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2015, Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture
18 pages
1 file
The main content of the paper is a presentation of a way of arranging individual light gauge steel shells in the three-dimensional space to obtain a structure whose general shape corresponds to a regular surface called a base surface characterized by any sign of the Gaussian curvature. The way enables us to achieve: a) an integration of the shape and locations of any number of elements of a shaped building object including walls, windows, roof shell stripes by a diversification of their inclination to the vertical direction and a horizontal plane, b) an effective structural work of the shell folds of the deformed sheets producing individual shells, c) an effective arrangement of the stripes passing crosswise the whole structure by means of the base surface, d) an effective cover of the shell strips with the shell sheets. These aims were achieved by means of auxiliary polyhedral compositions whose side and edges are close to planes and straight lines normal to the base surface as accurate as possible at the point chosen initially. In the next stage, the directrices of the stripes are determined on the planes of this controlling structure composed of the above auxiliary compositions. The models of the stripes are fixed on the base of these directrices so that each model would be contained in one controlling composition. The proposed way can be easily extended over more complicated shell structures, including segment shell structure, characterized by a great integration of any number of elements of a building object.
Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture, 2014
The paper concerns geometrical shaping of shell structures composed of individual shells arranged effectively in space that is in a way similar to properties of a regular, geometrical surface with taking into account straight lines and planes normal to the base surface. The individual segments are made up of unidirectional folded flat sheets transformed into shell shapes. A freedom of transversal width increments of these sheets is assured while transforming, which ensures their possible small effortsuch a deformation of a material intended for transferring functional loads but which makes restrictions concerning the shell sheets shapes. These shape restrictions are provoked by the strictly determined stiffness characteristics of the shell sheets and cause of the edge or discontinuous areas between adjacent shellssegments in the shell structure. The method of delimiting great diversity of effective, compound shell forms whose general shapes are close to regular, geometrical surfaces characterized by any sign of the Gaussian curvature is presented. Innovation of the way also consists in integration of the form of a whole building object (walls and shell roof). It is achieved by division of the elevation walls into flat areas contained in planes close to planes normal to the base surface as accurate as possible. The segment's directrices are also contained in these planes. The presented issues are the ground for elaborating a method of shaping of the light gauge steel shell structures and their further integration with whole building objects.
This article is an insight into interdisciplinary topics in the field of civil engineering, morphology, architecture, mechanics, and computer programming. A novel method for shaping unconventional complex roofs in which regular folded units transformed into various shells are used as a complex substitute material is proposed. The original method’s algorithm for building systems of planes defining diversified polyhedral networks in the three-dimensional space by means of division coefficients of the subsequently determined vertices is presented. The algorithm is based on the proportions between the lengths of the edges of the reference network, the location and shape of the ruled shell units included in the designed complex roof structure, so it is intuitive. The shell units are made up of nominally flat folded sheets transformed effectively into shell forms whose static-strength properties are controlled by geometric quantities characteristic of ruled surfaces. The presented origina...
Construction Research Congress 2012, 2012
The article presents a comprehensive extension of the proprietary basic method for shaping innovative systems of corrugated shell roof structures by means of a specific complex material that comprises regular transformable shell units limited by spatial quadrangles. The units are made up of nominally plane folded sheets transformed into shell shapes. The similar shell units are regularly and effectively arranged in the three-dimensional space in an orderly manner with a universal regular reference surface, polyhedral network, and polygonal network. The extended method leads to the increase in the variety of the designed complex shell roof forms and plane-walled elevation forms of buildings. For this purpose, the rules governing the creation of the continuous roof shell structures of many shells arranged in different unconventional visually attractive patterns and their discontinuous regular modifications are sought. To obtain several novel groups of similar unconventional parametric...
Symmetry, 2019
The paper presents an innovative approach to solving interdisciplinary problems emerging in the design process of building free forms roofed with elastically transformed corrugated shells. The effectiveness and rationality of shaping such free forms and the creativeness in searching for the parametric forms require the application of their regular and symmetric models which have to be derived from the geometric and mechanical properties of the rationally transformed subsequent folds of these shells. Simplified smooth models used for engineering developments and accurate folded models implemented for scientific research have to be created by means of unconventional methods different from those presented in classical courses. Owing to the variety of the forms of the proposed innovative reference tetrahedrons and their parametric description, the algorithms developed by the authors have to be implemented in computer programs. The rationality of the transformed roof shells, revealed in the limitation of the level of the fold's initial stresses resulting from the shape transformation, and the attractiveness of these forms are achieved by the axial symmetry and contraction of each shell fold at its half-length. The symmetries adopted in the process of modeling such roof shells are also exploited by the discussed new method to obtain coherent unconventional general forms of entire buildings.
Budownictwo i Architektura, 2023
A novel method for shaping innovative building forms, roofed with diversified complex continuous and discontinuous folded structures composed of many transformed corrugated shell units, is presented in the paper. The units are defined on the basis of specific reference polyhedral networks and arranged on arbitrary reference surfaces characterized by the negative Gaussian curvature. The method is presented using several computer models of complex building structures with folded plane-walled elevations. The proposed method significantly supplements the previous method developed for modelling building free forms, roofed with shell structures arranged in conformity with surfaces having the positive Gaussian curvature. Some basic rules using parameterization and governing the creation of the multi-plane elevations, ribbed continuous and discontinuous roof shell structures, arranged in different unconventional and visually attractive patterns, were developed. The elaborated specific sets of division coefficients are taken as parameters for the designed building structures. These sets determine unconventional polyhedral networks, which are composed of several specific sets that allow to define a polygonal eaves network, a reference surface and, finally, individual shell units of the roof structures. The developed method is presented using the example of three novel forms defined by means of the appropriately selected diversified sets of values of the division coefficients. The elaborated new forms confirm the innovative nature of the achieved results. By imposing appropriate proportions between the values of these division coefficients, the developed method enables the creation of two different groups continuous and discontinuous complex shell roof structures.
Engineering Structures
The difficulty to construct mechanically optimal shells may limit the use of structural optimisation in practice. The objective of this paper is to propose a new parametric representation of doubly curved shapes suited for structural optimisation of architectural shells that inherently considers fabrication constraints. We focus on a common construction constraint: the covering of building envelopes with planar facets. This paper proposes to implement the so-called marionette technique as a Computer-Aided-Design tool that guarantees covering of free-form shapes with planar quadrilateral facets. General considerations on the size and nature of the optimisation space created with this method are made. It is demonstrated through different case-studies that the quality of the parametrisation for shape optimisation of shell structures is similar to the one offered by Bézier surfaces, an ubiquitous modelling technique. The proposed method conciliates thus fabrication and structural performance.
The article concerns the unconventional architectural forms of buildings roofed with transformed shells made up of thin-walled steel fold sheets, and a parametric description of how they are shaped. Complicated deformations of flanges and webs, as well as the complex static–strength work of the folds in a shell roof, demand the creation of simplified models regarding the parameterization of such shells and their integration with the general forms of the buildings. To obtain favorable results, it was necessary to write computer applications because of both the complicated problems related to the significant limitations of the transformations, as well as the great possibilities of shaping shell roofs by means of directrices of almost free shape and mutual position. The developed procedures enable the prediction of shapes and states of all the folds in the designed shell. They take account of two basic conditions related to these restrictions, which guarantee that the folds encounter l...
The article is an original insight into interdisciplinary challenges of shaping innovative unconventional complex free form buildings roofed with multi-segment shell structures arranged with using novel parametric regular networks. The roof structures are made up of nominally plane thin-walled folded steel sheets transformed elastically and rationally into spatial shapes. A method is presented for creating such symmetric structures based on the regular spatial polyhedral networks created as a result of a composition of many complete reference tetrahedrons by their common flat sides and straight side edges arranged regularly and symmetrically in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. The use of the regularity and symmetry in the process of shaping different forms of (a) single tetrahedral meshes and whole consistent polyhedral structures, (b) individual plane walls and complex elevations, (c) single transformed folds, entire corrugated shell roofs, and their structures allow a creati...
Architectural Intelligence, 2023
Free-form architectural design has gained significant interest in modern architectural practice. Due to their visually appealing nature and inherent structural efficiency, free-form shells have become increasingly popular in architectural applications. Recently, topology optimization has been extended to shell structures, aiming to generate shell designs with ultimate structural efficiency. However, despite the huge potential of topology optimization to facilitate new design for shells, its architectural applications remain limited due to complexity and lack of clear procedures. This paper presents four design strategies for optimizing free-form shells targeting architectural applications. First, we propose a topology-optimized ribbed shell system to generate free-form rib layouts possessing improved structure performance. A reusable and recyclable formwork system is developed for their effective and sustainable fabrication. Second, we demonstrate that topology optimization can be combined with funicular form-finding techniques to generate a rich variety of elegant designs, offering new design possibilities. Third, we offer cost-effective design solutions using modular components for free-form shells by combining surface planarization and periodic constraint. Finally, we integrate topology optimization with user-defined patterns on free-form shells to facilitate aesthetic expression, exemplified by the Voronoi pattern. The presented strategies can facilitate the usage of topology optimization in shell designs to achieve high-performance and innovative solutions for architectural applications.
Introduction -Free Shell Structures
Flat sheets are connected one to another by their longitudinal edges to obtain a stripe, which can be easily transformed into shell forms-individual shell, see Fig. 1. While transforming a freedom of the transversal width increments of the stripe folds is assured, so their transformation is called free deformations [4,15]. There are three basic free deformations: a) free bend, b) free twist and c) a bend-twist deformation, see Fig. 2.
Figure 1
The view of a shell strip[4] Rys.1. Model powłokowego pasma aThree basic fee deformations: a) bent, b) twist and c) bent twist Rys. 2. Trzy podstawowe deformacje swobodne: a) giętna, b) skrętna, c) giętno-skrętna
Figure 2
J. Abramczyk 8 Because the shell sheets (shell folds) take diversified positions toward the vertical direction and a horizontal plane, oblique at most, then they experience a mutual influence and, in the end, the mutual displacement of their folds axes along their directions under the influence of their own weight and forces acting during assembling the folds to the shell directrices. Such a displacement of adjacent shell folds is called a cut deformation, see Fig. 3.a, [1].Another forced deformation is called a press-stretch deformation, see Fig. 3.b, which causes a change of the fold width along the directrix direction.
Figure 3
Fig 4.
Folds in the same shell may be subject to deformations of various types and values [2,3]. Therefore, the mutual position of the directrices supporting the same strip may be almost free but the crosswise ends of the shell fold may require oblique cutting in conformity with the directrices directions [1]. The lengths of these shell folds cannot be as big as one likes because of the transport and shell shape changes restrictions [1]. For example, if we want to receive a big degree of the deformation the length may be curtailed. Thus, the stripes should be putted together to obtain a span and attractiveness greater than in the case of an individual shell [4].
We may join the stripes to obtain the compound shell characterized by very attractive and original shell form whose the Gaussian curvature is of free sign and value in opposition to an individual shell whose form have to be a continue sector of a ruled surface characterized by the non-positive Gaussian curvature [2,3].
The main aim of linking many individual shells -stripes is to get a shell structure whose general form is close to geometrical surface being characterized by the positive Gaussian curvature and regular pattern made of either shared edges or flat areas between the segments of the structure, see The easiest form of a building object covered with a strip shell structure can be obtained by locating the directrices and walls on vertical planes parallel to each other [5], see Fig. 5. The most attractive shell forms are received by inclining walls including gable walls of a building object to vertical planes obliquely and, next, locating the directrices on the wall planes, Fig. 6. Additionally, the gable walls may be divided into two symmetrical parts [5], Fig. 7. Rys. 7. Sposób tworzenia i wizualizacja struktury powłokowej posiadającej dwie ukośne ściany szczytowe złożone z dwóch części symetrycznych względem płaszczyzny (x, z)
Figure 5
The way of creating and visualization of a continue strip shell structure characterized by vertical location of its directrices Rys. 5. Sposób tworzenia i wizualizacja ciągłej, pasmowej struktury powłokowej charakteryzującej się pionowym położeniem kierownic
Figure 6
The way of creation and visualization a shell structure having two oblique flat gable walls Rys. 6. Sposób tworzenia i wizualizacja struktury powłokowej posiadającej dwie ukośne ściany szczytowe The way of creating and visualization a shell structure having two oblique gable walls composed of two flat pieces symmetrical toward the plane (x, z)
Figure 7
The innovative character of the way rely on integrating the form of a whole building object that is referring the locations and shapes of its directrices to the locations and shapes of its walls and windows having regard to: a) an effective structural work of the deformed folds, b) an effective arrangement of the stripes toward a base surface, c) an effective cover of the shell strips with the deformed sheets.
We can optimize shapes and location of the shell building objects [6], for example, by minimizing values of the angle measures of the inclination of wall's edges and chosen straight lines normal for the stripe's surfaces.
The Assumptions of the Way
A regular, geometrical surface called a base surface is used to arrange shell stripes in the three dimensional space. In the example presented bellow, this surface is an non-rotational ellipsoid [11,13,14] expressed as:
where: a = 24000 mm, b = 18000 mm, c = 11000 mm, x, y, z -variables.
To determine the shapes and locations of a shell structure directrices and stripes, lines on are fixed in planes perpendicular and parallel to the axes of the coordinate system [x, y, z]. The straight lines tangent and normal to are led through the points of their intersection, Fig. 8.
Figure 8
The straight lines tangent s ti,j , s wi,j and normal n i,j to the ellipsoid at the points N i,jRys. 8. Linie styczne
The above lines can be used for integrating any number of elements of a building object. This integration is achieved by division of the elevation walls into flat areas included in planes normal to the base surface or in planes approximating these ones. The stripe directrices of the shall structures are also contained in the planes of the walls.
The next assumption [8,9,18] of the way is to get: a) an effective initial deformations resulting from assembling sheets to the strip diretrices, b) an effective arrangement of the stripes toward a base surface, c) an effective cover of the shell strips with the deformed sheets.
The effective initial deformations of the flat sheets caused by assembling sheets to the strip diretrices consist in assuring a freedom of transversal width increments of each shell fold and a possible small effort [4,15] of these shell folds so that they have an ability of bearing possible great functional loads.
The effective arrangement of the stripes toward the base surface is relied on exploiting the straight lines and planes normal to this surface to obtain the border lines of the stripes including directices being lain on these planes or located and directed toward these planes [3].
The effective covering the shell strips with the deformed sheets consists in assuring that the shell sheets after spreading on the shell directrices are going to cover the stripe area possibly tightly as well as their crosswise ends will be possible close to the locations and directions of the directrices [1]. It is possible to increase the diversity and the attractiveness of the free and original general forms of the shell structures by splitting the shared directrices of the adjacent stripes by dint of such displacements as translations or rotations [5,12,16], Figs. 4, 9.
In general, we obtain the ellipse w j as the result of intersection of the base ellipsoid with a plane parallel to the plane (y, z) of the local coordinate system [x, y , z] of . In the considered example, the mathematic representation of each directrix of a strip created on the base of this ellipsoid [17] in its local coordinate system is as follows:
If we want to obtain the equations of these directrices in the local coordinate system of , then we will use the transformation formula of the local system of the ellipse w j into the local system of given by: ] and rotation by the angle around the axis x w being the result of the displacement of the axis x by the vector w . This transformation enables us to exploit the system (3) in determining not only the equations of each transformed strip directrices in the ellipsoid coordinate system but also the locations of each ruling of the considered strips.
The final system of three parametric equations of the ellipse w j in [x, y , z] are as follows
The Presentation of the Way on the Base of Stripe Structures
With respect to the restrictions referring to the fold shape changes while assembling them to the shell directrices it was decided that the activities provided by the way algorithm have to be devidet into two essential stages.
The first stage is produced by the action leading to creating a polyhedral structure called a controlling structure whose planes separate the individual stripes of the shell structure from each other. The controlling structure delimits crosswise "cells" in the space, in which the strips satisfying the restrictions referring to the shape changes are located. In the second stage the shell stripes are positioned in these "cells" by means of flat directrices being created on the planes of the controlling structure.
To obtain a first stripe -Stripe 1of a shell structure, arranged toward the ellipsoid (1), we have to replace the pairs of adjacent skew lines: (n 0,1 , n 1,1 ), (n 1,1 , n 2,1 ) passing through the points: The tetrads of the points determine the planes w1,1 , w2,1 intersected themselves in the edge h 1,1 , Fig. 12. This way that is by means of such pairs of planes wi,j , wi+1,,j the side edges of the created control structure have to be fixed.
Figure 12
1 . The points H w1,1 , H w2,1 are taken on two straight lines n Hw1,1 , n Hw2,1 perpendicular to the pairs (n 0,1 , n 1,1 ), (n 1,1 , n 2,1 ) and intersecting the straight lines of these pairs at pointsH w0,1_1,1 , H w1,1_1,1 and H w1,1_2,1 , H w2,1_2,1 ,Fig. 10, so that the positions of the points H w1,1 , H w2,1 are between the points, H w0,1_1,1 , H w1,1_1,1 and H w1,1_2,1 , H w2,1_2,1 , respectively. In our examples, the values of the division ratios w Hwi,j of all sections H wi-1,j_i,j H wi,j_i,j (for i = 1, 2 and j = 1) by the points H wi,j are equal to 0.5 to get the directrices planes close to normal to the base ellipsoid, so the above mentioned points H w1,1 , H w2,1 are taken in the middle of the segments H w0,1_1,1 H w1,1_1,1 and H w1,1_2,1 H w2,1_2,1 .
The positions of points H w1,1 , H w2,1 on the segments H w0,1_1,1 H w1,1_1,1 and H w1,1_2,1 H w2,1_2,1 can be optimized, so that the directions of the straight lines h i,j would be possible close to n i,j normal to the reference ellipsoid (1). The meaning of the indexes of the symbol H wi-1,j_i,j is as follows. The symbol w means that this element is associated with the arches w j of , and i-1,j means that the point belongs to straight line n i-1,j , and i,j means that this point takes part in determining the point H wi,j .
Faces of the controlling structure is contained in the plane wi,j (N i-1,j , N i,j , H wi,j ). However, the line of the intersection of the pair of the adjacent planes wi-1,j , wi,j (j = const) passing through the point N i-1,j is a side edge of the controlling structure. We should create all controlling compositions in the analogous way as 1 , Fig. 11. The coordinate of points N i,j are shown in Tab. 1. Let us distinguish the points H wi,j , H wi,j_i,j (for i = 0, 1, 2; j = 0, 1), Fig. 11, whose construction is presented below and coordinates were placed in Tab. 2. In the below example two consecutive normal straight lines {n i-1,j , n i,j } arranged along the curves w j are examined. In addition, the analogical pairs of consecutive normal straight lines arranged along t i will be considered to get segment shell structures but this issue goes beyond the scope of the paper.
Figure 11
Two pairs of the planes w1,1 , w2,1 and w1,2 , w2,2 intersect themselves in the edges h 1,1 , h 1,2 , Fig. 12. The planes w1,1 , w1,2 intersect the plane (x, z) in the edges h 0,1 , h 0,2 . However, the planes w2,1 , w2,2 intersect the plane of the ellipse t 2 in the edges h 2,1 , h 2,2 .
An edge model one of four symmetric pieces of a building object roofed with a stripe shell structure is presented in Fig. 13. The suitable sections of the edges h 1,1 , h 0,2 , h 2,0 , h 1,2 , h 2,2 of this model are the edges of the walls or the windows of the final object. The planes wi,j intersect the ellipsoid in curves being the new directrices different from the ellipses w j . In our example, see Fig. 13, the directrices of each strip are composed of two symmetrical curves having one shared end making the disturbance of the smoothness of the strip model. In the case of our ellipsoid this disturbance is not very significant and we decided to put together four congruent parts to get the symmetric model of a stripe shell structure. It is possible to substitute the elliptical directrices of the shell strips by arches or algebraic planar or spatial lines. Particularly, in this last case we get an easy way which lets us keep the smoothness along a whole strip as well as to obtain the directrices being close to the planes wi,j .
Figure 13
Because the Reichhart's computer program calculating an arrangement of points of assembling the crosswise folds ends to the shell directrces requires accepting mathematic equations of these directrices, then the formulae describing the most general transformation of the planar freely located directrices from their coordinate systems into the local system [x, y, z] of ellipsoid is going to be presented below. The coordinates of any point of this line in its coordinate system are denoted by x L , y L , z L , but its coordinates in the system [x, y, z] are denoted by x, y, z.
Let us accept that the directrix is a half of the ellipse being represented by
The edge k r of the intersection of the planes yz and L is parallel to the axis y 1 .
The composition T yz = T As the result of the composition of the above transformation formulae the following system of three equations was obtained as
The equation system of the ellipse e in [x, y, z] we can obtain as the result of replacing the coordinates x L , y L , z L in (11) by the right sides of its mathematic formula (5).
In the case when there exists the plane of symmetry of the gable wall and this plane is (x, z) of [x, y, z], which is also the plane of symmetry of the ellipse w j , then the measures of the angle 1
The way enables us to arrange effectively the shell stripes of the free deformed flat folded sheets in the three-dimensional space in conformity with geometrical properties of a regular surface. There are used straight lines and planes normal to this base surface to obtain the surface areas of the strips close to the surface areas distinguished on the base surface -an effective arrangement of the strips. However, it requires accepting appropriate volumes of the overall dimensions of this base surface and the mutual positions of these areas in the directions of these normal straight lines and planes.
In spite of the deformation restrictions of the folded sheets referring to their space shapes close to ruled surfaces characterized by non-positive Gaussian curvature, the way makes possible to arrange the strips so that their general forms would be similar to geometrical surfaces of any sign of the Gaussian curvature. Many compound building shells can be shaped on the base of such created shell structures with various reference surfaces and effective control structures.
Great diversity of the stripe structures can be achieved by diversifying their controlling structure shapes and the mutual positions and curvatures of the stripe directrices contained in the planes of the controlling structures.
Diversified locations and shapes of the stripes as well as a division and mutual displacement of the directrices of the adjacent strips to get a discontinuous shell structure may increase the visual attractiveness of the whole building object. Therefore, the author hopes, there is a need of an integration of walls, windows and shell strips of roof in shapes and positions to obtain attractive and original, innovative compound shall forms and, next, architectural forms of buildings.
It is possible to obtain a further increase of the integration of the general form of the building object by dividing of the stripes into shell segments to get their effective arrangement toward a base surface but such an action requires a compound operative research process whose description goes beyond the paper scope.
Główną zawartość artykułu stanowi prezentacja sposobu rozmieszczania pojedynczych powłok wykonanych z przekształconych do postaci powłokowej płaskich arkuszy blachy fałdowej i rozmieszczanych w trójwymiarowej przestrzeni w celu uzyskania ogólnej postaci pewnej struktury zgodnej z właściwościami geometrycznymi pewnej, wstępnie zakładanej powierzchni geometrycznej zwanej powierzchnia bazową charakteryzującą się dowolnym znakiem krzywizny Gaussa. Sposób pozwala na uzyskanie: a) integracji kształtu i położenia elementów kształtowanego obiektu budowlanego: ścian, okien, dachu powłokowego przez zróżnicowanie ich nachylenia do kierunku pionowego i poziomu, b) efektywnej pracy konstrukcyjnej fałd powłoki w późniejszej fazie obciążeń użytkowych, c)efektywnego rozmieszczenia pasm powłokowych arkuszy względem powierzchni bazowej, d) efektywnego pokrycia powierzchni pasm powłokowych przekształconymi arkuszami fałdowymi. Cele te zostały osiągnięte za pomocą pomocniczych wielościennych utworów zwanych utworami sterującymi, których ściany i krawędzie przyjmują położenie zbliżone do położeń płaszczyzn i prostych normalnych do powierzchni bazowej, tak dokładnie jak to jest możliwe z uwzględnieniem przyjętej dokładności kształtowania. W kolejnym etapie są wyznaczane kierownice pasm w płaszczyznach struktury sterującej utworzonej przez powyższe pomocnicze utwory sterujące. Modele pasm tworzące geometryczną strukturę powłokową są wyznaczane na podstawie kierownic tak, żeby każdy model został zawarty w jednym utworze sterującym. Proponowany sposób może zostać łatwo rozszerzony na bardziej rozbudowane powłokowe struktury w tym struktury segmentowe, które również mogą charakteryzować się dużą integralnością dowolnej liczby elementów kształtowanego obiektu budowlanego.
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