Cassius Dio
Recent papers in Cassius Dio
Caillan Davenport y Christopher Mallan han editado un libro necesario sobre Dión Casio en el que las diferentes aportaciones de los investigadores participantes proporcionan un relato integrador y coherente sobre un autor que, al parecer,... more
The paper examines the upsurge of piracy in the last century of the Roman Republic, to underline its impact on politics. Analysing the testimonials about the period after 105 BC, we can appreciate that as well as interfering in the wars... more
Analysis of some sections of Remigio Nannini's anthologies of historiographical speeches (Venice, Giolito 1557; 1560; 1561), with special reference to the orations taken from Cassius Dio’s ‘Roman History’, in order to show the tendency of... more
The replacement of the Sassanians was a turning point in the imperial geostrategic policies. Thus, the change in the Romans' viewpoint of the Eastern superpower soon manifested itself in the very first works of contemporary historiography... more
The Dacian Kingdom was a formidable opponent to the Roman Empire. However, it’s suprising to find a pronounced tone of wonder and acknowledgment in the greco-roman literary fonts to this enemy: far away of the classical stereotyped... more
in P. DESIDERI - M. MOGGI - M. PANI (éd.), Antidoron. Studi in onore di Barbara Scardigli Forster, Pisa 2007, 281-304
The paper examines the peculiarities of Cassius Dio’s narrative in Julio-Claudian books of his «Roman History». Dio’s work, as a whole, reveals a remarkable combination of contradictory features, which are specifically mirrored in books... more
Preview of the first two pages. Please email me for a PDF offprint at This article offers an explanation as to why Cassius Dio praises aspects of Vitellius' conduct as emperor in his Roman History (65.6-7).... more
Ce livre propose une réflexion d’ensemble sur la septième Vie de l’Histoire Auguste, consacrée à l’empereur Commode, fils du philosophe Marc Aurèle et dernier des Antonins. L’auteur met d’abord en évidence son indéniable valeur historique... more
This paper examines how and why Cassius Dio portrayed Julia Domna in the manner that he did. Dio consistently depicts Julia as foreign and power-hungry, a portrait that appears to be driven by his analysis of the later Severan regime.... more
Le livre 52 de l'Histoire romaine de Cassius Dion est au cœur de cette contribution. Loin d'opposer frontalement démocratie et monarchie, les discours respectifs d'Agrippa et Mécène proposent deux visions de la démocratie, que la mise en... more
The defeat of Antony at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE had profound repercussions for Roman history as it opened the way for the transition from Republic to principate. The conditions that allowed the Battle of Actium to occur were the... more
Agrippa's Pantheon remains the subject of lively debates. A much-discussed passage is found in Cassius Dio's Roman History (53.27.2-3), which is most often treated as a stand-alone, self-explanatory whole. However, in order to be... more
Este livro reúne artigos voltados ao estudo de aspectos da literatura helenística e de sua influência na produção literária posterior, abrangendo variados assuntos, tais como épica, historiografia, mimo, teatro, biografia e filosofia. A... more
Publius Helvius Pertinax (126-193 CE) was Roman emperor in the early months of 193, following the murder of Commodus. While feted by the senatorial order, he struggled to win the loyalty of other political constituencies within the Roman... more
This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order... more
Caracalla. A Military Biography is now available as a hardcover, Kindle and e-book an from the website of its publisher Pen & Sword Publishing and from most of the major booksellers. It is not only the first published biography in... more
L'historien romain d'expression grecque Cassius Dion (3e s.), qui écrivit une œuvre monumentale sur l'Histoire de Rome, rapporte dans le livre 43 les triomphes de César de retour à Rome en 46 a. C. Il s'attarde plus particulièrement sur... more
It has long been argued, on the basis of dating evidence provided by Josephus, that the Roman General Pompey captured Jerusalem sometime in 63 BC. This paper argues that a conquest in the fall of 64 BC is much better supported by the... more
A critical examination of the ancient sources regarding Julius Caesar's opposition to the execution of Catiline's co-conspirators. Sallust's account is compared to the evidence from Cicero's speech (In Catilinam IV), along with later... more
[Unpublished version. For published version, see Madsen and Lange, eds. Brill. 2021, or write me.] This chapter begins with an introduction to and reading of Fragment 49 of Cassius Dio’s Roman History, a passage that discusses Teuta,... more
Paper deals with the historical story of the advent of Christianity. Examines what Christianity had to offer Rome during its war with the Jews (placation of slaves & the poor, promise of life after death & "reward", making soldiers... more
Kbor Klib, the battlefield of Zama. The purpose of this short paper is to provide supporting evidence drawn from the histories of; Polybius, Livy, Appian and Cassius Dio to identify the location of the battlefield of Zama as being at... more
RESUMEN. Primera propuesta de la hipótesis de que Mérida pasara por tres procesos fundacionales, el más antiguo debido a Julio César (como 'praesidium' militar o ya 'municipium'), un segundo realizado por Publio Carisio en torno a los... more
I argue that the speech given to the tyrannicide Cassius at Bella Civila 4.90-100 is largely Appian's own composition, and resonates with a number of other themes and issues raised by the historian elsewhere in the text in addition to... more
Les Rencontres Doctorales 2016 de l'ED 131, Paris-VII, avait pour thème Origine / Origines. Lors de ces conférences, j'ai essayé d'aborder la diversité des constructions religieuses autour d'un évènement à la fois naturelle et historique:... more
The historiographical writings of Arrian, Appian, Herodian, and Cassius Dio pose interesting challenges to how we characterize Second Sophistic literature. With its ostensible goal of telling the truth about the past, imperial Greek... more
Dio ve Dion Cassius olarak da bilinen Cassius Dio Cocceianus, MS 155-164 yılları arasında Bithynia eyaletindeki Nicaea kentinde doğmuştur. Bithynia'nın önde gelen aristokrat ailelerinden birine mensuptur. Babası Cilicia ve Dalmatia valisi... more
I analyze each of the major characters, especially in the ambiguity of them all. There is no clear tragic hero, as they can all be both heroic and tragic. However, one does exist and it is Rome herself. I then discuss the worldview that... more
Cassius Dio has never been held in high esteem by historians dedicated to Roman History. As a Greek, he was considered unable to understand the Roman Empire. As a Roman senator, he was blamed for showing little respect for the phylogeny... more
The fundamental purpose of this book is to compare the perspectives and methods of two Imperial Roman historians, Appian (ca. AD 92-165) and Cassius Dio (ca. AD 162-239), through a detailed comparison of their accounts of the triumviral... more
Why was an unknown man insisting he was Alexander the Great received with distinct deference by Roman officials and Bacchic celebration by hundreds of attendants around A.D. 221? Examining Dio Cassius's presentation in light of... more
Writing in the first half of the third century CE, Cassius Dio, a Roman senator of Bithynian origin, composed an eighty-book history of Rome, from the founding of the city until about 229 CE. The final portion of this work, specifically... more
This paper reconsiders the political facets and purposes of Caracalla’s imitatio Alexandri and esteem for Sulla. Both emulations represented the result of a well-pondered political way of thinking and acting. On the one hand, Caracalla... more
Conférence donnée lors de la troisième journée d'étude "Ludgunum 197", le 07/04/2017.
Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Darstellung Neros und Domitians als Tyrannen bei Cassius Dio. Als grundlegend für die negative Schilderung der beiden erweist sich das Verfahren der ,Dekomposition‘: Am Beispiel von Neros Bewertung als... more
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La loi du 11 mars 1957 sur la propriété littéraire et intellectuelle interdit les copies ou reproductions destinées à une utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou... more
Surprised by interest in "The Egyptian Question" (see 91n164), I am uploading this unpublished paper from 2008 along with another on Virgil. For those readers interested in Leo Strauss, see 64n124.
Summary: The landscape Agisymba embraced a vast area south of the Sahara from Lake Chad to the west to the Niger bend and belonged politically to the reign of the king of the Garamantes. This king had his headquarters in the city of... more
An essay on the great fire of Rome in A.D. 64 in the time of emperor Nero as reported by the five earliest accounts. It includes the subsequent events immediately following the fire and the blame made by Nero of the Christian sect in the... more
This essay is an in-depth study and analysis of the lives of the two British women, Boudica of the Iceni and Queen Cartimandua of the Brigantes. It will also examine the gender rhetoric used by both Tacitus and Cassius Dio to ascertain... more