Concepts in Law

2009, Law and Philosophy Library

AI-generated Abstract

The paper discusses the role and function of legal concepts, distinguishing between their law-stating function and their juridical-operative function. It highlights how these concepts shape the understanding and interpretation of law, with a particular emphasis on practice theory as articulated by Dennis Patterson. The analysis underscores the interconnection between the conceptualization of law and its implementation in legal practice, suggesting directions for future research within legal theory.

About the Authors

Ake Frändberg (e-mail: is emeritus professor of Jurisprudence at Uppsala University, Sweden. Among his publications can be mentioned the books Om analog användning av rättsnormer (On Analogical Use of Legal Norms, 1973), Rättsregel och rättsval (The Concept Legal Rule and Choices of Law, 1984) and Rättsordningens idé (The Idea of Legal Order, 2005).

His main interests are the investigation of general legal concepts and the interpretation and application of law. His present research is focused on the idea of the Law-State (Rechtsstaat, the Rule of Law).

Jaap Hage (e-mail: holds the chair of Jurisprudence at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. His earlier publications include the books Reasoning with Rules (Dordrecht 1997) and Studies in Legal Logic (Dordrecht 2005).

His present research focuses on general legal concepts and on the method of legal science.

Lorenz Kähler (e-mail: works at the chair of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy at the University of Göttingen, Germany. He has published on overruling decisions.

Currently, he writes about the concept and characteristics of default rules. His current research focuses on logical models of legal knowledge and legal reasoning, on game theory and the law, and on ICT in the legislative process.

Torben Spaak (e-mail: is professor in jurisprudence at the Department of Law, Uppsala University, where he teaches jurisprudence and legal reasoning. He has published two monographs in core areas of jurisprudence, and a number of articles on jurisprudential topics in international journals of law, jurisprudence, or philosophy, such as Buffalo Human Rights Law Review, Ratio Juris, Law and Philosophy, Analisi e diritto, Archiv für Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie, and Theoria.