sustainability are complex, contested, multidisciplinary and normative concepts. The policy challenge is that
a broad understanding of culture requires
cross-sectoral or even transdisciplinary policies, and innovative, at times even radical
modes of implementation that involve reexamination of broad spectrum issues such
as governance, democratic participation and
social equity. Crossing into both sets of challenges is the manner in which bringing culture into the sustainability debates questions
the conventional discourse and action of the
three pillars: the economic, the environmental and the social. To pursue sustainability
through the framework of culture therefore urgently requires new approaches, which cross
the sectoral and disciplinary boundaries.
Few can have fully foreseen the success of
the idea of ‘Sustainable Development’ when
it was introduced to a broad global audience
in 1987 by the Brundtland publication ‘Our
Common Future’. Almost 30 years later, the
idea is still increasingly being presented as
a pathway to all that is good and desirable
in society, widely adopted and frequently
called-in-aid. This was clearly illustrated at
the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), held in Rio de
Janeiro in June 2012. One of the conference’s main outcomes was the agreement
by member states to set up sustainable development goals, which could be useful tools
in achieving sustainable development and to
be linked with United Nation’s Post-Millennium Development goals. The concept is also
frequently used by local governments, practitioners, educational sector, and it has also
been taken as a tool for marketing. The popularity of the concept among scholars is illustrated in the number of journals or articles
that deal entitled ‘sustainable development’
or ‘sustainability’. More than 108.000 peer
reviewed papers that deal with ‘sustainability’ or ‘sustainable development’ have been
publications introduce a number of ways culture ‘drives’ and ‘enables’ development, the
conditions of sustainable development in respect to various aspects of culture, have not
been thoroughly analysed.
Yet at the same time the concepts contin- Cultural aspects have also been embedded
ue to be critiqued by scholars and policy- in a number of other recent closely-aligned
makers for their anthropocentrism, vague- research lines, theories and frameworks,
ness and ambiguity. The mainstream way is which in one way or another aim at a
tainable development in terms
of ecological, social and ecoYear
Event or Publication
nomic ‘pillars’ as confirmed
Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003
at the Johannesburg Summit
ratified by +150 countries
of 2002, but often labelled in
United Cities and Local
Adoption of ‘Agenda 21 for Culture’
Governments (UCLG)
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of
more or less symbolic ways,
Cultural Expressions - ratified by +130 countries
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
such as people-profit-planet.
Fribourg Group
Fribourg Declaration on Cultural Rights
However, attempts to keep
Established a post of Independent Expert in the field of cultural rights
UN Human Rights Council
for a 3-year period (extended)
these three dimensions in balResolution re: connection between culture and development 2010
UN General Assembly
ance and to make sustainabiliUnited Cities and Local
Policy statement on ’Culture: Fourth Pillar of Sustainable
ty a ‘win-win-win’ solution for all
Governments (UCLG)
Development’ - adopted
three, seems to remain unsatResolution 2 re: connection between culture and development 2011
UN General Assembly
isfactory or in many people’s
Adoption of new UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban
eyes a grail to be sought but
UN Conference on Sustainable
Outcome Document of the UN Conference on Sustainable
never found.
Development, endorsed by UN
General Assembly/High-level
We argue that the three pillar model is proving to be
fundamentally flawed by the
absence of culture. Several transnational and international organisations like
UNESCO, United Cities and Local Government and the Council of Europe have recently advocated culture as an explicit
aspect of sustainability, but it
has also been introduced implicitly in many other policy
publications from global to local. However, although these
UNESCO International Congress
‘Culture: Key to Sustainable
UN Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD), UN
Development Programme (UNDP)
International Federations of Arts
Councils and Culture Agencies
(IFACCA), Coalitions for Cultural
Diversity (IFCCD), Agenda 21 for
Culture and Culture Action Europe
UN General Assembly
UN General Assembly
3rd UNESCO World Forum on
Culture and the Cultural Industries:
‘Culture, Creativity and Sustainable
United Cities and Local
Governments (UCLG)
Final declaration – ‘Placing Culture at the Heart of Sustainable
Development Policies’, the Hangzhou Declaration
Creative Economy Report 3: Special Edition – Widening Local
Development Pathways
Culture as a Goal in the Post-2015 Development Agenda –
published. The ’#culture2015goal’ campaign launched
Resolution on Culture and Sustainable Development A/RES/68/223 adopted
Thematic Debate on ‘Culture and Sustainable Development in the
Post-2015 Development Agenda’ (NYC); Panel Discussion ‘The
power of culture for poverty eradication and sustainable
Forum concluded with the adoption of the ‘Florence Declaration’ recommendations on maximising the role of culture to achieve
sustainable development and effective ways of integrating culture in
the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
‘Culture 21 Actions: Commitments on the role of culture in
sustainable cities’ (approved in Bilbao, first UCLG Culture Summit)
(Nancy Duxbury, Jordi Pascual, Jyoti Hosagraha)
holistic, cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary integration of human systems with
ecological ones. Examples include landscape research, bio-cultural diversity,
actor-network theory or capability frameworks. These concepts and approaches –
all with significant cultural dimensions in their
own right - can perhaps help to integrate culture explicitly into sustainable development
frameworks. But this has not been done
comprehensively, and the essence of culture
in sustainable development research and
policies therefore tends to remain ignored.
The intricate relations between biodiversity and culture can be captured by the concept of ‘bio-cultural diversity’, defined as the diversity of life in all its manifestations (biological and cultural forms)
which are all inter-related within a complex socio-ecological adaptive system [33]. Bio-cultural diversity emphasises the adaptive
connections between nature and people and thus the significance
of hybrid landscapes. Moreover it is a way to analyse these landscapes as an integrated value-practice system.
The biological and cultural value of the environment grows from
practice, action and behaviours. This definition of ‘environment’
thus exceeds the spatial understanding that the term is most often
given, for example when it comes to assessing biodiversity, gardening or quality of habitat. It establishes instead a complex approach
which takes into account both scientific knowledge as a medium
towards an understanding of social ties or cultural practices associated with a given space [34]. Biodiversity was first seen in cities as
the manifestation of the diversity of species mainly in a genetic or
ecosystemic sense. Bio-cultural diversity however is a way to read
the diversity of urban landscapes, as well as narratives and atmospheres, in relationships to socio-cultural groups and the quality of
places. Bio-culturally significant places are mainly green places such
as community gardens and multifunctional parks that accommodate
needs of different socio-cultural groups.
(Nathalie Blanc)
This publication presents conclusions emerging from a four-year (2011-15) COST Action
IS1007 Investigating Cultural Sustainability,
attempting to strengthen and more solidly
ground sustainability by integrating culture
and cultural perspectives into it. The Action
aimed to strengthen sustainable development’s conceptual framework, suggest ways
of operationalising the new perspectives
and insights, and to locate culture in sustainability policies and assessments. This publication offers ways forward to harness culture
to the sustainable development goals. The
first chapter after this Prologue (‘Three roles
for culture in sustainable development’) touches on concepts, frameworks and the various
roles played by culture in sustainable development. The second chapter ‘Culture at the
crossroads of policy’ turns to the type of policy (or politics) that might be able to put those
concepts to practical use. ‘Assessing culture
in sustainability’ considers the issues of assessments and indicators: how to know what
actions to take, how to measure and if needed modify their effects. Thereafter, an Epilogue formulates some future research lines
in this field and sums up the lessons learned.
Finally, people who actively contributed to the
scientific work of the network are listed.
The publication is illuminated by five real life
‘stories’ that are presented as a running thread
in parallel to the main text; they are supported by many smaller examples, symbolised in
the text as . These stories and examples
illustrate the possibilities that exist, and are
already being exploited, within the rich, diverse
and challenging practices offered by culture.
They give some idea of the kind of knowledge
that is and will be needed to be able to understand the interrelation of culture and sustainable development, and to be able to apply
these insights in science, policy and other
sustainable development-practices. They will
provide inspiration for moving forward in the
proposed new framework.
Culture as expression and mediation in
Burkina Faso
Policy documents that highlight the impor-
events, festivals and heritage sites that attract
tance of cultural industries are becoming in-
tourists) is one of four sectors (alongside agri-
creasingly common throughout the world,
culture, mining and small / medium businesses)
even though culture is almost invisible in the
identified as key to driving the economy through
Millennium Development Goals. This is also
entrepreneurship, tourism, the production of cul-
the case in countries that are in the ‘low hu-
tural goods and services and cultural and artistic
man development’ category, such as Burkina
creation. Second, BBEAC (2012) – Study on the
Faso, positioned by the UNDP at 183 out of
Impact of Culture on Social and Economic Devel-
187 countries. Its population of approaching
opment of Burkina Faso (published by the Bu-
20M contains more than 60 ethnic groups, and
reau Burkinabe` d’Etudes et d’Appui-Conseils for
studying policy here offers a compelling view
the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, funded by
of the creative economy debate in a cultural-
UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diver-
ly diverse context, and highlights local-global
sity) - deals more widely with culture and (sus-
policy interaction.
tainable) development, and focuses not only on
the cultural sector but also on culture perceived
Two key policy documents from Burkina Faso il-
more broadly as a way of life, a key aspect of the
lustrate how culture is linked to sustainable de-
social fabric, and as a traditional mechanism of
velopment. First, SCADD (2010) - Stratégie de
Croissance Accélérée et Développement Durable
(Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable
The two documents use different views of cul-
Development) - has a general objective of achiev-
ture, however, which sometimes conflict with
ing accelerated and sustained economic growth
each other. ‘Cultural industries’ are prominent
and improved quality of life. Culture (specifically
in both (although in the BBEAC study culture is
crafts, cultural industries and tourism, in practice
also taken to mean the broader social fabric), and
Boromo Giants at the opening ceremony of FESPACO 2013 | Picture by Christiaan De Beukelaer
provide greater economic justification for cultural industries. They additionally valorise culture
(both quantitatively and qualitatively) for its instrumental capacity towards social and economic development: as a way of life ‘culture’ is recognised to have transformative power, whether
towards or against change.
Policy formulation in Burkina Faso is inspired
by debates at a local level but is also coloured
by ideas from global fora such as the UN and
UNESCO; like anywhere now, the country is part
of wider networks, influenced by multi-scale discourses and debates. Critical questions remain,
not least to ask how culture can play a role in
balancing economic growth and sustainability,
especially, crucially, in so-called ‘developing’
countries. How to bridge the gap between cultural patterns, practices and traditions ‘on the
ground’, and more abstract concepts and policies
which often come from elsewhere? How to deculture features explicitly. Yet the term remains
ill-defined, and actions and aims can be conflated
velop sustainable enabling policies to support
cultural products and practices?
if, as in SCADD, ‘culture’ and ‘cultural industries’
are used interchangeably. The actions are also
A key lesson is that, in whatever form, whether
disjointed because in BBEAC the relation between
expressed in routines, unspoken rules, humour,
artistic creation in the cultural industries is not
connected to culture as social fabric. So far, the
culture can indeed act as
most common use of culture as a separate fourth
an integrating factor in
pillar of sustainable development mainly treats it
society. It makes a cen-
as a product (the cultural sector, arts, events and
tral contribution to the
cultural industries), whereas using culture as a
social fabric, contributing
mediating force, to regulate and shape develop-
both to unity and to an
ment more broadly, recognises culture as a sig-
nificant contributor to social cohesion. Examples
al diversity, which is a
include the process through which agricultural
valuable insight for any
activity is driven by cultural context and inher-
country currently facing
ited practices, or the function of ‘kinship jokes’ in
ethnic difference or con-
inter-ethnic communication to mediate conflict
flict. At a time when the
and tension. Taking culture beyond mediation to
culture-light Millennium
become a generally-transforming element, how-
Development Goals are
ever, would embed it more deeply in grassroots
about to expire (in 2015),
aspirations and activities, such as community
there is a growing con-
farming and anti-desertification initiatives, which
sensus that culture needs
are not central to the current policy documents.
to be more prominent in
These policy documents create higher visibility
the next set of Goals to
for culture, potentially encourage greater public
emerge from the global
support and funding for cultural activities and
development agenda.
Thriving on
Few things in human life are more
powerful than ideas and concepts,
and culture is one of the most
influential in all walks of life.
(Graham Fairclough)
Both culture and sustainable development
are broad concepts, covering different
spheres of life from past to future. Trying
to define the roles of culture in sustainable
development opens up questions about what
we mean by culture, how it is related to various types of development and how it lives
with diverse interpretations of sustainability. In this chapter we examine some of the
difficult ideas that underpin culturallyfocused and culturally-informed sustainability. This involves reconsidering apparently familiar ideas such as culture, and even
‘development’. It is also necessary to explore
what lies behind the two terms sustainability
and sustainable development: are they interchangeable, complementary or in conflict?
And where do social and cultural sustainability intersect, interact or overlap?
As Raymond Williams now-famously said,
‘culture’ is one of the two or three most complicated words in English usage [1]. There
have been, and will continue to be, many attempts to list all the things the word embraces. Whilst used in different ways in several
distinct intellectual disciplines and distinct
systems of thought, culture is additionally also
an everyday concept, it has ‘public’ meanings
and understandings, and is used in many different ways and contexts. Its meaning has
changed through time as well, from early
ideas of culture as action in real life-worlds
and its interaction with nature, which are essential aspects for anthropological use of
the concept even today, to culture as the cultivation of the human mind and behaviour.
style-based concept referring to all domains
of human life’, which is akin to Williams’ ‘way
of life’, an anthropological-archaeological
interpretation, and on the other side, a ‘narrow, art-based culture referring to both the
general process of intellectual and spiritual
or aesthetic development and its results’ [2].
Many policy conventions and declarations
define culture in a broad way, but in politics
and in public discourse culture is often treated in a narrower sense. In addition to these
two formulations, we can bring in the symbolic dimension of culture: culture as semiotic,
drawing on symbols as vehicles, arguably as
the broadest view of all, including as it does
both intentional and unconscious behaviour.
In this publication we settle on a usage of
the term culture that encompasses all these
perspectives, whilst recognising the possibility, indeed necessity, of both subdivision and
We define culture as a loosely
integrated totality of practices,
institutions and mechanisms that
deal with the production, distribution, consumption and preservation
of collectively shared meanings, as
well as the explicit and implicit rules
that govern the relevant processes.
The cultural system is only relatively
organised and embraces the
tensions and internal contradictions Development
of the social and spatial world, in
Development - perhaps more precisely
which it appears, perpetuating and
qualified as ‘human development’ – usually
subverting its norms of behaviour
entails intentional as well as unintentional
and power relations, as well as
processes of change and evolution towards
a new situation that is better in social, culproviding loopholes for escape from
tural, and environmental terms. This can for
its everyday routines to imaginary
example be expressed through high level
values such as democracy, health, food and
(Hannes Palang)
Williams came up with three main meanings
of culture that have become popular both in
research and policy: culture as the general
process of intellectual, spiritual or aesthetic development, culture as a particular way
of life, whether of people, period or group,
and culture as works and intellectual artistic activity [1]. Often, however, two distinct
higher level distinctions are drawn, broadbased and narrowly-defined: a ‘broad, life-
water security, equality of opportunity and
access to resources, social equity, justice
or economic prosperity. The latter is sometimes foregrounded to the partial exclusion
of the others, but such a focus on economic
growth, especially if accompanied by social
and cultural inequalities, or without regard
to environmental balance, cannot move towards sustainability.
Development has been described, in the UN
Development Programme (UNDP) first Hu-
man Development Report in 1990 as a process (‘the enlargement of relevant human
choices’) as well as an achievement (‘the
compared extent to which, in given societies,
those relevant choices are actually attained’)
[3: 17]. It will generally also involve specific
goals of the type emphasised in sustainability, notably equity, justice and responsibilities
within and between the generations. This can
entail a spontaneous evolution towards such
goals, without self-conscious or intentional
actions, or it can refer to (social) processes
that are deliberately designed to transform a
social environment and which may be instigated by institutions or actors not necessarily belonging, or deriving from, the place or
community in question.
As well as recognising this broad spectrum
of development, we are also in this document
strongly aware that the concept of development cannot be objectively defined but is value
-laden in ways that are specific to culture,
context and history or time. It is therefore a
continuously (re-)negotiated concept. Whether a situation, context or place is regarded
as being more developed than another, or
not, or a particular development proposal is
regarded as being ‘good’ or ‘bad’, depends
on the viewpoints and agenda of those assessing the changes. The introduction of a
new crop variety in a farming system, for example, might be an improvement for some
people because of its better production and/
or better social and economic conditions,
but others might consider this as a decline
through, for example, its impact on biodiversity or landscape character, or through loss
of economic independence; both viewpoints
may be culturally-informed assessments.
Culture is often considered as a positive
cause or result of development. But might
it sometimes be a hindrance or obstacle to
development, for example if entrenched tra-
ditions, tastes or ways of thinking discourage
change or adaptation to new technologies or
ways of life? It is possible in some circumstances to question how far every aspect of
a particular culture can be valued. As already
mentioned, development can be defined in
terms of achievement as well as of process,
taking various directions, and potentially forward and backwards. It is also common for
development to be seen as a continuous
evolutionary path; but the trajectory can be
changed, or even broken, for example by political, social or technical ruptures.
Sustainability or sustainable
In our work we have taken the Brundtlands
report on sustainable development and the
pillar-approach to sustainable development
as one of our principal starting point. The
Brundtland definition of ‘sustainable development’ is world-famous: “development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs”. Although the definition talks about sustainable development,
sustainability has also become popular. The
two terms are often used interchangeably;
are they therefore synonyms? Presumably
not - a number of governments and global
business corporations are prepared to discuss policies for sustainable development,
but pull back from sustainability. It may be
that for such governments sustainable development is ‘safe’ in its implication that any
type of development can go ahead as long
as it is mitigated usually in practice environmentally, occasionally in theory at least
socially. ‘Sustainability’, in contrast, with its
implication that an association with further
development is not essential, can seem
threatening to those sectoral interests for
whom ‘growth’ (usually defined as economic
growth) is the only way ahead. This would
suggest that ‘sustainability’ is a term with
a more reaching set of objectives and values, one that can support de-growth and no
growth agendas as well as growth, one that
might have social equity and justice not economic prosperity as its goal.
culture and leading to sectoral rather than
cross-sectoral/disciplinary thinking), we also
recognise their value as metaphors in sustainability debates, as relatively well-accepted and understood tools, and therefore as
means to explore the role of culture in that
framework and bring it to the policy debate.
Sustainable development or sustainability is
usually seen as a win-win-win solution between ecological (protection), social (justice)
and economic (viability), hence the widely-used model of the three pillars, or axes
[4]. Other pillars like institutional, cultural
and other dimensions of sustainability have
been proposed [5]. Our position is that, whilst
acknowledging some shortcomings related
to the pillar model (reduction of reality and
Almost three decades since its publication, the report Our Common Future, popularly known as the
Brundtland Report (1987) has become a cornerstone of the conceptualisation of sustainable development and is today still one of the most cited documents in sustainability discourses. Its introductory
statement has acquired the status of an indisputable definition turned into a mantra: ‘Sustainable development ... meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.’ However, taken out of its context, this statement sounds ambiguous. It may be interpreted at least in two ways: as a need to save resources for the next generations, and as recognition of
the present’s limited possibilities to solve the sustainability problems that will be left to our successors.
To cope with this ambiguity, it is worthwhile to re-contextualise the vision of sustainable development
that the report offered:
(1) It is based on a new holistic developmental model, denying the narrow preoccupations and compartmentalisation of national economies, characterised by three important aspects: the imperative of
limits, a changed developmental aim, and differentiated approaches to achieve these ends.
(2) In this vein, the report suggested – in the name of our common future – a global redistribution of the
causes, consequences, benefits, and responsibilities of development.
(3) Our sustainable future can be guaranteed only by a drive for new type or form of development, one
beyond the motivation of purely economic profit: the necessity to satisfy human needs and aspirations, declared to be the major objective of development.
(4) The report suggests resetting the direction of urbanisation, by ‘taking the pressure off the largest
urban centres and building up smaller towns and cities, more closely integrating them with their
rural hinterlands’.
(5) Although culture is not especially accentuated in the report, its role is crucial as a new value promoter and pattern maker: it begins in chapter 1 by stating that ‘To successfully advance in solving global
problems, we need to develop new methods of thinking, to elaborate new moral and value criteria,
and, no doubt, new patterns of behaviour’.
Thus the report marked the cultural turn to a new developmental path.
(Svetlana Hristova)
Some scholars think it less a problem to
define sustainability than to find ways to
achieve it, and this has been explored in a
number of ways. Perhaps some of the most
familiar is the spectrum from ‘(very) weak’ to
‘(very) strong’ sustainability [6], or the distinction between ‘broad’ and ‘narrow’ sustainability [7]. Such concepts are important, in particular when the substitution of various forms
of capital (social, human, natural, economic)
are being negotiated in the face of developmental change. Another relevant discussion concerns the intrinsic and instrumental
values of both culture and nature, and how
they should be understood, balanced and
treated in a sustainable manner. This is an
important issue when culture is used purposively as an instrument in development (e.g.
to boost creative industries). Questions such
as which and whose culture is used, and for
what purposes, are deeply founded on issues
of power.
Sustainable development does not mean the
same in all parts of the world, and current
meanings are subject to change over time.
Nor can it be understood independently of
cultural context(s). There is no single definition of sustainable development or sustainability that works for all circumstances, and
it is necessary to acknowledge the diversity
of these meanings. Meanings are shaped by
diversity in human life-modes and by adaptations to living conditions that vary around
the world; even more so by aspirations and
needs or wants. Consequently the key ideas
and values of sustainable development, inter- and intra-generational equity, justice,
participation and gender equality, and ecological quality vary from culture to culture,
and within them [8][9].
The undefined ‘needs’ mentioned by
the Brundtland’s definition are not
on the whole consistent across the
globe, through all levels of society,
or at different stages of life, or even
when filtered through ideology or
faith. One person’s need is another
person’s excess or dearth; when one
set of ‘needs’ is fulfilled, another
(often someone else’s) is denied.
(Constanza Parra)
Social and cultural
sustainability: same or different?
Until now the cultural aspects of sustainable
development have mainly been discussed or
elaborated as a part of the social pillar of
sustainable development, or else combined
with social sustainability (socio-cultural sustainability). In the former case cultural issues
are solely considered as part of the social dimension; in the latter there is recognition that
culture is different from social but the difficulty of separating them in practice or existing policy means that they are kept linked.
Only a very few researchers (e.g. [11][12])
or policy documents have tried to separate
them, yet not necessarily with a proper way
to make a difference between them. Are they
the same or different? Are cultural issues, as
many actors consider, a part of the realm
of social issues, or (as implied above) does
culture act through societal frameworks and
mechanisms? How to separate the cultural
and the social in sustainability?
These questions lead us to discuss the relationship between society and culture.
In its broadest sense culture covers all
spheres of life, and therefore also of society.
Defining culture in this way, however, makes it
so full of meaning (‘conceptually obese’) that
it may cease to be a concept with practical
use. Yet, much research in the social sciences (particularly since the so called ‘cultural
turn’) recognises not only the separateness
but also importantly the interlinkedness of
culture with society and/or social structures.
In Habermassian thought, for example, the
constituents of the life-world are seen as individuals, culture and society; many commentators have also added concepts of power,
and emphasised the symbolic as well as material importance of all these things.
In this document, we assume that culture
and society have to some degree an iterative and reciprocal relationship, in which
culture constructs society but society also
shapes culture. To make an analogy, people
have for thousands of years designed their
architecture to contain their specific, culturally constructed lifestyles and economic activities; yet once built, the architecture in its
turn shapes and changes how people live, so
that their future ‘ways of living’, their culture,
fit into the (by then) pre-existing structure.
Whilst society and culture are in many ways
interlinked and constitutive of each other,
however, their different constituencies nevertheless allow for distinctive social and cultural dimensions in sustainability.
Policy can be almost as challenging a word
as culture. It has so many actual or potential
meanings that it can be overloaded, impossible to use without qualification. It is often
taken to refer to ‘public policy’ defined by
governments at various levels, but individuals
and social groups have policies as well, explicitly or not.
Policy is in fact highly plural and highly diverse. It can be created at any scale from
the smallest community or municipality,
through business or industrial corporations
and all levels of municipality up to and including a ‘World City’ like London, to regions and
upwards to nation states, federal states, and
supra national communities such as the EU,
NATO or global multinationals such as Shell,
Rio Tinto or Google. Policies can be bottom
up or top down; in both cases they may be
democratic or participatory, or not. They may
be mandatory rules or optional guidance,
bedded in law or in custom, or ideologically
-based. Whilst increasing attention is being
given to integrated policy and planning processes, and to holistic thinking about development, policies still usually arise from particular sectoral groupings, or specific areas
of governance, or particular government departments. These different origins, and their
relationship (or lack of) to each other, may
prevent successful functioning or lead to unintended consequences.
In this document, in the next chapter we
focus mainly on the various fields in which
policies operate and the ‘scripts’ they most
commonly follow. Then we consider ways
to monitor the effect of policy, as of other
planned or prospective changes, for example by monitoring through indicators. Before
moving into those areas, however, it is necessary to describe the ways in which we see
culture operating and functioning through
Politics and uses of the past: Varied
narratives in the museums of Cyprus
Any museum usually integrates two
parallel narratives, such as global
and local, or nation and community.
It is however not clear whether museums can succeed in sharing multiple narratives and acknowledging its
relations with a variety of stakeholders. In Cyprus, museums in the southern part of the island (Greek-Cypriot)
tend to celebrate the island’s classical Greek past. On the other hand, in
the northern part (Turkish-Cypriot)
the more recent, medieval and OttoCultural heritage is well known to be dynamic,
man past takes its place, yet paradoxically with
controversial and able to generate heated de-
space given, for example, to the culture of Greek
bates. There are many arenas in which this can
orthodox icon painting. How are heritage and cul-
happen, but one of the most common is the
ture used in museums? Whose culture is it? For
museum, an institution created and maintained
what aims, and why? And how does this relate to
to preserve and look after objects, stories and
xenophobic or nationalist movements?
memories from the past, a task which can never
be politically or ideologically neutral. Museums,
This is relevant as culture is the object of social
as places where heritage is not only preserved
conflict. It also represents the interplay of poli-
(with issues of what to select) but also present-
cies and politics of memory and forgetting. As a
ed and interpreted (with issues of which stories
result, power relationships may shape a muse-
to tell, which narratives to create) are often used
um’s content and practices. Museums may exhibit
as tools for shaping national, local or community
politically desired narratives and exclude or mis-
identities in the context of particular policy dis-
represent the heritage of ‘others’. Museums run
courses. In some cases, they are even involved in
the risk of merely reflecting officially accepted
political battles. This story deals with Cyprus, a
identities or the dominant ideologies of those in
country divided in two, amidst unresolved politi-
power. A crucial question for the future is how
cal conflict, with a long history of cultural change
to ensure that those museums which keep local
(Greek, Roman, Venetian, Ottoman, British etc.)
heritage and cultural diversity alive become more
and a currently rapidly-changing economic and
self-sustainable and not dependent on political
social environment. It serves here as a good case
study to discuss the potential of museums to engage in social dialogue in the face of xenophobic and nationalistic movements throughout the
The Faro Convention strongly suggests that com-
imperatives that promote exclusion and to be
munities engage in active communication with
ethically responsible, not only about museologi-
museums to define the content and multiple
cal issues but also in relationship to all its stake-
uses of cultural heritage. Democratically-rooted
holders, users and visitors, the communities, local
in such a way, museums would serve society as
or otherwise, which they serve, their audiences,
places of inspiration, knowledge and expertise,
and society in general.
and as safe places to (re)negotiate heritage. They
can be key actors in the negotiation of its complex multicultural values and traditions within
Cultural policies should encourage the inclusion
society. By collecting individual and family mem-
of multiple voices and perspectives and the en-
ories they can function as gateways of communi-
gagement of diverse communities and experts
cation, offer interpretations, and transmit them to
in defining and interpreting heritage and culture.
a growing collective social memory, thus contrib-
This is not just a responsibility for sector based
uting to a new culture of shared memories. Mu-
cultural policies but requires a wider culture-
seums might even help cultural heritage to play
inclusive policy approach. Policies dealing with
the decisive role that the Faro Convention identi-
education, tourism, research, cultural diplomacy,
fies of conflict reconciliation and the bridging of
social policies, and city and regional planning, as
deeply politically divisions. To do this however,
well as other relevant public policies, can inte-
requires museums to be independent of political
grate museums in the core of their policy-making.
The Cyprus Museum, southern part of Cyprus, inaugurated in 1909 (left page) and the Canbulat Tomb and
Museum, northern part of Cyprus, inaugurated in 1968 (rightpage); Pictures: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert
Multiple contributions of culture to
sustainable development
The overall issue is a need to make
culture more explicit in the academic
and policy debate on sustainable
development: I refer here to a view
of culture in and for sustainable
development which is understood
in dynamic interaction with nature.
Culture, as an ensemble of tangible
vectors of social life, comprises a
natural dimension. It is this dimension that should be resurrected in
order to strengthen and make more
tangible the role of culture in sustainable development.
(Constanza Parra)
In their paper in GeoForum [14], ‘Exploring the scientific
discourse of cultural sustainability’, Soini and Birkeland
reported on their analysis of the diverse meanings that
were being applied in scientific publications, at that stage
in the development of this field of study, and as the COST
Action began its work, to the concept of ‘cultural sustainability’. The study showed that the scientific discourse on
cultural sustainability could be organised around seven
principal ‘story lines’ or narratives: heritage, vitality, economic viability, diversity, locality, eco-cultural resilience
and eco-cultural civilisation.
Some of the storylines referred to culture as the fourth
pillar of sustainability, while others saw culture as contributing to achieve social, economic or ecological goals
of sustainability, or culture as a necessary foundation for
a transition to a truly sustainable society. Moreover, although also interlinked and overlapping, the storylines
were relatable to four different contexts, ideologies, attitudes or ways of thinking that can be labelled conservative, neoliberal, communitarian and environmentalist.
These contexts provide further perspectives on the diverse political ideologies and policy arenas in which cultural sustainability must operate.
The overall issue is a need to make
(Katriina Soini, Inger Birkeland)
In this publication, we recognise that culture
is capable of being integrated within sustainable development in three more-or-less separate but never fully distinctive and indeed
often interlocking ways, or ‘roles’. These are
derived from a literature review of scientific
articles using the concept of ‘cultural sustainability’ [13] . Each role is discussed in
more detail below, but to summarise:
• First, a supportive and self-promoting role
(characterised as ‘culture in sustainable
development’), which simply, and fairly uncontroversially, expands conventional sustainable development discourse by adding
culture as a more or less self-standing
or freestanding 4th pillar. Culture stands,
linked but autonomous, alongside separate ecological, social, and economic
considerations and imperatives of sustainability.
• Second, a role (‘culture for sustainable
development’) which offers culture as a
more influential force that can operate
beyond itself; this role moves culture into
a framing, contextualising and mediating
mode, that can balance all three of the
pillars and guide sustainable development
between economic, social, and ecological pressures and needs (which of course
grow out of human cultural aspirations
and actions).
• Third, a role (‘culture as sustainable development’) which sees culture as the
necessary overall foundation and structure for achieving the aims of sustainable
development. By recognising that culture
is at the root of all human decisions and
actions and an overarching concern (even
a new paradigm) in sustainable development thinking, culture and sustainability
become mutually intertwined, and the distinctions between the economic, social
and environmental dimensions of sustainability begin to fade.
The diagram below shows the relationship
of these three defined roles to sustainability and to each other. They are not mutually
exclusive, but rather represent different ways
of thinking and organising values, meanings
and norms strategically and eclectically in
relation to discussions on sustainable development.
First role – supporting. Culture as a separate aspect, a free-standing or self-standing
additional pillar, the ‘4th pillar’, a role as an
independent and autonomous dimension
alongside the others.
Seeing culture as a fourth pillar of sustainable development, alongside the ecological, social and economic pillars is already
a well-established view [14]. It is a relatively
straightforward and thus practical approach.
It risks being a limited approach however, focused on protecting assets deemed cultural
that are valued (‘giving culture a voice of its
own and an equal value’); it is sometimes too
easily limited to a narrow definition of culture as the arts and creative-cultural sector.
It is also open to allowing culture to be understood only qualitatively as that which is
considered excellent or only through its socio-economic contribution to a nation or other imagined community.
Furthermore, because of the way culture is
often popularly understood today as art and
creative activities, and as a separate sphere
of public policy, the 4th pillar role can obscure
The three roles of culture (represented in orange) in sustainable development (the three circles represent
the three pillars). Culture added as a fourth pillar (left diagram), culture mediating between the three pillars (central diagram) and culture as the foundation for sustainable development. The arrows indicate the
ever-changing dynamics of culture and sustainable development (right diagram).
culture’s relationship to nature, and can understate its connections to broader societal
issues. This encourages the view that culture
is a marginal concern in sustainable development, not the equal of the other three pillars.
Through the historical construction of culture,
art and aesthetic processes have become
ranked above other more earthly activities
like agriculture, and other primordial areas
of life like nursing and caring. Modernity’s
expansion of scientific thinking and reflexivity helped to establish art and culture as a
separate sphere, and deserving its own domain in public policy. Now, at a time when all
divisions of knowledge (disciplinary boundaries) are being re-examined, and when holistic solutions – of which sustainability is of
course one - are being seen as necessary, it
is clear that a 4th pillar approach for culture
ability would imply, for example, with regard
to aesthetic valuation of public art, cultural
heritage, natural and built environments. The
qualitative concept of culture is thus very
important whenever we want to evaluate
and judge quality and develop indicators for
assessing the effects of a particular practice
or program. This is also why culture can usefully be understood and used as a 4th pillar of
The 4th pillar role nevertheless offers many
possibilities for relating culture to sustainable
development. The key issue here is the understanding of art and creative activities in
terms of particular qualities, which makes it
very possible to define the qualities of sustainable development within the arts and
culture sector. Values can be set in policymaking, operationalised in strategies and
carried out in practical action at different political levels, within arts and cultural organisations and within business and economic enterprises. Artistic and creative qualities can
be introduced for example through the setting
of criteria for judgments about how sustainable a particular policy, organisation or company is. Criteria can be defined for valuing or
assessing the contribution to sustainable development of a particular process, product
or image.
Since all human beings both have culture
and are cultural human beings, we need a
broader conceptualisation of culture that includes the diversity of human values, subjective meanings, expressions and life-modes,
and that allows us to distinguish between
differences in culture and between cultures
in a fruitful way, without making judgments
about qualities of art and culture. Culture is
the meaningful content of human societies
and communities. It is made by individuals
within societies whilst simultaneously also
shaping their lives and existence. In terms
of sustainability’s three pillars, culture can be
the way to balance competing or conflicting
demands and work through communication
to give human and social meaning to sustainable development. Culture can be a gobetween or intermediary to connect the various dimensions of sustainability, as shown in
the second part of the diagram.
cannot be the only way forward, useful and
powerful though it is proving to be.
Furthermore, artistic and cultural qualities
are relevant when asking what sustain-
Second role – connecting and mediating.
Culture as driver of sustainability processes;
this transcends the drawbacks and benefits
of ecological, economic and social development. Economic, social and ecological sustainability afforded by culture.
…(s)ustainability is cultural by being contextual, historically and geographically concrete; everything
human beings do is woven into culture in terms of
webs of meaning created by human beings. Culture
appears and is understandable through narrative
organisation, and cultural sustainability can emerge
as a social process created through narratives that
connect the past with the future, and the local with
the global. [15: 165]
Culture processes and translates into a common language the ecologically-, environmentally- and socially-founded reactions to proposed development or imminent avoidable
change. Generally speaking however some
sort of lens or filter is required to understand
how culture mediates the relation between
society and environment. One might be the
concept of landscape , for example, another might be the context of territorialisation,
a third could be ecosystems services, and
creativity might be fourth example. All require
a cultural context and an understanding and
welcoming of diversity of cultural expressions, and most importantly some level of
co-production rooted in human intentionality
expressed in practices, i.e. culture. The fact
that the potential of culture’s mediating role
has rarely been exploited perhaps explains
why sustainable development has proved to
be so elusive.
Third role – creating sustainability. Here culture takes on its evolutionary, holistic and
transformative role, providing a new paradigm to the question of sustainable development.
Culture can be viewed at a more profound
level of society as a core issue for a transition towards sustainable development. We
can for example insist on a co-thinking of environmental, social and cultural sustainability,
and an insistence on how social life is embedded in particular places and situations. A
truly evolutionary culture, or an eco-cultural
civilisation, involves practicing a new understanding of the human place in the world, and
recognising that humans are an inseparable
part of the more-than-human world. Crucially,
this means that every human action is always
relative to and influenced by the situation at
hand. It allows new values, new ways of life,
and (perhaps) utopian visions of a sustainable society.
Culture represents and creates wider relations between human and nature, past, present and future,
the materialised and the imagined world. [16]
Many rural areas in Europe have undergone a sustained depopulation
of urban centres over a long period, whereas others have experienced
positive renewal through in-migration and population growth. Can culture positively influence such developments?
The University of Bern undertook case studies in six protected areas
of four European countries within the framework of a project entitled
‘The cultural dimension of sustainable regional and landscape development (SRLD)’. These studies revealed that culture is generally
a significant driver of SRLD, in that it promotes social cohesion and
can delay or even reverse depopulation of rural areas. One example is
the French National Regional Park (PNR) of Monts d’Ardèche, a region
boasting a high diversity of cultural activity, a high density of people
engaged in the cultural sector, and numerous cultural associations
and activities. Furthermore, there are many efforts to promote the area’s rich cultural heritage, particularly its dry-stone terraces. This high
level of cultural activity is self-energising and works to attract further
inward migration of those interested in spaces for creative living. In
the case of the Ardèche, the diversity of cultural activities enhances
quality of life and adds value to the economy; culture can be seen to
play a significant role as a driver of SRLD.
Even a single flagship project can contribute to regional cultural revival and consequent positive economic and social benefits, including
counteracting depopulation. The internationally-renowned ‘théâtre du
peuple’, for example, has endowed the village Bussang in the Vosges
with a prominence above and beyond commercial success: its vibrancy
and long tradition has become central to regional identity. The newer,
but already widely acclaimed Theater Origen in Switzerland’s Parc Ela
may engender a similar effect over time.
These examples demonstrate that culture can contribute significantly
to sustainable regional and landscape development and can also positively influence the demographic development in rural areas.
(Bettina Scharrer, Marion Leng, Thomas Hammer)
Culture thus becomes the matrix for particular ways of life. In this sense, culture is more
than a descriptive or analytical tool, and offers an ideal of doing things well, of culture
as cultivation and sustaining life, but without
making things well at the cost of something
or somebody else. Culture in this approach
refers to a worldview, a cultural system guided by intentions, motivations, ethical and
moral choices, rooted in values that drive our
individual and collective actions [17], and to a
process and communication of transformation and cultural change. This makes it possible to think of sustainability and sustainable
development as processes, ongoing and inthe-making, not as fixed states.
Sustainabilities imply making connections
between people and the worlds they inhabit and use. In this approach, ecoculture is
deeply related to social learning by working
with place-conscious and place-responsive
teaching, sharing and learning, and engaging
humans in discussions of what kind of world
we want to live in now and in the future. This is
applicable in policymaking and even in wider
politics: engaging citizens in discussions of
what kind of world should be a basic premise of public policies. Culture refers here not
to particular types of knowledge, but to fundamental new processes of social learning
that are nourishing, healing, and restorative.
Sustainability exists thus as a process of
community-based thinking that is pluralistic
where culture represents both problem and
possibility, form and process, and concerns
those issues, values and means whereby a
society or community may continue to exist.
Three roles, many applications
Depending on circumstances and objectives,
all three ways of using culture in sustainable
development will be relevant in particular contexts, whether theoretical, political or practical. The three roles should not necessarily
be seen in the sequence presented here, and
they do not necessarily form an evolutionary path. Nonetheless, within the three-role
framework one can observe trends, trajectories, dynamics and gradients. In comparing
the third to the first (4th pillar) role, the ecological emphasis, but also (thanks to the integrating power of culture) the integration of
cultural, social and ecological aspects, and
the overall dynamics, diversity and openness,
hence the overall complexity, increases.
Similarly, policies become more diverse, nuanced and multilayered, and more dialogue
and interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary
communication is required. These trends are
obviously related to the broader definition of
culture, which allows, perhaps sometimes
demands, a systemic approach including aspects from both natural and human worlds.
We should also realise that there can be
complex dynamics even within the ‘simple’
4th pillar model. Although most clearly based
Acknowledging all the challenges related to
the concepts of culture, sustainability and
sustainable development, we suggest that
this framework can work as a first systematic attempt to analyse the role of culture
in sustainable development. We also argue
that given the broadness, vagueness and
complexity of culture and sustainability, there
will still be space for interpretations and flexibility. Thus - although a number of issues remain to be resolved - this framework may be
used both in research and policy concerning
culture and sustainability as a tool to find
one’s position in the field.
on disciplinary and sectoral approaches,
this use of culture is also encouraging new
modes of governance to emerge.
Resilience and transformation:
Post-industrial landscapes, place and
living futures in Norway
The protection and uses of industrial heritage
nomination consists of four components associ-
raise many problems. Some (whose heritage,
ated with technical-industrial heritage: the tangi-
what to protect and how, who is in control?) are
ble and man-made remains for power production,
common to all heritage, although often exac-
the factories and industrial buildings, the trans-
erbated by scale and recentness. Some on the
port systems and urban communities of the com-
other hand are more distinctive to industrial her-
pany town type.
itage. So-called ‘industrial’ heritage is normally
actually post-industrial: it is the material remains
The nomination emphasises the human creation
that have been left behind that we grapple with,
of society as an expression of modernisation
and often in the context of communities affected
through industrialisation. But what should be
by the withdrawal of employment and prosperity,
sustained and protected and why? Is it the build-
who have the need to not only preserve the re-
ings with machines, and the trains and ships? Is
mains but to ensure they take on new economic,
it the town and the workers’ housing areas? Or is
cultural and social life. The uses of these remains
it the whole landscape? Industrial development
are therefore an aspect of heritage that is par-
at Rjukan and Notodden was highly dependent
ticularly relevant to discussions of culturally-in-
on the physical landscape. Why not sustain the
formed sustainability.
whole production system, the physical and the
man-made landscape? Or is it the intangible her-
The towns of Rjukan and Notodden in Telemark
itage, the “ways of living” of population with all
became in the early 20th century the birthplace
their customs, skills and backgrounds, that also
of Norway as a modern, industrial nation, thanks
should be sustained? The human features will
initially to the use of hydro-electricity drawn
change and vanish if they are not protected. This
from local waterfalls in large-scale industrialisa-
is also a question of how to protect. It concerns
tion, notably the production of chemical saltpe-
the way in which factory buildings are turned into
tre. From 1900 to 1920 their populations grew
nice, sanitised and safe surrounding for families,
from almost nothing to several thousands. After
children and visitors of any kind. Are factories fun
a short period of rapid growth, the area has ex-
places to play? Are hard working conditions, long
perienced a prolonged period of de-industrialisa-
hours, dangers, etc. from the beginning of twenti-
tion, and since 1945 in particular technological
eth century being forgotten in the process? Sus-
development and the changing global economy
taining industrial heritage is also a question of
created social and economic challenges as facto-
the image of the landscape, not only the physical
ries closed and large scale industrial employment
fell away. The two towns have met the need for
economic restructuring in different way. In 2014
The protection of cultural heritage has to be
the Norwegian government submitted a proposal
evaluated in the context of current discours-
to nominate the industrial heritage at Rjukan and
es in media, policy, education and the arts, in
Notodden for UNESCO’s world heritage list. The
order to understand the varied meanings of
The Saaheim power station in Rukjan (picture: Inger Birkeland)
sustainability and culture, and to be clear whose
culture an object of discourse can be relevant
cultural sustainability is being described. These
as the relation between culture and sustainable
meanings are multiple, but include (as adapted
development is emotional, cognitive and ethical;
from [14]): values (as in the content of landscape
people have a sense of place or belonging to
and/or heritage), processes (identifiable through
their place. Policy-makers can include this sense
practices and participation) and affordances (in
of place in policy-making via collaboration and
terms of those living there and visitors, such as
networking. This can even change the political
sense of place, identity, locally -defining events
culture itself.
like the sun festival).
The key lesson is perhaps that cultural sustainThe stewardship of a post-industrial landscape
ability can be achieved by maintaining links with
involves, like any aspect of heritage, a process
the past through an understanding of heritage
of selection of what is to be sustained, re-used
as a social and cultural process, especially in the
or adapted, protected or memorised. When de-
case of recent, still deeply ‘felt’ heritage such
industrialisation remains, as in Rjukan, more or
as industrialisation. Recently de-industrialised
less within living memory, local interests, tastes,
complexes and landscapes, amongst all types of
identities and powers come to the fore. They are
heritage, offer great opportunities via protection,
also usually foregrounded by the sheer scale of
use and re-use to absorb elements from diverse
the industrial remains and the imperative to find
cultures, so that post-industrially-challenged lo-
new economic uses. A more reflexive policy ap-
cations once again become ‘enlivened’ places.
proach to culture would be helpful here. To make
Defining policy
We discussed the complexity and plurality
of policy in the previous chapter. Here, we
use the word ‘policy’ to refer to formal plans,
actions and strategies, and how they are
implemented in regulations and institutions.
Policies include principles, documents, rules
and guidelines that are formulated or adopted by collectives or organisations to reach
their long-term goals, and more specifically,
strategies, decisions, actions and other ‘systems of arrangements’ undertaken to solve
a collective problem with the help of human,
financial and material resources. The word
also applies to coordinated actions undertaken to modify a structural or a temporary
situation in order to attain predetermined objectives [18]. Policy also incorporates in its
scope formal and informal practices linked
to operationalisation and implementation.
Governance is an important issue as well;
we consider it here as processes of social
interaction involving multiple stakeholders in
decision-making processes, based on values and principles such as local democracy,
transparency, citizens’ participation, cooperation and exchange [19].
Due to all this complexity, ‘policy’ is a thread
running through all the discussions and debates on culture and sustainable development. These discourses emphasise how
it is necessary always to root policies and
their implementation into the specific circumstances of their existence, and how policies should be specific and appropriate in
particular social, geographic or cultural
terms, not be generic. This is valid at any
level, from international to local, and helps
to explain why some worldwide policies encounter difficulties of implementation in
some areas, or why some countries choose
not to ratify international conventions.
Successful policies will normally be those
that take into account the specificities of the
cultures relevant in their context.
Policy ‘scripts’ for
culture and sustainable development
In reviewing existing policy areas, we have
found it useful to identify a number of different ‘scripts’ that policy formulation and implementation can be seen to follow, the contexts in which policies are commonly devised
and used. These ‘scripts’ can be characterised as the theme that policies address, or
the steams or flows of thought and action
that they follow. They each frame specific
goals, often even using specific languages,
disciplinary assumptions or ideologies. For
our purposes they provide a means to express the particular ways in which policies
are informed by and shaped with culture.
They differ at many levels, such as the geographic scale at which they are applied, the
type of actors who are involved and the sectors concerned, the institutional, legal and
financial tools that are used, and the ethics,
assumptions and values by which they are
inspired. The scripts can be observed at the
local level within diverse settings, embedded
within dynamics of local living, collective social dialogues, and planning and policy processes of cities and communities. These ‘on
the ground’ discussions and often innovative
practices are developed for particular conditions and circumstances, but they are often informed by multi-level policy frameworks
and overarching sets of guiding principles
and commitments negotiated at supra national levels.
We discuss here eight such contexts in which
policies are commonly devised, although we
appreciate that these can overlap and be
mutually supportive. They form a nexus of
memory, heritage and identity, place, landscape and territory, social life, commons and
participation, creativity, economic development, nature, awareness, and transformations.
Policies negotiating memories,
identities and heritage
Cultural sustainability in this context is about
maintaining links with the past, whilst recognising that heritage is about much more than
preserving materiality or even ‘keeping the
past alive’. It is dynamic, controversial and
can elicit heated debates. Policies relating to
heritage and memories seek to protect and
preserve but also, and as importantly, to use
and develop non-material as well as material
heritage, such as folklore, cultural practices and attitudes, events and traditions and
buildings or artifacts. Such policies should be
capable of absorbing ideas and supporting
the aspirations from a variety of groups involved in the heritage and contemporary life
of a place. In this context it is helpful to recognise distinctions between the diverse manifestations of heritage, the values people assign to things, and the processes and means
(practices and participation) that they apply
to them. Heritage policies involve both the
inclusion of the perceptions of people who
shaped the place, as well as wider imagining
and discussions on how development possibilities can be created in the future. In this
way, heritage does not result in a derelict site
or a museum but, like landscape, becomes a
living environment.
Culture is complicit in signifying that particular places of memories or identity benchmarks serve as touchstones. These places
may be sites of solemn remembrance or,
in contrast, significant places of celebration. Some may be marks of deep antiquity and have an ancient history, while others
are more recent; some still live in collective
memories of local or national communities,
such as locations constructed in the context
of European Capital of Culture designations
or important historical events. Some memorial sites remember and deal with a shameful
or sad pasts, others commemorate or celebrate the foundations of society and identity.
Either can be subversive or ‘dissonant’ in the
sense of both uniting and dividing, carrying
different meanings for different communities.
Heritage functions as a key means to facilitate social communication, and can also be
a platform for unheard voices and to allow
tensions (sometimes suppressed) to be negotiated publicly, for example where there is
a lack of dialogue between ethnic groups,
social groups, races and nations
Bridges are functional public spaces, and spaces used for festivities, and everyday social and cultural practices. They also
have great significance as evidence of human achievements.
In the collective memory of the Balkans, bridges are also
symbol-bearers of attempts to make connections between
communities on both sides of a divide.
Throughout history, bridges have been a symbol of territorialisation and state power. Remarkable examples are the Ottoman bridges in Bosnia and Hercegovina, such as the famous
Old Bridge in the city of Mostar, or the Latin Bridge over the
River Miljacka in Sarajevo.
All of these bridges have multiple narratives and function as
symbol- bearers of their cities. People attach different meanings to this heritage. Many of these bridges are ‘heritage
which divides’. The bridge on the Drina for the Bosniak (Muslim) community, as do other bridges of the Ottoman period,
contributes to a much wider sense of cultural identification,
as symbols of the greatness of the culture they wanted to
participate in, and the importance of the Ottoman Empire. The
destruction in 1993 of the Old Bridge in Mostar by Croatian
forces had no strategic or military purpose, but led to a decrease of self-confidence and respect and created a feeling of
hopelessness among the Bosnian community.
(Milena Dragićević, Šešić M. Ljiljana, Rogač Mijatović)
Policies on place, landscape
and territory
People are involved with places via location, ecological participation, socio-territorial
belonging and cultural conformity or commonality. Memory, heritage and identity are
also relevant. They attach subjective cultural meanings to place, often described as
a sense of place, but the concept of landscape is a close synonym. Sense of place
has frequently been linked to sustainability,
suggesting that the construction of socially
-sustainable (and in the case of ‘landscape’
approaches, also environmentally-sustainable) communities can be facilitated through
a shared (re)connection with a place they
call home [20], inspiring people to collective
action as a response to unwanted spatial
and sometimes unsustainable developments
even beyond the local scale [21][22]. Territorialisation is a closely-connected concept,
too, that refers to a framework within which
to facilitate the role of culture to mediate
intentions and practices in spatial development at multiple scales [23].
The construction of identities is often linked
to particular places. To enhance the symbolic identity of a place, and contribute to
residents’ connecting with a place, attention is increasingly paid to the importance of
‘everyday’ markers such as architecture,
public art, street benches and light standards,
paving designs, plantings, and other aspects
of urban design as well as improvised uses
of public space that help mark the identity of a place and collectively contribute to
the sense of place experienced by its residents and visitors [24]. Capturing, indeed
defining, such resources and values though
place-specific cultural mapping is becoming
more popular. These mapping exercises are
often focused on the arts and creative sector, but there is also growing interest in capturing more intangible elements and broader
aspects of sense of place and place identity.
Just as there is a need to be sensitive to
and acknowledge the multiple histories and
memory-based perspectives on a place,
or the distinctive ways in which a place
connects people to the natural world, so
there are multiple and overlapping lines of
experiences and meaning-making in a place.
Culture-sensitive policies can help ensure
that all citizens can ‘see themselves’ reflected in ‘their’ city and can contribute actively to its development, its continuity, and its
Although a perceptual, literally ‘sensed’ thing, there are ways to
describe or map sense of place [35]. Without pretending to be
comprehensive, these ways include:
- Sense of place has been spatially mapped. The growing emphasis on place-based and value-centred meanings urges social
scientists involved in natural resource management to think
in spatial terms, and to facilitate the integration of personal
place-based values data into resource-based decision models,
as has been done in the context of forest management and
- Perceptions of residents towards their place have been mapped
as part of community assets mapping in the context of participative action-oriented community development. Assets refer
to what inhabitants value, perceive and experience as being
qualities of their communities.
- The mapping of values has also been implemented in the context of the complex and contingent sphere of the multiple, coexisting space-time trajectories that make up landscape. Deep
mapping, as applied in place-based research, or processes such
as landscape biography occupying generally larger scales, refer
to processes of engaging with and evoking place in temporal
depth by bringing together a multiplicity of voices, information,
impressions, and perspectives in a multimedia representation
of a particular environment.
Alongside their range of scholarly research techniques and approaches, all methods but particularly the latter method, should
draw upon a wide set of participatory tools to retrieve data, building on conversational exchange, fieldwork, performative actions,
ans sound and image work.
(Lummina Horlings)
Policies dealing with social life,
commons and participation
This script is about how to live together in
ways that supports the co-existence of different ways of life and values and makes
space for equal participation. It highlights cultural diversity within society and the inclusion
of varied groups in decision making, as key
issues in the move towards cultural sustainability. It embodies the principle of respecting the rights of all citizen groups, including
cultural rights. Participation and social cohesion in communities are conditions for development and transformational change. There
are powerful connections here to the age-
old concept of commons which is currently being revived in a wide range of spheres:
that of natural resources, access to and use
of which is shared by a community within a
set of socially-agreed rules that ensure future sustainability, and governance for the
benefit of the whole community. Commons
presents an alternative to the notions of
enclosure and privatisation that have been
growing since the early modern period. The
concept of landscape, for example, already
mentioned, or even of heritage, can be seen
as a universal commons [25].
The inclusion of different groups in society
into participative decision-taking and action
has its own challenges, of course, especially
in the context of large scale demographic
change, problems with social equality, and
widespread mobility and migration. Moreover,
with policies directed towards these issues,
unexpected side-effects and complexities
can occur. Culture can function here as a
way of communication between different
groups but also may express officially or politically desired narratives, excluding the narrative of others.
Cultural diversity calls for culture-specific understandings of development at all scales,
and taking a variety of values and worldviews
of different cultural groups into account. This
is a reason why ethnographic and anthropological methods are useful in research on
cultural diversity. From a planning and policy development perspective, the diversifying
populations of cities and regions are leading
local authorities to emphasise culturally-sensitive and culture-inclusive planning processes, involving extensive consultations and real
participation in decision-making processes.
These principles are also reflected in the
many initiatives to encourage and support intercultural dialogue that are being developed
throughout Europe [26].
Policies encouraging creative
practices and activities
One of the main dimensions of a creativity
-focussed script for policy is the recognition
of ‘everyday creativity’. It acknowledges
the diversity of practices, values and understandings of a world shaped by interactive
processes between human beings and their
surroundings. It highlights ‘ordinary’ residents
as active contributors of grassroots agency
to gradually and iteratively contribute to a
place and its development. The challenge for
policy is to take into account the diversity of
and dynamic character of local cultures, as
resources for sustainable development.
The second main dimension concerns the
art and cultural sector and related creative
practices in a more narrow sense. Culture
here focuses mainly on art as an activity and
on the products of art, that is, for example,
theatre performances, music, literary works,
visual arts, museum and heritage sector, visual and digital sector, and any cultural idea
or product that can be placed within artistic
and creative sectors. It also involves sustainable design: not only environmentally, culturally and socially sustainable products, but
products in everyday settings and designed
environments that can promote more sustainable ways of life and shifts in thinking and
Arguments for the multiple ways in which artistic and creative activity as well as design
contribute to societal well-being and holistic
sustainability are grounded in a long stream
of evidence-based research concerning the
role of arts and culture in society . The
focus on artistic and creative activities in the
context of sustainability relates both to their
central role in developing meaning and narratives that structure the way we think about
and act in the world, as well as the various
dimensions of sustainable actions embedded within their artistic, organisational and
creative industry practices.
Culturally sensitive policies for
economic development
Creative economy and bio-economy are
key dimensions in sustainable economies
discourse. This sphere of policy-making is
interested in the role of culture in policies
aiming for sustainable economic development. Cultural and creative industries are
Tanyaszinhaz (loosely translatable from Hungarian as ‘village theatre’) is a theatrical community base in a tiny village in the province of Vojvodina (north of Serbia) that has
been performing in dozens of villages across the province
for almost 40 years. Most of their members are ethnic Hungarians living in Serbia, performing almost exclusively in
Hungarian for local audiences. While changing directors and
actors - in total some 260 actors have collaborated in their
productions - their mission remained the same: bringing
theatrical experience to small and remote villages in Serbia.
As such, Tanyaszinhaz is a rare form of travelling theatre in
South-East Europe which has survived many social and political systems, including the turmoil of the war-saturated
years. Without any doubt, these trailer-based performers
not only sustained, but also built from scratch rural cultural
life in places they are visiting.
The theatre’s organisational model as well as its programme
orientation is valuable because it runs against the grain of
the current national cultural field in Serbia, in which government funding of institutional theatres, and an orientation
towards urban cultural-elites, are regarded as the standard
in professional art circles. The existence of the Tanyaszinhaz troupe has been neglected, however, by all ‘relevant’
theatrical circles, media reports and cultural policy debates.
It is usually discounted as folkloric or amateurish even
though it is not vernacular culture, and its artists are professional academy-educated artists. Yet it is a shining example
of how self-governed communities, despite a lack of wider
public attention to the topics they deal with (rural cultural
life for example), can successfully sustain forms of cultural
expression. It shows that sustainability can be non-institutional, and that marginalised and de-legitimised actors can
also build sustainable and vital cultural networks.
(Goran Tomka)
based on individual and collective creativity,
skills and talents that have a potential for
wealth and job creation through, for example,
the development of products, services, tourism and place branding. A focus on the economic dimensions of cultural and creative
activities tends to provide economic data to
lift ‘culture’ higher up the policy agenda, creating a wider understanding of the roles of
culture in society. But the rich social fabric
of a society and its functioning is also em-
bedded in and supported by routines, unspoken rules, humour, interpersonal relations,
and other practices that are integrating and
dynamic factors in the society, and these
important elements of culture in a broader
sense may be left in the shadows. The explicit recognition of culture beyond economic
terms both requires and deserves more attention within the creative industry debate.
Within the bio-economy discourse the problem is not the over- or mis-use of culture, but
rather the ignorance of the significance of
culture. Bio-economy encompasses the sustainable production of renewable resources
from land, fisheries and aquaculture environments and their conversion into food, feed,
fibre, and bio-energy as well as related public goods such as well-being services derived from nature. Within this debate, there
is a strong belief in the exploitation of knowledge-based technology and innovation. But
bio-economy is also based on the conservation and preservation of biological diversity
at all scales, which, in turn is based on the
cultural diversity of local ways of lives and
locally developed livelihoods. It is also dependent on citizens’ values and knowledge,
for example their invention and adaptation
of new technologies, products and services. It can be argued that policy to foster
a bio-economy is culturally-informed and embedded, but until now an explicit understanding of culture in bio-economy debate is very
limited, if not absent.
Policies of nature conservation
It is commonly known, although not always
practiced, that to be successful nature conservation activity should take into account the
cultural values of people and their livelihoods.
If not, there will be conflicts between actors
or a decrease in well-being, and the aims
of nature conservation will not be reached.
Traditionally, nature conservation policies
were largely based on public policies, using
legislation as the main instrument, which has
not left much space for voluntary activities
or participation. As far as livelihoods such as
agriculture or forestry are concerned, financial subsidy systems have been introduced to
make practices more environmentally sound.
Yet these financial support systems are not
sustainable in a sense that they are not necessarily able to change the attitude and behaviour in the long term [27].
Cultural sustainability within nature conservation policies will instead seek to change
human and social behaviours and practices
or find alternative ways to treat or use nature.
Culture is a key factor in the adaptation and
learning new practices. Another, more often
mentioned point is the use of traditional ecological knowledge and know-how in nature
conservation and restoration which should be
acknowledged alongside the expert or scientific knowledge; neither is sufficient alone.
Policies to increase
sustainability awareness and
Awareness has been considered to be an
important accelerator for change towards
sustainability, referred to as ‘change from the
inside out’ [28], which is linked to people’s
values, world-views and motivations. Culture
and cultural values matter in the context of
environmental concern and people’s motivation for action. Most of the various attempts
to uncover intrinsic value in nature have in
common a search for ways to use such an
ascription of value as a basis for a system
of non-anthropocentric duties toward nature.
Three key tools of transformation are highlighted in this script: sustainability education,
communication media, and artistic practices.
Sustainability education engenders greater
awareness and informed practices. Environmental education, both formal and informal,
aims to raise children’s awareness of environment and sensibility towards nature. Yet
education is not only formal school-based,
but also informal life-long learning among all
age groups. Moreover, it should include all dimensions of sustainable development from
environmental to social and cultural ones.
There are examples of better recognition of
culture as heritage, multiculturalism and way
of life in the curriculums of schools. Communication media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and social media
can be engaged to extend this dialogue into
the wider society, to play important roles in
public education about sustainability issues,
and to serve as key platforms for information
exchange and social dialogue in communities. Artistic works aimed at bringing environmental issues to the public’s attention or
using the arts to improve the environment are
growing. They can serve as insightful catalysts for rethinking our daily habits and modelling new ways of working and living. There
are growing calls to invent strategies to more
deeply involve artistic and cultural actors in
fostering more sustainable cities and ways
of living and grassroots examples of civic
imagination and ‘artivism’ (art-led activism) in
many cities [37] .
Transformation to a more sustainable society calls for new ways of thinking and acting. Many modes of innovations are needed: technological, social, cultural, systemic
and informal. The role of policy is not only
to provide institutional (or market) structures
and education for supporting innovations,
but also to enable citizens’ awareness and
engagement in culture and social life, which
can contribute to an emergence of innovations in a remarkable way. Engaging in dynamic grassroots movements – animated,
for example, by artistic communities – can
lead to a joint spirit, collaboration, and result
in multi-actor dialogues, new networks and
institutional arrangements.
Bottom-up and participatory approaches can
help to create ideas and actions leading
toward sustainable local communities, but
without systemic support from the local government such initiatives cannot be sustainable in the long run [37]. It is therefore crucial
to recognise the complexity of multi-stakeholder processes in policy-making, and consciously cope with this complexity. Enabling
policies and planning processes are needed
to support these grassroots initiatives, including recognition and power to grassroots
innovation actors and processes and involving them within an inclusive, multi-scale innovation politics.
Conclusions and
reflections on policy
In the context of international negotiations
to develop the post-2015 global Sustainable
Development Goals, and amid international efforts to incorporate explicit mentions
of culture within this agreement, the policy
‘scripts’ described here reveal the broad
contours of a new type of policy landscape.
A wide range of research and policy efforts
is striving for greater articulation and clarity,
and the need to generate a greater ‘actionability’ of culture in sustainable development
seems evident. Yet culturally sensitive policy
structures to guide our societies – and, collectively, the world – into the future are still
the exception.
Until recently, cultural sustainability has been
advocated most strongly by actors associated with the artistic and creative sectors, but
the realisation of the importance of culture
for human-centred sustainable development
is steadily gaining traction among nations
(e.g., the Group of Friends of Culture and
Development, launched in September 2013
by 15 UN Member States), cities (brought
together through the United Cities and Local Governments organisation and guided
by Culture 21: Actions, approved in March
2015), and international agencies led by
UNESCO. However, we realise that the
struggle to develop and implement policies
that more fully and more strongly relate to
the integration of culture with sustainability and development continues. The field is
challenged by multiple definitions and perspectives about these relationships, which
characterises its complexity and multidimensional character.
In closing this chapter, we emphasise again
that culture is not just a topic of cultural policy. It should also inform and be integrated
within all other policies. Increasingly it is argued that all the best and most successful
policies are culturally informed, although not
necessarily consciously. Yet many policies
and programs have been traditionally implemented only in a top-down ‘one size fits
all‘ manner, with too little regard for the cultural specificities of the people and places
involved. Experience has shown that such a
practice is problematic and generally not effective. And while the idea of a cultural lens
on all public policies and plans to ensure local development proceeds in harmony with
local cultural contexts has been discussed
for well over a decade, it is only rarely a systematic practice. However, we contend that
policies dealing with education, tourism, research, cultural diplomacy, social policies,
and city and regional planning, as well as
other areas, can integrate culture in the core
of their policy-making to various degrees.
Although the ‘scripts’ policy is (or in some
cases should in future be) following, as presented in this chapter, are interlinked and
overlapping, and are definitely not mutually
exclusive, they can be viewed according to
the three roles of culture introduced in the
previous chapter, that is, culture having supportive, connecting and transforming roles in
sustainability. In the first case, the policies
strengthen the key intrinsic values of culture,
and tend to focus on creativity and diversity
of cultural expressions and the contributions
of artistic/cultural activity and expressions to
human-centred sustainable development trajectories. In the second case, when culture is
understood as having a mediating role, the
policies extend to cover/share and shape the
aims of other public policies, like livelihoods,
industries, social and environmental policies.
In the third case, policies are promoting
broader transformations towards more holistically sustainable societies, for example
through increased awareness, behaviour
changes providing catalysts and enablers for
grassroots collective actions, and developing individuals’ and communities’ capabilities
to adapt and carry on more sustainable ways
of life. All three models of cultural intervention in sustainable development are valid and
resonate in different circumstances.
Book series
‘Routledge Studies in Culture and Sustainable Development’
A major outcome of this COST Action is a new
book series ‘Routledge Studies in Culture and
Sustainable Development’ aiming to analyse
the broad and multiple roles that culture plays in
sustainable development. It takes as one of its
starting points the idea that culture in sustainability serves as a ‘meta-narrative’ for bringing
together ideas and standpoints from a diverse
body of academic research currently scattered
among different domains, disciplines and thematic fields. Moreover, the series responds to the call
for inter- and transdisciplinary approaches which
is being strongly felt, as in most other fields of
research, in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. By combining and confronting
the various approaches, in both the sciences and
the humanities and in dealing with social, cultural,
environmental, political, and aesthetic disciplines,
the series offers a comprehensive contribution to
the present day sustainability sciences as well as
related policies.
Theory and Practice in Heritage and
Sustainability. Between past and future
The books in the series take a broad approach to
culture, giving space to all the possible understandings of culture from art-based definitions
to way-of-life based approaches, and beyond.
The essence of culture in, for, and as sustainable
development will be explored in various thematic
contexts, representing a wide range of practices
and processes (e.g., everyday life, livelihoods and
lifestyles, landscape, artistic practices, aesthetic
experiences, heritage, tourism). These contexts
may concern urban, peri-urban, or rural contexts,
and regions with different trajectories of socio-economic development. The perspectives of
the books stretches from local to global and covers different temporal scales from past to present
and future. These issues are valorised by theoretical or empirical analysis; their relationship to
the ecological, social, and economic dimensions of
sustainability will be explored, when appropriate.
So far three books in the series have been published. These have been edited by members of
the COST Action and with most of their the authors being participants in the Action. More books
and book proposals are on their way. If you are interested in publishing a book in this series, either
an edited volume or monograph, contact Katriina
Soini and Joost Dessein, the editors of the series.
This book views heritage as a process that contributes through cultural sustainability to human
well-being and socially- and culturally-sensitive
policy. By examining the interactions between
people and communities in the places where
they live it exemplifies from a broad interdisciplinary perspective the diverse ways in which
a people-centred heritage builds identities and
supports individual and collective memories.
Edited by Elizabeth Auclair and
Graham Fairclough
With theoretically-informed case studies from
leading researchers, the book addresses both
concepts and practice, in a range of places and
contexts including landscape, townscape, museums, industrial sites, everyday heritage, ‘ordinary’ places and the local scene, and even
UNESCO-designated sites. The contributors
demonstrate in a cohesive way how the cultural
values that people attach to place are enmeshed
with issues of memory, identity and aspiration
and how they therefore stand at the centre of
sustainability discourse and practice. The cases,
drawn from many parts of Europe, illustrate the
contribution that dealing with the inheritance of
the past can make to a full cultural engagement
with sustainable development.
An introductory framework opens the book, and
a concluding section draws on the case studies
to emphasise their transferability and specificity,
and outlines their potential contribution to future
research, practice and policy in cultural sustainability.
Cultural Sustainability in European Cities.
Imagining Europolis
Edited by Svetlana Hristova,
Milena Dragićević Šešić, and Nancy Duxbury
European cities are contributing to the development of a more sustainable urban system that is
capable of coping with economic crises, ecological challenges, and social disparities in different
nation-states and regions throughout Europe.
This book reveals in a pluralistic way how European cities are generating new approaches to
their sustainable development, and the special
contribution of culture to these processes. It addresses both a deficit of attention to small and
medium-sized cities in the framework of European sustainable development and an underestimation of the role of culture, artistic expression, and
creativity for integrated development of the city
as a prerequisite to urban sustainability.
On the basis of a broad collection of case studies throughout Europe, representing a variety of
regionally specific cultural models of sustainable
development, the book investigates how participative culture, community arts and, more generally, creativity of civic imagination are conducive
to the goal of a sustainable future of small and
medium-sized cities.
Cultural Sustainability and Regional
Development. Theories and practices of
Edited by Joost Dessein, Elena Battaglini and
Lummina Horlings
Meeting the aims of sustainability is becoming
increasingly difficult; at the same time, the call
for culture is becoming more powerful. This book
explores the relationships between culture, sustainability and regional change through the concept of ‘territorialisation’. This describes the dynamics and processes in the context of regional
development, driven by collective human agency
that stretches beyond localities and marked-off
regional boundaries.
This book launches the concept of ‘territorialisation’ by exploring how the natural environment
and culture are constitutive of each other. This
concept allows us to study the characterisation
of the natural assets of a place, the means by
which the natural environment and culture interact, and how communities assign meaning
to local assets, add functions and ascribe rules
of how to use space. By highlighting the timespace dimension in the use and consumption of
resources, territorialisation helps to frame the
concept and grasp the meaning of sustainable regional development. Drawing on a range of case
studies from all continents, the book addresses
both conceptual issues and practical applications
of ‘territorialisation’ in a range of contexts, forms,
and scales.
Informing and
shaping policy
Assessments are an important part of both
policies and politics. There are several methodologies for carrying out assessments and
communicating their results, but indicators
are perhaps the most commonly used. Indicators select threads, headlines or leverage
points from complex and non-linear phenomena, and reduce them to more easily comprehensible evidence in order to provide information about the impacts of events and
trajectories, the effects of different courses
of action, and the quality and direction of
change. Usually indicators are quantitative,
statistical and numerical, which for some
topics can be a simplification too far, and
it becomes necessary – a far more diffi-
cult task – to devise and use qualitative indicators by means, for example, of general
descriptions, anecdotes and observations,
narratives, images and perhaps even performance.
While indicators reflect policy
options, they can also shape them,
since very often policies, or at least
activities are defined by what
outputs can be measured. This often
leaves behind the less quantifiable
areas of cultural sustainability and
which are a great many.
(Raquel Freitas)
Efforts to develop sustainability indicators
have strongly increased since the beginning
of the 1990s, often led by intergovernmental processes of organisations (such as the
OECD, EU or UNESCO) and supported by
large research projects as well as by regional and local initiatives. Indicators (such as
GDP) also serve as a tool of communication
and can raise awareness (for example ‘ecological footprints’). Thus, although indicators
are used to indicate and measure change,
they may also generate it, and in that sense
they are powerful policy tools. Indicators relate not only to the production of scientific
knowledge, but also to a political norm creation [29]. The design of sustainability indicators constitutes a challenge to scientists,
however, given the multidimensionality and
value-laden nature of sustainability, and this
difficulty is only exacerbated in the context of
culture which can less easily than, say economics or ecology, be quantified statistically.
Social, cultural and environmental
contexts are time and space specific.
To attend the purposes of reducing
complexity, correlate one another
phenomena that seem untidy and
chaotic and facilitate handy
communication for policy arenas,
the assessments often may
flatten and trivialise the
phenomena’s complexity or crush
a concept on the indicator and
masking or even hiding paradigms,
ideologies and assumptions.
(E lena Battaglini)
Indicators, and more broadly evidence-based
policies, are often criticised as representing
a techno-rational/economic view of society
and of decision-making, and there are some
arguments for not expanding this approach
into the field of culture and humanities. We
find however that indicators, whether quantitative or qualitative, provide important tools
for making culture more tangible in the policy
arena. The essential question for us is not
whether or not to have indicators, but rather
to find or create indicators that are capable
of accurately and fully pinpointing the particular and characteristics attributes of culture
within sustainable development, not ‘whether’
but ‘what sort’ and ‘how’ to construct or to
use them.
Existing indicators
There are presently a number of social and
cultural statistics from international to local
level that offer data about cultural phenomena and human well-being. There also exist
sets of sustainability indicators that include
socio-cultural aspects alongside their environmental and ecological ones. But what
kind of indicators are there that explicitly
target the interconnections between culture
and sustainable development? What is characteristic of these indicators?
The existing indicators are often sector
based serving a certain type of policies.
They usually concern practices and processes such as the consumption or the supply of
services or the availability of resources, but
they are rarely able to measure and interpret
quality change in society. They also often
suffer from confusion between cultural activities and impacts [30]. Overall, it seems to be
difficult to take into account the full diversity
and complexity of our cultural reality, and as
a result existing indicators tend to follow a rationalist and econometric logic. Moreover, although these indicators are labelled as being
‘cultural’, they seem to measure phenomena
that could rather be considered as social (for
example, participation, equity or education)
or economic. They also seem to assume that
the impact of culture on development is always sustainable.
Indicators may also suffer from scalar problems. The scale of the measurement does
not necessarily meet the scale of the actual
activity or practice or their impact (e.g. use
of national level indicators in the assessment
of tourism at the destination level), or they
are simply designed to target certain type
of societies (such as, developing countries).
There are also challenges related to their
operationalisation arising from a discrepancy between objectives (the vast aims of
the sustainable development ‘project’) and
resources (including the normal funding models, which make truly long term assessment
difficult) [31].
“While working in the Institute for Sustainable Development
in Belgrade, I directly cooperated with non-governmental
organisations that were implementing various community-related projects starting from education, culture, human
rights or corruption, for example. NGOs lacked quality and
cultural indicators that would enable the measurement of
desired change. Together with the NGOs, I developed a tailor
made capacity building program for every NGO partner. We
jointly revised existing quantitative indicators, added adequate cultural indicators and developed relevant quality indicators. Newly defined log frames contained indicators that
were measuring processes, performance, immediate output
of the implemented projects but as well mid-term quality
impact. Logical frameworks also contained different indicators that focused on measuring social, cultural, educational
and if applicable environmental indicators. By incorporating
quality and cultural indicators into their reports NGOs were
familiarising donors with other aspects/dimensions of their
work that they were not aware of. This led to improvement
of donor’s standards i.e. requirements related to assessment
of quality change that they might in future impose to their
other partners and programs”.
( Jasmina Kuka)
The challenges of
assessing culture in
There are several challenges to finding or
creating indicators that measure the relationship between culture and sustainability .
First of all a clear understanding of the linkages between culture and sustainability is
required at the conceptual level. Here, our
identification of three different but complementary and overlapping roles for culture
in sustainable development might facilitate
the collection of data and evidence that is
more suitable for the evaluation of the role
and meaning of culture in sustainable development. Second, however, come questions
related to the availability, standardisation,
aggregation and ranking of data, all of which
are required to allow cultural statistics to be
consistently constructed, and therefore useful.
Assessment should be more than
a collection of indicators. It should
include methodological
considerations that go as far as
proposing the inversion of top-down
structures that compartmentalise
and pre-define policy areas, into
alternative frames for guiding
decision-makers through bottom-up,
contextualised decisional processes.
(Raquel Freitas)
Those developing cultural sustainability indicators may also encounter other problems.
Professionals and practitioners working in
the sector of culture are not necessarily familiar with quantitative (or any other) assessment methods, an issue also with variation
between countries, and without interdisciplinary co-operation they cannot essentially contribute to the process of designing indicators.
Decisions makers, on the other hand, might
rely on measurable, tangible quantitative indicators whilst seeing qualitative indicators as
being flawed by their perceived subjectivity.
To achieve cultural sustainability, both types
are needed, and must be combined into integrated ways of monitoring and understanding
change, which will require new approaches
and long-term planning. There is an urgent
need for good examples that show the opportunities of new participatory approaches
such as cultural mapping or ‘counter-mapping’, and co-production of various sorts .
The way forward
In the light of shortcomings in existing indicators and acknowledging the challenges facing the development of better indicators, we
suggest the following steps to proceed.
The development of indicators that more
usefully reflect culture should be considered
as a joint learning process. This implies that
the importance of incorporating cultural assessments in sustainability programmes
needs to be revealed to a wider range of
stakeholders, participants and researchers. Relevant stakeholders from policy and
decision makers to researchers and practitioners, with their different worldviews and
paradigms, should be involved in the designing process of new indicators, and where feasible to modify (broaden) existing ones, and
their capacities and knowledge of indicators
in the design and use of indicators should be
increased. Collaboration between the actors
at different levels and sectors is also needed
to critically reflect on the existing statistics,
taking responsibility for the costs of their
Cultural mapping [36] is a systematic tool to involve
communities in the identification and recording of local
cultural assets, with the implication that this knowledge
will then be used to inform collective strategies, planning
processes or other initiatives. It promises new ways of
describing, accounting for, and coming to terms with the
cultural resources (both tangible or quantitative and intangible or qualitative) of communities and places.
Key issues in the highly interdisciplinary field of
cultural mapping include the questions of what to map,
how to map, and to what purpose the ‘findings’ should
be directed. Issues of power, resistance, alternative perspectives and knowledge, and the question of what constitutes important cultural elements and meanings are
situated at the centre of the field. The process of making
implicit knowledge explicit, and mobilising the symbolic
forms through which local residents understand and communicate their sense of place, also have ethical and political dimensions.
Cultural mapping encompasses an array of traditions and trajectories. For example, since the turn of the
millennium the rising prominence of so-called ‘creative
industries’ internationally has meant that cultural policyrelated mapping research has tended to focus on defining, measuring and mapping the presence and spread of
the economic dimensions of the cultural and creative sectors. At the local level, as culture became more integrated within strategic development and planning initiatives,
there has been a growing number of initiatives to identify,
quantify, and geographically locate cultural assets such as
facilities, organisations, public art and heritage.
This comprises only a part of the field, however. Cultural mapping also encompasses artistic and
counter-mapping traditions that prioritise the qualitative
and the intangible, valorise alternative perspectives,
and broaden the ways in which we understand cultural
resources within community systems, relationships, and
fields of meaningful interaction. In these ways, cultural
mapping aims to recognise and make visible the ways local stories, practices, relationships, memories, and rituals
constitute places as meaningful locations.
An important trajectory of cultural mapping
involves the tradition of community empowerment and
counter-mapping. Counter-mapping refers to a map-making process in which communities challenge the formal
maps, appropriate official techniques of representation,
and make their own maps. Both the alternative mapping
process itself and the visualised map that results are
viewed as acts of resistance, and in contexts of uneven
power relations can serve to articulate and promote marginalized voices and perspectives in society.
(Nancy Duxbury)
development and operationalisation. Collaboration may also contribute positively to the
bias that may arise from political objectives
related to the indicator work.
The second imperative is that good examples and practices are urgently found and
shared. What is needed for example is qualitative indicators, examples of different types
and formats, illustrations of how they can
be used, and ways for them to be combined
with quantitative indicators. There already
exist approaches, frameworks and procedures which might be exploited as a starting
point or work of reference when developing
indicators for culture. This includes cultural
ecosystem services [32] and the principles
and practice of sustainable design. But there
seems to be need for many different and
parallel assessment methods and types of
indicators, instead of one.
The acknowledgment in indicator construction of the three different roles of culture in,
for and as sustainable development, as elaborated in this document, is a third requirement of future research. As far as the first
role, the 4th pillar approach, is concerned the
indicators may mostly concern the cultural
policy sector, and there are both good statistics, as well as already ongoing work, in
this field. Lessons from this field, however, include the need for a more critical elaboration
of sustainability and a more critical stance to
economic development. In culture’s ‘second
role’, where culture is considered as a connecting or mediating force between the other
dimensions of sustainability, the assessment
becomes more complex, due to the role of
culture in different processes. Moreover, the
assessments are extremely context specific.
However, (participatory) methodologies in
landscape research and place attachment
have been shown to be helpful. Finally, in
the third role of culture, there are already
indicators that can be used to measure (for
example) changes in the environmentally-sound behaviour or human and societal
wellbeing that is culturally embedded. The
challenge is rather to consider these as indicators of culturally sustainable transformation, and to develop new indicators to measure this change.
Finally there is the question of time and relative perspectives. As far as the overall process of indicators from design to use is concerned, it should be noted that assessments
related to the interrelationship between culture and sustainability concern underlying
processes that are not necessarily percepti-
ble in the short-term. Moreover the processes may be perceived differently depending
on the subject and on the object of analysis.
Therefore, the long term and issues of inter-subjectivity and different perceptions and
interests concerning cultural sustainability
are necessary points of departure for analysis. They must be included in the picture that
is taken through assessment. This is useful
not only for the policy design, but also for the
policy implementation and policy evaluation
phase. Assessment tools and indicators, just
as the concepts that underlie them, should
also not be seen as static entities but as
contextualised and evolving realities, which
the policy-maker has to constantly take into
consideration in order to maintain the relevance of policy and resultant action.
Social and cultural sustainability:
Re-connecting urban humans with the
land in Paris
Since the publication of the Brundtland Report
pre-occupation with important matters such as
and Agenda 21, interest in urban nature has
the health of the soil and the air, rights of access
grown, and for social, cultural as well as environ-
to land and soil as a public good, the preservation
mental reasons. For many decades, nature within
of old species, the right to reproduce and distrib-
cities has been ‘civilised’, relegated to a decora-
ute seeds, access to healthy local food and the
tive role, and appreciated at best for relaxation
implementation of alternative economic models,
and recreation. This position has been challenged
guerrilla gardening touches through culture on
by recent enthusiasm for community gardening
all three of the traditional pillars of sustainable
and the more radical ‘guerrilla gardening’. These
development, the environmental, the social and
activities reflect on the place and role of inhabi-
the economic. The gardeners occupy public and
tants’ engagement with nature in the context of
private space as public goods, for example via
shared use and open access to city public amenities, self-sustained food production, and green
Although guerrilla gardening varies around the
art. They question the conventional urban way of
world, there are fundamental aspects in com-
life, remind citizens that natural resources such
mon, notably social and political dimensions, and
as land are not endlessly renewable, and offer
above all the desire to begin to transform the
alternative, more sustainable, pathways through
relationship of humans to nature. Guerrilla gar-
the urban world and lifestyle.
dening is interconnected with local cultures and
based upon ordinary everyday creativity closely
Culture is a dynamic concept; through initiatives
linked to nature. The initiatives function as com-
such as guerrilla gardening it creates openness
mon ground for people to express basic universal
to innovation and change in terms of personal
concerns on issues such as participation, democ-
behaviour. Guerrilla gardening also touches and
racy, responsibility, trust, personal health and
modifies perspectives such as identity, the shape
aesthetic concerns.
and importance of (perhaps dormant) local cultures with historical roots; it provokes new cul-
Guerrilla gardening in Paris and its suburbs illumi-
tural experiences. It leads to experiments with
nates the new understandings and roles begin-
self-sufficiency and sharing, so that guerrilla gar-
ning to be given to nature by city dwellers, sug-
dening in Paris is also a social movement which
gesting fundamentally new cultural patterns are
symbolises its transformative power and the cul-
being created. By means of direct action and the
tural shift it is bringing about, in which participa-
changes it brings to the quality of the everyday
tion and civic empowerment are crucial aspects.
environment, it challenges both the perception of
It has socially innovative outcomes, too, because
what urban nature could be and the governance
participants have an opportunity for social learn-
mechanisms that contain both nature and use of
ing; actions such as this, not requiring a code of
the land; taken together this underlines a desire
rules, can, as Evans Prichard says, create ‘a good
by citizens for a more enlivened milieu. In its
ordered anarchy’.
There are obstacles. The occupation of public space can create tensions between contrasting perspectives and varied societal
claims on how best to use the public space.
Furthermore, because it brings into question models of society and economy based
on private property and profit-led economic
development, the possibility of integrating
its perspectives into public policies is limited. Finally, whilst most guerrilla gardening
initiatives have started as self-governance,
with participatory approaches (radical civic engagement) and a marked tendency
towards horizontal decision processes, in
some cases gardens or growing yards have
been institutionalised and are now promoted by governments and local municipalities,
leading to a change in the existing policy
Some key lessons can be learned. Guerrilla
gardening has already developed a rich cultural pattern that alters meanings of common space, self-identity, or even language,
encouraging a new political perspective and
approach. It proposes not only an alternative economic model, but alternative models of sustainable development more generally which question private property and
promote the common use of public space. In
a cultural perspective, guerrilla gardening
leads to the de-institutionalisation and the
re-institutionalisation of existing routines
and ways of doing things. This is a precondition for change, as without impetus from
inside, change would not happen.
Growing food along a disused railway; Pictures: Emeline Eudes
Dwelling in No Man’s Land
On 8th May 2011 in the COST Association
offices in Brussels a group of 30 researchers
met together for the first time to start work
on the newly-initiated COST Action ‘Investigating Cultural Sustainability’ [COST IS1007;]. Our four-yeardwelling in the No Man’s Land of culture and
sustainable development had started.
“No Man’s Lands are places that do not belong exclusively
to one person but are shared and used by many people as a
common good. They were once firmly rooted in shared and
collective community activity, indeed in sustainability and
the long term husbanding of common resources governed
by mutually-agreed social and cultural rules of behaviour ad
practice. Their most familiar meaning today may well be that
of the land between the trenches in 1914-18. This reflects
a much deeper meaning of lying between neighbouring communities, because such common lands for a thousand years
In stepping into the gap between ‘culture’ and
‘sustainable development’, participants in the
COST Action (their numbers rapidly growing
from that initial 30 to about 100) were aware
of entering a metaphysical No Man’s Land.
We called it ‘cultural sustainability’, a ‘place’
with challenges but also resources and lessons to offer to its surrounding neighbours. It
lay between large reasonably defined disciplinary territories of environmental and social
sciences, arts and humanities, but its own
boundaries were badly drawn and its heartlands hardly explored. It was most frequently
visited and crossed by cultural policy and by
artists of many kinds, bringing new ideas from
other places, but also sometimes crossed
by people interested in political ecology or
democracy or human identity and wellbeing.
Some concepts were already explored, but
usually from relatively narrow or focussed
have been located at the edges of village, township and
parish lands. What makes No Man’s Lands most interesting
for us, however, is a contradiction within their meaning. As
a place of complex resources shared in common, they reflect
community and collectivity, but at the same time they lay
outside and challenged many norms of ‘society’. By virtue
of their liminality, their location at the edge of communities,
at the edge indeed of everyday activity and of the cultivated (‘cultured’) area, sometimes extending beyond even the
‘outfield’, places only occasionally visited and used, No Man’s
Lands came to be seen as being beyond as well as between;
strange, eerie and queer, indeed potentially dangerous places, a place of outlaws and of otherness, a place from which
radical ideas could come”.
(Graham Fairclough)
standpoints. The actions and thoughts that
took place in our notional No Man’s Land
were as diverse (and superficially unconnected) as in real world No Man’s Lands. But we
suspected we had simply not yet found the
Our key task was to embed in various ways
cultural sensibilities and culture in all its
forms into existing sustainability frameworks.
We therefore packed the Brundtland Report
on Sustainable Development as a guidebook, albeit possible outdated, and carried
the three ‘pillars’ of environment, society and
economy in our toolbox, for want of anything
more modern. Acknowledging the challenges
and some shortcomings of this set of ideas
and implements, we also noted their applicability in research and power in policy making.
They gave us signposts, directions and occasionally maps.
The network itself witnessed and
represented a diversity of European
cultures and different perceptions
of sustainabilities. This was a great
resource for our work, but also a
challenge for the co-ordination.
(Katriina Soini)
As the group expanded, it accumulated, experienced and shared a huge diversity in
ways of dwelling as well as of understanding
of the key concepts, culture and sustainability. The group embodied social and cultural
as well as disciplinary diversity. Its members
travelled from 25 different countries across
Europe, and three in Australasia, bringing
experience of having worked in and with a
wide range of social and cultural problems
and contexts, and often too at international level which even further broadened our
world view. This diversity, similar to multidisciplinarity, enriched the content of the
work. Even the challenges that it brought of
finding a common language, conceptually as
Photo: Maurizio Sajeva
right set of mutually-agreed rules and shared
or mutually-respected attitudes that all successful commons needs. Approaches to
cultural sustainability had been very diverse,
reflecting the different aims, aspirations and
disciplinary backgrounds of the many different types of actors, artists, researchers,
practitioners, policy-makers and politicians
who haunted these outfields of what was becoming ‘mainstream’, conventional sustainable development. Not enough voices called
for new research lines; not enough critical
mass yet existed to establish different policy
contexts or frames of discourse. As in the
real historical world, the shared commonality of No Man’s Lands had been fractured by
sectoral difference. COST’s endorsement of
the cultural sustainability action provided an
opportunity to (re)discover this unexplored
land, now abandoned at the edges but potentially central to everything.
well as linguistically, helped us to sharpen our
questions and strengthen our conclusions. In
and around our vaguely-defined No Man’s
Land, we began to perceive smaller, better
defined territories that started to emerge as
our comprehension grew. Our ‘maps’ became
more detailed and in the untracked ‘waste’
we began to find pathways. Our No Man’s
Land began to resolve or dissolve into a set
of places each with their own character and
identity, problems and needs, resources and
wealth. Some of these were populated by
experts interested in arts and cities, cultural participation; others were covered by geographers who were interested in planning
and the maintenance of sustainable places;
others were interested in how heritage and
Photo: Joost Dessein
memories make the future; some aimed
for cultural, attitudinal and indeed political
We began to understand and appreciate
others’ viewpoints and ideas, whilst nevertheless still keeping our own. No Man’s Lands in
the real world belonged to no single person,
but they were used by many. Such shared areas and resources – commons – afforded
many different things to many people, even
conflicting things as long as their exploitation was well and sustainably managed. In
our metaphorical No Man’s Land, therefore,
we saw that, agreeing on single, exclusive
key concepts, definitions or methodologies
- ways of dwelling - was not an option. We
wished to benefit from the diversity of perspectives and methods that existed in our
research community, and to profit from the
‘otherness’ that lies within any No Man’s
Land. A decrease in intellectual and practical diversity would, we felt, limit our understanding of our No Man’s Land, and reduce
its value to others, as when mosaic farmland
is converted to agri-monoculture.
So instead (or as well as) framing definitions
and identifying policies and tools, we started
to tell stories about our different experiences, our contexts whether urban or rural, about
agriculture, territorialisation, arts, both on
conceptual as well as practical levels. Some
of these stories have been offered in this
book, as stories or as smaller texts; many
others went towards the making of three
edited volumes in a new book series, ‘Routledge Studies in Culture and Sustainable
Development’, which will continue to offer a
place to publish the best of ongoing cultural
sustainability research and practice.
In the final year we returned from our No Man’s
Land back into the centres of our communities, and started to build a common house,
an interdisciplinary framework, the groundwork of which was based on three different
roles of culture in sustainable development.
The walls started to grow. Time was too short
for such a network to complete the interiors
or even to cover the house with a roof, but
nevertheless No Man’s Land had been explored, and has been found to be a fruitful,
rewarding and revealing place. This publication serves as a first map for way-finding in
No Man’s Land and for returning to it in order
to harness its intellectual and practical assets for broader common and cultural good.
We may also see that, although we covered
most of the No Man’s Land with different
knowledge and expertise, there were areas
that remained unexplored (cultural minorities,
cultural economics ... but the list is long). The
No Man’s Land, although explored now, is still
open for new travellers, visitors or residents;
so is the field of culture and sustainable development open for further development. We
end this book with our suggestions for next
steps and new journeys, expressed through
future research lines.
Returning with new
ideas: future
research lines
Despite growing interest in culture as an explicit aspect of sustainable development, the
number of research programmes covering the
issue remains small, and in most cases research is concealed in a variety of other thematic projects. Raising the profile of cultural
sustainability as an independent but integrative research field is therefore a priority if it is
to be more deeply recognised in current and
forthcoming research programs.
The integrative search process of sustainability, with its
4+1 dimensions (ecological, economic, social, cultural, +
personal) requires a learning culture. Engaging with culture enables contributions to be made to shaping systems
of meaning in society, and connections to be made to
worldviews, values and things that speak back to humans.
The symbolic universe that we build and inhabit is both
part of the ecosystem of sensory realities, and a product of
inter-subjective agency. Learning-able and response-able
cultures of sustainability, infused with understanding
and respect for life in all its complexity, empower humans
to change and re-invent their lives. The search for social
justice requires not only the development of certain ethical values but also the enrichment and diversification of
skills, competences and ways of knowing reality, embedding these into shared practices.
The insights gained during our Action, which
have been only briefly summarised in this document, allow us to identify major gaps in understanding the role and meaning of culture
in sustainable development, and to discern
obstacles to future progress. We can begin
to identify ways to take forward this relatively
newly-emerging field of interdisciplinary research, and in this final section we offer a few
Transversal learning is possible through an expanded rationality, striving for unity in complexity of knowledge,
integrating different ways of knowing without simplifying them into one meta-discipline. It both rejects a unitary
‘theory of everything’ and welcomes a complex unity of
knowledge, grounded in inter- and transdisciplinarity, defined as:
> Interdisciplinarity, practices which, thanks to inspiring exchanges, enable researchers from one discipline to borrow and adapt methods and metaphors
from other disciplines, within a wider shared system
(e.g. science or art);
There is always a risk in setting out such lists
of research questions or topics. They might
for example be mistaken as being comprehensive. More damagingly, they might be considered in isolation, and it seems important to
emphasise that whilst we argue for the independence of “culture in, for and as sustainable development” as a field of research, we
do not argue for its isolation; indeed, it’s very
raison d’être is to be integrative and meditative. One of the major lessons of our four year
COST Action, and of the intensive collaborative networking and co-researching that it enabled, has been the inherent interconnectedness of culture and sustainable development,
in action as well as in research. There are interconnections at disciplinary level, in terms of
policy contexts (scales, public-private), in the
> Transdisciplinarity, an extra dimension of research
and action, involving different modes of knowing,
from outside of science (or of art); a wholly different kind of research practice, which complements
disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, offering a
wider integrative framework.
The transdisciplinary attitude is not opposed to disciplinarity (which advances specialised, limited areas of
knowledge), but is opposed to a ‘cisdisciplinary attitude’,
i.e. a self-mutilating research philosophy whose self-identification conforms with the boundaries of professional
disciplines. Transdisciplinarity invites artful inquiry, an
openness to dynamic complexity and an acceptance of
ambivalences, contradictions and ambiguities.
(Sacha Kagan)
interface of the material and the cognitive or
perceptual worlds, in the transition from past
to future, in the symbiosis of global with local
and of people and place, the interdependence
of production and consumption (and the impacts of both), to mention but a few examples.
We propose a loose-knit yet interwoven set of
future research principles. They constitute a
strategic framework for the next stages, perhaps over the next decade or so, of research
into understanding and acting on the central
place that culture holds in sustainability discourse. In summary, research should:
• achieve true interdisciplinarity, beyond and
between the domains (social sciences and
humanities, natural sciences, technological
sciences, etc)
• reach out towards transdisciplinary
research involving other stakeholders
• envision the co-creation and co-production
of knowledge, for example by integrating
local knowledge in research, and by espousing participative and transdisciplinary
• stretch beyond Europe and develop intercontinental collaborative practices, also
between global South(s) and North(s)
• integrate and valorise quantitative and
qualitative data and methodologies equally
• expand ecological research from climate
change and biodiversity to wider variety of
issues, including socio-cultural points of
• contribute towards practical applications
and the re-formulation of policy at all levels, in other words seek to be transformative in the ways that citizens, actors and
governments see and shape the future
Following these general research principles,
we suggest a number of more-or-less specific individual research lines. We have grouped
them in four clusters, broadly speaking, relating to concepts, methods, evidence and
themes, but nonetheless we of course insist
on their overarching interconnectedness.
• Refining and operationalisation of conceptual approaches
> Further clarification and specification of
the interface, interrelationship and overlap between culture and sustainable development
> Investigation into how the three roles of
culture work in practice: what are the political, philosophical and practical prerequisites?
> Exploration of ‘cultural sustainability’ in
relation to other unifying and mainstreaming frameworks and new evolving frameworks
• Developing methodologies
and practices, such as
> Definition and selection of indicators or
guidelines to analyse and manage regional development through unifying culturally-related filters such as landscape, ecosystem services or territory
> Further development of the practice of
place-based assessments that use culture to create new opportunities, wealth,
quality of life and progressive development
> Revival and modernised use of the concept of commons, including consideration
of public/private conflicts, the formation/
transformation of common (social) memory and cultural and counter mapping
> Development of methods for mobilising
and motivating individuals and communities in activism and in sustainable thinking
and for studying processes of catalysation (who leads, whose agendas)
> Devising and testing new methods for influencing and shaping eco-environmental
action and injecting it with greater culturally-sensitive and culturally-informed
> Designing ways to use and benefit from
cultural activity and creativity in spatial
• Expanding the evidence base
for the role of culture in sustainable development
> Collect and comparatively analyse more
evidence through the study of exemplars,
such as the value and social impact of
culture in diverse sustainability contexts
> Engage in comparative research (into discourse and practice) with due regard for
contingency and path dependence, in different global contexts
> Harmonise statistical data spatially and
over time, successive aggregation of indicators and indices
• Selected thematic topics
> Explore the role of design and creativity in
engendering both physical and emotional
resilience in the face of unavoidable environmental change
> ‘Growing’ democratic participation: ways
of operationalising the Faro Convention,
shifting practice and policy to become
more people-centred, practical infrastructures for participation
> Absence/weakness of modes and mechanisms of local governance, which should
be capable (through openness, transparency, subsidiarity while safeguarding
autonomy, context and information) of
achieving more culturally-sustainable development
> The effects and benefits of migration and mobility: studying modes and
methods of the reciprocal integration
of incoming cultures and adaptation of
‘host’ cultures, a two-way process
> The impact of the loss of ‘minority’
languages (which in academic and policy
spheres increasingly means) – not only
for their own sake, or impact on identity,
but impact on how people think, share
discourse, and connect to alternative
> Modernisation agendas and neo-liberal
growth paradigms - negative influences
on (obstacles to) achieving culturally-informed sustainable development
> Exploring how research and policy deals
with the ‘wickedness’ of sustainability
> Attitudes – culture as mediator of change
management: questions of participation,
adaptive strategies for resilience (e.g. to
climate change, post-industrialisation),
growth/de-growth and transition (towns),
‘nudging’ behaviours
The end of an Action, the beginning of action
We are confident that new research along
such lines will advance this emerging field
of study, and enable culture to play a more
substantial and future-proofed role in achieving sustainability. The Action has been able
to establish a new book series – ‘Routledge
Studies in Culture and Sustainable Development’ – as a specific outcome of its work.
This will provide a vehicle for dissemination
of the results of future research and will help
to build cohesion within the whole field. The
first three books in the series (see pages
48–49) have been drawn primarily from the
work of the Action and its participants. We
have also already established a pilot on-line
MA in this subject, which we hope will inspire
others to follow us.
We are also aware that many European and
global funding streams, for example within
the ERA and notably Horizon 2020, are becoming available for research that addresses sustainability issues. It would be a lost
opportunity if major research programmes
continue to focus as exclusively as they have
in the past on narrowly-defined views of environment or ecology, or on views of the economy that separates it from its societal roots.
From our vantage point as returnees from No
Man’s Land, and supported by our extensive
webs of cross- and inter-disciplinary collaborations, we can see the necessity and the
advantages of culture gaining a more central
and transformative role in sustainable development discourse and action. We envisage
that the insights of this COST Action will be
able to ensure a strong ‘cultural stream’ in
future research and policy.
In April 2014, a pilot for an international online course on ‘Cultural Sustainability’ was carried out. The
course examined the interrelated dimensions of sustainability and the concept of development. It
brought together lecturers and students from various backgrounds in interdisciplinary discussions about
how culture, power and ecology interact in human-environment relations. The course critically investigated the challenges of achieving sustainability at local, regional and global scales, and the role of cultural
policy. It highlighted both philosophical and conceptual issues surrounding the relationship of cultural
sustainability and cultural policy, and engaged students in practical case studies, such as those involved
in with urban planning and rural development.
The course – MCPS125 ‘Cultural Sustainability’ – is now established at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
as part of the MA in Cultural Policy. It is unique internationally and addresses a need to consolidate current ideas on this rising topic within academic training programmes. Moreover it equips young scholars to
question and address policy development issues in this area. More info can be found here :
(Nancy Duxbury, Anita Kangas, Katarzyna Plebanczyk)
Tradition and Modernisation: Natureculture interactions in the Atacama
Desert in Chile
Landscapes can be seen as the materialisation of
in search of employment, notably to the mining
communities, culture and social relations in dy-
sector in other parts of the north of the Chile.
namic interaction with the natural world. Nature
and culture co-evolve; each shapes and in turn
Chile has a turbulent political past, and the elec-
is shaped by the other. The ongoing social and
tion of a democratic government in 1989 brought
ecological transformation of the Atacama Desert
both stability and further change. New democrat-
in the Andes is a clear illustration of the complex-
ic ideals led to the drawing-up of the 1993 Indig-
ity of this interaction. It shows that policies not
enous Peoples Act which recognised indigenous
taking a sensitive approach to culture and social
populations and began a progressive restitution
change can cause unsustainable outcomes, even
of land and water rights. Although seemingly a
when seeking to do good (here, acknow- ledging
positive step forward for the indigenous popula-
the rights of indigenous people towards their re-
tion, the way in which rights were distributed has
proved problematic. ‘Indigenous’ was defined on
ethnic grounds alone; anyone genetically related
Recognised as the driest inhabited place on
to an indigenous population was granted rights
earth, the Atacama spans the borders between
to traditional resources and new social benefits.
Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Rather than
This included people who had left the region;
a barren strip of land, many parts of the region
they were given the opportunity to register for a
support a diversity of biological and geological
share of indigenous rights and to take advantage
forms, as well as a network of saltpans, lakes, hot
of from their ethnic background.
springs and underground water resources. The
combination of these qualities, together with the
This situation attracted indigenous people back
presence of archaeological vestiges of past cul-
to the towns of the Atacama Desert. These
tures and the living legacies of the Atacameño
people, however, brought back new values that
culture, led to the establishment of the Flamen-
were not necessarily compatible with those of
cos Nature Reserve in the early 1990s. The entire
the traditional cultures that the newly acquired
north of Chile also contains an abundance of min-
rights were supposed to protect. Instead of re-
eral resources such as copper and lithium.
storing the ‘traditional’ culture-nature nexus, the
empowering of indigenous people thus entailed
People have been living in Atacama since pre-Co-
problematic effects as well. Indigenous popula-
lumbian times, and more recently, occupation by
tions who had remained in the area, with their
traditional communities has led to the develop-
particular dynamic of understanding and prac-
ment of small settlements such as Toconao and
San Pedro de Atacama in oases that are scattered
‘culture’ and environment with neo-indigenous
across the landscape. The natural resources his-
immigrants who had different cultural values
torically provided indigenous peoples with a sub-
or understandings. As a result, instead of being
sistence livelihood, nevertheless many migrated
strengthened, the relatively small existing com-
suddenly found themselves sharing their
munities were disrupted by an influx of newly
community, the assumption that all hold to the
‘indigenised’ people with a different cultural
same cultural values cannot be made. The na-
connection to the land. Consequently, divergent
ture-culture nexus is a result of complex and con-
cultural meanings generated conflicts within the
tinuously changing cultural, social and political
Atacama Desert community, notably when man-
connections built up over long periods of time.
aging and deciding collectively over the newly
Policies which seek to protect culture and nature
returned land and water rights, including the Fla-
(in this example, those which grant democratic
mencos Nature Reserve. Furthermore, growing
property rights to indigenous people) will also
water scarcity caused by the expansionist needs
impact on and change cultural identity itself [38].
of mining companies operating in a neoliberal
setting add to the contemporary climate of tension and race for natural resources and water in
the Atacama Desert.
The key lesson to be learned is that culture is
constantly changing, that it evolves rapidly, and
that it cannot be regarded as an inherent genetic trait. Many countries around the world have
indigenous populations and, while their culture
often provides a framework for maintaining the
Information panel on the Atacameña culture, Pukara de Quitor (on top) and Pre-Columbian
archaeological site Pukara de Quitor (below). Pictures: Constanza Parra
People who actively contributed to COST Action IS1007
Many people actively contributed to the COST Action 1007 ‘Investigating Cultural Sustainability’. They are listed below. More information about their expertise can be found in the online
publication ‘Investigating Cultural Sustainability. Experts and multidisciplinary approaches’
( In addition to all those members listed below,
we also of course benefitted greatly from the participation of all other Action members, as
well as the assistance of many other people, notably those who helped organise our workshops and conferences, our invited keynote speakers and other colleagues who offered us
presentation from a very wide range of expertise and experience, and advise of members of
COST Domain Committee and our rapporteur.
Katriina Soini (FI) University of Jyväskylä and Natural Resources Institute
Vice chair
Joost Dessein (BE) ILVO (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research) and Ghent
Working Group 1: Concepts
Chair: Inger Birkeland (NO) Telemark University College
Vice Chair: Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert (CY) Cyprus University of Technology
Working Group 2: Policies
Chair: Nancy Duxbury (PT) University of Coimbra, Centre for Social Sciences
Vice Chair: Christiaan De Beukelaer (UK) University of Leeds and Jenny Atmanagara (DE)
Baden-Württemberg International (before at University of Stuttgart)
Working Group 3: Assessments
Chair: Jasmina Kuka (RS) Institute for Sustainable Communities
Vice Chair: Elena Battaglini (IT) IRES (Economic and Social Research Institute)
• Chrystalla Antoniou (CY) Cyprus University of
• Elizabeth Auclair (FR) Cergy-Pontoise
• Oliver Bender (AT) Institute for
Interdisciplinary Mountain Research
• Nathalie Blanc (FR) CNRS
• Lluís Bonet (ES) University of Barcelona
• Nikolaos Boukas (CY) European University
• Claudia Brites (PT) Coimbra College of
• Aleksandar Brkic (RS) University of Arts
• Robert Burton (NO) Centre for Rural Research
• Maria Cadarso (PT) University of Lisbon
• Claudia Carvalho (PT) University of Coimbra
• Roberta Chiarini (IT) ENEA Italian National
Agency in Bologna
• Arza Churchman (IL) Interdisciplinary Center
• Annalisa Cicerchia (IT) Italian National
Institute of Statistics
• Eva Cudlinova (CZ) University of South
• Anka Misetic (HR) Institute of Social Sciences
Ivo Pilar
• Gunnthora Olafsdottir (IS) University of Luxembourg
• Hannes Palang (EE) Tallinn University
• Anna Palazzo (IT) Roma Tre University
• Constanza Parra (BE) Catholic University
• Mishel Pavlovski (MK) Sts. Cyril &
• Mariusz Czepczynski (PL) University of Gdansk
Methodius University; Center for Culture &
• Cecilia De Ita (UK) University of Leeds
Cultural Studies
• Stephen Dobson (UK) Sheffield Hallam
• Milena Dragicevic-Sesic (RS) University of
• Katarzyna Plebańczyk (PL) University of
• Alexandre Polvora (PT) University Institute of
• Emeline Eudes (FR) CNRS
• Anu Printsmann (EE) Tallinn University
• Graham Fairclough (UK) Newcastle University
• Mario Reimer (DE) University of Stuttgart and
(McCord Centre Historic & Cultural Landscape)
• Raquel Freitas (PT) University Institute of
• Loreta Georgievska–Jakovleva (MK) Sts.
Cyril & Methodius University; Centre of
Cultural Studies
• Antti Honkanen (FI) University of Eastern
• Lummina Horlings (NL) Wageningen
• Vidar Hreinsson (IS) Reykjavik Academy
• Svetlana Hristova (BG) South-West
University of Bulgaria
• Rolf Hugoson (SE) Centre for Regional
Science at Umeå University (CERUM)
• Jenny Johannisson (SE) University of Borås
• Henry Johnson (NZ) University of Otaga
• Sacha Kagan (DE) Leuphana University of
ILS (Research Institute for Regional & Urban
• Ljiljana Rogač Mijatović (RS) University of
• Bettina Scharrer (CH) Center for Development and Environment (CDE)
• Mordechai Shechter (IL) Interdisciplinary
Center (IDC)
• Katriina Siivonen (FI) University of Helsinki
• Astrid Skjerven (NO) Oslo and Akershus
University College
• Helen Sooväli - Sepping (EE) Tallinn
• Tatjana Stojceska (MK) Ss.Cyril and
Methodius University
• Nina Svane - Mikkelsen (NO) University of
• Elisabete Tomaz (PT) University Institute of
• Anita Kangas (FI) University of Jyväskylä
• Goran Tomka (RS) University of Arts
• Mari Kivitalo (FI) University of Jyväskylä
• Sara Ursic (HR) Institute of Social Sciences
• Marion Leng (CH) University of Bern,
Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology
• Miloslav Lapka (CZ) University of South
• Maria Leus (BE) University of Hasselt and
University of Antwerp
Ivo Pilar
• Miroslav Valeriu Tascu-Stavre (RO) Centre for
Studies in Contemporary Architecture
• Nevila Xhindi (AL) European University of
• Myrsini Zorba (GR) Hellenic Open University
• Karni Lotan (IL) Interdisciplinary Center (IDC)
• Julija Matejić (RS) University of Arts
• Marina Mihaila (RO) Center for Studies in
Contemporary Architecture
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This publication is supported by the COST.
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Katriina Soini - | Joost Dessein -