Biochemistry (Moscow), Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 240-245. Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 294-301.
Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Chernyak, Pletjushkina, Izyumov, Lyamzaev, Avetisyan.
Bioenergetics and Death
B. V. Chernyak*, O. Yu. Pletjushkina, D. S. Izyumov,
K. G. Lyamzaev, and A. V. Avetisyan
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119992 Moscow, Russia; fax: (7-095) 939-3181; E-mail:
Received September 20, 2004
Abstract—Specific inhibitors of mitochondrial functions were used in studies on the relation between bioenergetics and programmed cell death. The data of the authors are discussed in the review.
Key words: mitochondria, respiration, membrane potential, ATP synthesis, apoptosis, necrosis
In the past decade, two revolutions have dramatically changed our view on mitochondria. The clear knownfrom-the-text-books description of “power plants” producing energy (ATP) was displaced with the mysterious
image of “Pandora’s box” determining the fate of cell. In
the previous paradigm, involvement of mitochondria in
pathology was limited to impairment of cellular energetics in genetic diseases and hypoxic and toxic insults. In
the new one, the major role of byproducts, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), and side reactions such as permeability transition were appreciated. The recent explosion of experimental works demonstrated that various
cases of apoptosis critically depend on the release of specific mitochondrial proteins into the cytosol. The most
important usually is a release of cytochrome c (one of the
components of the respiratory chain) catalyzing assembly
of a large cytosolic complex “apoptosome” involved in
activation of caspases, the major executioners of cell
death. In contrast to the basic bioenergetic principles, the
mechanisms of sensing of apoptotic signals by mitochondria are not well understood. Mitochondria receive the
signals from specific receptors or from other cellular
organelles subjected to physical or toxic insults (nucleus,
reticulum, cytoskeleton) and integrate and transform
them to a unified signal for cell death. The principal
mechanisms of these processes and their connection to
bioenergetics of mitochondria are not well understood.
Almost simultaneously the second revolution overturned the traditional view of the mitochondrion as a
small round-shaped organelle. It appeared that the wellAbbreviations: ROS) reactive oxygen species; TNF) tumor necrosis factor; DNP) 2,4-dinitrophenol; DOG) 2-deoxyglucose;
FCCP) carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
known images obtained under the electron microscope
were the slices of a variable and dynamic mitochondrial
network. These structures were described in detail by L. E.
Bakeeva et al. in the laboratory of V. P. Skulachev and
received the name of “mitochondrial reticulum” [1].
Skulachev suggested that these cable-like structures were
an energy (trans-membrane electric potential) transporting system of the cell [2]. This hypothesis received a strong
support in experiments of D. B. Zorov and coworkers
where the electrical unity of significant parts of mitochondrial reticulum was demonstrated [3]. Later Skulachev
suggested that damage to mitochondria would induce disconnection of fragments of mitochondrial cables to prevent short circuit (uncoupling) in the whole network [4].
This effect could be accompanied with physical fragmentation of the mitochondrial reticulum. In agreement with
this idea, fragmentation of mitochondria was observed
under various stressful conditions and during apoptosis
induced by various stimuli. The interest in this phenomenon strongly grew when it was found that inhibition of
fragmentation of mitochondria significantly slowed down
the later apoptotic events. The molecular mechanisms of
mitochondrial fragmentation were studied for a long time
in yeast as a model of organelle division. The major proteins involved in dynamics of mitochondria in yeast were
identified but the search for mammalian homologs and
determination of their role in apoptosis needs further
studies. Relations between bioenergetics of mitochondria
and their structural dynamics are of particular interest.
The change in the paradigm of mitochondrial structure and function in the cell coincided with a change in the
basic methods in this field. The bioenergetics of mitochondria was investigated using a wonderful arsenal of specific inhibitors. Inhibitors (usually antibiotics) of almost
every component of oxidative phosphorylation were found
0006-2979/05/7002-0240 ©2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
and the mechanisms of inhibition were deciphered. Later
studies on chemiosmotic mechanisms appeared possible
due to discoveries of different ionophores and membranepermeable indicators. The final evidences of Mitchellian
chemiosmotic principals were presented by V. P. Skulachev
in collaboration with E. A. Liberman [5] when they used
positive and negative permeable ions for determination of
polarity and value of the membrane potential in different
models. Later these approaches were employed for development of potential sensitive dyes, measurements of mitochondrial membrane potential in living cells and tissues,
and targeting of some reagents (antioxidants, for example)
to mitochondria (see the review of Ross et al. in this issue).
The new era in mitochondriology coincided with the great
successes in genetic engineering and genomics. Hundreds
of new proteins involved in mitochondria-related signaling
were discovered in a very short time. The studies of their
functions were based on powerful approaches using knockout, siRNA, or dominant-negative constructs. For many
reasons, these approaches are very difficult to apply to
mitochondrial proteins involved in bioenergetic functioning. Even the rare successful attempts, such as knockout of
cytochrome c [6], did not help to fill the gap between two
areas of research on mitochondria in energy transformation and in cell signaling.
Several years ago with strong support from V. P.
Skulachev, we initiated studies on relations between
bioenergetics of mitochondria and their role in cell signaling [7-10]. The major tools in these studies were selective inhibitors of mitochondrial functions. Rapidly growing human carcinoma cells HeLa were used as a basic cellular model. These cells have high rate of aerobic glycoly-
sis and high capacity for oxidative phosphorylation, so
they were suitable for use of mitochondrial inhibitors.
HeLa cells have high respiratory activity, so this assay
was used for titration of the effects of the inhibitors.
Respiration was strongly suppressed with the inhibitors of
mitochondrial FoF1-ATP-synthase indicating high input
of coupled respiration (Fig. 1). Maximal respiration rate
was induced by uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation
at concentrations of the agents significantly lower than
necessary for complete uncoupling. In other words, when
respiration was maximally stimulated with uncoupler,
ATP synthesis was not completely blocked and steadystate membrane potential was high. At higher concentrations of uncoupler, the membrane potential dropped and
ATP synthesis ceased, but simultaneously respiration was
inhibited. This effect was related to inhibition of electron
transfer in several segments of the respiratory chain and
was inevitable for almost all protonophorous uncouplers.
In experiments with HeLa cells only one exception was
found, a new uncoupler designed by Novo Nordisk
(Denmark) (No. 0112-0005, the structure cannot be
reported) maximally stimulated respiration at 0.1-0.2 µM
(the same concentrations as carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP)) and did not inhibit respiration up to 10-20 µM (at these concentrations
FCCP almost completely blocked respiration). One more
“special” uncoupler, 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), maxi-
40 ng-atom O
1 min
Fig. 1. Test for efficacy of the mitochondrial inhibitors in HeLa (1, 2) and HeLa-Bcl-2 (3) cells. Respiration of the cell suspension was
measured polarographically using a Clark-type electrode in the culture medium. Inhibitors were added in the following concentrations:
oligomycin (Oligo), 5 µg/ml; aurovertin (Auro), 1 µM; 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), 0.2 mM; rotenone (Rot), 4 µM.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 70 No. 2 2005
mally stimulated respiration at 0.1-0.2 mM but did not
completely dissipated the membrane potential even at 1020 time higher concentration due to low solubility in
lipids. Inhibitors of the various segments of the respiratory chain (rotenone, antimycin A, myxothiazol, cyanide)
completely blocked respiration of HeLa cells. The complete effect of rotenone (an inhibitor of Complex I) (Fig.
1) indicated that cessation of NADH oxidation in the
chain prevented formation of succinate in the Krebs cycle
and its oxidation by Complexes II-IV. In the absence of
rotenone, the contribution of succinate oxidation to total
oxidative capacity could be significant.
The inhibitors of ATP synthase (oligomycin,
aurovertin), inhibitors of respiration (piericidin,
antimycin, myxothiazol), and uncouplers (DNP, FCCP)
did not cause any loss in viability of HeLa cells during 2448 h in the traditional cell culture medium DMEM supplemented with fetal serum (10%) and glucose (25 mM)
[7]. High rate of glycolysis completely satisfied energy
demands of the cells. This means that inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation could be safely used in studies of
apoptosis if they were completed in 1-2 days. An important exception was found in experiments with rotenone.
This classic inhibitor of Complex I induced cell cycle
arrest and following apoptosis in HeLa cells at 2 µM concentration, which was necessary for complete inhibition
of uncoupled respiration of these cells in the culture
medium. The effect of rotenone was not related to inhibition of respiration or specific effect on Complex I, since
another inhibitor with the identical specificity namely
piericidin did not affect cell cycle or kill the cells. The
effect of rotenone is probably targeted on the cytoskeleton, as reported 30 years ago [11].
The possible effects of mitochondrial inhibitors on
apoptosis were studied in two models with different signaling pathways leading to cell death. In the first, apoptosis was induced by a cytokine, tumor necrosis factor
(TNF), upon binding to specific receptors at the cell surface. In the second, a general inhibitor of protein kinases
staurosporine (STS) was used to induce stress-like apoptosis. In the early steps, initiation and transmission of
apoptotic signal were different in these models; however,
in both cases the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria into cytosol was a critical event and a “point-of-noreturn” in the program. The final execution steps were
practically identical. During TNF-induced apoptosis,
mitochondria were attacked by protein Bid proteolytically activated in cytosol [12]. Staurosporine induced a different signaling pathway where a major component targeted on mitochondria, Bax, is activated by unknown
mechanisms [13]. Our experiments demonstrated that in
both models the inhibitors of respiration and uncouplers
did not affect the release of cytochrome c into cytosol and
the following apoptotic events. The important anti-apoptotic mitochondria-located protein Bcl-2, which inhibits
the release of cytochrome c [14], also remained fully
effective in the presence of the inhibitors of respiration
and uncouplers [7, 8]. These data indicated that the
release of cytochrome c and some other proteins from
intermembrane space during apoptosis is hardly mediated
by hyperpolarization of the inner membrane (as suggested [15, 16]) or by any potential-dependent processes,
such as Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria.
These studies revealed an unexpected effect of
oligomycin. This inhibitor of the proton channel (Fo) in
mitochondrial FoF1-ATPase was found to inhibit TNFinduced release of cytochrome c and apoptosis [8]. STSinduced apoptosis in HeLa cells was not affected by
oligomycin. The effect of oligomycin was not related to
inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation or to hyperpolarization of the membrane since depolarization with
uncouplers did not relieve the inhibition. Moreover, the
effect was not directly linked to inhibition of ATPase
since another specific inhibitor, aurovertin B, did not
affect release of cytochrome c and apoptosis. In contrast
to oligomycin, this inhibitor was targeted to the catalytic
(F1) component of the enzyme. The well-known nonmitochondrial target of oligomycin, Na+/K+-ATPase of
the plasma membrane, was not responsible for the effects
described. It was shown that a selective inhibitor of this
enzyme, ouabain, did not inhibit apoptosis.
Interestingly, the selective effect of oligomycin on
TNF-induced apoptosis correlated with the effect of
cyclosporin A, the inhibitor of the permeability transition
pore (PTP). This agent (in combination with trifluoperazine, which enhance the effect) inhibited TNF-induced
release of cytochrome c and apoptosis while it did not
affect STS-induced apoptosis in HeLa cells. A possible
role of the PTP in apoptosis has been discussed in a great
number of contradictory works. It seems clear that the
PTP opening can results in release of cytochrome c due to
osmotic swelling of matrix and disruption of the outer
mitochondrial membrane. However, in some models of
apoptosis this mechanism is not enough for release of
cytochrome c, while in some models its role seems
improbable. It can be suggested that oligomycin inhibited
the concerned action of Fo and PTP in release of
cytochrome c from intermembrane space of mitochondria during TNF-induced apoptosis.
The effective inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation
with the inhibitors in use did not induce apoptosis in HeLa
cells probably due to general high resistance of these cells
to apoptotic stimuli. The anti-apoptotic defense strongly
depends on growth factors in the serum. To reveal possible
specific induction of apoptosis with the mitochondrial
inhibitors we have excluded serum from the culture mediBIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 70 No. 2 2005
important for cell death in various pathologies including
ischemia/reperfusion [17], Parkinson disease, etc. [18]
(see also the review by Starkov et al. in this issue).
Cell death, %
Fig. 2. Cell death induced by mitochondrial inhibitors in HeLa
cells. Cells were incubated for 24 h in culture medium without
serum. Inhibitors were added in the following concentrations:
FCCP, 10 µM; oligomycin (oligo), 5 µg/ml; myxothiazol (myxo),
2 µM. Apoptosis was determined by chromatin condensation after
staining with Hoechst 33342, and necrosis by staining of nuclei
with propidium iodide.
um. Apoptosis was increased only slightly during 24 h and
more prolonged incubation resulted in significant necrosis. Significant apoptosis was observed when a respiratory
inhibitor (myxothiazol) was combined with uncoupler
(FCCP) or with oligomycin (Fig. 2). This effect was probably caused by excessive production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) in the initial segments of the respiratory
chain. In fact, myxothiazol caused overreduction of
Complex I components and catalyzed one electron reduction of oxygen. Uncoupler or oligomycin under these
conditions caused dissipation of the membrane potential
further stimulating ROS production and apoptosis. ROS
generation by Complex I was suggested earlier to be
The high concentration of glucose used in the cell
culture medium was significantly higher than the physiological level. Presumably, the limited supply of the glycolytic substrates is important for various pathological
states and especially for development of rapidly growing
solid tumors. To model these conditions we have
decreased concentration of glucose to 5 mM and supplied
the medium with 5 mM 2-deoxyglucose (DOG), a nonmetabolized analog. These conditions did not cause any
decrease in viability of HeLa cells indicating the high
capacity of oxidative phosphorylation. As expected, mitochondrial inhibitors caused almost complete necrotic cell
death during 24 h in this model. However, if the combined treatment with DOG and mitochondrial inhibitors
for 3 h was followed by 24 h recovery in the high-glucose
medium (without DOG) significant apoptotic cell death
was observed (Fig. 3a). A 48-h cultivation resulted in
almost complete cell death with strong prevalence of
apoptosis over necrosis. In the described model cell death
did not significantly depend on the nature of the mitochondrial inhibitor, indicating that apoptosis was induced
by the temporary energy deprivation. The content of ATP
dropped to 30-40% of the initial level in 0.5 h and
remained constant for the next 3-5 h. Removal of DOG
caused rapid restoration of ATP level even when the mitochondrial inhibitors were present (Fig. 3b) [9].
ATP, nmol/mg protein
Cell death, %
DOG + oligo DOG + myxo DOG + FCCP
+25 mM glucose
DOG + oligo
Incubation time, h
Fig. 3. a) HeLa cell death induced by temporary ATP depletion. Cells were incubated for 3 h in low glucose (5 mM) culture medium with 2deoxyglucose (DOG, 5 mM) and with mitochondrial inhibitors (concentrations as in Figs. 1 and 2). Than medium was changed to the full
(25 mM glucose) culture medium with the same inhibitors but without DOG, and cells were incubated for 21 h more. Apoptosis and necrosis were determined as in Fig. 2. b) ATP was determined in the cells treated as described in Fig. 3a. ATP was extracted and measured using
luciferase reagent (Pharmacia, Sweden) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 70 No. 2 2005
After 3-fold decrease in cellular ATP level, it still
remained in a range of 1-3 mM which is much higher (10100 times) than the values of Michaelis constants for the
majority of ATP-consuming enzymes. Even in combination with accompanying increase in ADP and AMP level,
this decrease in ATP hardly caused significant damage to
the cellular structures and irreversible block of the critical
systems of homeostasis. It seems more probable that specific ATP-meter(s) detected temporary limited ATP
depletion and transformed this signal into signal for
apoptosis. Tuning of these sensors should be very precise.
When the ATP depletion procedure was prolonged to 5 h
the following recovery still restored the ATP level but
resulted mostly in necrotic cell death after 24-48 h. A
similar switch to necrosis was observed when ATP depletion was increased by more complete inhibition of glycolysis. The mitochondrial inhibitors in combination with
DOG added to the medium depleted of glucose caused
rapid fall in cellular ATP to less then 10% of the initial
level. After 3 h, the medium was changed to complete
glucose-rich DMEM and cellular ATP was restored
almost completely in 0.5 h, but the following 48 h cultivation resulted in massive necrotic death. Thus temporary
ATP depletion can be a trigger of programmed cell death
with both necrotic and apoptotic features.
Apoptosis induced by temporary ATP depletion had
all the signs of stress-induced apoptosis. At the early
steps translocation of Bax from cytosol to mitochondria,
formation of large Bax-containing aggregates, release of
cytochrome c, and activation of caspases was observed.
Overexpression of Bcl-2 inhibited release of cytochrome
c and apoptosis but did not affect necrosis, indicating low
input of “secondary necrosis” in these models. Apoptosis
was prevented by inhibition of caspases with zVADfmk
and simultaneously necrosis was stimulated, suggesting
that caspases not only catalyzed apoptosis but also inhibited necrosis induced by energy deprivation. In contrast
to apoptosis, the signaling resulting in necrosis remained
poorly characterized. An example of necrosis induced by
rotenone and glucose deprivation in myogenic cells was
recently found to be dependent on activation of the
stress-activated protein kinase (JNK) [19]. In HeLa
cells, neither apoptosis nor necrosis was sensitive to
inhibitors of JNK or p38 (another stress-activated protein kinase). The nature of putative ATP-meter(s) also
remained mysterious. The candidate sensors includes
mTOR, a protein kinase with exceptionally high
Km(ATP) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)
which is allosterically activated by AMP. The both kinases are involved in regulation of gene expression in
response to nutrient starvation [20, 21] but their role in
induction of apoptosis is purely speculative.
Interestingly, activation of AMPK upon inhibition of
mitochondrial ATP synthesis appeared to be significantly stronger than in mitochondria-independent models
even at the same increase in AMP [22]. Probably this
overstimulation of AMPK caused induction of apoptosis
in our model of energy deprivation.
Mitochondrial inhibitors in the presence of glucose
induced dramatic changes in mitochondrial structure
independently from ATP depletion or apoptotic events
[10, 23]. Similar changes were observed in a great number
of works and one of the first description was made by D.
B. Zorov in V. P. Skulachev’s laboratory (see the review by
Zorov et al. in this issue). In HeLa cells, the inhibitors of
respiration and uncouplers induced fragmentation of
mitochondrial reticulum after a significant lag-phase (35 h). Later the fragments were transformed to small round
bodies due to further fragmentation and changes in the
form of the organelles. The following swelling of the
mitochondria was clearly visible in the presence of
uncouplers. Washout of uncoupler caused slow (24 h)
restoration of mitochondrial reticulum, and the process
was blocked by the inhibitor of protein synthesis emetine.
The most rapid fission and the following transitions of
mitochondrial network were induced by combined treatment with respiratory inhibitors and uncouplers (see color
insert, Fig. 4) indicating the possible role of ROS produced
by the respiratory chain. This suggestion is in good agreement with the observations of mitochondrial transitions
induced by hydrogen peroxide (0.1-0.4 mM) in the same
cell line [23]. In the both models no release of cytochrome
c from mitochondria or any visible signs of apoptosis were
observed until the final steps of mitochondrial transitions
including swelling. Similar changes in morphology of
mitochondria were observed during apoptosis induced by
TNF or STS and in both models release of cytochrome c
happened with significant delay after complete fission of
mitochondria. It was clear that both processes were completed rapidly (5-15 min) in comparison with the prolonged lag-period after initiation of apoptosis. Recently, it
was found [24] that fission of mitochondria during apoptosis depended on translocation of dynamin-related protein
(Drp1) from cytosol to some local sites at the surface of
mitochondria. Inhibition of this process not only prevented fission of mitochondria but also strongly inhibited apoptosis. There is no evidence that mitochondrial transitions
induced by the inhibitors or by hydrogen peroxide included the same molecular mechanisms, but it appears clear
that fission of mitochondria can be necessary but is not sufficient for apoptosis. It is known that mitochondria are
subjected to continuous fission and fusion in the living cell.
It seems possible that inhibition of mitochondrial functions interrupted fusion more than stimulated fission [25].
During prolonged treatment with the uncouplers
alone or in combination with the respiratory inhibitors,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 70 No. 2 2005
fragmented mitochondria gathered near the nucleus and
formed several large clusters (Fig. 4). Similar processes
were observed in cells treated with hydrogen peroxide and
in apoptotic cells. Electron microscopy revealed swollen
and partially degraded mitochondria in these clusters.
This observation was in agreement with the significant
decrease in the total mass of mitochondrial material and
content of the specific mitochondrial proteins. The selective elimination of mitochondria from apoptotic cells was
recently described under complete inhibition of final
steps of apoptosis with inhibitor of caspases [26]. The
major role of autophagy in this process was suggested. We
did not observe accumulation of autophagosomes in our
model, so probably the mechanism of depletion from
mitochondria was different. The preliminary data indicated the possible expulsion of mitochondrial aggregates
from the cell. This process resembled the final steps of
differentiation of erythroblasts and some other cells
whose mature forms are depleted of mitochondria.
When HeLa cells were treated for 48-72 h with
uncouplers in combination with antimycin or myxothiazol, a significant (50-70%) fraction of the cells died but the
rest of the population was viable, without any signs of
apoptosis and with very low mitochondrial content. The
cell death was not related to energy deprivation and probably depended on hyperproduction of ROS in mitochondria. The viable cells depleted of mitochondria probably
had selective advantage under these conditions.
Elimination of mitochondria and the selective pressure
could be responsible for low content of mitochondria in
some rapidly growing tumors [27] and development of
tumors resistant to chemotherapy. Depletion of mitochondria (“mitochondrial death”) as a possible mechanism for
protection against hyperproduction of ROS was postulated
by Skulachev in 1999 [28] and was named “mitoptosis”.
Future studies would show whether the observations
described above are in agreement with these predictions
and what the role of these phenomena in cell physiology is.
We would like to cordially thank V. P. Skulachev for
his constant attention and support of our work. Our birthday congratulations and wishes of many years of fruitful
work in a glory of science.
We are grateful to all the members of our laboratory
for invaluable help in the past and in the present times.
The work was supported by grants from the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (Nos. 04-0449484, 02-04-48843), RFBR–NOW (The Netherlands),
RFBR–GFEN (China), Ludwig Cancer Research
Institute (USA), and Fund “Paritet” (Russia).
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Fig. 4. Changes in morphology of mitochondria in HeLa cells treated with mitochondrial inhibitors: a) control cells; b, c) cells treated with
antimycin (2 µM) and DNP (0.4 mM) for 8 (b) and 24 h (c). Mitochondria were stained with Mitotracker Green (Molecular Probes,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 70 No. 2