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2018, Lecture Notes in Mathematics
10 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This research explores the properties of Gaussian Sobolev p-spaces and presents new insights into the restriction of these spaces through the Gaussian p-capacitary-strong-type inequality. Key results include establishing bounds related to Gaussian capacities and constructing specific continuous functions that help demonstrate the relationships between different Sobolev spaces. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the analysis within Gaussian contexts and may have implications for future studies in functional analysis and PDEs.
… instabilities in continuum mechanics (Edinburgh, 1985
For a measurable function / on the unit ball B in C" we define (M,/)(w), \ w \< U to be t n e mean modulus of / over a hyperbolic ball with center at w and of a fixed radius. The space L\,Q<p<ca, is defined by the requirement that M y f belongs to the Lebesgue space If. It is shown that the subspace of V spanned by holomorphic functions coincides with the corresponding subspace of L\. It is proved that if s>(n+ l)(p~'-1), 0<p<l, then this subspace is complemented in L\ by the projection whose reproducing kernel is (1-|H»| 2)*(1-<Z, W»" (S + " + 1). AS corollaries we get an extension of the Forelli-Rudin projection theorem and we show that a holomorphic function / is L p-integrable, 0<p<oo, over the unit ball B iff u = Ref is L'-integrable over B. Finally, we sketch an alternative proof of the main result of this paper in the case 1991 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 32A35 and 3OD55, Secondary 32H1O.
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We prove that the pointwise inequality used by P. Hajłasz in his definition of Sobolev spaces on metric spaces is equivalent to an integral (Poincaré-type) inequality. 2001 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS Une caractérisation intégrale de l'espace de Hajłasz-Sobolev Résumé. On démontre dans cette Note que l'inégalité ponctuelle utilisée par Piotr Hajłasz dans sa définition des espaces de Sobolev sur les espaces métriques mesurés est équivalente à une inégalité intégrale du type de l'inégalité de Poincaré. 2001 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS Version française abrégée Dans l'article [4], P. Hajłasz associe à tout espace métrique mesuré (X, d, µ) l'« espace de Sobolev » M 1,p (X) constitué par l'ensemble des fonctions u ∈ L p (X, µ) pour lesquelles il existe une fonction g ∈ L p (X, µ) telle que u(x) − u(y) g(x) + g(y) d(x, y) presque partout. Nous démontrons dans cette Note que si la mesure µ possède la propriété locale de dédoublement (i.e. il existe α < ∞ tel que, pour tout x ∈ X et tout r < 1, on a µ(B(x, 2r) 2 α µ(B(x, r)), alors l'espace de Sobolev M 1,p (X) peut aussi être défini en remplaçant l'inégalité ci-dessus par une inégalité de type Poincaré : THÉORÈME.-Supposons que µ possède la propriété locale de dédoublement et que µ({x}) = 0 pour tout x ∈ X, alors pour toute paire de fonctions (u, g) telle que u ∈ L 1 loc (X) et g ∈ L p (X), les conditions suivantes sont équivalentes : (a) il existe une constante C telle que l'inégalité u(x) − u(y) C g(x) + g(y) d(x, y) est vérifiée pour tous x, y appartenant au complémentaire d'un ensemble de mesure nulle ; Note présentée par Haïm BREZIS. S0764-4442(01)02088-2/FLA 2001 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits réservés
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In this paper a Sobolev inequality, which generalizes the ordinary Banach algebra property of such spaces, is established; for p P [1Y I), nY m P Z , and m ! 2 that satisfy m b nap, kfck mYpYV K sup Vs jfj 2 3 k ck m Y p Y V k ck m À 1 Y q Y V kck mÀ1YpYV kfk mYpYV 4 5 for all fY c P W mYp (V) that satisfy spt c & V s & V and domains V & R n that are nonempty, open, and satisfy the cone condition. Here q p if p b n, q P (naÇY pna(n À p)] if n b p, q P (naÇY I) if p n, K K(nYpYmYqYg), where g is the cone from the cone condition, and Ç X [[ nap ]], the largest integer less than or equal to nap.
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This study aims at exploring the mostly discussed and used modern theories and functions of myths in literature, creative art and literary criticism. The finding of the study shows that a clear understanding of different theories and functions of myths is inescapable. It manifests myths as one of the vital cultural products, what do not limit them within the metaphorical and abstract meaning only. On the contrary, they perform some social and practical functions too. Especially, in literature, myths befit as a network of symbols, intriguing allegories, allusions, metaphors, suggestive archetypes, schemas etc., and create alternative narratives when necessary. Theorists show that myths help diverse audience and users towards making human communication effective, unveil the collective unconscious or the pattern of human behaviour, the inner psyche of mankind. Myths appear as a "rainbow bridge" which connects the present and the past, men and gods, questions and answers. An in-depth knowledge about various meanings, theories and functions of myths thus helps the modern world possible for life and art, by making diverse and alternative use of myths, and bringing social order and harmony for all.
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