Contemporary Archeology, Identity, Historical Archaeology
Recent papers in Contemporary Archeology, Identity, Historical Archaeology
En el yacimiento de Murcia houses has been able to document an organized defensive system that leverages the excellent situation of the hill with a view to its defence and cover at the same time the vega of the Manzanares River. This... more
En el yacimiento de Murcia houses has been able to document an organized defensive system that leverages the excellent situation of the hill with a view to its defence and cover at the same time the vega of the Manzanares River. This system consists of a trench that surrounds the outgoing of the Hill and comes to link with a rectangular command located in rear post. In certain strategic points of the Hill were dug several observation posts and machine gun nests, so that the plain of the River is exposed to the fire of the defenders. The site has provided abundant remnants of the occupation of the Hill during the civil war.
The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this... more
The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this conference focuses on the alternative forms of war heritagisation and commemoration emerging globally. In exploring other voices disregarded by the mainstream grand narratives of European geopolitics, we aim to explore the weight of how we are inheriting 1914. With over 50 million pounds being invested in the UK in local communities' projects to re-establish claims on the memory of 1914 we are interested in exploring perspectives from the periphery (ie local, indigenous, former colonies and other previously overlooked regions). This 15th Cambridge Heritage Seminar seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide array of disciplines and communities of practice to explore the range of narratives being constructed.
Paper proposals are due by 15 February to They should clearly outline the questions that will be addressed and the empirical evidence or case study that will be drawn on. The proposals should not exceed 400 words and should be accompanied by a short (150 word) biographical note.
Paper proposals are due by 15 February to They should clearly outline the questions that will be addressed and the empirical evidence or case study that will be drawn on. The proposals should not exceed 400 words and should be accompanied by a short (150 word) biographical note.
In this article the outcomes of historical, archaeological, spatial and anthropological research concerning material remnants of the war cemeteries left by the Great War in Central Poland, in the area of Rawka and Bzura are presented. On... more
In this article the outcomes of historical, archaeological, spatial and anthropological research concerning material remnants of the war cemeteries left by the Great War in Central Poland, in the area of Rawka and Bzura are presented. On the example of one of the four communes (Nowa Sucha) subjected to research under the project Archaeological Revival of Memory of the Great War (ARM), the processes of creation, transformation, decay, destruction and re-making present the resting places of the soldiers fallen between December 1914 and July 1915 are shown. In the first part, we sketch the output
atmosphere that accompanied the primary context in which war cemeteries were established and place
the war cemeteries in the network of social, formal and legal determinants. In the second part, we frame
the historical and social contexts in which the resting places of the fallen soldiers of the German and
Russian armies were massively created. Than, we show the difficulties associated with locating particular
war cemeteries and signal strengths and obstacles in correlating results of archival research and use
of remote sensing and archaeological methods in order to restore the memory of war cemeteries and
establish their current and future condition as material warnings. Also we stress the looping of cultural
and natural factors both in the process of protecting and destroying material condition of war cemeteries.
Finally, on the example of one of the cemeteries we show how slow and arduous but at the same time
promising can be the process of transformation from a forgotten/plowed cemetery into a place of/in
memory, and as an agent struggling with the continuous nature-cultural transformations.
atmosphere that accompanied the primary context in which war cemeteries were established and place
the war cemeteries in the network of social, formal and legal determinants. In the second part, we frame
the historical and social contexts in which the resting places of the fallen soldiers of the German and
Russian armies were massively created. Than, we show the difficulties associated with locating particular
war cemeteries and signal strengths and obstacles in correlating results of archival research and use
of remote sensing and archaeological methods in order to restore the memory of war cemeteries and
establish their current and future condition as material warnings. Also we stress the looping of cultural
and natural factors both in the process of protecting and destroying material condition of war cemeteries.
Finally, on the example of one of the cemeteries we show how slow and arduous but at the same time
promising can be the process of transformation from a forgotten/plowed cemetery into a place of/in
memory, and as an agent struggling with the continuous nature-cultural transformations.
Between November and December 2013, during the second campaign of intervention in the archaeological site previously known as Fort of Valparaíso, located in the park of Eirís, A Coruña (Galicia), the first archaeological excavations have... more
Between November and December 2013, during the second campaign of intervention in the archaeological site previously known as Fort of Valparaíso, located in the park of Eirís, A Coruña (Galicia), the first archaeological excavations have been done in the place. They have been able to document archaeologically the last moments of use of the building and its surroundings. These moments correspond to phases dating between the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century. Through the results of this second campaign it has been possible to verify the usefulness of these studies, not only because of their strictly scientific value, but also because they give the whole of meaning to the social interpretación and also generate historical discourse.
El presente artículo emerge de la discusión generada en torno a la mesa redonda “Arqueología de la contemporaneidad, contemporaneidad de la arqueología” en el marco de las VII JIA, Vitoria-Gasteiz. En un contexto en el que el patrimonio... more
El presente artículo emerge de la discusión generada en torno a la mesa redonda “Arqueología de la contemporaneidad, contemporaneidad de la arqueología” en el marco de las VII JIA, Vitoria-Gasteiz. En un contexto en el que el patrimonio nace de la decisión política de dar o no voz, la intervención arqueológica deja al descubierto una realidad más amplia previa al recorte impuesto por la demarcación patrimonial, exponiendo el conflicto que tal delimitación genera. Si la arqueología tiene la capacidad de analizar procesos transcurridos (ya remotos, ya contemporáneos) mediante la
aplicación de metodologías científicas, ¿cuál es verdaderamente el objeto de estudio de la arqueología?
¿Puede sostenerse la idea de que la arqueología se ocupa del patrimonio? ¿Qué es lo que se pretende realmente conservar mediante la conservación patrimonial?
aplicación de metodologías científicas, ¿cuál es verdaderamente el objeto de estudio de la arqueología?
¿Puede sostenerse la idea de que la arqueología se ocupa del patrimonio? ¿Qué es lo que se pretende realmente conservar mediante la conservación patrimonial?
Desde la perspectiva de una arqueología social y crítica, resulta evidente la relación entre la arqueología y la construcción social de identidades, tanto individuales como comunitarias. Históricamente, el discurso arqueológico ha... more
Desde la perspectiva de una arqueología social y crítica, resulta evidente la relación entre la arqueología y la construcción social de identidades, tanto individuales como comunitarias. Históricamente, el discurso arqueológico ha permitido establecer continuidades históricas a la vez que ha servido para segmentar e invisibilizar otras, demostrando así su carácter eminentemente político. A esto subyace el debate sobre la construcción objetiva o subjetiva de las identidades y el establecimiento de vínculos entre pasado y presente. ¿Los reclamos territoriales, económicos, políticos e identitarios deben legitimarse en base a la objetividad histórica o genética, o por el contrario, a la percepción contemporánea subjetiva individual y grupal?, ¿Podrían estar las percepciones subjetivas condicionadas por la asunción de discursos arqueológicos interiorizados?, ¿Podrían estar los supuestos discursos objetivos determinados por los intereses de la episteme colonial? Estas preguntas subyacen a los dilemas candentes de la arqueología, desde su relación con la megaminería y los derechos territoriales de ciertas comunidades, a cuestiones identitarias alrededor de la repatriación de restos arqueológicos o la distribución política de beneficios económicos.
En este simposio nos interesa discutir y establecer una base comparativa entre diversos procesos en los que se hayan producido o estén produciendo invisibilizaciones o continuidades identitarias. Éstos incluyen la colonialización y la desvinculación territorial e histórica de las poblaciones locales, su subalternización como elementos culturalmente “inferiores” y su reinterpretación desde la arqueología moderna, o el uso de la arqueología por parte de estados-nación, empresas y académicos/expertos para excluir o integrar a ciertos “otros” tolerables o detestables de la herencia nacional. Estos procesos son ambiguos, pero refieren a problemáticas que arqueólogos y/o antropólogos enfrentamos habitualmente en nuestros trabajos de campo y relaciones con “la comunidad”.
En este simposio nos interesa discutir y establecer una base comparativa entre diversos procesos en los que se hayan producido o estén produciendo invisibilizaciones o continuidades identitarias. Éstos incluyen la colonialización y la desvinculación territorial e histórica de las poblaciones locales, su subalternización como elementos culturalmente “inferiores” y su reinterpretación desde la arqueología moderna, o el uso de la arqueología por parte de estados-nación, empresas y académicos/expertos para excluir o integrar a ciertos “otros” tolerables o detestables de la herencia nacional. Estos procesos son ambiguos, pero refieren a problemáticas que arqueólogos y/o antropólogos enfrentamos habitualmente en nuestros trabajos de campo y relaciones con “la comunidad”.
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