MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
Advance Access publication 2022 December 15
Testing horndeski gravity with S2 star orbit
R. Della Monica ,1 ‹ I. de Martino ,1 D. Vernieri2,3,4 and M. de Laurentis2,3
1 Universidad
de Salamanca, Departamento de Fisica Fundamental, P. de la Merced S/N, 37008, Salamanca, ES
di Fisica, Universitá di Napoli ‘Federico II’, Compl. Univ. di Monte S. Angelo, Edificio G, Via Cinthia, I-80126, Napoli, Italy
3 INFN Sezione di Napoli, Compl. Univ. di Monte S. Angelo, Edificio G, Via Cinthia, I-80126, Napoli, Italy
4 Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Largo San Marcellino 10, I-80138, Naples, Italy
2 Dipartimento
Accepted 2022 December 9. Received 2022 November 17; in original form 2022 September 13
We have explored a completely new and alternative way to restrict the parameter space of Horndeski theory of gravity. Using its
Newtonian limit, it is possible to test the theory at a regime where, given its complexity and the small magnitude of the expected
effects, it is poorly probed. At Newtonian level, it gives rise to a generalized Yukawa-like Newtonian potential which we have
tested using S2 star orbit data. Our model adds five parameters to the General Relativity model, and the analysis constrains
two of them with unprecedented precision to these energy scales, while it only gives an exclusion region for the remaining
parameters. We have shown the potential of weak-field tests to constrain Horndeski gravity opening, as a matter of fact, which
is a new avenue that deserves to be further, and deeply, explored in the near future.
Key words: Galaxy: centre – gravitation – celestial mechanics.
metric gμν and one scalar field φ, is given by the following terms:
1 I N T RO D U C T I O N
In the last decades, several extensions of General Relativity (GR)
have been proposed in order to overcome its historical limitations, by
adding extra ingredients to the gravitational action. Indeed taking into
account higher-order derivatives or extra dynamical fields enriches
the dynamics and allows to get new phenomenology. Hereafter, we
will consider the possibility to add one extra scalar degree of freedom
directly coupled to the metric tensor. In this context, we will take into
account the very well-known and general class of Horndeski theory
of gravity (Horndeski 1974; Kobayashi, Yamaguchi & Yokoyama
2011) which has been extensively investigated so far. Such theories
have been proposed as the most general ones leading to second-order
field equations for the metric tensor and the scalar field, even if they
have also been extended to more general schemes without increasing
the number of degrees of freedom (Horndeski 1974). Horndeski
theory has been studied both in cosmological and astrophysical
frameworks (for a comprehensive review, see Kobayashi (2019) and
the references therein). In the latter case, several studies have been
conducted in particular concerning black holes (Maselli et al. 2015;
Babichev, Charmousis & Lehébel 2017) and neutron stars (Cisterna
et al. 2016; Maselli et al. 2016).
The gravitational action of Horndeski theory takes the following
form (Kobayashi et al. 2011):
d 4 x −g Li [gμν , φ] + Sm [gμν , χm ],
where Sm is the matter action and χ m collectively denotes all matter
fields. The gravitational part of the action, which depends on the
© 2022 The Author(s)
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society
L2 = G2 (φ, X) , L3 = −G3 (φ, X)φ,
L4 = G4 (φ, X)R + G4X (φ, X) (φ)2 − (∇μ ∇ν φ)2 ,
L5 = G5 (φ, X)Gμν ∇ μ ∇ ν φ − G5X (φ, X)
× (φ)3 − 3(φ)(∇μ ∇ν φ)2 + 2(∇μ ∇ν φ)3 .
Generally speaking, the functions G2 , G3 , G4 , and G5 are free
functions of the scalar field φ and its kinetic term X. Each choice
of these functions determines a distinct gravity theory which is
determined once a suitable mapping is imposed.
Notice that it is possible to map within the general class of Horndeski theories, not just those with a scalar field appearing explicitly
in the gravitational action and in the corresponding field equations,
but also theories (like f(R) gravity or f (G) Gauss–Bonnet gravity)
that inherit higher-order field equations but that somehow admit
an equivalent scalar field representation (Kobayashi et al. 2011).
Additionally, the full Newtonian and Post-Newtonian expansions of
the theory have been performed in 2015 (Hohmann 2015), leading
to an effective general Yukawa-like potential. Nevertheless, no test
of the weak-field limit of Horndeski theory has been made so far
by using such a potential, which can indeed allow to constrain the
theory at astrophysical scale where it is not yet probed. Hence, we
will focus on using the orbital data of the S2 star (Schödel et al. 2002;
Eisenhauer et al. 2003; Ghez et al. 2003) orbiting the supermassive
black hole (SMBH) in the Galactic Centre (Ghez et al. 1998; Genzel,
Eisenhauer & Gillessen 2010) to bound potential deviation from
GR into the Horndeski gravity framework. Although the approach
is not new (Hees et al. 2017; De Martino, della Monica & De
Laurentis 2021; Della Monica, de Martino & de Laurentis 2022;
Della Monica & de Martino 2022), it has never been applied to such
a large class of theories and, therefore, it represents a path never
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R. Della Monica et al.
The Newtonian limit of Horndeski gravity theory is calculated
through a perturbative expansion of the field equations around a
Minkowski background ημν and a constant cosmological background
value of the scalar field (Hohmann 2015):
gμν = ημν + hμν , φ = + ψ , X = − ∇ μ ψ∇μ ψ.
Besides assuming that the background is homogeneous and
isotropic, we thus also assume that it is stationary, and additionally
that the four free functions G2 , G3 , G4 , and G5 , can be expanded
in Taylor series as
Gi (φ, X) =
Gi(m,n) ψ m X n ,
where the coefficients Gi(m, n) are given by
∂ m+n
Gi(m,n) =
m!n! ∂ φ ∂ X
where each term Gi(m, n) ψ m Xn is of the order O(ψ m+2n ). Notice
that, in light of the multi-messenger event GW170817/GRB170817
A, the surviving theories are those for which G4, X = 0 and G5 =
0 (Creminelli & Vernizzi 2017). Additionally, it is worth to notice
that G4, X and G5 do not appear at Newtonian order (we refer the
reader to equation (28) in Hohmann (2015)).
For a mass point source the solution at Newtonian order
is (Hohmann 2015)
c1 cψ −mψ r
c2 + 2 (e
− 1) ,
h00 (r) =
4π r
where the constants have been defined as follows:
G4(1,0) G2(2,0)
c1 = −2
G4(0,0) ϒ
c2 =
2G24(0,0) ϒ
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
G4(1,0) −1
, cψ =
ϒ ,
where for sake of simplicity we have introduced the following
mψ =
ϒ ≡ G2(0,1) − 2G3(1,0) + 3
Following the seminal work of Kobayashi et al. (2011), and the
more recent results of Hohmann (2015), equation (8) requires ϒ
> 0, which implies G2(0, 0) < 0, reducing the allowed parameter
space of the theory. Replacing equations (7) and (8) in the metric
coefficient (6), one can express the time component of the metric
perturbation in the following form:
1 G4(1,0) 2 −1 −mψ r
h00 (r) =
ϒ e
4π r 2G4(0,0)
2 G4(0,0)
where G4(0, 0) plays the role of the inverse of gravitation constant G. In
a general fashion, Horndeski theory of gravity has a unique limit that
recovers GR. In particular, by looking at the gravitational action in
equations (1) and (2), it is clear that GR (L = R/16π G) is recovered
if and only if all the functions G2 , G3 , and G5 are identically zero
(and hence their Taylor expansion coefficient are zero, as well), and
G4 = (16π G)−1 . This is the only physical limit to GR as it involves
the cancellation of the additional scalar field φ introduced to describe
the gravitational interaction. On the other hand, at a metric level, the
Newtonian approximation of GR for the metric of space–time around
a massive point source is given by:
μν (r) = diag
, 0, 0, 0 .
If we compare equation (10) with equation (11), we see that we
can recover the expression of GR by putting G4(0, 0) = 1/16π G and
performing one of the following limits:
(A) G4(1, 0) → 0 which recovers equation (11) for any value of the
other Taylor coefficients;
(B) G2(2, 0) → ±∞ which brings mψ → ∞ and hence the
cancellation of the Yukawa-like term in equation (10);
(C) Any combination of the coefficients G2(0, 1) , G3(1, 0) , and G4(1, 0)
which brings ϒ → 0, and hence mψ → ∞, driving the entire Yukawalike term to an indeterminate form of the kind e−∞ /0 whose limit is
(D) The simultaneous limit G2(0, 1) , G2(2, 0) , G4(1, 0) , G3(1, 0) , →0,
which, again, recovers the expression in equation (11) for the metric
It is evident that the presence of multiple GR limits, among which
only the case (D) corresponds to the physical limit of GR of the theory
itself, is a spurious effect due to having performed the Newtonian
approximation. Care must be taken, hence, in fixing the values of
the coefficients in equation (10) as only one region of the parameter
space corresponds to being close to GR, even though at a metric (and
thus geodesic) level multiple regions result in a GR-like orbit. The
above considerations involve notable degenerations in the parameter
space, as different combinations of these parameters return the same
physical limit, which cannot be broken without being able to impose
a priori limits on these parameters.
3 O R B I TA L M O D E L
Let us start summarizing here the technique used to build the orbit
of S2 in Horndeski theory of gravity. From the line element in
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explored that can potentially lead to new bounds on the underlying
gravitational theory. More in general, the Yukawa interaction arises
in many different scenarios from unification theories (Kaplan &
Wise 2000) to braneworld scenarios (Dvali, Gabadadze & Porrati
2000), modified gravity (De Martino et al. 2021; Della Monica
et al. 2022), and certain models of dark matter (Carroll et al. 2009;
Carroll, Mantry & Ramsey-Musolf 2010). Hees et al. (2017) used
the phenomenological framework of the fifth force to constrain the
coupling strength and the range or mass of the scalar interaction.
Indeed, using S stars orbiting around the SMBH in the Galactic
Centre, they bounded the absolute value of the strength of the fifth
force to be <0.016 on a scale length of ∼150 AU. Although mapping
these constraints in a specific model is not always a straightforward
task, De Martino et al. (2021) found them to agree with constraints
of the Yukawa interaction in f(R)-gravity.
This article is organized as follows: in Section 2, we introduce
the generalized modified Newtonian limit of Horndeski gravity; in
Section 3, we describe the orbital model for the S2 star in this
potential and provide some toy models to illustrate the effects
arising in this framework; in Section 4, we give a description
of the set of observational data used in order to constrain the
additional parameters of the theory and our data analysis procedure;
in Section 5, we report the results of our analysis; and finally in
Section 6, we give our final remarks.
Horndeski gravity with S2
Table 1. The full set of orbital parameters for the orbit of the S2 star as estimated by Gillessen et al. (2017) used
as priors of our analysis (for these parameters, we considered gaussian distributions whose FWHM are 10 times the
experimental errors reported here) and the reference frame priors on x• , y• , v x, • , v y, • , and v z, • from Plewa et al. (2015).
In the bottom-right part of the table, we report the set of priors used for the parameters G4(0, 0) , G4(1, 0) , G3(1, 0) , G2(0, 1) ,
and G2(2, 0) in our analysis. We have left G4(0, 0) vary around its GR value in an interval of amplitude 10 per cent. The
other intervals have been set heuristically, starting from some guessed values and then widening or narrowing the interval
as needed. The parameter G2(2, 0) has been fixed to be negative and thus we assumed an additional prior to set ϒ > 0
(Kobayashi et al. 2011; Hohmann 2015).
106 M
v x, •
v y, •
v z, •
mas yr−1
mas yr−1
km s−1
G4(0, 0)
G4(1, 0)
G3(1, 0)
G2(0, 1)
G2(2, 0)
M⊙ AU s−2
M⊙ AU s−2
M⊙ AU s−2
M⊙ AU s−2
M⊙ /AU s−2
equations (3) and (10), one can compute the geodesic equations,
Equations (A1–A4) that describe the motion of test particles in the
Newtonian limit.
These equations can be integrated once initial conditions are
assigned for the four space–time coordinates and the components of
the initial tangent vector to the geodesic. In doing so, one has to take
into account the normalization condition for the four-velocity. Since
the metric coefficients do not explicitly depend on the time coordinate
t, the particular value of t(0) does not affect the integrated orbit. For
the S2 star, we set for convenience t(0) = tA , where tA corresponds
to the time of the last apocentre passage of the star, which occurred
in ∼2010. Finally, as regards the initial condition on r, φ, and the
corresponding components of the velocity, we set values that are
consistent with the choice t(0). Namely, we set the radial and angular
position of the star and its velocity at the apocentre. These quantities
are estimated by computing the Keplerian osculating ellipse at the
apocentre, as given by the Keplerian elements measured for S2 in
Gravity Collaboration (2020) and reported in Table 1.
Once geodesics have been integrated numerically, we have projected both spatial and velocity vectors of the mock orbit in the
reference frame of a distant observer in order to be able to compare
it with the observational data. Additionally, in order to properly
reconstruct synthetic orbits for S2, we have to take into account on
the projected quantities the classical Rømer delay and the redshift on
the radial velocity coming from Special Relativity and gravitational
time dilation (we refer to Grould et al. (2017), Della Monica et al.
(2022), De Martino et al. (2021), Della Monica & de Martino (2022)
for a detailed analysis on how these effects can be quantified on
our predicted orbits). Finally, we correct our synthetic orbits for
systematic effects arising from the construction of the reference
frame. More details on the integration procedure we followed can be
found in Appendix A. Thus, our baseline model has 18 parameters,
namely, six orbital parameters (the time of pericentre passage tp , the
semi-major axis of the orbit a, its eccentricity e, the inclination i, the
angle of the line of nodes , and argument of the pericentre ω), two
source parameters that are the mass of the central object M• and its
distance R• , five system reference parameters, i.e. (x• , y• ) related to
a zero-point offset of the central mass with respect to the origin of
the astrometric reference frame; (v x, • , v y, • ) describing a drift over
time of the central mass on the astrometric reference frame; and v z, •
related to an offset in the estimation of the radial velocity of the S2
[0.95, 1.05](c4 /16π G)
[−100, 100]
[−100000, 100000]
[−100000, 100000]
[−10, 0]
star when correcting to the Local Standard of Rest (LSR). Finally, we
have five extra parameters from the expansion of Horndeski gravity
at Newtonian order: G2(2, 0) , G2(0, 1) , G3(1, 0) , G4(0, 0) , and, G4(1, 0) .
3.1 Toy models
As a first step to study the motion of test particles in the Newtonian
expansion of Horndeski gravity for a spherically symmetric space–
time, we have selected five toy models for S2 with the same orbital
parameters (the ones in Table 1) and with varying values for the
Horndeski Taylor coefficients. The choice of such parameters has
been made in order to assess the deformation of the orbit as a function
of 1/mψ (which has dimensions of a length) and G4(1, 0) , which,
together, modulate the strength and scale length of the modification
to the Newtonian potential in equation (3). In particular, we have fixed
the GR value of G4(0, 0) = c4 /16π GN , while we have chosen values
for the parameters G4(1, 0) , G3(1, 0) , G2(0, 1) , and G2(2, 0) that would give
a value of 1/mψ that is a given fraction of the typical scale length
of the S2 orbit (e.g. its semi-major axis, a ∼ 1000 AU). The chosen
values are reported in Table 2 and the corresponding orbits from the
numerical integration are shown in Fig. 1. In particular, the model
Toy 1 represent a star moving under the influence of an unperturbed
Newtonian potential, due to the fact that all parameters have been
set to zero. Models Toy 2 and Toy 4 have G2(2, 0) = −0.01 M⊙ /AUs2 ,
while for Toy 3 and Toy 5 a value of G2(2, 0) = −0.001 M⊙ /AUs2 has
been chosen. On the other hand, while Toy 2 and Toy 3 have a value
G4(1, 0) = 10 M⊙ AU/s2 , a value of G4(1, 0) = 100 M⊙ AU/s2 has been
fixed for Toy 4 and Toy 5. This choice results in an increasingly high
scale length 1/mψ for the different models, associated with a strength
of the Yukawa-like potential in equation (3), modulated by G4(1, 0) ,
that is increasingly higher. As can be seen from the integrated orbits
in Fig. 1, the main effect related to the variation of the length 1/mψ
is a modification of the orbit and, in particular, its pericentre shift on
the orbital plane.
In order to explore the parameter space of the coefficients arising
in the Newtonian approximation of Horndeski gravity for a spherically symmetric space–time, we have employed publicly available
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
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R. Della Monica et al.
Table 2. The set of parameters chosen to build our toy models. The second column reports the value of the scale length
of the Horndeski modification to the gravitational potential at Newtonian order. Columns 3 to 7, on the other hand,
provide with the particular set of parameters resulting in the chosen value of 1/mψ .
G4(0, 0)
(M⊙ AU/s2 )
G4(1, 0)
(M⊙ AU/s2 )
G3(1, 0)
(M⊙ AU/s2 )
G2(0, 1)
(M⊙ AU/s2 )
G2(2, 0)
(M⊙ /AUs2 )
Toy 1
Toy 2
Toy 3
Toy 4
Toy 5
kinematic data for the S2 star. In particular, the data presented in
Table 5 of Gillessen et al. (2017) provide with 145 astrometric data
points of the recorded sky-projected position of S2 with respect
to the ‘Galactic Centre (GC) infrared reference system’ (Plewa
et al. 2015) and 44 measurements of its velocity along the line of
sight, corrected for the LSR, which have been retrieved from line
shift through spectroscopic observations. These data cover a period
spanning from ∼1992 to ∼2016. This means that, given that the
period of S2 is ∼16 years, a full orbit is covered, but no data are
present for the crucial pericentre passage occurred in May 2018.
The data that have been recorded with GRAVITY interferometer
during this passage are not publicly available, but have been used to
place significant constraints on the first post-Newtonian order of GR
(Gravity Collaboration 2018, 2020). An independent analysis by the
Galactic Center group at the University of California, Los Angeles,
was able to detect the gravitational redshift at the S2, called S-02 in
their works, pericentre using data collected at the Keck observatory
(Do et al. 2019). Nevertheless, the available data are sufficient for our
purpose, since our aim is to perform for the first time an exploration
of the parameter space for Horndeski gravity at Newtonian order.
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
We have employed the Bayesian sampling of the posterior probability distribution of these parameters treated as random variables. In
particular, this was done by performing a Markov Chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) analysis, implemented in the emcee (Foreman-Mackey
et al. 2013) module. In order not to force the results to a Keplerian
orbit, we have not fixed the orbital elements of S2 to the values
derived in previous analysis on the same dataset (Gillessen et al.
2017), but we have left them as free parameters of our fit. Thus,
the sampler draws random values for all the 18 aforementioned
parameters, within appropriate prior distributions, and, for each
parameter set, we perform a synthetic orbit for S2, as illustrated
above. The agreement between the numerically integrated orbit and
the observational data is assessed with the following log-likelihood
− 2 log L =
− Xi
VZi ,obs − VZi
σVi Z ,obs
− Yi
σYi ,obs
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Figure 1. The integrated orbits for the toy models in Table 2. The pink segment illustrates the varying scale length 1/mψ . The plots report how modification of
the orbit is predicted, as the coefficient of the Newtonian expansion of Horndeski are varied. The most noticeable effect that we can visually see on the plots is
the pericentre shift on the orbital plane of the star. The quantity 1/mψ behaves like a scale and it gets more prominent for smaller values of 1/mψ .
Horndeski gravity with S2
where (Xobs , Yobs , VZ,obs ) are the observed positions and radial
velocities for S2, while (X, Y, VZ ) are the ones from our numerical
integration. Convergence of the algorithm is assessed with the estimation of the autocorrelation time of the Markov chains (Goodman &
Weare 2010). The particular priors used for our analysis are given by
a set of univariated Gaussian distributions on the orbital parameters
whose central values are fixed on the best-fitting values of Gillessen
et al. (2017) and whose full weight half maximum are chosen to be
ten times the uncertainty on these parameters from Gillessen et al.
(2017) (reported in Table 1). The parameters related to the systematic
effects in the construction of the reference frame have been assigned
Gaussian priors from an independent analysis in Plewa et al. (2015).
Finally, for the five parameters of the Newtonian expansion of
Horndeski gravity, we used uniform priors whose amplitudes have
been set heuristically. All priors are listed in Table 1.
5 R E S U LT S
The posterior distributions of the 18 parameters of our orbital model
for the S2 star in Horndeski gravity are reported in the online
supplementary materials. More specifically, we report the 68, 95, and
99.7 per cent confidence intervals for all the parameters. It is worth
mentioning that all the orbital elements and the reference frame parameters for the S2 star are bounded and recover, within 3σ (at most),
all fiducial values reported in Table 1. Only the semi-major axis a
and the inclination angle i represent an exception, being correlated
with the parameter G4(0, 0) , and are only marginally compatible with
their counterpart obtained in a Newtonian framework in Gillessen
et al. (2017). This is anyway rather expected since G4(0, 0) modulates
the Newtonian gravitational constant G, hence affecting the posterior
distribution of the proposed values of the semi-major axis and of the
inclination angle.
Coming to the additional Horndeski parameters, we place constraint on G4(0, 0) and G4(1, 0) , while the other parameter remains
unconstrained. Nevertheless, we were able to place a constraint
on a combination of the remaining parameters and determined
an exclusion region. In detail, Fig. 2 is an inset of the corner
plot of the full posterior reporting the 68, 95, and 99.7 per cent
confidence intervals of G4(0, 0) and G4(1, 0) parameters, and their
corresponding posterior distributions. As reported in the Figure, we
find G4(0,0) = 8.17+
and G4(1,0) = −2−26
M⊙ AU s−2 .
−0.17 M⊙ AU s
The parameter G4(0, 0) is fully compatible with its expected value in
GR (which is depicted as a vertical red line in the top panel), and
the parameter G4(1, 0) is compatible with zero at 1σ , reducing the
gravitational potential to the Newtonian one: h00 = 8πGM4(0,0) r . The
result was rather expected but still surprising because the orbital
motion data of S2 star, which we are using to test the Newtonian
limit of Horndeski theory of gravity, cannot distinguish GR from
Newton theory either (Gillessen et al. 2017). Previous tests of the
weak-field limit of Horndeski gravity strongly constrained G4(0, 0) ,
but they consider a subclass of the whole theory by setting G2(2, 0) =
0, which means mψ = 0 (Hou & Gong 2018). In this case, the
Yukawa-like term disappears reducing itself to an additional constant
in equation (10). On the other hand, none was able to place constraints
on G4(1, 0) in the weak field limit. Additionally to those new bounds,
looking at the contours of the G2(0, 1) − G3(1, 0) slice of the whole
parameter space, we can see that even though we are not able to place
a definitive constraint on either one of the two parameters, we are
able to exclude a region of the parameter space that results in a lower
limit on the combination G2(0, 1) − 2G3(1, 0) > 6200M⊙ AU s−2 as
shown in Fig. 3. Finally, we were able to bound the scale length m−1
ψ .
First, we randomly sampled m−1
gravity parameters carrying out a 1000 Monte Carlo simulation to
estimate the distribution of mψ and its variance. As shown in Fig. 4,
we found m−1
ψ = 160−75 AU. Noticeably, this represents the best
constraint up to date on m−1
ψ , since other analyses only place a lower
limit m−1
ψ ≥ 9 AU using binary systems composed by a pulsar plus
a white dwarf (Dyadina, Avdeev & Alexeyev 2019). Finally, let
us point out that, even though other constraints exist in literature
for a phenomenological Yukawa-like modification to the Newtonian
potential using the S2 star at the GC (see, e.g. Hees et al. (2017)), due
to the specific dependence of equation (10) on the Taylor parameter
of the Horndeski functions, there is no way to consistently map
constraints on the former potential into bounds on the latter. Indeed,
phenomenological Yukawa-like modifications are parametrized by
a scale length (λ) and a modulation factor (α); these are treated
(both conceptually and statistically) as independent parameters. The
equivalent scale length 1/mψ in our metric (10), on the other hand,
is not independent from the coefficient 1/2ϒ(G4(1, 0) /G4(0, 0) )2 of the
exponential term in the metric, due to the fact that mψ itself depends
on all the four free parameters of the Newtonian limit studied here.
This, along with the intrinsic non-linearity of the relation between
the Horndeski parameters and those in the Yukawa-like potential,
makes it conceptually impossible to map pre-existing bounds on α
and λ into bounds on G4(0, 0) , G4(1, 0) , G3(1, 0) , and G2(0, 1) .
Horndeski theory of gravity represents the most general scalar–tensor
theory (including – but not limited to – Brans–Dicke, f(R) gravity,
f (G) Gauss–Bonnet gravity, covariant Galileons, and chameleons
among the others), with an additional scalar degree of freedom
coupled to the metric and leading to second order equations of
motion. While formulated almost 50 years ago, this model has
only recently been back in vogue and extensively investigated at
cosmological scales (Horndeski 1974). Nevertheless, it lacks a deep
investigation in the weak field limit. On one hand, this is due
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
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Figure 2. Focus on the posterior distribution of the Taylor coefficients of
Horndeski gravity. The vertical red line in the top panel depicts the expected
value in GR of the Taylor coefficient G4(0, 0) .
R. Della Monica et al.
Table 3. Results of our posterior analysis on all the parameters of our orbital model for the S2 star in the Newtonian
expansion of Horndeski’s gravity. In particular, we report the 68% confidence interval for all the orbital and reference
frame parameters; the 68% confidence interval for G4(0, 0) (which is bounded and perfectly compatible to the Newtonian
value c4 /16π GN ) and for G4(1, 0) (which is centred on 0). The parameter G2(2, 0) results unbounded from our analysis,
while we are only able to put a constraint on the combination G2(0, 1) − 2G3(1, 0), which appears as an exclusion region
on the corresponding contour plot. Finally, we report the 68% confidence interval for the scale length 1/mψ .
tp − 2018
( ◦)
( ◦)
( ◦)
v y, •
v z, •
G4(0, 0)
G4(1, 0)
G2(0, 1) − 2G3(1, 0)
mas yr−1
mas yr−1
km s−1
AU s−2
AU s−2
AU s−2
G2(2, 0)
M⊙ AU−1 s2
Figure 3. Ninety-five per cent confidence level exclusion regions of the
G2(0, 1) − G3(1, 0) slice of the parameter space from our posterior analysis.
Figure 4. Posterior distribution on the inverse of mψ in AU derived from
the posteriors of the four parameters in equation (8). Dashed vertical lines
correspond to the median value of the posterior distribution, also reported in
Table 3.
to the fact that a weak field approximation was formulated only
a few years ago in 2015 (Hohmann 2015). On the other hand,
the intrinsic complexity of such a weak field limit, reflecting in
a very high number of additional parameters with respect to GR,
makes it rather complicated to extract valuable constraints from
astrophysical dataset. Indeed, a previous study constraining the weak
field limit of Horndeski theory was only able to bound G4(0, 0) in a
subclass of models that set G2(2, 0) = 0, which means mψ = 0, using
time-delay data from the Cassini mission and gravitational wave
radiation from binary pulsar systems (Hou & Gong 2018). The only
previous analysis investigating the whole theory uses binary systems
to place a lower limit on the parameter m−1
ψ ≥ 9 AU (Dyadina et al.
2019). Therefore, a comprehensive analysis constraining the Taylor
coefficients of the functions G2 , G3 , G4 , and G5 appearing in the
weak field limit in equation (10) was fully missing so far.
Using the orbital motion of the S2 star around the SMBH
in the centre of the Milky Way, we have placed constraints on
two Taylor coefficients: G4(0,0) = 8.17+
and G4(1,0) =
−0.17 M⊙ AU s
M⊙ AU s−2 ; and on a combination of other two coefficients
G2(0, 1) − 2G3(1, 0) > 6200M⊙ AU/s2 . These results recover the value
of G4(0, 0) expected in GR at 1σ , and set a new bound on the parameter
G4(1, 0) that encodes the deviations from GR. Our constraint shows a
full accordance with the GR value of G4(1, 0) = 0 within 1σ . Moreover,
we also are capable to set a strong bound on the previously unbounded
parameter m−1
ψ that tunes the scale on which the novel Yukawainteraction acts.
This analysis does not only provide with unprecedented constraints
on Horndeski gravity at astrophysical scales that had never been
tested before, but also hints the potential of future astronomical
observations to constrain the theory in both the weak field limit
through the Post-Newtonian approximation that can be probed by the
forthcoming GRAVITY data (Gravity Collaboration 2017), and the
strong field limit that can be probed through the black hole solutions
in Horndeski gravity using horizon-scale Event Horizon Telescope
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
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v x, •
Horndeski gravity with S2
observations (Doeleman et al. 2008; Broderick, Loeb & Narayan
2009). Joint observations exploring both weak and strong field limits
will potentially lead to either endorse or rule out higher-order theories
of gravity.
Data used in this article are publicly available on the electronic
version of Gillessen et al. (2017) at
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Supplementary data are available at MNRAS online.
Figure S1 The figure illustrate the 1σ , 2σ , and 3σ contours of the
full posterior distribution of the Newtonian limit of the Horndeski
gravity. The parameters G4(0, 0) and G4(1, 0) are bound and the mean
value of their distributions, plus the 68 per cent confidence interval
are reported on the respective histograms.
Please note: Oxford University Press is not responsible for the content
or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors.
Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the
corresponding author for the article.
A P P E N D I X A : N U M E R I C A L I N T E G R AT I O N O F
The gravitational field around a mass point source is described
in Horndeski’s gravity at Newtonian order by the line element in
equation (3). From it one can compute the geodesic equations that
describe the motion of freely falling test particles in the Newtonian
limit and for the four spherical isotropical coordinates:
M t˙ṙ
t¨ = −
G4(0,0) ϒ + G24(1,0) e−mψ r
+ G24(1,0) mψ e−mψ r
8π G4(0,0) ϒr − G4(0,0) ϒM − G24(1,0) Me−mψ r
t˙2 M
r̈ = r φ̇ 2 sin2 θ + r θ̇ 2 +
16π G4(0,0) r
−mψ r
1 G4(1,0) e
× − −
mψ +
G4(0,0) ϒ
2ṙ θ̇
2φ̇ ṙ
2φ̇ θ̇ cos θ
φ̈ = −
sin θ
where a dot represents a derivative with respect to an affine parameter
These equations can be integrated once initial conditions are
assigned for the four space–time coordinates and the components
of the initial tangent vector to the geodesic. In doing so, one has
to take into account the normalization condition for the Gravity
Collaboration, 2017, A&A, 602, A94 In particular, for a time-like
geodesic, which describes the world-line of a massive particle, it
is required that gμν ẋ μ ẋ ν = −1. This condition allows to assign the
initial value for one of the ẋ μ components, given the other three.
θ̈ = φ̇ 2 sin θ cos θ −
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
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RDM acknowledges support from Consejeria de Educación de la
Junta de Castilla y León and from the Fondo Social Europeo. IDM
acknowledges support from Ayuda IJCI2018-036198-I funded by
MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and: FSE ‘El FSE invierte
en tu futuro’ o ‘Financiado por la Unión Europea ‘NextGenerationEU’/PRTR. IDM is also supported by the project PGC2018096038-B-I00 funded by the Spanish ‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación’ and FEDER ‘A way of making Europe’, and by the project
SA096P20 Junta de Castilla y León. DV and MDL acknowledge the
support of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) iniziative
specifiche QGSKY and TEONGRAV. DV also acknowledges the
FCT project with ref. number PTDC/FIS-AST/0054/2021.
R. Della Monica et al.
X = Bx + Gy,
Y = Ax + F y,
Z = Cx + Hy + D.
where (x, y) are the coordinates of the star on its orbital plane, while
(X, Y) and Z are the sky-projected position of the star and its distance
from the observer, respectively. The constants A, B, C, F , G and H
are called Thiele-Innes elements (Taff & Szebehely 1986) and are
obtained from the inclination i of the orbit, the angle of the line of
nodes and the argument of the pericentre ω, via
A = cos
cos ω − sin
sin ω cos i,
MNRAS 519, 1981–1988 (2023)
B = sin
cos ω + cos
sin ω cos i,
C = − sin ω sin i,
F = − cos
sin ω − sin
cos ω cos i,
G = − sin
sin ω + cos
cos ω cos i,
H = − cos ω sin i.
A similar expression leads from the orbital velocities (v x , v y ) to the
sky-projected ones (VX , VZ ) and the radial velocity VZ :
VX = Bvx + Gvy ,
VY = Avx + F vy ,
VZ = −(Cvx + Hvy ).
Additionally, in order to properly reconstruct synthetic orbits for
S2, we have to take into account on the projected quantities the
classical Rømer delay and the redshift on the radial velocity coming
from special relativity and gravitational time dilation (we refer to
(Grould et al. 2017; Della Monica et al. 2022; De Martino et al.
2021) for a detailed analysis on how these effects can be quantified
on our predicted orbits). Finally, we correct our synthetic orbits
for systematic effects arising from the construction of the reference
frame. These result in five additional parameters in the generation
of a synthetic orbit of S2, namely, (x• , y• ) related to a zero-point
offset of the central mass with respect to the origin of the astrometric
reference frame; (v x, • , v y, • ) describing a drift over time of the central
mass on the astrometric reference frame; v z, • related to an offset in
the estimation of the radial velocity of the S2 star when correcting to
This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEX file prepared by the author.
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Furthermore, as it appears from equation (A3), if initial conditions
are assigned so that θ (0) = π /2 and θ̇ = 0, a value θ̈ = 0 is obtained,
identically. This implies that one can always define the reference
frame so that the motion of the test particle occurs in the equatorial
plane. Moreover, since the metric coefficients do not explicitly
depend on the time coordinate t, the particular value of t(0) does
not affect the integrated orbit. For the S2 star, we set for convenience
t(0) = tA , where tA corresponds to the time of the last apocentre
passage of the star, which occurred in ∼2010. Finally, as regards
the initial condition on r, φ, and the corresponding components
of the velocity, we set values that are consistent with the choice
t(0). Namely, we set the radial and angular position of the star
and its velocity at apocentre. These quantities are estimated by
computing the Keplerian osculating ellipse at apocentre, as given by
the Keplerian elements (Green 1985) measured for S2 from Gillessen
et al. {2017) and reported in Table 1.
We have integrated equations (A1–A4) numerically, by means
of an adaptive step-size Runge–Gravity Collaboration, 2017, A&A,
602, A94Kutta algorithm (Dormand & Prince 1980), obtaining
parametric arrays {t(τ ), r(τ ), θ(τ ), φ(τ )} and {t˙(τ ), ṙ (τ ), θ̇(τ ), φ̇(τ )}
that describe the motion of S2 in a reference frame centered on
the central source of the gravitational field. In order to be able to
compare the integrated orbit with the observational data, a projection
is required in the reference frame of a distant observer, by means of
the following relations: