Ibn al-Arabi and the big questions of Islamic analytic theology

This translator is in the midst of a project to produce the first complete translation of Ibn al-ʿArabī'sal-Futūḥātal-Makkīyah,oneofthegreatestworksofWesterncivilization,writtenbythe greatest teacher, the shaykh al-akbar. Taking the many difficult and obtuse passages in this 10,000pageworkseriouslyandliterally,stayingwiththemuntiltheystartedtomakesense,led this translator to languages other than English or conventional spoken languages: namely, 19 th centurymathematics,geometry,and17 th centurynaturalphilosophy.Theselanguagesareefforts tounderstandtheworldaroundus,andtounderstandourselves,andthisisexactlythegoal,and relevance,ofIslamicanalytictheology.

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