Ossamulu, I.F et al/ Elixir Food Science 73 (2014) 26424-26428
Available online at www.elixirpublishers.com (Elixir International Journal)
Food Science
Elixir Food Science 73 (2014) 26424-26428
Evaluation of nutrient and phytochemical constituents of four eggplant
Ossamulu, I.F, Akanya, H.O, Jigam, A.A and Egwim, E.C
Department of Biochemistry, School of Natural and Applied Science, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B 65, Minna, Niger
State, Nigeria.
Art i cl e h i st ory :
Received: 17 June 2014;
Received in revised form:
10 August 2014;
Accepted: 19 August 2014;
Ke y w or d s
Eggplant, Nutrient,
Solanum macrocarpon,
Solanum aetheopicum,
Phytochemicals .
The nutrient and phytochemical constituents of four eggplant cultivars (Solanum.
marcrocarpon (round), Solanum aetheopicum, Solanum Marcrocapon (oval), Solanum
gilo) were evaluated by standard procedures. The moisture content in the cultivars was
high ranging from 88.31±0.023–91.94±0.11% while the protein, ash, energy and fat
content were low. There were significant differences (P<0.05) in the moisture, fiber and
ash contents among the cultivars. The K+ content of all the cultivars was higher than other
elements analyzed ranging from 821.00±13.10 to 764.00±10.00mg/100g. Na+, Ca2+ and
Cu2+ were higher in S. gilo while S. aetheopicum had the lowest concentrations in all the
elements analyzed except Na+ and Ca2+. The concentrations of alkaloids, tannins and
saponins were very high. S. marcrocarpon (round) cultivar had the least values for both
alkaloids and tannins while S. Macrocarpon (oval) and S. gilo had the highest
concentrations of both phytochemicals. S. marcrocarpon (round) eggplant had the highest
concentration of flavonoid (16.88±0.08mg/100g), S. aetheopicum (12.53±0.03mg/100g),
S. gilo 12.87±0.06mg/100g and S. marcrocarpon (oval) (16.22±0.06 mg/100g). The
results revealed that eggplants have rich mineral content and various important of
phytochemicals which may account for their medicinal properties acclaimed. Thus, they
could be valuable raw material for health and pharmaceutical industries.
© 2014 Elixir All rights reserved.
Eggplant is scientifically referred to as Solanum melongena
and it belongs to the family of Solanaceae, the plant genus
Solanum and sub genus Leptostemonum [1]. It has over a
thousand species all over the world. In Nigeria, about 25
different species have been recorded including those
domesticated for food and local medicine [2]. In northern
Nigeria, the Hausas’ call it ‘gauta’ or ‘yalo’, it is called ‘yengi’
in Nupe, ‘afufa’ or ‘anara’ in igbo and igba in Yoruba. They are
highly valued constituents of the Nigerian foods and folklore
medicines. Although, they are mostly grow in the northern part
of Nigeria [3], they are either eaten raw or cooked, used in
making stew or soups [4] in the southern and western parts of
Eggplants possess various nutritional and medicinal values
that make them valuable addition to diets. This is basically
because they have appreciable reserve of nutrients and loads of
phytochemical compounds such as saponins, phenols,
flavonoids, tannins among others. Eggplant fruit is helpful in
preventing and treatment of several diseased conditions as it is
effective in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels, in
regulating high blood pressure, in weight reduction and it possess
anti-haemorrhoidal and anti-glaucoma effects. Other medicinal
applications include the use of the roots and fruits as carminative
and sedatives, and to treat coelic problems [5], leaf juice as a
sedative to treat uterine complaints, an alcoholic extract of leaves
as a sedative, anti-emetic and to treat tetanus after abortion [6].
The proximate, mineral and phytochemical constituents of four
eggplant cultivars (S. marcrocarpon (round), Solanum
aetheopicum, Solanum Marcrocapon (oval), Solanum gilo) were
evaluated in this study.
E-mail addresses: ossafame@gmail.com
© 2014 Elixir All rights reserved
Materials and Methods
Fresh samples of the eggplant cultivars (S. marcrocarpon
(round), solanum aetheopicum, solanum macrocarpon (oval) and
solanum gilo ) were purchased from a farm in Kudenda, Kaduna
State, Nigeria. The cultivars were identified at the department of
biological science, Federal University of Technology, Minna,
Nigeria. The samples were washed with water and divided into
two portions; the first portion was instantly used for proximate
analysis while the other was sliced into pieces, dried at room
temperature for three weeks, ground into powder and stored in an
air tight container for mineral and phytochemical analysis.
Proximate analysis of the fresh eggplant cultivars was done
in triplicates according to standard procedures [7]. The energy
value was determined using the Atwater factors 4, 4, and 9 for
protein, carbohydrate and fat respectively [8]. The eggplants
were screened for saponins, alkaloids, flavonoinds, phenols,
tannins, anthroquinones, phlobatannins, steroids and terpenoids
using the methods described by [9, 10, and 11].
Quantitative determination of saponins, phenols, alkaloids,
flavonoids, phytate, oxalates and cyanides were investigated
using the methods described by [12, 13, 48, 49, 14, 15 and 16].
The mineral content was analyzed using the standard procedure
as described by [17]. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
(Model Accusy 211 Bulk Scientific USA) was used to determine
Ca, Mg, Fe, P and Zn, while flame photometer (Model FP6410
Harris Medical Essex, England) was used for the
determination of Na and K.
The proximate analysis of the eggplant cultivars is shown in
table 1 and revealed very high moisture content which ranged
between 88.31±0.23% and 91.94±0.11%. The moisture content
Ossamulu, I.F et al/ Elixir Food Science 73 (2014) 26424-26428
of all the eggplant cultivars were significantly different (P<0.05).
The content of fat, ash and protein were low in all the cultivars
although there were significant difference (P<0.05) in their
concentrations among the cultivars except the protein content
that showed no significant difference (P<0.05) between S.
marcrocarpon (round) and S. marcrocarpon (oval) cultivars. The
crude fiber and carbohydrate contents of the cultivars were
within the range of 2.21±0.017% to 3.07±0.03% and 4.06±0.19%
to 6.03±0.19%% respectively. Both nutrients were significantly
different (P<0.05) in all the eggplant cultivars. S. aetheopicum
and S. macrocarpon (oval) had the highest and lowest values for
energy values; 34.02±0.95kcal/100g and 22.90±0.46kcal/100g
The mineral values is shown in Table 2 and revealed that S.
gilo had the highest levels Na, Ca and Cu (590.00±6.30,
30.00±1.10 and 5.20±0.30 mg/100g) respectively while S.
atheopicum had the least concentrations for P, Mn, Fe, Cu and K
764.00±10.00 mg/100g) respectively. There was no significant
difference (P<0.05) in P and Na concentrations among all the
cultivars. S. Marcrocarpon (oval) had the highest concentrations
of Potassium and phosphorus (821.00±13.10 and 122.90±11.40
mg/100g) respectively. There was no significant difference
(P<0.05) in K+ concentration between S. marcrocarpon (round)
and the other cultivars. S. marcrocarpon (round) had the highest
value of Fe and Mn (29.80±0.10 and 1.20±0.10 mg/100g) but
lowest concentration of Na and Ca (30.00±1.10 and
15.00±0.20mg/100g) respectively.
The bioactive constituents; alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids,
tannins, phenols, anthraquinones, were present in all the S.
melongena cultivars (Table 3). However, alkaloid and saponin
were more in S. Macrocarpon (oval) and S. gilo, phenol was
slightly present in all the cultivars while terpenoids,
phlobatannins and steroids were absent in S. Gilo, S.
macrocarpon (oval) and S. marcrocarpon (round) cultivars
respectively. The concentrations of saponins, alkaloids and
tannins were high. Saponin concentration ranged from
436.00±12.49mg/100g to 1272.0±36.17mg/100g, alkaloid
(143.33±5.06mg/100g to 482.93±14.97mg/100g) and tannins
marcrocarpon (round) and S. gilo cultivars had the least and
highest values for saponin respectively. Sweet white cultivar had
the least values for both alkaloids and tannins while S.
macrocarpon and S. gilo had the highest concentrations of both
phytochemicals respectively. The alkaloid and tannin
concentrations varied significantly (P<0.05) among the analyzed
cultivars. Sweet white eggplant had the highest concentration of
(12.53±0.03mg/100g), S. gilo 12.87±0.06mg/100g and S.
Marcrocarpon (oval) (16.22±0.06 mg/100g). Oxalate and
phytate concentrations were higher in S. aetheopicum and S.
macrocarpon (oval) (68.13±1.25 mg/100g and 28.73±0.80mg/
100g) respectively. Cyanide concentrations were low in all the
cultivars with S. macrocarpon (oval) having the least value
13.33±0.39µg/100g while S. gilo had the highest value
(20.67±0.17 µg/100g). There was significant difference (P<0.05)
in the cyanide concentrations among all the eggplant cultivars.
African eggplant fruits generally have high moisture content
(about 75%) and low dry matter [18]. The moisture content of
any food is an index of its water activity [19] and is used as a
measure of stability and the susceptibility to microbial
contamination. However, the fibrous nature of the skin of
eggplants makes it a bit difficult for microorganism to access.
This high moisture content also implies that dehydration would
increase the relative concentrations of the other food nutrients
and improve the shelf-life/preservation of the fruit. Protein
content in two varieties of eggplant, round and oval as reported
by [1] were 5.79±0.22 % and 4.58±0.40 % respectively and
higher than the values obtained in this study. The eggplant
cultivars may therefore not be an ideal plant for protein
supplementation. [20] reported that vegetables contain very little
fats. Dietary fats are essential for the make-up and biological
functions and integrity of cells and also increase the tastiness of
food by absorbing and retaining flavours [21]. A diet high in fat
is said to be implicated in certain cardiovascular disorders such
as atherosclerosis, cancer and aging [21]. Eggplants may
therefore be ideal fruits for individuals with high serum lipid
levels, high blood pressure and other ischemic heart diseases.
The percentage carbohydrate obtained in this study was found to
be lower than those reported for papaya, apple, water melon,
guava, orange, prickly pear, apricot and paprika seeds which
were in the range of (8.54 – 34.74 %) [22]. The low carbohydrate
level of eggplant cultivars make them good for diabetic patients
and individuals watching their weight [1, 23]. The ash level
shows the degree of the inorganic matter. Values obtained from
this study were higher than those in the work of [1] which was
within the range of 1.81±0.86% - 1.78 ±0.13% but lower than
that recorded by [24] which was 7.10± 0.38%. It therefore imply
that the cultivars analysed have considerable concentration of
mineral elements.
The high crude fiber, low fat and low dry matter of the
eggplants may be helpful in preventing diseases such as
constipation, carcinoma of the colon and rectum and
atherosclerosis [25]. The low energy content of the eggplant
cultivars may be very helpful in weight management. To lose
weight, fewer calories must be taken than what is expended [26].
Water and fiber in foods increase volume of the food and thereby
reduce its energy density. It has been shown that in their natural
state, fruits and vegetables have high water and fiber content and
are low in calories and energy density [27].
The mineral analysis of the eggplant cultivars showed high
concentrations of potassium, sodium and phosphorus. The Na+
and K+ in these cultivars were higher than those determined for
S. Melongena: 170 and 230 mg/100g respectively [28]. High
potassium has been reported to have a protective effect against
excessive sodium intake. [29], suggested that a ratio of sodium
ion to potassium ion less than one (Na+/K+ < 1) would be suitable
for reducing high blood pressure. It therefore suggests that all
four eggplant cultivars would be suitable for this function. [30]
reported that S. melongena, S. atheopicum and S. macrocarpon
had Ca2+ concentration of 1.64±0.01mg/100g, 9.03±0.03
mg/100g and 3.31±0.05 mg/100g respectively. These values
were lower than the values obtained in the present study. [31]
reported that the Ca2+ level from different fruits and vegetables in
the German food composition was within the range of 4-11
mg/100g which was still lower than those in the present study.
Eggplants could therefore be a good source of calcium ion and
may be used as supplements in diets low in calcium ion.
Copper and manganese which are known trace element were
very low compared to other elements analyzed in all the
cultivars. Copper is involved in the process of erythropoiesis,
erythrocyte function and regulation of red blood cell survival.
High doses of copper can lead to diarrhea, epigastric pain and
discomfort, blood in the urine, liver damage, hypotension and
vomiting [32]. The manganese concentration as reported by [33]
for M. whytii (6.2±0.15mg/100g) was higher than values
obtained for the eggplant cultivars in this study. Manganese is
transported in the body by transferrin, macroglobulins and
Ossamulu, I.F et al/ Elixir Food Science 73 (2014) 26424-26428
Table 1: The Proximate Composition of Four Eggplant Cultivars
Nutrient composition (%)
S. marcrocarpon (round) S. atheopicum S. marcrocarpon (oval)
S. gilo
89.21 ± 0.22b
88.31 ± 0.23a 91.94 ± 0.11d
90.01 ± 0.22c
1.26 ± 0.07a
2.36 ± 0.03c
1.21 ± 0.02a
2.10 ± 0.02b
0.42 ± 0.02c
0.35 ± 0.01b
0.24 ± 0.01a
0.31 ± 0.02b
2.63 ± 0.026
3.07 ± 0.03
2.21 ± 0.017
2.32 ± 0.02b
0.45 ± 0.01b
0.56 ± 0.02d
0.42 ± 0.01a
0.53 ± 0.01c
6.03 ± 0.19c
5.36 ± 0.20b
4.06 ± 0.19a
4.73 ± 0.21b
*Metabolizable Energy(kcal/100) 33.03 ± 0.74
34.02 ± 0.95
22.90 ± 0.46
30.11 ± 0.87b
Values are mean ± standard error of mean (SEM) of triplicate determinations. Mean ± SEM followed by different letter(s) on a row are
significantly different (p<0.05).*= Calculated using Atwater facto
Table 2: Mineral composition of the four eggplant cultivars
Elements (mg/100g) S. marcrocarpon (round) S. atheopicum S. marcrocarpon (oval)
S. gilo
15.00 ±0.20
30.00 ±1.10c
Values are mean ± standard error of mean (SEM) of duplicate determination. Mean ± SEM followed by different letter superscript on a row are
significantly different (p<0.05).
Table 3: Phytochemical screening of eggplant cultivars
S. marcrocarpon (round) S. atheopicum S. marcrocarpon (oval)
Absent (-), slightly present (+), moderately present (++), highly present (+++)
S. gilo
Table 4: Quantitative phytochemical constituents of four cultivars of S. melongena
Phyto-constituents (mg/100g) S. marcrocarpon (round) S. aetheopicum S. macrocarpon (oval)
S. gilo
Values are mean ± standard error of mean (SEM) of triplicate determinations. Mean ± SEM followed by a different letter superscript on a row are
significantly different (p<0.05). * Measured in µg/100g of sample
Ossamulu, I.F et al/ Elixir Food Science 73 (2014) 26424-26428
It is involved in enhancing normal skeletal growth, functions
with vitamin K in the formation of prothrombin. It is important
for the utilization of glucose, metabolism of lipid, cholesterol
metabolism, pancreatic function and enhancement of fertility
The iron content of several fruits and vegetables which have
been analyzed by different authors are within the range of 0.11.8 mg/100g [34]. The concentration of iron in this study could
be compared with those obtained in the work of [35] who
analyzed eight edible fruits (15.23±0.19 to 35.55±0.47mg/100g).
Iron which is required for haemoglobin production [36] is
necessary for oxygen transportation from the lungs through the
blood stream to the tissues. Myoglobin, a protein in muscle, also
contains iron which stores oxygen for use during muscle
contraction. Variation of minerals among plants may be due to
differences in geographical locations, soil type, and intensity of
fertilization, plant species and seasons of cultivation.
The phytochemical analysis showed high concentrations of
saponins, alkaloids and tannins in all four cultivars. Alkaloids
and saponins are known to elicit antimicrobial abilities and
defend plants against microbial and pathogenic attacks [37]. The
presence of these phytochemical constituents showed that the S.
melongena varieties have medicinal properties. [9] reported the
roles of these phytochemicals as analgesic, anti-inflammatory,
anti-hypertensive and anti-microbial. Tannin compounds have
some antibacterial effects [38], antiviral and antiparasitic effect
[39]. Phenolics or polyphenols have various physiological
functions, including antioxidant, antimutagenic and antitumor
activities. They have been reported to be effective in scarvenging
free radicals, which are deleterious to the body and foods
systems [40]. Several factors could be responsible for differences
in total phenolic content of plants of similar origin. Some include
variation in fruit cultivars, processing techniques, harvest and
post harvest handling and storage conditions. [24] reported
39.60±0.02mg/100g as the flavonoid concentration of S.incanum
(a cultivar of S. melongena). The flavonoid (nasunin) isolated
from the peel of eggplant fruit, is a potent antioxidant and free
radical scavenger and has been demonstrated to guard cell
membranes from damage [41]. They also possess high lipid
reducing effects; flavonoids extracted from the fruits of S.
melongena showed significant hypolipidemic potentials in
normal and cholesterol fed rats [42].
Very high cyanide concentrations have been detected in
fresh samples of bitter apricot seed, bamboo shoot, cassava, and
flaxseed at levels of 9.3 mg/kg to 330 mg/kg [43]. Excessive
ingestion of cyanogenic glycosides can be lethal as it intercalates
with cytochrome oxidase for aerobic function [44]. Although
values obtained in this work were very low (13.33±0.39µg/100g
-20.67±0.17µ g/100g) and therefore safe for human consumption.
Phytate and Oxalate are anti-nutritional factors which are present
in various fruits and vegetables. High concentrations of
antinutrients have been discovered to cause great effects on
mineral bioavailability in foods [45] by forming complexes with
them, as a result reducing their absorption and utilization by the
body systems [46]. [47] also reported that a daily intake of
450mg of oxalic acid is able to disrupt various metabolic
processes. The values obtained for phytate and oxalate in the
cultivars studied are lower than the lethal dose, hence, may not
elicit toxic effect when consumed.
The variations that occur in the eggplants cultivars do not
end at the morphological level only but also in the composition
of the various nutrients and bioactive substances present in them.
Eggplants have appreciable contents of nutrients and
phytochemicals which make them nutritionally and
therapeutically beneficial.
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