April 2011 | 101
Delegating in the
By Olivier Serrat
Delegation Rules
The act of delegating
calls for and rests on
trust. In organizations,
delegation had
better be understood
as a web of tacit
arrangements across
rather than the
execution of tasks
with deinable
No man is an island, entire of itself; … , meditated John
Donne. In more ways than one, too: cooperation, especially
the trust and graduated delegation of authority it usually
implies when people come together to realize societal and
organizational goals, determines how we live, learn, work,
and play.
Because the perceived beneits from cooperation
normally outstrip those from going it alone—for instance,
by reducing transaction costs, collaboration mechanisms
are integral to necessary management of (scarce) natural,
human, tangible, and intangible resources—we delegate (and pay for), say, procurement
of foodstuff, health care, education, entertainment, and protection to supermarkets,
doctors, schools, the ilm industry, and armed forces. We do so by framing obligations
for exchange of valuable things in marketplaces. Most exchanges are straightforward,
self-executing matters giving satisfaction, e.g., the sale and purchase of a soft drink—if
this were not so, controversy and dispute would soon suffocate society at large and the
commerce that nurtures it; however, others are not.1
A Diversion on Contract Law, Oral Contracts, and Psychological Contracts
Without contract law, agreements would immediately become impractical at many levels, even in the simplest of cases. Contract law is based on the principle that what has
been agreed upon must be kept. In this respect, a formal contract is a voluntary, binding
promise between two or more persons or entities to produce or undertake in good faith
works or services in relation to a particular subject. To be enforceable, certainly by law,
it must include certain factual elements: (i) an offer; (ii) an acceptance of the offer; (iii)
a promise to perform; (iv) a valuable consideration, which can be a promise or payment
in some form; (v) a time or event when performance must be made; (vi) terms and conditions for performance, which includes the fulillment of promises; and (vii) performance.
(Nonviolation of public policy is, of course, expected.) The remedy at law for breach of
In addition to its palpably omnipresent role in daily life, delegation is a central feature of government and
governance. Representative democracy can be considered a chain of delegated power: to simplify, in a
parliamentary democracy, voters assign authority to representatives in parliament; the parliamentarians
entrust power to act to a prime minister and cabinet who later deputize that to ministers heading government
departments; in turn, the ministers task civil servants in the departments with related roles and responsibilities
(as well as accountability). Without a doubt, the modern nation-state could not exist without delegation:
lawmakers would have to personally enforce every law they pass. Nowadays, many use the language of agency
theory to describe the logic of delegation.
contract to produce or undertake is “damages” or monetary
An oral contract isn’t worth the paper it’s
compensation. Contracts can be written or oral.
written on.
Oral contracts are ordinarily valid and therefore legally
—Samuel Goldwin binding if their terms can be proved or are admitted by
contracting parties. However, in the absence of proof of the
terms of an oral contract, the parties may be unable to enforce the agreement or may be forced to settle for less
than the original bargain. Therefore, in most jurisdictions, certain types of contracts must be reduced to writing
to be enforceable (and prevent frauds and perjuries).
The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one, quipped Oscar Wilde. Since most of
us work for a living, formal contracts of employment2 are a familiar cornerstone of cooperation in the workplace,
thereby embedding contract law in the heart of legal systems. For this reason, formal contracts serve as the
foundation of entire societies and their economies. To be sure, Chris Argyris3 coined the notion of the
"psychological contract" 50 years ago to refer also to the quid-pro-quo expectations that exist between employers
and employees, namely, aspirations, diligence, loyalty, mutual obligations, and corporate values. These operate
over and above formal contracts of employment to impact behavior over time. His delineation of implicit
understandings was and certainly remains of strategic signiicance. Even so, the erosion of corporate career
structures in the last 20 years and far-reaching changes in society and the global economy have since emphasized,
beyond individuals and their career niches, how organizations can leverage psychological contracts to sustain
performance.4 In The Individualized Corporation, Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett5 promoted the
idea of a new "moral contract" whereby organizations and senior management respect the individual as a value
creator and bear a responsibility to help him or her develop to full potential.
Deining Delegation
In broad terms, delegation is the grant of authority by one
language of agency theory, it is the transfer to an agent of
the right to act for a principal that can take place only with
the acquiescence of the principal, where it is customary or
where it is necessary for the performance of the entrusted
duty. From a management perspective, it is the sharing or
transfer of authority and associated responsibility from an
employer or “superior” having the right to delegate to an
employee or “subordinate.”
party to another for an agreed purpose. In the
The inest plans are always ruined by the
littleness of those who ought to carry them
out, for the Emperors can actually do
—Bertolt Brecht
The features of a contract of employment, specifically, its conditions, detail in labor law the terms to which an employer and an employee
agree. They include the start and end dates. Specifics on the services to be rendered are detailed therein, including the general tasks or
functions of the position filled, key roles and responsibilities, location of work performance, reporting requirements, evaluation metrics, etc.
Of course, the contract specifies what compensation and other rights an employee will receive in exchange for the work delivered. (If the
contract is eligible for renewal, the method and circumstances for that might also be listed.)
Chris Argyris. 1960. Understanding Organizational Behavior. The Dorsey Press. If the term is new, the notion of mutual expectations goes
back thousands of years; social exchange theory posits that human relationships are shaped by negotiated give-and-take. While Chris
Argyris originally referred to a specific understanding between a work group and their foreman or team leader, Edgar Schein later focused
on the high-level collective relationship between individuals and senior management of the organization on the other. (He is credited with
inventing the term “corporate culture.”) See Edgar Schein. 1965. Organizational Psychology. Prentice Hall.
Boundary-less organizations that emphasize knowledge work are typified by horizontal career moves and a diversity of employer–employee
relations. Michael Wellin sees that, in support, they also operate a range of psychological contracts, a summary of which would read: (i) the
organization and its personnel are both “adult,” (ii) staff define their own worth and identity, (iii) a regular flow of people in and out of the
organization is healthy, (iv) long-term employment is unlikely—one should expect and prepare for multiple employments, and (v) growth
is through personal accomplishment. See Michael Wellin. 2007. Managing the Psychological Contract: Using the Personal Deal to Increase
Performance. Gower Publishing Ltd.
Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett. 1997. The Individualized Corporation: A Fundamentally New Approach to Management. Harper
Paperbacks. In that book, and in three admirable articles published in 1994–1995, Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett explained that
great organizations are defined by purpose, processes, and people, not outmoded concerns for strategy, structure, and systems. Managers
should focus on leveraging the individual’s unique talents and skills, an organization’s most important source of sustainable competitive
advantage. See Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett. 1994. Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Strategy to Purpose.
Harvard Business Review. November–December; ___. 1995. Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Structure to Processes. Harvard
Business Review. January–February; ___. 1995. Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Systems to People. Harvard Business Review.
Delegating in the Workplace
The Relevance of Contracts to Delegation
To delegate well in the workplace and help transform that into a place that works for all, it is important to
appreciate contract law, oral contracts, and psychological contracts as well as the transactional, implicit, and
inferred deals they severally promulgate. Why? Because the act of delegating, meaning, empowering, calls for
and rests on trust.6 However, the sociality of work and the complex actions and interactions in social networks
that characterize worklows can never be accurately codiied (even if software applications sometimes model
worklows in particular domains). If trust, the fundamental basis of all value, does not come easily in traditional
exchange agreements over price and quantity, it is even more dificult to build and maintain when it must also
embody elements of responsiveness, creativity, innovation, quality, and reliability in leeting interpersonal
Delegation is a fundamental, win–win management
Only free men can negotiate; prisoners
process that cannot be readily contracted in the hustle and
cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and bustle of the workplace.8 Hence, within organizations,
mine cannot be separated.
it had better be understood as a web of tacit governance
—Nelson Mandela arrangements across quasi-boundaries rather than the
execution of tasks with deinable boundaries. To a much
greater extent than contract-based forms of transaction, disaggregated structures require high-powered
incentives along a continuum of “boss”-centered and distributed leadership. The predictors of delegation
along that continuum would be distinctions based on the characteristics of supervisors, the (real or perceived)
characteristics of their subordinates, and situational factors.
Of Continuums, Predictors, and Consequences
Forces in the supervisor, in the subordinate, and in the situation drive delegation in the workplace. The continuum
that depicts the locus of authority in decision making is typically anchored at one end by completely autocratic
decision making and at the other by a delegation process that permits maximum inluence by subordinates.9
Participation is the midpoint between autocratic and delegative arrangements.
The Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum is the best known model of areas of freedom for supervisors and
subordinates.10 In the range of behaviors the model depicts, a supervisor makes the decision and announces
it; sells the decision; presents his ideas and invites questions; presents a tentative decision subject to change;
presents the problem, gets suggestions, and then makes the
decision; deines the limits and requests the subordinate You must trust and believe in people or life
to make a decision; or permits the subordinate to make becomes impossible.
decisions within prescribed limits. We are all familiar
—Anton Chekhov
with the subtle nuances between telling, selling, checking,
including, involving, and empowering.
Delegation entails a transfer of power and the danger is that trust will be abused. This can only be avoided if the principal and the agent
share interests and if the principal is knowledgeable about the activities of the agent as well as their possible consequences.
Again, agency theory provides valuable insights. In delegation, an agent is granted freedom to make decisions subject to constraints that
the principal may have specified. Full delegation can only come about if information and preferences are fully congruent or, more usually,
the principal feels secure about an uncertain situation.
Of course, SMART delegation rules are supposedly at hand to help formalize the process. [The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable,
Agreed, Realistic, and Time-bound. SMARTER rules are also Ethical (to which Enjoyable or Exciting are sometimes substituted) and Recorded.]
In truth, not all delegated work can ever be subject to such precision (let alone be enjoyable or exciting).
Many argue that, however he or she may vest others with authority, a supervisor can never entirely delegate final accountability for results.
The only resort is to make sure things go right through executive participation.
Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt. 1958. How to Choose a Leadership Pattern. Harvard Business Review. March–April.
Figure 1: A Continuum of Delegation
Kindly do exactly as I say.
Please look into this matter and let me know what you think; I will then decide.
Please look into this matter and let me know what you think; we will then decide.
Please let me know what you think about this matter and what help you think you need from me
to help you assess and handle the situation; we will then decide jointly.
Please give me your analysis, e.g., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats, as well as your recommendations; I will let you know how you should proceed.
Please decide on this matter and let me know your decision on next steps; however, kindly wait
for my notice to proceed.
Please decide on this matter and let me know your decision on next steps; then, go ahead
unless I advise you not to.
Please decide on this matter and take action; then, let me know what you did and what happened
as a result.
Please decide on this matter and take action; you need not feed back to me immediately.
Please manage this matter and decide where action must be taken; this is now your area
of responsibility.
Source: Author. Developed from Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt. 1958. How to Choose a Leadership Pattern. Harvard Business
Review. March–April.
Carrie Leana11 has conducted useful work on delegation as a distinct management practice that complements
better known investigations of delegation as one point in a continuum of involvement in (un)participative
decision making. She hypothesized sensibly and then demonstrated that the perceptions that supervisors have
of subordinates, e.g., capability, responsibility, and trustworthiness, as well as situational characteristics, such as
the importance of the decision to make and the supervisor's workload, are signiicant predictors of delegation.
To boot, the actual job competence of subordinates and the degree of congruence in the goals of supervisors
and subordinates moderate the effects of delegation on the performance of subordinates. Interestingly, neither
the characteristics of supervisors nor the satisfaction of subordinates were found to be signiicantly related to
Carrie Leana. 1986. Predictors and Consequences of Delegation. Academy of Management Journal. 29 (4). pp. 754–774. The survey that
underpinned research covered 19 branch offices of a large national insurance company in the United States, or 198 claims adjusters
reporting to 44 supervisors. Research in other sectors, professions, and disciplines might reveal different weights in the predictors and
Those who see job enrichment as a basic function of delegation, besides efficient completion of assigned work and enhanced effectiveness
of a supervisor’s performance—these, habitually, being deemed the higher benefits from delegation—might be troubled by that last
Delegating in the Workplace
Figure 2: Predictors and Consequences of Delegation
Subordinates' Characteristics
Supervisors' Characteristics
- Actual Job Competence
- Goal Congruence
- Need for Dominance
- Roles Perception
Supervisors' Perceptions
of Subordinates
- Capability
- Responsibility
- Trustworthiness
Level of Delegation
- Subordinates' Performance
- Subordinates' Satisfaction
Situational Characteristics
- Decision Importance
- Supervisors' Workload
Source: Carrie Leana. 1986. Predictors and Consequences of Delegation. Academy of Management Journal. 29 (4). pp. 754–774.
Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand …
Literature offers many tips on how one should delegate; linear advice commonly runs thus: (i) deine the task,
(ii) assess ability and training needs, (iii) explain the reasons, (iv) state the results required, (v) consider the
resources needed, (vi) agree on deadline, (vii) support and communicate, and (viii) feedback on results. A little
more introspection would certainly help if, as argued earlier, it is more sagacious to frame delegation as a web
of inferred governance arrangements.
Following a modicum of soul-searching supervisors might even say mea culpa. From the health sector,
where professionals and patients alike need clear knowledge for decision making and so much rests on nurses,
comes pithy advice on delegation from the receiving end. In the United States, the following principles guide
delegation of nursing activities, for which nurses must ultimately bear accountability for. The ive “rights”
of delegation are (i) the right task (one that is delegable); (ii) the right circumstances (appropriate setting,
available resources, and other relevant factors considered); (iii) the right person (the right person is delegating
the right task to the right person); (iv) the right direction
She generally gave herself very good advice, and communication (clear, concise description of the task,
including its objective, limits, and expectations); and (v)
(though she very seldom followed it).
—Lewis Carroll the right supervision (appropriate monitoring,
intervention as needed, and feedback).13
These parallel the five rights of medication safety: (i) the right patient, (ii) the right drug, (iii) the right dose, (iv) the right route, and (v) the
right time.
Further Reading
ADB. 2009a. Building Trust in the Workplace. Manila. Available:
―――. 2009b. Distributing Leadership. Manila. Available:
―――. 2010a. Informal Authority in the Workplace. Manila. Available:
―――. 2010b. Engaging Staff in the Workplace. Manila. Available:
―――. 2011. The Travails of Micromanagement. Manila. Available:
Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt. 1958. How to Choose a Leadership Pattern. Harvard Business
Review. March–April.
Carrie Leana. 1986. Predictors and Consequences of Delegation. Academy of Management Journal. 29 (4). pp.
For further information
Contact Olivier Serrat, Head of the Knowledge Management Center, Regional and Sustainable Development Department,
Asian Development Bank (
Delegating in the Workplace
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