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      Roman HistoryCassius DioRoman EmpireEmperor Domitian
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      Roman HistoriographyRoman BritainCassius DioTacitus
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyLatin EpigraphyCassius Dio
This essay is an in-depth study and analysis of the lives of the two British women, Boudica of the Iceni and Queen Cartimandua of the Brigantes. It will also examine the gender rhetoric used by both Tacitus and Cassius Dio to ascertain... more
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      Ancient HistoryGender StudiesRoman HistoryRhetoric
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      Roman HistoryCassius DioAugustusRoman imperial cult
This thesis covers Romano-British history from AD 39 to 84 through the works of the Tacitus, Suetonius Tranquillus, and Dio Cassius Cocceianus. In recent years, the sources have been mined for their historical 'facts' and those 'facts'... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman BritainCassius DioRoman Empire
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will... more
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      Roman HistorySecond SophisticRoman HistoriographyPhilostratus
The paper examines the lacuna in Cassius Dio's books covering the reigns of Antoninus Pius and the first half of Marcus Aurelius. On the basis of evidence showing that the narrative of the years 138-169 was lost to the later epitomizers... more
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      Roman HistoryArmenian HistoryRoman military historyCassius Dio
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La loi du 11 mars 1957 sur la propriété littéraire et intellectuelle interdit les copies ou reproductions destinées à une utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou... more
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      Cassius DioAugustusPompey the GreatRoman History, Roman institutions
The adoption of Antoninus Pius provided Cassius Dio with the opportunity to insert into his narrative a speech delivered by Hadrian justifying the selection of his successor (69.20.1–5). This article examines the content of the speech and... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographySpeech In Classical HistoriographyCassius Dio
Recently, efforts have been made to characterize Cassius Dio's history of the reign of Caracalla as reflective of the experiences of a marginalized senator, rather than of the senate as a whole. A re-evaluation of Dio's account suggests... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioCaracalla
Analyses the reasons why the Romans were defeated at Teutoburg Forest 9 AD and how the Roman intelligence gathering practices and system of military promotions contributed to it.
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
RESUMEN. Como resumen y corolario de investigaciones comenzadas en 1987 a partir de una decisiva revisión filológica crítica del famoso texto de Dión Casio LIII.26.1, la autora detalla hasta 24 argumentos (históricos, arqueológicos,... more
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      Cassius DioLusitania (Archaeology)AugustusJulius Caesar
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCassius DioRoman imperial history
This thesis examines the portrayal of youthful Roman emperors in imperial histories and biographies, specifically in the works of Suetonius, Tacitus, Cassius Dio, Herodian, and the Historia Augusta. As such, it limits the scope of... more
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      Imperial RomeCassius DioEmperor NeroTacitus
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      Hellenistic HistoryEarly ChristianityEmperor JulianPhilostratus
This paper examines two divergent traditions in Roman historiography about the sexual relationships of the emperor Caracalla. The first is that he had an affair with his mother, Julia Domna; the second is that he became impotent and... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCassius DioCaracalla
It has long been argued, on the basis of dating evidence provided by Josephus, that the Roman General Pompey captured Jerusalem sometime in 63 BC. This paper argues that a conquest in the fall of 64 BC is much better supported by the... more
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      Ancient HistoryJewish HistoryCiceroPlutarch
University of St Andrews, UK This paper draws attention to the unprecedented prominence of metaphors of enslavement to Rome in the historical narratives of Florus and Cassius Dio. Following an analysis of the thematic importance of the... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioGreek and Roman historiographyFlorus
All attempts to trace the historical development in the early books of Cassius Dio are hampered by their fragmentary state. It seems, however, that in addition to the excursus on magistracies and the triumph, Dio also stressed the... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCivil WarCassius Dio
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCivil WarCassius Dio
in P. DESIDERI - M. MOGGI - M. PANI (éd.), Antidoron. Studi in onore di Barbara Scardigli Forster, Pisa 2007, 281-304
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawCassius Dio
Cassius Dio 79.1.2-4, in tandem with other literary and material sources, serves as valuable evidence for several significant aspects of Elagabalus' legitimization campaign. Further analysis suggests that Elagabalus' legitimization... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioSeveran AgeElagabalus
The famous allegation that Caligula had wished to appoint his horse Incitatus ('Rapid') as consul represents a misunderstanding of a joke that he had made at the expense of Asinius Celer, suffect consul in AD38, based on the fact that his... more
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      Roman HistoryCassius DioCaligulaSuetonius
This paper is concerned principally with two questions: first, the numerical strength of the praetorian cohorts in the second and third centuries and, second, the length of service for guardsmen in the third century. The first question... more
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      Roman HistoryCassius DioTacitusThe Praetorian Guard
RESUMEN. Primera propuesta de la hipótesis de que Mérida pasara por tres procesos fundacionales, el más antiguo debido a Julio César (como 'praesidium' militar o ya 'municipium'), un segundo realizado por Publio Carisio en torno a los... more
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      Ancient HistoryCassius DioRoman Provincial ArchaeologyAugustus
This paper is devoted to the ‘public’ priesthoods of imperial Rome and their contribution to the wider patterns of religious innovation. It focuses on two key areas of interaction: between priests and the wider public in the city of Rome,... more
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      History of ReligionRoman ReligionAncient ReligionCassius Dio
Among the ancient authors who narrated the reign of Augustus and Tiberius, Cassius Dio is surely the one who dedicated the most space to the influence that Livia Drusilla exercised over both her husband and her son. In this regard, the... more
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      Cassius DioSeveran AgeAncient roman empressesLivia
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioSpeeches in Historiography
En el trabajo se argumenta a favor de la legitimidad de la llegada al trono de Adriano frente a cierta tradición historiográfica antigua, contraria al nuevo emperador. Se aborda también la repercusión de esta tradición hostil a Adriano en... more
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      Imperial RomeCassius DioHadrianScriptores Historiae Augustae
Surprised by interest in "The Egyptian Question" (see 91n164), I am uploading this unpublished paper from 2008 along with another on Virgil. For those readers interested in Leo Strauss, see 64n124.
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      Roman HistoryAugustan PoetryCassius DioLeo Strauss
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La loi du 11 mars 1957 sur la propriété littéraire et intellectuelle interdit les copies ou reproductions destinées à une utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius Dio
Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Darstellung Neros und Domitians als Tyrannen bei Cassius Dio. Als grundlegend für die negative Schilderung der beiden erweist sich das Verfahren der ,Dekomposition‘: Am Beispiel von Neros Bewertung als... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioEmperor DomitianEmperor Nero
The Dacian Kingdom was a formidable opponent to the Roman Empire. However, it’s suprising to find a pronounced tone of wonder and acknowledgment in the greco-roman literary fonts to this enemy: far away of the classical stereotyped... more
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      StraboCassius DioDacian civilizationDacians
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCassius DioScriptores Historiae Augustae
This paper discusses Cassius Dio’s political thought in his Agrippa-Maecenas debate (52.2-40) through the use of a form of content analysis developed by political scientists called “operational code analysis.” It offers a description of... more
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      Speech In Classical HistoriographyCassius DioAncient Political ThoughtOperational Code Analysis
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman HistoriographyRoman Republic
In their descriptions of the assassination of Caracalla, Cassius Dio and Herodian employed a similar narrative that was hostile to Macrinus and likely developed by his successor, Elagabalus. The differences in their accounts can be traced... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCassius DioCaracallaHerodian
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoriographyGender and SexualityEarly Rome
In defense of a "republican" approach to the gradual establishment of Augustus' supreme command
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawAncient HistoriographyCassius Dio
The article examines the life of the Armenian Tiridates, who, according to Cassius Dio, caused disturbances in Armenia during the reign of Marcus Aurelius and who behaved violently towards the Roman legate Martius Verus when the latter... more
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      Roman HistoryArmenian HistoryCassius DioRoman Empire
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      ClassicsRoman HistoriographyByzantine LiteratureHistoriography
The broad question of how Roman citizenship was reflected in Second Sophistic literature is examined through an overview-comparison of literary and epigraphic evidence, followed by readings of Dio Chrysostom (Civic Orations), Aelius... more
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      Second SophisticCassius DioRoman EmpireHellenistic and Roman Asia Minor
AIM AND SCOPE: Brill’s Historiography of Rome and Its Empire Series aims to gather innovative and outstanding contributions in order to identify debates and trends, and in order to help provide a better understanding of ancient... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyAncient HistoriographyPolybius
Illustration on the cover: pax coin. A large issue of these coins (cistophoric tetradrachms) was struck in Asia in 28 BC. It celebrates the ending of the war against Cleopatra and Antonius and has the phrase 'LIBERTATIS P R VINDEX' as its... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCassius DioAugustus
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      Textual CriticismGreek PalaeographyCassius DioByzantine manuscripts
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      Cassius DioAugustan RomeRoman topography
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCassius DioSeptimius Severus
Summary: The landscape Agisymba embraced a vast area south of the Sahara from Lake Chad to the west to the Niger bend and belonged politically to the reign of the king of the Garamantes. This king had his headquarters in the city of... more
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      StraboCassius DioTacitusPliny the Elder