Recent papers in Caria
Seit dem 3. Jh. v. Chr. verfügte Rhodos über einen umfangreichen Festlandsbesitz in dem der Insel gegenüberliegenden Teil Kariens. Der hier betrachtete Kern dieses Gebiets wurde rhodisches Staatsgebiet, die einheimischen karischen... more
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
ALİNDA Aydın ili Karpuzlu ilçesi sınırlarında yer alan Alinda antik kenti, Karpuzlu Ovası'nın batısındaki bir tepenin güney ve doğu sırtlarında konumlanmıştır. Karia Bölgesi'nin en egzotik antik kentlerinden biri olan Alinda, bölgenin... more
In the autumn of 1986, we visited the Carian and Lycian coasts with a view to identifying urban sites of the Byzantine period. One of the sites we visited lies about 1 km. to the south of the small village of Osmaniye and to the east of... more
A persistent tradition existed in antiquity linking Caria with the island of Crete.
Aydın yakınlarında 19. yüzyılda bulunan, müzikal notasyonu ile birçok bilim adamının ilgisini çeken bu yazıt birçok çalışmada, günümüze dek kalan en eski müzik eserlerinden biri olarak bilinmektedir. Yaygın şekilde “Seikilos’un Şakısı”... more
The inscription known as ‘The Pride of Halikarnassos’ or ‘Salmakis inscription’ (late 2nd-early 1st cent. BC) provides a significant example of the self-representation of a late Hellenistic city as well as of the construction of its... more
PLATES 6-20 3 CH 1, 28 (S. of Izmir? 1974), a hoard which apparently dates to the middle years of the 4th century, was also reported to have contained a Colophonian tetradrachm (no. 5) in reasonable condition, although may have been... more
Bu çalışmada Ion ve/veya Dor düzenine dair özellikler gösteren (ya da gösterdiği düşünülen) Karia bölgesindeki kırk dokuz kaya mezarı mimari açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. İki ana bölüme ayrılmış olan çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, kaya... more
Amos is situated on the Asarcık hill, which is located at the southwestern side of modern Marmaris in Turkey. Archaeological surveys at Amos (Carian Chersonese) and its environments started in 2019. The pottery gathered during the... more
Through an analysis of the textual and archaeological material, this article presents a new, up-to-date overview of the history and mechanisms of Iron Age Anatolian overland interaction, a much-neglected subject. Among other points, the... more
The Sanctuary of Sinuri is located 15 km southeast of Milas district in Muğla province. The sanctuary is situated on a 540-m-high hill, known as Asar Tepe, which lies between Yukarı Kalınağıl and Çamlıbelen villages (Fig. 1). The sacred... more
The epigraphical poem known as ‘Pride of Halikarnassos’ or ‘Salmakis inscription’ (late 2nd-early 1st cent. BC) provides a significant mythical account of the colonial expeditions that led to the foundation of Halikarnassos, featuring... more
My Master thesis on "Die Hafenfestung von Loryma" with the foreword by Winfried Held to the publication.
This article examines and discusses a new Carian inscription found on the left leg of a kouros statue. The statue was found in the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in the ancient Carian city of Euromos during excavations carried out in 2021. The... more
During the Byzantine Empire the Carians were considered cives Romani like all other former gentes of the Anatolian Provinces. The gradual development of some ancient cities, from their ancestral status to an episcopal one, took roughly... more
The Phoenix Archaeological Project (PAP) is an interdisciplinary and multinational cooperative survey project conducting in southwestern Turkey (Marmaris) in ancient Phoenix. The center of the ancient Phoenix is located 4 km south of... more
Although several studies have been carried out on the ancient history and the archaeology of Caria, which is situated in southwestern Turkey where the Aegean meets the Mediterranean, there are still many questions to be answered. Foremost... more
- by Adnan Diler
- Caria, Tombs, Pedasa
Imbued with Greek tradition, exposed to the influence of the Ionian culture of Asia Minor, and occupying a strategic position, the city of Halikarnassos was chosen by Maussollos as the new capital of the Satrapy of Caria and is often... more
The monetarization of the markets accelerated in the 5th century BCE led to the monetarization of the cults. The mercantile logic and money-oriented society shaped the transaction between the worshippers and the cults of Demeter. The... more
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