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Nuclear energy is a better source for countries to meet the ever-incresin g energy demand. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is an undisputed reality that the energy production and their sustained growth constitute indispensable elements to ensure the economic and social progress of any country. For this reason, the use of all type of energy available in the country, including nuclear energy, should be included in its energy mix in order to ensure its future economic and social development. However, there are certain factors that need to be considered by the competent authorities of a country during the selection of the most economic energy sources for the generation of electricity. For instance the use of fossil fuels is a major and growing contributor to the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, while nuclear energy and renewables are almost carbon dioxide free.
Advocates of nuclear power argue that it is a proven technology that can provide cheap and reliable energy without contributing to climate change. Opponents disagree and argue that it is better to invest in conservation and alternative energy sources given the pollution, risks and costs associated with the mining, storage, shipping and disposal of radioactive fuels and waste. Both positions should be examined carefully. The need for environmental sustainability requires a paradigm shift from unsustainable quantitative growth to sustainable qualitative development. As a result the criteria for evaluating competing energy technologies should be widened to include not only economic and environmental costs and benefits, but also the extent to which various options support the transition to a sustainable economy. Factors supporting sustainability include: protecting ecosystems, reducing pollution, limiting consumption, conservation, using renewable energies and resources, recycling, decentralized and distributed production, smaller and smarter products, and improved networking.
EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies, 2015
Reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is advocated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. To achieve this target, countries have opted for renewable energy sources, primarily wind and solar. These renewables will be unable to supply the needed large quantities of energy to run industrial societies sustainably, economically and reliably because they are inherently intermittent, depending on flexible backup power or on energy storage for delivery of base-load quantities of electrical energy. The backup power is derived in most cases from combustion of natural gas. Intermittent energy sources, if used in this way, do not meet the requirements of sustainability, nor are they economically viable because they require redundant, underutilized investment in capacity both for generation and for transmission. Because methane is a potent greenhouse gas, the equivalent carbon dioxide value of methane may cause gas-fired stations to emit more greenhouse gas than coal-fired plants of the same power for currently reported leakage rates of the natural gas. Likewise, intermittent wind/solar photovoltaic systems backed up by gas-fired power plants also release substantial amounts of carbon-dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas to make such a combination environmentally unacceptable. In the long term, nuclear fission technology is the only known energy source that is capable of delivering the needed large quantities of energy safely, economically, reliably and in a sustainable way, both environmentally and as regards the available resource-base.
The International Energy Agency estimates 1.4 billion people will still lack access to electricity in 2030 unless new approaches and policies are adopted" 1 .
Is Nuclear Power an alternative to fossil fuels. A brief analysis with a focus on Energy Return on Energy Invested and other social factors
The government has taken the quick rental option to improve the power situation. Even though it added about 2000 MW of electricity to the grid, the total production capacity has increased rather little, given that the age-old power plants are delivering much less than the rated capacity. Thus is one of the scenarios of power crisis in Bangladesh. The power of electricity is the key to the economic stability of a country, not only for Bangladesh, but for all. In this situation, sustainable energy source has become a burning issue which raises only one question: what is the solution? The answer may vary from man to man but it can be definitely said that most experts suggest one solution as the best- ‘Nuclear Energy’. Nuclear powered energy stations are the heart of almost every developed country. Although there are some controversies like safety measures, environmental issues and expensive building costs, the power produces by nuclear plants and the way it’s contributing towards development of mankind, this energy has become a useful energy source for the world............
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 2014
Humanity must face the reality that it cannot depend indefinitely on combustion of coal, gas and oil for most of its energy needs. In the unavoidable process of gradually replacing fossil fuels, many energy technologies may be considered and most will be deployed in specific applications. However, in the long term, we argue that nuclear fission technology is the only developed energy source that is capable of delivering the enormous quantities of energy that will be needed to run modern industrial societies safely, economically, reliably and in a sustainable way, both environmentally and as regards the available resource base. Consequently, nuclear fission has to play a major role in this necessary transformation of the 21st century energy-supply system. In a first phase of this necessary global energy transformation, the emphasis should be on converting the major part of the world's electrical energy generation capacity from fossil fuels to nuclear fission. This can realistically be achieved within a few decades, as has already been done in France during the 1970s and 1980s. Such an energy transformation would reduce the global emissions of carbon dioxide profoundly, as well as cutting other significant greenhouse gases like methane. Industrial nations should take the lead in this transition. Because methane is a potent greenhouse gas, replacing coal-fired generating stations with gas-fired stations will not necessarily result in a reduction of the rate of greenhouse-gas emission even for relatively low leakage rates of the natural gas into the atmosphere. The energy sources popularly known as 'renewables' (such as wind and solar), will be hard pressed to supply the needed quantities of energy sustainably, economically and reliably. They are inherently intermittent, depending on backup power or on energy storage if they are to be used for delivery of base-load electrical energy to the grid. This backup power has to be flexible and is derived in most cases from combustion of fossil fuels (mainly natural gas). If used in this way, intermittent energy sources do not meet the requirements of sustainability, nor are they economically viable because they require redundant, under-utilized investment in capacity both for generation and for transmission. Intermittent energy installations, in conjunction with gas-fired backup power installations, will in many cases be found to have a combined rate of greenhouse-gas emission that is higher than that of stand-alone coal-fired generating stations of equal generating capacity. A grid connection fee, to be imposed on countries with a large intermittent generating capacity, should be considered for the purpose of compensating adjacent countries for the use of their interconnected electric grids as backup power. Also, intermittent energy sources tend to negatively affect grid stability, especially as their market penetration rises. The alternativededicated energy storage for grid-connected intermittent energy sources (instead of backup power)is in many cases not yet economically viable. However, intermittent sources plus storage may be economically competitive for local electricity supply in geographically isolated regions without access to a large electric grid. Yet nuclear fission energy will, even then, be required for the majority displacement of fossil fuels this century.
E VER SINCE man learnt to harness fire for his own benefit, as civilization progressed, mankind’s demand for energy as an instrument for economic and social development has increased by leaps and bounds. Primitive man had only the strength of his arms and the use of fire. Later he tamed animals as new sources of energy; they were used to pull plows and wagons and to move from one place to another. He discovered how to use the wind energy to move boats and ships. He used the water energy to move mills. A new stage in the development of the use of energy came at the end of the feudal period with the invention of steam engine, which ushered in the Industrial Revolution. Then introduction of power driven machinery led to explosive increase in production which transformed the basically rural and agricultural society into urban and industrial society in the capitalist world. Coal was then the principal source of energy. Subsequently petroleum and natural gas were discovered and these two ...
Anais do 29º Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da USP - SIICUSP, 2021
O desenvolvimento deste projeto propõe a criação de um material para estudantes lusófonos que foca na prática conversacional da língua armênia oriental, uma habilidade normalmente não explorada nos poucos materiais para estrangeiros existentes no mercado. O material elaborado a partir desta pesquisa está conectado com outro projeto que está sendo realizado concomitantemente a este, o Manual Teórico e Prático dos Tempos Verbais do Modo Indicativo do Armênio Oriental. O andamento da parte conversacional está relacionado com os tempos verbais deste outro projeto e acompanha seu andamento.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2024
Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Frontiers, 2024
Andean past, 2000
Guias para los Grupos de Oracion de la Renovación Carismática Católica en las Parroquias - Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles, CA (USA).
Papers on Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy
Classical quarterly, 2023
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2003