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The concept of Limbo, a marginal place where the unbaptised dead are sent to spend eternity in neither pleasure nor pain, has haunted Irish language literature. The consequent ban on burying stillborn children on consecrated ground meant... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureModern Irish Language and LiteratureMáirtín Ó Cadhain
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      Chinese StudiesChinese PoliticsAntigone
Een bespreking op basis van 'Het Tij Keren', Joke Hermsen (2019).
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      Rosa LuxemburgHannah ArendtHenry David ThoreauChantal Mouffe
Erede di una terribile colpa – l’incesto del padre-fratello Edipo – Antigone è colei che ama eroicamente e che moltiplica i suoi volti nelle riscritture del mito, mostrandosi ora donna innamorata e adolescente inquieta, ora eroina della... more
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      Greek MythAntigone
Slaves, Metics, Citizens For us, there is no going back to the original text of Antigone, no return to a pure Sophoclean drama that would be shorn of all the translations and adaptations it has inspired. There is no returning to a Greek... more
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      Feminist TheorySettler Colonial StudiesDecolonial ThoughtAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Uredniško vodilo pri izdelovanju te knjige je bilo posredovati bralcem Hribovškov prevod Sofoklove Antigone v obliki, ki bo kolikor mogoče skladna z rokopisom in s prevajalčevim namenom. Prevajalec, ki je rokopis sam oblikoval tako rekoč... more
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      Second World WarTranslation and InterpretationSlovenian HistoryAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Özet: Hegel Tarih Felsefesi Üzerine Dersler " de Antik Yunan " da tinin kendisini evinde hissettiğini ve gerçek anlamında yeniden doğuĢunun bu toprakta gerçekleĢtiğini söyler. Tinin Fenomenolojisi adlı eserde ise Hegel tinin kendilik... more
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      Philosophy of ActionIndividualityPhenomenologyHegel
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      Natural LawPhilosophy Of LawAntigone
Most contemporary political theorists who have interpreted Sophocles' Antigone have focused on the fearsome clash between Antigone and Creon. The relationship between Antigone and her weaker, more cautious sister Ismene has not garnered... more
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      LawPolitical PhilosophyFeminist TheoryPolitical Science
The present essay will attempt to approach to Lacan´s (1959-1960/1992) interpretation of Antigone through Zizek´s (2009) theories about violence. I will use the notions of `objective´ and `subjective´ violence to analyse it within the... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsPolitical PhilosophyAristotle
Questo libro si chiede in che misura la temperie politica, psicologica, sociale, storica connotata dal terrorismo e dai terrorismi influenzi o condizioni il ripensamento, le riscritture, le messe in scena del mito di Antigone. Dalla... more
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For Ben Colburn, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Autonomy.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyClassicsSophocles
In questo libro l'Antigone di Sofocle funge da pretesto per una riflessione critica su alcune implicazioni fondamentali dell'istituzione delle leggi – della loro produzione e della loro esecuzione – all'interno dei regimi democratici, nei... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LawMoral DilemmasFilosofía
Discussion of the trials and accuracy of translation considering Jean Annouilh and Timberlake Weretenbaker
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      Greek TheatreContemporary TheatreAntigone
Didactic presentation of the existentialist poetic drama by Dominik Smole.
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      Poetic DramaDemocracyAntigoneClose Reading
Camus’ Meursault and Sophocles’ Antigone are both characters in literature who act in ways that require them to deliberately confront their own mortality. In both cases, their actions lead to their executions, requiring that they struggle... more
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      Hans-Georg GadamerAlbert CamusAntigoneMeursault
Översättning av och kommentar till utdrag ur Jacques Derrida, Glas.
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      Jacques DerridaAntigoneGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelSofokles
"This article was published in the book "Identity, Nation and Discourse: Latin American Women Writers and Artists", edited by Dr. Claire Taylor (University of Liverpool).... more
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      María ZambranoAntigoneRosario CastellanosAlfonsina Storni
La sorellanza come legame emotivo e culturale dalla poesia di Omero alla tragedia. Modelli omerici per l''Antigone' di Sofocle.
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      Homeric poetryAntigoneAntigone SophoclesSisterhood
the avengers of murder overwhelmed them sooner than the enemy, and the ghosts of the slain rising up before their eyes …".
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      Roman HistoryCeltic StudiesHellenistic HistoryPropaganda
A review of Bonnie Honig's 'Antigone, Interrupted'. First published in Strife Journal Issue 3, May 2014.
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteraturePolitical PhilosophyGreek Tragedy
forthcoming in 2016, in "Occupy Antigone: Tradition, Transition and Transformation in Performance", ed. C. Gruber, K. Pewny, L. Van den Dries and S. Leenknegt (Schriftreihe Forum Modernes Theater)
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      Greek TragedySocial ExclusionClassical Reception StudiesSophocles
Expressions such as Antigone miseranda (Theb. 12,350) and incluta fama / Antigone (Theb. 12,(331)(332) are only a small part of broader patterns of meanings and implications involving Oedipus' daughter and other women in Statius (and in... more
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      Flavian LiteratureStatius (Classics)Antigone
This paper explores, from a feminist post-structuralist perspective, the way in which gender power relations and specifically, how men and women are represented in the play Antigone, by Sophocles, in order to identify to what extent, then... more
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      Discourse AnalysisFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesAntigoneCultural and Gender Representations
Latin American twenty-first-century Antigone-plays seem to follow a new pattern that distinguishes them from the long history of regional re-writings of the tragedy: they feature scenic strategies of repetitions and multiplications,... more
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      Latin American StudiesClassical Reception StudiesColombian LiteratureLiteratura colombiana
En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un análisis de uno de los textos más influyentes de la literatura mexicana reciente, Antígona González (2012) de Sara Uribe. En un primer momento, se expone el contexto social, político y estético en... more
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      MourningMemory StudiesLiterature and TraumaMexican Literature
Cfr. collegamento Il presente documento contiene un saggio della parafrasi e del commento del testo euripideo delle Supplici, che comparirà nel volume di prossima pubblicazione : LE TRAGEDIE TEBANE – Volume II... more
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      Greek TragedyAeschylusSophoclesEuripides
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      Greek TragedySophoclesAntigoneSun
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      Ethics and PoliticsTransatlantic studiesAntigone
L'écrivain Henry Bauchau a traversé tout le XXe s. sans cesser de s'intéresser au politique et à ce qu'il percevait comme des mouvements vers une possible libération aussi de be soi-même que des sociétés dominées. Il n'y a donc pas de... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureBelgian LiteratureAntigone
A comparative reading of the two Antigones that emphasizes their similarities.
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek TragedyAdaptationDrama
La traduzione dell'Edipo a Colono di Sofocle è un'avventura straordinaria, ed emozionante. Non solo perché con questa tragedia Sofocle chiude idealmente la vicenda terrena ed umana di Edipo, vicenda ch'egli aveva già narrato -... more
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      MythologyGreek TragedyAncient myth and religionGreek Myth
Sample chapter uploaded here; the rest of the book consists of individual chapters on the Trachiniae, Electra, Antigone, Ajax and OT followed by a brief epilogue.
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      Greek TragedySophoclesAntigoneMarriage In Greek Literature
Translation of Sophocles' Oedipus the Tyrant, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, with notes and commentary by Jamey Hecht. From the Introduction: "Greek tragedy is a kind ofscripture that teaches us by showing, not telling, what we need to... more
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      PsychoanalysisClassicsGreek TragedyNietzsche
Garnier a composé son Antigone (1570) en s’inspirant d’une part des Phéniciennes de Sénèque et de la Thebaïde de Stace, et d’autre part de l’Antigone de Sophocle. La cohérence de la pièce tient au fait que toutes les sources font... more
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      Law and LiteratureLiterature and Law16th Century French (Literature)Tragedy
An historical and post-structural examination of the philosophical debate of phusis (nature) versus nomos (convention) and its employment in two of Sophocles' Theban Plays which were written in late fifth-century Athens.
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient Philosophy
In the "Spiritual Work of Art", the gods, not the humans, show up as the heroes of Greek tragedy. Given the way the gods are characterized in this section of the Phenomenology of Spirit, I argue further that the subject matter of ancient... more
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      Greek TragedyHegelG.W.F. HegelAncient Greek Religion
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      Political PhilosophyGreek TragedyPolitical TheoryHegel
Компарацијата помеѓу ликовите на Антигона и Креонт цели да ја спореди и објасни разликата во интерпретацијата на волјата на боговите која во грчката митологија никогаш не е унифицирана. Следствено на тоа се поставува тезата дека и двата... more
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      SophoclesDrama and TheaterAntigoneAncient Greek Drama
La teoría femiNista y queer giuLiaNo Lozzi El mito en el siglo xx, mantiene Roland Barthes en su Mythologies (1957), es una palabra, más concretamente, una forma cuyo sentido presupone una historia que no está fija, sino se transforma,... more
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      Queer TheoryLuce IrigarayJudith ButlerAdriana Cavarero
Exercises to examine the reading of Ancient Greek Myths: Prometheus, Daedalus and Ikarus, Trojan War, Theseus, Labours of Heracles, Orpheus and Eurydice, Tantalus, Sisyphus, Adventures of Odysseus, Orestes, Oedipus and Antigone.
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      SophoclesAntigoneTrojan WarIlias
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyTheatre StudiesReception Studies
The usage of the word αύτονομία at line 821 of Antigone is unusual because it refers to the autonomy of a single person, whereas normally the word is applied to corporate situations. The chorus uses it at the precise moment of Antigone's... more
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This unique book, inspired by the work of Umberto Eco - one of the greatest semioticians of all times - provides a compelling overview of current developments in semiotic research, bringing together various academic voices and critical... more
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      SemioticsIrish StudiesGender StudiesAdaptation
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      NarrativeLaw and LiteratureFranz KafkaLiterature and Law
Članek se ukvarja z etičnim pomenom nenapisanih zakonov v stari grški religiji ter pri Antigoni. V ospredju naše interpretacije je branje Antigone pri Luce Irigaray. V drugem delu ponujamo primerjalno raziskavo o vlogi Savitri iz... more
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      JusticeSophoclesAntigoneUnwritten Law
We live with the crushing presence of war. There is not a single moment in history when we can remember being without war, in the guise of its many qualifying names -economic, religious, civil, genocidal, national, colonial, and imperial;... more
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      Feminist TheoryAntigoneFeminist Standpoint Theory
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      Greek TragedyGreek MythClassical TraditionsAntigone
A revised and corrected version of a paper that critically assesses Lacan's endeavor to show the limits of, and build upon, Kant's ethical philosophy by way of an analysis of Antigone and by attempting to show how Kant's ethical reasoning... more
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      Philosophy of PsychoanalysisKant's Practical PhilosophyJacques LacanEthics of psychoanalysis
Io sono fatta per condividere l'amore non l'odio.» (Antigone)
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