Glacial occupation of northern Germany and adjacent areas. Revisiting the archives


S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, T. Reuter, M. Wild, M.-J. Weber, Late Glacial occupation of northern Germany and adjacent areas. Revisiting the archives. In: S. Gaudzinski-Windheuser, O. Jöris (eds.), The Beef behind all possible pasts. The tandem-Festschrift in honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 157, 2 (Mainz 2021), 433-457. This contribution presents the status quo of research on the Final Palaeolithic occupation of Schleswig-Holstein. Over the last two decades new insights became possible based on isotopic, genetic, biostratigraphic, tephrochronologic, and archaeological analyses. Some of these projects and studies are still ongoing. The material on which these analyses were performed was mainly uncovered during the 20 th century. We particularly focus on the chronology and the different challenges associated with the Late Glacial record. To do so, we review the radiocarbon dating record of Schleswig-Holstein and adjacent areas, especially Denmark, including 11 new radiocarbon dates from the sites of Stellmoor and Meiendorf. At present, in particular, the period of the Federmessergruppen (i. e., curve-backed point industries) appears poorly represented in this record. This shortage is due to preservational conditions on the one hand, as well as the often uncertain attribution of osseous single finds to archaeological entities on the other. Hence, a synoptic analysis of osseous remains of Late Glacial northern Germany and southern Scandinavia is desirable. The recently introduced partially laminated biostratigraphic lake sequence from Nahe LA 11 contains three cryptic tephra layers including the first geochemically identified evidence of the Laacher See Tephra in Schleswig-Holstein. The palynological analysis of this archive interlinks palaeoenvironmental with archaeological research questions. Amongst other implications, the data provided here suggest a continuity of human and reindeer presence in the area until the early Holocene. This result lines up with observations of shifting ecological zones throughout the Weichselian Late Glacial in Schleswig-Holstein.

SONJA B. GRIMM · BERIT VALENTIN ERIKSEN · SASCHA KRÜGER TOBIAS REUTER · MARKUS WILD · MARA-JULIA WEBER LATE GLACIAL OCCUPATION OF NORTHERN GERMANY AND ADJACENT AREAS. REVISITING THE ARCHIVES Abstract This contribution presents the status quo of research on the Final Palaeolithic occupation of Schleswig-Holstein. Over the last two decades new insights became possible based on isotopic, genetic, biostratigraphic, tephrochronologic, and archaeological analyses. Some of these projects and studies are still on-going. The material on which these analyses were performed was mainly uncovered during the 20th century. We particularly focus on the chronology and the different challenges associated with the Late Glacial record. To do so, we review the radiocarbon dating record of SchleswigHolstein and adjacent areas, especially Denmark, including 11 new radiocarbon dates from the sites of Stellmoor and Meiendorf. At present, in particular, the period of the Federmessergruppen (i. e., curve-backed point industries) appears poorly represented in this record. This shortage is due to preservational conditions on the one hand, as well as the often uncertain attribution of osseous single finds to archaeological entities on the other. Hence, a synoptic analysis of osseous remains of Late Glacial northern Germany and southern Scandinavia is desirable. The recently introduced partially laminated biostratigraphic lake sequence from Nahe LA 11 contains three cryptic tephra layers including the first geochemically identified evidence of the Laacher See Tephra in Schleswig-Holstein. The palynological analysis of this archive interlinks palaeoenvironmental with archaeological research questions. Amongst other implications, the data provided here suggest a continuity of human and reindeer presence in the area until the early Holocene. This result lines up with observations of shifting ecological zones throughout the Weichselian Late Glacial in Schleswig-Holstein. Keywords Schleswig-Holstein, Final Palaeolithic, Weichselian Late Glacial, chronology, osseous material INTRODUCTION At the MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution Elaine Turner and Martin Street represented the well-established field of zooarchaeology to inform us about past human settlement and land use behaviour (Turner, 2004; Street et al., 2006; Street and Turner, 2013). Their studies in the Central Rhineland were made possible by the excellent preservation of organic material underneath the ignimbrites and pumices of the Laacher See volcanic eruption. The organic preservation further allowed for the establishment of a reliable chronology of the Late Glacial re-settlement of north-western central Europe after the Last Glacial Maximum (Street et al., 1994; Housley et al., 1997; Terberger and Street, 2002; Street and Terberger, 2004; Stevens et al., 2009; Fiedel et al., 2013). With the increasing industrial exploitation of the Laacher See pumice in the 1950s and 1960s, Late Glacial / Allerød surfaces were uncovered and thereby revealing archaeological remains from Late Magdalenian and Federmessergruppen (FMG) contexts which accordingly became a focus of research (Bosinski, 1979; Baales, 2002). Besides the excellent preservation conditions, these relatively recent discoveries also paved the way to apply modern standards of excavation, documentation, and archiving. These conditions allowed for some of the most In: S. Gaudzinski-Windheuser · O. Jöris (Eds.), The Beef behind all Possible Pasts. The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of The Beefand behind Possible Pasts – The in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street Elaine Turner Martinall Street. Monographien desTandem-Festschrift RGZM 157 (Mainz 2021). DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.950.c12572 433 detailed insights into the reconstruction of Late Upper and Final Palaeolithic lifeways. Furthermore, the Laacher See volcano – like many of the volcanic craters in the Eifel volcanic field – has transformed into a maar lake. Laminated sequences from these natural sediment traps were used to build up a stacked record of Late Glacial climatic and environmental change, which is in large parts annually laminated (ELSA; Sirocko, 2016). Hence, for the Late Glacial and early Holocene periods, a detailed vegetation history with relevance for the wider region was also established (Litt and Stebich, 1999; Sirocko et al., 2016). These high-resolution records helped to contextualise the archaeological findings of the Central Rhineland. Researchers in other areas aimed to synchronise their records with these high-resolution archives through the use of archaeological comparison or by bio- or tephrochronology (Housley et al., 2013). The Laacher See tephra (LST) has been of particular interest as a short-term chronostratigraphic marker horizon (Litt et al., 2001; Blockley et al., 2008; Wulf et al., 2013). Recently, the LST has been geochemically confirmed for the first time in Schleswig-Holstein (Krüger and van den Bogaard, 2021). In contrast to the Rhineland, research on the Late Glacial in Schleswig-Holstein has been more or less continuous since the 19th century, with numerous collections but few excavations and variable standards of documentation (Schwantes, 1923, 1928, 1933; Schwabedissen, 1944; Taute, 1968; see below). Hence, to understand the occupation history of the region and attempting to base this on a solid chronostratigraphic framework, this area offers a large amount of legacy data and all the challenges that come with it. In the last years, some new analyses were made, especially at the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology (ZBSA) and in the context of the subproject “Pioneers of the North” of the DFGfunded collaborative research centre 1266 “Scales of Transformation”. The results allow new insights that are outlined in the following, with a focus on the Late Glacial chronology of Schleswig-Holstein, supplemented with data from adjacent areas. RESEARCH HISTORY The excavations of Alfred Rust and his interdisciplinary team in the Ahrensburg tunnel valley in the 1930s, 1940s, and early 1950s (Fig. 1; Rust, 1937, 1943, 1958) provide a first milestone in the Palaeolithic archaeology of Schleswig-Holstein. In these campaigns, Palaeolithic organic material uncovered from Late Glacial lake deposits included the oldest wooden arrows (unfortunately lost during World War II; cf. Hartz et al., 2019). Especially the excavations at Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 1 78.1) provided the stratigraphic evidence that the Hamburgian preceded the Ahrensburgian. Furthermore, these technocomplexes were associated with the palynologically well-defined bio zones that were (later) named Meiendorf and Younger Dryas (i. e., Dryas 3) (Menke, 1968; cf. Krüger et al., 2020) and allowed for a first general chronostratigraphy. Following this pioneering work, few systematic excavations of Late Glacial material have been conducted in the Ahrensburg tunnel valley and in entire Schleswig-Holstein. This research will be shortly presented in the following. In the late 1960s / early 1970s Gernot Tromnau excavated different concentrations of Late Glacial archaeological material on the sandy Teltwisch ridge in the Ahrensburg tunnel valley. This showed the potential for further excavations of Late Glacial organic material by corings and test trenches in nearby kettle holes (Tromnau, 1975). Besides Hamburgian and Ahrensburgian material, he also identified two small concentrations with FMG material. In the Vierbergen area in the northern part of the Ahrensburg tunnel valley, 1 LA = Landesaufnahme (register of prehistoric and historic artefacts and archaeological sites and monuments of Schleswig-Holstein). 434 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas Fig. 1 Map of northern Germany and southern Scandinavia during GI-1c-a with major glacial valleys and drainage channels indicated (darker green) and sites mentioned in the text and the tables (map: – Allerød map with the addition of drainage systems). 1 Ahrensburg tunnel valley; 2 Lasbek; 3 Nahe; 4 Lüdersdorf; 5 Klein Nordende; 6 Eggstedt; 7 Schalkholz; 8 Alt Duvenstedt; 9 Ahrenshöft; 10 Klappholz; 11 Endingen; 12 Krogsbølle; 13 Trollesgave; 14 Fensmark Skydebane; 15 Bromme; 16 Arreskov; 17 Odense Kanal; 18 Slotseng; 19 Fogense Enge; 20 Tyrsted; 21 Køge Bugt; 22 Bara Mosse; 23 Hässelberga; 24 Mickelsmosse (Munkarp); 25 Nørre Lyngby; 26 Rissen; 27 Melbeck; 28 Grabow 15; 29 Hämelsee; 30 Querenstede. 200 km km east of the Borneck site (Ahrensburg LA 76), in 1985 Klaus Bokelmann could not find any archaeological remains in a 6-7 m deep survey trench and hence identified the limits of the concentration of Palaeolithic sites that he assumed was due to the geomorphology of the Late Glacial landscape (Bokelmann, 1996). In 2008 Ingo Clausen conducted a survey of test trenches and corings (Ahrensburg LA 78.2) to locate A. Rust’s Stellmoor excavation trenches more precisely and to test if archaeological material was still present and preserved (Clausen, 2010). In January 2010, most of the Ahrensburg tunnel valley became a “Natura 2000” conservation area within the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the accompanying management plan prohibited any further penetration into the ground. However, in the context of the planned expansion of the railway line S4 through the Ahrensburg tunnel valley, further test pits and trenches on the mineral soils near Stellmoor (Stellmoor-Lusbusch, Ahrensburg LA 105, 160, 162, and 187), around Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79 and 140), and into the Hamburgian area of the tunnel valley became possible in summer 2015 (Clausen and Guldin, 2016, 2017). These identified the limits of the accumulation of Late Glacial sites around Meiendorf, which was almost congruent with the modern border of the federal states of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg. Furthermore, corings in Late Glacial lake sediments south of Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 187-191) revealed the preservation of bone and antler material in an area larger than hitherto known. New palynological samples were taken during these efforts (Krüger, 2015) and, most importantly, Sascha Krüger could obtain access to the archival data of the region collected by Hartmut Usinger. Outside the Ahrensburg tunnel valley, Hermann Schwabedissen’s work in 1948 at the site of Rissen 14/14a to the west of Hamburg, where an Ahrensburgian horizon was underlain by a FMG horizon, clarified the chronostratigraphic sequence of the northern German Final Palaeolithic (Schwabedissen, 1954): The Hamburgian present during the Meiendorf period was followed by the FMG during the Allerød period and in turn was followed by the Ahrensburgian during the Dryas 3. In 1959, Wolfgang Taute excavated typical Ahrensburgian material associated with long and large blades in Eggstedt (LA 50), but only some material was recovered in situ as previous amateur excavations had disturbed the area (Taute, 1968). In 1960 he excavated Ahrensburgian material including a few faunal remains in an area of the Lieth Moor near Klein The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street 435 Nordende (LA 2; Taute, 1968). South-west of this site, K. Bokelmann and the amateur Alfred Rasmussen uncovered several concentrations of FMG and faunal material in the 1970s (Klein Nordende LA 37: Bokelmann et al., 1983). In 2013, Ingo Clausen and Annette Guldin tested an area north-west of this and west of W. Taute’s site because – over the course of several decades – collectors had reported (mainly) Ahrensburgian artefacts from there, and geologists had reconstructed Late Glacial wetlands in the vicinity. However, only fragmented stratigraphic sequences were found that showed significant movement of sediment due to various natural processes such as water level changes or cryoturbation. This was explained by the very complex geomorphological situation in the region that often included significant changes over short distances. Furthermore, in 1970 another Hamburgian site was rescue excavated in a single day by A. Rust and G. Tromnau at the limits of a gravel pit near Schalkholz (LA 116; Tromnau, 1974). Nearby, Volker Arnold found a partially destroyed FMG concentration (Schalkholz LA 65) that was also uncovered in a rescue excavation by K. Bokelmann and Dieter Stoltenberg in late 1975 (Bokelmann, 1978). From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s I. Clausen and Sönke Hartz – excavating near Alt Duvenstedt – uncovered a total of nine Late Glacial concentrations of lithic material that in some cases centred around a still identifiable hearth (Clausen and Hartz, 1988; Clausen, 1995, 1996a; Kaiser and Clausen, 2005). Most assemblages were attributed to the FMG but two were of a very early Ahrensburgian origin (Clausen and Schaaf, 2015). In the mid-1990s two sites with Hamburgian material were excavated at Ahrenshöft in the context of a renaturalisation program (Clausen, 1997). Especially the site Ahrenshöft LA 73 has major relevance for the Late Glacial chronology as, for the first time, a horizon containing an inventory dominated by classic Hamburgian shouldered points was overlain by a horizon with mostly Havelte tanged points. Palynological analyses further showed that both horizons were deposited at different stages within the Meiendorf period (Usinger, 1997). In 2008 Mara-Julia Weber extended the excavation area at the Havelte concentration Ahrenshöft LA 58 D (Weber et al., 2010). Finally, the most recently identified area of finds is situated around the north-western outlet of the modern Lake Itzstedt where Thomas Poelmann had collected Ahrensburgian and Hamburgian material since 1986 (Nahe LA 11). In 2003, I. Clausen made some test trenches in the wetlands of the present-day Rönne valley and found some faunal material dominated by reindeer (Weber et al., 2011; Wild, 2017). I. Clausen’s work was complemented by 68 sediment cores that H. Usinger took along and across the valley. The results of these corings helped S. Krüger to identify the basin of a former incision lake (palaeolake Nahe) and to locate the currently best Late Glacial environmental archive of Schleswig-Holstein. This was cored in October 2017 (Dreibrodt et al., 2021; Krüger, 2020; Krüger and van den Bogaard, 2021; Krüger et al., 2020). In addition, H. Usinger has left a large archive of palaeoenvironmental information from his coring campaigns in different locations throughout Schleswig-Holstein. This material is currently under revision. In summary, most excavated sites with Late Pleistocene archaeology are clustered in seven find areas: the Ahrensburg tunnel valley, Rissen, Klein Nordende, Nahe, Alt Duvenstedt, Schalkholz, and Ahrenshöft. Therefore, most research was focused on these areas, making predictive modelling across most of Schleswig-Holstein rather difficult (Hamer et al., 2019). Furthermore, in total very few pieces of faunal material were found after the Ahrensburg tunnel valley excavations of the 1930s to 1950s, no further wooden artefacts could be detected. In addition, some mostly single faunal remains were collected during different dredging works. Hence, the material from A. Rust’s excavations remained the most relevant assemblages and have been re-analysed on different occasions (Grønnow, 1985; Bratlund, 1990, 1996; Weinstock, 2000a, 2000b; Pasda, 2009; Wild, 2020). In contrast to the Central Rhineland, a documentation record that allows each artefact to be located precisely within the site is mostly missing; this is partially due to the excavation standards at the time and partially due to difficult excavation circumstances underneath the groundwater table (cf. Slotseng; Wild, 2020). The exclusive preservation of organic material in discard zones or as single finds 436 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas from waterlogged contexts makes the approach to understanding the occupation history and settlement behaviour through zooarchaeological analyses for the Final Palaeolithic of Schleswig-Holstein impossible. Nevertheless, especially in combination with palynological data, this material allows for further chronological considerations. In a few publications, radiocarbon dates from northern German sites were compiled and re-evaluated, in collaborations including researchers from both MONREPOS and Schleswig (Grimm and Weber, 2008; Riede et al., 2010; Weber et al., 2011). Based on these and on additional studies and analyses of the last decade, we will establish a more detailed chronology of the Final Palaeolithic of this region and discuss human-environment interactions during the Weichselian Late Glacial. ARCHIVES As the research history in Schleswig-Holstein encompasses more than 150 years, a wealth of material and data is known. It can roughly be divided into two categories: on the one hand the actual material that was collected from surface surveys or during excavations and coring programs, and on the other hand the documentation and reports of such activities or materials. Archaeological sites in Schleswig-Holstein including those of single finds are reported in the register of prehistoric and historic artefacts and archaeological sites and monuments of Schleswig-Holstein (Landesaufnahme, see footnote 1). This collection of sites, their location, reports about their discovery, and description of the identified features and archaeological material is maintained at the Archaeological State Office Schleswig-Holstein (Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein: ALSH). The actual archaeological material as well as the documentation that does not remain with the collector is archived at the State Museum for Archaeology in Schloss Gottorf (Museum für Archäologie: MfA). These archives allow queries on authenticity, spatial and chronological attribution, and different new approaches, but they also require different lines of source criticism. Many of the archaeological excavations and collections and / or their documentation do not conform to modern standards. Before the reliability of the data can be assessed, meticulous comparisons with the old documentation and the results of modern analytical methods and techniques are necessary so that further information from the material can be extracted (e. g., Groß et al., 2021; Hinrichs, 2020). For the identification of potential taphonomic processes and possible palimpsests, more precise documentation of the context and location of artefacts is necessary. However, this is rarely available for older excavations. For instance, A. Rust recorded the spatial position of artefacts in two dimensions only during his later excavations, and only on a square metre basis (Rust, 1958). Although there are some uncertainties with the available coarse-grained 2D spatial information, it does allow some testing of the integrity of assemblages and implications for understanding settlement behaviour (Hinrichs, 2020). A general outline of the stratigraphy is also usually given and frequently accompanied by a palynological analysis allowing insights into the chronostratigraphic development of the site. 3D documentation of artefact positions and of higher resolution stratigraphic data became standard much later in Schleswig-Holstein, but proved that many of the sites studied with these refined methods were affected by complex geomorphological processes (Bokelmann et al., 1983; Kaiser and Clausen, 2005; Wild, 2017). Usinger’s palaeoenvironmental archive – comprising the documentation of analysed stratigraphic sequences – includes information on their location, counting sheets of the samples taken from these sequences, as well as occasional personal comments. In general, remains of the sediment cores or samples are preferably stored in cooling chambers, while prepared samples (such as the material from palaeolake Nahe) are stored in the archives of the respective laboratories. The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street 437 RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO LATE GLACIAL CHRONOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY The general stratigraphic succession of the Palaeolithic archaeological units in Schleswig-Holstein has been known for over 70 years (see above research history); also, the vegetation history of the region has been well established for several decades (Usinger, 1985). Yet the biostratigraphic terminology occasionally causes some confusion and discussion. For the Rhineland, this was settled by the definitions based on the nearby maar sequences from the Eifel (Litt and Stebich, 1999), whereas in northern Germany and especially in Denmark the use of the term Bølling remained controversial, depending on which part of Iversen’s classical palynological definition (Iversen, 1942) was used: “the first spread of tree birch” in the sense of a “biozone” (Usinger, 1978, 1985) or “the temperate climatic oscillation that preceded the Allerød” in the sense of a “chronozone” (Krüger and Damrath, 2020). Hence, in the following the INTIMATE event stratigraphy with its recognition of Greenland Stadials (GS) and Interstadials (GI) will be used in a chronozone and event stratigraphy approach (Tab. 1; Rasmussen et al., 2014). In a recently published article about a sequence from the Lake Bølling type locality (Krüger and Damrath, 2020), one of the authors highlighted the problem of the double characterisation of Bølling that was previously addressed (Usinger, 1997; De Klerk, 2004). Nevertheless, with the new stratigraphy from the palaeolake Nahe, some new considerations about the development of the biozones in Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, and southern Denmark became possible (Krüger et al., 2020). Inter-regional comparison of three high-resolution palaeoenvironmental archives from these regions showed different onsets, durations, and appearances of woodland phases shifting from south to north (Krüger et al., 2020: fig. 7). This puts Schleswig-Holstein in a transitional zone for most of the Late Glacial, making precise palaeoenvironmental studies accompanying archaeological research important tools for locating the sites not only chronologically but also ecologically. Furthermore, it indicates that chronoand biozones must be clearly differentiated when discussing this area. The record of palaeolake Nahe comprises a robust age-depth model based on radiocarbon dates, three crypto-tephra layers including the first geochemical finger-print of the LST from the region (Krüger and van den Bogaard, 2021), and a laminated section covering the period of GI-1c3 to GI-1a (Dreibrodt et al., 2021). The palaeoenvironmental data from the palaeolake Nahe reflects the developments in southern Schleswig-Holstein with relevant find areas such as the Ahrensburg tunnel valley, Klein Nordende, the immediate surroundings of the palaeolake itself, and the Hamburg area of Rissen. Based on lithological, geochemical, and palynological data, the Dryas 3 biozone has been bisected in this stratigraphy into an upper, more humid, and a lower, drier part at around the fallout deposition of the Islandic Vedde Ash (Krüger et al., 2020), a distinction that was already observed in other archives (Overbeck, 1975; Bakke et al., 2009; cf. Weber et al., 2011). Although the generally accepted development of the vegetation in Schleswig-Holstein is confirmed by the palaeolake Nahe sequence, the development within the biostratigraphically defined Allerød period can be further refined here. Furthermore, the Meiendorf period proves to be more complex than generally considered. When comparing the onset of these biozones to the onsets in the western German Meerfelder Maar (Litt and Stebich, 1999) with the chronozones based on the current INTIMATE event stratigraphy (Rasmussen et al., 2014), we find offsets that can only partially be explained with the successive ecological reaction to general climatic changes, reflecting the complexity of regional environmental transformations (Krüger et al., 2020). Yet, the palaeolake Nahe sequence also demonstrates that charcoal particles and non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) can help answering archaeological questions (Krüger, 2020). The palaeoenvironmental studies were embedded in the previously mentioned large scale cooperation project (CRC 1266), in which also some archaeological and genetic studies were accomplished (Burau, 2019; 438 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street INTIMATE event stratigraphy Palaeolake Nahe Palynological characteristics of NAH PAZ lower boundaries Age estimate NAH biofor boundaries stratigraphic [yrs cal BP] terminology Betula pub.-type ↑, Filipendula, Typha lat.-type ↗ Poaceae, Artemisia, Empetrum, other NAP-types ↘ Preboreal Dryas 3 Poaceae, Artemisia, other NAP-types ↗ Allerød 3 Allerød 2 / Dryas 2 Allerød 1 Dryas 1 GI-1c1-1a GI-1c2 GI-1c3 GI-1d Meiendorf GI-1e Pleniglacial GS-2.1 Betula, Pinus ↓, Salix ↑ NAP-types ↑ 12,680 Pinus, Filipendula ↑ NAP-types, Artemisia ↓ Allerød 13,350 Betula ↓ Artemisia ↑ Older Dryas 13,650 ** Betula ↑ NAP-types, Artemisia ↓ Bølling 13,780 ** Betula, Salix ↓ NAP-types ↑ Oldest Dryas 13,910 ** Meiendorf 14,642 14,510 Palynological characteristics of MFM PAZ lower boundaries Betula, Pinus ↑, Juniperus ↓, NAP-types ↓ Younger Dryas 14,025 13,940 Pinus ↘, Betula pub.-type, B. nana-type ↗ Artemisia, Hippophaë ↗ GS-1 Age estimate for boundaries [varve yrs BP] 11,590 13,904 13,830 Hippophaë, AP ↘ Poaceae, Helianthemum, Rumex acet.-type ↗ Preboreal 13,610 13,710 Betula pub.-type ↑, Hippophaë ↗ Poaceae, Helianthemum ↘ Holocene 13,550 13,610 Betula pub.-type ↘, Juniperus ↗ Poaceae ↗ MFM biostratigraphic terminology 12,846 12,540 Betula pub.-type ↗, Juniperus ↘ Poaceae, other NAP-types ↘ Mean Age for boundary [yrs cal BP] 11,653 11,560 * Betula pub.-type ↘, B. nana-type ↗ Meerfelder Maar end of lamination: Pinus ↓, Betula, Salix, 14,560 ** Juniperus ↑ unknown Pleniglacial 439 Tab. 1 Comparison of terminology and age estimate of the Meerfelder Maar (MFM; Litt and Stebich, 1999: Tab. 2), the Palaeolake Nahe (NAH; Dreibrodt et al., 2021: Tab. 2 modified according to Krüger et al., 2020 for boundaries and terminology), and the INTIMATE event stratigraphy (Rasmussen et al., 2014). PAZ Pollen assemblage zones. * age estimate (varve yrs cal BP; cf. Merkt and Müller, 1999) used to create present age- depth modelling. ** original age estimates of Litt and Stebich (1999) have been shifted by 110 years to the older, considering a hiatus according to Brauer et al. (2001). Hamer et al., 2019; Grimm et al., 2020; Hinrichs, 2020). Additionally, a number of dissertations and smaller cooperation projects increased our knowledge of the Late Glacial in the last decade (Rivals et al., 2020; Wild, 2020; Wild et al., in press). Results from all these projects are combined in the following overview. Classic Hamburgian / Havelte Group The available radiocarbon dates have been discussed in a previous review of the Hamburgian (Grimm and Weber, 2008). Since then 20 new radiometric results have been obtained in the course of various projects (Tab. 2). Five additional dates on worked reindeer antler (T2: 15-17, 19-20 2) confirmed the thus far accepted dating range for the Meiendorf site (Ahrensburg LA 79) in an early phase of GI-1e, which cannot be defined chronologically more precisely due to a radiocarbon plateau during this interval (Wild, 2020). Two new results (KIA-53517; KIA-53518; T2: 12-13) obtained on petrous bones in the framework of a genetic study of reindeer confirm this picture and even extend the dating range into GS-2.1, whereas a third one (KIA-53519; T2: 21) prolongs the range to mid-GI-1e (cf. Tab. 1), which corresponds to the occupation of the neighbouring Poggenwisch site (Ahrensburg LA 101 and 137; Wild, 2020). The genetic study considerably enlarged the radiocarbon record for Stellmoor by seven new dates (T2: 3-9), which, when calibrated, show a similar distribution to the dates from Meiendorf. Another five measurements were made on reindeer bones attributed to the classic Hamburgian sites of Stellmoor (n = 3) and Meiendorf (n = 2), but produced dates that fall into the Ahrensburgian (T2: 47, 50, 52, 69-70; cf. Rivals et al., 2020; see below Ahrensburgian). Hence, in total we currently know of 61 dates that are associated with the Hamburgian in Schleswig-Holstein, of which 32 appear to be reliable (cf. Pettitt et al., 2003). In Denmark, two further dates were obtained on a modified reindeer antler and bone dredged from the Køge Bugt, where another worked reindeer antler had already been found that was dated to the Hamburgian (Tab. 3; Fischer and Jensen, 2018; Wild, 2020). The new date on the antler from the Køge Bugt (AAR-18732; T3: 13) is very similar to the previous one (AAR-1036; T3: 14), and the date on a reindeer bone (AAR-18733; T3: 12) is only slightly older. Both dates support a presence of hunter-gatherers in eastern Denmark during the second half of GI-1e. Altogether 13 radiocarbon dates are published and judged as reliable for the Hamburgian in Denmark mostly coming from Slotseng in eastern Jutland (n = 10; Grimm and Weber, 2008). In addition to the radiocarbon dates, the excavation of the new site Krogsbølle – containing material attributable to the Havelte Group – substantiated the corpus of Havelte Group material in Denmark (Riede et al., 2019). After correction of the marine reservoir effect, a gull (Larus sp.) from a palaeolake adjacent to Krogsbølle dates to GI-1e, but cannot be linked to human activity (AAR-17464: 12,710 ± 55 14C-BP; Riede et al., 2019). In sum, the calibrated radiocarbon dates for the Hamburgian indicate that hunter-gatherers visited the area of Schleswig-Holstein throughout GI-1e and GI-1d. According to isotope analyses on reindeer bone and micro-wear analyses on reindeer molars from Meiendorf and Stellmoor, the GI-1e environment of these animals presented little soil maturation and provided limited lichen availability, but more than in other European regions (Drucker et al., 2011; Rivals et al., 2020). The Havelte Group occupation at Ahrenshöft LA 58 D may even be attributed to GI-1c3, which would correspond to the palynological characterisation of the occupation layer confirmed by analyses in 2008 and 2009 (Weber et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the calibrated date (AAR-2784; T2: 32) also spans into GI-1d and the site underwent considerable post-depositional processes. 2 References to specific radiocarbon dates listed in Table 2 and in Table 3 are referred to in the following format: T2 / 3: #ID#, where it is specified whether Table 2 or Table 3 are meant, followed by the reference to the ID(s) within that table. 440 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas At a chronological micro-scale, the combination of zooarchaeological and technological observations on different Hamburgian sites and on the French Magdalenian site of Verberie led to a model of hunter-gatherer economy and settlement throughout different phases of the autumn season (Wild, 2020). Federmessergruppen (FMG) The number of radiocarbon dates associated with the FMG in Schleswig-Holstein is limited (n = 12). Some dates have previously been revised, highlighting the frequently problematic association of the dated material and the archaeological remains (Riede et al., 2010). In total, only eight dates can be associated with human occupation during the time of the FMG (Tab. 2). The uncertain association with the FMG is partially due to the generally limited and / or poor preservation of organic material from this period and the subsequent lack of identified human modification of the material, and partially due to the lack of knowledge about what happened to the Hamburgian groups as well as about how the Brommean and Ahrensburgian developed. Only charcoal from Alt Duvenstedt LA 120 b (AAR-2244; T2: 38) was found in association with lithic material (Kaiser and Clausen, 2005); a bone sample from the same site lacked collagen and resulted in a much too young age (AAR-2243-3: 4,420 ± 70 14C-BP; Kaiser and Clausen, 2005), and was consequently excluded from our compilation. The faunal material from Borneck was mostly recovered in wetland excavations adjacent to the site where Hamburgian, FMG, and Ahrensburgian material had been excavated (Rust, 1958). Although the dated specimens from box trench (“Kammer”) III display no cut-marks, their position near the accumulation of archaeological remains at Borneck suggests a connection to human activities, yet a natural origin (background fauna) cannot be excluded. The dates (Riede et al., 2010) rule out an attribution to the Ahrensburgian but an association of a reindeer humerus (KIA-33949; T2: 36) with a very late Hamburgian is still possible though not likely (see above Classic Hamburgian / Havelte Group). Rudolf Schütrumpf conducted a palynological analysis of the stratigraphy in this trench and attributed the lower horizon from which the faunal material originated to the Older Dryas period (Rust, 1958: 88; Allerød 2 / Dryas 2 according to: Krüger et al., 2020; Tab. 1). This attribution fits well with the calibrated results but makes an attribution to the late Hamburgian very unlikely (see above). For Klein Nordende LA 37, the fish remains seem to form part of a natural thanatocoenosis (Benecke and Heinrich, 2003), and the previously dated twigs (T2: 33-34) also reflect a natural event that was stratigraphically correlated with the lower archaeological deposits of the area CR (Bokelmann et al., 1983). However, the stratigraphy in the area of Klein Nordende is highly complex not only due to halokinetic processes but also due to soil creep and displacing of layers due to changing water levels, sediment admixture at the banks, freezing and thawing processes. Hence, the relation of the dated samples to the archaeological material remains uncertain but likely determines a terminus post quem for the human presence at the locality (cf. Riede et al., 2010). Hence, only the cut-marked elk bone from the Allerød gyttja in the area D unambiguously dates human activity at Klein Nordende (KIA-33951; T2: 35), but in this area no lithic archaeology was found, potentially allowing its attribution to the FMG or to the early Ahrensburgian. A conventional radiocarbon date (Y-442: 11,220 ± 350 14C-BP; Barendsen et al., 1957) from the site of “Lieth” (i. e., Klein Nordende LA 33) was obtained from a peat sample but was excluded from the study for technical reasons, although the top of the dated peat-lens within dune deposits produced a curve-backed point indicative of a FMG context. Certainly, the area of the Lieth Moor around Klein Nordende was visited repeatedly during the Late Glacial by different groups, but in order to reconstruct the settlement history more radiocarbon dates would be required. The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street 441 Outside of Schleswig-Holstein, five dates were measured in the late 1950s on samples from the Rissen area in Hamburg that is known for its FMG material. Unfortunately, the association of the sample material with the archaeology remained uncertain and the results are technically questionable. Moreover, two samples were dated from Grabow 15 (T3: 15-16), which is located near to the well-known site of Weitsche (Veil and Breest, 2002; Veil et al., 2012), and yielded some evidence of amber working and amber artefacts besides a rich FMG assemblage (Tolksdorf et al., 2013). The Grabow samples originated from archaeological features associated with FMG artefacts similar to the lithic material found in Weitsche (Tolksdorf et al., 2013). The sedimentation as well as the palynological analysis suggests that the site dates to the transition from the Dryas 1 to the Allerød period. This attribution matches with the calibrated ages. The dates are slightly older than the dates correlated with the lower horizon of Klein Nordende CR and, hence, represent the earliest FMG in northern Germany. Two dates on bulked samples of cremated bones from Weitsche are slightly younger. The younger date (T3: 18) had a sufficient amount of carbon preserved (5.2 mg), whereas the older date (T3: 17) yielded small amounts only (0.5 mg). But the very similar results indicate no significant source of contamination affected the samples. Both dates further support the presence of FMG in northern Germany during this period. In total, the FMG radiocarbon record reflects discontinuous settlement in northern Germany and Schleswig-Holstein. However, the appearance of this discontinuous record may result from the poor preservation of datable material from this period. This contrasts with the amount and the distribution of sites associated with FMG material; both suggest a wide extent over a period of noticeable duration. Additionally, the major results of a modelling approach indicate that the FMG were rather well established in their local environments (Hamer et al., 2019), from which we can cautiously conclude that they knew their environments well, supporting a more continuous presence in the landscape. In contrast, the number of Danish FMG (lithic) assemblages is small. Association of lithic assemblages with radiocarbon dates is not given in a single case (Pedersen, 2009; Petersen, 2009). Hence, this could well reflect the only occasional presence of FMG groups in this area (Eriksen, 2000, 2002). Furthermore – due to their radiocarbon dates pointing into the Late Glacial Interstadial – two artefacts made of reindeer antler have to be mentioned in the context of the FMG occupation of the region: the double bevelled point from Lasbek LA 14 (T2: 73; Wild and Weber, 2017; ZooMS-determination by Th.T.Z. Jensen) and the so-called antler axe (Lyngby type artefact) from Klappholz LA 63 (T2: 72; Clausen, 2004). However, the technological habitus in which these specimens were made resembles other Final Palaeolithic technocomplexes, namely the Hamburgian in the case of the Lasbek piece (Wild and Weber, 2017), and the Brommean or Ahrensburgian for the Klappholz specimen (Clausen, 2004). This discrepancy may suggest (i) problems with the radiometric results, (ii) that our current knowledge about the presence of the various archaeological entities is incomplete, or (iii) that the osseous industry may have developed asynchronously to the lithic industries. The first aspect does not appear very likely in view of increasingly rigorous protocols at the radiocarbon laboratories. That our knowledge is incomplete should become apparent in this contribution and also the desideratum for osseous studies from Late Glacial northern Germany and southern Scandinavia. In fact, several other osseous artefacts were dated to this overlapping period of the FMG, the Brommean, and, possibly, the early Ahrensburgian. For Denmark, some further dates in this age range need to be discussed in this context (Tab. 3), although the sampled material is usually associated with the Brommean. In particular, results from Nørre Lyngby were frequently mentioned in this context, since one of the first Bromme points was found and described from this site; also the eponymous Lyngby antler artefact has been defined at this locality (Eriksen, 1999; Fischer et al., 2013a; cf. Petersen, 2021). However, these finds were not made together and, although the new palaeontological investigation focused on the same freshwater deposits, there is no established connection with the 442 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas previous artefact finds. From the new investigations, only one specimen showed traces of possible human modification and was dated to the GI-1c1 (AAR-1511; T3: 28; Aaris-Sørensen, 1995). The original Lyngby antler artefact dates to the early Holocene (AAR-8919: 9,110 ± 65 14C-BP), which is comparable to the antler artefact from the Swedish Bara Mosse (OxA-2793: 9,090 ± 90 14C-BP; Larsson, 1996; Fischer et al., 2013a); yet, both were subject to contamination with conservation material and considered as potentially too young. The date from Arreskov (OxA-3173; T3: 32) was made on a single find of a reindeer antler artefact (Fischer, 1996). It dates slightly later than the Brommean dates from Denmark (see below). The slightly older Lyngby antler artefact from Odense Kanal (AAR-9298; T3: 30; Stensager, 2006) dates close to the dates from Alt Duvenstedt LA 121 (AAR-2245-1; AAR-2245-2; T2: 40-41) and 123 (AAR-2246; T2: 39) and, hence, could be viewed in an early Ahrensburgian context. The bone point from Fogense Enge (AAR-15025; T3: 31) dates between these two implements (Petersen, 2021), and can also be discussed within FMG, early Ahrensburgian as well as Brommean contexts (Jensen et al., in prep). An antler club from Mickelsmosse in southern Sweden (OxA-2791; T3: 29) was dated to a similar period as the Odense Kanal specimen (Larsson, 1996), but – due to its geographical position – should rather be discussed within the Brommean. This short review reveals some important points: firstly, reindeer seems to have been used as a resource throughout the Final Palaeolithic, thus revising a long obsolete picture of FMG as only elk hunters (Clausen, 2004; Riede et al., 2010, Wild and Weber, 2017; Weber and Wild, 2019). Further, newly dated reindeer antler artefacts suggest that in Denmark reindeer antler may even have been used predominantly as osseous raw material during the Allerød (Wild et al., in press). Secondly, the transitional character of the environment in Schleswig-Holstein and southern Scandinavia may have played a role in the potential co-occurrence of groups adapted to different environments (cf. Eriksen, 2000, 2002; Mortensen et al., 2014; Burau, 2019; Krüger et al., 2020). Moreover, in northern Germany and southern Scandinavia, remains of giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus) were found occasionally (Bratlund, 1993; Street, 1996; Aaris-Sørensen and Liljegren, 2004), and at least the northern German specimens from Lüdersdorf (Bratlund, 1993) and Endingen, Horst VI showed traces of human modification (Street, 1996). Both were directly dated but the Lüdersdorf date (OxA-3615: 11,600 ± 105 14C-BP; Hedges et al., 1993) might be subject to technical problems (column resin bleed; Burky et al., 1998) and – as the δ13C value was considerably low for Late Glacial giant deer – this date has been rejected. The Endingen date (ETH-13585; T3: 27) fell well within GI-1c1; hence, giant deer was probably also a prey of the Final Palaeolithic hunters as an increasing number of identified Late Glacial specimens suggest (Immel et al., 2015; Baales et al., 2019). However, the cultural association remains also a matter of debate for these finds. Furthermore, we do not yet know enough about the variability and development of the lithic technology of the FMG in Schleswig-Holstein to be certain about the distinction to the material of the late Hamburgian, the Brommean, and early Ahrensburgian. Currently this desideratum is approached by an on-going dissertation (Reuter, in prep.). Only a better understanding of this chronologically intermediate group will facilitate more precise interpretations of the cultural developments during the Late Glacial in northern Germany and southern Scandinavia. Brommean The Brommean forms the most uncertain archaeological unit in Schleswig-Holstein. Although large Brommean points are well known from this region, their relation to the FMG assemblages remains unclear. Inventories that were stratigraphically attributed to the Allerød period and thought to represent the Brommean or FMG in Alt Duvenstedt (LA 85, 86, and 89; Clausen and Hartz, 1988; Kaiser and Clausen, 2005: fig. 2) The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street 443 became subject to discussion when very early Ahrensburgian material was found in Allerød sediments of the same site (LA 121 and 123). Besides the lack of knowledge about the variability of the FMG (see above), the small numbers of datable material from archaeological sites limits our understanding of the presence and possible development of the Brommean in Schleswig-Holstein. Due to these uncertainties, there are no 14C-dates that are reliably connected with the Brommean in the region, and we cannot reach conclusions regarding their presence and / or duration (see above FMG). In contrast, Brommean presence and preferences are well established in Denmark (Eriksen, 1991, 1999, 2000; Mortensen et al., 2014), but the development there also remains a matter of debate (Eriksen, 2002). Although single finds of the prominent Bromme tanged point may result in a biased picture of the settlement activity, the number of reliable settlement sites remains significant (cf. Eriksen, 1999; Fischer et al., 2013b). The small number of radiocarbon dates (n = 6) originates from only three, geographically close Brommean sites (Bromme, Fensmark Skydebane, Trollesgave; cf. Fischer et al., 2013b). A further sample of a reindeer antler fragment from Bromme lacked collagen and delivered no result (AAR-4538; Heinemeier and Rud, 2000). In addition, reindeer antler material was found near Tyrsted in a kettle hole in a well-preserved Late Pleistocene / Early Holocene palaeoenvironmental sequence with lithic material that was partially washed in from a small concentration on the north-western shore of the kettle hole (Borup and Nielsen, 2017; Eriksen et al., 2018). The lithic material can be attributed to the Brommean. Some characteristics of the archaeological material may already suggest a very late date and possibly displays even Ahrensburgian resemblance. Geophysical investigations have shown additional kettle holes in this area with high potential for Late Glacial archaeology (Corradini et al., 2020). Palaeoenvironmental and archaeological analyses are still on-going. The limited amount of datable faunal remains and the lack of information on osseous typo-technology restricts the insights in Denmark as in Schleswig-Holstein. A project on reindeer in Denmark during the ice age aimed to revisit the faunal material and to record and study the potential human modifications. This project increased the corpus of modified osseous material significantly (Wild et al., in press). The reliable dates assigned to the Brommean span a relatively short period. Compared to the considerable number of Brommean sites over most of Denmark (Eriksen, 1999), this would speak for intensive settlement activities and / or a particularly well-preserved section of the Late Glacial. In light of the generally difficult preservation conditions for this period, such an interpretation appears highly unlikely. Moreover, the samples of the few reliable dates come from one region only and possibly represent just one stage of a longer development (Fischer et al., 2013b). However, the numerous Brommean sites indicate the first established settlement of southern Scandinavia. Ahrensburgian In total we currently know of 44 dates that are associated with the Ahrensburgian in Schleswig-Holstein. Of these we consider 32 dates to be reliable (Tab. 2). In comparison to a previous evaluation (Weber et al., 2011), eleven more dates can be attributed to the Ahrensburgian in Schleswig-Holstein. Three measurements were carried out on mammal bones from species other than reindeer recovered at Stellmoor: a date on bison (KIA-3331; T2: 62; Benecke, 2004) was overlooked in the previous evaluation, a date on elk (KIA-51382; T2: 56; Wild and Weber, 2017) was obtained in order to check if the remains of this species are intrusive into the Ahrensburgian horizon or not (cf. Bratlund, 1999), and a date on horse (KIA-48960; T2: 54; Drucker et al., 2016; Rivals et al., 2020) was made in the context of a project on understanding Late Glacial reindeer migrations. The remaining new dates on reindeer also originate from this project (T2: 46-49, 51-52, 61; Rivals et al., 2020) as well as from 444 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas ongoing genetic studies (T2: 50). Four Ahrensburgian dates (T2: 46-49) confirmed a date which was produced at Yale University during the early years of the development of the radiocarbon method (Y-159.2: 10,320 ± 250 14C-BP; Barendsen et al., 1957), which is not considered here due to its large standard deviation but which points to Ahrensburgian presence in Stellmoor at around the middle of GS-1. Five further samples from Stellmoor (n = 3; KIA-48959; KIA-53523; KIA-47378; T2: 47, 50, 52) and Meiendorf (n = 2; KIA-46301; KIA- 47380; T2: 69-70) were attributed to the classic Hamburgian but resulted in Ahrensburgian dates (cf. Rivals et al., 2020). In Stellmoor this can be explained by the mixture of material during its recovery or during the following storage period. However, no younger horizon has been suggested for Meiendorf thus far, although a barbed point from the pond has been discussed as an Ahrensburgian specimen (Tromnau, 1992). This attribution is further strengthened by different studies indicating that various bone point types that were previously attributed only to the Mesolithic seem to have a longer tradition and to originate in the Final Palaeolithic (Cziesla and Pettitt, 2003; Groß et al., 2020). Wild (2020) showed that collagen was preserved in the aforementioned barbed point from the site of Meiendorf, but in contrast to other faunal remains from the site the collagen yield was so low that currently a too large sample would be necessary to date the specimen directly. Another sample from Meiendorf was previously considered as a falsely labelled specimen from the Stellmoor site when it was dated to the Ahrensburgian (K-4330; T2: 71; Fischer and Tauber, 1986; Weber et al., 2011). Yet, this date and the two additional Ahrensburgian dates from Meiendorf as well as the barbed point could alternatively indicate that the Meiendorf pond preserved a second, younger archaeological horizon which remained undetected during the early excavations. In the context of Ahrensburgian chronology, a series of seven radiocarbon measurements intended to determine the age of two potential arrow shaft fragments found in A. Rust’s legacy need to be mentioned (Meadows et al., 2018). As their provenance remains unknown and both items have been contaminated with consolidants, the dates cannot serve as evidence for the Ahrensburgian settlement. The oldest and reliable results of the seven dates (KIA-49753: 10,050 ± 90 14C-BP; KIA-49754: 9,915 ± 45 14C-BP; Meadows et al., 2018) fall into the range of the accepted Ahrensburg dates obtained from faunal remains. At Nahe LA 11, four radiocarbon dates indicate the presence of Ahrensburgian hunters at both the beginning and the end of GS-1 (Weber et al., 2011). Continued human presence into the Preboreal period is indicated from sediment cores retrieved in the vicinity of the archaeological site within the palaeolake (Krüger, 2020; Krüger et al., 2020). This indication consists of charcoal particles most likely to originate from anthropogenic fires at the shores of the lake. The situation at Nahe thereby corresponds to that at Poggenwisch where reindeer remains were found in peat attributed to the Preboreal period (Herre and Requate, 1958), and to that at Stellmoor where the uppermost Ahrensburgian horizon can be associated with the early Preboreal period on the basis of the partly revised biostratigraphy (Krüger, 2020). In addition, the Stellmoor radiocarbon dates confirm a continuation of the Ahrensburgian into the early Holocene, and a comparison of Ahrensburgian and Mesolithic radiocarbon dates shows that in northern Germany the transition between the two archaeological entities only occurred at the end of the GH-11.4 ka event (Grimm et al., 2020). Considering all reliable radiocarbon dates for Schleswig-Holstein, the presence of Ahrensburgian groups from possibly as early as GI-1b throughout GS-1 into GH-11.4 can be suggested. The most restrained explanation for the continuation of the Ahrensburgian into the early Preboreal would lie in the development of favourable feeding conditions for reindeer during this period. For GS-1, the results of isotope and micro- / meso-wear analyses of reindeer remains suggest that a tundra landscape with a considerable amount of lichen was present in southern Schleswig-Holstein (Drucker et al., 2011; Rivals et al., 2020). At the onset of the Preboreal period, an increasing availability of young birch shoots can be observed in the Nahe record, where they coincide with maximum values of coprophilous fungal spores (originating from fungi that germinated on reindeer feces). This coincides with the highest frequency of larger charcoal The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street 445 particles indicative of local anthropogenic fires (Krüger, 2020), leading to the hypothesis that longer seasonal stays of reindeer herds led to the intensification of human presence at the site. Groups classified as Mesolithic due to techno-typological criteria seem to have established earlier in Denmark than in Schleswig-Holstein (Jessen et al., 2015; Jensen et al., 2020). However, the Ahrensburgian technological tradition has continued in the osseous material adapted to different faunal species (Wild et al., in press). At an annual scale, seasonal migrations in east-west direction of the reindeer hunted at Stellmoor and Meiendorf are suggested on the basis of further isotope analyses carried out within the abovementioned reindeer project (Price et al., 2017). An even smaller temporal scale was aimed at by attempts to refit the lithic material from two neighbouring Ahrensburgian units at Borneck. The analysis showed, however, that a contemporaneous occupation of both units under study can be excluded (Hinrichs, 2020). CONCLUSION If we focus on the chronological indications of the material and their relation to human activity, we can identify the presence of humans throughout most of the Late Glacial in Schleswig-Holstein and their frequent presence in Denmark. However, if we try to link the dating evidence to specific technocomplexes defined on the basis of lithic material (Hamburgian, FMG, Brommean, Ahrensburgian), we clearly see the limits of our legacy data and single finds. For several sites in Schleswig-Holstein we must admit that much desirable information is forever lost with respect to old excavations or collections. Nonetheless, material studies of this old material are still possible and new analyses show the potential of these old finds to speak for themselves beyond chronological considerations. Furthermore, the surveys showed that at a site such as Stellmoor more material is still preserved in the ground. Although hydrological changes and interventions occasionally lead to the destruction of archaeological organic remains which had preserved until now (e. g., Star Carr, Satrup), demanding archaeological rescue, so long as natural protection remains high and the hydrology of this area is monitored, the archaeological remains seem well protected and waiting for future investigations requiring only minimal invasive and destructive measures. The lack of additional data makes it difficult to correlate archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data. The need of this correlation becomes particularly relevant in transitional areas of different ecological zones such as in Schleswig-Holstein during the Late Glacial. A potential step forward for bringing together the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data lies in the examination of additional charcoal particles, as the palaeolake Nahe data showed (Krüger, 2020). The observation of shifting ecological zones implies that in different parts of Schleswig-Holstein different habitats existed contemporaneously during the Late Glacial, which might explain observed temporal overlaps of different technocomplexes, such as the Hamburgian in northern Schleswig-Holstein and the FMG in southern Schleswig-Holstein (Burau, 2019). Comparably, in later phases the geological and pedological differences could explain different developments of the landscapes and subsequent cultural phenomena in a roughly east-west direction (Mortensen et al., 2014). The picture is further complicated by species that are not restricted to one of these ecological zones. Hence, a simple eco-deterministic correlation is not possible in these areas. Finally, another consequence of these shifting ecological zones is the irregular offset of chronozones (as in the INTIMATE event stratigraphy) and biozones documented for Schleswig-Holstein and most of northern Europe during the Late Glacial. This calls for rigorous considerations of the chronology of archaeological sites to allow comparison on a supra-regional European scale. 446 S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas ID site species method lab. no. The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street Age 14C ± [BP] [BP] district material 1 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, bulked material x conv. KN-2223 12,590 2 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone / antler, bulked material conv. KN-2224 12,530 Age [cal BP **] δ13C [‰] 80 15,200-14,560 15,258-14,453 - classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 160 15,340-14,060 15,291-14,126 - classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 Age [cal BP *] comment references Hamburgian Cervidae 3 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53524 12,510 55 15,060-14,420 15,072-14,352 -20.0 classic Hamburgian this contribution 4 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53520 12,485 55 15,000-14,360 15,011-14,317 -19.2 classic Hamburgian this contribution 5 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53522 12,485 55 15,000-14,360 15,011-14,317 -20.1 classic Hamburgian this contribution 6 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53525 12,460 55 14,970-14,290 14,973-14,308 -17.8 classic Hamburgian this contribution 7 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53527 12,450 55 14,950-14,270 14,962-14,297 -20.0 classic Hamburgian this contribution 8 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53521 12,305 50 14,600-14,000 14,812-14,081 -19.8 classic Hamburgian this contribution 9 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53526 12,210 55 14,350-13,910 14,772-13,887 -19.4 classic Hamburgian this contribution 10 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4261 12,190 125 14,650-13,730 14,835-13,792 -18.6 classic Hamburgian Fischer and Tauber, 1986 11 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS K-4328 12,180 130 14,630-13,710 14,838-13,787 -18.0 classic Hamburgian Fischer and Tauber, 1986 12 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53517 12,525 55 15,080-14,480 15,112-14,371 -20.6 classic Hamburgian this contribution 13 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53518 12,520 55 15,060-14,460 15,101-14,361 -19.5 classic Hamburgian this contribution 14 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn bone conv. KN-2220 12,470 250 15,480-13,760 15,521-13,817 15 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-52178 12,455 55 14,960-14,280 14,967-14,304 -18.3 classic Hamburgian Wild, 2020 16 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-52180 12,425 55 14,920-14,200 14,938-14,260 -18.7 classic Hamburgian Wild, 2020 17 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-52176 12,405 55 14,880-14,160 14,896-14,208 -19.2 classic Hamburgian Wild, 2020 18 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4329 12,360 110 14,940-13,940 14,948-14,077 -18.3 classic Hamburgian Fischer and Tauber, 1986 19 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-52177 12,355 55 14,770-14,050 14,841-14,115 -19.2 classic Hamburgian Wild, 2020 20 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-52179 12,355 55 14,770-14,050 14,841-14,115 -19.1 classic Hamburgian Wild, 2020 21 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) - classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53519 12,270 50 14,520-13,960 14,805-14,056 -20.2 classic Hamburgian this contribution 22 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS K-4332 12,570 115 15,280-14,320 15,268-14,299 -18.6 classic Hamburgian Fischer and Tauber, 1986 conv. KN-2754 12,470 95 15,090-14,170 15,077-14,213 conv. GrN-11254 12,460 60 14,990-14,270 14,982-14,297 23 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn bone 24 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn wood 25 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS K-4331 12,440 115 15,090-14,050 15,069-14,135 -18.8 classic Hamburgian Fischer and Tauber, 1986 26 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn bone, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS K-4577 12,440 115 15,090-14,050 15,069-14,135 -17.4 classic Hamburgian Fischer and Tauber, 1986 27 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-32926 12,365 60 14,790-14,070 14,848-14,138 -20.4 classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 Betula sp. - classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 -28.6 classic Hamburgian Tromnau, 1992: 81, Anmerk. 8 447 Tab. 2 Reliable radiocarbon dates of Final Palaeolithic material from Schleswig-Holstein. * 95 % confidence interval, using the CalPal-2019-Hulu calibration curve in CalPal program, Version 2020.2 (Weninger and Jöris, 2008) ** 95,4 % confidence interval, unmodelled, using IntCal 20 (Reimer et al., 2020) in the OxCal program, version 4.4 (Bronk Ramsey, 2009) 448 ID site district method lab. no. Age 14C ± [BP] [BP] Age [cal BP *] Age [cal BP **] δ13C [‰] S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas material species comment 28 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn antler with attached cranial bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-32927 12,330 55 14,700-14,020 14,829-14,091 -21.3 classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 29 Poggenwisch (Ahrensburg LA 101) Stormarn antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS KIA-32925 12,265 55 14,490-13,970 14,804-14,051 -21.6 classic Hamburgian Grimm and Weber, 2008 30 Ahrenshöft LA 73 South, layer I Nordfriesland charcoal Pinus sp. AMS KIA-3605 12,200 60 14,340-13,900 14,777-13,871 - Havelte Group 31 Ahrenshöft LA 73 North, layer II Nordfriesland charcoal Salix / Populus AMS KIA-3833 12,130 60 14,170-13,850 14,153-13,807 - classic Hamburgian Clausen, 1997 and Havelte Group 32 Ahrenshöft LA 58 D Nordfriesland charcoal AMS AAR-2784 12,030 60 14,050-13,730 14,050-13,794 33 Klein Nordende LA 37 C Pinneberg wood, twigs Hippophaë sp. conv. KI-2124 12,035 110 14,180-13,620 14,166-13,607 - archaeological con- Bokelmann et al., 1983 nection uncertain 34 Klein Nordende LA 37, erosion channel (south of A) Pinneberg wood, twigs Hippophaë sp. conv. KI-2152 11,990 100 14,070-13,590 14,075-13,607 - archaeological con- Bokelmann et al., 1983 nection uncertain 35 Klein Nordende LA 37 D Pinneberg bone, femur proximal sin. A. alces AMS KIA-33951 11,035 50 13,090-12,810 13,086-12,840 -20.5 with cut-marks 36 Borneck Kammer III (Ahrensburg LA 76) Stormarn bone, humerus distal sin. R. tarandus AMS KIA-33949 11,940 50 13,950-13,630 14,025-13,609 -17.5 archaeological con- Riede et al., 2010 nection uncertain 37 Borneck Kammer III (Ahrensburg LA 76) Stormarn bone, tibia distal sin. A. alces AMS KIA-33950 11,770 55 13,750-13,430 13,766-13,502 -19.5 archaeological con- Riede et al., 2010 nection uncertain 38 Alt Duvenstedt LA 120 b Rendsburg- charcoal Eckernförde AMS AAR-2244 11,780 110 13,880-13,360 14,003-13,430 - Clausen, 2004 39 Alt Duvenstedt LA 123 Rendsburg- charcoal Eckernförde AMS AAR-2246 11,060 110 13,150-12,750 13,161-12,761 - Clausen, 2004 40 Alt Duvenstedt LA 121 Rendsburg- charcoal Eckernförde AMS AAR-2245-1 10,810 80 12,900-12,660 12,920-12,627 - Clausen, 1996b 41 Alt Duvenstedt LA 121 Rendsburg- charcoal Eckernförde AMS AAR-2245-2 10,770 60 12,820-12,660 12,830-12,679 - Clausen, 1996b 42 Nahe LA 11 Segeberg bone, humic acid, humerus R. tarandus AMS KIA-23369 10,610 80 12,820-12,340 12,747-12,336 - Weber et al., 2011 43 Nahe LA 11 Segeberg antler with cranial bone attached R. tarandus AMS KIA-23372 10,544 49 12,740-12,340 12,699-12,473 -20.5 Weber et al., 2011 44 Nahe LA 11 Segeberg bone, lumbar vertebra R. tarandus AMS KIA-23370 10,172 45 11,930-11,650 11,969-11,620 -19.3 Weber et al., 2011; Wild, 2017 45 Nahe LA 11 Segeberg bone, lumbar vertebra R. tarandus AMS KIA-23371 10,142 49 11,900-11,540 11,943-11,406 -16.7 Weber et al., 2011; Wild, 2017 46 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, mandibula R. tarandus AMS KIA-46300 10,445 40 12,680-12,080 12,614-12,102 -16.3 Rivals et al., 2020 47 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, tibia sin. R. tarandus AMS KIA-48959 10,335 30 12,350-11,870 12,461-11,949 -18.6 attributed to classic Rivals et al., 2020 Hamburgian 48 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, mandibula dext., R. tarandus human modification (part of the so-called Kultpfahlschädel) AMS KIA-51367 10,294 54 12,340-11,740 12,461-11,830 -17.9 -25.7 Havelte Group references Clausen, 1997 Clausen, 1997 Federmessergruppen (FMG) Riede et al., 2010 Ahrensburgian Tab. 2 (continued) Rivals et al., 2020 The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street Age [cal BP **] δ13C [‰] 32 12,040-11,760 12,095-11,818 -18.5 40 11,980-11,700 12,001-11,741 -18.4 attributed to classic this contribution Hamburgian 10,200 40 11,970-11,690 11,998-11,739 -17.0 10,195 40 11,960-11,680 11,996-11,655 -19.2 attributed to classic Rivals et al., 2020 Hamburgian KN-2222 10,160 90 12,130-11,330 12,433-11,338 - AMS KIA-48960 10,155 35 11,880-11,640 11,940-11,626 -21.9 R. tarandus AMS K-4326 10,140 105 12,140-11,260 12,432-11,274 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 A. alces AMS KIA-51382 10,136 51 11,900-11,500 11,941-11,405 -20.1 Wild and Weber, 2017: Anm. 1 antler R. tarandus AMS K-4327 10,130 105 12,110-11,230 12,429-11,269 -17.7 attributed to classic Fischer and Tauber, 1986 Hamburgian Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4262 10,110 105 12,040-11,240 12,098-11,261 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS K-4578 10,100 100 12,000-11,240 12,001-11,266 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 60 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone / antler, bulked material Cervidae (R. tarandus?) conv. KN-2221 10,080 80 11,900-11,260 11,934-11,317 - Grimm and Weber, 2008 61 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, mandibula R. tarandus AMS KIA-47379 10,080 +45 / 11,850-11,330 -40 11,821-11,399 -17.0 method lab. no. Age 14C ± [BP] [BP] ID site district material species 49 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, tibia dext. R. tarandus AMS KIA-48958 10,245 50 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS KIA-53523 10,205 51 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, mandibula R. tarandus AMS KIA-46299 52 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, mandibula R. tarandus AMS KIA-47378 53 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, bulked material conv. 54 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, costa sin., possible human modification Equus sp. 55 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone 56 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone, scapula 57 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn 58 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) 59 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Age [cal BP *] comment references Rivals et al., 2020 Rivals et al., 2020 Grimm and Weber, 2008 Drucker et al., 2016; Rivals et al., 2020 Rivals et al., 2020 449 62 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone Bison sp. AMS KIA-3331 10,070 50 11,830-11,310 11,820-11,351 - Benecke, 2004 63 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS K-4325 10,010 100 11,850-11,170 11,872-11,238 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 64 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4581 9,990 105 11,830-11,150 11,829-11,218 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 65 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4579 9,980 105 11,830-11,150 11,821-11,218 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 66 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4323 9,930 100 11,760-11,120 11,805-11,196 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 67 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4324 9,900 105 11,760-11,080 11,811-11,166 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 68 Stellmoor (Ahrensburg LA 78.1) Stormarn antler R. tarandus AMS K-4580 9,810 100 11,520-10,960 11,687-10,794 - Fischer and Tauber, 1986 69 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn bone, mandibula R. tarandus AMS KIA-46301 10,350 45 12,420-11,860 12,471-11,951 -18.3 attributed to classic Rivals et al., 2020 Hamburgian 70 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn bone, mandibula R. tarandus AMS KIA-47380 10,145 55 11,940-11,500 11,946-11,404 -19.0 attributed to classic Rivals et al., 2020 Hamburgian 71 Meiendorf (Ahrensburg LA 79) Stormarn bone R. tarandus AMS K-4330 10,110 85 11,990-11,270 11,971-11,315 -18.3 attributed to classic Fischer and Tauber, 1986 Hamburgian, considered as falsely labelled Stellmoor 72 Klappholz LA 63 SchleswigFlensburg Lyngby antler artefact R. tarandus AMS AAR-2785 11,560 110 14,180-13,620 13,731-13,179 - 73 Lasbek LA 14 Stormarn antler artefact: double bevelled point R. tarandus AMS KIA-51380 11,169 64 13,190-12,910 13,181-12,910 -18.7 Osseous artefacts Tab. 2 (continued) Clausen, 2004 Wild and Weber, 2017 450 ID site country material species method lab. no. Age 14C [BP] ± [BP] Age [cal BP *] Age [cal BP **] δ13C [‰] conv. KN-2707 12,650 320 16,020-13,780 15,988-13,879 - comment references Hamburgian Lanting and Van der Plicht, 1996 Hamburgian S.B. Grimm et al. · Late Glacial Occupation of Northern Germany and Adjacent Areas 1 Querenstede D (Lower Saxony) charcoal 2 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) antler / bone, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-906 12,520 190 15,400-13,960 15,365-14,069 -18.6 Havelte Group Holm and Rieck, 1992; Holm, 1991 3 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) antler R. tarandus AMS AAR-8159 12,410 70 14,920-14,120 14,938-14,191 -19.6 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 4 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-8157 12,299 41 14,540-14,020 14,806-14,083 -19.1 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007; Grimm and Weber, 2008 5 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) bone, vertebra with R. tarandus flint projectile AMS AAR-8165 12,290 75 14,660-13,940 14,831-14,050 -19.4 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 6 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) bone, vertebra with R. tarandus flint projectile AMS AAR-8160 12,240 50 14,400-13,960 14,782-14,042 -19.0 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 7 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) antler R. tarandus AMS AAR-8162 12,220 100 14,610-13,810 14,822-13,809 -18.9 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 8 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) bone, tibia R. tarandus AMS AAR-8163 12,205 65 14,370-13,890 14,795-13,863 -19.5 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 9 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) bone, costa R. tarandus AMS AAR-8164 12,190 50 14,290-13,890 14,311-13,881 -18.6 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 10 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) antler / bone, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-8158 12,165 55 14,240-13,880 14,305-13,813 -19.0 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 11 Slotseng, kettle hole DK (South Jutland) antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-8161 12,065 80 14,130-13,730 14,113-13,781 -19.7 Havelte Group Aaris-Sørensen et al., 2007 12 Køge Bugt DK (Zealand) bone, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-18733 12,238 46 14,390-13,950 14,769-14,045 - Final Palaeolithic (Hamburgian?) Fischer and Jensen, 2018; Wild, 2020 13 Køge Bugt DK (Zealand) antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-18732 12,170 45 14,210-13,890 14,301-13,866 - Final Palaeolithic (Hamburgian) Fischer and Jensen, 2018; Wild, 2020 14 Køge Bugt 1 (also: off- DK (Zealand) shore Solrød Strand) Federmessergruppen (FMG) antler, humanly modified R. tarandus AMS AAR-1036 12,140 110 14,440-13,720 14,801-13,770 - Final Palaeolithic (Hamburgian) Fischer, 1996; Petersen and Johansen, 1996 15 Grabow 15 D (Lower Saxony) charcoal Betula sp. AMS KIA-41862 12,125 50 14,130-13,850 14,113-13,810 -27.7 from archaeological feature (FMG) Tolksdorf et al., 2013 16 Grabow 15 D (Lower Saxony) bone, calcined, one fragment unburnt AMS KIA-41861 12,070 100 14,200-13,680 14,218-13,614 -23.8 from archaeological feature (FMG) Tolksdorf et al., 2013 17 Weitsche D (Lower Saxony) bone, cremated, bulked sample C. fiber & unidentified AMS KIA-26439 11,980 120 14,120-13,520 14,108-13,591 - from lithic (FMG) and amber concentration Veil et al., 2012 18 Weitsche D (Lower Saxony) bone, cremated, bulked sample C. fiber & unidentified AMS KIA-35664 11,755 50 13,720-13,440 13,756-13,501 - from lithic (FMG) and amber concentration Veil et al., 2012 Brommean 19 Trollesgave DK (Zealand) charcoal Salix sp. AMS AAR-16021 11,126 44 13,130-12,890 13,155-12,916 -28.0 Brommean Fischer et al., 2013b 20 Trollesgave DK (Zealand) charcoal Salix sp. conv. K-2509 11,100 160 13,270-12,710 13,298-12,750 -24.6 Brommean Fischer, 1996: 158; Fischer et al., 2013b Tab. 3 Reliable radiocarbon dates of Final Palaeolithic material from adjacent areas. * 95 % confidence interval, using the CalPal-2019-Hulu calibration curve in CalPal program, Version 2020.2 (Weninger and Jöris, 2008) ** 95,4 % confidence interval, unmodelled, using IntCal 20 (Reimer et al., 2020) in the OxCal program, version 4.4 (Bronk Ramsey, 2009) The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street method lab. no. Age 14C [BP] ± [BP] Age [cal BP *] Age [cal BP **] δ13C [‰] comment references Salix / Betula / Populus conv. K-2641 11,070 120 13,180-12,740 13,166-12,761 -24.5 Brommean Fischer, 1996: 158; Fischer et al., 2013b Salix sp. AMS AAR-16019 10,826 49 12,860-12,700 12,838-12,722 -27.0 Brommean Fischer et al., 2013b OxA-3614 10,810 120 12,990-12,590 13,071-12,510 -25.5 Brommean Fischer, 1996: 158 f. AAR-4539 10,720 90 12,810-12,570 12,835-12,491 -20.4 Brommean Heinemeier and Rud, 2000: 302 Hv-17306 10,515 95 12,790-12,030 12,722-12,060 - Long Blade Technology Richter, 1992 ID site country material species 21 Trollesgave DK (Zealand) charcoal, bulked material 22 Trollesgave DK (Zealand) charcoal 23 Fensmark Skydebane DK (Zealand) charcoal x AMS 24 Bromme DK (Zealand) bone fragment, vertebra lumbalis A. alces AMS D (Lower Saxony) charcoal Pinus sylvestris? conv. Ahrensburgian 25 Melbeck Osseous artefacts 26 Endingen, Horst VI D (MecklenburgWest Pomerania) bone, blade-like shaped rib Equus sp. AMS UtC-5681 11,830 50 13,820-13,500 13,792-13,526 - Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean) Kaiser et al., 1999: 115 27 Endingen, Horst VI D (MecklenburgWest Pomerania) antler with groove and splinter technique remain M. giganteus AMS ETH-13585 (UZ-3798) 11,555 100 13,560-13,200 13,601-13,186 - Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean) Terberger, 1996; Kaiser et al., 1999 28 Nørre Lyngby, new investigations DK (North Jutland) bone, costa, cut-marks R. tarandus AMS AAR-1511 11,570 110 13,600-13,200 13,737-13,182 -17.9 Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean) Aaris-Sørensen, 1995: 358 29 Mickelsmosse (Munkarp) S (Scania) antler club R. tarandus AMS OxA-2791 10,980 110 13,110-12,710 13,094-12,749 -19.4 Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean / Ahrensburgian) Hedges et al., 1995; Larsson, 1996 30 Odense Kanal DK (Funen) Lyngby antler artefact R. tarandus AMS AAR-9298 10,815 65 12,880-12,680 12,890-12,700 - Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean / Ahrensburgian) Stensager, 2006 31 Fogense Enge DK (Zealand) bone rod A. alces AMS AAR-15025 10,726 27 12,760-12,680 12,747-12,698 - Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean / Ahrensburgian) Petersen, 2021 32 Arreskov DK (Funen) Lyngby antler artefact R. tarandus AMS OxA-3173 10,600 100 12,840-12,240 12,756-12,105 -18.4 Final Palaeolithic (FMG / Brommean / Ahrensburgian) Fischer, 1996: 158-162 Tab. 3 (continued) 451 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Kristina Hüntemeyer for her help with literature search and editing. 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Tobias Reuter Schleswig-Holstein State Museums Foundation Schloss Gottorf Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology Schlossinsel D - 24837 Schleswig Markus Wild Schleswig-Holstein State Museums Foundation Schloss Gottorf Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology Schlossinsel D - 24837 Schleswig and Kiel University Cluster of Excellence ROOTS Ohlshausenstraße 80 h D - 24118 Kiel The Beef behind all Possible Pasts – The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street 457