Recent papers in Constellations
Bonne analyse des enjeux de la recherche-création, bien recherchée-Pour pousser l'analyse plus loin, il faut porter plus d'attention sur les spécificités processuelles de la science et des arts (D/G développent une telle tentative dans... more
What is the relation between the idea of the public sphere and computer-mediated interaction? I argue that the notion of the public sphere is not only inapplicable to the Net, but also and more importantly, that it is damaging to... more
The idea of building a European democratic polity has been a part of the European integration process from the beginning. Advocates and critics of further integration agree that the process increasingly depends on the existence of... more
Keeping an exact calendar was important to schedule Delphic festivals. The proper day for a prophecy involved a meticulous calculation, which was carried out by learned priests and ancient philosophers. The month of Bysios on average is... more
For each of the 88 official constellations: the history and a note on mythology.
9 Per un corpo del sistema solare congiunzione è la posizione di allineamento con la terra e il sole, detta inferiore quando, come qui, sia ad essi interposto. 10 I disegni di Galileo abbozzano la prima carta lunare, che nel corso dello... more
We now have a President we can admire and respect. But he seems unaware that his opponents are not patriots anxious to help govern through a decent consensus but fanatics who would destroy the country if that would lead to his defeat. We... more
I would like to sketch a proceduralist view of democracy and deliberative politics which differs in relevant aspects from both the liberal and the republican paradigm. Let me (1) remind you the opposite features of these two established... more
Buildings are engraved on several Ancient Near East cylinder seals and I suspect that some of them represent the Abzu shrine. In this essay I show a few of them and explain what they are telling us.
The target-audience for Alex Callinicos's concise, intelligent, and well-written book is what he labels the "movement against capitalist globalization," often called simply, but in his view, erroneously, the anti-globalization movement.... more
Астрономия - одна из самых древних наук: названия звёзд и созвездий (астронимы) были известны ещё с незапамятных времён. В этом словаре впервые собраны русские народные астронимы. Каждое название - свидетельство яркого, образной мышления... more
my own views on geometric patterns in astrological charts
The object of this paper is to rethink the scope, boundaries, and main themes of a philosophical discipline that takes society as its object. Our traditional conceptual map includes a distinction between the territory of political... more
Aboriginal Australians have been observing the stars for more than 65,000 years, and many of their oral traditions have been recorded since colonisation. These traditions tell of all kinds of celestial events, such as the annual rising of... more
This study applies phylogenetic software to motifs connected with the Pleiades as identified in Yuri Berezkin’s database, The Analytical Catalogue of World Mythology and Folklore. The aim of analysis is to determine which, if any, of the... more
Populism is one of those phenomena that serve to highlight significant political differences between Europe and America. The term 'populism' was coined in America at the end of the last century to designate both a political language and a... more
To treat the cause of a disease and not only its effects is of the utmost importance; hence, we need to know the origin of this pandemic of COVID-19, in order to be able, if possible, to prevent an event of such a nature and magnitude in... more
How should we understand appeals to solidarity today? We certainly make and hear them as calls for inclusion and affirmation, for the reassurance that others will stand by us or that we will not leave another abandoned and alone. Yet to... more
The main portal of San Marco in Venice (13th century), contains an hitherto unnoticed solilunar calendar, carved into the sculptural cycle of the lower archivolt and intrados. The figures (hybrid figures, hunters, animals, etc.) don't... more
Keeping an exact calendar was important to schedule Delphic festivals. The proper day for a prophecy involved a meticulous calculation, which was carried out by learned priests and ancient philosophers. The month of Bysios on average is... more
At the dawn of the new millennium, after centuries of feminist struggle, we can perhaps gauge the status of women in the world's wealthiest countries by the covers of popular women's magazines: middle-class and working-class women are... more
Western feminism has been arguing about issues of sensitivity to cultural specificity and difference for a number of years now. The horns of the dilemma involve, on the one hand, the recognition that context, specificity, and difference... more
The ancient study and meaning of the stars - astronomy and Christianity. The significance of the constellations for the most part was not in the form or the picture that they created. Rather, the significance of the constellations was... more
There is no document of culture which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.
Of Stars, And Travels: An astronomic cycle in the main portal of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice* is the English version, revised and enlarged, of an article appeared in Italian in ABAV- Annuario dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia 2014... more
The fixed stars were an inevitable source of cosmic meaning to Noah's family. Because the same patterns of stars are observable throughout the world, their imagery transcends the shifting panorama of_earthly experience and suggests... more
This PDF is the introduction to a survey of more than 120 pages. You can also read it by going to the address: :
La constellation du Sagittaire n’est pas d’origine grecque. Elle fut empruntée à l’astronomie mésopotamienne par un phénomène, courant dans la haute Antiquité, de copiage culturel et de réappropriation par les Grecs via leur mythologie.... more
Ostensibly a monograph on the drawings of Josef Albers, the reader will find under the heading ‘excursus’ a series of investigations into the concept of constellation in the writings of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno, the semiotics... more
The first tablet of MUL.APIN begins with a long list of names of asterisms (most of them constellations, some single stars) which are associated with certain deities. Our investigation is based on the text as reconstructed by Hunger and... more