J Syst Sci Complex
Credit Scoring Based on the Set-Valued Identification
WANG Ximei · HU Min · ZHAO Yanlong · DJEHICHE Boualem
DOI: 10.1007/s11424-020-9101-4
Received: 22 March 2019 / Revised: 28 May 2019
Editorial Office of JSSC & Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2020
Abstract Credit scoring is one of the key problems in financial risk managements. This paper studies
the credit scoring problem based on the set-valued identification method, which is used to explain the
relation between the individual attribute vectors and classification for the credit worthy and credit
worthless lenders. In particular, system parameters are estimated by the set-valued identification
algorithm based on a given recognition criteria. In order to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed
method, practical experiments are conducted for credit card applicants of Australia and credit card
holders from Taiwan, respectively. The empirical results show that the set-valued model has a higher
prediction accuracy on both small and large numbers of data set compared with logistic regression
model. Furthermore, parameters estimated by the set-valued identification method are more stable,
which provide a meaningful and logical explanation for extracting factors that influence the borrowers’
credit scorings.
Credit scoring, logistic regression model, prediction accuracy, set-valued model.
Credit scoring problem is extensively studied by academics and practitioners and has been
one of the key topics in financial risk management[1] . The purpose of the credit scoring is to
WANG Ximei
Department of Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 10044, Sweden.
Email: ximei@kth.se.
HU Min · ZHAO Yanlong (Corresponding author)
Key Laboratory of Systems and Control, Institute of Systems Science, Academy of Mathematics and Systems
Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; School of Mathematical Sciences, University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.
Email: humin17@mails.ucas.edu.cn; ylzhao@amss.ac.cn.
Department of Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 10044, Sweden.
∗ This research was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No. 2018YFA0703800,
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61622309, and the Verg Foundation (Sweden).
⋄ This paper was recommended for publication by Editor LIU Yungang.
WANG XIMEI, et al.
assess the ability and willingness of individuals in meeting their financial obligations on time.
For example, for the lenders such as banks or companies, it is important to evaluate whether
the borrowers have good credit scores since accurate estimation of the scores can help to decide
whether to approve the loan request as well as the lending rate to each borrower[2] .
The lenders classify the borrowers based on the profile information such as financial ratios,
job attributes, purposes of loan, etc[3, 4] . Generally, there are two kinds of credit scoring methods: Model-based and statistical-based method. The so-called model-based method includes
CreditMetrics model, Credit Risk+ model, KMV model, etc. CreditMetrics and Credit Risk+
model are proposed by JP Morgan and credit suisse financial products (CSFP), respectively[5, 6] .
They are based on the estimation of the forward-looking distribution in value changes for a loan
portfolio and bond type products during a given period. KMV model[7] which is studied by
KMV company focuses on computing the default probabilities under the assumption that the
returns of the assets follow a Black-Scholes dynamics[8] . In this model, default occurs when
the total value of the firm’s assets falls below a certain value. For the statistic-based method,
credit scoring is a binary classification problem to distinguish good customers from the bad
ones[9, 10] . The credit scoring problem is modeled as a binary or multi valued classification
which the relation between probability of default and the attributes of the lenders are learned
from data. Many statistical algorithms such as logistic regression (LR) model, ordered probit
model, artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM) are widely applied
in predicting the probability of default for lenders[11–14] . Around 10 to 30 attributes which
generally consist of financial key measures, and other quantitative or qualitative variables are
considered in the statistical-based method.
Set-valued (SV) model is a new class of systems emerging from network and information
technology. Unlike traditional systems, the available information to SV system is not accurate
output. Specifically, the SV system output is in some set, even binary, which brings great
difficulties for parameter identification. In recent years, through the tireless efforts of some
researchers, many innovative identification methods have been successfully applied to set-valued
systems and some interesting results have been obtained[15, 16] . With the improvement of the
theoretical work, the SV system has gradually been applied to various fields, such as complex
diseases and genome-wide association analysis[17] .
In this paper, the SV model is used for the credit scoring problem and the recognition criteria
is given. Then we conduct experiments on Australian data set with 690 credit card applicants
and Taiwan data set with 30,000 credit card holders. Comparing the experiment results between
the LR and SV model, the latter has a higher prediction accuracy and furthermore, parameters
estimated by the SV model are more stable than the LR model, which means that the SV
model not only has a better prediction accuracy results, but also competes in interpretations
and explanation of the attributes information. Thus, we can extract meaningful attributes that
influence the credit scoring. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows.
1) A novel system model — The SV model is used in the credit scoring problem to classify
credit worthless lenders from the credit worthy ones.
2) Compared to the LR model, the SV model has a higher prediction accuracy on both large
and small numbers of samples. In addition, parameters estimated with the SV model is more
stable than the LR model.
3) The main factors which influence the default of the lenders are analyzed under the SV
model, which can be viewed as the warning indicator for lenders.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives a general review of literatures
for credit scoring model; Section 3 proposes a specific method for classification prediction — SV
model and parameter identification algorithm; In Section 4 we conduct experiments on two data
sets, Australian credit card applicants data and Taiwan credit card holders data respectively
to predict the credit worthy and credit worthless categories. Conclusions of this paper are
presented in Section 5.
Literature Review
Credit scoring is a typical classification problem. Various techniques are applied to distinguish the “bad” (credit worthless) lenders from the “good” (credit worthy) ones[18–20] . While
according to the prudence principle of financial risk management, not only the prediction accuracy but also the logic behind is an important evaluation standard for the model.
LR model is a generalized linear regression method to calculate the probability of default
from the attributes[21] . It specifies that the logit function of the probability of default is a
linear function based on the observed values of the available explanatory variables. LR model
is widely used in credit scoring problems for lenders because of its simple implementation
and good explanation[22] . The limitation of the LR model is the assumption of logit noise.
In addition, non-linear relation between attributes and the probability of default cannot be
revealed in the model[23] .
Fuzzy classification model makes use of fuzzy rules to evaluate similarity between objects[24] .
It is a popular classification method which can be used in credit scoring problem[25, 26] and has
been widely studied in recent years. The main idea of this method is converting the target
feature to fuzzy sets and membership functions, then determining the target category through
the fuzzy relationship and fuzzy reasoning. Fuzzy classification method can deal with some of
the challenges encountered in conventional recognition pattern.
With the explosion of information in technology, data mining techniques which are effective
in data processing have been applied in credit scoring problems[27] . For example, Bayesian
method, K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier, random forest (RF) model, ANN, etc[4, 28–30] .
While Bayesian method requires the knowledge of prior distributions. Then the minimum error
rate or the minimum risk criteria can be given and the target can be recognized by the criteria;
KNN classifier makes no assumptions about the specific distributions. However, usually it has
a better prediction performance if “good” and “bad” samples have equal numbers[31] . The
choice of “k” and the measure of distance also highly affect the prediction accuracy. ANN
has the capability of adaptive, self-organizing, e-learning, which can handle problems with very
complex environmental information or unclear background knowledge. By learning to build the
sample memory, the unknown mode will be sentenced to the closest memories. While it is not
WANG XIMEI, et al.
always the “best” model in credit scoring problem. [32] compares the credit scoring prediction
accuracy of the ANN with five other traditional techniques including discriminant analysis, LR,
KNN, kernel density estimation and decision trees methods, it turns out that the LR model is
more precise than the ANN in average cases. More details about the comparison of the statistic
methods can be found in [23, 33, 34].
According to a large numbers of studies for credit scoring modeling, there is no consistent
conclusion on which method is the most accurate method to be used. Sometimes there are
conflicts comparing the findings in different studies[35, 36] . Generally, lenders prefer choosing
models with interpretability and the transparency. According to the literature [35], “two aspects
of methods for credit scoring are very important: That is the predictive performance, as well
as the insights or interpretations that are revealed by the model”.
Set-Valued Model
This section describes how to build the SV model that shows the relation between the
attribute vectors and the target category. Then we can give the classification criteria based on
the model.
System Model
It is common to use a linear model to approximate the situation that the model is unknown.
So we assume that there exists an implicit index which is the linear combination of the different
features and the target category is decided by the implicit index. Then, the relation between
the feature vector and the target category can be described as the set-valued system model as
⎨ yk = φT
φkj θj + dk ,
k θ + dk =
⎩s = I
, k = 1, 2, · · · , N,
{yk ≤C}
where m, N are the number of the attributes and samples (i.e., the number of lenders), respectively. Vectors φk = (φk1 , φk2 , · · · , φkm )T , θ = (θ1 , θ2 , · · · , θm )T are the attributes of the kth
lender and the parameters to be estimated, respectively. {sk , k = 1, 2, · · · , N } is the output
observation, where sk = 1 (sk = 0) means that the kth lender is the credit worthy (credit worthless). dk is the system noise and I(·) stands for the indicator function. Inevitably there will
be some errors existing in the acquisition and processing of the lenders’ attribute information.
Therefore the noise dk is added as the supplements of other environment factors. According
to the center limit theorem, we assume that dk is distributed normally with mean of 0 and
variance of σ 2† .
Set-Valued Identification Algorithm
For the SV identification algorithm, the feature vector {φk , k = 1, 2, · · · , N } and its target
category {sk , k = 1, 2, · · · , N } are used to estimate the parameter θ.
† Technically,
the noise dk can be any distribution.
Traditional SV identification method needs some requirements for the input variable {φk , k ≤
N }, such as periodic input forms, and so on. In recent years, this constraint has been overcome
by using the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which leads SV identification to a wide
range of applications in different fields. We use an iterative identification algorithm based on
expectation maximum (EM) proposed in [37]. The specific form is as follows:
φk φT
=θ +
N k=1
φk σ 2 f (C − φT
kθ ) × −
I{sk =1}
F (C −
kθ )
I{sk =0}
1 − F (C − φT
kθ )
where θi is the estimated value of the parameter at the ith iteration, C is a known threshold,
F (·), f (·) denote the probability distribution function of the standard normal distribution and
probability density function, respectively.
[37] has proved that if the corresponding MLE exist, the iterative algorithm can converge to
the point of MLE and can achieve exponential convergence rate regardless of the initial value
of the iteration.
In the credit scoring problem, the threshold C is unknown due to the lack of prior information. So we should estimate both the unknown parameter θ and the threshold C. This can be
shown as follows:
{(φk , sk ), k ≤ N } −−−−−−−−→ (θ, C).
To estimate C, we change C into a component of the new parameters:
φk (φk1 , φk2 , · · · , φkm , −1)T ,
θ (θ1 , θ2 , · · · , θm , C)T .
Then the model (1) is equal to the following model:
⎨ y = φT θ + dk =
φkj θj + dk − C,
⎩s = I
≤0} ,
k = 1, 2, · · · , N.
By Equation (2), the estimate of the new parameter
θ can be given as follows:
−1 N
{sk =1}
{sk =0}
⎦⎠ ,
θ ) × ⎣−
φk σ 2 f (−φT
θ +
φk φT
F (−φk θ ) 1 − F (−φk θ )
θ is the estimation of the new parameter at the ith iteration. The estimation of the new
θ can determine the original parameter θ = (θ1 , θ2 , · · · , θn )T and the threshold C.
Classification Criteria
The SV identification algorithm can give the estimations of the parameter θ and the thresh According to the model (1), we can get the following criteria by replacing
old C (i.e., θ and C).
WANG XIMEI, et al.
where φ is the feature vector of the unknown target and the noise is
θ and C with θ and C,
assumed to be zero.
s = I{y≤C}
φj θj ,
y = φT θ =
If s = 1, the unknown state of lender is credit worthy (credit worthless).
Classification Results
This section gives classification results for two data sets: The credit applicants data set
of Australia and credit card holders data from Taiwan, respectively. Firstly, the attributes
for the two datasets are analyzed before the specific modeling. Second, feature extraction
and standardization techniques are used to eliminate the irrelevant or less important factors.
Finally, the SV and LR model are used to classify the “bad” lenders from “good” ones. The
results show that not only prediction accuracy of the SV model is higher than which of the
LR model, but also the estimations of the parameters with the SV model are more stable than
those of the LR model. Besides, important factors that affect the credit scorings are analyzed.
Credit Card Applicants Data of Australia
Data Description
We obtain the Australian credit card applicants data from the UCI repository of machine
learning database[11, 38]‡ . This data set includes 690 samples in which 383 (55.5%) applicants
are credit worthless, denoted as class “0”, 307 (44.5%) are credit worthy belonging to class “1”.
There are 14 attributes for each applicant, 6 of the attributes (A2, A3, A7, A10, A13, A14) are
continuous and 8 (A1, A4, A5, A6, A8, A9, A11, A12) are categorical.
Data Processing
Since the data is a mixture of continuous and categorical attributes, it is preprocessed by
the following three steps:
Step 1 Extracting the continuous and categorical attributes by Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon
rank sum test and contingency table method, respectively;
Step 2 Transforming the categorical data into dummy variables;
Step 3 Standardizing the data with MinMaxScaler scale.
Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon rank sum test[39] in Step 1 is used to test whether the continuous
attributes will statistically significantly influence the classification results. Contingency table
method[40] is used for testing the significance of categorical attributes. In Step 2, a dummy
variable is a dichotomous variable which is used to code the categorical data. The number of
dichotomous variables equals to G − 1, where G is the number of the original categories[41] .
Regression method with dummy variables are widely used and cheaply fitted by the mechanical
procedure of “dropping out” one of the variables in the system[42] . MinMaxScaler in Step 3
is one of the feature preprocessing methods. It transforms features by scaling each feature to
‡ Australian credit approval data set is submitted by quinlan@cs.su.oz.au, all attribute names and values have
been changed to meaningless symbols to protect confidentiality of the data.
a given range§ . Then the prepared data set are used to classify the credit worthy and credit
worthless applicants with the SV and LR model, respectively. In this paper, training set and
testing set are divided randomly in order to avoid specificity. In particular, training set is used
to estimate the parameters of the model and testing set is to predict the classifications.
Result Analysis
In this part, we analyze classification results between the SV and LR model from two aspects
— The prediction accuracy and the stability of coefficients. Table 1 presents the prediction
accuracy results for SV and LR models, respectively. Noting that for both training and testing
data, the prediction accuracy of the SV model is higher than the LR method.
Table 1
Prediction accuracy (Australia)
Training Accuracy
Testing Accuracy
Furthermore, the classification prediction accuracies for training and testing data over 10
experiments are demonstrated in Figure 1. It shows that the prediction accuracy of the SV and
LR model have little difference under the training set. However, for the testing set, SV model
performs better than the LR model, which means the former one has a stronger generalization
than latter.
prediction accuracy
SV training accuracy
SV testing accuracy
LR training accuracy
LR testing accuracy
Figure 1
§ In
numbers of experiment
Prediction accuracy of the SV and LR model for training and testing set (Australia)
this paper, for the given range [0,1], all the features are scaled by Xscaled =
Xmax −Xmin
WANG XIMEI, et al.
Figure 2 shows the standard deviation (SD) of ten experiments for all the coefficients in the
SV and LR model, respectively. It shows that the SD of the coefficients for the LR model is
larger, which means the corresponding coefficients are different for each experiment estimated
with the LR model. Compared to the LR model, the SV model has more stable coefficients
among the ten experiments with tiny fluctuation. Generally, we prefer to infer an exact model
with stable coefficients from samples rather than models with unstable ones. Therefore, the SV
model is better than the LR model in the sense of coefficient stability.
SD of SV parameters
SD of LR parameters
Figure 2
SD of the coefficients for the SV and LR model (Australia)
Since the SV model has stronger generalization and stable training results, we can use it to
explain the mechanism of the Australian credit approval data set. Table 2 displays the first 6
important anonymous attributes and corresponding coefficients. We can get the most important
attribute which strongly influences the credit scoring of the lenders. A14 and A10 stand for the
14th and 10th attribute, respectively. A6(3) stands for the 3rd dummy variable of attribute
A6, and similar explanations with A5(5), A5(1), and A6(7). Noting that the attributes A14,
A10, A6(3) are negatively related to the credit scoring classification. One can make an effort on
these specific attributes to change the values larger or smaller than the threshold C if someone
wants to improve credit scorings.
Table 2
First eight important coefficients and corresponding variables
C (threshold)
Credit Card Holders Data of Taiwan
The second data set is the history payment of credit card holders taken from an important
bank in Taiwan. It contains 30,000 observations in total, in which 6366 observations (22.12%)
are with default payment, see [23] for the details of the data. In this classification analysis, if
one defaults, he will be classified to the set “1”, otherwise “0”.
Data Description
There are 23 explanatory variables in this dataset to be used as attribute information.
While other attributes are created based on the original data to explore more information. For
example, average (logarithmic) amount of the past payment, relatively amount of the payment
for each month. All the additional variables are listed in Table 3. Finally, there are 72 attributes
to be used in this data set. There is no doubt that some attributes are linear correlated to each
other. Similarly, both continuous and categorical variables exist in the data set. In addition to
the data processing mentioned in Subsection 4.1.2, we need to select most related features from
all of the 72 attributes. In this paper, we select features according to the highest scores based
on univariate feature selection with the analysis of variance (ANOVA) F-test for the data[44] .
Thus, the attributes are reduced into k = 30¶ . After the above transformation of the data, the
data set is divided into training and testing data randomly.
Table 3
Additional variables
Logarithmic of the payment and bill statement for each month
Average (logarithmic) and standard deviation payment status
Average (logarithmic) and standard deviation of payment (bill statement) amount
Relative values of the average payment (bill statement) values
Sign of the bill statement
Sum product of the payment and bill statement amount for each month
Sign of the sum product of payment state and bill statement amount for each month
Result Analysis
Classification accuracy of the LR and SV model is presented in Table 4 . We can see that
the prediction accuracy of the SV model for both training and testing data set are higher than
the LR model. Figure 3 shows all the prediction accuracies for 10 experiments. Noting that for
each experiment, the SV model has a higher prediction accuracy. Figure 4 shows the SD for all
the parameters of the selected attributes. It is shown that for the large data set, parameters of
the LR model and the SV model are stable in a range of 0–0.5.
¶ In
python, the classes in the sklearn.feature selection module can be used for feature selection/dimensionality
reduction on sample sets.
The threshold of logistic regression algorithm are calculated as p
threshold = 1+e−c , where c is the intercept
of the logistic function.
WANG XIMEI, et al.
Table 4
Classification accuracy
Training accuracy
Testing accuracy
SV training accuracy
SV testing accuracy
LR training accuracy
LR testing accuracy
prediction accuracy
numbers of experiment
Prediction accuracy of SV and LR model for training and testing set (Taiwan)
SD of SV parameters
SD of LR parameters
Figure 3
Figure 4
SD of the coefficients for SV and LR models (Taiwan)
Table 5 represents the most important 6 attributes among the 30 explanatory variables
for the credit card holders. Noting that the bill amounts relative to the limit value of the
credit card in August, 2005 (bill relamt 2) has the strongest negative influence for predicting
the credit worthy or worthless lenders. It makes sense that the larger the bill amount is, the
easier for the client to default. The other factors are the logarithmic of the average amount
paid from April to September in 2005 (pay amt avg log), average value of the payment status
(pay ave), the logarithmic of sum product for the bill statement amount and payment status
in each month (pay bill sum log), bill amounts relative to the limit value of the credit card in
May, 2005 (bill relamt 5), the second dummy variable for the payment status of September,
2005 (pay 1[T.2]).
Table 5
First six important attributes and corresponding coefficients
C (threshold)
bill relamt 2
pay amt avg log
pay avg
pay bill sum log
bill relamt5
pay 1[T.2]
This paper studies the credit scoring classification problem based on the SV model. The
relation between the observed attribute information and the default of lenders are calculated
by the SV identification algorithm for the credit applicants and credit card holders data set.
Noises between the attribute information and the classification of the lenders is assumed as
normally distributed. Empirical results show that the SV model performs better than the LR
model not only on the prediction accuracy, but also on the coefficients stability. Based on the
results of the paper, we can study more meaningful problems. For example, how to use the SV
identification method to solve multi-target recognition problem.
We thank the anonymous researcher and I-Cheng Yeh in the department of information
management, Chung Hua University, Taiwan and department of civil engineering, Tamkang
University, Taiwan for sharing the data in UCI machining learning repository. We are also
grateful for the tutorial of Natalino Busa, the chief data officer of Teko Ventures for the data
analysis and credit scoring prediction.
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