b) Weighted average price method =
Cost maybe classified as
Period Cost:charged to, debited
to, or written off to the income
Product cost: the costs of manufacturing our
Direct costs: collectively known
as Prime Costs
Total cost
Total No. of units
c) Periodic simple average price method = Total unit price of certain period
(This rate is used for all issues for that period. Period means a month (or) week (or) year)
d) Periodic weighted average price method = Total cost of certain period
Total Number of units of that period
Indirect Costs: collectively known as
Conversion Costs: these are the costs incurred in the factory that are incurred in the conversion of
materials into finished goods
Market Price Method
Replacement price method
wooden battens,
fabric for the
seat and the
back, nails,
screws, glue
Direct expense
•Issues are valued as if it was purchased now at current market price
Direct labour
Direct materials
Direct Costs:
costs of special designs for
one batch, or run, of a
particular set of tables and/or
chairs, the cost of buying or
hiring special machinery to
make a limited edition of a
set of chairs
indirectly associated with
manufacture: management of
a department or area,
supervisors, cleaners,
maintenance and repair
•Issues are valued at price if it is sold now
Standard price method = Materials are priced at
pre determined rate (or)
Standard rate
Inflated price method = The issue price is inflated to
cover the losses incurred
due to natural(or)climatic losses
factory cost not included in
any of the other sections
InDirect expense
tools and
InDirect labour
InDirect materials
Indirect Costs
Realizable price method
Depreciation of equipment,
machinery, vehicles,
buildings, electricity, water,
telephone, rent, Council
Tax, insurance
ABC Analysis (or) Pareto Analysis
“A” – Important material
“B” – Neither important nor unimportant
“C” – UN Important
Period Costs
1. Administration Costs:
include salaries, rent, Council Tax,
electricity, water, telephone,
depreciation, a potentially infinitely
long list
2. Selling Costs: incurred to create and
stimulate the demand and to secure the demand
3. Distribution Costs: incurred on dispatch of
the finished goods to customer including
4. Research Costs
5. Finance Costs: associated
with providing the permanent, long
term and short term finance
1) Reorder level = Maximum usage * Maximum lead time
(Or) Minimum level + (Average usage * Average Lead time)
•Material received as replacement from supplier is treated as fresh supply
•If any material is returned from Department after issue, it has to be first disposed in the next issue of material
•loss in the book balance of stock and actual is to be transferred to Inventory adjustment a/c and from there if
the loss is normal it is transferred to Over Head control a/c. If it is abnormal it is transferred to costing profit
and loss a/c.
•CIF = Cost Insurance and Freight (This consignment is inclusive of prepaid insurance and freight)
•FOB = Free on Board (Materials moving by sea – insurance premium is not paid)
•FOR = Free on Rail (Insurance and freight is not borne by the supplier but paid by the company or purchase)
•For each receipt of goods = Goods Receipt note
•For each issue of goods = Materials Requisition note (or) Material Issue note
Accounting Treatment
2) Minimum level = Reorder level – (Average usage * Average lead time)
Normal Wastage = It should be distributed over goods output increasing per unit cost
3) Maximum level = ROL + ROQ – (Minimum usage * Minimum lead time)
4) Average level = Minimum level +Maximum level
Minimum level + ½ Reorder quantity
Abnormal Wastage= It will be charged to costing profit and loss a/c
Sale value of scrap is credited to costing profit and loss a/c as an abnormal gain
Sale proceeds of the scrap can be deducted from material cost or factory overheads
5) Danger level (or) safety stock level
=Minimum usage * Minimum lead time (preferred)
Average usage * Average lead time
Average usage * Lead time for emergency purposes
Sale proceeds of scrap may be credited to particular job
Normal Defectives = cost of rectification of defectives should be charged to specific
6) EOQ (Economic Order Quantity - Wilson’s Formula) = √2AO/C
Where A = Annual usage units
O = Ordering cost per unit
C = Annual carrying cost of one unit
i.e. Carrying cast % * Carrying cost of unit
7) Associated cost = Buying cost pa + Carrying cost pa
8) Under EOQ Buying cost = Carrying cost
Abnormal Defectives = This should be charged to costing profit and loss a/c
Cost of Normal spoilage is to borne by good units
Abnormal spoilage should be charged to costing profit and loss a/c
Time Rate system
9) Carrying Cost = Average inventory * Carrying cost per unit pa * Carrying cost %
Average Inventory * Carrying cost per order pa
10) Average inventory = EOQ/2
Flat time Rate
High wage system
Payment by Results
11) Buying cost = Number of Orders * ordering cost
12) Number of Orders = Annual Demand / EOQ
13) Inventory Turnover (T.O) Ratio = Material consumed
Average Inventory
14) Inventory T.O Period =
Inventory Turn over Ratio
Graduated time rate
Piece rate system
Group Bonus System
Combination of Time and Piece rate
Premium bonus plans
Piece rate system
Straight piece rate
Differential piece rate- Taylor system & Merrick system
Group Bonus System
15) Safety stock = Annual Demand *(Maximum lead time - Average lead time)
16) Total Inventory cost = Ordering cost + Carrying cost of inventory +Purchase cost
Budgeted Expenses
Towne gain sharing scheme
Cost efficiency bonus
Priest man system
Combination of Time and Piece rate
17) Input Output Ratio = Quantity of input of material to production
Standard material content of actual output
Remarks :1) High Inventory T.O Ratio indicates that the material in the question is fast moving
2) Low Inventory T.O Ratio indicates over investment and locking up of working Capital in inventories
Pricing of material Issues
1) Cost price method:a) Specific price method
b) First in First Out method (FIFO)
c) Last in First Out method (LIFO)
d) Base stock method
2) Average price method:a) Simple average price method =
Gantt task and Bonus scheme
Emerson Efficiency system
Point scheme-Bedaux system & Haynes manit system
Premium bonus plans
Halsey premium plan
Rowan scheme
Barth scheme
1) Time rate system = Hours worked * Rate per hour (Basic wages)
2) Piece rate system:
i) Straight piece rate earnings = Number of units produced * Rate per unit
ii) Differential Piece rate
Total unit price
Total No. of purchases
a) F.W.Taylor’s differential rate system
» 83% of piece rate when below standard
» 125% of piece rate when above or at standard
Causes of difference
b) Merrick differential or multiple piece rate system
Efficiency level
Piece rate
» up to 83%
»Normal piece rate
» 83% to 100%
» 110% of Normal rate
» Above 100%
» 120% of Normal rate
iii) Gantt Task and Bonus system
» Below standard
» At standard
» Above standard
» Time rate (guaranteed)
» 20% Bonus of Time rate
» 120% of ordinary piece rate
iv) Emerson’s Efficiency system
» Below 66.7% » Hourly Rate
» from 66.7%
»Hourly rate (+) increasing bonus according to degree to 100% of efficiency on
the basis of step bonus rates
» Above 100%
» Hourly rate (+) 20% Bonus (+) additional bonus of 1% of hourly rate for every
1% increase in efficiency
v) Halsey Premium Plan = Basic wages + 50% of time saved * Hourly Rate
vi) Halsey Weir Premium Plan = Basic wages + 30% of time saved * Hourly rate
* Basic Wages
vii) Rowan Plan = Basic wages + Time saved
Time allowed
viii) Bedaus Point system = Basic wages + 75% * Bedaus point/60 * Rate/hr
ix) Barth’s System = Hourly rate * √Std time *Time taken
Labour Turnover:1) Separation rate method = Separation during the period
Average No. of worker’s during the period
2) Net labour T.O rate (or) Replacement method
= Number of replacements
Average No. of worker’s during the period
3) Labour flux rate = No. of separation + No. of replacement
Average No. of worker’s during the period
Accounting Treatment
Normal Idle time = Charged to factory overheads
Normal but un-controllable = It should be charged to job by inflating wage rate
Step method of
secondary distribution (or)
Non reciprocal method
• Service department costs are
divided over production
• Ignore service rended by one
dept. to another
• Service department which
serves largest number of
service department is
divided first and go on
Valuation of
•Raw-material-I fi a ial a/ ’s sto k is alued at ost or arket alue Whi he er
is less, hile i ost a/ ’s it is alued at LIFO, FIFO et
•Work in progress -I fi a ial a/ ’s ad i istrati e e pe ses are also o sidered
hile alui g sto k, ut i ost a/ ’s it a e alued at pri e or fa tor ost or
cost of production
•Finished Goods -I fi a ial a/ ’s it is alued at ost or arket pri e hi he er is
less, i ost a/ ’s it is alued at total ost of produ tio
•In financial = Actual expenses are taken
•In cost = Expenses are taken at predetermined rate
•In financial = Charged in diminishing or fixed balance method
•In cost = Charged in machine hour rate
•In financial = Taken to profit & Loss a/c
•I ost = E luded to ost a/ ’s or harged i
osti g profit & Loss a/
Job & Batch Costing
Organizations that carry out functions and services on a one at a time basis
A job is “A customer order or task of relatively short duration”
Job costing is “A form of specific order costing; the attribution of cost to jobs”
A batch is group of similar articles which maintains its identity throughout one or more stages of
production and is treated as a cost unit Batch costing is a form of specific order costing; the attribution of
costs to batches.
Economic Batch Quantity = EBQ = √2AS/C
Where A = Annual Demand
S = Setting up cost per batch
C= Carrying cost / unit of production
Process Costing
Format of Abnormal loss
Unit Rs. Particulars
Unit Rs.
To Process a/c
By Sale of wasted units
By costing P & L a/c
Format of Abnormal gain a/c
Units Rs. Particulars
Units Rs.
To Normal Loss a/c
By Process a/c (names of different process)
To costing P&la/c
Abnormal = It should be charged to costing P & L a/c
Direct redistribution
financial items
•Appropriation of profits Transferred to reserves, goodwill, preliminary expenses,
dividend paid etc
•Loss on sale of investment, penalties and fines
•Income Interest received on Bank deposits, profit on sale of investments, fixed assets,
transfer fees
Reciprocal service
• ) Simultaneous equation
method (or) Algebraic method
• Repeated distribution method
• Trial and Error method
Simultaneous equation method
•Equation is formed between service departments and is solved to
find the amount due
Repeated distribution method
•Service department cost separated repeatedly till figure of service
dept. is exhausted or too small
Trial and Error method
•Cost of service department is apportioned among them repeatedly
till the amount is negligible and the total is divided among
production department
Treatment of Over/under Absorption
absorbed and over absorbed overheads -small value
•transferred to costing profit and loss a/c
under and over absorption occurs due to wrong estimates
•cost of product manufactured should be adjusted
1. Cost per unit for valuation of units to be trans. to next process and also for abnormal,
loss or gain= Total process cost – Salvage value of normal spoilage
Total units introduced – Normal loss in units
2. Abnormal loss (or) gain (all in units):
= Units from previous process + fresh units introduced – Normal loss – units transferred to next process
(If the result is positive then abnormal loss. If negative then abnormal gain)
3. Statements to be prepared while WIP is given:
i) Statement of equivalent production
ii) Statement of cost
iii) Statement of apportionment of cost
iv) Process cost a/c
4. In case of opening WIP and closing WIP are given then there are different methods of valuation of closing
FIFO Method
LIFO Method
•units transferred to next
process includes full
opening stock units -First
to complete the
units already in
•closing stock includes the
RM introduced during the
•Cost incurred in process first to complete newly
introduced units
•Then to complete units already in process in this
•closing stock is divided into two-Units which
represent opening stock but lie at
the end of the period & Newly
introduced units in closing stock
Average Method
•No distinction is made
between opening stock
and newly introduced
•cost incurred for opening
stock is also to be added
with current cost
accrued due to same abnormal reasons
•transferred to costing profit & loss a/c
Apportionment of OH Exp.
Stores service expenses
Factory rent
Municipal rent, rates and taxes
Insurance on Building and machinery
Welfare department expenses
Amenities to employee’s
Employees liability for insurance
Lighting power
Stores over heads
General over heads
Apportionment of Departmental cost
Maintenance dept
Pay roll and time keeping
Value of materials consumed
Floor area
floor area
Insurable value
Number of employees
Plug point
Direct Material
Direct Wages
Hours worked for each dept
Total labour (or) machine hours (or) Number of employees in
each department
Employment (or) Personnel department Rate of labour T.O (or) No. of employees of each department
Stores Keeping department
No. of requisitions (or) value of materials of each department
Purchase department
No. of purchase orders value of materials of each department
Welfare, ambulance, canteen, service, No. of employees in each department
recreation room expenses
Building service department
Relative area each dept
Internal transport service (or) overhead weight, value graded product handled, weight and distance
crane service
Transport department
Crane hours, truck hours, truck mileage, Number of packages
Power house (electric power cost)
Housing power, horse power machine hours, No. of electric
points etc.
Points of vital importance in case of Abnormal Gain / Loss:
a) Calculate cost per unit by assuming there is no abnormal loss / gain
b) Cost per unit arrived above should be applied for valuation of both abnormal Loss/gain units and output
of the process.
c) Separate a/c for both abnormal loss/gain is to be prepared
Methods of apportioning joint cost over joint products
Physical unit method
•Separated on the basis of ratio of output quantity
Standard cost method
•Separated on the basis of standard cost set for respective joint
Contribution margin method
•divided into two categories (i.e.) variable and fixed. Variable costs are
separated on unit produced. Fixed on the basis of contribution ratios
made by different products
Market value at the point of
•Joint cost *100/ Sales Revenue
•Joint cost for each product is apportioned by applying this % on sales revenue
of each product
•Sales revenue = Sales Revenue at the point of separation
Market value after
Net Realizable value method
•apportioned on the basis of total sales Value of each product
after further processing
•From sales value following items are deducted
•i) Estimated profit margin
•ii) Selling and distribution expenses if any included.
•iii) Post split off cost
Operating Costing
Indifference Point
The Differences Between Product Costing and Service Costing
Shut down point
There may be very few, if any, materials to worry about
Overheads will comprise the most significant portion of any costs of which, labour costs may well •Point at which two Product sales result in same amount of profit
• Point at which each of division or
•= Change in fixed cost
(in units)
comprise as much as 70%
product can be closed
•Change in variable cost per unit
No. Enterprise
Cost per unit
Railways or bus companies
Per passenger-kilometer
•= Change in fixed cost
(in units)
• = Maximum (or) Specific (or)
Per patient/day, per bed/day
•Change in contribution per unit
Available fixed cost
Meals served , cups of tea
• P/V Ratio (or) Contribution per
•= Change in Fixed cost
(in Rs.)
Water supply service
Per 1000 gallons
Boiler House
1000 kg of steam
Goods Transport
Per tonne km, quintal km
• If sales are less than shut down
•= Change in Fixed cost
(in Rs.)
Electricity Boards
Per kilowatt – hours
point then that product is to shut
•Change in Variable cost ratio
Road maintenance department Per mile or road maintenance
One thousand
10. Hotel
Per room/day
Note :1) When comparison of profitability of two products if P/V Ratio of one product is greater than P/V Ratio of
Passenger km, quintal km, tonne km, known as composite units computed in 2 ways:
other Product then it is more profitable.
a) Absolute (weighted average): (e.g.) tones km - Multiplying total distance by respective load 2) In case of Indifference point if Sales > Indifference point --- Select option with higher fixed cost (or)
select option with lower fixed cost.
b) Commercial (simple average): (e.g.) tonne Km–Multiplying total distance by average load quantity
Standard Costing
Method one of reading:All accumulated cost is classified into 3 categories:
Running charges (or)
variable cost= Fuel,
Driver Wages,
Depreciation, oil etc
Standing charges (or)
fixed cost
Maintenance charges
(or) semi variable cost =
Supervision salary,
Repairs and
= (1) – (4)
Material cost variance
Material price variance =
Material usage variance =
(1) – (2)
Material mix variance
(3) – (2)
usually applies to major long term contracts rather than short term jobs such as civil
engineering contracts for building houses, roads, bridges and so on
Material yield variance =
(1) –(3)
also include contracts for building ships, and for providing goods and services under a long
term contractual agreement
Contract Costing
A form of specific order costing; attribution of costs to individual contracts
every contract and each development will be accounted for separately
contain the features of job costing
Labour cost variance
= (1) – (4)
Labour Rate variance = (2)–(4)
Labour Efficiency variance =
(1) – (2)
Profit of Incomplete contract :Labour mix variance = (3) – (2)
1) When % of completion is less than or equal to 25% then full Notional profit is transferred to
Labour Yield variance = (2) –(3)
2) When % of completion is above 25% but less than 50% following amount should be credited to profit &
loss a/c = 1/3 * Notional Profit * {Cash received / Work certified}
Variable OH
3) When % of completion is more than or equal to 50% then the amount transferred to profit is =
2/3 * Notional Profit * {Cash received / Work certified}
[Balance is transferred to reserve a/c]
Variable OH cost variance
4) When the contract is almost complete the amount credited to profit & loss a/c is
a) Estimated total profit * {Work certified / Contract price}
b) Estimated total profit * {Cash received / Contract price}
c) Estimated total profit * {Cost of work done / Estimated total profit}
d) Estimated total profit*{Cost of work done*Cash received
Estimated total cost * Work certified}
Variable OH Exp. variance =
Fixed OH
Margin of safety [MOP]
Actual sales – Break even sales
Sales – Variable cost = Fixed cost + Profit
Profit Volume Ratio [P/V Ratio]:•{Contribution / Sales} * 100
•{Contribution per unit / Sales per unit} * 100
•{Change in profit / Change in sales} * 100
•{Change in contribution / Change in sales} * 100
Net profit / P/V Ratio
(4) – (5)
Fixed Overheads Efficiency Variance =
(1) – (2)
Fixed Overheads Volume Variance
(1) – (4)
Fixed Overheads Capacity Variance
(2) – (3)
Fixed Overheads Capacity Variance
(2) – (3)
Fixed Overheads Calendar Variance
(3) – (4)
Sales Value Variance
Budgeted Price*BQ
BP*Budgeted mix
Sales value variance
= (4)–(1)
(4) – (2)
(2) – (3)
Sales quantity variance =
(3) – (1)
Note :i) Actual margin per unit (AMPU) = Actual sale price – selling cost per unit
ii) Budgeted margin per unit (BMPU) = Budgeted sale price – selling price per unit
Sales Margin Variance
BMPU*Budgeted mix
Sales margin variance
(4) – (2)
Sales margin volume variance =
(2) – (1)
Sales margin mix variance
(2) – (3)
Sales value for Desired Profit = {Fixed cost +
Desired profit} / P/V Ratio
Sales margin price variance
Contribution = Sales * P/V Ratio
Sales margin quantity variance =
At BEP Contribution = Fixed cost
Break Even Point [BEP]:•Fixed cost / Contribution per unit [in units]
•Fixed cost / P/V Ratio [in value] (or) Fixed Cost * Sales value per
unit/(Sales – Variable cost per unit)
(2) – (1)
Profit / Contribution per unit [In units]
Sales unit at Desired profit = {Fixed cost +
Desired profit} / Cont. per unit
Variable cost Ratio = Change in total cost *
100/Change in total sales
(1) – (5)
Fixed Overheads Budgeted Variance
Sales mix variance
Marginal Costing
Variable cost Ratio = {Variable cost / Sales} * 100
[Where: SR =Standard rate/hour = Budgeted variable OH
Budgeted Hours ]
Sales price variance
6) Escalation Clause = This is to safeguard against likely change in price of cost elements rise by and
Sales volume variance =
certain % over the prices prevailing at the time tendering the contractee has to bear the cost.
Variable cost = It changes directly in proportion with volume
= (1) – (3)
Fixed Overheads Cost Variance
5) Work-In-Progress is shown in Balance Sheet as follows:Skeleton Balance sheet
(RS) Asset
Profit & loss a/c (will include)
Profit on contract (Specify
Value or work certified
the contract number)
Cost of work uncertified
Less : Loss on contract
Less :- Reserve for unrealized profit
(Specify the contract number)
Less :- Amount received from
Sundry creditors (will include)
Wages accrued
Direct expenses accrued
Any other expenses
Total Cost = Variable cost + Fixed cost
Variable OH Efficiency variance = (1) – (2)
% of completion = {Work certified/Contract price} * 100
Sales = Total cost + Profit = Variable cost + Fixed cost + Profit
(3) – (1)
Control Ratio :1) Efficiency Ratio = Standard hours for actual output * 100
Actual hours worked
2) Capacity Ratio = Actual Hours Worked * 100
Budgeted Hours
3) Activity Ratio = Actual hours worked * 100
Budgeted Hours
Verification: Activity Ratio = Efficiency * Capacity Ratio
Scheme of journal entries:Material:
For material purchases (cash or Material control a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Purchases for a special job
Work-in-progress ledger control a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Material returned to vender
Cost ledger control a/c
To Stores ledger control a/c
to Work-in-progress control a/c
To Stores ledger control a/c
Material (indirect) issued to Manufacturing overheads a/c
To Stores ledger control a/c
Material returned from shop to Stores ledger control a/c
To Work-in-progress control a/c
Material transferred from Job 1 to No entry
Job 2
Material issued from stores for Manufacturing overhead a/c
To Stores ledger control a/c
Direct wages paid
Wage control a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Work-in-progress a/c Dr
To Wage control a/c
Indirect wages paid to workers in Wage control a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Selling & Distribution departments
Production Overhead a/c
Administrative Overhead a/c
Selling & Distribution Overhead a/c
To Wage control a/c
Direct Expenses on a particular Job a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Overhead expenses incurred
Production overhead a/c
Administrative Overhead a/c
Selling & Distribution Overhead a/c
To cost ledger control a/c
Carriage inward
Manufacturing Overhead a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Production Overheads recovered
Work-in-progress control a/c
To Production Overhead a/c
Overhead Finished goods ledger control a/c Dr
recovered from finished goods
To Administrative Overhead a/c
Selling and Distribution Overhead Cost of sales a/c
recovered from sales
To Selling & Distribution a/c
Special cases
If over/under absorbed amounts are carried For over recovery :
forward to subsequent year, the balance of Production Overhead a/c
each Overhead account will have to be
To Production overhead suspense a/c
transferred to respective Overhead suspense
(or reserve) Accounts as follows:
For under recovery :
Administrative Overhead Suspense a/c
To Administrative Overhead a/c
Selling & Distribution Overhead Suspense a/c
To Selling & Distribution Overhead a/c
In case the Under/Over absorbed overheads are For Over recovery:
transferred to costing profit & loss a/c then the Production Overhead a/c
relevant entries are:
To Costing Profit & Loss a/c
For Under recovery:
Costing Profit & Loss a/c
To Administration Overhead a/c
For sales effected
Cost ledger control a/c
To Costing Profit & Loss a/c
Profit / Loss: In case of profit the entry is as Costing Profit & Loss a/c
To Cost ledger control a/c
Reverse the entry in case of loss
Relevant Costing
Relevant costs
future costs that will be
changed by a particular decision
Irrelevant costs
Those costs that will not be affected
by a decision
1. If the relevant revenues exceed the relevant costs then it will be worthwhile accepting the decision.
2. A particular cost can be relevant in one situation but irrelevant in another.
3. The important point to note is that relevant costs represent those future costs that will be
changed by a particular decision, while irrelevant costs are those costs that will not be affected
by that decision.
Other Important Terminologies : To affect a decision a cost must be:
Future: Past costs are irrelevant as they are not affected them by future decisions & decisions should be
made as to what is best now.
Incremental: This refers to additional revenue or expenditure, which may appear as a result of our
(A cash flow - Such charges as depreciation may be future but do not represent cash flows and, as such,
are not relevant.)
Sunk costs: Past costs, not relevant for decision making
Committed costs: This is future in nature but which arise from past decisions, perhaps as the result of a
Relevant Costs: Problem areas:
1 Problems in determining the relevant costs of materials:
When considering various decisions, if the any materials required is not taken from existing stocks but
would be purchased on a later date, then the estimated purchase price would be the relevant material
cost. A more difficult problem arises when materials are taken from existing stock. In this situation the
relevant cost of materials for a particular job (say job X) depends on
Material is in regular use of the company Use Replacement Cost
Material is not in regular use of the Opportunity cost or Realisable value
The net sales revenue if the materials were sold (or) The
expense that would be avoided if the materials were used
on some other job Whichever is greater
Material is in short supply
If the material is in short supply the only way material for the job under consideration can be obtained is
by reducing production of some other product / job. This would release material for the order. but the
reduced production will result in loss of contribution which should be taken in to account when
ascertaining the relevant costs for the specific order. Therefore the relevant cost will be Contribution lost
(before the material cost since the material cost will be incurred in any case) will be the relevant cost.
2 Determining the direct labour that are relevant to short - term decision depends on the circumstances.
Where a company has temporary sparse capacity and the labour force is to be maintained in the short term, the direct labour cost incurred will remain same for all alternative decisions. The direct labour cost
will therefore be irrelevant for short - term decision - making purposes.
However where casual labour is used and where workers can be hired on a daily basis; a company may
then adjust the employment of labour to exactly the amount required to meet the production
requirements. The labour cost will increase if the company accepts additional work, and will decrease if
production is reduced. In this situation the labour cost be a relevant cost for decision - making purposes.
In a situation where full capacity exists and additional labour supplies are unavailable in the short - term,
and where no further overtime working is possible, the only way that labour resources could then be
obtained for a specific order would be to reduce existing production. This would release labour for the
order. but the reduced production will result in loss of contribution, which should be taken in to account
when ascertaining the relevant costs for the specific' order. Therefore the relevant cost will be
Contribution lost (before the labour cost) will be the relevant cost.
Budgetary Control
Zero Base Budgeting
budgets are developed from a zero base
at the beginning of the budget development process, all budget headings have a value of ZERO
incremental budgeting system in general tends to start a new budget with a balance at least equal to last
year's total balance, or an estimate of it.
Definition of Zero Base Budgeting (ZBB)
“A method of budgeting whereby all activities are reevaluated each time a budget
is set. Discrete levels of each activity are valued and a combination chosen to match
funds available”.
-CA. Rajgopal Sanghi & CA. Sumit L. Sarda
Objectives and Benefits of ZBB
• zero base budgeting tries to achieve is an optimal
allocation of resources
• starts by asking managers to identify and justify their
area(s) of work in terms of decision packages
benefits of ZBB
• Focus the budget process on a comprehensive analysis of objectives and needs
• Combine planning and budgeting into a single process
• Cause managers to evaluate in detail the cost effectiveness of their operations
• Expand management participation in planning and budgeting at all levels of the organisation
Activity Based costing
Traditional Method we split the Over Head incurred in production, based on machine hours
In ABC method Over Head are splited according to the related activity, for each type of Over
Head. Overhead are apportioned among various Production cost centers on the basis of Activity
cost drivers
Plot no.8, Canal Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur-440010, Contact:8600364185