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2022, Armax: The Journal of Contemporary Arms…
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Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2011
Background: Quantitative noninvasive imaging of myocardial mechanics in mice enables studies of the roles of individual genes in cardiac function. We sought to develop comprehensive three-dimensional methods for imaging myocardial mechanics in mice.
This article addresses to the core part of a neurotechnology known as Brain-Computer-Interface and abbreviated as BCI. It is most growing research area in this era for neurotechnologists. Whole portion of this article broadly describe three working stages of BCI-System such as signal acquisition, signal processing and signal application, and signal processing further categorized as signal preprocessing, feature extraction, feature classification and feature translation. However working functionality varies according to its interfacing technique used as invasiveinterface, semi-invasive-interface, and non-invasive-interface. These interfacing techniques used various kinds of hardware/machinery such as electrocorticograpgy, magnetic-resonance-imaging, electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography which are briefly described.
Commemoratur hic nuper mortuus Georgius Kolendo, professor Universitatis Varsoviensis, scrutator antiquarum rerum gestarum Romae et earum regionum, quae nunc a Polonis incoluntur, atque etiam commerciorum, quae inter terras ad mare Mediterraneum sitas et barbarorum civitates habebantur. Professor Kolendo fuit vir sapientissimus et humanissimus, semper ad discipulos collegasque adiuvandos paratus.
Archaeological studies of microbotanical remains must consider taphonomic factors likely to have affected a recovered assemblage. One of the most fundamental taphonomic considerations is the movement of objects within a soil profile under the influence of groundwater. To this end, this study reports on initial tests involving the movement of starch granules in three dimensions within a constructed sand matrix. The results indicate that both lateral and upward as well as significant downward movement occurs under the influence of groundwater, with movement rates of up to 4mm/ dayforsomestarchgranulesgreaterthan10μminsize.
isara solutions, 2015
The radiation properties of four element microstrip antenna array printed upon a typical ferrite substrate Ni1.062Co0.o2Fe1.948O4 in the presence of normal dc magnetic bias field. In loss-less isotropic warm plasma, this array antenna geometry excites both electromagnetic (EM) and electroacoustic plasma (P) waves in addition to nonradiating surface waves. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the EM - mode and P-mode can be decoupled into two independent modes, the electoacoustic mode is longitudinal while the electromagnetic mode is transverse.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 1980
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 2003
Conference - London , 2014
Kluwer Mediation Blog, 2020
Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology
Algorithms and Technologies For Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery Xvii, 2011
Shadows in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death, Book 51) by Robb, J. D. (Audio CD
RSC Advances, 2015
Studi (e Testi) italiani, 2024
Russian Open Medical Journal, 2013
Singapore medical journal, 2003
Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2017
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 1999
Üç Taraflı Hukuki İlişki Modeli Olarak Havale (TBK m. 555-560), 2021