Murray, J., & Farrington, D. P. (2008). The effects of parental imprisonment
on children. In M. Tonry (Ed.), Crime and justice: A review of research
(Vol. 37, pp. 133-206). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
The Effects of Parental
Imprisonment on Children
The number of children experiencing parental imprisonment is increasing
in Western industrialized countries. Parental imprisonment is a risk factor
for child antisocial behavior, offending, mental health problems, drug
abuse, school failure, and unemployment. However, very little is known
about whether parental imprisonment causes these problems. Parental imprisonment might cause adverse child outcomes because of the trauma of
parent-child separation, stigma, or social and economic strain. Children
may have worse reactions to parental imprisonment if their mother is imprisoned or if parents are imprisoned for longer periods of time or in
more punitive social contexts. Children should be protected from harmful
effects of parental imprisonment by using family-friendly prison practices,
financial assistance, parenting programs, and sentences that are less stigmatizing for offenders and their families.
Children of prisoners have been called the “forgotten victims” of crime
(Matthews 1983), the “orphans of justice” (Shaw 1992a), the “hidden
victims of imprisonment” (Cunningham and Baker 2003), “the Cinderella of penology” (Shaw 1987, p. 3), and the “unseen victims of the
prison boom” (Petersilia 2005, p. 34). Given the strong evidence that
crime runs in families (Farrington, Barnes, and Lambert 1996; Farrington et al. 2001), the long interest in “broken homes” and crime
(Bowlby 1946; McCord, McCord, and Thurber 1962; Juby and Farrington 2001), and the large increase in rates of imprisonment in WestJoseph Murray is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Criminology and research fellow, Darwin College, University of Cambridge. David P.
Farrington is professor of psychological criminology at the Institute of Criminology,
University of Cambridge. We thank Terrie Moffitt, Friedrich Lösel, Christopher
Wildeman, Martin Killias, Christopher Mumola, Marc Mauer, Holly Foster, and
Michael Tonry for helpful comments, and Henara Costa for help producing the
䉷 2008 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
ern industrialized countries, especially in the United States and the
United Kingdom (Walmsley 2005), it is surprising that researchers and
policy makers have largely neglected to consider the effects of parental
imprisonment on children. As Shaw (1987) pointed out over 20 years
ago, if we do not attend to the effects of imprisonment on children,
we run the risk of punishing innocent victims, neglecting a seriously
at-risk group, and possibly causing crime in the next generation.
Tonry and Petersilia (1999) argued that there are six kinds of collateral effects of imprisonment that should be studied: effects on prisoners while confined in prison, effects on prisoners’ relationships and
employment after release, effects on their physical and mental health,
effects on exprisoners’ criminal behavior, effects on prisoners’ spouses
or partners and their children, and effects of imprisonment on the
larger community. Although only the first kind of collateral effect has
a sizable literature, research is emerging on the collateral effects of
imprisonment on employment (Fagan and Freeman 1999; Western,
Kling, and Weiman 2001; Western 2002) and on the social fabric of
communities (Clear, Rose, and Ryder 2001; Rose and Clear 2003;
Lynch and Sabol 2004; Clear 2007). In some cases, research on the
effects of imprisonment on prisoners has led to policy change. For
example, awareness of increasing suicide rates in prisons generated
large-scale research projects on this topic and implementation of improved suicide prevention strategies (Liebling 1999). The effects of
imprisonment on children deserve similar research attention and largescale programs to support this vulnerable population.
In volume 26 of Crime and Justice, Hagan and Dinovitzer (1999)
reviewed theories about why imprisonment might harm families and
communities and summarized some of the empirical research on these
topics. They argued that the effects of parental imprisonment on children “may be the least understood and most consequential implication
of the high reliance on incarceration in America” (Hagan and Dinovitzer 1999, p. 122). This essay builds upon their work by thoroughly
evaluating the empirical evidence on the effects of parental imprisonment on children. In this essay, we investigate four key questions: Is
parental imprisonment associated with adverse outcomes for children?
Does parental imprisonment cause adverse outcomes for children?
Why might parental imprisonment cause adverse outcomes for children? Why do some children have poor outcomes following parental
imprisonment while others do not?
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
Unfortunately, there is little high-quality evidence on these topics,
reflecting a lack of academic and public interest in the plight of prisoners’ children (by contrast, see the extensive research on children of
divorce; Amato and Keith 1991; Rodgers and Pryor 1998; Emery
1999). Where possible, we review evidence from large-scale longitudinal surveys. To provide further evidence of this type we present new
results from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development. Where
large-scale surveys are lacking, we review results from smaller-scale
exploratory studies of prisoners’ children and propose hypotheses that
should be tested in future research.
We conclude that parental imprisonment is a strong risk factor (and
possible cause) for a range of adverse outcomes for children, including
antisocial behavior, offending, mental health problems, drug abuse,
school failure, and unemployment. Parental imprisonment might cause
these outcomes through several processes: the trauma of parent-child
separation, children being made aware of their parent’s criminality,
family poverty caused by the imprisonment, strained parenting by remaining caregivers, stigma, and stresses involved in maintaining contact with the imprisoned parent. However, there is little empirical evidence on the importance of these mechanisms.
Children may be more affected by parental imprisonment if their
mother is imprisoned, if parents are imprisoned more frequently or for
longer periods of time, and if parents are imprisoned in more punitive
conditions. Children may be protected from harmful effects of parental
imprisonment by having stable caregiving arrangements, by their families receiving social and economic support, and by living in places with
more sympathetic public attitudes toward crime and punishment. Programs that might prevent adverse outcomes for children of prisoners
include provision of financial assistance, social support, parenting programs, improved prison visiting procedures, and alternative forms of
punishment such as community service and day fines. Large-scale research projects are needed to advance knowledge about the effects of
parental imprisonment on children.
This essay is organized as follows: Section I defines key terms; estimates the number of children with imprisoned parents in the United
States, England, and Wales; and describes criteria for inclusion of studies in this review. Sections II, III, and IV examine the associations
between parental imprisonment and child antisocial behavior, mental
health problems, and other adverse outcomes, respectively. Section V
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
examines whether parental imprisonment is a cause of adverse outcomes for children, and Section VI examines theories about why parental imprisonment might cause adverse outcomes for children. Section VII examines moderating factors that might influence the
relationship between parental imprisonment and child outcomes. Section VIII offers policy and research recommendations.
I. Introduction
Before examining the effects of parental imprisonment on children, we
define parental imprisonment and child outcomes, summarize what is
known about the numbers of children experiencing parental imprisonment in the United States and in England and Wales, and describe
how we selected studies for examination.
We use the term parental imprisonment to refer to custodial confinement of a parent in jails or prisons (state or federal in the United
States) or open or closed prisons (local or training in the United Kingdom). We are primarily concerned with the environmental effects of
parental imprisonment on children. Therefore, we focus on parental
imprisonment occurring during childhood (as opposed to parental imprisonment occurring before children’s births). We discuss the effects
of different types of imprisonment, for example, maternal versus paternal imprisonment, in Section VII.
We examine child outcomes that occur during parental imprisonment and also later in life. We review three types of adverse outcomes
that may follow parental imprisonment: antisocial and delinquent behavior, mental health problems, and other adverse outcomes (alcohol
and drug abuse, school failure, and unemployment). Antisocial behavior refers to a wide variety of behaviors that violate societal norms and
laws (Rutter, Giller, and Hagell 1998). The main mental health outcomes investigated are anxiety and depression, but we also consider the
effects of parental imprisonment on neurosis (general emotional distress) and low self-esteem.
A. Size of the Problem
With unprecedented numbers of people being sent to prison in
Western industrialized countries, such as the United States and the
United Kingdom, it is likely that unprecedented numbers of children
are experiencing parental imprisonment. The number of children ex-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
periencing parental imprisonment can be counted in two ways. The
first is to count how many children have a parent in prison at one
point in time, which is called the point prevalence. This reflects the daily
prison population. The second is to count how many children have a
parent imprisoned at some stage during a period of time, which is
called the cumulative prevalence. This reflects the population of prison
receptions. We review here what is known about the point prevalence
and cumulative prevalence of children experiencing parental imprisonment in the United States and in England and Wales.1
1. Point Prevalence. In the United States, national inmate surveys
have been conducted every 5 years since 1974, providing information
about the number of children with a parent in prison at particular times
( Johnson and Waldfogel 2004). In an important study, Mumola (2000)
used data from the 1997 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities to calculate the number of children of prisoners in
the United States at the end of 1999. He estimated that there were 1.5
million children with an imprisoned parent (2.1 percent of the nation’s
children under age 18), over half a million more than in 1991. Between
1991 and 1999, the number of children with a mother in prison nearly
doubled (up 98 percent), while the number of children with a father
in prison grew by 58 percent. Nevertheless, in 1999, the vast majority
(92 percent) of children with an imprisoned parent had a father in
prison. Parental imprisonment disproportionately affected ethnic minorities. Black children (7.0 percent) were nearly nine times more likely
than white children (0.8 percent) to have a parent in a state or federal
prison. Hispanic children (2.6 percent) were three times more likely
than white children to have a parent in prison.
In England and Wales, the last National Prison Survey was conducted in 1991. It showed that 32 percent of male prisoners and 47
percent of female prisoners had dependent children living with them
before coming to prison (Dodd and Hunter 1992), although data were
not collected on the numbers of children. We are not aware of up-todate estimates of the point prevalence of children with imprisoned parents in England and Wales. However, we estimate that roughly 88,000
For data on other jurisdictions, see Cunningham and Baker (2004) on Canada; Quilty
et al. (2004) on Australia; and the European Action Research Committee on the Children
of Imprisoned Parents (1996) on seven other European countries.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
children under age 18 (0.8 percent of the population) had a parent in
prison in England and Wales in midyear 2006.2
2. Cumulative Prevalence. The number of children experiencing parental imprisonment may be underestimated because very little is known
about the occurrence of parental imprisonment over time. We are not
aware of any evidence-based statistics on the cumulative prevalence of
children experiencing parental imprisonment in the United States. In
England and Wales, it is often stated that between 125,000 and 150,000
children experience parental imprisonment each year (Ramsden 1998,
p. 12; Home Secretary, Lord Chancellor, and Attorney General 2002,
p. 85; Social Exclusion Unit 2002, p. 111; H. M. Treasury 2003, p.
43). However, only two small-scale surveys provide relevant evidence.
Twenty years ago, Shaw (1987) estimated that 100,000 children experienced paternal imprisonment each year in England and Wales, based
on a survey of 415 men arriving at Leicester prison. Recently, Murray
(2007) estimated that approximately 127,000 (95 percent confidence interval equals 103,000–151,000) children under age 18 experience parental
imprisonment each year in England and Wales, based on a survey of 150
men arriving at Bedford prison and data from a Home Office survey of
imprisoned women (Caddle and Crisp 1997). The proportion of children
who experience parental imprisonment at some stage between their birth
and their eighteenth birthday is not known.
In summary, the number of children experiencing parental imprisonment is increasing, especially in the United States. Large-scale surveys should be conducted to estimate accurately the point prevalence
and cumulative prevalence of children experiencing parental imprisonment, to ensure that there are adequate services to support them.
B. Criteria for Including Studies in This Review
The main aim of this essay is to investigate the possible causal effects
of parental imprisonment on children. A first step toward investigating
this is to establish whether parental imprisonment is associated with
child outcomes. If there is no association, it is unlikely that parental
imprisonment causes child outcomes. Therefore, we first review evidence on the associations between parental imprisonment and child
This is based on the number of children under age 18 in England and Wales midyear
2006 (Office of National Statistics 2007), the number of prisoners in England and Wales
in June 2006 (Home Office 2007), and estimates that imprisoned men have, on average,
1.15 children (Murray 2007) and imprisoned women have, on average, 1.36 children
(2,168 children/1,599 women; Caddle and Crisp 1997).
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
outcomes. To test for an association, rates of the outcome must be
compared between children of prisoners and a suitable control group.
To make this comparison, three things are required. First, there must
be a control group. The study must include children of prisoners and
at least one group of children without imprisoned parents (preferably
drawn from the general population of the same age as the children of
prisoners). Second, the study must use a consistent measure of the child
outcome. The same measure should be used for children of prisoners
and controls. Third, effect sizes must be reported, or enough numerical
information to calculate effect sizes, and, ideally, significance levels.
These requirements were set as minimum criteria for including studies in the first sections of this review. Ideally, further criteria might
have been used to include only studies with high methodological quality. Additional criteria might have included the use of well-validated
measures (to increase construct validity), appropriate statistical tests (to
increase statistical conclusion validity), a quasi-experimental design (to
increase internal validity), or appropriate sampling strategies (to increase external validity; Shadish, Cook, and Campbell 2002; Farrington
2003b). However, because setting additional selection criteria would
have excluded nearly all studies of prisoners’ children from our analysis,
we did not do this. Instead, we discuss the methodological limitations
of existing studies and requirements for improved future research.
We cannot claim to have conducted an exhaustive systematic review
of studies of prisoners’ children, which would have required searching
all major abstracting systems and thousands of references. However,
we did search key books and articles (e.g., Shaw 1992b; Gabel and
Johnston 1995; Johnston 1995; Hagan and Dinovitzer 1999; Travis and
Waul 2003b; Pattillo, Weiman, and Western 2004) and electronic databases, including PsychInfo, Criminal Justice Abstracts, and Web of Science (using the keywords prison, incarceration, jail, mother, father, parent, and child), and we examined over 150 full-text articles on parental
imprisonment to identify studies relevant to this review.
Sometimes a study used more than one measure of a child outcome.
For example, arrest records and conviction records might both have
been used to assess criminal behavior. In general, we only report results
for one measure of a child outcome in each study. We chose measures
that were taken a long time after parental imprisonment in preference
to measures taken soon after parental imprisonment, in order to examine more serious, long-lasting effects of parental imprisonment. We
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
chose clinical measures (e.g., of depression) over subclinical measures
(e.g., of dysthymia), because they are more valid. In order to increase
sensitivity of measurement, we chose more general measures of outcomes (e.g., arrests for any crime) over more specific measures (e.g.,
arrests for violent crimes). We chose measures with higher response
rates over measures with lower response rates, because results based
on higher response rates are more generalizable.
Because we only review studies that include control groups, standard
measures, and numeric information, several important qualitative studies of children of prisoners are excluded from Sections II–V (e.g., Zalba
1964; Sack, Seidler, and Thomas 1976; Baunach 1985; Skinner and
Swartz 1989; Kampfner 1995; Boswell and Wedge 2002; Braman 2004;
Bernstein 2005). These studies are important because they provide
qualitative accounts of how some children experience parental imprisonment and suggest possible mechanisms by which parental imprisonment might affect children. We use these studies to inform our discussion of mediators and moderators in Sections VI and VII.
II. Effects on Child Antisocial Behavior
It is frequently claimed that children of prisoners are five to six times
more likely than their peers to be convicted or imprisoned (Jacobs
1995, p. 3; Moses 1995, p. 3; Hagan and Dinovitzer 1999, pp. 146–47;
Simmons 2000, p. 6; Springer, Lynch, and Rubin 2000, p. 431; Van
Wormer and Bartollas 2000, p. 60; Petersilia 2003, p. 8). However,
after attempting to trace the sources of these claims, we did not find
evidence to support them. In this section, we review evidence on the
strength of association between parental imprisonment and child antisocial behavior. From the results of several prospective longitudinal
studies we conclude that children of prisoners have about three times
the risk for antisocial behavior compared to their peers.
A. Review of 11 Prior Studies
Eleven prior studies of the antisocial behavior of prisoners’ children
included control groups, standard measures, and numeric information
for calculating an effect size. We summarize these studies in the text
below and in table 1. We categorize the studies into three groups. The
first group (general population studies) used samples drawn from general populations of children. In most cases these studies used a pro-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
spective longitudinal design. These studies provide the best evidence
on the association between parental imprisonment and child outcomes.
The second group (studies with matched control groups) used control
groups who were at risk for reasons other than parental imprisonment
(e.g., children separated from parents because of parental divorce).
Most of these studies used cross-sectional designs (in which child outcomes were assessed while parents were in prison) or retrospective
designs (in which parental imprisonment was measured retrospectively
at the time of outcome assessment). These studies may underestimate
the association between parental imprisonment and child outcomes,
because control groups were at risk for other reasons. However, they
can be useful for evaluating causal hypotheses about the effects of parental imprisonment on children (see Sec. V). The third group (clinic
and court-based studies), which used retrospective designs, recruited
children of prisoners and controls at clinics or courts. Findings from
these studies are the most difficult to interpret, because children at
clinics and courts are likely to have higher rates of problem behavior
than other children. Although we note the limitations of these studies
for the present purposes, this does not necessarily imply that the original study designs were weak, as sometimes they were conducted with
other aims.
For each study we calculated a standardized effect size (the odds ratio
[OR]) to summarize the strength of the association between parental
imprisonment and child antisocial behavior. Odds ratios are interpretable as the increase in the odds of an outcome associated with parental
imprisonment.3 Conventionally, an odds ratio of 2.0 or greater is considered to indicate a strong relationship between a risk factor and an
outcome (Cohen 1996).
Odds ratios are calculated from 2 # 2 contingency tables using the following formula:
Nonrisk category
Risk category
OR p
No Outcome
odds of outcome in risk category
p (a # d)/(b # c).
odds of outcome in nonrisk category b/a
Previous Studies of Parental Imprisonment and Child Antisocial Behavior
Huebner and Gustafson (2007),
United States
Murray, Janson, and
Farrington (2007),
Bor, McGee, and
Fagan (2004),
Kandel et al. (1988),
Moerk (1973), probably United States
Stanton (1980), California, United
Study Design
General population: prospective
Mothers (any
General popula- Primarily fathers
tion: prospective (any imprisonment, child aged
General popula- Mothers’ current
tion: prospective partners (any imprisonment, up
to child age 5)
General popula- Fathers (impristion: retrooned at any
Matched control: Fathers (imprisretrospective
oned for at least
one month after
birth of child)
Matched control: Mothers (in
county jails)
Children (Age at
Controls Matched
Outcome Measure
Effect Size:
OR (95% CI)
E p 31
C p 1,666
(aged 18–24)
E p 283
C p 14,589
(aged 30)
Mother’s age
E p 265
C p 4,591
(aged 14)
Child age
Delinquency (mother
E p 92
C p 513
(aged 35)
E p 24
C p 24
(aged 11–20)
Child agec
Jailed plus one additional offense (official
Behavior problems
(mother rating)
(5.0, 14.6)a
E p 22
C p 18
(aged 4–18)
Child age, city of
Convicted between
1994 and 2000 (selfreport)
Offended 19–30 (official
Father absence (divorce), SES, ethnicity,
age at separation, age at
Maternal criminality
Poor behavior in school
(teacher rating)
(1.4, 7.1)a
(1.9, 3.2)
(.3, 2.7)d
(.9, 14.1)a
Matched control: Mothers (in
county jails)
E p 24
C p 17
(aged 4–18)
Trice and Brewster
Matched control: Mothers (in state E p 47
(2004), Virginia,
C p 41
United States
(aged 13–20)
Dannerbeck (2005), Court-based:
Mothers and fa- E p 346
Missouri, United retrospective
thers (ever
C p 766
(age not known)
Gabel and Shindle- Clinic-based:
Mothers and fa- E p 11
decker (1993),
thers (ever
C p 20
New York, United
(aged 6–12)
Bryant and Rivard
Mothers and fa- E p 66
(1995), South
thers (no details) C p 114
Carolina, United
(aged 5–17)
Phillips et al. (2002), Clinic-based:
Mothers and fa- E p 98
Arkansas and
thers (ever in
C p 146
Texas, United
any jail/prison)
(aged 11–18)
Maternal criminality
Controls were best
friends of prisoners’
Both groups were “adjudicated youths”
Both groups attended
day hospital
Both groups were clients of social services
and clinics for emotional disturbance
Both groups attended
mental health clinics
Trouble with police/
school /neighbors
(mother rating)
Arrested (guardian
(.6, 9.3)a
(1.1, 8.7)d
Prior referral to court
(self-report and official
Externalizing problems
(teacher rating)
Delinquency (teacher
Offended (official
(.6, 8.9)e
(.8, 13.0)e
(1.0, 3.5)d
Conduct disorder (clinical diagnosis)
(1.1, 3.2)d
(1.6, 3.0)a
NOTE.—E p children of prisoners; C p controls; OR p odds ratios; 95 percent CI p 95 percent confidence interval around odds ratios; SES
p socioeconomic status.
Our calculation of odds ratios from contingency tables.
Our calculation of odds ratios from r.
Fathers of controls had no criminal record.
Our calculations of numbers in E and C groups and odds ratios.
Our calculation of odds ratios from means and standard deviations.
* p ! .05.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
1. General Population Studies. Huebner and Gustafson (2007) compared rates of adult offending behavior of 31 children whose mothers
had been imprisoned and 1,666 children whose mothers had not been
imprisoned, in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (United
States). This survey is a nationally representative, prospective longitudinal study of males and females who were aged 14–22 in 1979 (Center for Human Resource Research 2006). Mothers in this survey were
disproportionately young, economically disadvantaged, and of minority
race. Maternal imprisonment was measured in annual interviews with
the mothers from 1979 to 1994 and in biannual interviews from 1996
to 2000. This measure is likely to exclude occasions of short-term imprisonment (under 3 months) and occasions of imprisonment occurring
between interviews (Huebner and Gustafson 2007). In 2000, children
of the mothers were between 18 and 24 years old. Adult convictions
of the children were measured using self-reports between 1994 and
2000. No adult conviction occurred before maternal imprisonment.
In Huebner and Gustafson’s study, 26 percent of children with imprisoned mothers were convicted as an adult, compared with 10 percent of controls. This translates into an effect size (odds ratio) that is
large (3.1) and statistically significant (95 percent confidence interval
[CI] p 1.4 –7.1). The main limitation of this study is that paternal imprisonment was not measured. Another limitation is that some child
participants were too young (under age 18) to have been at risk when
adult convictions were measured.
Murray, Janson, and Farrington (2007) compared rates of adult criminal behavior of 283 children whose parents were imprisoned and
14,589 children without imprisoned parents in Project Metropolitan
(Sweden). This study is a prospective longitudinal survey of 15,117
children born in 1953 and living in Stockholm in 1963 ( Janson 2000;
Hodgins and Janson 2002, chaps. 2 and 3). Parental imprisonment
(from the children’s births until they were age 19) was measured using
the criminal records of the children’s parents (in nearly all cases the
father). Child criminal behavior between ages 19 and 30 was measured
using criminal records. Of prisoners’ children, 25 percent offended as
adults, compared with 12 percent of controls (OR p 2.4; CI p 1.9–3.2).
The main limitation of this study is that maternal imprisonment was
only measured for a small number of cases.
Bor, McGee, and Fagan (2004) compared delinquency rates of 265
children of imprisoned parents and 4,591 controls in the Mater Uni-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
versity Study of Pregnancy (Australia). This study is a prospective longitudinal survey of 8,458 women who were pregnant in Australia in
1981 (Najman et al. 2005). When the children were age 5, their mothers were asked about any occasion on which their partner had been
imprisoned. Therefore, parental imprisonment in this study might refer to imprisonment before the child was born and does not necessarily
refer to imprisonment of the child’s biological parent. Child delinquency was measured using the delinquency scale of the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach 1991a), which mothers completed when the
children were age 14. Bor and colleagues (2004) reported a significant
correlation (r p .08, p ! .01) between parental imprisonment and child
delinquency in adolescence. This translates into a small odds ratio of
1.3 (see the appendix for calculations). No other statistics were available to calculate a confidence interval. The study has three limitations
for present purposes. First, parental imprisonment may not refer to the
children’s parents. Second, the interview measure of parental imprisonment may be unreliable (on the discrepancy between maternal and
paternal reports of paternal imprisonment, see Bendheim-Thoman
Center for Research on Child Wellbeing [2002]). Third, parental imprisonment may refer to imprisonment before children’s births. Therefore, the study did not necessarily measure environmental exposure of
children to parental imprisonment.
Kandel and her colleagues (1988) compared criminal outcomes of
92 children whose fathers had been imprisoned and 513 children whose
fathers had no criminal record. The children were born between 1936
and 1938 in Denmark and were studied in 1972. Paternal imprisonment was measured using official records and presumably refers to any
imprisonment up to 1972 (although this was not stated in the study
report). Child criminal behavior was measured using official records
and referred to having at least one jail sentence plus an additional
offense up to 1972. Of children whose fathers were imprisoned, 39
percent were imprisoned themselves, compared to 7 percent of controls. This translates into a large (8.5) and significant (CI p 5.0–14.6)
odds ratio, showing a strong positive association between paternal imprisonment and children’s own imprisonment. However, because the
control group consisted of fathers with no criminal record, this may
overestimate the association between paternal imprisonment and child
criminal outcomes. Two additional limitations of this study are that the
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
children were not studied prospectively and the measure of paternal
imprisonment was not well defined.
2. Studies with Matched Control Groups. Moerk (1973) compared 24
boys who experienced father absence because of paternal imprisonment
with 24 boys who experienced father absence because of parental divorce (probably in the United States). Children of prisoners and controls were matched on social class, ethnicity, age at the time of separation, and age at the time of the study. No information was reported
about how paternal imprisonment (or divorce) was measured or about
how children were sampled for the study. Participants were assessed
for “behavioral changes” in interviews with their mothers and coded
“affected” or “not affected.” The behavioral outcome might only refer
to antisocial behaviors, but it could also refer to other problem behaviors. No details were reported. Of boys from prisoners’ homes,
58 percent were rated as having behavior problems compared with
63 percent of boys from divorced homes (OR p 0.8; CI p 0.3–2.7).4
However, children of divorce are likely to be at increased risk compared to the general population of children of that age. Therefore,
using children of divorce as a comparison group is likely to underestimate the zero-order association between parental imprisonment and
child behavior problems. The study has three other limitations for
present purposes. The number of children studied was small, the study
lacked reliable measures of parental imprisonment and child behaviors,
and there was clear evidence of “fishing” in the analyses: 45 tests of
statistical significance were conducted without correcting for multiple
In what is considered a classic study, Stanton (1980) compared children of 54 jailed mothers and children of 21 mothers on probation
(United States). The mothers had a total of 166 children, aged 4–18
years old. The children in the study had been living with their mother
before her arrest. Data on the children were collected from children’s
mothers, children’s outside caregivers, and children’s teachers during the
mother’s imprisonment. Of 22 children with jailed mothers, 50 percent
were rated by teachers as showing poor or below-average school behavior, compared to 22 percent of 18 controls (OR p 3.5; CI p 0.9–14.1).
However, there are three problems with this first stage of Stanton’s
study. First, the response rate of teachers was low. Second, teachers
The table of results presented “means and frequencies” (Moerk 1973, pp. 308–9).
We assume that the results for behavioral variables referred to frequencies.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
might have known if children had mothers in jail, which might have
influenced their ratings of child behavior. Third, children of jailed
mothers were more likely than children of probation mothers (12 percent vs. 6 percent) to be absent from school (sometimes because of
behavioral problems), and this might have biased the results.
Stanton also reinterviewed the mothers 1 month after their release
from jail. At that time, the mothers reported on whether their children
had been in trouble with the police, the school, or neighbors (although
the reference period was not specified). Of 24 children of jailed mothers, 42 percent had been in trouble, compared to 24 percent of 17
children with mothers on probation (OR p 2.3; CI p 0.6–9.3). Overall, the study has four limitations for assessing the zero-order association between maternal imprisonment and child antisocial outcomes.
First, using children of probation mothers as a comparison group is
likely to underestimate the association between maternal imprisonment
and child antisocial outcomes. Second, the number of children studied
was small, and attrition was high. Third, the study used unreliable
outcome measures. Fourth, four of the probation mothers in the study
had previously been imprisoned, confounding the comparison between
their children and the children of jailed mothers.
Trice and Brewster (2004) compared 47 adolescents whose mothers
were imprisoned and 41 of the adolescents’ “best friends” (United
States). Children of imprisoned mothers were identified by distributing
questionnaires to women in prison. Imprisoned mothers gave children’s caregivers a questionnaire to fill in. Children’s caregivers then
gave a similar questionnaire to the parents of the child’s same-sex best
friend. Caregivers reported whether the student had been arrested during the previous year. Of children with imprisoned mothers, 34 percent
were arrested, compared to 15 percent of their best friends (OR p
3.0; CI p 1.1–8.7). However, the children’s best friends are not likely
to be representative of the general population, and co-offending may
have biased these results. For present purposes, there are three other
limitations of this study. First, whether children in the control group
had experienced parental imprisonment was not known. Second, outcomes were not measured reliably. Third, the outcome measure referred to arrests over the previous year, and it is possible that this
reference period included some time before mothers were imprisoned.
Therefore, the causal direction of effects is ambiguous.
3. Studies of Children at Courts and Clinics. Dannerbeck (2005) used
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
court records to compare 346 delinquent youths who had a history of
parental imprisonment and 766 delinquent youths without a history of
parental imprisonment (United States). Parental imprisonment was
measured by criminal justice officials asking youths, “Have either of
your parents ever been incarcerated in jail or prison?” Therefore, parental imprisonment did not necessarily occur during the youth’s lifetime. A delinquent outcome of “prior referrals to juvenile authorities”
was self-reported by youths and verified using court records. Of youths
with a history of parental imprisonment, 84 percent had a prior referral, compared to 70 percent of controls (OR p 2.2; CI p 1.6–3.0).
Although the sample size was large in this study, the fact that both the
control group and the children of prisoners were recruited from courts
makes it difficult to interpret the results. Additionally, there are three
other limitations of the study for present purposes. First, the measure
of parental imprisonment was self-reported by youths to criminal justice officials and may be unreliable. Second, parental imprisonment
referred to any time in the past, possibly before children were born.
Third, the outcome referred to events (prior delinquency referrals) that
might have occurred before parental imprisonment.
Gabel and Shindledecker (1993) compared behavioral ratings of 11
children in a day hospital who had a history of parental imprisonment
and 20 children in that setting who had no history of parental imprisonment (United States). Parental imprisonment “at any time in the
past” was measured on the basis of interviews with children’s caregivers
and through “available charts” (Gabel and Shindledecker 1993, p. 657).
Teachers reported child “total externalizing problems” and “delinquency” on the Achenbach Teacher Report Form (Achenbach 1991b),
sometime between enrollment in the hospital and 1 month later.5 Outcome scores were reported separately for 10 girls and 21 boys. Because
of the small numbers, we pooled the scores of girls and boys. We
calculated odds ratios for the associations between parental imprisonment and child outcomes for all children in the study (from the standardized mean differences; see the appendix). The odds ratio between
parental imprisonment and child externalizing problems was large (2.3)
but not significant (CI p 0.6–8.9). The odds ratio between parental
imprisonment and child delinquency was also large (3.3) but not significant (CI p 0.8–13.0). Because samples were recruited at a hospital,
“Externalizing problems” refer to aggressive, antisocial, and delinquent behaviors.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
it is not known if the results are representative of the general population of children. The study has two other limitations for present
purposes. The number of children in the study was small, and parents
may have been imprisoned only before children were born.
Bryant and Rivard (1995) examined Department of Juvenile Justice
records of 180 youths who were clients of social services and clinics
for emotionally disturbed children (United States). They reported the
relationship between parental imprisonment and youth offending. Parental imprisonment was determined from records of the two agencies
where participants were clients. Details were not reported, but we assume that parental imprisonment referred to imprisonment at any
time, even before children’s births. Sixty-six youths had a history of
parental imprisonment. The authors reported that the proportion of
youths who had imprisoned parents depended on whether youths had
a record of minor offending (60 percent), a record of major offending
(36 percent), or no record of offending (31 percent). For present purposes, we calculated the odds ratio for youth offending (major or minor) according to whether youths’ parents had been imprisoned or not.
This odds ratio was quite large (1.9) and just statistically significant
(CI p 1.0–3.5). As children of prisoners and controls were clients of
social services and clinics for emotional disturbance, this casts doubt
on the generalizability of the results. An additional limitation of the
study for present purposes is that details were not given about the
measurement of parental imprisonment, which might have referred to
imprisonment before the children’s births.
In a sample of 258 adolescents receiving routine mental health services, Phillips and her colleagues (2002) compared 98 adolescents
whose mother, father, or stepparent had ever been imprisoned with
146 controls (United States). Parental imprisonment was derived from
one self-report item on a questionnaire given to youths’ adult caregivers. Conduct disorder was measured within one week of intake to the
mental health services (baseline), using the Diagnostic Interview
Schedule for Children (Shaffer et al. 2000).6 Of adolescents with a
history of parental imprisonment, 40 percent were diagnosed with conduct disorder, compared with 26 percent of controls (OR p 1.9;
CI p 1.1–3.2). For present purposes, this study has two limitations.
Although follow-up measures were also taken 6 months later, only results obtained
at baseline are reviewed here, because follow-up results might have been influenced by
the treatment received at the clinics.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
The clinic sample is unlikely to be representative of the general population, and parental imprisonment might have occurred before the
children’s births.
B. New Findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development
Recently, we analyzed data collected on males in the Cambridge
Study in Delinquent Development (the Cambridge Study) to assess the
association between parental imprisonment and child antisocial-delinquent outcomes through the life course (Murray and Farrington 2005).
The Cambridge Study is a prospective longitudinal study of 411 boys who
were born in 1953 and were living in a working-class area of South London at ages 8–9 (for overviews of the study, see Farrington 1995, 2003a;
Farrington et al. 2006). For the purposes of this essay, several new analyses
were conducted using Cambridge Study data (see the appendix for details).
Antisocial-delinquent outcomes were compared between 23 boys
who were separated because of parental imprisonment (between birth
and age 10) and four control groups: boys with no history of parental
imprisonment or separation from a parent by age 10, boys separated
because of hospitalization or death, boys separated for other reasons
(principally because of parental conflict), and boys whose parents were
imprisoned only before the boy’s birth. Parental imprisonment was
measured using conviction records of the boys’ biological mothers and
fathers and social workers’ records regarding imprisonment of parents
on remand (for over 1 month). Antisocial-delinquent outcomes were
assessed between ages 14 and 50, using self-reports of the study males,
parents’ reports, teachers’ reports, and criminal records of the study
males. We summarize here the results of comparing boys separated
because of parental imprisonment and boys with no history of parental
imprisonment or separation. This comparison may overestimate the
zero-order association between parental imprisonment and child antisocial outcomes, because boys separated from parents for other reasons
are not included in the comparison. In Sections V and VI we discuss
other comparisons to consider the possible causal effects of parental
imprisonment on children.
Parental imprisonment during childhood was a strong predictor of
antisocial-delinquent outcomes through the life course (table 2). For
example, of boys separated because of parental imprisonment, 65 percent were convicted between ages 19 and 32, compared with 21 percent of boys with no history of parental imprisonment or separation
Cambridge Study Results on Parental Imprisonment and Child Antisocial Behavior
Odds Ratios Comparing
Prison (E) and:
History of Parental Imprisonment
Sons’ Outcomes (Age)
Antisocial personality (14)
Antisocial personality (18)
Antisocial personality (32)
Antisocial personality (48)
Self-reported violence (18)
Self-reported delinquency (18)
Self-reported delinquency (32)
Convicted (10–18)
Convicted (19–32)
Convicted (33–50)
Imprisoned by 40
Weighted mean odds ratios
No Prison (A): No Prison (B): No Prison (C): Prison (D): Prison (E): No
No Separation
Prison Prison Prison Prison
(n p 227)
(n p 77)
(n p 61)
(n p 17)
(n p 23)
SOURCE.—Adapted from Murray and Farrington (2005).
NOTE.—Summary results for the weighted mean odds ratios in boldface.
Parent-son separation within first 10 years of son’s life because of death or hospitalization.
Parent-son separation within first 10 years of son’s life for reasons other than death, hospitalization, or imprisonment.
* p ! .05.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
(OR p 7.0; CI p 2.8–17.5). An average (weighted mean) odds ratio was
calculated for the 11 antisocial-delinquent outcomes, measured up to
age 50 (see the appendix for these calculations). In comparing boys
separated because of parental imprisonment and boys with no history
of parental imprisonment or separation, the average odds ratio was
large (5.7) and significant (CI p 4.3–7.6). The main limitation of the
Cambridge Study for assessing the association between parental imprisonment and child antisocial behavior is the small number of boys
with imprisoned parents in the study.
C. Conclusion
Only four prior studies used general population samples to assess
the association between parental imprisonment and child antisocial behavior (Kandel et al. 1988; Bor, McGee, and Fagan 2004; Huebner and
Gustafson 2007; Murray, Janson, and Farrington 2007). In all four
studies, parental imprisonment was positively associated with child antisocial-delinquent outcomes. In the Cambridge Study, parental imprisonment predicted official and self-report measures of offending and
was very strongly related with measures of antisocial personality, even
up to age 48. We calculated the average association between parental
imprisonment and child antisocial-delinquent behavior across all five
of these studies. The average odds ratio was 3.4, showing that parental
imprisonment (compared with no history of parental imprisonment)
approximately trebles the risk for antisocial-delinquent behavior of
III. Effects on Child Mental Health
Philbrick (1996, p. 12) claimed that up to 30 percent of prisoners’
children experience mental health problems during childhood and adolescence, compared to about 10 percent of the general population.
However, no evidence was cited to support this claim. In this section,
we review evidence on the association between parental imprisonment
and child mental health problems.
We calculated the geometric mean of the five odds ratios (using the average odds
ratio from the Cambridge Study: 5.7). Because the confidence interval for one study (Bor,
McGee, and Fagan 2004) was unknown, we were unable to calculate a confidence interval
for the geometric mean. We note that the samples and measures used in these studies
were different and therefore that this average result may be unreliable.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
A. Review of Five Prior Studies
Five studies of mental health outcomes among children of prisoners
included control groups, standard measures, and numeric information
that made it possible to calculate an effect size. We summarize these
studies in the text below and in table 3 (all but one of these studies
also appear in table 1). Only one study (Friedman and Esselstyn 1965)
used a general population sample to examine the association between
parental imprisonment and child mental health. The limitations of the
other studies are similar to the limitations noted in Section II, and we
do not repeat them here.
1. General Population Study. Friedman and Esselstyn (1965) compared the “self-concept” of 90 boys whose fathers were imprisoned
and 154 controls (in two control groups; United States). The two
control groups were randomly selected for the study (presumably using school registers, although the research report does not make this
clear). None of the controls had a father who had been imprisoned,
according to school principals and administrators. Teachers rated the
boys’ self-concept on the Pupil Adjustment Inventory (University of
Pennsylvania 1957). Of prisoners’ children, 45 percent had belowaverage self-concept compared to 29 percent and 14 percent of the
two control groups. Comparing children of prisoners and the two control groups combined yielded an odds ratio of 2.5 (CI p 1.4 –4.3),
showing a significant positive association between paternal imprisonment and a child’s poor self-concept. However, for present purposes,
this study is limited for three reasons: maternal imprisonment was not
taken into account, official records were not used to verify the status
of children in the control group, and the meaning of “self-concept” is
not clear.
2. Studies with Matched Control Groups. Moerk (1973, reviewed
above) compared rates of neurosis of 24 boys of imprisoned fathers and
24 boys separated from their father because of divorce. Neurosis was
measured using the Tennessee Self Concept Scale (Fitts 1965). Children of prisoners scored, on average, 84.8 on the neurosis scale, compared to 80.4 for controls. This small difference was not significant (at
the .05 level). No further statistics were reported (such as standard
deviations, t-values, or exact p-values). Therefore, it was not possible
to derive an effect size for the association between parental imprisonment and child neurosis.
Stanton (1980, reviewed above) compared rates of low self-esteem
Previous Studies of Parental Imprisonment and Child Mental Health
Friedman and Esselstyn (1965), Santa
Clara, United
Moerk (1973), probably United States
Study Design
General population: crosssectional
Fathers (in Elmwood rehabilitation center at
least six months)
Matched control: Fathers (imprisretrospective
oned for at least
one month after
birth of child)
Stanton (1980), Cal- Matched control: Mothers (in
ifornia, United
county jails)
Gabel and Shindle- Clinic-based:
Mothers and fadecker (1993),
thers (ever
New York, United
Children (Age at
E p 90
C p 154
(kindergarten to
seventh grade)
E p 24
C p 24
(aged 11–20)
E p 22
C p 18
(aged 4–18)
E p 11
C p 20
(aged 6–12)
Controls Matched?
School registers
Outcome Measure
Self-concept (teacher
Father absence (diNeurosis (self-report)
vorce), SES, ethnicity,
age at separation, age at
Maternal criminality
Low self-esteem
Both groups attended
Internalizing problems
day hospital
(teacher rating)
Effect Size: OR
(95% CI)
2.5* (1.4, 4.3)a
Mean E p 84.8;
mean C p 80.4
5.1* (1.2, 20.5)b
.6 (.1, 2.2)c
Phillips et al. (2002), Clinic-based:
Arkansas and
Texas, United
Mothers and fathers (ever in
any jail/prison)
E p 99
C p 137
(aged 11–18)
E p 94
C p 135
(aged 11–18)
E p 104
C p 148
(aged 11–18)
Both groups attended
mental health services
Major depressive disorder (clinical diagnosis)
.3* (.1, .7)a
Generalized anxiety disorder (clinical diagnosis)
.6 (.2, 1.7)a
Separation-anxiety dis- 1.2 (.7, 2.0)a
order (clinical diagnosis)
NOTE.—E p children of prisoners; C p controls; OR p odds ratios; 95 percent CI p 95 percent confidence interval around odds ratios; SES
p socioeconomic status.
Our calculations of numbers in E and C groups and odds ratios.
Our calculation of odds ratios from contingency tables.
Our calculation of odds ratios from means and standard deviations.
* p ! .05.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
of 22 children with jailed mothers and 18 children of mothers on probation. Low self-esteem was rated by teachers or counselors. For teachers, the Coopersmith Behavior Rating Form (Coopersmith 1967) was
used. Of children with jailed mothers, 59 percent were rated as having
low self-esteem, compared to 22 percent of children whose mothers
were on probation (OR p 5.1; CI p 1.2–20.5).
3. Studies of Children at Clinics. Gabel and Shindledecker (1993, reviewed above) compared internalizing problems of 11 children of prisoners and 20 controls at a hospital clinic.8 Internalizing problems were
measured using the Achenbach Teacher Report Form (Achenbach
1991b). Combining the mean internalizing scores for boys and girls,
we calculated an odds ratio for the association between parental imprisonment and child internalizing problems. This odds ratio was 0.6
(CI p 0.1–2.2), reflecting an inverse (but statistically insignificant) relationship.
Phillips and her colleagues (2002, reviewed above) compared depression and anxiety of adolescents whose parents had ever been imprisoned and controls. Both groups were receiving mental health services. Child depression and anxiety were measured using the
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (Shaffer et al. 2000). Children of prisoners were significantly less likely to have major depression
(9 percent) than controls (23 percent; OR p 0.3; CI p 0.1–0.7). Children of prisoners were also less likely to have generalized anxiety disorders (6 percent) than controls (10 percent; OR p 0.6; CI p
0.2–1.7), but the difference was not statistically significant. Children of
prisoners had similar rates of separation anxiety disorder (28 percent)
to controls (25 percent; OR p 1.2; CI p 0.7–2.0).
B. New Findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development
Recently, we analyzed data from the Cambridge Study to assess the
association between parental imprisonment and child mental health
problems (Murray and Farrington 2008). We compared mental health
outcomes of 23 children separated because of parental imprisonment
(between birth and age 10) and four control groups. We summarize
here the results of comparing boys separated because of parental im8
“Internalizing problems” refer to “a core disturbance in intropunitive emotions and
moods (e.g., sorrow, guilt, fear, and worry)” (Zahn-Waxler, Klimes-Dougan, and Slattery
2000, p. 443).
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
prisonment and boys with no history of parental imprisonment or separation.
Neuroticism during adolescence (at ages 14 and 16) was measured
using two self-report personality questionnaires (the New Junior
Maudsley Inventory [Furneaux and Gibson 1966] and the Eysenck
Personality Questionnaire [Eysenck and Eysenck 1964]). Anxietydepression during adulthood (at ages 32 and 48) was measured using
the self-report General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg and Williams 1988). For this essay, we calculated odds ratios for the association between parental imprisonment and child mental health
problems (for results using continuous outcome measures, see Murray and Farrington [2008]).
Parental imprisonment during childhood was a strong risk factor for
boys’ mental health problems in the Cambridge Study (table 4). For
example, of boys separated because of parental imprisonment, 36 percent had high levels of anxiety-depression at age 48, compared to 15
percent of boys with no history of parental imprisonment or separation
(OR p 3.2; CI p 1.2–8.4). Parental imprisonment predicted mental
health problems through the life course with an average odds ratio of
2.5 (CI p 1.6–4.0).
C. Conclusions
Only one prior study (Friedman and Esselstyn 1965) and the Cambridge Study used general population samples to investigate the association between parental imprisonment and child mental health outcomes. In both studies, odds ratios for mental health problems were
2.5. We conclude that parental imprisonment is probably associated
with at least double the risk for mental health problems of children.
IV. Effects on Child Drinking, Drugs, Education, and
Previous reviews of the effects of parental imprisonment on children
have focused on child antisocial behavior and mental health problems.
Here, we review evidence on the association between parental imprisonment and other adverse outcomes for children: drinking and drug
abuse, school failure, and unemployment.
Cambridge Study Results on Parental Imprisonment and Child Mental Health
Odds Ratios Comparing
Prison (E) and:
History of Parental Imprisonment
Sons’ Outcomes (Age)
Neuroticism (14)
Neuroticism (16)
Anxiety-depression (32)
Anxiety-depression (48)
Weighted mean odds ratios
No Prison (A): No Prison (B): No Prison (C): Prison (D): Prison (E): No
No Separation
Prison Prison Prison Prison
(n p 227)
(n p 77)
(n p 61)
(n p 17)
(n p 23)
SOURCE.—Adapted from Murray and Farrington (2008).
NOTE.—Summary results for the weighted mean odds ratios in boldface.
Parent-son separation within first 10 years of son’s life because of death or hospitalization.
Parent-son separation within first 10 years of son’s life for reasons other than death, hospitalization, or imprisonment.
* p ! .05.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
A. Review of Three Prior Studies
Only three prior studies of drinking and drug abuse, education, and
employment of prisoners’ children included control groups, standard
measures, and numeric information for calculating an effect size. These
studies are summarized in the text below and in table 5 (all three studies also appear in tables 1 and 3). None of these studies used a general
population sample of children.
1. Studies with Matched Control Groups. Stanton (1980, reviewed
above) compared the academic performance of 23 children of jailed
mothers and 18 children of probation mothers. Academic performance
was measured using school records, showing the child’s rank within
his or her class. Of children of jailed mothers, 70 percent had belowaverage academic performance, compared with 17 percent of children
whose mothers were on probation (OR p 11.4; CI p 2.5–52.5). This
was a very large effect size.
Trice and Brewster (2004, reviewed above) compared rates of failure
and dropping out of school of 47 children of incarcerated mothers and
41 of these children’s best friends. Academic failure was measured by
receiving a failing grade on a school report card in the previous year.
Academic failure and dropping out of school were measured using
caregivers’ reports. Children of prisoners were significantly more likely
(45 percent) than controls (20 percent) to have failed academically
(OR p 3.3; CI p 1.3–8.7). Prisoners’ children were also significantly
more likely (36 percent) than controls (7 percent) to have dropped out
of school (OR p 7.2; CI p 1.9–26.8).
2. Study of Children at a Clinic. Phillips and her colleagues (2002,
reviewed above) compared rates of alcohol and drug abuse dependency
of children of prisoners and controls receiving mental health services.
Substance abuse was measured using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (Shaffer et al. 2000). At the time of intake into mental
health services, 16 percent of prisoners’ children abused or were dependent on alcohol, compared to 12 percent of controls (OR p 1.3;
CI p 0.6–2.7). Of prisoners’ children, 20 percent abused or were dependent on marijuana, compared with 13 percent of controls (OR p
1.6; CI p 0.8–3.3). Of prisoners’ children, 1 percent abused or were
dependent on other substances, compared to 6 percent of controls (OR
p 0.2; CI p 0.0–1.3).
Previous Studies of Parental Imprisonment and Child Alcohol, Drugs, and Education
Stanton (1980), California, United
Trice and Brewster
(2004), Virginia,
United States
Matched control: Mothers (in
county jails)
Matched control: Mothers (in
state prisons)
Phillips et al. (2002), Matched control: Mothers and
fathers (ever
Arkansas and Texas, retrospective
in any
United States
(Age at Outcome)
Effect Size: OR
(95% CI)
E p 23
C p 18
(aged 4–18)
E p 47
C p 41
(aged 13–20)
Maternal criminality (probation)
Poor academic performance (academic records)
(2.5, 52.5)a
Controls were best Failing classes (guardian
friends of prisonreport)
ers’ children
Dropped out of school
(guardian report)
Alcohol problem (clinical
Both groups atdiagnosis)
tended mental
health clinics
(1.3, 8.7)b
E p 103
C p 148
(aged 11–18)
E p 102
C p 147
(aged 11–18)
E p 100
C p 148
(aged 11–18)
(1.9, 26.8)b
(.6, 2.7)b
Marijuana problem (clinical diagnosis)
(.8, 3.3)b
Other substance problem
(clinical diagnosis)
(.0, 1.3)b
NOTE.—E p children of prisoners; C p controls; OR p odds ratios; 95 percent CI p 95 percent confidence interval around odds ratios.
Our calculation of odds ratios from contingency tables.
Our calculations of numbers in E and C groups and odds ratios.
* p ! .05.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
B. New Results from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development
For this essay, we analyzed the relationships between parental imprisonment and 12 drinking, drug, education, and employment outcomes, and two summary measures of “poor life success” in the Cambridge Study. Average odds ratios were not calculated because of the
heterogeneity of the outcomes. However, poor life success referred
to a combined score for poor accommodation history, poor cohabitation history, poor employment history, alcohol use, drug use, anxiety-depression, and offending behavior. (For details of these measures, see the appendix.) We compared 23 boys who were separated
because of parental imprisonment (between birth and age 10) and four
control groups on each outcome (table 6). We summarize here the
comparison of boys separated because of parental imprisonment and
boys with no history of parental imprisonment or separation.
Parental imprisonment during childhood significantly predicted
poor life success in adulthood. For example, of boys separated because
of parental imprisonment, 35 percent were rated as having poor life
success at age 48, compared to 9 percent of boys with no history of
parental imprisonment or separation (OR p 5.1; CI p 1.9–13.6). With
respect to individual outcome measures, parental imprisonment strongly
predicted poor educational outcomes at ages 14 (OR p 8.1 and 10.3)
and 18 (OR p 3.9) and unemployment at ages 18 (OR p 13.0) and 32
(OR p 3.1). There was also a strong relationship between parental imprisonment and drug use at ages 32 (OR p 3.7) and 48 (OR p 3.6).
However, parental imprisonment did not significantly predict drinking
problems at any age.
C. Conclusions
Few studies have investigated the relationship between parental imprisonment and child drinking, drug, education, and employment outcomes. Previous studies are based on unrepresentative samples, and
results should be treated with caution. Nevertheless, in previous studies
and in the Cambridge Study, parental imprisonment strongly predicted
school failure. Results from the Cambridge Study also suggested that
parental imprisonment was a risk factor for drug abuse and unemployment. However, parental imprisonment was not consistently associated
with drinking problems.
Cambridge Study Results on Parental Imprisonment and Child Alcohol, Drugs, Education, and Employment
History of Parental Imprisonment
Sons’ Outcomes
Binge drinking (18)
Drinking problem (32)
Drinking problem (48)
Drug use (18)
Drug use (32)
Drug use (48)
School failure (14)
Truant (14)
No exams (18)
Unemployed (18)
Unemployed (32)
Unemployed (48)
Poor life success (32)
Poor life success (48)
Odds Ratios Comparing Prison (E) and:
No Prison (A): No Prison (B): No Prison (C): Prison (D): Prison (E):
No Prison No Prison No Prison No Prison
No Separation
(n p 77)
(n p 61)
(n p 17)
(n p 23)
(n p 227)
Parent-son separation within first 10 years of son’s life because of death or hospitalization.
Parent-son separation within first 10 years of son’s life for reasons other than death, hospitalization, or imprisonment.
For prison pre-birth, the zero was replaced by one to calculate the odds ratio.
* p ! .05.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
V. Does Parental Imprisonment Have a Causal Effect?
Parental imprisonment is a strong predictor of adverse outcomes for
children throughout their lives. However, that does not imply that parental imprisonment has a causal effect on children. Instead of being
a cause, parental imprisonment might predict adverse child outcomes
because it is associated with preexisting disadvantages that themselves
cause adverse child outcomes. As one female prisoner in the study by
Healey, Foley, and Walsh (2000, p. 23) stated, “the damage was done
before I came to prison.” This idea corresponds to the “selection perspective” that Hagan and Dinovitzer (1999) theorized might explain
adverse outcomes among children of prisoners. In particular, parental
criminality, parental mental illness, and other environmental risks before parental imprisonment might cause child behavior problems,
rather than parental imprisonment itself. We discuss how these preexisting disadvantages might explain the link between parental imprisonment and adverse child outcomes. We then review the available evidence on whether parental imprisonment causes adverse outcomes for
A. Does the Relationship Reflect the Intergenerational Transmission of
Prisoners tend to be highly criminal, and parental criminality might
explain the link between parental imprisonment and adverse child outcomes. Parental criminal convictions, regardless of the sentences that
follow them, are a strong predictor of children’s own criminal behavior,
as has been shown in a number of classic studies in criminology
(Glueck and Glueck 1950; McCord, McCord, and Zola 1959; Robins,
West, and Herjanic 1975; Smith 1991; Farrington, Barnes, and Lambert 1996; Fergusson, Horwood, and Nagin 2000; Farrington et al.
2001). In their meta-analysis, Lipsey and Derzon (1998) concluded
that, on average, having antisocial parents predicted serious and violent
offending with an odds ratio of 5.0. Therefore, the association between
parental imprisonment and child antisocial behavior might merely reflect the effects of parental criminality and parental antisocial behavior
on children.
Farrington and his colleagues (2001) suggested six explanations for
the intergenerational transmission of criminality: intergenerational exposure to risk (e.g., parents and children might be trapped in a cycle
of poverty); assortative mating—children with two antisocial parents
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
are even more likely to be antisocial than those with only one; imitation
and teaching of crime; criminal parents tend to live in bad neighborhoods and use poor child-rearing methods; official (police and court)
bias; and genetic mechanisms.
Crowe (1974) investigated the genetic risk associated with maternal
imprisonment by comparing adopted children according to whether or
not their biological mothers were imprisoned. Of 37 adopted children
of prisoners, 19 percent were convicted as adults, compared with 3 percent of 37 controls (OR p 8.4; CI p 1.0–72.2). Of 46 adopted children
of prisoners, 13 percent had an antisocial personality disorder in adulthood compared with 2 percent of 46 controls (who had a “probable
antisocial personality disorder”; OR p 6.8 ; CI p 0.8–58.5). These findings suggest that children of prisoners may be at risk for antisocial outcomes partly because of genetic mechanisms.
In summary, antisocial outcomes for children of prisoners might be a
consequence of the effects of parental criminality and antisocial tendencies on children. Antisocial tendencies might be transmitted to children
of prisoners via mechanisms of poor parenting, imitation of behavior,
social labeling, residing in bad neighborhoods, or through genes.
B. Does the Relationship Reflect the Intergenerational Transmission of
Mental Health Problems?
Prisoners are also much more likely to have mental health problems
than the general population. Therefore, the association between parental imprisonment and child mental health problems might merely
reflect the effects of parental mental illness on children. In a national
study of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners in England and Wales,
Singleton and her colleagues (1998) found rates of depression of 33
percent and 51 percent among male and female prisoners, respectively,
compared with 8 percent and 11 percent in the general population (see
also Butler et al. [2006] for data from Australia; James and Glaze [2006]
for data from the United States).
More than 20 studies report an association between parental mental
illness and childhood anxiety (see the review by Klein and Pine [2002,
pp. 497–99]), and children of depressed parents have about three times
the risk of developing major depression themselves compared to children of nondepressed parents (Weissman et al. 1997; Weissman et al.
2006). Intergenerational continuities in mental illness might partly be
explained by genetic effects and partly by environmental adversities
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
associated with parental mental illness, such as maladaptive parenting,
marital dysfunction, and stress (Garber 2000; Zahn-Waxler et al. 2000).
In Crowe’s (1974) adoption study, of 46 children of imprisoned
mothers, 9 percent had a history of depression, compared with 7 percent of 46 controls (OR p 1.4; CI p 0.3–6.5). This result suggests that
maternal imprisonment might not be associated with genetic risk for
depression. However, the confidence interval was wide, and the results
did not disprove the genetic hypothesis. In summary, children of prisoners may be at increased risk for mental health problems because parental mental illness has an environmental or genetic risk for children.
C. Does the Relationship Reflect Other Adversities Correlated with
Parental Imprisonment?
Parental imprisonment is associated with many other social adversities that might put children at risk (Travis and Waul 2003a). Reviewing research from England and Wales, the Social Exclusion Unit (2002)
reported that 27 percent of prisoners were taken into care in childhood,
compared to 2 percent of the general population; 81 percent of prisoners were unmarried prior to imprisonment, compared to 39 percent
of the general population; 52 percent of male prisoners and 71 percent
of female prisoners had no educational qualifications, compared to 15
percent of the general population; 67 percent of prisoners were unemployed prior to imprisonment, compared to 5 percent of the general
population; and 72 percent of prisoners were on benefits prior to imprisonment, compared to 14 percent of working-age people in the general population (see Dodd and Hunter [1992] for most of the original
data; for relevant statistics from the United States, see Harlow [2003];
Mumola and Karberg [2006]).9
Three general population studies also show that children of prisoners are exposed to more social and economic disadvantage than their
peers. Murray and Farrington (2005) calculated the number of childhood risk factors for antisocial-delinquent behavior among boys in the
Cambridge Study. The risk factors examined were high daring, low
IQ, and low junior school attainment of the boy, poor parental supervision, poor parenting attitudes of mothers and fathers, poor parental
The general population referred to by the Social Exclusion Unit is not always matched
on age with the comparatively young prison population. Therefore, the differences between prisoners and the general population may be overestimated, e.g., for rates of
unemployment or marriage.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
relations, neuroticism of mothers and fathers, low family income, low
family social class, and large family size. Boys who had been separated
from a parent because of parental imprisonment had, on average, significantly more (5.4) risk factors at age 10 than boys who had no history
of parental imprisonment or separation (2.3).
Using data from the Great Smoky Mountains Study, which is a prospective longitudinal survey of over 1,400 children in North Carolina,
Phillips and her colleagues (2006) found that parental imprisonment
was associated with economic strain and instability in children’s care
and living arrangements. Huebner and Gustafson (2007) concluded
that maternal imprisonment was associated with poor parental supervision in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, although it was
not significantly associated with poor home environment (indexed by
child responsibilities at home, child discipline, and time spent together
by family members). However, none of these studies demonstrated the
time-ordering of childhood disadvantage and parental imprisonment.
Hence, parental imprisonment might have caused an increase in these
childhood risk factors.
Children of prisoners might experience high levels of social and economic disadvantage even before their parents are imprisoned. For example, in a cross-sectional study of 56 family members visiting prisons,
Arditti, Lambert-Shute, and Joest (2003) found that, before the imprisonment, 39 percent of families had been living on incomes under
$15,000 per year. The poverty level in the United States for a family
of four at that time was $18,100. In summary, parental imprisonment
might be associated with negative child outcomes because children of
prisoners are disproportionately exposed to preexisting social disadvantage, not because parental imprisonment has a causal effect.
D. Conclusions from Empirical Studies
In this section, we review studies that have tried to disentangle the
causal impact of parental imprisonment on children from the effects
of preexisting disadvantage. The best way to test whether something
has a causal effect is to conduct an experiment. For example, an experiment in Switzerland randomly assigned offenders who were sentenced to short prison terms and who volunteered for the study either
to serve their sentence in prison (as usual) or to perform a community
service (Killias, Aebi, and Ribeaud 2000a, 2000b). To date, no similar
experiment has included child outcomes and tested whether parental
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
imprisonment causes problems for children. We review quasi-experimental studies that used statistical controls or matched control groups
to estimate the causal effects of parental imprisonment on children.
However, these methods are weaker for drawing causal inferences than
randomized experiments (Shadish, Cook, and Campbell 2002). Therefore, causal conclusions must be very tentative. Ideally, quasi-experimental studies should control for child adjustment prior to parental
imprisonment, but no study has done this to date.
1. General Population Studies. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Huebner and Gustafson (2007) compared
the adult criminal outcomes of 30 children whose mothers were imprisoned and 1,666 controls, statistically controlling for child characteristics and background risks. The factors that were controlled for were
child demographics, child delinquency in adolescence, maternal demographics, maternal smoking during pregnancy, maternal delinquency,
maternal absence for reasons other than imprisonment, parental supervision, home environment, and peer pressure. After controlling for these
background factors, maternal imprisonment still significantly predicted
adult convictions, with an adjusted odds ratio of 3.0. Maternal imprisonment also independently predicted whether the child spent time on
probation as an adult, with an adjusted odds ratio of 4.0. These results
are consistent with the idea that parental imprisonment has a causal
effect on children. It is possible that the effects of maternal imprisonment on adult criminal behavior were underestimated in this study,
because adolescent delinquency was controlled for and adolescent delinquency might be an intervening link between maternal imprisonment and adult criminal behavior.
In the Cambridge Study, we investigated whether separation because
of parental imprisonment predicted adverse child outcomes after controlling for background risks (Murray and Farrington 2005, 2008). First,
we compared boys separated because of parental imprisonment (from
birth to age 10) and boys whose parents were imprisoned only before
the boy’s birth. The logic of this comparison is that boys whose parents
were imprisoned only before the boy’s birth were not directly exposed
to parental imprisonment, but they should have similar levels of background risk as boys separated because of parental imprisonment. In
this comparison, separation because of parental imprisonment predicted
higher rates of antisocial behavior, mental health problems, and other
adverse outcomes than parental imprisonment before the boy’s birth (see
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
comparison E/D in tables 2, 4, and 6). Comparing the two groups on
11 antisocial-delinquent outcomes, the average odds ratio was large (3.1)
and significant (CI p 1.7–5.4). Comparing the two groups on four mental health outcomes, the average odds ratio was quite large (1.8) and
nearly significant (CI p 0.9–3.6). Comparing the two groups on poor
life success at ages 32 and 48, odds ratios were large (3.0 and 6.9, respectively) but not significant (CI p 0.7–12.6 and 0.8–63.0, respectively). These results are consistent with the idea that exposure to parental imprisonment has a causal effect on children.
Second, in the Cambridge Study we investigated whether parental
imprisonment predicted boys’ antisocial and mental health outcomes
after statistically controlling for other childhood risk factors, such as
low IQ, parental criminality, family poverty, and poor parenting. Although the effects of parental imprisonment were reduced after controlling for other childhood risks, parental imprisonment still significantly predicted antisocial and mental health problems through the life
course (Murray and Farrington 2005, 2008). Third, we combined both
approaches (using boys whose parents were imprisoned only before the
boy’s birth as the control group and statistically controlling for background risks). In these analyses, we still found that separation because
of parental imprisonment predicted antisocial and mental health problems through the life course (Murray and Farrington 2005, 2008).
Using data from Project Metropolitan, we used the same methods
as in the Cambridge Study to investigate the independent effects of
parental imprisonment on children (Murray, Janson, and Farrington
2007). In Project Metropolitan, parental imprisonment after the child’s
birth (up to age 19) did not predict significantly higher rates of criminal
behavior than parental imprisonment occurring before the child’s
birth. Also, parental imprisonment in childhood did not predict children’s criminal behavior after statistically controlling for levels of parental criminality. These findings suggested that parental imprisonment did not cause children’s offending in Project Metropolitan;
rather, parental criminality explained the association between the two.
Using data from the Mater University Study of Pregnancy, Bor and
his colleagues (2004) tested whether parental imprisonment predicted
adolescent antisocial behavior, statistically controlling for a range of
other maternal and family characteristics. The other maternal and family factors controlled were teenage mother, single parent at birth, family income, changes in marital status, marital conflict, and parental ar-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
rest. After controlling for these factors, parental imprisonment did not
significantly predict adolescent antisocial behavior (effect sizes were not
2. Study with a Matched-Control Group. In Stanton’s study (1980),
a case-control design (Schlesselman 1982) was used to try to disentangle the effects of parental imprisonment from background risks. The
children of 54 jailed mothers were compared with the children of 21
mothers on probation. The logic of this comparison was that children of
jail and probation mothers should have similar levels of background adversity, and so differences in child outcomes might be attributed to the
differences in criminal justice sanctioning of their mothers. As we described earlier, compared to mothers on probation, there were large effects
of maternal imprisonment on teachers’ ratings of child problem behavior
(OR p 3.5; CI p 0.9–14.1), child poor self-concept (OR p 4.6; CI p
1.1–18.2), and child academic performance (OR p 11.4; CI p 2.5–52.5).
These results are consistent with a causal effect of parental imprisonment
on children.
However, the jailed mothers differed from probation mothers in
their previous criminal convictions and employment and education histories, which might have acted as confounding factors. Significantly
more jailed mothers in the study had prior adult arrests than probation
mothers (59 percent vs. 29 percent). Therefore, the association between maternal imprisonment and adverse child outcomes might be
explained by differences in mothers’ criminal and social histories,
rather than maternal imprisonment itself. Another limitation of this
study was that some of the mothers in the probation group had previously been to jail, confounding the comparison between their children and the children of jailed mothers.
3. Studies of Children at Courts and Clinics. Two court and clinic
studies also investigated whether parental imprisonment predicted
child delinquency independent of background risks (Bryant and Rivard
1995; Dannerbeck 2005). However, given the unrepresentativeness of
these samples, we only briefly report the findings here. Bryant and
Rivard (1995) found that parental imprisonment significantly predicted
minor offending (OR p 5.2; CI p 1.9–13.7), even after controlling for
other risk factors (including single mother, parental substance abuse,
marital disharmony, sibling imprisonment, and several measures of the
youth’s problem behaviors). However, parental imprisonment did not
predict major offending after controlling for these background risks
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
(OR p 1.2; CI p 0.5–3.0). Dannerbeck (2005) also did not find a significant association between parental imprisonment and youths’ prior
court referrals, after controlling for background factors of parental
mental illness and substance abuse, inadequate parenting, child abuse,
out of home placement, and age of the youth at the first referral to
court. However, both studies used measures of antisocial behavior as
control variables (alcohol and substance abuse in Bryant and Rivard’s
study and age of first court referral in Dannerbeck’s study). As these
behaviors may overlap with the delinquent outcomes (Farrington
1991), controlling for them might have underestimated the effects of
parental imprisonment on child delinquency.
In summary, there is no experimental evidence on which to draw
firm conclusions about the causal effects of parental imprisonment on
children. Five quasi-experimental studies used reasonably representative samples of prisoners’ children and controls to estimate the effects
of parental imprisonment on children, independent of background
risks. Three found an independent effect of parental imprisonment on
child antisocial behavior (Stanton 1980; Murray and Farrington 2005;
Huebner and Gustafson 2007), while two did not find an independent
effect (Bor, McGee, and Fagan 2004; Murray, Janson, and Farrington
2007). Only two studies examined the effects of parental imprisonment
on child mental health, drug use, school failure or unemployment, using suitable controls (Stanton 1980; Murray and Farrington 2008; tables 4 and 6). Both studies suggested some independent effect of parental imprisonment on these outcomes. In conclusion, parental
imprisonment might cause child antisocial behavior, mental health
problems, drug use, school failure, and unemployment, but more rigorous tests of this hypothesis are required.
VI. Mediating Factors and Theories
In this section, we review theories about why parental imprisonment
might cause adverse outcomes for children. Mediators refer to the
mechanisms through which parental imprisonment might harm children (Baron and Kenny 1986; Murray 2005), which are reviewed in
this section. Different criminological theories suggest different mediating mechanisms. It is critical to test for mediating mechanisms in
carefully designed empirical studies (Rutter 2003). Mediators should
be investigated by testing whether, when the postulated mediator is
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
FIG. 1.—Parental imprisonment and child outcomes (conceptual model). Source:
adapted from Murray (2005).
controlled for, the association between parental imprisonment and the
child outcome is reduced (Baron and Kenny 1986; see also Kraemer,
Lowe, and Kupfer 2005).
Figure 1 shows possible mediators, pre-existing risks, and moderators
of the relationship between parental imprisonment and child outcomes.
Preexisting risks refer to the disadvantages that exist before parental
imprisonment and might account for child outcomes after parental imprisonment, as reviewed in Section V. Moderators refer to factors that
alter how parental imprisonment affects children (Baron and Kenny
1986; Murray 2005), which are reviewed in Section VII.
The studies we review in this section and in Section VII have
different methodological qualities. Some studies are small scale and
cross-sectional. Other studies are large scale and longitudinal. We
give greater weight to findings derived from large-scale longitudinal
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
A. Trauma Theories
Parental imprisonment might cause adverse outcomes for children
because of the trauma of parent-child separation. The idea that parentchild separation is harmful for children is suggested by attachment
theory (Bowlby 1969, 1973, 1980) and social bonding theory (Hirschi
1969), which we refer to as trauma theories. Consistent with trauma
theories, small-scale studies often report that children show sadness
and miss their imprisoned parent (Sack, Seidler, and Thomas 1976;
Sack 1977; Fritsch and Burkhead 1981; Skinner and Swartz 1989;
Kampfner 1995; Boswell and Wedge 2002; Poehlmann 2005). In a recent cross-sectional study of 54 children with imprisoned mothers,
Poehlmann (2005) found that most (63 percent) children had insecure
attachment feelings toward their imprisoned mothers. Recent legislation in the United States (the Adoption and Safe Families Act) makes
it more difficult for prisoners to reunite with their children after release, which may exacerbate problems caused by separation during parental imprisonment (Petersilia 2003, pp. 126–27; Bernstein 2005, pp.
One prediction that can be derived from trauma theories is that the
longer the time that parents are imprisoned and the more often that
parents are imprisoned, the more likely it is that children have adverse
outcomes. Consistent with this hypothesis, in the Cambridge Study,
boys were significantly more likely to be chronic offenders in adulthood if their parents were imprisoned for longer than 2 months than
if their parents were imprisoned for less than 2 months (35 percent vs.
7 percent; Murray, Janson, and Farrington 2007). In Project Metropolitan, there was also a dose-response relationship between the number
of times parents were imprisoned and the number of times children
offended as adults (Murray, Janson, and Farrington 2007). However,
these differences may reflect the fact that longer-sentence prisoners and
parents who were imprisoned more frequently were more antisocial than
other prisoners.
Separation because of parental imprisonment might be a particularly
harmful form of separation for children because it is often unexpected,
sometimes violent at the time of arrest, and often unexplained, and
because children are severely restricted in their contact with imprisoned parents (Shaw 1987; Bernstein 2005; Poehlmann 2005). If separation because of parental imprisonment is particularly harmful for
children, children of prisoners should have worse outcomes than chil-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
dren separated from parents for other reasons. Consistent with this, in
the Cambridge Study, boys separated because of parental imprisonment had higher rates of antisocial behavior, mental health problems,
and poor life success than boys separated from parents for other reasons, even after other risk factors were controlled for (see tables 2, 4,
and 6 and Murray and Farrington [2005, 2008]). Moerk (1973) did not
find such differences in his small-scale retrospective study. However,
in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the effects of maternal
imprisonment on adult criminal outcomes were also larger than the
effects of maternal absence for other reasons (Huebner and Gustafson
In summary, the evidence to date is generally consistent with the idea
that traumatic separation because of parental imprisonment is harmful for
children. However, it is difficult to isolate the effects of separation from
the effects of other adversities that often follow parental imprisonment
(e.g., loss of family income and stigma). These effects have not been successfully disentangled to date. Therefore, it is not possible to state conclusively that traumatic separation is an important cause of adverse child
outcomes following parental imprisonment.
B. Modeling and Social Learning Theories
According to social learning theories (e.g., Matsueda 1988), parental
imprisonment might cause child antisocial behavior because children
become more likely to imitate their parent’s antisocial behavior following parental imprisonment. This may be because children are made
more aware of their parent’s criminality when their parent is imprisoned. For example, Sack (1977) reported that, in his small-scale clinical
study, some of the boys with fathers in prison imitated their father’s
crime. However, there have been no rigorous tests of whether parental
imprisonment makes children more aware of their parent’s criminality
and whether this awareness mediates the relationship between parental
imprisonment and child antisocial behavior.
C. Strain Theories
Hagan and Dinovitzer (1999) hypothesized that the loss of economic
and social capital following parental imprisonment might cause adverse
outcomes for children and labeled this idea “the strain perspective.” We
review evidence on whether economic strain and strained childcare
might cause adverse outcomes for children after parental imprisonment.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
1. Economic Strain. Parental imprisonment might cause adverse
outcomes for children because it causes economic strain (lowered family income), which is consistently associated with child antisocial behavior. In the meta-analysis by Lipsey and Derzon (1998), low family
social class was one of the two strongest family predictors of serious
and violent delinquency in young adulthood. In the Cambridge Study,
family poverty measured at age 10 was one of the six most important
independent predictors of later offending (Farrington 2003a). Both in
the Cambridge Study (Murray and Farrington 2005) and in the Great
Smoky Mountains Study (Phillips et al. 2006), children of prisoners
experienced higher rates of economic strain than other children. However, neither study established if economic strain increased from before
to after parental imprisonment.
Parental imprisonment might cause an increase in economic strain
in the short term because imprisoned parents cannot contribute to
family income (Travis and Waul 2003a) and because families often have
to pay for prison visits, letters, telephone calls (especially if prisoners
call collect, as in the United States), and sending money to imprisoned
relatives. In a cross-sectional study of 56 families of prisoners, Arditti
and her colleagues (2003) found that family poverty significantly increased after the imprisonment of a family member, according to retrospective reports. Other small-scale studies also report that families
experience economic difficulties following the imprisonment of a relative (Morris 1965; Ferraro et al. 1983; Richards et al. 1994; McEvoy
et al. 1999). In the long term, imprisonment may also cause unemployment and fewer educational opportunities among exprisoners,
which may expose children to further economic strain. In summary,
although several studies report that economic strain is common among
families of prisoners, they have not demonstrated that this mediates
the effects of parental imprisonment on children.
2. Strained Child Care. Children’s caregivers often experience considerable distress during parental imprisonment (see Murray [2005] for
a review), and children often have unstable care arrangements after
parental imprisonment (Phillips et al. 2006). Therefore, parental imprisonment might decrease the quality of parental care and supervision
that children receive, and this might cause their behavior problems
(Eddy and Reid 2003).
In the Cambridge Study, boys separated because of parental imprisonment were more likely than those without imprisoned parents to be
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
poorly supervised and to have fathers with cruel, passive, or neglecting
attitudes, or who used harsh or erratic discipline, when boys were age
10 (Murray and Farrington 2005). These parenting variables were also
independent predictors of boys’ delinquent development in the Cambridge Study (Farrington 2003a). In the Great Smoky Mountains
Study, parental arrest or imprisonment was associated with the use of
harsh discipline by parents, overprotective or intrusive parenting, and
child abuse (sexual and physical; Phillips et al. 2006). In the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth, maternal imprisonment was associated
with poor parental supervision (Huebner and Gustafson 2007). Thus,
three large-scale longitudinal studies show that children of prisoners are
exposed to higher than average levels of potentially harmful parenting
practices. However, none of the projects tested whether parental imprisonment caused an increase in those parenting risks over preexisting
Based on a cross-sectional study of 118 Israeli inmates and their wives,
Lowenstein (1986) suggested that children were more affected by strained
caregiving during paternal imprisonment than by separation from their
fathers (see also Mackintosh, Myers, and Kennon 2006). However, this
hypothesis was not adequately tested in Lowenstein’s study, which did not
include a control group or any formal test of mediation. In summary, it is
plausible that parental imprisonment causes strained parenting and that
this in turn causes adverse outcomes for children. However, this mediation
model has not been tested effectively thus far.
D. Stigma and Labeling Theories
Parental imprisonment might cause children to experience stigma,
bullying, and teasing, which might increase their antisocial behavior
and mental health problems (Zalba 1964; Sack, Seidler, and Thomas
1976; Sack 1977; Boswell and Wedge 2002; Braman and Wood 2003).
In interviews with 127 caregivers of children with imprisoned fathers,
Boswell and Wedge found that some children “got verbal abuse from
other children. . . . The pressure was so great that the children didn’t
want to go to school” (child’s caregiver, quoted in Boswell and Wedge
[2002, p. 67]). The problem may be exacerbated in the United States,
where criminal records are publicly available and widely accessed (Petersilia 2003, pp. 107–12). As Myers and her colleagues (1999, p. 20)
argue, stigma “may be fueled by the politics of [being] ‘tough on
crime.’” It is also possible that there is official bias against children of
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
prisoners, making them more likely than other children to be prosecuted or convicted for their crimes. These stigma and labeling theories
correspond to what Hagan and Dinovitzer (1999) called the “stigmatization perspective.”
There have been no systematic studies of whether social stigma mediates the relationship between parental imprisonment and adverse
outcomes for children. However, some evidence regarding official bias
comes from the Cambridge Study. If children of prisoners are more
likely to be prosecuted or convicted than their peers because of official
bias, there should be stronger effects of parental imprisonment on official measures of offending (convictions) than on self-report measures
of offending (which are not influenced by police or court bias). However, parental imprisonment had similar effects on convictions and selfreported offending behavior in the Cambridge Study (see table 2), suggesting that official bias did not account for the high rate of offending
among children of prisoners.
E. Other Mediating Factors
Parental imprisonment might affect children in more subtle ways
than are suggested by the traditional criminological theories reviewed
above. Although the empirical evidence is sparse, we consider three
other mediating factors here that might link parental imprisonment
and child outcomes.
1. Perceptions of Punishment. Parental imprisonment might change
children’s perceptions of punishment and the consequences of wrongdoing, which might in turn influence their behavior. Two opposite predictions might be made about this. According to social learning theories, behavior can be influenced by observing what happens to other
people, as well as by actual experiences of rewards and punishments
(Bandura 1969). Following this line of thought, experiencing parental
imprisonment might make children estimate a higher probability of
punishment following rule breaking and therefore make them less
likely to offend. Rational choice theories of offending would also predict this, because parental imprisonment would increase the perceived
costs of offending. However, if children believe that their parent’s punishment is unfair (see, e.g., Brown et al. 2002), they may develop a
hostile attitude toward authority figures and be more likely to offend
themselves (on which see Sherman’s defiance theory [1993]). At pres-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
ent, there is no empirical evidence that makes it possible to assess these
competing predictions.
2. Inadequate Explanations. What children are told about their parent’s absence might also mediate the effects of parental imprisonment
on children. Several studies show that children are often told lies or
nothing at all about their father’s imprisonment, although children may
be more likely to be told the truth about their mother’s imprisonment
(Caddle and Crisp 1997). In Sack and Seidler’s (1978) study in the
United States, and in Shaw’s (1987, 1992a) study in England, approximately one-third of children were lied to about the whereabouts of their
imprisoned father, one-third were told a fudged truth, and one-third
were told the whole truth.10 When no information is available to children
about parental absence, children tend to blame themselves, possibly increasing the risk of adverse reactions (Hinshaw 2005; see also Boss 2007).
Researchers and support groups for prisoners’ families commonly
argue that children are better off knowing the truth about their parent’s
imprisonment, rather than experiencing confusion and deceit, and
some children themselves have stated this preference (Boswell and
Wedge 2002). However, we are aware of only one cross-sectional study
that compared child outcomes according to what they were told about
their parent’s imprisonment. Poehlmann found that children who were
given “emotionally open and developmentally appropriate” (Poehlmann 2005, p. 685) information were more likely to have secure attachment feelings toward their caregivers than children who were given
less appropriate or no information. However, there was no association
between being given open and appropriate explanations and children’s
attachment feelings for their mothers, and other child outcomes were
not investigated. The effects of what children are told about their parent’s imprisonment should be investigated in longitudinal studies.
3. Prison Visits. In the context of parent-child separation caused by
divorce, good quality parent-child contact can help reduce child distress following separation (Amato and Gilbreth 1999; Dunn 2004).
However, active parenting is extremely difficult to achieve in the prison
context. Moreover, prison visits can involve the strains of long distance
travel, stressful prison search procedures, a lack of physical contact
during visits, and the difficulty of leaving parents at the end of a visit
(McDermott and King 1992; Peart and Asquith 1992; Boswell and
See McEvoy et al. (1999) for different estimates among families of politically motivated prisoners in Northern Ireland.
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
Wedge 2002; Brown et al. 2002). There might also be adverse “contagion effects” on children as a result of visiting prisons. For example,
participating in “Scared Straight” prison visiting programs appears to
cause an increase in delinquency for at-risk children (Petrosino, Turpin-Petrosino, and Buehler 2003). Accordingly, prison visits might either relieve strain for children or cause them more difficulties.
Some small-scale studies report that prison visits can be confusing
and upsetting for children and that visiting imprisoned parents is associated with worse outcomes for children (Fritsch and Burkhead 1981;
Richards et al. 1994; Poehlmann 2005). However, other small-scale
studies suggest that children prefer to maintain contact with their imprisoned parent (Sack and Seidler 1978; Boswell and Wedge 2002;
Brown et al. 2002) and that visiting imprisoned parents might reduce
child disruptive and anxious behaviors and encourage better parent-child
relations (Sack and Seidler 1978; Stanton 1980). In a study of 47 children
of imprisoned mothers, Trice and Brewster (2004) reported that children
were significantly less likely to be out of school and suspended if they
had more frequent contact with their imprisoned mothers, by letter,
phone, or visits. To date, no large-scale study has tested the effects of
parent-child contact on children during parental imprisonment.
Future research should investigate the effects of different types of
parent-child contact during parental imprisonment, using longitudinal
designs, and controlling for background factors such as the quality of
the parent-child relationship before the imprisonment.
F. Conclusions
There is little high-quality evidence on why parental imprisonment
might cause adverse outcomes for children. Future studies should investigate whether mechanisms that are theoretically plausible, such as
traumatic separation, economic strain, social stigma, and strained parenting, mediate the effects of parental imprisonment on children.
Quasi-experimental analyses in longitudinal surveys are needed, following children before, during, and after parental imprisonment.
VII. Moderating Factors
Children might react to parental imprisonment in different ways, depending on their individual characteristics, family environments, and
wider social factors. Factors that influence how children react to pa-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
rental imprisonment are called moderators (Baron and Kenny 1986;
Murray 2005). Identifying moderators can help explain why some children have adverse outcomes after parental imprisonment while others
lead normal lives. Moderators should be identified by testing for statistical interactions between parental imprisonment and potential moderators in predicting child outcomes (Baron and Kenny 1986; Kraemer,
Lowe, and Kupfer 2005). Very few studies have tested for statistical
interactions in this way. In this section, we review evidence on possible
moderators of the effects of parental imprisonment on children, giving
greater weight to findings that are based on large-scale studies with
tests of statistical interactions.
A. Maternal versus Paternal Imprisonment
Researchers commonly suggest that imprisonment of a mother is
more damaging for children than imprisonment of a father (Fishman
1983; Koban 1983; Richards et al. 1994; Hagan and Dinovitzer 1999,
p. 143). In relation to other types of parent-child separation, separation
from a mother does seem to be more harmful for children than separation from a father ( Juby and Farrington 2001). Maternal imprisonment might be more harmful than paternal imprisonment for several
reasons. First, children are more likely to live with their mother before
her imprisonment (Koban 1983; Mumola 2000), and, because of prior
care arrangements, children might have stronger attachment relations
with their mother. Second, when mothers are imprisoned, children are
less likely to be placed with their other parent and are more likely to be
placed in foster care (Koban 1983; Mumola 2000). Third, because there
are fewer women’s facilities, it is likely that imprisoned mothers are held
further away from home, making it harder for children to visit (Koban
1983; Hagan and Coleman 2001). However, Mumola (2000) found that
mothers and fathers in state facilities were equally likely to report at least
monthly visits from their children, and imprisoned mothers had more
regular contact with their children by telephone and mail. Also, maternal
imprisonment is usually shorter than paternal imprisonment, which may
help children to cope better with maternal imprisonment.
The hypothesis that maternal imprisonment is more harmful than
paternal imprisonment should be tested by examining whether the association between parental imprisonment and child problem behavior
is significantly stronger when mothers are imprisoned than when fathers are imprisoned. We are not aware of any study that has done
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
this. Small-scale studies report mixed findings on the different effects
of maternal and paternal imprisonment. In a comparison of 65 children
of imprisoned mothers and 59 children of imprisoned fathers, Richards
and his colleagues (1994) found worse effects for children of imprisoned mothers. However, Sack and colleagues (1976) reported more
aggressive problems for children of imprisoned fathers. Fritsch and
Burkhead (1981) concluded that children of imprisoned mothers were
more likely to show withdrawn behavior, while children of imprisoned
fathers were more likely to show discipline problems.
One problem with these studies is that differences in child outcomes
following maternal and paternal imprisonment might be explained by
different levels of other risk factors experienced by children of imprisoned mothers and fathers. For example, Johnson and Waldfogel (2004)
calculated that imprisoned mothers had more risk factors for child behavior problems (3.4) than imprisoned fathers (2.7), using data on 2,047
imprisoned mothers and 6,870 imprisoned fathers in the 1997 Survey of
Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities.11 In summary, although it is plausible that maternal imprisonment is more harmful than
paternal imprisonment for children, conclusive evidence is lacking.
Some infants live with their mothers in prison in mother and baby
units. This may reduce the trauma of separation for children, but it
might also mean living in an environment that is detrimental to child
development ( Jiménez 2002; Eloff and Moen 2003). Catan (1992) compared the development of 74 babies living with their mothers in prison
and 33 controls, who were living outside with relatives or social services.
Babies in prison generally made similar developmental progress (in locomotor, social, linguistic, fine-motor coordination, and cognitive development) to the control group in the study (and also similar to the
general population of contemporary British babies). However, babies
who spent longer than average in prison showed a slight decline in locomotive and cognitive development over a 4-month period. Further
investigation of the effects of mother and baby units is needed.
B. Child Age
Theoretically, children might react to parental imprisonment differently at different developmental stages. Johnston (1995) suggested that
The nine risk factors examined were unmarried, low education, substance abuse,
mental or emotional problems, low socioeconomic status, history of prior imprisonment,
history of physical or sexual abuse experienced by the parent, parent ever lived in foster
care as a child, and parent’s own parent had ever been imprisoned.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
parental crime, arrest, and imprisonment are likely to disrupt children’s
attachment relations in infancy, cause developmental regression and
poor self-concept in early to middle childhood, and cause antisocial
behavior and delinquency during adolescence (see also Myers et al.
1999). Johnston hypothesized that the long-term effects of parental
crime, arrest, and imprisonment may be most harmful for children
between ages 2–6, because they “cannot process or adjust to trauma
without assistance” ( Johnston 1995, p. 74). In research on children’s
reactions to parental divorce, the evidence is inconsistent. According
to the meta-analysis by Wells and Rankin (1991, p. 87) there is no
clear evidence that the effects of broken homes differ according to the
age of children at the time of the separation.
Using data from Project Metropolitan, Murray and colleagues (2007)
compared the effects of parental imprisonment according to the age of
the children at the time of parental imprisonment (birth to age 6 vs.
ages 7–19). The effects of parental imprisonment during both age periods were very similar (odds ratios for child offending in adulthood
were 2.4 for the younger children and 2.6 for the older children, not
significantly different).
In Poehlmann’s (2005) study of children aged 2–7 with imprisoned
mothers, younger children had less secure attachment feelings toward
their imprisoned mothers than older children. Based on clinical observations of children with imprisoned fathers, Sack (1977) suggested that
boys aged 6–12 were the most likely to become aggressive in reaction
to their father’s imprisonment. Neither study included a control group
without imprisoned parents and therefore could not test for statistical
interactions. In summary, although there are theoretical reasons why
children may react differently to parental imprisonment at different developmental stages, there is little evidence relevant to this hypothesis.
C. Child Sex
The fact that antisocial behavior is generally more prevalent among
boys, and anxiety and depression are generally more prevalent among
girls, suggests that males and females might react differently to life
events such as parental imprisonment. Hence, child sex may moderate
the effects of parental imprisonment on children. However, research
on other risk factors suggests that this is unlikely to be the case. In the
most comprehensive investigation of the causes of sex differences in
antisocial behavior to date, Moffitt and her colleagues (2001) found
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
that boys and girls were similarly affected by risk factors such as parental criminality, harsh discipline, and maternal mental illness in the
Dunedin Longitudinal Study, which is a large-scale prospective longitudinal study of 1,037 children in New Zealand.
Comparing the effects of parental imprisonment on 7,277 girls and
7,595 boys in Project Metropolitan, Murray and colleagues (2007)
found that parental imprisonment in childhood was a strong predictor
of adult criminal behavior for both males and females, but the effects
were slightly stronger for females. The odds ratio for female chronic
offending was significantly larger than the odds ratio for male chronic
offending (5.5 vs. 3.0). However, Murray and his colleagues were unable to test why the effects were stronger for girls or to rule out the
hypothesis that this finding was the result of there being fewer female
offenders in the cohort than male offenders (and hence female offenders being more extreme).
Small-scale studies show mixed results on sex differences in children’s reactions to parental imprisonment. Gabel and Shindledecker
(1993) and Sack (1977) both reported that boys had worse antisocial
reactions, but Friedman and Esselstyn (1965) found worse effects for
girls. More large-scale longitudinal studies are needed to test whether
there is an interaction between parental imprisonment and child sex in
predicting child outcomes.
D. Child Social Class
It is unclear how social class might affect the relationship between
parental imprisonment and delinquency. The greater resources of middle- and upper-class families might protect children from some consequences of parental imprisonment, but parental imprisonment might
also carry more social stigma for these families (Lowenstein 1986). In
Project Metropolitan, the effects of parental imprisonment were not
significantly different for working-class children compared with middle- or upper-class children (Murray, Janson, and Farrington 2007).
For example, odds ratios for crime in adulthood were 2.1 for workingclass children and 2.3 for middle- to upper-class children (not significantly different). In a small-scale cross-sectional study, Anderson (1966)
also reported that the families of prisoners experienced similar levels
of “crisis,” regardless of their social class.
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
E. Child Race
Race or ethnicity might moderate the effects of parental imprisonment on children, although there have been no large-scale studies of
this issue. Exploratory studies suggest that black families can experience racism from police and prison staff (Light 1994) and that black
children with imprisoned parents are particularly vulnerable to racism
from peers (Amira 1992). In a cross-sectional survey, Baunach (1985)
conducted a rare comparison of children of imprisoned mothers according to the race of the mothers. She reported that children’s problems (as reported by their mothers) did not differ significantly according to whether their mothers were black or white. In a cross-sectional
study of 93 black prisoners and their wives, Schneller (1976) found
difficulties that were similar to difficulties reported for white families
in other studies (e.g., economic strain, loneliness, depression, and problems of “nerves” or “emotions”).
In the United States, parental imprisonment is more prevalent
among African Americans (49 percent of parents in state prisons and
44 percent of parents in federal prisons were black in 1997; Mumola
2000). It is of high importance to investigate whether parental imprisonment has different effects on children according to their race and
F. Other Possible Moderators
As well as the demographic variables considered above, many other
child, family, and wider social factors might moderate the effects of
parental imprisonment on children. We review some potentially important ones here.
1. Genetics. There might be gene-environment interactions in the
effects of parental imprisonment on children. One example of a geneenvironment interaction in developmental psychopathology concerns the
effects of child abuse on children. In the Dunedin Longitudinal Study,
Caspi and his colleagues (2002) showed that a gene for MAOA (the
neurotransmitter metabolizing enzyme, monoamine oxidase) expression
protected children from antisocial outcomes following abuse, and this
finding has been replicated in several other studies (Kim-Cohen et al.
2006). It is possible that genetic factors also moderate the effects of
parental imprisonment on children, but no study has tested this to date.
2. Individual Resilience Factors. “Resiliency” research suggests that
children can be protected from adversity by having an above-average
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
IQ, an easy temperament, secure parental attachment, and positive peer
relations (Garmezy and Rutter 1983; Rutter 1990; Masten et al. 1999;
Luthar 2003). In their follow-up of Danish men born in the 1930s,
Kandel and her colleagues (1988) compared 50 offspring of imprisoned
fathers and 48 controls on IQ scores and criminal records up to 1972.
They found a significant interaction between paternal imprisonment,
offspring IQ (at the time of follow-up), and offspring criminality.
Among the offspring of imprisoned fathers, higher IQ scores were associated with a lower probability of offending, but this was not the case
among children whose fathers were not imprisoned. This interaction
remained significant after statistically controlling for the number of
years of education and social class of the offspring. This suggested a
buffering effect of high IQ for children of imprisoned fathers.
There are no other studies that have tested interactions between
parental imprisonment and potential resilience factors in predicting
child outcomes. However, three recent studies suggest that child hopefulness and social support is associated with fewer mental health problems for children of prisoners (Hagen, Myers, and Mackintosh 2005)
and that stable and affectionate caregiving is associated with fewer
mental health problems and more secure attachment toward caregivers
(Poehlmann 2005; Mackintosh, Myers, and Kennon 2006). Further research is required to test possible resilience mechanisms for children
of prisoners.
3. Parent-Child Relationships before Imprisonment. Parent-child relationships and parenting practices prior to imprisonment are also likely
to influence how children react to the event. Parental imprisonment is
likely to be more disruptive for children who were more attached and
positively involved with their parent prior to imprisonment (Fritsch
and Burkhead 1981). In some cases, where children have experienced
abusive relationships, children might even benefit from parental imprisonment. A recent large-scale study in England and Wales suggests
that, on average, children who spend more time living with their antisocial fathers have worse conduct problems than children who are
separated from their antisocial fathers ( Jaffee et al. 2003). However,
there are no empirical tests of how parenting characteristics prior to
parental imprisonment influence children’s reactions to the event.
4. Type of Crime. Children’s reactions to parental imprisonment
might also vary according to the type of crime committed by their parent. One would expect that more stigmatized offenses, such as sex of-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
fenses, would exacerbate the effects of parental imprisonment on children (see, e.g., Lowenstein 1986), but this has not been systematically
5. Neighborhood Context. Over 30 years ago, Schwartz and Weintraub (1974) hypothesized that, in neighborhoods with high imprisonment rates, children can be more open about their situation and feel
less social stigma. Possibly, because prison populations have grown so
dramatically in recent decades, and imprisonment is such a common
event in some communities (Clear, Rose, and Ryder 2001; Pettit and
Western 2004), the stigma of imprisonment may have been reduced
(Nagin 1998, p. 22). However, stigma might be especially high in
neighborhoods with high imprisonment rates, because many victims of
crime also live in those neighborhoods (Braman 2004). Clear and colleagues (2001) argue that imprisonment causes stigma for exoffenders,
their families, and communities, even where imprisonment rates are
high, but large-scale studies of this topic are lacking.
6. Cross-National Differences. There might also be cross-national
differences in the effects of parental imprisonment on children. For
example, in the International Self-Reported Delinquency Study ( Junger-Tas, Marshall, and Ribeaud 2003) across 11 European countries,
father absence (for various reasons) was more strongly associated with
serious delinquency for boys in Anglo-Saxon countries than in northwest European countries. Comparing the effects of disrupted families
in England and Switzerland, Haas and her colleagues (2004) found that
separation from a mother in England predicted court convictions more
strongly than it did in Switzerland.
We compared as closely as possible the effects of parental imprisonment on child offending in England (in the Cambridge Study) and
in Sweden (in Project Metropolitan; Murray, Janson, and Farrington
2007). Children were born in the same year in the two studies (1953),
and both cohorts lived in capital cities (London and Stockholm). Additionally, we matched the samples as closely as possible on sex (male),
class (working class), age at the time of parental imprisonment (birth
to 19), and age at the time of the outcome (19–30). The results showed
that parental imprisonment predicted offending behavior in England
independent of parental criminality, but it did not in Sweden. We speculated that, unlike in England, Swedish children may have been protected from adverse effects of parental imprisonment by more familyfriendly prison policies, a welfare-oriented juvenile justice system, an
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
extended social welfare system, a less diverse population, and more
sympathetic public attitudes toward crime and punishment. The results
might also be explained by Swedish prisoners being more similar to
the general population than in England because of the high prevalence
of drunk drivers in Swedish prisons. As Bronfenbrenner (1979, p. 7)
argued, child development may be “enhanced by the adoption of public
policies and practices that create additional settings and societal roles
conducive to family life.” There have been no other cross-national
studies of the effects of parental imprisonment on children, and these
results require replication.
G. Conclusions
There is little convincing evidence on moderators of the effects of
parental imprisonment on children. The limited evidence to date suggests that children may have worse reactions if their mother is imprisoned, if parents are imprisoned for longer periods of time, and if parents are held in more punitive penal contexts. Children might be
protected from harmful effects of parental imprisonment by higher
levels of intelligence, hopefulness, and social support, and by living in
a country with liberal prison policies and strong welfare provision. Future studies need to use appropriate tests of statistical interactions to
investigate these possibilities more rigorously.
VIII. Conclusion
In this section we summarize findings on the effects of parental
imprisonment on children and consider their implications for policy, practice, and future research.
A. What Are the Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children?
Compared with other risk factors in criminology, parental imprisonment has received little research attention. Yet, it certainly is a risk
factor, and its effects appear to be relatively strong, with multiple adverse outcomes. In their meta-analysis of other risk factors, Lipsey and
Derzon (1998) found that odds ratios for serious and violent delinquency
were 2.4 for low child IQ, 5.0 for antisocial parents, 1.7 for abusive
parents, 2.0 for broken homes, 3.0 for poor parent-child relations, and
5.4 for low family socioeconomic status. The present review shows that
parental imprisonment roughly trebles the risk for child antisocial be-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
havior. In the Cambridge Study, parental imprisonment predicted antisocial-delinquent behavior through the life course with an average
odds ratio of 5.7 and predicted violence with an odds ratio of 3.4. Odds
ratios for poor mental health, drug use, school failure, and unemployment were all 2.0 or larger in the Cambridge Study. Thus, parental
imprisonment is a relatively strong predictor of multiple adverse outcomes for children. Parental imprisonment might cause adverse outcomes for children via mechanisms of traumatic separation, economic
and social strain, and stigma, but stronger tests of causation and mediation are required to draw firm conclusions.
It is possible that parental imprisonment is more harmful for children if their mother is imprisoned, if children have little social support,
or if they live in punitive social contexts. Further research is required
on how the effects of parental imprisonment differ according to individual and family attributes and social context. As prison populations
grow and change over time, the effects of parental imprisonment on
children might also change. For example, the rates of imprisonment of
women, ethnic minorities, and drug and violent offenders have been
increasing faster than for other populations in the United States in
recent decades (Blumstein and Beck 1999; Harrison and Beck 2006).
Parental imprisonment differs from many classic risk factors in criminology because it is determined not only by individuals’ behavior but
also, critically, by state actions. It is important to prevent harmful effects of state actions on children. In the following section we offer
policy recommendations to reduce harmful effects of parental imprisonment on children.
B. Implications for Policy and Practice
The main policy issue raised by this review is that imprisoning parents might harm children and contribute to the intergenerational transmission of offending. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
states that children should be protected from any form of discrimination
or punishment based on their parents’ status or activities and that the best
interests of the child should be the primary consideration in actions concerning children by courts of law (Articles 2 and 3, UN General Assembly
An obvious option for preventing harmful effects of parental imprisonment is to imprison fewer parents. This could be achieved by
increasing the use of alternative forms of punishment, such as proba-
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
tion, intensive supervision, house arrest, electronic monitoring, community service, and day fines. Sentencing reforms could be introduced
with a presumption against the use of imprisonment (in favor of intermediate sentences; Tonry 1998), and guidelines could be introduced
to reduce sentence lengths and increase the use of parole and prison
amnesties (Tonry 2003; Scottish Consortium on Crime and Criminal
Justice 2005). Given that women tend to be imprisoned for more minor
offenses than men, and the possibility that maternal imprisonment
might be more harmful for children, these reforms may be particularly
urgent for women. However, the obstacles to such criminal justice reforms are complex (Tonry 1996, chap. 4) and often political (Tonry
2004). While such reforms are being pursued, it is important also to
implement programs that reduce harmful effects of parental imprisonment when it does occur.
Depending on why children of prisoners are at risk, different interventions will be needed to protect them. Programs for children of
prisoners should be developed based on what is known about the causes
of their outcomes. Based on four key theories about why parental imprisonment might cause adverse outcomes for children (reviewed in
Sec. VI), we propose a range of interventions that might prevent harmful effects of parental imprisonment on children (see also Murray and
Farrington 2006).
1. Trauma Theories. Based on trauma theories, the harmful effects
of parental imprisonment on children might be prevented using four
strategies. Children could be provided with stable care arrangements
during parental imprisonment, ideally with families or friends (Trice
and Brewster 2004; Bernstein 2005). Children’s caregivers could be
given professional advice about how to provide honest and clear explanations about parental absence to children (Poehlmann 2005).
Counseling and therapeutic services could be offered to children of
prisoners to help them cope psychologically with the separation (Sack,
Seidler, and Thomas 1976; Hames and Pedreira 2003). Children’s opportunities to maintain good-quality contact with their imprisoned parent could be increased, in particular by providing child-friendly visiting
arrangements in prisons (Council of Europe 1997; Trice and Brewster
2004; Bernstein 2005). However, it is important to investigate under
what conditions children might benefit from contact with their imprisoned parent.
2. Strained Caregiving. Based on theories about strained caregiving,
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
four well-tested parenting programs might be used to prevent adverse
outcomes for children of prisoners (Eddy and Reid 2003). Nurse
home-visiting programs could be used to support mothers in high-risk
circumstances and improve prenatal care and maternal health (Olds et
al. 1998). Parent-management training programs could be used that
enhance parenting skills and parents’ handling of child misbehavior
(Webster-Stratton 1998; Sanders et al. 2000; Scott et al. 2001). Multisystemic therapy could be used to target parent-child interactions as
well as wider social problems of youth (Henggeler et al. 1998). And
multidimensional treatment foster care could be used to provide therapeutic care for youngsters removed from their homes and to encourage reintegration and support of children with their natural family
(Chamberlain and Reid 1998; on parenting programs in prisons, see
Loper and Tuerk [2006]).
3. Economic Strain. Based on theories of economic strain, three
modes of financial support might be provided to families of prisoners
to alleviate children’s difficulties. Emergency funds could be given to
help families of prisoners overcome the immediate financial difficulties
after the imprisonment (Council of Europe 1997). Free transport or
financial assistance to families could be provided for prison visits, and
the costs of telephone calls between prison and home could be reduced
or eliminated (Bernstein 2005). Prisoners could be provided with more
paid jobs while in custody, and work schemes that employ former prisoners could be increased (Council of Europe 1997; Clear, Rose, and
Ryder 2001; Petersilia 2003, pp. 195–98).
4. Stigma. Based on theories of stigma, three policies might be
considered to reduce the stigma experienced by children of prisoners,
as well as by prisoners themselves. The public identification of offenders could be prohibited, not only before conviction but also afterward
(Walker 1980; Petersilia 2003, pp. 215–16). Offenders could be diverted away from courts to restorative justice conferences, which emphasize reconciliation between offenders, victims, family members,
friends, and the community (Braithwaite and Mugford 1994; Braithwaite 1999; Sherman et al. 2005; Sherman and Strang 2007). More
community services could be used that emphasize the positive contributions that exoffenders can make to the community (Clear, Rose, and
Ryder 2001; Maruna and LeBel 2002, p. 167).
The effectiveness of these programs should be carefully evaluated
using systematic reviews and in demonstration projects using random-
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
ized controlled trials. Programs that are found to improve child outcomes following parental imprisonment should be implemented on a
large scale.
C. Research Implications
Hagan and Dinovitzer (1999, p. 152) rightly argued that “the implication of not having better and more systematic research on the
collateral effects of imprisonment is that we are making penal policy
in a less than fully, indeed poorly, informed fashion,” and they laid out
a useful framework for future research. We describe key research needs
on the effects of parental imprisonment on children in this section (see
also Murray 2005; Murray and Farrington 2006; Murray 2007).
First, there is a need for replication studies that test how strongly
parental imprisonment and adverse child outcomes are associated.
These studies should be conducted using prospective longitudinal designs, with representative samples, suitable control groups, and reliable
and valid measures of key constructs. Other child outcomes that were
not reviewed in this essay, because of a lack of evidence, should also
be studied; for example, gang membership, physical illness, and mortality.
Second, there is a great need for more research on the causal effects
of parental imprisonment on children. A key problem is to disentangle
the causal effects of imprisonment from the effects of preexisting disadvantage. Randomized experiments that might rigorously investigate
this issue are ethically and practically possible (see, e.g., Killias, Aebi,
and Ribeaud 2000a, 2000b). If child outcomes are measured in experiments that randomly assign convicted parents to prison (the usual
treatment) or other (e.g., community) sentences, the causal effects of
parental imprisonment on children could be estimated with greater
validity than has been possible to date. Quasi-experimental designs
(Shadish, Cook, and Campbell 2002) investigating within-individual
change over time and analytic techniques such as propensity scores
(Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983) should also be used to estimate the
causal effects of parental imprisonment on children.
Third, there is a need for better research on the mechanisms linking
parental imprisonment and child outcomes. Theory and qualitative research suggest many possible pathways, but we still lack systematic tests
of these mechanisms. Longitudinal research should measure child adjustment and hypothesized mechanisms before, during, and after pa-
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
rental imprisonment. Tests should be conducted to see whether the
mechanisms increase following parental imprisonment and whether
they mediate the effects of parental imprisonment on children.
Fourth, factors that alter the impact of parental imprisonment on
children (moderators) need to be investigated. These can be examined
in longitudinal studies that include enough children of prisoners and
controls to test for interaction effects between parental imprisonment
and variables, such as the sex of the child, the sex of the imprisoned
parent, and levels of social support, in predicting the child outcome.
Fifth, there is a need to know about effective intervention programs
to reduce the undesirable effects of parental imprisonment. Knowledge
could be drawn from other areas of child development (e.g., research
on reducing the effects of parental mental illness and the effects of
parental divorce on children). Qualitative and quantitative research
should be used to investigate additional support needs of prisoners’
families, and systematic evaluation of intervention programs should
be conducted to test how effectively they reduce adverse outcomes
among children of prisoners (see the systematic review of experimental evaluations of parenting programs in prisons by Dowling and
Gardner [2005]).
Sixth, there is a need for regular surveys, including imprisoned men
and women, and longitudinal follow-up of prison receptions, to monitor accurately the number of children who experience parental imprisonment.
It is clear from the research reviewed here that the children of prisoners are an extremely high-risk group, and the best scientific methods
should be used to test whether and how parental imprisonment affects
them. The time is ripe for funding agencies and researchers to collaborate in implementing an ambitious research agenda to advance knowledge about the effects of parental imprisonment on children. We hope
that our essay will encourage this goal to be achieved sooner rather
than later.
A. Methods to Calculate Odds Ratios from Other Statistics
Where research reports provided means and standard deviations for children
of prisoners and controls, we calculated odds ratios using the following three
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
The pooled standard deviation (spooled ) was calculated using the following formula:
spooled p
冑(n ⫺n1)s⫹⫹n (n⫺ 2⫺ 1)s
(Lipsey and Wilson 2001, p. 173), where n1 p the number in group 1,
n 2 p the number in group 2, s1 p the standard deviation for group 1, and
s2 p the standard deviation for group 2.
2. The standardized mean difference (ESsm ) was calculated using the following formula:
ESsm p
M1 ⫺ M2
(Lipsey and Wilson 2001, p. 198), where M1 p the mean of group 1, and
M2 p the mean of group 2.
3. The odds ratio (OR) was calculated from the standardized mean difference (ESsm) using the following formula:
OR p exp(pESsm /冑 3)
(Lipsey and Wilson 2001, p. 198).
Where research reports provided a correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) for
the association between parental imprisonment and child outcomes, an odds
ratio was calculated by first estimating the standardized mean difference
(ESsm), using the following formula:
ESsm p
冑1 ⫺ r 2
Then the odds ratio was calculated using the equation in step 3, above.
B. New Analyses of Data from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development
1. Antisocial-Delinquent Outcomes. Previous results on the association between parental imprisonment and boys’ antisocial-delinquent outcomes can
be found in Murray and Farrington (2005). For this essay, we analyzed the
relationship between parental imprisonment and four new antisocial-delinquent outcomes: antisocial personality at age 48 and three conviction variables (convicted between ages 10 and 18, convicted between ages 19 and 32,
and convicted between ages 33 and 50). The new measure of antisocial personality at age 48 was similar to the measure at age 32 and comprised 11
items (referring to the previous 5 years): convicted, self-reported delinquency, involved in fights, taken drugs, heavy drinking, poor relations with
female partner, ever divorced or separated, unemployed for over 10 months,
antiestablishment, impulsive, and tattooed.
Weighted mean odds ratios were calculated for outcomes in the Cambridge Study using the following three steps:
Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children
A weight (wLOR) was calculated for the natural logarithm of each odds
ratio (LOR), using the following formula:
wLOR p 1/se LOR
(Lipsey and Wilson 2001, p. 54), where se LOR p the standard error of the
2. The weighted mean LOR (ES ) was calculated using the following formula:
ES p
冘 (w LOR )
(Lipsey and Wilson 2001, p. 114), where LOR i p the natural logarithm
of each odds ratio, and wi p the weight of each LOR.
3. The weighted mean odds ratio was calculated as the exponent of ES.
2. Mental Health Outcomes. Previous results on parental imprisonment
and boys’ mental health outcomes in the Cambridge Study can be found in
Murray and Farrington (2008). Previous results were mostly presented using
continuous outcome variables. For this essay, we used dichotomized mental
health outcome variables for consistency with the antisocial outcomes. Outcome scales (of neuroticism at ages 14 and 16, and anxiety-depression at ages
32 and 48) were dichotomized into the worst quarter versus the remainder.
Weighted mean odds ratios were calculated for all four mental health outcomes, using the same formulas as above.
3. Drinking, Drugs, Education, and Employment Outcomes. For this essay,
we analyzed three new drinking outcomes, three new drug outcomes, three
new education outcomes, three new employment outcomes, and one new
summary measure of poor life success (at age 48). All of these outcomes,
apart from education outcomes and the combined life-success scores, were
based on self-reports of the study males. As far as possible, having a problem
present was defined as being in the worst quarter in the sample.
Binge drinking at age 18 referred to having drunk over 13 units of alcohol
in one evening during the previous month. Drinking problems at ages 32
and 48 referred to combined measures of drunk driving, heavy drinking,
binge drinking, and a high CAGE alcoholism score (Mayfield, McLoed, and
Hall 1974). Drugs at age 18 referred to ever having taken an illicit drug.
Drugs at ages 32 and 48 referred to the use of cannabis or other drugs during
the previous 5 years. School failure at age 14 referred to low class position
according to school records. Truant at age 14 referred to being truant according to the boy’s teacher. No exams at age 18 referred to no school
examinations having been taken or passed. Unemployed at age 18 referred
to having been unemployed for over 5 weeks in the previous year. Unemployed at age 32 referred to having been unemployed for over 5 months in
the previous 5 years. Unemployed at age 48 referred to having been unemployed for over 10 months in the previous 5 years. Poor life success at
age 48 was a combined scale, based on accommodation history, cohabitation
Joseph Murray and David P. Farrington
history, employment history, involvement in fights, alcohol use, drug use,
self-reported offending, anxiety-depression, and convictions over the previous 5 years (Farrington et al. 2006).
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