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Religion and law. Revisiting the Hervormde Kerk Resolution 41 (2016) on homosexuality In 2016, the General Assembly of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa, or NHKA) passed a resolution on... more
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      Church and HomosexualityChurch polity
교회의 역사에서 노회는 개별 지역교회들이 혼자서 해결하기 힘든 문제들에 대하여 공교회적으로 대처하기 위해 발생하였다. 초대교회 역사에서 볼 때에 초기 형태의 노회는 개별 지역교회들에서 공통적으로 발생할 수 있는 교리와 권징 및 예배에 대한 다양한 질문들을 성경적으로 해결해 주는 역할을 하였다. 노회는 종교개혁기와 그 이후 시기에 매우 성경적으로 발전하였다. 이 시대에 노회들은 이단이나 부정확한 교리들을 경계하고, 목회자들을... more
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      PresbyterianismChurch polityPresbyterian Church History
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      EcclesiologyChurch polityCongregationalismChurch Membership
Monepiscopacy definition: a form of church government in which a single governing bishop or leader is appointed in a local church, region, or over an entire denomination. This development was a departure from the earliest church model for... more
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      Organizational BehaviorChristianityHistoryAncient History
How many leaders are in the church? What are they called? What relationship do they have to each other? What are their specific duties?
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      TheologyLeadershipBiblical StudiesEcclesiology
The idea of church is misunderstood by most, abused by some, and usually somewhat imbalanced by the rest. What we believe and confess about Theology Proper, as well as other doctrines, informs and shapes our ecclesiology, not merely in... more
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      Baptist TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyEcclesiologyDoctrine of the Trinity
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      HistoryPatristicsHistorical TheologyHermeneutics
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      Baptist polityChurch polityBaptist Heritage
We may not have an exhaustive how-to-book on church discipline but we are given principals that can and indeed have to be applied in each individual case. We, as the church, are God’s representatives on earth and so we must seek to have... more
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      ChristianityChurch polity
An overview of the 16th century practice of Episcopal oversight in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, with application to the polity of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America.
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      Martin LutherPhilipp MelanchthonChurch polityLutheran Confessional Theology
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      TheologyChurch HistoryChurch polityChurch Government
The goal of this paper is to lay out the biblical vision for the basic elements of the Church’s government at the level of the particular church, and to argue that the Church’s gospel-centered mission is best served by teams of Shepherds... more
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      PresbyterianismEcclesiologyEldersChurch polity
The Reformed (or Presbyterian) system of church polity is employed by Reformed churches across the globe. This article intends to discern the fundamental principles of the Reformed church polity system. What does the concept... more
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    • Church polity
Biblical overview of the principle of stewardship taught in Scripture and an exegesis on selected passages of the Gospel of Luke. Churches in the underdeveloped world are facing many challenges. Teaching believers the biblical concept of... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesBiblical InterpretationBiblical Exegesis
In this research, important policy decisions by the 2013 General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church on the missional nature of the church were investigated in dialogue with the new mission affirmation of the World Council of Churches... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyEcumenismMissional ChurchMissional Church Theology
Ecclesiological contours for the development of a new church order. Case study on the Hervormde Kerk.
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      EcclesiologyMissional Church TheologyChurch polity
Did Ignatius of Antioch support a biblical model of church governance or a different model?
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      HistorySocial SciencesTheologyPatristics
The importance of social sciences for church policy is the reason for a fierce debate in this journal. In the case of the Dutch Roman Catholic Church, the conflictuous events of its history are considered in the discussion. This paper... more
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      Social SciencesAmsterdamChurch polityCity Center
Official policy document of the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa on the missional identity of the church, adopted in 2013.
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      EcclesiologyMissional EcclesiologyMissional ChurchMissional Church Theology
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyPhilosophical Theology
Die getuienis voor die Waarheids- en Vesoeningskommissie in 1997 was 'n draaipunt vir die NG Kerk. Dit het die NG Kerk gehelp om te ervaar dat waarheid nuwe vryheid bring. Die gebeure by 1997 se verhore het ten minste die NG Kerk gehelp... more
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      Church HistoryChurch polity
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
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      Creative WritingMarketingReligionChristianity
While the author cannot speak for churches of Christ, common among them are unique ways of understanding holy scripture, believed to have been written by the apostles and prophets of the Lord before the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.)... more
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      HistorySociologyCriminal LawJurisprudence
A look at various denominational and church polities (Hierarchical, Autocratic, Democratic, Presbyterial), as compared to the biblical model (Theocratic). Baptist, Episcopal, Catholic, Presbyterian, Independent styles of government.... more
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      Baptist TheologyPresbyterianismBiblical TheologyHistory of Roman Catholicism
Nem véletlen, hogy az egyház-fegyelmi határozatot rendszerint büntetésnek nevezik a(z egyházi) köznyelvben, és az sem, hogy a fegyelmi bizottságok manapság a „mindenki számára legjobb megoldás” megkeresését, illetve a „helyrehozatalt”... more
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      Christian EthicsChurch lawChurch polityChristian ethics and apologetics
Die beginsels agter die Kerkorde van die NG Kerk, en die manier waarop dit toegepas word, maak sin en het baie voordele. Dink byvoorbeeld aan die klem op plaaslike gemeentes en die baie hoë mate van selfstandigheid wat gemeentes het. In... more
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    • Church polity
FORETHOUGHT: Many men are able to handle adversities, but very few men are able to handle success. BACKGROUND: David whilst a fugitive (in times of adversity) refused the pleasure of a cool drink of water served him from Bethlehem because... more
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    • Church polity
It might fairly be stated that whenever the leading lights of nineteenth-century American Old School Presbyterianism joined ecclesiastical combat, Robert Jefferson Breckinridge (1800–1871) was always a bridesmaid but never a bride. Though... more
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      Historical TheologyChurch HistoryReformed theologyKentucky History
The Synod of Emden: Cradle of the Netherdutch churches of South Africa. The Synod of Emden, which took place from 04 to 13 October 1571 in the city of Emden, is of great importance to the reformed churches in South Africa. In this... more
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      Reformation StudiesChurch politySouth African Church History
Mit dem Treffen mit Papst Franziskus ging für Patriarch Kirill ein Wunsch in Erfüllung, den schon sein Lehrer Metropolit Nikodim gehegt hatte. Damit erleichtert er bestehende ökumenische Kooperationen in Russland, riskiert aber auch den... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchCatholic-Orthodox dialogueChurch polityPope Francis
The Jews of the Diaspora gradually acquired a worship service that . . . consisted wholly in preaching and prayer. It was these assemblies which in the Old Testament era laid the groundwork for the Christian church community to come. -... more
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      PresbyterianismReformed theologyStudies on worshipSynagogues
an introduction
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      ReligionTheologyHistorical TheologyPapacy (Medieval Church History)
It is not uncommon to find in church constitutions a statement about Elders that goes something like the following: “He must be the husband of one wife, solely devoted to that one woman and capable of modeling a lifestyle of devotion. For... more
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      Church polityChurch Leadership & MinistryPastoral EpistlesPastoral Ministry
Dit moet moontlik wees om kerkeenheid te bewerkstellig sonder dat alle lidmate gedwing word om die Belydenis van Belhar te aanvaar.
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      South African Politics and SocietyEcclesiologySouth African historyChurch polity
Die rubriek bespreek die lewensnoodsaaklike rol van jong stemme (teoloë en leiers) in 'n kerk.
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      EcclesiologyChurch polity
Model pengorganisasian GMIH tidak dapat dilepaskan dari asas presbiterial sinodal. Selain itu, kita tidak mungkin memahami Tata Gereja tanpa menemukan wawasan ekesiologi. Sebagaimana Tata Gereja berakar pada eklesiologi, demikian pula... more
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      Church lawChurch polityEklesiologi
for discussion purposes only
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      German StudiesArchaeologyEducationSocial Sciences
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      Race and EthnicityHerman BavinckChurch polity
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      EcclesiologyChurch GrowthEvangelism and Church GrowthRechtsgeschichte
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      PentecostalismChurch polity
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      Mormon HistoryChurch polity