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2022, Armax: The Journal of Contemporary Arms…
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Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti: Razred za društvene znanosti, 57, pp 33-57, 2023
Reflections on the Impossible. The Political Programme of the “Conspiracy” of 1665 The paper presents a source in Hungarian, by an unknown author, from the early years of the Zrínyi-Frangepan Conspiracy: „The Education for a Good Reflection on Hungary’s Ruined State”. The text describes the situation after the Treaty of Vasvár (1664), and then turns to the prospects for possible alliances with nations nearer and further afield (especially the French and the Turks) against the Habsburg oppression. It lists the arguments for and against, and leaves it to the reader to decide which way to go. However, the order in which the questions are posed does suggest an orientation. The only one that does not receive any counter-arguments is the search for a relationship with the German Protestant states. The first edition of „The Education for a Good Reflection”, published in 1868, may be seen mainly as an action of the Hungarian opposition of the time. The opposition politician and historian behind the publication, Kálmán Thaly, wanted to warn of the dangers of the Austrian hegemony. In the 1970s and the 1980s, Ágnes R. Várkonyi, disputing the earlier reception, described the document as a new chapter in the Hungarian political culture, which, in addition to religious tolerance, raised the horizon of an anti-Habsburg alliance of the Central European peoples. The Croatian part of The Reflections, mediated by Tadija Smičiklas and Eugen Kumičić, became known to the Croatian public too. The present study dates the document to the end of the first phase of the Hungarian-Croatian political organisation, at the end of 1665. It concludes that the German political orientation of the Treatise and the German (Lutheran) sources of the religious tolerance ideas also point to István Vitnyédy as a possible author (or at least editor). Keywords: Wesselényi-Zrínyi-Frangepan Conspiracy; Hungarian-Croatian cooperation; religious tolerance; 19th-century historiography; Eugen Kumičić; ideology of the Party of Right
Glosar el exocanon: escrituras inasibles en español, 2024
es una ivestigacion cientifica y metodologica
Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: an International Journal
Sustainable development has become a goal for all countries seeking a balance between social, environmental and economic needs. The principal vision of a sustainable built future is about developing creative designs that utilize energy and materials effectively. However, this vision should consider historic buildings that were built centuries ago. Although many of these buildings are standing in a stable state, they are obsolete and their values are not fully utilized. Towards revitalizing and generating sustainable values of these buildings, adaptive reuse is adopted as a process of modifying, adapting and reusing obsolete buildings with their existing structures to extend their life cycle whilst performing a new function. This is currently practiced worldwide, specifically when a building has a unique architectural character and is in a stable condition. The adaptive reuse of a historic building should have minimal impact on the heritage significance of the building and its se...
Costruire in Terra d'Otranto tra Medioevo ed Età moderna
vēsture Ēriks Jēkabsons klaipēdas nonākšana vācijas varā 1939. gada martā: skats no latvijas rakstā aplūkota Lietuvai piederošā klaipēdas apgabala aneksija Vācijas sastāvā 1939. gada martā, balstoties uz līdz šim plašāk neizmantotiem Latvijas sūtniecību kauņā un berlīnē, kā arī ģenerālkonsulāta klaipēdā ziņojumiem. konstatēta arī Latvijas republikas valdības un Ārlietu ministrijas nostāja, kas bija uzsvērti neitrāla, kaut arī notiekošais izraisīja dziļu satraukumu Latvijā. �iņojumi atklāj jaunus aspektus arī Lietuvas un Vācijas vēsturē.
tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai pembangunan kota jakarta yang berbasiskan pada pembangunan lingkungan. bagaimana cara menyeimbangkan antara pembangunan ekonomi tetapi tidak berdampak besar terhadap lingkungannya. inilah yang penulis bahas secara teoritis.
The purpose of the study is to examine the multifaceted reality of culture shocks experienced by Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV) during Pre-Service Training (PST) in Kediri, Indonesia and the strategies to overcome on a day to day basis. The research is descriptive in nature by semi-structured interviews and direct observation to PCV living in Kediri. The results of the research reveal that the culture shocks encountered are of three sorts: psychological, behavioral, and interpersonal communication change. Psychological change is of four kinds: using right-left hand, male-female interaction, asking personal privacy, and shake-hand. Moreover, the study also reveals three strategies to cope with culture shocks. They are self-confidence and optimism, accepting a new culture, and social support. It may be difficult to PCV to accept all differences with pleasure. However, a tolerant attitude and an open mind make them better to communicate with Community Liaison (CL). Eventually, by other p...
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