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      Political HistoryDecolonization
This article presents four interpretative repertoires that cover most of the knowledge production regarding the relationship between psychology and decoloniality. These repertoires emerged from a study aimed at establishing a state of the... more
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      Critical PsychologySocial Studies Of Sciencedecolonial psychology
This article presents four interpretative repertoires that cover most of the knowledge production regarding the relationship between psychology and decoloniality. These repertoires emerged from a study aimed at establishing a state of the... more
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      Critical PsychologySocial Studies Of Sciencedecolonial psychology
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      OceanographyModernityIslamic StudiesIslam
Social and cultural anthropology, other related disciplines, some colonizing territories and museography face the challenge of decolonization. Several European museums have reviewed their colonialities and have proposed... more
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The rise of freelancing has transformed the accounting industry, leading to the emergence of virtual accounting services. The study explores how freelancing and remote accounting impact the provision of accounting services. Setting on the... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingQuantitative ResearchResearch
El objetivo de este ensayo consiste en mostrar cómo los dirigentes de algunos estados que creen gobernar la mítica región del progreso y la modernidad llamada “Occidente” justifican sus intervenciones militares en las sociedades... more
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      Feminist TheoryIslamophobiaDecolonial ThoughtOrientalism
The Earth That Modernism Built traces the rise of planetary design to an imperialist discourse about the influence of the earthly environment on humanity. Kenny Cupers argues that to understand how the earth became an object of design, we... more
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      German StudiesEnvironmental StudiesArchitectural HistoryGlobal Modernism
This article invites a dialogue between decolonial perspectives on diasporas and feminist standpoint theories by exploring processes of standpoint formation by women of Moroccan descent who grew up in postcolonial France. The article... more
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Book Review of Elsa Dorlin, Self-Defense: A Philosophy of Violence (Verso, 2022)
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      Critical Race TheoryThe BodyFeminismMichel Foucault
La historia del pueblo Mapuche se ha construido a base de luchas contra el despojo colonial, en ese contexto, las mujeres Mapuche han experimentado profundas y particulares experiencias de violencia constituidas por el cruce de diversos... more
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      Estudios de GéneroGéneroPueblo mapucheDictaduras En El Cono Sur
As a result of the reconfiguration of the functions performed by higher education worldwide, efforts directed at the process conventionally called internationalization are intensified and expressed as an imperative. In this study, an... more
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    • Internationalization of higher education
Intervention à la Table-ronde sur « La transmission de l'État colonial », congrès du Cinquantenaire du CEAN, 3-5 septembre 2008, "Penser la République". Table-ronde sur « La transmission de l'État colonial ». 1er paragraphe de l'article:... more
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      Latin American StudiesAfricaEmpireColoniality
In this paper we reflect upon our multi-year reading group as a site of decolonial feminist praxis that motivates reading in a different register from how we were trained to read as academics in the humanities. In collaborative study we... more
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      Epistemic JusticeSettler colonialismInhumanitiesDecolonial Feminism
O foco desta reflexão é abordar a contribuição da Educação Ambiental Crítica frente à dinâmica da modernidade/colonialidade capitalista a partir das contribuições teórico-políticas de Enrique Dussel. O texto, apoiado na pesquisa... more
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Ponemos en diálogo distintas corrientes de la ecología política, destacando tanto sus tensiones como sus complementariedades. Consideramos que las versiones anglosajonas, francófonas y latinoamericanas además de haberse configurado como... more
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      Political EcologyColonialidadColonialityEcología Política
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio Científico Internacional: Les Traces du Vodun dans les arts et cultures des sociétés post-esclavage (Traços do Vodun nas artes e culturas das sociedades pós-escravização), na École Du Patrimoine Africain-... more
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      ColonialismHistory of MuseumsHistory of CollectionsCandomblé
In this research, I invite the reader to re-think the relations of solidarity between the Global North and the Global South from the decolonial perspective, which implies a confrontation to the discourse and practice of modernity and a... more
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This essay engages in a discussion on concepts of power, contrasting the works of the South Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han with discussions on the subject within the scope of anthropology. Within the limits of this essay, the text... more
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      Political AnthropologyAnthropology of PowerAnthropology of the contemporaryByung-Chul Han
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This article examines the history of Suriname, a South American country that was a Dutch colony for three centuries, from the perspective of the colonial administration of sound. This period witnessed the construction of a particular... more
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As the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language would have it, the word chibolete does not exist in the language of Cervantes. And yet, writer and philosopher Miguel de Unamuno (1864Unamuno ( -1936) ) attempted to smuggle it into Spanish at... more
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On the Caribbean island of St. Croix, archival documents reference settlements of runaway enslaved Africans in the mountainous range known as Maroon Ridge. These settlements provide an important record of Afro-Atlantic resistance to... more
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Este artículo pretende problematizar las afirmaciones de Ramón Grosfoguel, concretamente en relación con Aníbal Quijano. Sostengo que la acusación de “racismo epistémico” de Grosfoguel, según la cual Quijano no reconoció una de sus deudas... more
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      Post-ColonialismColonialityAnibal QuijanoModernidad Colonialidad
While the specifics of the far-right COVID-denying QAnon movement may remain cloudy within popular consciousness, in contrast, many can easily conjure the image of Jacob Chansley, the so-called “QAnon Shaman,” when evoking the January 6th... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesMedia StudiesCritical Animal Studies
A conversation with Canadian curator Wanda Nanibush on art and decoloniality
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      Contemporary ArtIndigeneityCuratorial Practice (Art)Decolonial Thought
Foreign immigrants and the Dutch at table between 1945 and 1985. Bridging or widening the gap? This article deals with changing ways of cooking and eating amongst the Dutch and foreign migrants in the Netherlands. They are described as... more
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En este artículo proponemos un análisis de algunos relatos del escritor argentino Alberto Alabí desde la noción de colonialidad en sus tres dimensiones-del poder, del saber y del ser-y sus implicaciones en las formaciones identitarias.... more
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceCapitalismModernization theory
What would it mean to teach a postgraduate course about literacy education in South Africa in a way attuned to place, bodies, ways of being, and decolonial knowledge making? In this paper, we engage with this question through reflections... more
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      Teacher EducationDecolonial PraxisPostgraduate EducationSouthern Epistemologies
El artículo analiza las huellas del régimen post-colonial de fronteras -que asignan distintos grados de ciudadanía a las personas en función de su posición en las estructuras sociales globales racialistas, clasistas y sexistas- en las... more
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      SociologySocial WorkHumanitiesCultural Diversity
This piece interrogates anti-Black racism and coloniality in global health reporting on antibiotic use in Africa. I focus on New York Times discourse, imagery, and films, reading these intertextually with wider political and public health... more
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      African StudiesMedical AnthropologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
A partir do presente artigo pretende-se abordar a questão do tráfico internacional de drogas a partir de sua relação com a migração e com o conceito de mobilidade do trabalho, para entender o processo de “crimigração” e de como isso... more
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      MigraçãoGuerra as Drogasmulheres na prisão
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
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Dobrar a morte, despossuir a violência: corpo, performance, necropolítica Resumo | O objetivo deste artigo é indagar como a performance, não apenas responde e ilustra condições necropolíticas, mas pode ativar narrativas silenciadas e... more
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English Abstract below. Ce document présente le prologue, l'introduction et la table des matières de l'ouvrage de Michel Cahen 'Colonialité. Plaidoyer pour la précision d’un concept', Paris, Karthala, 23 mai 2024, 232 p., ISBN :... more
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      MarxismPostcolonial StudiesPostcolonial TheoryHistorical Materialism
As early as 1900 – i.e. very early on – and with renewed intensity since 1991, an initially anti- colonialist and then also post-colonialist perspectives were adopted to describe Ukraine's relationship with Russia and the Soviet Union.... more
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      Russian StudiesOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPostcolonial Studies
Many CDA scholars present the idea of “democracy” as a normative yardstick against which injustices of all kinds and in any type of society can be measured; many also assume there is an inherent opposition between democratization with its... more
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      DemocratizationEuropean UnionCritical Discourse AnalysisNeoliberalism
Inspirado pelo texto “Vênus em dois atos” da pensadora negra estadunidense Saidiya Hartman, neste ensaio (po)ético busco explorar, em um movimento inacabado e provisório, em pleno diálogo com a autora, questões centrais relativas à saúde... more
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      Race and RacismPublic Health PolicyPublic HealthColoniality
Op 21 december vond ín New York de wereldcreatie plaats van Tan Duns "The First Emperor". Een opdracht van de prestigieuze Metropolitan Opera, die meteen twee zwaargewichten aantrok: Placido Domingo zong de hoofdrol, de bekende Chinese... more
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      China studiesTan DunPlacido Domingo
This debate piece offers a global historical materialist critique of decolonial theory, engaging Walter Mignolo’s work. It argues that decolonial literature, by creating abstract universals like modernity/coloniality, disarticulates... more
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      MarxismHistorical MaterialismDecolonial ThoughtColoniality
This chapter argues that anthropological and global art collections are an important starting point for understanding different kinds of relationships between objects and media, and the multiple actors and institutions who have engaged... more
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      AnthropologyGlobalizationMuseum StudiesHeritage Studies
This article builds upon Fanon's and Wynter's theory of sociogeny to sketch the contours of decolonial sociography. Initially, it expounds on the inextricable link between sociogeny, coloniality of being, and race to examine how... more
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      Race and RacismFrantz FanonDecolonial ThoughtColoniality
Critical and de-/post-/anti-colonial scholars of education have long pointed out that silence within a field of inquiry is rarely a naturally occurring absence; it is rather a product of socially sanctioned discourses and practices that... more
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      Critical PedagogyInternational EducationComparative & International EducationDevelopment Education
In the last few years the literature in mental health work and ethnic minorities, seems to reflect the need to take in consideration the effects of oppression and in particular the after-effects of colonialism during the counseling... more
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Calls continue for the decolonisation of higher education (HE). Based on internationalisation debates, a research team from Africa, Europe and Latin America reviewed published decolonisation voices. Using bibliometric analysis and a... more
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      SociologyPublishingHigher EducationPolitical Science
The article aims to take a stand in the debates surrounding the potential contribution of the theoreticians of the first generation of the Frankfurt School to postcolonial/decolonial theory, by showing that Herbert Marcuse, in his work,... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesHerbert MarcuseFrantz FanonColoniality
Pitch => "Depuis l’attaque au couteau à Southport, le 29 juillet dernier au Royaume-Uni, des rumeurs infondées et des vidéos trompeuses ont été diffusées à large échelle sur les réseaux sociaux et ont provoqué une flambée de violences à... more
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      Information WarfareRumorsCyber, Information Warfare, Discourse AnalysisInformation and Media Warfare
Leaders of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union (EU) met at a new High-Level Summit in Brussels, in July 2023. The Declaration of the EU-CELAC Summit 2023 is element of the external dimension... more
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      European UnionExternal Relations of the EUEuropean Union external relationsColonialidad
For the materialization of the present study, it was based on the foundations of Markoni and Lakatos (2003. p.23) to discuss post-colonialism, in an in-depth and critical way, after all, reading constitutes a decisive factor in the study,... more
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      ValoresPós-ColonialismoColonialismo, PostcolonialismoGênero. subjetividades, construção de indentidades