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■ Abstract Personality has consequences. Measures of personality have contemporaneous and predictive relations to a variety of important outcomes. Using the Big Five factors as heuristics for organizing the research literature, numerous... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
Explain the causes and consequences of the War of 1812
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryWar of 1812The War of 1812
The subject of environmental economics is at the forefront of the green debate: the environment can no longer be viewed as an entity separate from the economy. Environmental degradation is of many types and have many consequences. To... more
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      Impacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureApplied microbiologyPlant microbe interactionsEnvironment Degradation
Overindulgence in social networking, in general, and texting, in particular, is much in practice. It is cutting across various population boundaries and has almost assumed an endemic proportion. Its consequential impact on the standard... more
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      Standard EnglishAttitudesTextingConsequences
Páginas 23-83 de la tesis doctoral Política militar y movimientos sociales: el fin de la conscripción en Europa. Universidad del País Vasco, Leioa 2000, ISBN 8483737817.
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      Social Movements (Political Science)Consequences
The Introduction of this work provided background, historical, and textual information about Leviticus 26 as well as a detailed outline of this text. This section will show that this Bible chapter revealed the corporate human... more
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      WarningsLeviticusBiblical CovenantsProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"
Recently we have witnessed the worldwide adoption of many different types of innovative technologies, such as crowdsourcing, ridesharing, open and big data, aiming at delivering public services more efficiently and effectively. Among... more
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      ManagementRisk Management and InsuranceInformation TechnologyPolicy Analysis/Policy Studies
The concept of formal consequence is at the heart of logic today, and by extension, plays an important role in such diverse areas as mathematics, computing, philosophy, and linguistics. In this dissertation, I trace the roots of this... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyLogicMedieval History
The good physical, human, and political conditions enjoyed by the Aboisso Department, located in the southeast of Côte d'Ivoire, have promoted the expansion of rubber as a commercial crop. This traditional culture is currently undergoing... more
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      Environmental StudiesCote D'IvoireMutationRubber
Because there are currently few models that can be built in this area, the goal of this study is to do more research on the idea of Person-Job Fit. As a result, this research uses the literature review method to investigate the notion of... more
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      Job QualityConsequencesPerson Job FitAntecedents
Supportive Leadership study is needed since it is still difficult to discover past research that tackles the topic in depth. In addition, the goal of this research is to create a model for supportive leadership. Furthermore, to provide a... more
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      Literature ReviewDecent workConsequencesSupportive Leadership
Disgust has been theorized to be a basic emotion with a facial signal that is easily, universally, automatically, and perhaps innately recognized by observers from an early age. This article questions one key part of that theory: the... more
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      EmotionFacial expressionDisgustCauses
Disgust has been theorized to be a basic emotion with a facial signal that is easily, universally, automatically, and perhaps innately recognized by observers from an early age. This article questions one key part of that theory: the... more
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      MarketingCognitive ScienceEmotionAnger
Rajshahi District is a small but it bears a huge population, resulting in a very high density of population and very high intensity of land and resource use. Per capita land is estimated to be only about 0.0526 ha. Two significantly... more
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      Agricultural land use changePraRajshahiCauses
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
Background: Domestic Violence refers to violence emanating from the household and within relationships defined by familial or emotional (former or present) attachment. It is the most common form of violence against women and affects women... more
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This paper contributes to an explanation of how a sea change in logic from the later 13th to the early 14th century relates to certain metaphysical debates during the same period. The changes we refer to are: i. The development of the... more
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      HistoryPsychologyMetaphysicsMedieval Philosophy
With every living thing on this planet being interdependent and all ecosystem working hand in hand in a system, the crisis raises the question of, how many years are left, before we lose out on all natural habitats and destroy the... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyInvasive SpeciesMutualisms and Parasitisms
Youth age is the period when majority of youths become sexually active. However, majority of the youths lack sufficient knowledge about (HIV/AIDS) and other reproductive health issues. As a result, youths have multitude of reproductive... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGenderPublic Health
Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse, and it cuts across boundaries of age, race, culture, wealth and geography. It... more
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      Criminal LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesViolence
Understandinga nd recognitiono fe motionsr elieso ne motion concepts,w hich are narratives tructures( scripts) specifying facial expressions, causes,c onsequences, label, etc. organizedinatemporal andcausalorder.Scripts andtheir... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyEmotion
The responses of government, public, researchers and professionals alike could have been boosted in need to tenaciously tackle residential neighborhood crime if there were enough research and publication on the diverse consequences of... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial SciencesGovernment
Personality has consequences. Measures of personality have contemporaneous and predictive relations to a variety of important outcomes. Using the Big Five factors as heuristics for organizing the research literature, numerous... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
The responses of government, public, researchers and professionals alike could have been boosted in need to tenaciously tackle residential neighborhood crime if there were enough research and publication on the diverse consequences of... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial SciencesGovernment
El proceso inquisitivo constituye la llave que abre las puertas del conocimiento.
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      CausalityMethodsConfirmation biasConsequences
Human values are at the heart of our lives. We all hold a set of values that influence our actions. The protection of the natural environment is no exception to this rule. That is why the study of human values is key to reaching the... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourHuman ValuesConsumer BehaviorAttitudes (Social Psychology)
To conduct a further study of the concept of Organizational Justice, this research was conducted using the literature review method. The study includes the definition, dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of Organizational Justice.... more
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      Organizational JusticeLiterature ReviewDecent workJob Quality
The reason to choose this topic for research among others is the studies method of this issue or paper, since it is one of the most spread problems among children nowadays, because a number of them perform heavy duties and with... more
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Industry convergence—the merger of previously unrelated industries—is a model that has had a strong influence on various industries and received substantial attention among practitioners over the past years. Despite this, industry... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness ManagementIndustrial Analysis
Pricing greenhouse gas emissions is a burgeoning and possibly lucrative financial means for climate change mitigation. Emissions pricing is being used to fund emissions-abatement technologies and to modify land management to improve... more
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      Environmental ScienceForestryConservationCarbon
The concepts of child labor and child education both are inversely linked with each other in terms of execution. Child labor does not allow child education and vice versa. Between the two types of economic ideologies normative approach... more
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      Child LaborChild EducationIssuesInterventions
I argue that one can be responsible for a certain state of affairs, one has brought about, or one has let happen, only if one could have avoided it, by omitting or by performing a certain action. I limit my argument to the consequences of... more
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      Free Will and Moral ResponsibilityOmissionsHarry FrankfurtConsequences
The subject of environmental economics is at the forefront of the green debate: the environment can no longer be viewed as an entity separate from the economy. Environmental degradation is of many types and have many consequences. To... more
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      Environment DegradationConsequences
Life-history theory predicts that parents produce the number of offspring that maximizes their fitness. In birds, natural selection on parental decisions regarding clutch size may act during egg laying, incubation or nestling phase. To... more
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      OrnithologyReproductionLife historyAnimal Behaviour
»Aushandlungsprozesse infolge gewaltinduzierter Migration. Perspektiven an der Schnittstelle von Kriegsfolgenforschung, Migrationsforschung und digitalen Methoden«. This introductory essay revisits the handling of mass displacement caused... more
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      HistoryMigrationWorld War IIGeschichte
Psychological ownership is one of the main issues taken into account by management theorists and experts in recent years in an effort to motivate employees. In this regard, the research objectives included the identification and... more
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      Psychological ownershipPublic OrganizationsConsequencesAntecedents
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This article has three goals. The first goal is to clarify the role that the consequences of test score use play in validity judgments by reviewing the role that modern writers on validity have ascribed for consequences in supporting... more
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      ValidityTest TheoryConsequencesTest Development
Public health agencies tasked with improving the health of communities are poorly supported by many 'business-as-usual' funding practices. It is commonplace to call for more funding for health promotion, but additional funding could do... more
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      SociologyHealth PromotionSocial SciencesSystems Thinking
This study explores the consequences of child maltreatment in East Asia and the Pacific region based on the results of a systematic review of 16 English and non-English databases for journal articles and ‘‘gray’ ’ literature published... more
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      PsychologyChild protectionHealth OutcomesChild Welfare
The good physical, human, and political conditions enjoyed by the Aboisso Department, located in the southeast of Côte d'Ivoire, have promoted the expansion of rubber as a commercial crop. This traditional culture is currently... more
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      Environmental StudiesMutationRubberConsequences
The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model and categorize the prerequisites and consequences of green supply chain in the parts manufacturing industry. A comprehensive and indigenous model is not provided. The method of... more
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      ConsequencesGreen Supply ChainsAntecedents
handling them.
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      ManagementProject ManagementRisk ManagementBusiness Management
An emotion concept is a script in which an emotion event is an ordered sequence of subevents from situational cause through bodily changes to behavioral consequence. As children build a script for each emotion, in what order do they add... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyChild Development
The responses of government, public, researchers and professionals alike could have been boosted in need to tenaciously tackle residential neighborhood crime if there were enough research and publication on the diverse consequences of... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial SciencesGovernment
In recent years, several organizations have implemented interventions aimed at integrating work processes and bridging network clusters. These are often permeated by different assumptions regarding clusters in organizational settings.... more
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      CommunicationBehavioral SciencesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Cooperation
An emotion concept is a script in which an emotion event is an ordered sequence of subevents from situational cause through bodily changes to behavioral consequence. As children build a script for each emotion, in what order do they add... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyEarly Childhood Education
Genetic interactions (i.e. hybridization) between wild and escaped Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from aquaculture operations have been widely documented, yet the ability to incorporate predictions of risk into aquaculture siting advice has... more
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This is chapter 12 of “A Buddha Land in This World” (Punctum, 2022). It argues that expected consequences are not a kind of consequences, but a kind of beliefs (i.e. expectations) about the future, and that virtually all varieties of... more
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      MetaphysicsNormative EthicsConsequentialismUtilitarianism
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental Psychology