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Lecture for 1st year MA students in global development and planning, University of Agder.
PROBLEMA 1: Un tensor construido de barra redonda de diámetro d, posee una dobladura que es necesaria para desviar de otro componente que se encuentra posicionado en su dirección en ese lugar.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
Being part of the seismically active "Pacific Ring of Fire," earthquakes in the Philippines have ever been occurring. Many studies have been conducted assessing the earthquake preparedness of the people, yet there needs to be more studies among rural communities. This research study aims to fill in the gaps as it assesses the earthquake preparedness of people living in rural communities, particularly in Ipil-Cuneg, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. The study utilized a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative methodology. A survey questionnaire was used to assess the earthquake preparedness of the respondents in terms of awareness and practices among the 187 sample size. With the use of inferential and statistical treatments, it was found that the respondents are very aware and prepared about the necessities regarding earthquake preparedness. However, it is analyzed that earthquake preparedness has very low to no relationship to the residents' demographic profiles. The respondents' awareness and practices are also found to have a very high positive correlation. The respondents' actions are based on what they know and are aware of. Moreover, the respondents deem that awareness and practices are essential in preparation for earthquake occurrences to know what they should do during the event. These findings can be used to establish disaster risk mitigation interventions for the barangay in order for the people to strengthen their knowledge and practices about earthquake preparedness. It is recommended that authorities should initiate programs that would shape the community to be efficient in times of disaster.
Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 2020
Racism is a historically specific structure of modern global power which generates hierarchies of the human and affirms white supremacy. This has far-reaching material and epistemological consequences in the present, one of which is the production and naturalisation of white-racialised subject positions in academic discourse. This article develops a framework for analysing whiteness through subject-positioning, synthesising insights from critical race scholarship that seek to dismantle its epistemological tendencies. This framework identifies white subject-positioning as patterned by interlocking epistemologies of immanence, ignorance and innocence. The article then interrogates how these epistemological tendencies produce limitations and contradictions in international theory through an analysis of three seminal and canonical texts: Kenneth Waltz’s Theory of International Politics (1979), Robert Keohane’s After Hegemony (1984), and Alexander Wendt’s Social Theory of International Politics (1999). It shows that these epistemologies produce contradictions and weaknesses within the texts by systematically severing the analysis of the international system and the ‘West’ from its actual imperial conditions of possibility. The article outlines pathways for overcoming these limitations and suggests that continued inattention to the epistemological consequences of race for IR theory is intellectually unsustainable.
Arabian Humanities, 1983
identiteit omwille van de mediamieke identifidie haar schrijversrol vereist, een navrante bevestiging van het grondbeginsel van de Amerikaanse belevingswereld zoals O.u es die zelf in haar fictie gestalte heeft jçejçevrn: ondanks dr »ch ij n verheer lij king van het lichaam in sport, disco, en seksualiteit leidt de Amerikaanse droom tot de ontkenning van echte lichamelijkheid en de vergankelijkheid van het vlees. Oates' mediamieke overtuiging "of being absolutely whatever she knows herself to be' is /.elf een kenmerkend bewijs dat zij, als vrouw, maar ook als stilist en auteur, een dochter is van de Amerikaanse droom.
Ποιητική, τχ. 33, Άνοιξη - Καλοκαίρι 2024, σ. 36-41.
Social rights can no longer be relegated to a secondary position in the US Constitution.
The article is devoted to the questions connected with teaching English to students of nonlinguistic specialties. For example, teaching professionally focused reading and writing scientific articles and organization of listening on professional topics. In these cases, as it is mentioned teacher must choose teaching materials carefully and very often use discursive analysis. The methods used in the article are questionnaire and observation. The main purpose of the article is to correlate results of the questionnaire which was connected with expectations of foreign language course and which was done by the first-year students of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology and some features of teaching "English for specific purposes" which can help to satisfy expectations. Materials of the article can be useful for university foreign language teachers during elaboration of "English for specific purposes" course.
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The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 2007
Perspectives on Politics, 2014
Corrientes actuales de los estudios retóricos en Iberoamérica, 2024
Estudios de Asia y África
Revista Argentina De Urologia, 2014
BMC Health Services Research
Biology Open, 2020
Fertility and Sterility, 2017
Environmental Research, 2019
Laval Theologique Et Philosophique, 2017