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Khresmoi is a European Integrated Project developing a multilingual multimodal search and access system for medical and health information and documents. It addresses the challenges of searching through huge amounts of medical data, including general medical information available on the internet, as well as radiology data in hospital archives. It is developing novel semantic search and visual search techniques for the medical domain. At the MIE Village of the Future, Khresmoi proposes to have two interactive demonstrations of the system 1 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 257528 (Khresmoi). This submission is endorsed by the EFMI WG on Natural Language Understanding.
Era el once de agosto de 1965, en Munich, Alemania. Allà afuera las flores explotaban en los parques y se asomaban sonrientes por las ventanas. Son las dos de la tarde. El cartero me trae la primera carta de mi patria. Con el corazón en un puño, la abro. Me escribe toda la familia. Presiento un misterio: «Querido: ya estarás en Munich cuando leas esta carta. A diferencia de otras, ésta te trae una noticia alborozada. Dios nos ha pedido, pocos días después de tu partida, un tributo de fe y de amor. Nos ha mirado uno a uno, y ha escogido para sí al más preparado, a nuestro querido padre. Querido: Dios no se lo ha llevado de entre nosotros, sino que lo ha puesto más entre nosotros. Papá no se ha marchado, sino que llegó. Ha dejado el espacio, para entrar, definitivamente, en nuestro espacio, para poder estar presente contigo en Alemania, con Waldemar en EEUU y con Ruy y Clodovis en Bélgica». La muerte era saludada como hermana y como forma de comunión para unir a la familia, dispersa en cuatro países. En la avalancha de lágrimas, no dejaba de haber una serenidad profunda: mirimos para resucitar, para expandir nuestra comunicación. Al día siguiente me di cuenta de que en el sobre de la carta que anunciaba la muerte había una señal de vida: una colilla amarillenta de cigarro. Era el último que había fumado mi padre, omentos antes de que un infarto fulminante lo liberada de esta cansada existencia.
T24 Haftalık, 3 Kasım 2019
Với những tình cảm chân thành và trân trọng nhất, tôi xin bảy tỏ lòng biết ơn sâu sắc đến:
Las vías romanas deben ser consideradas carreteras de alta tecnología. El arquetipo erróneo sobre su supuesta estructura se propagó durante decenios sin espíritu crítico. Hoy, gracias a nuevos criterios, el gran número de caminos y puentes tenidos por romanos en España va disminuyendo, a la par que se van relacionando sus características estructurales con su justo momento constructivo. Por otra parte, se están encontrando vestigios de vías hasta ahora desconocidas, algunas bien conservadas y dignas de conservarse. Esto es esperanzador aunque llegamos ya muy tarde para identificar muchas de las que nos quedaban apenas hace cincuenta años. Palabras clave Vías romanas. Tecnología romana. Vías romanas en España., 2023
Din 2014 până acum, Moscova – în ciuda eșecului său relativ în Ucraina – a schimbat lumea în interesul revizionismului rusesc și nu numai rusesc.
Ramli Harahap, 2023
Minggu ini kita memasuki Minggu Letare yang artinya bersukacitalah senantiasa bersama-sama Yerusalem-(Marjop ni roha jana marmoga-moga di bagasan Debata-Yes. 66:10a). Dalam memasuki dan menjalani Minggu ini kita akan dikuatkan dan diarahkan Firman Tuhan dengan tema "Bersukacita karena Percaya". Kata kunci dalam rasa sukacita adalah "percaya". Orang buta itu merasakan sukacita besar karena ia percaya kepada Yesus. Dari iman percaya itulah dia beroleh anugerah kesembuhan dari Tuhan Yesus.
Dynamic adaptive HTTP streaming (DASH) is a new concept for video streaming using consecutive downloads of short video segments. 3GPP has developed the basic DASH standard which is further extended by the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) and MPEG. In all versions available to date, only very simple content protection use cases are enabled. Extensions are needed to enable important advanced use cases like pay-per-view and license change in an ongoing video channel.
Urban river fronts are an important type of inland waterfront, at the contact between urban districts and rivers. In developed countries, most traditional activities along city river banks have disappeared, with the rise of modern economy. Exchanges of all types of goods, activities such as washing and baths, leisure, etc… have progressively vanished since the early XXth century because the role of river has been decreasing in economy. During the last 20-30 years however, these areas have been the targets of active renovation policies after decades of dereliction. Reconquest began in the late 1970ʼs and widely expanded throughout the world, in response to social demand and to public policies aiming at improving the image of cities. Waterfronts are being rehabilitated, frequently using conventional architectural procedures and standardized zoning procedures, but without any guaranty of success concerning acceptation by people, despite heavy investments. 1. FROM FORMER RIVER ATTRACTIVITY TO DERELICTION IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Rivers were remarkably attractive places during the industrial era because most transportation used waterways instead of terrestrial roads, which were unsecure and slow. City waterfronts were places of exchange, of storage, while city dwellers used the river because it provided water for human uses. For instance, in Rome, two harbours were at the outskirts of the city: the Ripetta (small bank) harbour upstream for the inland trade, and the Ripa Grande downstream for exchanges with Ostia sea harbour. Before the construction of the "muraglioni" following the 1870 fl ood, the Arenula beach located on the left bank of the Tevere River upstream of the Sisto Bridge, was used by people of the city. In the middle of the XIXth c., the Pope Pie IX allowed men to swim freely between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. River banks in Lyons were used by wash boats, public baths, fi sh boats, and of course by all kinds of storage during the late XIXth c. (stone, sand, beams, wine, etc…), the Rhône river and its tributary the Saône being major means of transportation at the time (Béthemont et Pelletier, 1990; Pelletier, 2002). In Paris, the Seine River was the heart of the city during the Late XVIIth c., with houses on the main bridge and great activity on the river
Probiotics are dietary supplements, that have been advocated for the prevention and the treatment of various diseases. These products consist of essential micro-organisms, which stimulate health promoting flora thus, suppressing the pathologic colonization. Now time has arrived so that paradigm of treatment is shifted from elimination of specific bacteria to altering bacterial ecology by using probiotics. They have shown promising effects in the oral health with respect to control of chronic disease like periodontitis, dental caries and recurring problems like candidal infections, halitosis, aphthous ulcers etc. Probiotics form a biofilm in oral cavity that is protective against oral diseases. Since, probiotics are now widely used in both medical and dental specialties, a thorough understanding of their risks and benefits are essential. This review focuses on the recent trends in use of probiotics in dentistry, to understand the mechanism of action of probiotic bacteria in the oral ...
Revista de Direito Tributário e Financeiro, 2017
URBS: Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales, 2016
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
Archives of Dermatology, 2008
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 2001
Journal of Neuroscience, 2009
Estudios Sociales - Tercero de Básica Año Lectivo 2024 - 2025, 2024
Architecture Civil Engineering Environment, 2013
Brain Research, 1999
European Journal of Medicinal Plants