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In December 2018, the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. UNDROP is the product of 17 years of struggle by La Via Campesina, other transnational agrarian movements and... more
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      Social MovementsHuman RightsAgrarian StudiesInternational Human Rights Law
Resistance against the appropriation of nature, especially land, has been one of the key struggles of the transnational agrarian movement La Via Campesina (LVC) since its inception in 1993. The issue of access to land has become even more... more
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      Social MovementsHuman RightsAgrarian StudiesAgrarian Law
Esta obra coletiva surge como um dos mais palpáveis frutos da atividade desenvolvida ao longo desses últimos três anos pelo Grupo de Estudos Agrários – GEA, que surgido originalmente do encontro de alunos e professores das Faculdades de... more
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      Agrarian StudiesBrazilAgrarian LawDireito Agrário
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      IndonesiaGlobal Business and Human RightsHak Asasi ManusiaAgrarian Law
WEBINAR: PANTANAL - UMA DISCUSSÃO NECESSÁRIA Abordagem: Discussão pertinente e atual sobre as queimadas no Pantanal Mato-Grossense, apontando a Política Florestal no Estado de Mato Grosso, o marco regulatório da Lei do Pantanal... more
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      AgribusinessWetlandsWetland EcologyDireito Ambiental
Coluna Direito do Agronegócio - Conjur.
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      Agrarian StudiesAgrarian LawDireito Agrário
O ‘planejamento patrimonial’ ou ‘sucessório’ tem sido amplamente discutido no agronegócio como forma de viabilizar maior eficiência dos negócios rurais, seja do ponto de vista patrimonial em si, como também sucessório e principalmente... more
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    • Agrarian Law
En octubre de 1979 en El Salvador un golpe de Estado encabezado por civiles y militares conformó la primera Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno (JRG). La segunda JRG, encabezada por la Democracia Cristiana y los miembros militares impulsó... more
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      Latin American StudiesAgrarian StudiesEl SalvadorHistoria agraria
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      Comparative LawCivil LawContract LawAgrarian Studies
O presente trabalho versa sobre o chamado "Licenciamento Ambiental", enquanto instrumento eficaz na efetivação das disposições constitucionais que têm por escopo preservar e conservar o meio ambiente para as presentes e futuras gerações... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityLicenciamento AmbientalAgrarian Law
Programma del convegno
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      BotanyEconomicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
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      Civil LawEuropean Procedural LawProcedural JusticeDireito
Catatan lapangan dari kunjungan delegasi Indonesia ke Filipina untuk belajar tentang pelaksanaan Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) di Filipina. CARP merupakan kebijakan reforma agraria yang telah berjalan selama puluhan tahun... more
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      Social MovementsLand reformReforma AgrariaLand Policy
Coluna Direito do Agronegócio - Conjur.
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      Agrarian StudiesAgrarian LawDireito Agrário
El documento recoge buenas practicas de la URT documentadas con la asesoría del programa de apoyo a la construcción de paz en Colombia de la GIZ
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      Human RightsLand LawAgrarian reformAgrarian Law
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      Common PropertyHistory of LawStoria Del Diritto MedievaleAgrarian Law
Pembentukan pengadilan khusus agraria merupakan suatu isu yang terus berkembang dan didorong untuk diwujudkan didalam sistem peradilan Indonesia, terutama lembaga-lembaga yang berfokus pada permasalahan agraria, seperti Konsorsium... more
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      Land LawAgrarian reformAgrarian Law
The historical moment is right for the rescue of the discipline of fundamental duties, essential to the constitutional statute of the human being, along with the fundamental rights. The study aims to bring the general grounds and the... more
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      Food SafetySustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityFood Security
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      HukumAgrarian LawBappenasHukum Agraria
Apresentada de forma inovadora no direito brasileiro, esta obra proporciona uma visão atualizada do Direito Agrário, que há muito abandonou o foco exclusivo na propriedade rural, para assumir novos contornos, delineados pelo conceito de... more
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      Agrarian StudiesDireito AmbientalAgrarian LawDireito Agrário
O Guia de Melhores Práticas Pecuárias da Planície Pantaneira foi idealizado em um workshop realizado em 2019 pelo WWF-Brasil no âmbito do projeto Paisagens Sustentáveis do Pantanal, Cerrado e Bosque Seco Chiquitano (PaSos), em Campo... more
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      WetlandsSustainable DevelopmentWetland EcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
Lors des prospections récentes effectuées dans la région du Krib (Tunisie), Ali Chérif a découvert le site d’Henchir Hnich, à 3 km de l’ancienne Mustis. Mis à part des structures à caractère rural et trois épitaphes, le site a délivré une... more
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      Agrarian StudiesLatin EpigraphyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Agrarian Law
Dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu harus sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Hal ini dikarenakan segala kekhasan jenis keanekaragaman hayati beserta gejala alam dan ekosistemnya pada... more
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      LawEnvironmental LawAgrarian StudiesEnvironmental Sustainability
Istilah Agraria berasal dari kata Akker (Bahasa Belanda), Agros (Bahasa Yunani) berarti tanah pertanian, Agger (Bahasa Latin) berarti tanah atau sebidang tanah, Agrarius (Bahasa Latin) berarti perladangan, persawahan, pertanian, Agrarian... more
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      Philosophy Of LawMAKALAHIlmu HukumAgrarian Law
A new epigraphic discovery of exceptional importance has come to increase the dossier of the great agrarian inscriptions of Africa: it bears the first copy of the famous lex Hadriana de agris rudibus. The scientific community has been... more
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      Agrarian StudiesRoman North Africa (Archaeology)SharecroppingAgrarian Law
In 2013, farmworkers in Hacienda Luisita were finally awarded individual land titles called the CLOA by the DAR after a long struggle for the implementation of the CARPER. However, there are still existing cases where farmworkers, despite... more
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      Agrarian Lawagrarian reform in the Philippines
Jurnal landreform Volume kedua ini akan membahas tentang masa depan agraria di Indonesia, khususnya kondisi kekuatan politik agraria dalam negeri. Kondisi nelayan di pesisir pantai yang selama ini diabaikan oleh negara akan dibahas oleh... more
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      Rural SociologyLawEconomicsPolitical Economy
Penulis: Dian Aries Mujiburohman Editor: Tim STPN Press Layout: M. Imam Cover: Dani RGB Perpustakaan Nasional: Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT) Penegakan hukum Penertiban & Pendayagunaan Tanah Terlantar STPN Press, 2019 xiv + 144 hlm.: 15.5 x... more
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      Agrarian reformAgrarian Law
In Indonesian Agrarian Law, there are several legal terminologies and concepts that are hardly present in other countries. The term like Hak Tanggungan, for example, carries both historical and cultural backgrounds which don"t exist... more
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      SemanticsLegal TranslationAgrarian Law
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      Social JusticeAgrarian Law
A. Dasar dan Prinsip Pengaturan Tanah di Indonesia Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD 1945) telah mengamanatkan bahwa bumi, air, dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh... more
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      Ilmu HukumAgrarian Law
Laporan Utama: Menakar Reforma Agraria dalam Visi Misi
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      HistoryLandscape EcologyLawEconomics
Land for the Landless" is a slogan that underscores the acute imbalance in the distribution of this precious resource among our people. But it is more than a slogan. Through the brooding centuries, it has become a battle-cry dramatizing... more
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      Constitutional LawAgrarian reformAgrarian Law
tulisan ini berisi penjelasan mengenai istilah masyarakat hukum adat, masyarakat adat, hukum adat, pengakuan dan subyek hukum, susunan asli dan hak asal-usul
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      Customary LawAgrarian Law
Dalam hukum adat, antara masyarakat hukum dan lingkungan sekitar yang ditempatinya terdapat hubungan yang erat sekali, hubungan yang bersumber pada pandangan yang bersifat religio-magis. Hubungan religio-magis ini menyebabkan masyarakat... more
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      Historia agrariaNegara HukumKebijakan PublikOtonomi
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      Agrarian StudiesAgrarian Law
Ini adalah Makalah Tentang Lahirnya Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria,
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      Agrarian StudiesIlmu HukumHukumAgrarian Law
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    • Agrarian Law
The study evaluates the contributions of the Magsaysay Administration to Philippine agrarian reform and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the program. The researcher hopes shed light on the principles of land reform in the... more
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      Agrarian StudiesRural HistoryAgrarian Law
Karakteristik daerah Bali sangat tampak dari kehidupan Agama Hindu, adat, dan budaya yang menyatu padu dalam suasana harmonis dengan tidaklah terlepas dari peran serta seluruh komponen serta warisan suatu prinsip kesatuan masyarakat yang... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAgrarian StudiesSociotechnologyIndigenous law
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      Agrarian LawHukum Agraria
Reforma Agraria dapat digalangkan oleh negara, partai politik, ataupun masyarakat sipil. Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan dinamika reforma agraria oleh aktor yang ketiga ; yaitu masyarakat sipil. Papper ini akan membahas bagaimana... more
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      Agrarian StudiesAgrarian Social MovementsAgrarian reformAgrarian Law
La producción mundial de maíz (Zea mays) es más grande que la de cualquier otro cereal, y se sustenta en una industria global que demanda importantes volúmenes de agua, suelo cultivable, fertilizantes, herbicidas, energía mecánica, fuerza... more
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      Human RightsIndigenous PoliticsAutonomyIndigenous Peoples
Hubungan negara dengan individu yang berkaitan dengan tanah tercermin dalam ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat Undang-undang Dasar 1945 yakni: bumi, air, serta kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan digunakan untuk... more
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    • Agrarian Law
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    • Agrarian Law
PENEGAKAN HUKUM PENERTIBAN DAN PENDAYAGUNAAN TANAH TERLANTAR Penulis: Dian Aries Mujiburohman Kata Pengantar: Prof. Dr. Endriatmo Soetarto, M.A. Diterbitkan pertama kali dalam bahasa Indonesia (Oktober 2019) oleh: STPN Press Gedung... more
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    • Agrarian Law
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      Private lawNotaryAgrarian Law
Pembahasan RUU Pertanahan telah lama bergulir di legislatif. Hingga kini, Pemerintah dan DPR RI terus melakukan revisi atas substansi RUU Pertanahan. Terdapat beberapa poin krusial yang masih cenderung diatur secara tidak tepat... more
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      Agrarian StudiesLand LawLand RightsAgrarian reform
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      LawEconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy