Molecular Microbiology (1993) 7(1), 131-140
Topology of PhoE porin: the 'eyelet' region
Marlies Struyve,^ Jan Visser,^ Henri6tte Adriaanse,^
Roland Benz^ and Jan Tommassen^'^*
^Department of Molecular Ceil Biology and ^Institute of
Biomembranes, University of Utrecht, Padualaan 8,
3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands.
^Lehrstuhl fur Bioteohnoiogie, Biozentrum der
Universtat Wurzburg, Am Hubland, D-8700 Wurzburg,
A model for the topology of the PhoE porin has been
proposed according to which the polypeptide
traverses the outer membrane sixteen times mostly as
amphipathic [3-sheets, thereby exposing eight loops at
the cell surface. Until now, no evidence has been
obtained for the surface exposure of the third loop.
Recently, the structure of porin of Rhodobacter
capsulatus has been determined. The proposed model
of PhoE is very similar to the structure of the R
capsulatus porin, which has an 'eyelet' region, extending into the interior of the pore. The proposed third
external loop of PhoE might form a similar 'eyelet'
region. To determine the location of the predicted third
external loop of PhoE, multiple copies of an oligonucleotide linker encoding an antigenic determinant
of VP1 protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV)
were inserted. All hybrid proteins were properly inserted in the outer membrane. The monoclonal antibody
MA11, directed against the linear FMDV epitope, was
able to bind only to intact cells expressing a hybrid
PhoE protein with at least three copies of the FMDV
epitope present. Antibiotic sensitivity tests and singlechannel conductance measurements revealed that
the insertions influenced the channel size. These
results are consistent with a location of the third loop
of PhoE within the pore channel.
Proteins with single or multiple transmembrane a-helices
are found in the plasma membrane of both prokaryotes
and eukaryotes, whereas the p-type structures seem to be
associated with the outer membranes of bacteria and
Received 4 August, 1992; revised and accepted 8 September 1992. *For
correspondence. Tel. (030) 532999; Fax (030) 513655.
mitochondria. Porins belong to the p-type structure (Kleffel et ai, 1985; Vogel and Jahnig, 1986) and constitute a
major class of integral membrane proteins in the outer
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Despite the fact
that they are integral membrane proteins, they lack
segments of hydrophobic amino acids long enough to
span the membrane. The porins are able to function in a
lipid environment by making barrels with an apolar external surface. To obtain more information about the molecular organization of these proteins, we use the phosphatelimitation-inducibte PhoE porin of Escheriohia coti K-12 as
a model.
The native structure of PhoE is a trimer. A topology
model for PhoE protein has been proposed in which the
potypeptide chain of each monomer traverses the outer
membrane 16 times, mostly as amphipathic t3-strands,
thereby exposing eight regions at the cell surface (van der
Ley et ai, 1986; Tommassen, 1988). These exposed
regions correspond with the hydrophilic peaks in the
hydrophilicity profile of PhoE and are most variable when
the PhoE sequence is compared with those of the related
E coli porins OmpF and OmpC or to those of the PhoE
proteins of other Enterobacteriaceae. Until now, evidence
has been obtained for the surface exposure of seven of
these regions. By using genetic approaches, including the
isolation of point mutants (Korteland ef ai. 1985; van der
Ley et ai, 1986), deletion (Agterberg ef a/., 1989) or
insertion (Agterberg etai, 1987; Bosch and Tommassen,
1987; Bosch et ai, 1989) mutagenesis and the construction of hybrid porins in which parts of PhoE were replaced
by the corresponding parts of OmpF or OmpC
fTommassen etai, 1984; 1985; van der Ley etai, 1987),
amino acid residues or PhoE segments were identified
that are part of the receptor-site for the PhoE-specific
phage TC45 or of the epitopes recognized by PhoE-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Since the phage-receptor site and the epitopes are suriace-exposed, the
identified amino acids and PhoE segments must be
surface-exposed. However, until now, no support
was found for surface exposure of the third loop. Of
all the postulated exposed loops, this one is the least
variable and also its hydrophilicity is less pronounced
(Tommassen, 1988).
Weiss ef al. (1991a.b) have recently determined the
three-dimensional structure of the porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus by X-ray diffraction analysis of porin
crystals. Like in the PhoE model, each monomer of this
132 M.Struyve eta\.
Third cell surface-eHposed region:
gly gly asp ser sec ala gin
Site-directed mutagenesis
gly gly gly ser ser ala gin
Linker insertion
gly qly aer gly M p l*u ^ly sar l«u ala qly aec aer
Fig. 1. Sequence of the relevant pan of the postulated third external loop
of PhoE prolein and the FMDV epitope. Piasmid pMS37 was created
after PCR-direcled site-specitic mutagenesis of pJP12 according to the
Experimental procedures wilh the mismatch oligonucleotide dGCGCCGAGGATCCGCCACCAAA- A 205bp Mlu\~Cla\ fragment containing the
mutation was subcloned in a W/ul-C/al-digested PhoE expression
vector pJP29 yielding a piasmid, pMS37, of 5.2kb. The mutant piasmid
contained only the desired substitutions. The numbers correspond to the
amino acid positions in the wild-lype PhoE protein. In the unique BamHI
restriction site of pMS37 two complementary 27-mer oligonucleotides,
coding tor ammo acids 144 to 150 of VP1 protein ot FMDV, were
inserted. A piasmid witfi a single copy ot the linker inserted was
designated pMS38. A new SamHI site appears al one end of the
insertion. The BamHI sites are underlined and in pMS38 the VP1 epitope
is shown in bold and the nucleotides from Ihe vector are boxed.
protein contains 16 antiparallel p-strands which form a
3-barrel. The upper barrel rim contains irregularly folded
chain segments; the largest of these regions, which is
located between the fifth and the sixth p-strand, is 44
residues long and runs into the inside of the barrel where it
defines the channel size and shape. This structure was
designated 'eyelet'. Recently, Jap etal. (1991) determined
the structure of PhoE porin by electron crystallography
and found a density region situated furthest away from the
symmetry axis, in contact with part of the wall and
extending across ttie entire length of the channel. These
results suggest that the PhoE porin may have a similar
'eyelet' as the R. capsulatus porin. Thus, the postulated
third external loop in the PhoE model could correspond to
the eyelet and could be important in determining the
channel size.
The aim of this study was to localize the postulated third
external loop of PhoE with respect to the membrane, using
a strategy originally developed by Charbit et al. (1986) in
their studies on the topology of outer membrane protein
LamB. After insertion of a viral epitope into sites of LamB
that were predicted to face the cell surface, it was
demonstrated that the epitope was recognized on intact
cells by virus-specific antibodies, which proved that the
corresponding LamB regions are indeed cell-surfaceexposed. Similarly, antigenic determinants of the VP1
protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) have
been inserted in several postulated external loops of PtioE
protein(Agterbergefa/., 1987,1990a). Consistent with the
proposed topology model of PhoE, the epitopes were
accessible for virus-specific mAbs at the cell surface in
intact cells.
In the present study, an antigenic determinant of VP1
protein of FMDV was inserted into the region between the
postulated fifth and sixth p-strand of PhoE protein.
Cell-surface-exposure of the corresponding region would
be expected to lead to the binding of a virus-specific mAb
to the surface of intact cells, expressing the hybrid protein.
Alternatively, if this region is embedded in the pore
channel, and thus important in determining the channel
size, the insertion would be expected to reduce the
channel opening.
Piasmid constructions
Site-directed mutagenesis was applied to create pMS37
with a unique BamH\ restriction site in the region coding
for the postulated third cell-surface-exposed loop of PhoE
protein (Fig. 1). The mutant PhoE protein encoded by this
piasmid contains a Gly residue at position 114 instead of
To create FMDV epitope insertions in PhoE, oligodeoxyribonucleotides coding for amino acids 144 to 150 of VP1
protein (Fig. 1) were ligated into BamHI-linearized pMS37.
The linker was inserted up to four times yielding pMS38,
pMS39, pMS50 and pMS51, respectively. For control
experiments, epitope insertions were also created in a
region of PhoE postulated to be at the periplasmic side of
the membrane. This was done by ligating the linker into the
unique SamHI site of pJP321 (Bosch etal., 1989), located
between the codons for amino acids 220 and 221 of PhoE.
The linker was inserted up to three times, yielding pMS66,
pMS67 and pMS68 (Table 1). Also pS2 encoding a
PhoE-FMDV hybrid protein with a tandem insertion of the
epitope in the eighth exposed loop of PhoE (Agterberg et
al., 1990a) was used in control expenments.
Expression of PhoE-FMDV hybrid proteins
To examine the expression of the mutant and hybrid
proteins, phoRphoE mutant strain CE1248 was transformed with the different plasmids. Cell envelopes were
isolated and their protein patterns were analysed by
SDS-PAGE (see for examples Fig. 2). As expected, the
electrophoretic mobility of the PhoE-FWDV hybrid
Topology of PhoE porin
Fig. 2, SDS-PAGE protein patterns ot cell envelopes from plasmid
containing derivatives of strain CE1248 after overnight growth at SZX.
Plasmids present were pJP29 (wt PhoE), pMS37 (Asp-IM - - Gly-114),
pMS38(1x FMDV), pMS39(2x FMDV), pMS50 (3x FMDV) and pMS51
(4x FMDV). Only the relevant part of the gel is shown. The positions ot
OmpA, PhoE, PhoE-FMDV hybrids and OmpT are indicated.
proteins was reduced compared with the wild-type PhoE
protein and the pMS37-encoded mutant protein carrying
the Asp-114 to Gly substitution. Aftergrowth at 37*'C, the
expression of the hybrid proteins with more than two
copies of the FMDV epitope inserted at the postulated
third external loop was somewhat reduced and an
additional protein band with an apparent molecuiar weight
(Mr) of 40000, i.e. identical to wild-type PhoE, was
detected (Fig. 2). However after growth at 30°C, the
expression of all hybrid proteins was comparable with
wild-type PhoE protein and the additional 40 K band was
very faint (results not shown). This 40 K protein did not
react with the PhoE-specific mAb mEI in Western
immunoblots (results not shown) and probably corresponds to the cuter-membrane protease OmpT whose
expression is temperature regulated (Rupprecht et ai,
Table 1, Binding of mAbs to cells expressing the PhoE-FMDV hybrid
Disintegrated cells
wt PhoE
Eighth cell-surface-exposed region
2x FMDV +
The native conformation of PhoE protein in the outer
membrane is a trimer that is highly resistant to SDS
denaturation (Lugtenberg and van Alphen, 1983). When
cell envelopes of strain CE1248 expressing wild-type
PhoE protein were extracted with salt and incubated at
room temperature instead of 10O^C prior to SDS-PAGE, a
smear representing PhoE trimers could be detected (Fig.
3). In similar analyses, trimers of all hybrid proteins were
observed (see Fig, 3 for examples). Even when the
samples were heated at eCC prior to SDS-PAGE, no
denaturation of the trimers was observed, showing that
trimer-stability was not (drastically) affected by the
monomer OmpA _
Fig, 3. Trypsin accessibility and trimer formation of the hybrid proteins.
Cell envelopes of strain CE1248 expressing PhoE wild-type or PhoEFMDV hybrid proteins were treated in the presence (lanes tryp) or
absence (lanes m and tri) of trypsin or were salt-extracted (lanes tri) as
described in the Experimental procedures. Ceil envelopes were resuspended in sample buffer and incubated at I W C (lanes m and tryp) or
at room temperature (lanes tri) prior to SDS-PAGE. Results are shown
for the wild-type PhoE (pJP29) and for the hybrid proteins containing
one (pMS38) or two (pMS39) copies of the FMDV epitope. Only the
relevant part of the gel is shown. The positions of PhoE monomer,
trimers and OmpA are indicated.
Whole cells
Ml itant
Third cell-surtace-exposed region
1X FMDV ++
2x FMDV -f--tpMS39
3x FMDV + +
4X FMDV ++
Periplasmically exposed region
1 X FMDV ++
2x FMDV ++
3x FMDV ++
-f +
-f +
PhoE protein functions as (part of) the receptor for
phage TC45. To investigate whether the hybrid PhoE
proteins expressed in strain CE1248 were correctly assembled in the outer membrane, phage sensitivity tests
were performed. All mutant and hybrid proteins appeared
to function as phage receptor. Thus, the proteins are
correctly assembled into the outer membrane.
Exposure of the Ff^DV epitopes
a. CE1248 cells containing the plasmids indicated in first column were
grown in L-broth at 3 0 ^ and either directly coated to the surface of the
wells of a microtitre plate or first disintegrated. Disintegrated cells were
kept at room temperature (RT) or heated tor 10 min at lOCC prior to
coating. The binding of the PhoE-specific, conformation-dependent mAb
PPl-1 and the virus-speciftc mAb MA11 were measured tn an ELISA: + + ,
binding; +, reduced binding; - , no binding; ND = not done.
To determine whether the FMDV epitopes inserted in
PhoE are accessible at the cell surface, whole-cell
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were performed. The mAb PP1 - 1 , which recognizes a cell-surfaceexposed, conformational epitope of PhoE protein, was
able to bind to cells expressing the wild-type, mutant and
hybrid PhoE proteins (Table 1, Fig. 4) confirming the
correct incorporation of all these proteins into the outer
M. Struyve et a\.
Fig, 4, Binding of monoclonal antibodies in whole-cell ELISAs to piasmid
containing derivatives of strain CE1248. Monoclonal antibody MA11 is
directed against the FMDV epitope. The monoclonal antibody PP1 -1 is
directed against a cell surface-exposed part of PhoE protein. Results are
shown for derivatives of strain CE1248 containing pJP29 (wt PhoE),
pMS37(Asp-114 —Gly), pMS38(lx FMDV), pMS39 (2>; FMDV),
pMS50 (3x FMDV), pMS51 (4x FMDV) or pS2 which encodes a PhoEFMDV hybrid protein with two copies of the FMDV epitope inserted in
tandem in the eighth cell surface-exposed loop of PhoE protein {Agterberg e( a/., 1990a).
membrane. As described previously, the mAb MA11,
directed against the linear FMDV epitope, did bind to cells
containing pS2 which encodes a hybrid protein with the
epitope inserted twice in the eighth exposed region of
PhoE (Agterberg et ai, 1990a). However, the mAb did not
bind to intact cells expressing the PhoE proteins with one
or two copies of the epitope inserted in the postulated
third external loop {Fig. 4, Table 1). Only with three or four
copies of the FMDV epitope inserted, was MA11 able to
bind in a whole-cell ELISA. Disintegration of the pMS38and pMS39-containing cells by sonication was not sufficient to allow MA11-binding in ELISAs. Only when the
disintegrated cells were heated for 10 min at 100°C prior to
coating to the microtitre plate, could binding of MA11 be
observed fTable 1). Apparently, the region of the PhoE
polypeptide around amino acid 114 is not sufficiently
exposed to allow antibody MA11 to bind to a single or
tandemly inserted epitope. Only after at least triple insertions are some of the epitopes sufficiently exposed to
allow antibody binding.
Similar ELISA experiments were performed with
pMS66-, pMS67- and pMS68-containing cells, expressing PhoE hybrid proteins with the FMDV epitope
inserted at the postulated periplasmic side of the protein
(Table 1). MA11 was not able to bind to these cells in
whole-cell ELISAs. In ELISAs with disintegrated cells, the
epitope appeared to be accessible to MA11, confirming
the periplasmic exposure of the corresponding region of
Protease accessibility experiments
When wild-type PhoE protein is correctly assembled in the
outer membrane, it is completely resistant to treatment of
cell envelopes with proteases (Tommassen and Lugten-
berg, 1984). Mutant proteins that are not correctly assembled are completely degraded (Agterberg et al., 1989).
Insertion mutations may create exposed protease-sensitive sites. When a mutant protein containing such an
insertion is correctly assembled into the outer membrane,
one may expect to find protected fragments of the protein
after treatment of cell envelopes with proteases (Agterberg et al., 1990a). Treatment of cell envelopes containing
the PhoE-FMDV hybrid proteins with trypsin did not result
in degradation of the hybrid proteins (see Fig. 3 for
examples) which confirms the correct localization of the
proteins in the outer membrane. The proteolytic enzyme
trypsin is relatively specific in that it splits peptide bonds
on the carboxyl side of lysine and arginine residues only.
These residues are not present in the FMDV epitope used
(Fig. 1). Proteinase K cleaves after aliphatic, aromatic and
hydrophobic amino acids and the FMDV epitope contains
several of these substrate residues. Thus, proteinase K
was used to study the accessibility of the inserts in the
third external loop of PhoE in further detail. Wild-type and
the pMS37-encoded Gly-114 mutant proteins were completely resistant to treatment of the cell envelopes with
proteinase K, as was the hybrid protein with one copy of
the FMDV epitope inserted (Fig. 5). However, proteinase
K-treatment of cell envelopes containing the hybrid protein with two copies of the FMDV epitope inserted resulted
in partial digestion of the hybrid protein. Two degradation
products, one with an M, of 28 000 (Fig. 5) and one with an
M, of 14000 (results not shown), were detected when the
PhoE-specific mAbs mE2-1 and mEI, respectively, were
Fig. 5. Proteinase K accessibility of PhoE-FMDV hybrid proteins in cell
envelopes. Cell envelope preparations of cells containing the different
plasmids were treated with proteinase K and analysed by SDS-PAGE
followed by Westem immunoblotting. In the biot shown, the mAb mE2-1,
which recognizes an epitope located between amino acids 250-298 of
PhoE. was used. Results are shown for the wild-type PhoE protein
(pJP29) and the hybrid proteins with one (pMS38), two (pMS39) or three
(pMS50) copies ot the FMDV epitope. The positions of PhoE and
molecular mass standard proteins (ms), in kilodaltons, are indicated. The
positions of the PhoE degradation products are indicated by asterisks.
Only the relevant part of the blot is shown.
Topology of PhoE porin
used. The former antibody recognizes an epitope between
amino acid 250 and 298 of PhoE, whereas the latter
recognizes an epitope between amino aoids 47 and 55.
Since the linkers are inserted between the amino acids 114
and 115 of PhoE, the protected degradation products
correspond to the C- and N-terminal fragments of PhoE
respectively, after cleavage at the site of insertion. When
the hybrid proteins with three (Fig. 5) or four (results not
shown) oopies of the epitope were analysed in a similar
way, only the two degradation products were detected.
Apparently, the region around amino acid 114 of PhoE
with less than two oopies of the epitope inserted is not
sufficiently exposed to allow proteinase K cleavage.
However, insertion of two copies of the FMDV epitope in
this region results in sufficient exposure to allow partial
proteinase K cleavage. With at least three copies of the
epitope, the insert is sufficiently exposed to allow full
cleavage of the hybrid proteins.
Pore function of the hybrid proteins in vivo
The results described in the previous paragraphs suggest
that the postulated third external loop of PhoE is not
completely exposed at the cell surface, but rather is
embedded in the pore interior, like the eyelet in the R.
capsulatus porin. If this hypothesis is correct, the channel
size is expected to diminish when FMDV-epitopes are
inserted in this region. Consequently, the sensitivity of
cells, producing the hybrid PhoE proteins as the only
porins, to hydrophilic antibiotics like cephaloridine should
be reduced. Strain CEI 249, which lacks the major outer
membrane pore proteins, was transformed with the
different piasmids. Filter discs containing cephaloridine
were placed on agar top layers containing cells expressing
the different hybrid proteins and, after overnight incubation at 30°C, the growth-inhibition zone around the
filters was measured. In the case of pJP29- and pMS37containing cells, expressing the wild-type and the Gly-114
mutant protein, respectively, a growth inhibition zone of
2.9mm around the filters was measured. When the FMDV
epitope was inserted once in PhoE protein, the cells were
very resistant to cephaloridine (growth inhibition zone of
0.5 mm}; with multiple copies of the insert, the sensitivity
increased again (growth inhibition zone of 1.1 mm), but did
not reach the level of cells expressing the wild-type PhoE.
This indicates that the channel size is diminished by
insertions in the third loop of the PhoE protein.
Pore function of the hybrid proteins in vitro
The pore characteristics of the hybrid proteins were
further studied in vitro in black lipid-bilayer experiments.
Porins were isolated from strain CE1249 carrying the
different piasmids. Ali porins were able to increase, at
Table 2. Average single-channel conductance of the hybrid protein
pores in different salt solutions.^
encoded by
1 M LiCI
a. Average single-channel conductance was measured with diphytanoyi
glycerophosphocholine/n-decane membranes in the presence of different
hybrid pores, A was calculated from recordings similar to those given in
Fig. 6 and by averaging at least 100 conductance steps. The pH of the
unbuffered aqueous salt solutions was around 6; Vm = lOmV, T = 25°C,
nanomolar concentrations, the specific conductance of
the lipid bilayer by many orders of magnitude. The kinetics
of the increase were similar to those described previously
for wild-type PhoE (Bauer et al., 1988a) and other porins
(Benz etal., 1980). After a rapid increase during 15 to 20
min, the membrane conductance increased at a much
slower rate. Addition of the detergents SDS or Genapol
X-80 alone in control experiments did not lead to any
appreciable increase of the membrane conductance. In
the case of the wild-type and the Gly-114 mutant porins,
the time-course of the increase was similar to that
described previously (Bauer et ai, 1988a). However, in the
case of the hybrid porins the conductance was considerably lower, which indicated either a different conductance
ot the single conductive units or partial inactivation of the
The addition of the porins at much lower concentrations
to the aqueous solution on one or both sides of a lipid
bilayer membrane allowed the resolution of step increases
in the membrane conductance; each step corresponds to
the incorporation of one channel-forming unit into the
membrane (Fig. 6). These steps showed that all the
different porins form defined pores in the lipid bilayer
membranes. Single-channel measurements were performed with different salt solutions. The single-channel
conductance for the wild-type PhoE and the Gly-114
mutant was 1.5 nS in 1 M KCI, and only a small number of
steps had twice this value, indicating simultaneous insertion of two channels (Bauer et aL. 1988b). The singlechannel conductance was influenced by the insertions;
with porins containing a single copy of the epitope, the
single-channel conductance was reduced by a factor of
10 compared with the wild-type pores (Fig, 6, Table 2).
With multiple copies of the FMDV epitope inserted, the
single-channel conductance increased by a factor of four
compared with the single insertion, but it did not reach the
wild-type level (Table 2). The results obtained with 3 M KCI
suggested a linear relationship between bulk aqueous
136 M. Struyve et a\.
Measurements with other salts, i.e, 1 f^ LiCI and 1 M
KCH3COO (which represents combinations of cations and
anions of different aqueous mobilities), supported these
results since the single-channel conductance of the PhoE
porins with epitope insertions was also reduced compared with the conductance of wild-type PhoE and
Gly-114 mutant porins (Table 2), Furthermore, they suggested that the selectivity of the pores had been altered by
the insertions. Therefore, the selectivity of the pores was
studied in further detail.
Selectivity of the hybrid proteins in vitro
Zero-current membrane potentials were measured to
study the ion selectivity of the wild-type PhoE porin and
the hybrid porins in detail. Porins were isolated from strain
CE1249 carrying the different plasmids and added to the
aqueous phase in a Teflon cell containing an optical black
membrane. The ratio of the permeabilities, Pcatior/Panion
(Pc/Pa), for the wild-type and the Gly-114 mutant were
approximately the same as published previously (Benz et
ai, 1985). The Pc/Pa for the hybrid with one copy of the
epitope indicated that this porin was almost neutral,
whereas for the hybrids with at least two copies of the
epitope, the Pc/Pa value indicated that these hybrids had a
preference for cations over anions (Table 3), These results
are in agreement with the single-channel conductance
data obtained with LiCI and KCH3COO.
Fig. 6. Chart recording of stepwise increase of the membrane current
after the addition of porins to a diphytanoyi glycerophosphocholine/
n-decane bilayer membrane. Both recordings start on the left and trace
2 continues in the upper trace. Trace 1 represents wild-type PhoE porins
and trace 2 hybrid porins with one copy of the FMDV epitope inserted.
Current amplification was 10® and 5.10^ in the case of the wild-type and
the hybrid porins, respectively. The aqueous phase contained 3M KCI,
pH 6,0, the temperature was 25"C and the applied voltage was lOmV,
In this paper, the epitope insertion method, originally
proposed by Charbit ef al. (1986), was used to study the
topology of PhoE protein, with special emphasis on the
postulated third external loop of the protein. Previously,
Table 3. Zero-current membrane potentials, V^,, of the hybrrd protein
pores for a 10-fold gradient of KCI."
conductivity and single-channel conductance. No closing
events were observed with any of the porin preparations,
which indicates that the lifetime of the pores was long,
usually exceeding 10 min. Even when the transmembrane
potential was increased up to 150mV, no closing events
were observed. This shows that the pores are not voltage
sensitive at physiological potentials. Thus, insertion of
nine amino acids in the postulated third loop of PhoE is
sufficient to reduce the channel opening by 90%. With at
least 18 amino acids inserted, the loop becomes too large
and probably crawls up against the pore wall towards the
exterior of the pore.
encoded by
a. Zero-current membrane potentials were measured with diphytanoyi
glycerophosphocholine/fi-decane membranes in the presence of different
hybrid pores,
Un, is defined as the difference between the potential on the diluted side
(10mM KCI) and the potential at the concentrated side (lOOmM KCI). The
pH of the unbuffered aqueous salt solutions was around 6; T = 25''C, Pg/Pg
was calculated from the Goldman-HodgKin-Katz equation from at least
three individual experiments.
Topology of PhoE porin
FMDV epitopes have been inserted in the fourth (Agterberg etai, 1987), fifth (Agterberg etai, 1990b) and eighth
(Agterberg et al., 1990a) external loops of PhoE. Single
epitope insertions were sufficient to allow the binding of
the virus-specific mAb to intact cells expressing these
hybrid proteins. Also insertions in the second postulated
loop of PhoE protein were created (Agterberg et ai,
1990a). Once the epitope was present, intact cells
expressing the hybrid protein were not able to bind the
mAb MA11 in ELISAs. In our proposed topology model for
PhoE protein (Tommassen, 1988), this insertion site is at
the border of a membrane-spanning segment and a cell
surface-exposed region, which might be the reason that
the epitope was not sufficiently exposed to allow MA11
binding. However, the insertion enlarged the second loop
sufficiently to make it accessible in cell envelopes to
proteolytic attack (Agterberg et ai, 1990a). When two
copies of the epitope were present at this site, the mAb
was able to bind to intact cells. In the present work, we
also inserted the epitope in a region exposed at the
periplasmic side of the membrane. When the FMDV linker
was inserted up to three times at this site of the protein, the
MA11 antibody was not able to bind in a whole-cell ELISA.
In an ELISA with disintegrated cells as immunobilized
antigen, the periplasmic-exposed region became accessible to the antibody and binding could be observed. These
results indicate that epitope insertion is a very suitable
method by which to study details of the topology of
outer-membrane proteins and that the proposed PhoE
model is very accurate.
In this paper, the epitope insertion method was applied
to locate the postulated third loop of PhoE. When one or
two copies of the FMDV epitope were inserted, no positive
reaction with mAb MA11 was observed in a whole-cell
ELISA or in an ELISA with disintegrated cells. This means
that the epitope was accessible neither from the outside
nor from the periplasmic side of the membrane. This
indicates that the third loop is hidden in the interior of the
pore. When at least three copies of the epitope were
present, the mAb oould bind in a whole-cell ELISA. Thus In
this case, the epitopes became accessible from the
outside. This indicates that the third loop is close to the cell
surface, like the eyelet region of the R. capsulatus porin.
Consistent with the location of the third loop of PhoE in
the channel interior, the insertions were found to reduce
the channel size. While insertions reduced the channel
size, one would expect that deletions in this region should
enlarge the pore size. Benson et al. (1988) have selected
mutants that were able to grow on a medium containing
malto dextrins as the sole carbon source in the absence of
a functional IamB gene, which encodes the normal maltodextrin channel. These mutant strains contained an
altered OmpF protein with short deletions that altered the
porin to allow the passage of larger solutes. The deletions
found were six to 15 amino acid residues long in the region
between Ala-108 and Val-133. Similarly, a mutant OmpC
protein with a larger channel size has been described that
contained a deletion of amino acids 103-110 (Misra and
Benson, 1988; Rocque and MoGroarty, 1990). Point
mutations in this region, affecting the aspartate residue at
position 105 of OmpC, also resulted in an increased pore
size (Misra and Benson, 1988; Lakey ef ai, 1991). The
amino acids 108-133 of the OmpF protein and the amino
acids 103-110 of the OmpC protein are situated in the
region corresponding to the third loop of PhoE protein.
These results provide additional evidence that the third
loop of the porins determines the pore size and this is
consistent with a location within the pore channel. The
OmpC mutant proteins mentioned above decreased
trimer stability and increased voltage sensitivity when
reconstituted in lipid bilayers (Rocque and McGroarty,
1990; Lakey efa/., 1991). The insertions in the third loop of
PhoE protein did not drastically affect the stability of the
trimers. Furthermore, no voltage-dependent closing of the
channels was observed. The latter may be related to the
black lipid-bilayer system used (Benz etai, 1978), in which
high-voltage-induced closing of bacterial porins is not
generally observed.
Previously, Bauer etai (1989) showed that the positively
charged lysine residue at position 125 of PhoE is of special
importance in determining the anion-selectivity of the
PhoE pores. This Lys-125 is present in the postulated third
loop of PhoE. Thus, this region is not only important in
determining the channel size, but it also has a function in
determining the selectivity of the pores. The insertions in
the PhoE hybrids presented in this paper changed the
selectivity of the pores from anion to cation selective when
at least two copies of the FMDV epitope were present. This
could be caused by shielding or misplacement of the
critical Lys-125 residue by the long stretch of inserted
residues and/or by the presence of the negatively charged
aspartate residue in the FMDV epitope which oould attract
positively charged ions.
Very recently, the crystal structures of the E. coli porins
OmpF and PhoE have been elucidated (Cowan ef ai,
1992). These structures show that our original topology
model of PhoE protein (van der Ley et ai, 1986;
Tommassen, 1988) was very accurate, not only with
respect to the number of membrane-spanning segments
and exposed domains, but also with respect to the
approximate positions of these segments in the primary
structure of the protein. Furthermore, as we predicted
from the experiments described in this paper, these
structures show that the third loop folds into the p-barrel
and constricts the size of the pore at approximately half
the height of the barrel, which is similar to that whioh
occurs with R. capsulatus porin.
It was possible to insert at least up to 36 amino acids in
138 M. Struyvee\a\.
the third loop of PhoE protein without affecting the
biogenesis of the protein. These results are consistent
with those of Agterberg ef al. (1990a) who found that the
maximal number of amino acids that can be inserted
without disturbing outer-membrane assembly is between
30 and 50 amino acids, depending on the site of insertion.
However, the expression level of the larger hybrids was
drastically reduced, in contrast to the hybrid proteins
described in this paper. This indicates that the third loop of
PhoE may be very suitable, when PhoE is used as an
exposure vector for the expression of foreign antigenic
determinants in order to develop new vaccines (Agterberg
efa/., 1987; 1988; 1990a,b).
Experimental procedures
linker in the region of the DNA coding for amino acids Asn-220
and lle-221 of PhoE protein, which are postulated to be exposed
at the periplasmic side. Plasmid pS2 (Agterberg et at., 1990a}
contains a double in-tandem insertion of a synthetic linker,
encoding an antigenic determinant of VP1 protein of FMDV, in the
DNA coding for the eighth ceil-surface-exposed loop of PhoE
protein. Plasmid pMS37 (Fig. 1), with a unique SamHI restriction
site in the DNA coding for the postulated third exposed region of
the PhoE protein, was created by site-directed mutagenesis. For
epitope insertion, the plasmids pJP321 and pMS37 were digested with SamHI and dephosphorylated. Two complementary
oligodeoxynucleotides, coding for amino acids 144 to 150 of VP1
protein of FMDV (Metoen ef al.. 1987) (Fig. 1), were phosphorylated and ligated into the linearized plasmids. The linker was
designed such that a new SamHI restriction site is generated at
the 3' end of the linker but not at the 5' end (Fig. 1). Thus, by
repeating the procedure, piasmids could be constructed containing multiple copies of the linker (Table 1).
Bacterial strains, phages and growth conditions
E. CO//K-12 strain CE1248 {Korteland etat., 1985) is deleted for
the p h o f gene and does not express the related OmpF and OmpC
proteins as a result of an ompR mutation. The strain also carries a
phoR mutation, resulting (n constitutive expression of the pho
regulon. Strain CE1249 was isolated as a spontaneous derivative
of CE124a that is resistant to phage \ vir (Jacob and Wollman,
1954). The mutation in this strain results in the failure to express
LamB protein during growth in the presence of 1 % maltose and
could therefore either be in tamB or in the regulatory gene rr)atT.
Bacteria were grown overnight under aeration at SO'C or 37X in
L-broth (Tommassen et at., 1983). Where necessary, the medium
was supplemented with chloramphenicol (25 |xg ml '). Sensitivity
to the PhoE-specific phage TC45 (Chal and Foulds, 1978) was
determined by cross-streaking.
Generat DNA manipulations
Plasmid DNA purifications were performed as described by
Birnboim and Doly (1979) followed by anion-exchange chromatography on Qiagen-columns (Diagen). Recombinant DNA techniques were performed essentially as described by Maniatis er al.
(1982). Restriction endonuciease reactions and bacteriophage T4
DNA ligase treatments were performed as described by the
manufacturers of the enzymes. DNA fragments were analysed on
1-2% (w/v) agarose gels. Oligonucleotides were synthesized on a
Biosearch 8600 DNA synthesizer. Site-directed mutagenesis was
carried out by a two-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as
described by Mikaelian and Sergeant (1992), with the modification that the primer, marked primer 2 in their protocol, had no
mismatched 3' end. Consequently, the efficiency of the method
was expected and found to be 50%. Correct mutant plasmids
were elected on the basis of the presence of a SamHI enzyme
restriction site (Fig. 1). DNA sequencing was performed using the
T7 DNA polymerase sequencing kit (Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology Inc.).
Isoiation and characterization of cett fractions
Cell envelopes were isolated by centrifugation after ultrasonic
disintegration of the cells (Lugtenberg etat., 1975). Porin trimers
were extracted from cell envelopes by incubation for 30 min at
37°C in a buffer containing lOmM Tris-HCI (pH 8.0), 0.5M NaCI,
lOmM EDTA. To test the accessibility of membrane proteins to
proteases, cell envelopes were resuspended in 20|i.l lOmM
Tris-HCI (pH 8.0), lOmM MgCb containing 0.5 mg ml ' trypsin or
0.05mg ml"^ proteinase K. The samples were kept on ice for 30
min, after which the cell envelopes were reisolated by centrifugation. The protein patterns of cell fractions were analysed by
SDS-PAGE (Lugtenberg etat., 1975), followed, where necessary,
by Western immunoblotting (Agterberg et at., 1988). In Western
immunoblotting mAbs mEI, which binds to an epitope located
between amino acids 47 and 55 of the PhoE protein (Agterberg ef
at., 1990a), ormE2-1, which binds to an epitope located between
amino acids 250-298 of the PhoE protein (M. Kleerebezem,
personal communication), were used.
Enzyme-tinked immunosorbent assay
Binding of mAbs to intact or disintegrated cells was measured in
ELISAs (van der Ley ef ai, 1985). Disintegrated cells were
obtained by resuspending cells of an ovemight culture in a buffer
containing 15mM Tris-HCI (pH 9.6), I m M EDTA and 65mM
Na2C03 followed by sonication for 15s. The samples were
incubated at room temperature or heated for 10 min at 10O''C prior
to coating on the surface of the wells. Intact or disintegrated cells
were coated on the surface of the wells of a polystyrene microtitre
plate. The PhoE-specific monoclonal antibody PP1 -1 recognizes
a conformational epitope at the ceil-surface-exposed part of
PhoE protein (van der Ley ef al., 1985; 1966). Monoclonal
antibody MA11 recognizes a continuous epitope, constituted by
the amino acids 144 to 150 of VP1 protein of FMDV (Meloen efa/.,
Plasmids pJP12 (Tommassen etal., 1982) and pJP29 (Bosch ef
al., 1986) are derived from the cloning vector pACYC184 and
carry the phoE gene. Plasmid pJP321 (Bosch et al., 1989) is
derived from plasmid pJP29 by insertion of a 12-mer SamHI
Antibiotic sensitivity assay
Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined as described by Benson
and Decloux (1985) with several modifications: strains were
Topology of PhoE porin
grown to the mid-log phase in L-broth. L-broth agar plates were
overlayed with 3 ml 0,6% L-broth agar, containing 0.1 ml of the
mid-log cultures. Whatman no. 1 paper fillers (5 mm diameter)
with 5|xl of an antibiotic suspension (0.4jig ^.1 ') were placed on
the lawn of cells. After overnight incubation at SOX, the growth
inhibition zone around the filters was measured.
Lipid bilayer experiments
Porin trimers were isolated as described by Verhoef ef a/. (1987).
The methods used for black lipid-bilayer experiments have been
described previously (Benz ef ai. 1978). Briefly, membranes were
formed across a circular hole, with an area of 0.2 mm^ tor
single-channel conductance and an area of 2mm^ for zero-current membrane potentials, in a thin wall, separating two aqueous
compartments in a Teflon cell, from a 1 % (w/v) solution of
diphytanoyi glycerophosphocholine (Avanti Bioohemicals,
Birmingham, AL) in n-decane, Bilayer formation was indicated
when the membrane turned optically black in reflected light. For
single-channel experiments the current through the membranes
after application of a transmembrane potential of lOmV was
measured with two calomel electrodes switched in series with a
voltage source and a current amplifier (Keithley 427). The
amplified signal was monitored with a storage oscilloscope and
recorded on a strip-chart recorder.
Zero-current membrane potentials were performed as
described previously (Benz etai. 1970). Briefly, membranes were
formed in a Teflon cell containing a lOmM KCI salt solution and
the porins were added to the aqueous phase when the membranes were in the black state. After incorporation of 100 to 1000
porin channels into the membrane, salt gradients were established by addition of small amounts of concentrated KCI solution
to one side of the membrane. The membrane current was
measured with a pair of calomel electrodes switched in series with
a voltage source and a electrometer (Keithley 602), The membrane potentials were analysed using the Goidman-HodgkinKatz equation (Benz etai, 1978).
The authors would like to thank Angela Schmid for helpful
discussions and Gabriele Grutzner for help with the membrane
experiments. This work was supported by Netherlands Foundations for Chemical Research and for Medical and Health
Research (grant number 900-515-003), with financial aid from the
Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research. The
membrane experiments were supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project B9 of the Sonderforschungsbereich 176) and of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie,
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