Recent papers in Distinction
Grazie soprattutto alla nascita dei reality show, un nuovo tipo di celebrità ha fatto la sua comparsa: la celebrità negativa, famosa perché i suoi comportamenti suscitano disprezzo e compassione. Diverse ricerche di area anglofona hanno... more
We address a largely neglected issue in contemporary research on cultural class divisions: economic capital and its associated lifestyles and symbolic expressions. Using qualitative interviews, we explore how adolescents from wealthy... more
Alors que les classes populaires confèrent comme on l'a vu ci-dessus beaucoup d'importance à la famille et la chaleur du foyer, elles semblent demeurer aujourd'hui également attachées -comme nos données empiriques l'attestent largement... more
El artículo plantea el debate entre homología y omnivoridad cultural, planteando la especificidad de América Latina
Der Beitrag stellt theoretische und methodische Ansätze vor, die in der Europäischen Ethnologie / Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft zur Analyse populärkultureller Phänomene verwendet werden. Grundlegend sind ein offenes Verständnis des... more
Princeton 2008, chapters: intro, 1, 2
(Chinese translation: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2019).
(Chinese translation: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2019).
Social classes arise in drawing boundaries, and social identities are defined and asserted through difference (Bourdieu 2010: 167). In this chapter of the book, I consider distinctions within the middle class expressed through concepts... more
El legado de Pierre Bourdieu ha dejado para la sociología un denso entramado de conceptos teóricos, estrategias metodológicas y preguntas fundamentales para pensar lo social. Pero encontramos en la obra de Bourdieu más una guía de... more
Fondandosi ampiamente sulla teoria dei sistemi autoreferenziali di Niklas Luhmann, il presente elaborato si propone di descrivere la coscienza quale sistema di pensieri che producono pensieri e che si differenzia dal suo ambiente proprio... more
Dès sa parution en 1979, le livre de Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction, fait l’objet de vifs débats. Mettant au jour les déterminants sociaux de nos goûts et de nos choix dans des domaines très divers (culture, alimentation, politique…) et... more
idées I n° 160 I juin 2010 72 VIE DE LA DISCIpLINE I
Il contributo si dedica all'analisi della moda, meccanismo generale di mutamento che investe numerosi settori, dall'arte alla divulgazione scientifica, dal linguaggio al turismo, dal cibo al costume, di cui l'abbigliamento rappresenta un... more
In this article, we synthesize and analyze sociological understanding of fashion, with the main part of the review devoted to classical and recent sociological work. To further the development of this largely interdisciplinary field, we... more
p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127 Institutions and Culture Multiculturalism and Immigration: A Contested Field in Cross-National Comparison Ruud Koopmans p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p... more
En los últimos 10 años, el Perú, como buena parte del continente, ha tenido una transformación radical en la composición de su población, al grado de revertir la proporción entre las personas que viven en estado de pobreza y las que no.... more
Praca na rzecz gospodarki narodowej w każdym przypadku stanowi samoistną wartość, gdyż to dzięki wkładowi czasu, energii i wiedzy mieszkańców zwiększa się dobrobyt państwa. Oprócz wynagrodzenia finansowego, wieloletnia praca oraz wybitne... more
George Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form is a mathematical treatise that calls for philosophical interpretation. Its core component, the calculus of indications, progresses from the simple act of drawing a distinction, through a number of... more
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se estudian las trayectorias de una selección de familias de comerciantes gaditanos desde mitad del siglo XVIII hasta principios del XX con el objetivo de analizar cómo las élites sociales se transformaron a lo... more
Résumé Dans cette présentation, Agnieszka Jachec-Neale nous a proposé d’aborder la question de la perte de protection des biens de caractère civil, que ce soit par leur utilisation, leur nature ou leur emplacement. Il est... more
At issue here is to advocate for a rare event – the introduction of a new symbol. We are all familiar with symbols such as "+", "-", "&", "%", "§", "©", "@", "𝄞", "√", "♂", "♀" and even, pinnacle of the mysterious, the sign for equals,... more
Le film français Le Goût des autres fut un énorme succès commercial et critique à sa sortie en 2000. Dans le même temps Pierre Bourdieu gagnait une audience, qui devait aller bien au-delà de la sphère universitaire de la sociologie. Le... more
The homology idea contends that a very close relationship takes place between social positions (economic and cultural capital) and cultural practices. In this paper, we use data from the International Social Survey Programme for comparing... more
Various studies suggest that those who are ‘socially disadvantaged’ remain less likely to attend theatre. However, empirical research shows that pricing is only one ‘barrier’ to attendance; simultaneously, research into the experience of... more
This thesis concerns the correspondence between relations of social class and relations of social status. Dating back to the early days of the social sciences, the debate about class and status has been revitalised in the wake of the... more
NOTA BENE il y a deux pièces jointes : le texte lui-même et la couverture du livre Pour citer ce texte : Jérôme Maucourant, « Transformer la valeur (sociale) en prix (de marché) : sur la résistance du social », in Massimo Vallerani... more
This chapter first explores the reasons of the decline of class analysis in the age of neoliberalism before engaging with the arguments for the return of class. The chapter considers social anthropology’s changing relationship to the... more
In this paper, we would like to make some remarks regarding the role of film criticism in the process of the revaluation and spread of cultural codes. Since the rise of cinema departments at universities, film criticism has changed,... more
Es wird ein alltagskulturhistorisches Herangehen an Prozesse kulturellen Transfers und kultureller Aneignung skizziert, die in Deutschland seit dem 19. Jh. als "Amerikanisierung" thematisiert wurden und werden. Mit Blick auf die 1950er... more
Despite research on fans, relatively little is known about the mechanisms behind the negotiation of cultural value of genre texts by fan consumers. The overall image of fandom that emerges from the literature (for example Fiske, 1992;... more
Whilst differences in British English accents can be traditionally evidenced through variances in pronunciation, syntax and lexical choices, justification for these preferences are more complicated and contentious (Cheshire et al, 1989;... more
Through defining kitsch art, looking at Bourdieu’s Distinction theory, applying McCoy and Scarborough’s (2014) viewing styles, and linking it to Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis, the following essay will elaborate on the role of kitsch... more