Surface modified spin-on xerogel films as interlayer dielectrics
S. V. Nitta, V. Pisupatti, A. Jain, P. C. Wayner, Jr., W. N. Gill, and J. L. Plawskya)
Department of Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180
~Received 17 June 1998; accepted 30 October 1998!
SiO2-based xerogels are highly porous materials that may enhance the performance of
microelectronic devices due to their extremely low dielectric constants ( e 51.36– 2.2).
Conventional xerogel and aerogel manufacturing techniques include an expensive and hazardous
supercritical drying step to deposit crack free, high porosity films. Ambient drying techniques have
recently been developed and in this article, we discuss how the process parameters in the ambient
drying process affect the properties of a spin-coated film. Successful spin-on deposition of highly
porous ~.70%!, thick ~.1 mm!, crack-free, xerogel films was accomplished using a solvent
saturated atmosphere during spinning and aging. The saturated atmosphere allowed for the isolation
of each processing step and a better understanding of the effects of process variable changes. The
film porosity was controlled by varying the extent of silylation ~surface modification!, the aging
time, or the initial water/silane ratio. Fourier transform infrared spectra demonstrated that silylation
of xerogel films helps eliminate bound moisture in these films and renders them hydrophobic.
Finally, the dielectric constants extrapolated from refractive index measurements were in good
agreement with those obtained from our conventional electrical measurements. © 1999 American
Vacuum Society. @S0734-211X~99!01701-1#
With ultralarge scale integration ~ULSI! and deep submicron device dimensions of perhaps 0.1 mm in the near future,
the performance of microelectronic devices is seriously inhibited by the RC delay associated with the resistance of the
metal ~R! and capacitance of the dielectric ~C!, used as interconnect materials. The RC delay is directly proportional to
the resistivity, r, of the metal and the dielectric constant, e, of
the dielectric. However, as device dimensions shrink, the
relatively high dielectric constant of SiO2 ( e 53.9) will preclude its use as an interlayer dielectric due to an increased
RC delay, as well as increased cross talk, noise, and power
dissipation. Hence materials with a lower intrinsic dielectric
constant need to be developed and evaluated as potential
replacements for SiO2. Due to their high thermal stability
and their ability to be rendered hydrophobic, silica xerogels
~prepared by the ambient drying process and deposited using
a spin-coating procedure! have the potential to emerge as an
attractive alternative to conventional SiO2.
Previous work: Silica xerogels are prepared by the hydrolysis and condensation of alkoxysilanes.1 Tetraethylorthosilicate ~TEOS! is first hydrolyzed by reacting with water in the presence of a mutual solvent and a catalyst as
shown in the following:
water condensation:
alcohol condensation:
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 17„1…, Jan/Feb 1999
Once hydrolysis has started, condensation reactions occur,
liberating either a molecule of water or alcohol upon siloxane bond formation ~–Si–O–Si–!. As these reactions proceed, larger siloxane oligomers are formed.1 Since TEOS is
tetrafunctional, the monomer undergoes a nonlinear polymerization and forms a three dimensional structure. Bond
formation leads to fractal aggregates that grow until they
begin to impinge on one another and form clusters. At the
gel point, a single, spanning cluster appears that coexists
with a sol phase containing many smaller clusters. These
smaller clusters gradually become attached to the network in
a process called aging.1
The rates of hydrolysis and condensation reactions, as
well as the structure of the final gel, vary depending on factors such as the type of catalyst employed and the hydrolysis
ratio ~ratio R, of H2O to Si in the initial mixture!. In general,
acid catalysis with low hydrolysis ratios (R,2) produces
long chained, less highly branched polymers, whereas base
catalysis with higher hydrolysis ratios (R.2) produces more
compact, highly branched polymers.1 In this work, we use a
two-step, acid-base catalysis scheme to prepare the sol for
the deposition of xerogel films. The two-step procedure allows us to control the average pore size so that it is much
less than the ~;0.1 mm! device dimensions planned in future
integrated circuits.
As bond formation continues beyond gelation, the network contracts and expels pore fluid. The gel shrinks.
Shrinkage happens most dramatically during drying as the
fluid evaporates from the pores. To obtain highly porous
aerogels or xerogels, it is important to prevent shrinkage during any part of the processing, particularly drying. This can
©1999 American Vacuum Society
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
be accomplished by a number of techniques including supercritical drying and ambient drying with surface modification.2
Conventional aerogel preparation uses a supercritical drying process that eliminates the capillary stress exerted by the
solvent on the gel.1 While this helps avoid shrinkage during
drying, it is an expensive and hazardous high pressure and
high temperature process. An alternative to supercritical drying is the ambient pressure drying technique, which involves
a predrying surface modification step known as silylation.
This technique has been developed within the last few
years2,3 and involves replacing the hydroxyl groups on the
surface with inert, trimethylsilyl groups by reacting the wet
gel either with trimethylchlorosilane ~TMCS! or hexamethyldisilazane ~HMDS!. Unlike TMCS, HMDS does not corrode metallization layers.4 However, the structural effects of
using HMDS are indistinguishable from adding TMCS.
Prakash, Brinker, and Hurd2,3 reported one of the first successful fabrications of dip coated, thin film xerogels by this
technique. Unfortunately dip coating is incompatible with
semiconductor processing because both surfaces of the substrate are coated by this method and the process is harder to
control than spin coating.
Several authors5–8 have reported the successful deposition
of spin-coated silica sol-gel films. Hrubesh and Poco5 used
supercritical drying to form aerogel films, while the others6–8
formed densified sol-gel films that had extremely low porosities. Smith and co-workers4,9,10 successfully deposited spincoated xerogel films under ambient drying conditions. Process improvements made by them have cut down the total
process time for film coating to the order of minutes, thus
making these materials commercially attractive. Integration
studies of their films with aluminum as well as copper as the
metal layers have also been reported.11,12 Jo and co-workers,
have reported the successful deposition of supercritically
dried films13,14 as well as ambient dried15 films using a process flow similar to that of Smith et al.9 However, while they
achieved high porosity using supercritically dried films, the
porosity they achieved with their ambient dried films is quite
low ~,70%!.
While the successful deposition of ambient dried xerogel
films via spin coating has been reported, the relationship between the processing parameters and the final properties of
the film has not been reported in detail in the open literature.
In this article we report on the effects of varying the extent of
surface modification, the aging time, the drying temperature,
and the water–silane ratio, on the thickness, porosity, and
dielectric constant of ambient dried silica xerogel films.
An overview of the fabrication scheme for depositing
high porosity xerogels is given in Fig. 1. This scheme is
modified from the one developed by Prakash, Brinker, and
Hurd2,3 for preparing dip-coated xerogel films and results in
fairly long, overall process times. Our approach enabled us
to isolate and control all aspects of film formation during
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1999
FIG. 1. Xerogel fabrication process schematic ~Ref. 5!.
each stage of the process. Thus we had greater control over,
and sensitivity to, changes in the process variables.
Step 1 of the sol preparation was carried out by reacting a
mixture of TEOS, water, and HCl at 60 °C for 90 min using
ethanol as the solvent. The following molar ratio of reactants
was used (TEOS:H2O:EtOH:HCl):1:2:3.8:7.331024 . Stoichiometrically, a water/TEOS ratio, R, of 2 is necessary for
complete conversion. Step 2 of the sol preparation–base catalysis, was carried out by mixing 10 ml of the solution from
step 1 with 1 ml of 0.05 M NH4OH. Immediately following
base catalysis, 2 ml of the acid-base catalyzed mixture was
filtered through a 0.2 mm filter and deposited on a precleaned
silicon wafer in a Laurell 4SNPP spin coater.
During the deposition stage, rapid evaporation forces the
precursors into close proximity, thus increasing the reaction
rate. An undesirable side effect of this rapid evaporation is
that films shrink during and immediately following deposition and thus it is difficult to obtain highly porous coatings.
In thin films, fluid flow due to either gravitational ~in dipcoating systems! or centrifugal forces ~in spin-coating systems!, along with attachment of the precursor species to the
substrate, impose a shear stress within the film during deposition. Rapid shrinkage due to removal of solvent and continued condensation creates a tensile stress within the film
and changes the rheological properties of the film. Both effects generally lead to cracking or delamination of the film.1
Thus it is crucial to control the evaporation of solvent from
the film during and following deposition to be able to obtain
gels with high porosities.
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
In this work, the sol was spun at 2000 rpm for approximately 12 s. A solvent saturated atmosphere during spin
coating was insured by sealing off all the ports of the spin
coater and flooding the bottom of the spin coater with a
mixture of ethanol, water, and ammonium hydroxide. The
saturated atmosphere allowed us to control the evaporation
rate from the film and was used by Hrubesh and Poco5 as
Following spin coating, wafer rotation was stopped and
the spun-on film was allowed to gel in the spin coater for
about 45 min ~gel formation takes between 10 and 20 min at
room temperature and the catalyst concentration used!. At
the end of the gelation stage, the wafer was transferred to a
petri dish containing an aging solution that consisted of a
mixture of ammonium hydroxide in ethanol. The ammonium
hydroxide was added to enhance gelation during aging. Before removing the film from the solvent saturated atmosphere, 2 ml of the aging solution was deposited onto the
gelled film through the lid of the spin coater to prevent premature drying of the film during the transfer. The petri dish
containing the film and the aging solution was then placed in
an oven held at 40 °C. Aging times were varied between 30
min and 24 h.
After the aging step, a surface modification ~silylation!
procedure was performed to replace the unconverted surface
silanol groups with unreactive methyl groups. The pore solvent, ethanol, was also exchanged with hexane during this
step. Hexane has a lower surface tension than ethanol and
exerts lower capillary pressure during drying, leading to reduced shrinkage and cracking. The silylation was effected by
immersing the aged film in a solution of hexane and TMCS
for 60 min. The amount of TMCS in hexane was varied from
1% to 12%.
The surface modified films were then dried in a furnace
with either air or dried nitrogen as the environment. The
drying temperature was set between 50 and 450 °C. The furnace ramp rate was held constant at 1 °C per minute.
Film characterization: The thickness and refractive index
~RI! of the films were measured by ellipsometry at a wavelength of 632.8 nm and an angle of 70°. Since ellipsometry
reports a cyclic film thickness, an interferometer and a stylus
profilometer were used to obtain an estimate of the film
thickness and set the ellipsometric period.
Infrared spectroscopy ~ATR FTIR! was performed on
these films to check for bound and adsorbed water. The measurements were performed under atmospheric conditions.
Transmission infrared spectra of the films also enabled important information to be obtained on the structure and composition of the films before and after drying. The sample
preparation for the transmission Fourier transform infrared
~FTIR! measurements involved scraping a film off the substrate, mixing the scraped off powder with potassium bromide, and preparing a transparent pellet. Since potassium
bromide is hygroscopic, its spectra was subtracted from that
of the combined spectra to yield the bare film spectra.
Field emission scanning electron microscopy ~SEM!
cross-sectional images of the films were obtained to provide
JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures
an estimate of the average pore size, the pore size distribution, and the size of the largest pore in the sample observed.
Xerogels films were prepared on highly doped, p type,
^100& silicon wafers ~resistivity 0.005–0.02 V cm! to measure the dielectric constant electrically. One hundred nanometers of thermal oxide was grown on the surface of these
wafers prior to xerogel deposition. After deposition of the
xerogel films, the wafers were capped with 100 nm of
PECVD TEOS oxide. Metal dots ~0.2–0.7 cm diam! were
evaporated onto the films in an e-beam evaporator through a
shadow mask. A blanket layer of Al was also deposited on
the backside of the wafer to act as a second contact. The
capacitance of the sandwich structure was measured using an
impedance analyzer and the capacitance of the xerogel film
was calculated based on the capacitors-in-series model. The
value of the capacitance of the oxide layer, was measured
separately using an identical structure.
A. Refractive index, xerogel porosity, and xerogel
dielectric constant
Several correlations exist which relate measured values of
the refractive index to the porosity and dielectric constant of
porous bodies. Henning and Svensson ~HS!16 use volume
average definitions for the density and refractive index of
xerogels to relate the two:
h gelV tot5 h SiO2V SiO21 h air@ V tot2V SiO2# ,
r gelV tot5 r SiO2V SiO21 r airV air .
Assuming r air'0, h air'1 and with h SiO251.45 and r SiO2
52.19 g/cm3, the refractive index, h gel , and porosity, p gel ,
are given by
h gel5120.21r gel ,
p gel512
r gel 1.452 h gel
r SiO2
Other relations exist for correlating the refractive index to
the porosity of a porous body.17 The Maxwell–Garnett ~MG!
approximation for the xerogel is given by
N 2gel21
N 2gel12
2N 2air
5 f SiO2 2
N SiO 12N 2air
where N i are the complex refractive indices of the xerogel,
SiO2 and air. f SiO2 is the volume fraction of inclusions which
we take as being SiO2. The effective medium approximation
~EMA! is given by the following equation:
2N 2gel
N 2air2N 2gel
f SiO2 2
air 2
N SiO 12N 2gel
N air12N 2gel
For a film of refractive index 1.1, the Maxwell–Garnet,
effective medium, and empirical correlation of HS yield a
porosity of 0.76, 0.77, and 0.78, respectively. All of these
values are in good agreement so, in principle, any correlation
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
could be used. In this work we use the correlation given by
Henning and Svensson16 since this was developed specifically for the case of xerogel films and shown to apply experimentally. We should mention that none of these correlations include the effect of surface water or trimethylsilyl
groups. These groups are present in such small quantities
that they would not affect our refractive index measurements
and hence our estimates of porosity. Their presence does
affect the dielectric constant measurements at 1 MHz as we
will show in Fig. 3.
Hrubesh, Keene, and Lattorre18 also obtained empirical
correlations for relating the dielectric properties of silica
aerogels to their density and hence, the refractive index.
They measured the complex relative permittivity ~dielectric
constant! of bulk aerogel samples with and without ‘‘significant moisture content.’’ The presence of residual water is
reported to contribute to a 7% increase in the measured dielectric constant of these bulk samples when compared to
samples that were calcined to remove the bound water. The
dielectric constant measurements were made using a ‘‘cavity
perturbation’’ technique, which relates the shift in the resonant frequency of an air filled microwave cavity upon introduction of an aerogel sample, to its dielectric constant. Based
on their experiments, Hrubesh, Keene, and Lattorre,18 obtain
the following correlation for bulk aerogels:
e gel5117.1~ h gel21 !
calcined aerogels, no moisture,
e gel5117.7~ h gel21 !
as prepared aerogels,
applicable for aerogels with a porosity in the range between
73% and 99.5%.
The results obtained from our direct measurements of the
dielectric constant using the metal–insulator–semiconductor
sandwich structure are shown in Fig. 2 and in Table I. The
dielectric constant ~measured at 1 MHz! for the film is obtained from the slope of the best fit line. Figure 3 shows how
the dielectric constant varies with porosity. The porosity was
calculated from measured values of the refractive index using Eqs. ~6! and ~7!. The measured values of the dielectric
constants were 2.0 or lower as expected for ‘‘dry’’ films of
porosity greater than 70%. The porosity of these films was
controlled by the extent of surface modification and aging.
The higher porosity films were treated with higher concentrations of TMCS. This may explain why the dielectric constant data are better represented by Eq. ~11! at low porosity
and by Eq. ~10! at higher porosity. At higher porosity, we
have less bound water in the films. Chow et al.19 also report
values for the dielectric constant of a cured film that ranged
from 2.5 when measured in an inert atmosphere to 4.5 when
measured in the ambient air. They explain this as a result of
moisture absorption. Since all our films were tested under
ambient conditions ~;40% relative humidity! and we observe low dielectric constants, we must have a negligible
amount of moisture in the films and this is confirmed by our
FTIR spectra.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1999
FIG. 2. Capacitance measurement of xerogel film.
B. Xerogel IR features
Figure 4 shows a typical transmission FTIR spectra of a
silica xerogel film. The main peak at 1080 cm21 is associated
with the transverse optical vibration mode corresponding to
the asymmetric stretching of the intertetrahedral oxygen atoms in the Si–O–Si linkage.20,21 The relative intensity of
this peak compared to densified glasses or sol-gels, suggests
that the compressive stress in the sample is low, and that the
silica network is comparatively stiff.20
The peak centered around 1200 cm21 that appears as a
shoulder at the high frequency end of the 1080 cm21 peak
has been attributed to the corresponding longitudinal optical
~LO! vibration mode21 of the Si–O–Si linkage. Though light
was incident normal to the sample, Almeida and Pantano21
explain the appearance of the LO shoulder as scattering due
to the porous nature of the samples.
The peaks between 875 and 950 cm21 in Fig. 4 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of Si–OH or Si–O2 groups.
These absorptions are very strong and since these peak are
relatively small, there is little or no moisture in the sample.
This conclusion is supported by the absence of a Si–OH
shoulder on the low frequency end of the 1080 cm21 peak,
and the absence of any OH stretching peaks around 3400–
3600 cm21. The relative absence of water is confirmed by
the electrical, dielectric constant measurements shown in
Fig. 3.
TABLE I. Xerogel film properties used in dielectric constant measurements.
Process variables
Aging time ~h!
constant ~k!
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
FIG. 3. Dielectric constant vs porosity.
The peaks centered around 2980 and 1295 cm21 are associated with the C–H and the Si–CH3 stretching vibrations,
respectively. The C–H vibrations can arise either from residual ethoxy groups due to incomplete hydrolysis, or from
the methyl groups introduced during silylation. However, the
presence of the peak is mainly due to the methyl groups
present on the surface after silylation. Figures 5 and 6 show
comparative FTIRs of xerogels formed using 1% TMCS in
hexane and 10% TMCS in hexane during the surface modification step. Figure 6 highlights the C–H stretching region.
As the extent of silylation is increased, the C–H stretching
peak at 2980 cm21 intensifies proportionally indicating that
the height of this peak is due to the presence of the methyl
groups on the surface, not unreacted silane. Figure 5 shows a
similar increase in the Si–CH3 stretching peak at 1295 cm21.
FIG. 5. Transmission FTIR of xerogel films with different TMCS loadings.
10% TMCS processed film is more porous.
shape. Analyzing the SEM pictures shows that the average
pore size is in a range between 10 and 20 nm and that the
average particle size is also about 20 nm. The films also
appear isotropic and have no ‘‘large’’ pores ~.100 nm!. Our
pore size estimates reflect only those pores that are visible in
the images. Unlike BET measurements, we have no access to
the micropores that may exist within our individual particles.
A full adsorption study would be required to determine the
actual pore size distribution.
C. SEM analysis of xerogel films
Figure 7 shows high resolution SEM fracture images of a
xerogel film that is 78% porous. The film is composed of a
collection of bonded particles that are largely spherical in
FIG. 4. ATR-FTIR spectrum of a typical xerogel film.
JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures
FIG. 6. Transmission FTIR of xerogel films with different TMCS loadings.
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
FIG. 8. Film thickness and refractive index of xerogel films as a function of
aging time.
FIG. 7. Cross-sectional, fracture SEMs of 78% porous xerogel film; ~a!
magnification: 25 0003; ~b! magnification: 100 0003.
D. Processing results
Aging the film helps reduce shrinkage and cracking because it strengthens and stiffens the network and enables it to
withstand the capillary pressures better during the drying
stage.1 At the pH of 10, used in these experiments, and with
all other processing parameters held constant, the refractive
index of the gels decreases with an increase in aging time as
shown in Fig. 8. This implies that as the aging time is increased, the gels retain more of the porosity developed during gelation. Strengthening of the network is also assisted by
coarsening during the drying stage. Coarsening helps to reduce the interfacial area and causes the growth of necks between particles due to dissolution and reprecipitation.1 Neck
growth stiffens and strengthens the gel network and the reduction in interfacial area reduces the capillary pressures developed during drying.1 Thus, during aging, both continued
polymerization as well as coarsening contribute towards
minimizing shrinkage.
Corresponding to the increase in porosity, we also expect
a decrease in shrinkage of the final gel films. As shown in
Fig. 8, the thickness of the films increases with an increase in
aging time. Each data point in the figure corresponds to a
separate film. These results are consistent with those observed by Prakash, Brinker, and Hurd,2 using dip coated
films. However, in dip-coated films, aging is controlled by
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1999
the withdrawal speed and the chemical reactions leading to
coarsening occur predominantly in the extended meniscus
that exists above the sol pool. Since dissolution, reprecipitation, and solvent evaporation/condensation are all functions
of interfacial curvature, the high curvature gradients, and
evaporation/condensation processes in the extended meniscus make the process difficult to control. By contrast, the
spin coating technique separates deposition from aging. No
bulk curvature gradients exist in the film and aging takes
place uniformly over the wafer.
The effects of increasing the extent of silylation on the
refractive index and the film thickness are shown in Fig. 9.
The role of the organosilane is to cap off the reactive terminal hydroxyl groups with organic ligands that are unable to
participate in further condensation reactions. As the gels are
treated with higher concentrations of silylating agent, they
become thicker and more porous. This trend continuous until
an optimum is reached at around 8% TMCS in hexane for
the contact time used here. We observe an increase in refractive index beyond a TMCS concentration of 8%. One possible explanation for this observation is that the methyl molecules begin filling up some of the pore space. The FTIR
spectra shown in Figs. 5 and 6 indicate that as the films are
treated with higher concentrations of TMCS, more trimethylsilyl groups are introduced. Prakash, Brinker, and Hurd
observe a similar relationship between porosity and silylation
in dip coated, ambient dried films.2,3 For their processing
conditions, the optimum concentration of TMCS was 6%.
In Fig. 10, the effect of drying temperature on the refractive index and film thickness is shown. Two films were processed under identical conditions. One was dried in dry N2
and the other in ambient air. The refractive index and film
thickness are independent of temperature until about 450 °C.
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
FIG. 11. Transmission FTIR of film dried to 450 °C.
FIG. 9. Film thickness and refractive index of xerogel films as a function
TMCS concentration used in the silylation step.
At that temperature there is a slight increase in porosity as
evidenced by the decrease in refractive index. We also observe from Fig. 10 that the effect of annealing on film thickness is very slight. Figure 11 is a FTIR spectra of the film
dried at 450 °C. The – CH3 peak is effectively absent indicating that the methyl groups have decomposed during the
450 °C anneal. This could also explain the decrease in refractive index at this temperature.
FIG. 10. Film thickness and refractive index of xerogel films as a function of
drying temperature. Two samples processed under identical conditions were
used. One was dried in air and the other in dried N2.
JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures
The effect of increasing the water to silane ratio of the
initial sol is shown in Fig. 12. As the water to silane ratio of
the sol increases, the refractive index of the film produced
from that sol increases. As we increase the water to silane
ratio in the starting sol, the overall rates of the hydrolysis and
condensation reactions increase. This increased reaction rate
leads to denser initial clusters, increased condensation during
aging and drying, and an overall denser film. The leveling
off in refractive index as R increases coincides with the fact
that stochiometrically, only 2 moles of water per mole of
TEOS are required for complete hydrolysis. It also demonstrates that there are no mass transfer limitations resulting
FIG. 12. Refractive index of the xerogel films as a function of the initial
water to silane ratio used in the sol formulation.
Nitta et al.: Surface modified spin-on xerogel films
from incomplete mixing. Using excess water in the sol decreases the process time. However, it makes control of the
thickness and uniformity of the films more difficult and also
requires the use of extra capping agent to remove the added
bound water locked in the Si–OH groups.
Xerogel films can be fabricated with extremely low dielectric constants ~,2.0! and can also be manufactured to be
thick ~.1.0 mm!, hydrophobic, and thermally stable. Hence,
they are attractive candidates as interlayer dielectrics. The
spin-coating process decouples the deposition and drying
steps making uniform xerogel films with controlled properties possible. Saturating the atmosphere of the spin coater
with the solvent prevents premature drying and shrinkage of
the xerogel films and is critical to this decoupling process.
Aging strengthens the gel network so that it can withstand
the capillary forces during drying. The longer a gel is allowed to age, the more of its original porosity it retains upon
drying and the lower its dielectric constant. Silylation of the
xerogel films prior to drying inhibits the condensation reactions during the drying stage by replacing many of the free
surface hydroxyl groups with inert methyl groups. This procedure ensures that the films contain minimal bound water
and the procedure also renders the films much more resistant
to moisture absorption from the environment. An optimum
extent of silylation exists. Too much surface modification
results in lower porosities and higher dielectric constants as
the pores get filled with organic moieties. FTIR analysis of
the xerogel films demonstrates that there is very little water
present and gives important clues to their composition and
structure. This also is corroborated by electrical measurements of the dielectric constant. Both the electrical and optical dielectric constant measurements are in good agreement.
Some of the authors ~S.V.N., J.L.P., and P.C.W., Jr.! were
supported by the Department of Energy under Grant No.
DE-FG02-89ER14045.A000. Any opinions, finding, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
view of the DOE. Some of the authors ~W.N.G., V.P., and
A.J.! were supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation under Contract No. SRC-450-96. The authors also
wish to thank Motorola for obtaining the FTIR spectra of our
films shown in Fig. 4 and the Dow Chemical Company for
their assistance in obtaining key SEM photographs of our
films shown in Fig. 7.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1999
f air
f SiO2
V SiO2
V tot
e gel
h air
h gel
h SiO2
p gel
r air
r gel
r SiO2
capacitance of dielectric ~farad!
volume fraction of air
volume fraction of SiO2
resistivity of metal ~V m!
hydrolysis ratio
resistance of metal ~V!
volume of SiO2 ~m3!
total volume ~m3!
dielectric constant
dielectric constant of the xerogel
refractive index of air
refractive index of the xerogel
refractive index of SiO2
porosity of the xerogel
density of air ~kg/m3!
density of the xerogel ~kg/m3!
density of SiO2 ~kg/m3!
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