Recent papers in Apostasy
The absence of NT damnation terminology in Hebrews calls into question the widely held assumption that the author's purpose was to warn his readers of eternal judgement. Furthermore, to limit the warnings to a distant future judgement... more
Jeremiah starts this section 1-12 with a lesson about Yahweh and Judah from the potter’s workshop displaying the Potter's Freedon. Apostasy, idolatry, and judgment are the themes of verses 13-17. The choice of those in Judah to forsake... more
Quelle est celle, dont il est dit : "Sortez du milieu d'elle, mon peuple, ..." Apocalypse 18:4 ?
While many versions of the problem of evil aim to show that the existence of horrendous or gratuitous evils make atheism more likely than not or render belief in God’s existence unreasonable, this paper will focus on how experiences of... more
Konstantin Mihailović, a Serb born in Novo Brdo, was taken by the Ottomans and became a janissary in Mehmet II’s army. After he returned to the Christian side, he penned a report on Ottoman governance, religion, military structures and... more
This article investigates the narratives of people moving out of Islam in contemporary Europe. In particular, it focusses on the potential performance of non-belief in the form of speech. By critically examining the function of testimony... more
A significant movement of apostasy from Islam is underway in the Middle East, one that is simultaneously birthing a new religious minority. Kurdistan is experiencing a gradually intensifying revival of Zoroastrianism as increasing numbers... more
Zagadnienie apostazji u Ireneusza z Lyonu zwróciło moją uwagę kiedy podczas lektury Adversus haereses znalazłem tam zdanie: „Chrystus odkupił nas od apostazji swoją krwią” (Christus redemit nos de apostasia sanguine suo) (AH III,5,3).... more
In 1913, a Muslim husband applied to a British court in India for the restitution of conjugal rights when his in-Laws refused to let his wife join him. His in-Laws claimed that the woman had apostatized and thus, according to Islamic law,... more
The XVI book of the Theodosian Code contains a title, the seventh, which collects 7 laws on the topic of apostasy, emanated from Theodosius I (CTH 16, 7, 1, year 381) and up to 426 (CTH 16, 7, 7 ), behind the publication of the Codex. The... more
В статье рассматривается проблема перехода в язычество христианских подданных императора Юлиана Отступника. Представлена общая характеристика методов, с помощью которых император пытался добиться апостасии христиан, дается общая оценка... more
This study, an extended earlier version of a chapter later published in Apostasy in the New Testament Communities (Vol. 3), engages apostasy and restoration in the Epistle of James and engages the book of Job in relation to the themes of... more
This monograph is an entirely different work than the three-volume Apostasy in the New Testament Communities set. The latter is comprehensive of the entire New Testament. Paul and Apostasy covers a history of interpretation on... more
RESUMO: Pedro Afonso é um rabino judeu de Huesca (Aragão) que viveu entre meados do século XI (c. 1062) e a primeira metade do século XII (c. 1140). Optou por se converter ao Cristianismo e ao que tudo indica foi batizado pelo rei de... more
A college paper discussions the possibility of loss of salvation and the doctrine of Eternal Salvation as addressed by the author of the biblical book of Hebrews.
The author analyzes Masood's conversion narrative 'Into the Light' as a theological text. He proposes that Masood (and other ex-Muslim Christians) are engaged in the production of liberation texts.
A review of Marshall's chapter on Acts.
Early studies of conversion to, and apostasy from, new religious movements (NRMs) exhibited deficiencies found in research on joining and leaving religions generally. These include a tendency to sharply distinguish the pre- and... more
“Crusading as an act of vengeance” is a new paradigm proposed by Susanna A. Throop. In this study I will focus on the question of whether the Wendish Crusade supports an “act of vengeance” paradigm. The study shows us a new understanding... more
This article investigates the narratives of people moving out of Islam in contemporary Europe. In particular, it focusses on the potential performance of non-belief in the form of speech. By critically examining the function of testimony... more
Written prior to the completion of my book, Churches under Siege of Persecution and Assimilation: The General Epistles and Revelation. Apostasy in the New Testament Communities, Vol. 3 (Eugene: Cascade/Wipf & Stock, 2012). The book covers... more
This academic research intends to identify the issue of apostasy in Malaysia from legal perspective. The basics of Islam and the sources of Islamic Law is from the Quran, Hadiths, Sunnah and ulama. However, there are differences of... more
In this new and important analysis of apostasy (al-Riddah), the author examines fundamental teachings of the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, as well as historical as opposed to scriptural postulates, to uncover the origins of the... more
Makalah ini membincangkan isu kerahsiaan kemasukan Islam oleh mualaf di Malaysia. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kesan kerahsiaan itu sendiri terhadap keputusan sesuatu kes pemelukan Islam di mahkamah, yang melibatkan konflik... more
The study tackles some key teachings related to the Sunnī doctrine of takfīr – the legally consequential accusation of unbelief leading to the excommunication of a member of the Muslim community (umma) as an apostate (murtadd) which may... more
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand for religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion in matters of faith”? It... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
This is a synopsis of the pre-published version of my monograph with nearly the same name (subtitled Apostasy in the New Testament Communities vol. 3), complete with some concluding observations of apostasy that engage with the other New... more
The Shariah consists of some laws that remain the same regardless of changing circumstances and others that change with them. Most of the Shariah is up to individual Muslims to follow in their own lives. Some are for judges to implement... more
This is a synopsis of apostasy in Mark, Matthew, Luke-Acts, John, and the Epistles of John
A survey of some instance of apostasy in the New Testament for the purposes of comparing and applying the causes, warnings, and judgment to people and groups today.
This is a synopsis of the pre-published version of my book with almost the same name, subtitled Apostasy in the New Testament Communities, vol. 2. This paper, along with others that cover the other two volumes, were originally presented... more
Disgusted with ISIS, some Kurds turned away from Islam following the fall of Mosul in 2014. Many became atheists, while others sought comfort in Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism, according to converts, was the “original” religion of the... more
La diaspora morisca in Italia: storie di mediatori, schiavitù e battesimi Estratto da:
On February 3, 2015 a video emerged online showing the young Jordanian airforce pilot Muath Al-Kasasbeh being burnt to death by “Islamic State of Iraq and Shām” affiliates (ISIS or IS). Another IS live burning video was released on... more
In Charlemagne’s Survey of the Holy Land, Michael McCormick rehabilitates and reinterprets one of the most neglected and extraordinary sources from Charlemagne’s revival of the Roman empire: the report of a fact-finding mission to the... more
This study of Romans 9–11 focuses on three prominent questions that Paul asks in relation to God's faithfulness to Israel: 1) Is God unjust in reference to his election?; 2) Why does God find fault, for who has resisted his will? and 3)... more
This study surveys Jewish Scripture and Second Temple sources, New Testament, early Christian sources, Recent studies, and with a brief annotated bibliography.