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En el yacimiento de Murcia houses has been able to document an organized defensive system that leverages the excellent situation of the hill with a view to its defence and cover at the same time the vega of the Manzanares River. This... more
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      Contemporary Archeology, Identity, Historical ArchaeologyGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAArqueología de la Guerra Civil Española
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      Contemporary Archeology, Identity, Historical ArchaeologyGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAArqueología de la Guerra Civil Española
The Great War is arguably one of the most significant conflicts in recent history. In this centenary year of the beginning of the First World War, as the grand narratives about the conflict come under renewed scrutiny and debate this... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageWar TheoryWar Studies
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      ArchaeologyContemporary Archeology, Identity, Historical ArchaeologyGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAArqueología de la Guerra Civil Española
In this article the outcomes of historical, archaeological, spatial and anthropological research concerning material remnants of the war cemeteries left by the Great War in Central Poland, in the area of Rawka and Bzura are presented. On... more
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      Modern HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyPublic Archaeology
Between November and December 2013, during the second campaign of intervention in the archaeological site previously known as Fort of Valparaíso, located in the park of Eirís, A Coruña (Galicia), the first archaeological excavations have... more
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      Contemporary ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Contemporary PastArchaeology of Contemporary PastContemporary Archeology, Identity, Historical Archaeology
El presente artículo emerge de la discusión generada en torno a la mesa redonda “Arqueología de la contemporaneidad, contemporaneidad de la arqueología” en el marco de las VII JIA, Vitoria-Gasteiz. En un contexto en el que el patrimonio... more
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      Contemporary ArchaeologyContemporary Military ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Contemporary PastArchaeology of Contemporary Past
Desde la perspectiva de una arqueología social y crítica, resulta evidente la relación entre la arqueología y la construcción social de identidades, tanto individuales como comunitarias. Históricamente, el discurso arqueológico ha... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologySelf and IdentitySocial Identity