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Human wading in shallow coastal waters is a common activity that inherently involves trampling of the substrate. An experiment was conducted in Thalassia testudinum seagrass beds in Puerto Rico to determine how seagrass and associated... more
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      Disturbance EcologyPuerto RicoBenthic EcologyFish Ecology
BACKGROUND OVERVIEW Status of Mangroves in Southeast Asia The current status in southeast Asia is one of decline. Mangroves in southeast Asia make up an estimated 35% of global mangrove vegetation [1]. Since 1996 Southeast Asia has... more
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      South AsiaMangrovesApplications of remote sensing and GIS in mangroves, coral reefs and sea grassesMangroves, Coastal Management
Studies in mangrove ecosystem are often focused on biological or ecological criteria and interdependency between mangroves and people is normally neglected. The situation is similar in Tamil Nadu; India which has a coastline of about 950... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyEcosystem ServicesConservation BiologyConservation
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      Red SeaSeagrass ecologyEcology of Corals, Seagrass and MangrovesRed Sea Studies
Resumo: Use of images and video production as a coastal management tool for mangroves

Autores: Everton Viesba, Marília Cunha Lignon
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      MangrovesApplications of remote sensing and GIS in mangroves, coral reefs and sea grassesMangroves, Coastal ManagementEcology of Corals, Seagrass and Mangroves
Current MSc thesis focuses on the monitoring of seagrass P.oceanica along the northern coasts of Crete Island, Greece, and investigates the application of the remote sensing techniques for the seagrass mapping. This research was... more
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      Habitat MappingThesisLaTeXMaster's Thesis
Pada saat muson tenggara perairan selatan Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara mengalami upwelling yang berpengaruh ke perairan selat Bali disebut sebagai in-direct upwelling. Pengaruh upwelling ini bisa dilihat dari perubahan parameter fisika,... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyMangrovesFisheries Management
Seagrass beds have high primary productivity and contribute as a source of food for marine biota, the leaves used as a substrate for micro and macro bentik, and the canopy characteristic can dampen the current and the waves, so it is... more
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    • Ecology of Corals, Seagrass and Mangroves
Herbivory is a fundamental process that controls primary producer abundance and regulates energy and nutrient flows to higher trophic levels. Despite the recent proliferation of small-scale studies on herbivore effects on aquatic plants,... more
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      BotanyZoologyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems Ecology
Este estudo visa, através da aplicação de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de fato sustentável das atividades ecoturísticas nas áreas de manguezal da região e conferir suporte para a... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyMangroveRemote Sensing and Mangrove
(Received January 19 2012)(Accepted January 25 2012)
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      Fish BiologyFish EcologyCoralsCoral Reef Fishes
Aquatic plants fulfil a wide range of ecological roles, and make a substantial contribution to the structure, function and service provision of aquatic ecosystems. Given their well-documented importance in aquatic ecosystems, research... more
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      BotanyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems EcologyPlant Ecology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeomorphologyCoastal Geomorphology
Coral reefs and reef corals of the Iranian coastline: an overview of modern and raised corals (Samimi-Namin*, K.; Riegl , B.; Piller , W.; van Ofwegen , L.P.; Hoeksema B.W.)
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      Coral Reef EcosystemsEnvironemntal chage in coral reefsCoral Reef EcologyCoral
Using throw trap sampling, we compared the decapod and stomatopod fauna of the grasscovered mud banks in five major subenvironments of Florida Bay and tested for zonation in these fauna across individual banks. Fauna was primarily... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyCommunity EcologyNational Parks
As the impact of anthropogenic activity and climate change continue to accelerate rates of degradation on Caribbean coral reefs, conservation and restoration faces greater challenges. At this stage, it is of particular importance in coral... more
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      Coral Reef EcosystemsCoral ReefsCoralsCoral Reef Ecology
Structural analysis of mangrove forests was carried out in Turiaçu Bay during 1997 and 1998. The study area is influenced by brackish to saline waters with the occurrence of Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa... more
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      MangrovesMangroveMangrove RestorationMangrove and coastal lagoons
RESUMEN Mediante análisis comparativo de mapas, fotografías aéreas e imágenes de satélite, comple-mentados con observaciones de campo, se reconstruyó la distribución de las praderas de pastos marinos en la bahía de Cartagena y áreas... more
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      Marine EcologyEcology of Corals, Seagrass and Mangroves
This paper focus on the Holocene palaeogeography of the Ja'alan coast from the 6th to the 4th millennium cal. BC, integrating the dynamics of mangroves, lagoons, khors-estuaries and deltas, with sea-level change and the evidence from... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyGeoArcheology
Mangroves and seagrass beds have long been perceived as important nurseries for many fish species. While there is growing evidence from the Western Atlantic that mangrove habitats are intricately connected to coral reefs through... more
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      PhylogeographyPhylogeneticsMangrove EcologyCoral Reef Ecology
The dis cov ery of shell mid dens around the Bay of Daun and Lake Siranda (Las Bela, Balochistan) shows that groups of pre his toric gath er ers set tled along the coasts of Las Bela at least since the last two cen tu ries of the 8 th mil... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyAquatic EcologyPaleoceanographyStatistical Analysis
The similarity of δ13C and δ15N patterns in hairs of different individuals from the Tsavo East orphaned elephant herd indicates that a single hair represents the dietary preferences and behavior of the entire group. Multiple tail hairs... more
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      Marine BiologyCoastal ManagementMarine EcologyMarine Protected Areas
Epibenthic fish comn~unities residing in seagrass beds on shallow (<0.5 m) mudbanks in Florida Bay. USA, were quantitatively sampled with a throw trap method. The overall average density of 11 fish m-2 was substantially higher than most... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyNational ParksFish Ecology
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      Mangrove EcologyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
Seagrasses are marine angiosperms with a worldwide distribution that form conspicuous beds in near- shore habitats. Despite being universally recognised as a foundation species that performs a number of important ecosystems functions... more
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      SeagrassSeagrass ecologyMicrosatellitesSeagrasses
NOTE 6 1 5~ evidence for nitrogen fixation associated with macroalgae from a seagrassmangrovecoral reef system ABSTRACT Early studies using acetylene reduction have vaux 1986) and are frequently covered by epiphytic suggested that... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyCoral Reef EcosystemsCoral Reefs
Florida Bay is a shallow lagoonal estuary divided into basins by a latticework of mud banks, which exert a disproportionate influence on the bay ecosystem. Prevailing northeasterly winds resulted in distinct sheltered and exposed sides on... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyNational ParksMarine Science
From aerial photography (July 1987) and diving surveys (February 1988), 876 ha of seagrasses (eight species) were mapped in Cairns Harbour, tropical north-eastern Queensland. Zostera capricorni was the most common seagrass species and had... more
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      Coastal ManagementAustraliaSeagrass ecologyEcology of Corals, Seagrass and Mangroves
The identification of temporal change in the extent of coral reefs and mangroves patches along the Narara and Kalubhar islands was performed using multi-temporal data from 1999 to 2010 (LISS III and LISS IV (MX)). For extracting coral... more
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      Digital Image ProcessingEcology of Corals, Seagrass and MangrovesPrincipal component analysis (PCA)
Free-living colonies of Manicina areolata (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) inhabiting shallow, highenergy environments, are frequently overturned by waves and currents and are able to right themselves by a variety of adaptations. Coral colony... more
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      Animal BehaviorCoral Reef EcosystemsCoral ReefsMorphology
The occurrence of major and minor chemical elements in the more common Baltic seaweed Oceanologta 2, 81-152 Bojanowski, R & Szefer, P (1979) Uranium in the Baltic water Studla t Matertalv Oceanologlczne 26, 253-274 (m Pohsh with Enghsh... more
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      Seagrass and Coral Reef Restoration ProjectsEcology of Corals, Seagrass and Mangroves
This study was aimed to elucidate changes in the contents of proximate and fatty acid of the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) eggs during embryonic development based on changes in egg colors. The changes in egg color during the... more
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      Marine EcologyEcology of Corals, Seagrass and Mangroves
Fishes inhabiting seagrass beds on shallow mudbanks in Florida Bay were sampled with throw traps, to capture the relatively sedentary, epibenthic species, and gillnets, to capture the more mobile species occupying the overlying water... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyCommunity EcologyNational Parks
It has been argued that the "C-enrichment of benthic compared to pelagic consumers was a consebenthic compared to pelagic consumers is a functlon of diffel-quence of physical phenomena at low trophic levels, ential diffusion resistance In... more
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      Marine EcologyTropical EcologyMangrovesMangrove Ecology