(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
Road Traffic Accidents Injury Data Analytics
Mohamed K Nour1
Atif Naseer2
Basem Alkazemi3
Muhammad Abid Jamil4
College of Computer and
Information Systems
Umm Al-Qura University
Science and Technology Unit
Umm Al-Qura University
College of Computer and
Information Systems
Umm Al-Qura University
College of Computer and
Information Systems
Umm Al-Qura University
Abstract—Road safety researchers working on road accident
data have witnessed success in road traffic accidents analysis
through the application data analytic techniques, though, little
progress was made into the prediction of road injury. This
paper applies advanced data analytics methods to predict injury
severity levels and evaluates their performance. The study uses
predictive modelling techniques to identify risk and key factors
that contributes to accident severity. The study uses publicly
available data from UK department of transport that covers the
period from 2005 to 2019. The paper presents an approach which
is general enough so that can be applied to different data sets from
other countries. The results identified that tree based techniques
such as XGBoost outperform regression based ones, such as ANN.
In addition to the paper, identifies interesting relationships and
acknowledged issues related to quality of data.
addition, the paper aims to apply machine learning models
to enable more accurate predictions. Hence, the compares
the performance of several machine learning algorithms in
predicting the accident injury severity. In particular, the paper
applies logistic regression, support vector machines, decision
trees, random forest , XGBoost and artificial neural network
models. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
II introduces some previous works. Section III shows the
methodology used in this work, Section IV describes the data
management and the patterns of traffic accident data. Section
V shows the results and analysis of the all the approached
used in this work. Section VI gives the conclusions and future
Keywords—Traffic Accidents Analytics (RTA); data mining;
machine learning; XGBOOST
Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is an unexpected event that
unintentionally occurs on the road which involves vehicle
and/or other road users that causes casualty or loss of property.
Over 90% the world’s fatalities on roads occur in low and
middle income countries which account for only 48% of
world’s registered vehicles [1]. The financial loss, which is
about US$518 billion, is more than the development assistance
allocated for these countries. While developed rich nations
have stable or declining road traffic death rates through coordinated correcting efforts from various sectors, developing
countries are still losing 1–3% of their gross national product
(GNP) due to the endemic of traffic casualties. World Health
Organization (WHO) fears, unless immediate action is taken,
road crash will rise to the fifth leading cause of death by 2030,
resulting in an estimated 2.4 million fatalities per year [1].
Thus, measures to reduce crashes based on in-depth understanding of the underlying causes are of great interest for
researchers.The 21st century has been seeing a rapid growth of
road motorisation due to rapid increase of population, massive
urbanisation, and increased mobility of the modern society,
risks of road traffic fatality (RTF) may also become higher and
RTA can also be assumed as a “modern epidemic”. This paper
presents an analytic framework to predict accident severity
for road traffic accidents [1]. Past research on road traffic
accidents analysis had mainly relied on statistical methods
such as linear and Poisson regression. This paper presents an
analytic framework to predict accident severity for road traffic
accidents. In particular, the paper addresses issues related to
data preprocessing and preparation such as data aggregation,
transformation, feature engineering and imbalanced data. In
Mehdizadeh et al. [2] presented a comprehensive review on
data analytic methods in road safety. Analytics models can be
grouped into two categories: predictive or explanatory models
that attempt to understand and quantify crash risk and (b)
optimization techniques that focus on minimizing crash risk
through route/path-selection and rest-break scheduling. Their
work presented a publicly available data sources and descriptive analytic techniques (data summarization, visualization, and
dimension reduction) that can be used to achieve safer-routing
and provide code to facilitate data collection/exploration by
practitioners/researchers. The paper also reviewed the statistical and machine learning models used for crash risk modelling.
Hu et al. [3] categorized the optimization and prescriptive
analytic models that focus on minimizing crash risk. Ziakopoulos et al. [4] critically reviewed the existing literature on
different spatial approaches that include dimension of space in
its various aspects in their analyses for road safety. Moosavi
et al. [5] identified weaknesses with road traffic accidents
research which include: small-scale datasets, dependency on
extensive set of data, and being not applicable for real time
purposes. The work proposed a data collection technique with
a deep- neural-network model called Deep Accident Prediction( DAP); The results showed significant improvements to
predict rare accident events. Zagorodnikh et al.[6] developed
an information system that displays the accidents concentration
on electronic terrain map automatically mode for Russian RTA
to help simplifying the RTA analysis.
Kononen et al. [7] analysed the severity of accidents
occurred in United States using logistic regression model.
They reported performance 40% and 98%, for sensitivity
and specificity respectively. Also, they identified the most
important predictors for injury level are: change in velocity,
seat belt use, and crash direction.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are one of the data
mining tools and non-parametric techniques in which researchers have analysed the severity of accidents and injuries
among those involved in such crashes. Delen et al. [8] applied
a ANNs to model the relationships between injury severity
levels and crash related factors. They used US crash data with
16 attributes. The work identified four factors that influence
the injury level: seat belt, alcohol or drug use, age, gender,
and vehicle.
the analysis cost. Data Analysis use multiple machine learning
algorithms to get the insight of data. The data analysis is very
crucial for any organization as it provides the detailed information about the data and is helpful in certain decision making
and predictions about the business. Data can be presented in
various forms depending on the type of data being used. The
data can be shown into organized tables, charts, or graphs. Data
presentation is very important for business users as it provides
the results from the analysis of data in a visual format.
Naseer et al. [9] introduces a deep learning based traffic
accident analysis method. They highlighted deep learning
techniques to build prediction and classification models from
the road accident data.
One of the most important tasks for road risk analysis and
modelling is to predict accident severity level. This paper looks
at building predictive model for accident severity level and
investigate the process of constructing a classification model
to predict accident severity level, in particular the study:
Sharma et al. [10] applied support vector machines with
different Gaussian kernel functions for crash to extract important features related to accident occurrence. The paper
compared neural network with support vector machines. The
paper reported that SVMs are superior on accuracy. However,
the SVMs method has the same disadvantages of ANN in
traffic accident severity predication as mentioned earlier
Meng et al. [11] used XGBoost to predict accidents using
road traffic accident data from multiple sources. They used
historical data along with weather and traffic data. Schlogl et
al. [12] performed multiple experiments to proof that XGBoost
performs better as compared to several machine learning
Ma et al. [13] proposed the XGBoost based framework
which analysed the relationship between collision, time and environmental and spatial factors and fatality rate. Results show
that the proposed method has the best modelling performance
compared with other machine learning algorithms. The paper
identified eight factors that have impact on traffic fatality.
Cuenca et al. [14] compared the performance of Naive Bayes,
Deep Learning and Gradient Boosting to predict the severity
of injury for Spanish road accidents. Their work reported that
Deep Learning outperform other methods
The methodology adopted in this paper is shown in Fig. 1.
The first step for data analytics process is data collection which
is regarded as the primary building block for successful data
analysis project. There are many data sources like sensors,
visual data through cameras, and IoT and mobile devices
which captures data in different formats and need to be
stored realtime or offline. In addition, data collected from
different authorities related to traffic volume, accident details
and demographic information. The storage can be on the local
servers or on cloud. The key of data management pyramid
is data preprocessing. The data acquired from the storage
locations cannot be used as it is. It requires preprocessing
before performing any analysis. The acquired data may include
missing information that needed to rectify as well as many
information needed to be removed due to duplication. The
preprocessing may involve the data transformation as it helps
in data normalization, attribute selection, discretization, and
hierarchy generation. Data reduction maybe required on the
large scale of data as the analysis of a huge amount of data is
harder. Data reduction increases the efficiency of storage and
Presents the data management framework. This is
followed by discussion on how the data was prepared
prior to modelling. This includes pre-processing and
data cleansing. This section is presented in the Data
Management Framework section
Identifies gaps in the RTAs predictive modelling techniques. This section gives brief background on each
technique used in this paper and presents prior work
in road traffic accident prediction together with with
data requirements and recorded performance results.
This topic is presented in the Data Analysis section
Build prediction models. This section begins by stating
performance metrics then followed by data used. Then
compares classifiers in particular; logistic regression,
support vector machines, neural networks, decision
trees, random forest and Extreme gradient boosting
tree (XGboost) . In this section, the unbalanced class
distribution is investigated to see their impact on injury
severity during accidents. This is presented in the
results section
A. Data Collection
The data comprises publicly available data from UK government which spans the period of 2005 to 2019 [15]. Although the UK department of transport provide data from 1979,
it was reported the data collected from 2005 onwards are more
accurate and contains less missing data. The records shows
information on road traffic collisions that involve personal
injury occurring on public roads which have been reported
to the police. Data is collected by the authorities at scene
of an accident or, in some cases, reported by a member of
the public at a police station, then processed and passed on
to the authorities. Data includes, 2 million unique collisions,
with x, y space coordinates available. Data related to traffic
flow is and information about all UK network roads and local
authorities are also available separately. The dataset contains
a single entry for each accident with 33 attributes (features).
The attributes can be grouped by geography, accident-focused,
weather, time . Data Related to vehicles involved with the
accidents is stored in separate file with 16 attributes. Data
related to casualty involved with the accident is stored in 23
fields file. The relation between these three files is one to many,
i.e one accident row can contain many casualty rows and many
vehicle rows with the accident index is the linking field.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
Fig. 1. Proposed Methodology
The severity in any accident is the most important feature
to analyze the injury pattern. According to the WSDOT [16],
the severity level during the accidents are measured using
the KABCO scale, which uses the parameters: fatal (K),
incapacitating-injury (A), non-incapacitating injury (B), minor
injury (C), and property damage only (PDO or O)).
In this work, we divided the accidents into three categories
i.e. Fatal (where the death occurs within 30 days of accident),
Serious injury (where the person requires hospital treatment)
and Slight injury (where the person not required any medical
In this project the data is stored in relation database. In
future work however, the relational data first will be denormalized then transformed into Hadoop key-value records
B. Data Preprocessing
Different data preprocessing and cleaning methods were
applied to the data. Data pre preprocessing involve many
tasks and techniques. This include: dealing with missing value,
outlier or anomaly detection, feature selection. A key stage in
the data analytic is the selection of data. Data needs to be of
good quality and clean.
Data quality considerations include accuracy, completeness
and consistency [17]. In addition data volume is important as
well. Data should be large enough to be of value in predictive
modelling. It must be split into training, test and validation
subset in order to evaluate the model. The following data
preprocessing steps were applied to the data in order to make
the data ready for analysis and machine learning algorithms:
Most machine learning methods require the data to
be in either binary or numeric format. However, in
real life data sources include category attributes such
road type, casualty class. All category attributes will
be converted into numeric values.
Numeric values differ in ranges. To avoid bias to large
numeric values all numeric values will be normalized
to values between 0 and 1
Records with missing values will be removed.
Date field will create several relate fields such as
month, year and week.
Determine less quality attributes. Attributes with more
than 70% missing values will be removed.
Calculate the correlation between severity level and all
other attributes. Attributes with high correlation values
will be removed as well as attributes with very low
correlation values.
Create fields related to easting and northing to create
zones for accidents instead of specific location. The
threshold value for zone level is 1km2 .
One of the issues that faces building analytic models
for crash severity, is the imbalance of data [18] where the
occurrence fatality which is infrequent or rare event compared to no or minor injury accidents. Due to the extreme
imbalance of accident data most algorithms will not produce
good predictive models and perform poorly will likely missclassify the fatal accidents as it is not prevalent in the dataset
[19]. For imbalanced data sets such as traffic accidents data,
sampling techniques can help improve classifier accuracy [19].
Two sampling techniques; undersampling and oversampling
techniques will be discussed below.
Under sampling is used to adjust the class distribution of
a dataset in favour of the minority class. With undersampling,
the majority class is reduced or under sampled [17] and
randomly eliminates data from the majority class until both
classes match. Oversampling is a technique used in data mining
to adjust the class distribution of a dataset in favour of the
majority class [18]. Oversampling, on the other hand, the
minority class increased or over sampled until the size meets
that of the majority class. However, these techniques require
specialised skill and it can take a significant time-frame to
identify the best sample.
In this study, we need to apply feature selection task on
the dataset. The dataset is preprocessed as specified in Tables
I, II and III. The Table I shows the features with respect to
accidents, Table II shows all features of vehicles, while the
Table III highlights the features with respect to casualty with
their type. The tables also shows the preprocessing on the
features so that some features excludes from the list while
some of them adjusted with scale.
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Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
Variable Name
Accident Index
Police Force
Accident Severity
Number of Vehicles
Number of Casualties
Day of Week
Time (HH:MM)
Location Easting
OSGR (Null if not known)
Location Northing
OSGR (Null
if not known)
(Null if not known)
(Null if not known)
Local Authority
Local Authority
(Highway Authority
- ONS code)
1st Road Class
Link field
from 1-98
1 Fatal
2 Serious
3 Slight
1 TO 7
Split into Moth,
Year and Week, weekend Weekday
Split into Rush hours
and Non Rush Hours
Remove Last two dists
and scale
Remove Last two dists
and scale
1 to 941
208 Items
1 to 6
1 to 12
Junction Detail
0 TO 9
0 TO 4
2nd Road Class
0 TO 6
2nd Road Number
Pedestrian CrossingHuman Control
Pedestrian CrossingPhysical Facilities
Light Conditions
Weather Conditions
1 to 9
Road Surface
Special Conditions
at Site
Carriageway Hazards
Urban or Rural Area
Did Police Officer
Attend Scene of
0 london 1 otherwise
1st Road Number
Road Type
Speed limit
Junction Control
( unique in accidents)
0 TO 2
0 TO 8
1 TO 7
1 to 7
0 motoryway,
1 othewise
1 motoryway
0 no juntion,
1 otherwise
0 no junction control,
1 otherwise
0 motoryway,
1 othewise
0 no pedestrain crossing,
1 otherwise
0 no pedestrain crossing,
1 otherwise
0 daylight 1 otherwise
0 good conditions,
1 otherwise
Variable Name
0 TO 8
( unique accident, one or more vehicle)
(unique vehicle & one or more casualty)
0 car 1 otherwise
0 no towing, 1 otherwise
0 reversing,1 otherwise
0 on main c way,
1 otherwise
0 no juntion, 1 otherwise
0 TO 5
0 no skidding, 1 otherwise
0 TO 12
0 no object, 1 otherwise
0 TO 8
0 not leaving, 1 otherwise
Accident Index
Link field
Vehicle Reference
Link field
Vehicle Type
Towing and Articulation
Vehicle Manoeuvre
Vehicle LocationRestricted Lane
Junction Location
Skidding and
Hit Object in
Vehicle Leaving
Hit Object off
1st Point of Impact
Was Vehicle Left
Hand Drive
Journey Purpose
of Driver
Sex of Driver
Age Band of Driver
Engine Capacity
Vehicle Propulsion
Age of Vehicle
Driver IMD Decile
Driver Home
Area Type
1 TO 113
1 TO 5
1 TO 18
0 TO 10
0 TO 4
0 not object off c way,
1 otherwise
0 no impact, 1 otherwise
1 TO 2
0 right hand, 1 otherwise
1 TO 6
0 work, 1 otherwise
1 TO 3
1 TO 11
0 male, 1 otherwise
1 TO 10
0 Petrol, 1 otherwise
0 TO 11
0 TO 10
0 deprived 1 othewise
1 TO 3
0 deprived 1 othewise
0 dry, 1 otherwise
0 to 7
1 to 3
1 TO 3
0 attend, 1 otherwise
0 to 7
no special conditions,
no hazard, 1 otherwise
urban, 1 otherwise
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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the relationship between a response variable and one or
more explanatory variables. Logistic regression is a maximumlikelihood method that has been used in hundreds of studies
of crash outcome.Traditionally, statistical regression models
are developed in highway safety studies to associate crash
frequency with the most significant variables. The logistic
regression is a special case of the generalized linear model
(GLM), which generalizes the ordinary linear regression by
allowing the linear model to be related with a response variable
that follows the exponential family via an appropriate link
function. Logistic regression can be binomial or multinomial.
The binomial logistic regression model has the following form:
Variable Name
Accident Index
Link field
Vehicle Reference
Link field
Casualty Reference
Link field
Casualty Class
Sex of Casualty
Age Band of Casualty
1 TO 3
1 TO 2
Casualty Severity
1 TO 3
Pedestrian Location
Pedestrian Movement
Car Passenger
Bus or Coach
Pedestrian Road
Worker (From 2011)
Casualty Type
Casualty IMD Decile
Casualty Home
Area Type
1 TO 10
1 TO 9
0 TO 2
0 TO 4
0 TO 2
0 TO 113
0 TO 10
1 TO 3
( unique accident,
one or more casualty )
(unique in casualty table)
(unique in vehicle
and one or more in casualty )
0 driver, 1 otherwise
0 male, 1 otherwise
(0 fatal , 1 otherwise)
0 crossing,1 otherwise
0 crossing,1 otherwise
0 passenger, 1 otherwise
0 bus or coach passenger,
1 otherwise
p(y|x, w) = Ber(y|sigm(wT x))
where w and x are extended vectors, i.e.,
0 road worker,
1 otherwise
w = (b, w1, w2, ..., wD ), x = (1, x1, x2, ..., xD ).
0 pedestrain 1 otherwise
0 deprived 1 othewise
0 urban 1 otherwise
C. Data Analysis
Methods for traffic accident prediction can be broadly
classified into three categories, namely statistical models, machine learning and analytics approaches, and simulation-based
methods [17]. In this research we will concentrate on machine
learning approaches.
Machine learning is a broad concept, which include supervised
learning and unsupervised techniques. Supervised learning
techniques include:artificial neural networks and its variations (Deep Learning, self-organised map), support vector machine (SVM), decision trees, Bayesian inference. Unsupervised
learning include: association rules and clustering techniques.
Unsupervised learning involves searching for previously unknown patterns or groupings. Usually these techniques work
without a prior target variable. Clustering and association rules
fall under this group of techniques. Supervised learning, on the
other hand, involves classification, prediction and estimation
techniques that contain a target variable. Classification is a
machine learning technique that assigns a class to an instance,
i.e. automatically assigning traffic accident to one predefined
class of severity. Prediction is similar to classification but
involve assigning a continuous value to an instance.
Supervised learning methods usually use two sets: a training
and test set. Training data is used for learning the model
and requires a primary group of labelled traffic accident. Test
set is used to measure the efficiency of the learned model
and includes labelled traffic accident instances, which do not
participate in learning classifiers.
This paper focuses on applying classification methods to
classify accident severity. Five techniques will be applied
and compared: (1) logistic regression models, (2) deep neural
networks, (3) support vector machines, (4) decision trees, (5)
extreme gradient boosting.
1) Logistic Regression: Regression models have become
an integral component of any data analysis concerned with
2) Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN) was build to imitate how the human brain works. It
is formed by creating a network of small processing units
called Neurons. Each neuron is very primitive, but the network
can achieve complex tasks such as pattern recognition, image
classification, and detection, natural language processing, etc.
Mathematically ANN can be looked like a type of regression
system that predicts and estimates new values from historical
records. ANN is able to estimate any non-linear functions
provided enough datasets were supplied for training the ANN.
The architecture of ANN is built with three layers:
Input Layer: This layer receives the feature for the
Hidden Layer: This layer consists of one or more
layers that identify the depth of the ANN. Each layer
is connected through nodes with weighted edges. The
performance of the model depends greatly on the
hidden layers and their connectivity with input and
output layers.
3) Support Vector Machines: Support Vector Machines
(SVMs) have been introduced as a new and novel machine
learning technique according to the statistical learning theory.
SVMs are used for classification and regression problems.
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) applied by SVM can be
superior to Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) since SRM
minimizes the generalization error.
The primal form of SVM for classification is:
H : y = f (x) = sign(wx + b)
For regression the SVM is represented as:
H : y = f (x) = wT x + b
4) Decision Trees: Decision trees are powerful data mining methods that can be used for classification and prediction.Decision trees represent rules, which are easy to interpret.
There are a multiple methods used in creating decision trees for
example: Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) and C4.5. Decision
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Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
trees are supervised learning methods. The decision trees
working mechanism is to divide the data data into training
and testing sets randomly.
Decision trees have high variance because the model yields
to different results. Namely, bagging and boosting. In Bagging
techniques, many decision trees build in parallel, form the base
learners of bagging technique.The sampled data is input to the
learners for training.
In boosting techniques, the trees are build sequentially
with fewer splits. Such small trees, which are not very deep,
are highly interpretable. The validation techniques like k-fold
helps in finding the optimal parameters which helps in finding
the optimal depth of the tree. Also, it is very important to
carefully stop the boosting criteria to avoid over-fitting.
5) eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost): XGBoost, a
scalable machine learning system for tree boosting which is
proofed very popular in machine learning competitions such
as kaggle and kdnuggests Most winning teams either utilize or
supplement their solution with XGBoost . This success can be
mainly attributed to the scalabitliy feature that is inherit inside
the algorithm. Scalabitliy is due to the optimized learning algorithm to work with sparse data,parrallisim and its utilitisation
of mutlithreading [20]. XGBoost is a boosting algorithm which
uses gradient descent optimization technique with a regulized
learning objective function. It has the following features:
Regularization: XGBoost prevents overfitting by using L1 and L2 regularization.
Weighted quantile sketch: Finding the split points is
core task of most decision tree algorithms. Their performance affected if the data is weighted. XGBoost
handles weighted data through a distributed weighted
quantile sketch algorithm.
Block structure for parallel learning: XGBoost utilizes multiple cores on the CPU using a block structure which part of its design. Data is sorted and stored
in in-memory units or blocks which enables the reuse
of data by iterations. This also useful for split finding
and column sub-sampling tasks.
Handling sparse data: Data can become sparse for
many reasons such as missing values or one-hot
encoding. XGBoost split finding algorithm can handle
different types of sparsity patterns in the data.
Cache awareness: In XGBoost, non-continuous memory access is required to get the gradient statistics
by row index. Hence, XGBoost has been designed
to make optimal use of hardware. This is done by
allocating internal buffers in each thread, where the
gradient statistics can be stored.
Out-of-core computing: This feature optimizes the
available disk space and maximizes its usage when
handling huge datasets that do not fit into memory.
D. Model Evaluation
Evaluation is a key stage in the data analytics that assesses
the predictive capability of the model and identify the model
which performs best [17]. Several techniques normally used
to evaluate classification models such as the confusion matrix,
receiver operator curve (ROC) and the area under the curve
(AUC). A confusion matrix shows the correct classifications
true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN) in addition to
incorrect classification false positives (FP), and false negatives
(FN) [21]. The accuracy is calculated from the confusion
matrix which gives the precision (percentage of data correctly
classified) and recall (percentage of data which are correctly labelled) values. The equations from 1-6 shows the performance
matrices formulas.
TP + TN + FP + FN
P recision =
Accuracy =
Recall =
F − measure =
2 ∗ Recall ∗ P recision
recall + precision
Using python, jupyter notebook and Scikit learn, pandas
and matplot data science libraries we have developed a workflow for processing the dataset and generate the corresponding
accident severity prediction models. It is composed of a
number of nodes, namely:
Dataset: contains the pre-processed data for the experiment
Explore Data: is an optional node to help in data
exploration and viewing some statistics about the data
before modelling.
Model: contains the algorithms that will be used for
model generation.
Apply: where the model is applied to the predictors
to generate the required results
Predictors: sample dataset for testing the prediction.
Prediction: the resulted table after applying the model
on the predictors.
The dataset we have used is the UK traffic accidents that
occurred between 2005-2019 obtained from UK department
of transport. The data comes in three different files:accidents,
casualties and vehicles in Tables I, II and III. Accidents index
field joins the three tables in a one to many relationship, with
one accident record corresponds to one or more casualties and
vehicle records. Casualty table has a field called Vehicle Reference links a particular casualty record with vehicle and driver
information record with the same accident index field. The
original dataset contains about 2M accidents, 2M casualties
and 5M Vehicles. The combined table resulted in records 3M
Data was explored using bar charts and histograms to look
for trends and patterns in the data. Examples of such graphs
are shown in Fig. 2, 3 and 4.
The following observations can be noted from the data:
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Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
Fig. 4. Accidents Day of the Week
Fig. 2. Accidents per Speed Zone
The resulting number of attributes used for model building is 48 features. Extra preprocessing was implemented on
category type attributes by encoding with 0 and 1 values.
Numeric and ordinal fields were scaled to remove bias due
to large values. Out of 3M records of accidents only 29K
were fatalities and 190K serious injuries. Serious and fatal
records are grouped into one class and slight injury was the
second class. This reduces the class imbalance together with
under sampling method will enables the models achieve better
Fig. 3. Accident Time of Day
Accident severity (more than 90% records with slight
Most crashes involve less than five cars with median
2 and mean 1.8.
Number of casualty range between 1 to 93 with mean
1.3 and median 1.
Accidents spread throughout the week with slight
increase of accidents in Thursdays.
Accidents spread throughout the day with slight increase at school return time during working days.
First road class 3 roads has maximum number of
accidents and single carriage ways roads and speed
limit 30 MPH.
Uncontrolled junctions has more accidents than other
types of accident.
Most accidents occur with fine weather conditions
with Dry road surface.
The date then cleaned from incomplete records. All records
with empty cells or value −1 were considered missing and
removed. Then a histogram diagram was created for each
column and non widespread columns were removed.
Bus or Coach P assenger
T owing and Articulation
V ehicle LocationRestricted Lane
st P oint ofI mpact
W as V ehicle Lef t Hand Drive?
st Road Class, st Road N umber
nd Road Class
nd Road N umber
P edestrian Crossing
Human Control
Special Conditions atS ite
The selected models for this experiment are: logistic regression, decision trees, random forest, neural networks and
XGBoost. Hyper parameter tuning was applied the methods.
The dataset was partitioned two parts, 70% for training and
30% as test data. The metrics used for evaluating the algorithms were: balanced accuracy which is usually used with
imbalanced data set. The balanced accuracy results is shown
Table IV and ROC curves are shown in Fig. 5.
Logistic Regression
Decision Trees
Support Vector Machines
Neural Networks
Random Forest
balanced accuracy
XGBoost and Random forest has shown better performance
than logistic regression and, support vector machine and neural
networks. This can be attributed to the nature of the modelling
task and the data used. Most attributes have category values
where decision trees based methods are reported to outperform
regression based methods. Although with high number of
dimensions decision trees based methods tend to affect its
performance, in this data these methods continue to outperform
linear and non linear classifiers. One downside is performance,
however, as the data size increases time increased to obtain
the results compared to logistic regression. In addition, further
investigations needed to be undertaken to compare the performance with rule based methods which are report to perform
well with categorical data.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
Fig. 5. ROC Curves for LR, SVM, ANN, DT, RF, XGBoost
The feature importance figure can be shown in Fig. 6. The
figure shows the top 20 attributes that has effect on severity
level. The top attribute is the casualty type which specify
whether the casualty was a pedestrian or a passenger. This
is followed by vehicle and area attributes. Although 66% of
accidents were in 30 miles speed limit , it appear from the
feature importance table that speed limit has less effect on the
injury type. This insight can help raod traffic authorities to
prioritise measures to reduce injury levels.
This paper presented a data analytic framework in which
UK traffic accidents data was analysed to established a model
for predicting injury severity. The paper used publicly available
data from 2005 to 2019 to build prediction models for injury
severity level. The paper has combined all attributes from
three data sources to analyse 63 attributes and it relation
with accident severity. The paper highlighted issues related
to data quality and imbalanced data and applied techniques to
tackle these issues. The paper compared performance between
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Vol. 11, No. 12, 2020
Fig. 6. Feature Importance
different machine learning techniques, XGBoost algorithm was
shown to outperform other techniques with higher accuracy
rate even with imbalanced data. Further work is suggested to
use parallel processing libraries and compare the performance
of rule based techniques and decision based techniques.
This work is supported by grant number 17-COM-1-010007,Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) of Umm al Qura
University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The authors would
like to express their gratitude for the support and generous
contribution towards pursuing research in this area
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