ISSN: 2574-1241
Volume 5- Issue 4: 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.12.002230
Pravin Raj Solomon. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Research Article
Open Access
Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges
and Promises
Pravin Raj Solomon*
Department of Biotechnology, India
: December 05, 2018; Published:
: December 17, 2018
*Corresponding author: Pravin Raj Solomon, School of Chemical and Biotechnology, Tirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur, India
Neuromarketing is a field of marketing research that studies consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli.
Consultative selling suggests that a customer’s shopping experience is managed by the salesperson’s behaviour and in-store marketing assets, and
that the customer gets engaged step by step. The field of neuromarketing provides excellent avenues for reading the consumers mind, interest,
preferences and thereby enable the marketers to perform effective targeted marketing. The technology offers a direct peak into the decision-making
centres of the brain thereby can positively impact upon the decision-making process towards buying a product.
Neuromarketing employs several techniques and tools for analysis of inside\outside reflexes of the consumer’s brain and it avails the latest
cognitive scanning techniques for analysis. Some of the technology infused neuromarketing inside reflex techniques used includes EEG, MEG, fMRI, PET,
Galvanic skin response, TMS, electromyography and cardiovascular parameters. Besides there are also several time-tested conventional techniques
of outside reflex detection techniques such as body language, emphatic design, facial coding, eye tracking is also employed in neuromarketing. The
concept of neuromarketing is bound to make a deep impact in the emerging economies like India with their rapidly increasing consumer population
and consumer buying potential.
Neuromarketing is a marketing strategy connecting to the
subconscious, emotional aspect of the customer and aims to
create an unbreakable bond with the customer and the product.
It is an interdisciplinary field combining aspects of neuroscience,
psychology and marketing. The cornerstone of neuromarketing
is to assess the consumer’s cognitive and emotional reaction to
the various marketing techniques [1]. The term “neuroculture”
denotes the allied fields of neurobiology. Neuroculture is the
genesis of new avenues in science such as neurophilosophy\
neuroethology, a hybrid of neuroscience with other fields of science
and humanities [2]. The term neuromarketing was popularised
in 2002 by the market research companies. Two market research
companies from USA namely Bright house and Sales Brain
invented the usage of knowledge from cognition in the field of
market research. This introduced a new dimension in the field of
market research. The primary idea of neuromarketing is looking
at the consumer’s behaviour from a cognitive angle. In 2004, Read
Montague from Baylor College of Medicine scanned the brains of
people drinking either Pepsi or Coca cola using the fMRI technique.
Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
The results showed increased brain activity in subjects when
they are consciously aware of the brand they were drinking. The
consumption of the favourite brand showed increased activity in
the frontal cortex of the brain. The frontal cortex region of the brain
is involved in attention to detail, short term memory and decisionmaking processes. This is the first experimental proof of the role of
the emotional attachment of the brain with brand popularity and
the importance of neuromarketing as a credible marketing tool.
Importance of Neuromarketing
As the famous saying goes “marketing is no longer about the
products that we make but about the stories we tell”. The stories
reaching the consumers through advertisements and soliciting
must create an emotional chord between the product and the
consumers. Traditionally marketers and advertisers have used
different methods of advertisements and product development
initiatives. This involves huge monetary inputs and time duration
that never found its way to people’s memory bank and persuades
their decision making. Neuroimaging and neuromarketing
strategies emerge as a prominent and viable alternative that
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
can tweak the next generation of smart customers and highly
competitive consumer market. Neuromarketing technique is the
latest and advanced tool used by marketing researchers to study and
understand the consumer behaviour patterns [3]. Neuromarketing
uses cutting edge techniques in brain scanning to understand the
nuances behind the psychological decision-making process of the
customer [4].
Measurement of the brainwaves may ideally reveal
consumers’ subconscious responses to marketing stimuli [5-9].
By Neuromarketing one can positively single out the element of
an advertisement that creates a feel-good effect in the minds and
memories of the customer [10-12]. This can help with the selection
and timing of visual and audio features for an effective advertisement
[11]. This will affirmatively help in the creation of brands, brand
research and its effect on decision-making process of the customer
[13]. Neuromarketing opens avenues to study and identify the
causes of compulsive purchasing disorders and offers its potential
use in effective marketing [10,11,14,15]. Neuromarketing is a
unique technique than can procure information above and beyond
the level of human cognition and perception because purchasing is
largely a subconscious process [8,11,13,16-18].
Methods Followed
The primary aim of the paper is to analyse the importance of
neuromarketing and its benefits in the field of marketing from
previous research papers and articles. The critical review of the
various techniques of neuromarketing and their benefits on the
various market input tools are analysed in length. The influence of
the various techniques and mechanisms of neuromarketing and its
impact on proven marketing success stories are gleaned from the
available literature and studies. The advantages, limitations, ethical
implications and future prospects of neuromarketing are discussed
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
Human Brain and its Function
Brain is a three-pound organ that controls all functions of the
body. It controls intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory.
Brain receives information through five senses namely sight, smell,
touch, taste and hearing. It accepts and processes the information
and stores it for future use in our memory. The cerebrum is
the prominent part of the brain. The cerebrum has two distinct
hemispheres. Each hemisphere has frontal, temporal, parietal, and
occipital lobe. Frontal lobe plays a role in behaviour, emotions,
Judgment, planning and problem solving. Parietal lobe Interprets
signals from vision, hearing, motor, sensory and memory. Temporal
lobe enables understanding of language (Wernicke’s area) and
Neuronal Coding and Memory
Memory comprises three processes namely encoding, storing
and decoding (Figure 1). Different areas of the brain are involved
in memory depending on the type of memory. Short-term memory
is stored in the prefrontal cortex and lasts for about a minute.
Long-term memory is processed in the hippocampus region of the
temporal lobe and stores information for long time. The typical
brain is made up of nerve cells (neurons) and glial cells. The neuron
functions primarily by electrical and chemical signals. Neurons
transmit information by tiny gaps called synapse. A neuron has
multiple arms called dendrites. They act like antennae picking up
messages from other nerve cells. The information reaching the brain
are converted into codes and stored in memory called encoding. The
information from the memory is recollected by decoding. Neural
code is for the brain as binary code is to the computers. The various
models of neural coding are depicted in Figure 2. The challenge of
neuromarketing is to hypnotise and tweak the neural code towards
decision making for buying a product.
Figure 1: The direction of the neural coding aspects of encoding and decoding shown.
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
Figure 2: The prominent models of neural coding.
Techniques of Neuromarketing
Outside Reflex
Prominent outside reflex method includes body language,
empathic design, facial coding and eye (Figure 3). They comprise
the classical methods for collection of information about the brain.
They perceive the outside reflexes that originate in the brain. A
lie detector measures the outside reflexes. Outside reflex includes
aspects of emotional response such as sweat and goose bumps.
The reason for emotional stimulus can also originate from reasons
other than lying making this method unreliable [19].
Figure 3: Prominent outside and inside reflex techniques of neuromarketing.
Body Language
and unconscious gestures, body movements and body posture.
Body language offers a window to detect brain emotions
similarly to a fMRI scanner. Body language expression includes
non-verbal emotions and communicational cues expressed by
contraction and relaxation of muscles. It also includes conscious
Empathic Design
A prominent method for analysing human beings without any
device is called empathic design. Sensitive observation is made
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
on the customer’s daily routine without their knowledge [20].
Keen observation is made on the usage of a particular product by
a test person in its natural environment. The process of gleaning
information instead of asking a person and applying the knowledge
in marketing is known as direct-marketing-principle [19,20].
Facial Coding
Facial coding recognises, and patterns facial expressions
associated with human emotions. A total of 24 muscle movement
combinations are identified with seven basic human emotions.
Path breaking studies in facial coding are done by leading facial
coding researcher Dan Hill. Specific stimulus and their linked facial
express patterns are identified, deciphered and practically applied
in marketing.
Eye Tracking
Another important outside reflex is the eye-tracking method.
Eye tracking reveals information about the subconscious brain
reflex to stimulus and activity. This method is highly reliable.
The information from eye tracking can be effectively used in
the designing of commercials and web pages. It enables market
researchers to track the finer details of consumer’s attention and
preference. The sequential choice of preference can be determined
as well.
Input-/Output Models
This method accesses the brain activity by analysing the pattern
of result to certain stimulus. In the Input/output Model the brain is
considered as a black box. This method works on the principle there
is always a measurable output to any marketing stimulus [19].
Inside Reflexes
Inside reflex approach peeks inside the brain. It is done by
using a range of techniques involving brain scans (Figure 3). Inside
reflexes differ from input-/output model basically in application.
The impact of inside reflex in advertising is primarily in packaging.
Inside reflex determines the emotional attachment to a product
and the psychological impact on a prospective customer during the
course of an advertisement.
EEG stands for Electroencephalography. The technique is an
electrical representation of the brain activity. This technique is
ideal to detect changes in the electrical field associated with specific
areas of the brain [5, 8,21,22]. EEG uses electrodes to record
electronic signals of brain activity [8,5,19,22]. The electrodes can be
attached to the skull. It can make recordings of around 40 minutes.
Neurons are the cells involved in cognitive response. There are
around trillions of synapses associated with cognition [8]. Helmet
or cap attached with electrodes is put on an individual’s head
followed by presentation of products and services. The relative
attractiveness of a product to the customer can be quantified from
the brain activity [8,19]. EEG can detect short neural activity since
its temporal resolution is in milliseconds. [5,21]. Instrument to
measure EEG is light and portable [22]. The primary disadvantage
of EEG is the interference from noise or unwanted electronic activity
from brain [19]. Another problem is imprecise spatial resolution
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
(approximately one centimetre). This can be overcome by attaching
a greater number of electrodes to the skull [5, 8,21].
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a tool to study the
anatomic structure of the brain by detecting the blood flow [19]. MRI
scan is for detecting blood oxygen levels [5]. The increase in neural
activity of a brain area indicates the presence of oxygen-rich blood
in that area. Functional MRI (fMRI) is a neuromarketing tool for
investigating differences in brain activity between different regions
of the brain [19,22-24]. The oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
create different magnetic waves. This difference can be identified
in the form of signals [21]. Initially an fMRI brain scan made at
rest condition with no stimulus and used as baseline [25]. The
advertisement stimulus increases the oxygenated blood to certain
regions of the brain [8,26]. This is measured and compared with
the baseline to detect the extent of activation by the advertisement
The Magneto Encephalography is a non-invasive procedure to
investigate neural activity. MEG directly measures the magnetic
field created by the neural activity. This is in contrast to the EEG that
conducts voltage fluctuations. The spatial and temporal intensity
of brain activity among the different regions of the brain can be
measured by MEG [27]. MEG offers increased spatial resolution, but
the advantage is offset by its high cost [8].
Positron Emission Tomography Technique has similar efficiency
and spatial resolution like fMRI. The technique requires mild
exposure to radioactive particles (positrons) for obtaining results.
The health hazard associated with PET makes it highly undesirable
and less attractive for use as a neuromarketing tool [28].
Eye Tracking
Eye tracking aims to identify the primary focus area of
consumer’s visual attention, response to visual cues, attention
span, gaze patterns and pupil adjustments. The main advantage is
the portability of the equipment. The primary disadvantage is lack
of association of emotions with different areas of the brain. Eye
tracking determines the time duration spend on focusing, object
focussed, pupil behaviour, frequency of observation in response to
the presented stimuli etc [29]. The eye tracking determines both
fixed and interrupted eye movement.
Facial Recognition or Electromyography
Electromyography detects the various facial expressions
that reflect the mental status of a person. Tiny facial muscular
movements imperceptible to naked eye is measured by electrodes
attached to mouth. The electrodes are placed on (zygomaticus minor
and major) and on occipitofrontal and orbicularis muscles present
in the mouth. The type of emotion detected by this method includes
happiness, sadness, indifference and pain [30]. The disadvantages
of this method include inhibition of facial movements and double
meaning of certain expressions [31].
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
Cardiovascular Parameters
Variations in cardiovascular parameters such as heart beat
rate and blood pressure fluctuations can also be used to detect the
consumer’s response to product and product advertisements. Pulse
transition time and patterns of heart beats can detect attention
span of a customer on a particular [32].
Galvanic Skin Response
Several human emotions such as happiness, fear, anger, interest,
anxiety, indifference create recordable stimulus on an individual’s
hand. The stimulus created on human hands by neural response can
be measured and the information can be used in marketing [33].
The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
The basic principle of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is
modulating cortical activity by electromagnetic induction. The
Transcranial magnetic stimulation uses two types of electric
impulses namely low and high frequency. This technique can
perform temporary activation and deactivation of a cortical area
of interest. The limitation with this approach is that it cannot
penetrate beyond the neocortex with this method [34].
Understanding the Consumers Brain
The primary aim of any market research study is to understand
the impact and reach of a product in the market through
advertisements. For a longer period, conventional techniques have
failed miserably. Market researchers have depended solely upon
feedback through interviews and survey from a focus group to
know about the success of a product advertisement. The arrival of
neuroimaging techniques has offered novel exciting methodological
alternatives. Neuromarketing tools are primarily used to identify
the impact created by an advertisement on a customer at a
subconscious level. This will enable them to accurately predict the
success and failure of an advertisement.
Practical Applications of Neuromarketing
Neuromarketing is primarily used to identify consumers’
preferences. An important thrust area in marketing is the process
of delivery of information about a product and its relevance to
the customer [35,36]. A well-established psychological fact in
marketing is physical and emotional attraction in advertisements
creates and builds trust and recognition. This in turn will influence
the consumers’ preferences and purchasing decision. Comforting
and soothing emotions generated by advertisements creates a
sense of identification and activate reward areas in the brain of the
customer [13]. Neuromarketing enables advertising companies to
identify subsections of advertisements such as sound effect, images,
and slogans for producing effective advertisements. The consumer
choices and preferences can be better assessed before creating an
advertisement [11].
Benefits of Neuromarketing
Companies are benefitted by neuromarketing as it creates
better understanding of the consumers brain and decipher its
decision-making process [5,10,13,37]. By using neuromarketing
methods, effective consumer groups and cohorts can be identified.
The cohorts can be demarcated based upon age, sex, ethnicity,
locality and socioeconomic constraints. This will lead to better
judgement of consumer behaviour and target specific marketing
[38]. The various examples of neuromarketing and their mode of
action are given in Table 1.
Table 1: The various examples of neuromarketing strategies, mode of action and their prospective effect on customers.
Mode of Action
Effect on Customers
Powerful bass makes people subconsciously attend to dark
Using Sound and colour to sell
Immediate impact on the human
Music leaning more towards the high frequencies shifts
attention to light objects.
White colour attracts more when compared to black colour.
The most persuasive way is to
frame scarcity in advertisements
Influencing people through
Using subtle rewards to influence
consumers online.
Rewarding customers is a great way
to keep them coming back
Creating an efficient product design
Offering the best and unique
packaging options.
Gain frames are sentences like: “get the new edition now”,
while loss frames are sentences like “be sure not to miss the
new edition”.
People with a high need for uniqueness prefer to hear
what they will miss when they don’t buy the product, while
people with low need for uniqueness need to hear what
there is to gain from buying it.
Shops focus on delayed rewards, like a certain amount of
points which each purchase that can be converted into shop
credit at a later point.
Short term rewards help people stay on track during the
time they need to reach long term goals.
Comparison of different packaging options for things.
Volvo and Hyundai have used similar methods to figure out
which elements of new car models spoke to consumers.
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
Creating a multi-sensory mismatch.
Products and packaging that makes
material looks like something else.
Predicting future successes with
Influencing the market success of a
Advantages of Neuromarketing
Neuromarketing is a marketing application of behavioural
neurosciences. The tools of neuromarketing identify stimuli and
cues revealing customer behaviour not detected by careful visual
observation [38]. Neuromarketing techniques help in product
design, brand creation and effective advertisements [39]. They
help to understand the overall shopping experience of a customer
from the moment they step into a market and until they leave, apart
from the neural response at the time of purchase. An interesting
application is virtual store that has 2D and 3D retail products that
creates a real store shopping experience. Test customers are given
real marketing experience and their purchase making decisions
analysed effectively.
Limitations of Neuromarketing
Neuromarketing also suffers from severe handicaps and
limitations. An Important drawback of neuromarketing is the
absence of credibility and trustworthiness of the information
[2,4,8,11,13,15,40]. Recently the term neuroscience is much
popular in several fields of knowledge. Very few publications
done by neuromarketing companies and academics are currently
available [4,17,15,42]. Further the findings published by companies
or marketing researchers can also be biased or influenced [2,43].
The moment and the situation of the marketing stimuli received
by an individual can also result in differential processing of the
stimuli [11,42]. The concept of emotions and their association with
certain brain areas is a debatable concept [10,16]. A key limitation
of neuromarketing is the difficulty of designing new experiments,
the high cost and time factor.
Neuromarketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour
The increasing number of products in the market makes the
in-depth analysis of consumer buying behaviour highly desirable
and advantageous [16,44]. The human brain conceals information
of true desires and needs that influences buying decisions. Any
knowledge of consumer decision making negates the cost of
neuromarketing in comparison to the information delivered [5].
The information gleaned by the various tools of neuromarketing
can be effectively used for the designing of new products that can
alter the consumer buying behaviour [26].
Neuromarketing on Advertising
Advertisements activate specific regions of the brain. The
regions of brain activated by effective advertisements include
ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum [7]. The
study affirmatively identified the impact of positive facial
expressions in advertisements [7]. The response and success of an
advertisement can be accurately measured at an individual level by
Successful brands engage consumers in multi-sensory
This means that they offer a brand experience on more than
just visual aspects alone, like smell and taste. If two sensory
cues don’t match, it’s considered a mismatch.
Influences market investment, time management, man and
money power management
the neuromarketing tools. Advertisements can modify the medial
prefrontal cortex decision making region of the brain that can
increase the sales [45].
Neuromarketing on Pricing
The price of the product is an important factor that can
potentially influence a customer purchasing decisions [42]. An
important aspect of purchasing decision is fixing the ideal price
for a service or product [46]. Fixing the price of a product and its
association with purchase making decision of a customer is the
trickiest part in marketing [47,48]. Neuromarketing can help the
marketers to find the amount fixed for a product or a service on
the mind of the customers. This will enable the marketers to adjust
the prices of the product accordingly. Appropriate brain scanning
techniques can be used to find regions of the brain activated by pain
or happiness.
Neuromarketing on New Product Development
Neuromarketing tools are considered more appropriate for
analysing the product experience and not the conception and
development of a new product [5]. Since no valid inputs can be
obtained for the development of new product alternate methods
can be used. In contrary some studies also suggest that the
internal information disclosed form fMRI scan data can be used
for pretesting and development of new products [49]. Hence
neuromarketing can be used effectively for product testing and new
product development. Along with neuromarketing, SWOT analysis
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) can also be
used for new product development.
Neuromarketing on Communication
Verbal communication expressed by the consumer will not
be influenced by neuromarketing measurements since logically
it can be analysed by the conventional methods of market
research. Body language and facial expressions is analysed by
outside reflex neuromarketing techniques [19]. However, the
most accurate is the inside reflex measurements such as fMRI or
EEG. Hence neuromarketing techniques will not be of great use in
communication and scarce or no available literature is available in
this regard.
Neuromarketing on Distribution of Products
Neuromarketing techniques can be used to make efficient
distribution, arrangement and display of products in the shelves
and racks of supermarkets. Neuromarketing techniques can be
used to identify the ideal and effective arrangement pattern of
products for attracting customers attention [50]. An important
case of decision making is the top-shelf example. Products on the
top shelves of the stores are more evaluated by the customers
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
[51]. Products in the top shelves usually get more attraction from
the customers [52]. Eye tracking and caps attached with EEG on
customers head performing shopping can be used for studying the
behaviour of shoppers [53]. Online shops can also be analysed by
this method [54].
Neuromarketing on Decision-Making
Decision making in neuromarketing has five different stages.
This include: identifying the problem, weighing the possible choices,
decision after evaluation of the available choices, considering
the possible consequences of decisions, learning for the future
from decision making process [55]. The decision-making process
analysed by fMRI neuromarketing technique is a culmination of
emotions [56]. The decision-making process analysed by fMRI and
EEG shows the involvement of ventromedial prefrontal cortex and
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
striatum brain regions [57]. The consumer decision making process
can also be manipulated to a certain extent [58,59].
Neuromarketing on Branding
Customers normally prefer to attach loyalty to their preferred
brands. Brands usually create emotional attachment and bonding
that influence customer decisions [60]. This shows the importance
of brand attachment and the opportunity should be rightly used by
the marketers. fMRI studies have shown increased brain activity in
preferred brands than common brands [7,13,61-63]. Brands have
created an intuitive and hidden apprehension that have an effect
upon the decision-making process on a product [13]. Table 2 shows
the successful use of neuromarketing strategies by the successful
Table 2: Some prominent companies that use neuromarketing and their purpose.
Purpose of Neuromarketing
Conduct a study to teach advertisers how viewer’s brains act during
morning hours.
Study reactions to advertising.
Observe responses to products, brands, advertising and video
Media Planning
Measure the relative effectiveness of advertising.
Martin Lindstrom (Neurosense)
Neurosense designed and analyzed all the fMRI studies used for
Lindstrom’s book research.
Study consumer’s reaction to a television commercial.
Study consumer’s reaction when viewing a sport’s car.
Understanding consumer’s interaction with computers including
their feelings of surprise, satisfaction and frustration.
Online auctions
Adopted ad campaign on the basis of neuromarketing research.
Adjusted commercials, products and packaging on the basis of
neuromarketing based research.
Neuromarketing research
Consulting based neuromarketing research
Neurofocus (Conducted
neuromarketing research for among
others Google, Chevron and Walt
Disney company)
The weather channel
Study viewers reactions to promotions
Daimler Automotive
Study consumers reaction to car headlight characteristics
idea for single-serve packaging and corresponding ad campaign
Consumer response to advertisement
Social Networking
frequently a page should post, how to plan out an ad campaign
Coca Cola
Money transfer
Effective advertisement of product
Study related to car designing.
Eye tracking and EEG measures to analyse the brain’s response to the
various content, aesthetics and web design combinations
Neuromarketing on Product Design
Product design and presentation is important feature of
marketing and market research Hence the product design and
presentation aspect should be given sufficient attention to
minute details. Neuromarketing tools like fMRI and EEG can help
in better design of products [44]. Since the entire process takes
place subconsciously in the brain it is highly reliable. The nucleus
Advertisement emphasising speed and convenience
Study positive emotional response in advertisement
accumbens and ventromedial pre-frontal cortex region of the brain
are associated with the process of decision making [64].
Ethical Issue of Neuromarketing
Several ethical concerns should be addressed during the course
of research methods and approaches of neuromarketing. Some
are of the opinion that neuromarketing is against the idea of free
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
will. Marketers are aware of the central idea that the availability
of several product in the market empowers the decision-making
process of the customers. In this regard the technology of
neuromarketing is infringing on the rights to make individual
choices [26]. This increases the thrust area of marketing towards
commercial gain and diminishes the idea of catering to the needs of
the customers [22]. This is against the idea of a customer-company
relationship that comprises privacy policy issues [65]. The skewing
of the decision-making process of the brain by the use of brain
probes clearly violates the rights and creates ethical concerns and
hence rules and regulations are needed in this regard [4,10]. Two
crucial ethical issues concerning neuromarketing is the protection
of the individual affected by research on neuromarketing and the
other is the protection of the free will of the customer in decision
making [40]. Hence industry standards and regulations need to be
introduced to prevent misuse and responsible use of the techniques
of neuromarketing for enhancing the consumer shopping
experience [5,66]. Even though the rewards of neuromarketing
are huge there are still several grey areas neuromarketing needs
to address with regards to ethical concerns and customer friendly
Challenges of Neuromarketing
No marketing strategy can completely eliminate or block the
decision-making process of a customer [22]. There are also several
apprehensions about neuromarketing. Using a technology in
market research is not harmful but some see that it can create a
buy button effect that can completely eliminate the free will of the
customers. It will completely eliminate the rational thinking of the
customer and create human robots that are programmed to react to
marketing stimulus. In other wards humans can be converted into
programmed buying machines intended to consume predetermined
products and product choices [7,26,42]. Neuromarketing is rapidly
getting the attention of the companies and more are using its
services [7,67-71].
Future of Neuromarketing in India
The future prospects of the emerging field of neuromarketing
in India are very bright. According to the Boston consultancy group
from 2016 to 2025 the share of the affluent and elite in the five
household income categories in India will increase from 8 percent
to 16 percent whereas the share of the strugglers will drop from 31
to 16%. The elite and affluent categories will account for 40% as
against the current 27%. India with a huge population of more than
130 billion people is likely to emerge as the biggest consumer market
in the world overtaking china in the near future. Consumer Price
Index CPI in India averaged 114.67 Index Points from 2011 until
2017, reaching an all-time high of 137.60 Index Points in November
of 2017. The current 2.8 trillion $ GDP (2018) at the growth rate of
around 7% is expected to reach 4.6 trillion $ by 2025 (Table 3). For
example, the consumer electronics market size was USD 14 billion
in 2015 and is expected to be USD 29 billion by 2020 (Figure 4) and
the Indian advertising market is estimated to be about 693 billion
rupees in 2018 (Table 4). All the above indicators point to a trend
of increase in consumer expenditure, introduction of new products
and market competition. In this context neuromarketing is the
most preferred tool for market researchers to gauge the consumer
behaviour and mind-set.
Table 3: Comparison of the past and future projected economic sizes of USA, China and India in nominal & PPP scale.
Note: The past and projected GDP of the economies of USA, China and India on the Nominal scale from 2010 – 2050 in US Dollars
Note: The past and projected GDP of the economies of USA, China and India on the Purchasing Power parity (PPP) scale from 2010
– 2050 in US Dollars (billions).
Table 4: Indian advertising expenditure across the various media in billion rupees.
Adex global ranking 2017
Adex global ranking 2018
18F VS 17F
OOH (Out of Home)
Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
Figure 4: The size of the consumer electronic market size in India over a period of six years.
Neuromarketing offers exciting opportunities and provides
new avenues to explore in the field of marketing. Neuromarketing
strategies are at a very early stage and promises much more in
the future [42]. There is a wide consensus among neuromarketing
researchers that the field has to go a long way and cross several
hurdles before it can emerge as a prominent tool in the field of market
research. Nonetheless neuromarketing creates more interests and
is expected to play a pivotal role in the highly competitive domain
of global marketing. With the increasing availability of high end
technology and gadgets neuromarketing is bound to gain more in
the longer run.
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Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Volume 12- Issue 2: 2018
ISSN: 2574-1241
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.12.002230
Pravin Raj Solomon. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
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Cite this article: Pravin Raj Solomon. Neuromarketing: Applications, Challenges and Promises. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 12(2)-2018. BJSTR.
MS.ID.002230. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.12.002230.