A case study of graduate reality


4/2/23, 12:17 PM   A case study of graduate reality – The Island Sunday 2nd of April 2023 HOME NEWS FEATURES SPORTS BUSINESS OPINION EDITORIAL FASHION POLITICS CLASSIFIEDS ARCHIVES CO OPINION A case study of graduate reality Published 3 years ago on 2020/09/21 LATEST T WEAT Show most NEWS  Date:14th September , 2020 Polic viole  Venue:Hikkaduwa Vocational Training Institute NEWS  Objective:The first day on the management of the training workshop conducted for SL w hold Gove   the newly appointed graduates of the government My Session that day was on “Introduction to management and implications”. On the rst day, about 175 graduates participated and were given the following short case study, which I prepared as a practical activity.  Kelum and Sisira Kelum and Sisira joined the public service in 2010. Both of them have the same degree from the same university. Kelum is from Kalutara and always arrives at work 30 minutes before the scheduled of ce hours. Kelum is very friendly with the people who come to meet him and he is always willing to help and directs the things he cannot do according to their needs. He is a great listener and uses the of ce phone professionally and in a friendly manner with great Public Relationship skills. Kelum is willing to extend his support for the people who come from remote areas to get the service from the of ce, and if they want to come back to the of ce he contacts them and updates them as he knows the value of time, money, and energy of poor 1/7 4/2/23, 12:17 PM A case study of graduate reality – The Island people. Kelum, who is also the secretary of the organization’s welfare association, has donated blood eight times so far. He is always active in public affairs such as the institution’s sports festival and enjoys a very simple life. Kelum’s friend Sisira also comes from Kalutara. He always comes to the institution late and it has become a habit. It’s not a problem for him. He also proudly states that he is a graduate and constantly compares himself with others. He constantly scolds some of his subordinates, calling them “idiots.” Also, friends say that Sisira has taken huge loans from nancial institutions and is stuck in a debt trap by taking more loans to pay it off. Expectation case study as 1. To educate Participants on some of the concepts related to management, such as planning, time management, communication, leadership, nancial management and literacy, customer satisfaction. 2. To awaken the minds of the newly appointed graduates through socialization (with teamwork as a group) focusing on “attitude ” factor 3. As a practical activity, breaking away from traditional lectures, group discussions enhance the “sense of team spirit” and the ability to “present” oneself in front of a group of people. I have seen their commitment to the preparation of group presentations and discussions for the activity, with enthusiasm and passion . The question we were asked in connection with this case study is how each group comprehends the case study, identi es the management concepts in it, and how to apply it to their lives. To our amazement, those graduates meticulously studied and presented the given case on “Kelum and Sisira” . They went ahead of our expectation and came with a critical analysis of work-life balance, motivation, interpersonal relationships, organizational hierarchy, social responsibility, authority, discipline, internal marketing of ethics, performance appraisal, and so on. This is all about high order thinking with ” Synthesizing ” in education! . Moreover that was one of my best sessions, which I experienced and enjoyed in the last two decades as a teacher. Conclusion Even if one passes the highly competitive Advanced Level examination, it is a challenge to enter the national universities in Sri Lanka. My observation, at Hikkaduwa, has a clear indication of the ability and talent of Sri Lankan graduates. The business consultant, Rasika Kaluarachchi, who lectured with me, said that polishing this gem (with better KSA – Knowledge, Skills and Attitude) is a task that leaders need to do. That should be one way in which we can achieve our sustainable economic growth for mother Sri Lanka! Prof. NALIN ABEYSEKERA 2/7 4/2/23, 12:17 PM A case study of graduate reality – The Island RELATED TOPICS:  DON'T MISS UP NEXT Lockdown Vs herd immunity English medium: State and International schools  YOU MAY LIKE CLICK TO COMMENT OPINION Simple rituals replaced at Buddhist temple Published 7 hours ago on 2023/04/2 3/7 4/2/23, 12:17 PM A case study of graduate reality – The Island The other day I had gone to our temple to do a Bodhipooja for my granddaughter who was ill. 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Published 7 hours ago on 2023/04/2 4/7 4/2/23, 12:17 PM A case study of graduate reality – The Island Apparently there has been a proposal that our country’s plans for future energy requirements, has, among its options, included nuclear generation also as an alternative to fossil fuels (coal and petroleum).In an open letter to the President0 as published in the The Island of Mar. 30 Emeritus Prof. Dharmadasa (Shef eld), has extensively cautioned against any precipitate action in pursuing the nuclear option for Sri Lanka. His is a voice to be heeded. He has, comprehensively supported his viewpoint. The basic points are: It is a fallacy to regard nuclear as “green or renewable energy.” The installation costs are beyond our means.Technically quali ed and expert operators are required and we do not have them. Competence and discipline are imperative. Nuclear accidents are dif cult to handle. Corrective measure are urgent and costly. Large areas have to be abandoned after such accidents and remain so for decades (or even centuries or millennia) before they can be safe again.CONTINUE Major accidents READING have already occurred, Three Mile Island (USA) Sella eld (formerly Windscale) (UK) Chernobyl (USSR/Ukraine) and Fukushima OPINION Winning hearts and minds of community Published 2 days ago on 2023/03/31 5/7 4/2/23, 12:17 PM A case study of graduate reality – The Island ‘Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Community’ Author: Dr. Kingsley Wickremasuriya Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police – (Retired) Book Review by Major-General (Retd) Lalin Fernando This is an interesting memoir of a police of cer who having served in the Volunteer force may have done equally well, in either the army or the police. He chose the police and was an exemplary if reserved senior. This is not an action-packed adventure book of daredevils or roller coaster recollections of the sharp end of police life but more about human relations with the public. Sadly and regrettably, he states that he was deprived of the highest command by the frailties of politicians. The choice of the politicians was a travesty, abnormal but not unusual. In this case, the chosen person, mentioned in the book had deserted the police years before and left the country when postedCONTINUE to JaffnaREADING but had the audacity to claim political TRENDING 6/7 4/2/23, 12:17 PM Privacy Policy A case study of graduate reality – The Island Copyright © 2020 Upali Newspapers (Pvt) Ltd. So 7/7