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ABREVIERI C -captare SP -staţie de pompare ST -staţie de tratare R -rezervoare inmagazinare RD -reţea de distribuţie AAB -aducţiune apă brută AAP -aducţiune apă potabilă Q IC -debit de dimensionare obiecte schema alimentare cu apă Q IIC -debit dimensionare reţea de distribuţie Kp -coeficient de majorare a necesarului de apă Ks -coeficient de servitute pentru acoperirea necesităţii proprii sistemului Q RI -debit refacere rezervă de incendiu NTU -unităţi nefelometrice de turbiditate CCO-Mn -consum chimic de oxigen determinat prin metoda cu permanganat de potasiu (mgKMnO 4 /l) TOC -carbon organic total (mgC/l) NRW -apă care nu aduce venit (m 3 /zi) v a -viteza admisibilă de intrare a apei în puţ (mm/s) d 40 -diametrul caracteristic al materialului stratului acvifer (mm) 1/423 v F -viteza medie de filtrare (m/h) AS -apă de spălare AdS -apă de la spălare AF -apă filtrată RAS -rezervor apă de spălare d ef -diametrul efectiv al granulelor materialului filtrant (mm) u -coeficientul de uniformitate al granulelor materialului filtrant MB -membrană biologică UF -ultrafiltrare HFM -pachete de fibre cilindrice (hollow fibre modules) COT -carbon organic total (mg/l) EBCT -timpul de contact în procesele de adsorbtie (min.) C R -cota radierului rezervorului H b -presiunea necesară la branşament (m col. H 2 O) V av -volumul de avarie (m 3 ) V i -volumul rezervei intangibile (m 3 ) T i -timpul teoretic de funcţionare al hidranţilor interiori (min)
Le Monde Diplomatique, 2024
A lo largo de la historia nacional, la universidad ha sido caja de resonancia y campo de batalla. Bajo el gobierno de Javier Milei, la intención de achicar los gastos del Estado se combina con una desconfianza ideológica que impide ver el rol crucial que tienen las universidades para el desarrollo argentino. Edición 304, octubre 2024.
Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie (TMA) invites beginning and senior scholars to submit abstracts for an article in its 71st issue. We welcome contributions ranging from case studies to theoretical approaches related to the archaeology of the Mediterranean world in its broadest sense. Research with a historical or epigraphic approach can also be admitted. You are asked to send a preliminary title, an abstract of ca 250 words, and a short bio to by Monday 30 October 2023. Any questions may also be sent to this address. Articles in TMA must be 1500-3000 words. Our guidelines, both in English and in Dutch, can be found on
Huberto Rohden - Filosofia da Arte
Electronic Workshops in Computing, 2019
In this study, we present a detailed analysis of deep learning techniques for intrusion detection. Specifically, we analyze seven deep learning models, including, deep neural networks, recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks, restricted Boltzmann machine, deep belief networks, deep Boltzmann machines, and deep autoencoders. For each deep learning model, we study the performance of the model in binary classification and multiclass classification. We use the CSE-CIC-IDS 2018 dataset and TensorFlow system as the benchmark dataset and software library in intrusion detection experiments. In addition, we use the most important performance indicators, namely, accuracy, detection rate, and false alarm rate for evaluating the efficiency of several methods.
BBC History XIV. évf. 2. sz. (2024. február) 6–12.
A water distribution system is responsible for delivering high quality water through teens of kilometers of water pipes. Pathogenic microorganisms may enter that distribution system even though the raw water was thoroughly treated at the source. Chlorine is widely used as disinfectant in drinking water systems throughout the world. . As chlorine travels through the pipes in the distribution system it decay and it can react with a variety of materials that decrease its chlorine content. Nevertheless, most water suppliers attempt to maintain a detectable chlorine residual within the distribution system to minimize the potential for microbial growth.
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Revista Derecho del Estado , 2024
Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο, 2023
Revista Colombiana de Psicología, 2016
Modern health science, 2024
Journal of International Social Research
GAZDÁLKODÁS: Scientific Journal on Agricultural Economics, 2015
Lecture notes in mechanical engineering, 2022
Book Chapter, 2025
PLoS Genetics, 2009
Mali Santé Publique, 2021
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2008
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016